Allotted Sentence Examples
The arable land was divided into two or, more usually, three fields, which were cut up into strips bounded by balks and allotted to the villagers in such a way that one holding might include several disconnected strips in each field - a measure designed to prevent the whole of the best land falling to one man.
At the allotted hour, Betsy and I were finishing a bottle of wine when the phone rang.
The moneys allotted by the emperor were in many cases supplemented by private benevolence.
Howie returned after the allotted hour tour.
Cynthia's allotted tour of duty was finished, so he took his wife's hand and they walked to the corner for a better view of the parade.
These two sections were allotted respectively to Manasseh and to Reuben and Gad, both districts being peculiarly suited to the pastoral and nomadic character of these tribes.
There he took another wife, as the Jewess allotted him by Vespasian after the fall of Caesarea had forsaken him, and returned to attend Titus and to act as intermediary between him and the Jews who still held Jerusalem.
Her prayer was granted, and on the expiration of the time allotted she returned with him to the nether world.
The figurative nature of the language respecting the future makes it difficult to determine precisely the thought of the book on this point; but it seems to contemplate continued existence hereafter for both righteous and wicked, and rewards and punishments allotted on the basis of moral character.
Few as were the years of work allotted to him, and few as are the printed pages covered by the record of his researches, his name is, and will remain, a household word among mathematicians.
AdvertisementIn their collective capacity the Gandharva share the duties allotted to the single deity.
In the northern suite the lady of the house dwelt, the eastern and western suites being allotted to other members of the family.
Other property was similarly allotted to his widow and remaining children, though some difficulty seems to have arisen from the misconduct of his son, to whom, for some purpose, the property was assigned during his father's lifetime, and who refused to pay what was due.
In the third Duma the five delegates allotted to the non-Russian population of Vilna government were all Poles who joined the Polish party; in Kovno government three delegates were Lithuanians, one was a Pole and one a Jew.
It has come to be fully accepted that when we use such a phrase as "the age of the world" we are dealing with a period that must be measured not in thousands but in millions of years; and that to the age of man must be allotted a period some hundreds of times as great as the five thousand and odd years allowed by the old chronologists.
AdvertisementThis was enhanced by the fact that only in certain sectors where the canal passed under the Bellicourt tunnel was it possible to employ tanks, of which some 130 were allotted to the left of the IX.
The king was secured a minimum civil list of £1500 a year out of the native revenues; pensions were accorded to other members of the Buganda royal family; the salaries of ministers and governing chiefs were guaranteed; compensation in money was paid for removing the king's control over waste lands; definite estates were allotted to the king, royal family, nobility and native landowners; the native parliament or " Lukiko " was reorganized and its powers were defined; and many other points in dispute were settled.
In 1202 he refused to do homage to Philip Augustus, who, in consequence, confiscated all his continental possessions, including Anjou, which was allotted by the king of France to Arthur.
Under the' provisions of a Land Settlements Ordinance of 1902 over 1,500,000 acres of crown land had been by 1907 allotted, and in September 1909 there were 642 families, of whom over 570 were British, settled on the land.
The Constitutionalists won four of the five seats allotted to Bloemfontein, Sir John Fraser being among those returned.
AdvertisementImpatience prompted me to telephone Ethel Reagan before the allotted hour was up.
While I followed them shopping I never imagined I'd be allotted the opportunity accomplish a daring strike so successfully and leave without a trace!
Each of these companies was allotted a definite sphere of influence, and was granted a concession for ninety-nine years from its date of formation, the concessions thus terminating at various dates between 1950 and 1960.
In Guiana and Cochin-China the franchise is restricted to citizens, in which category the natives (in those colonies) are not included.1 The inhabitants of Tahiti though accorded French citizenship have not been allotted a representative in parliament.
He then allotted the reconstruction of wall and gates to different parties of workmen, and his narrative describes the portion of wall upon which each of these was employed.'
AdvertisementA part of the revenue of confiscated church lands was allotted to the maintenance of schools, and the question of national education was seriously taken in hand by the Commonwealth.
The proceeds of the sale of the suppressed convents and monasteries were partly converted into pensions for monks and nuns, and partly allotted to the municipal charity boards which had undertaken the educational and charitable functions formerly exercised by the religious orders.
In this way, the attributes are suggestively allotted among the four traditional proofs; 7 but we miss an explicit rebutting of Kant's hostile assumption, that it is incompetent for us to take the thought of God piecemeal.
Maskelyne and John Pond, to defray the expense of which a large sum of money was allotted by the Treasury.
The actual distribution of arable land, forests and meadows, in European Russia and Poland is shown in the following table The land in European Russia and Poland (Caucasia being excluded) is divided amongst the different classes of owners as follows Down to January 1st 1903, the peasants had actually redeemed out of the land allotted to them in 1861 a total of 280,530,516 acres..
He amassed a large fortune in Ireland, in which country he had been allotted lands by Cromwell.
The same may be said of the state of Kolhapur, allotted to a younger branch of Sivaji's family.
They are effected chiefly by some alteration in the description of the root-crop, and perhaps by the introduction of the potato crop; by growing a different cereal, or it may be more than one cereal consecutively; by the growth of some other leguminous crop than clover, since " clover-sickness " may result if that crop is grown at too short intervals, or the intermixture of grass seeds with the clover, and perhaps by the extension by one or more years of the period allotted to this member of the rotation.
The single exception is provided by the slowly-maturing Highland breed of cattle, for which classes were allotted to (I) steers not exceeding three years old, (2) steers or oxen above three years old (with no maximum limit), and (3) heifers not exceeding four years old.
The later emperors had a separate aerarium privatum, containing the moneys allotted for their own use, distinct from the fiscus, which they administered in the interests of the empire.
The denotation of elements by symbols had been practised by the alchemists, and it is interesting to note that the symbols allotted to the well-known elements are identical with the astrological symbols of the sun and the other members of the solar system.
In this manner an annuity of £T159,500 was set free, of which £Ti i,000 per annum was allotted as " extraordinary sinking fund " to series A and £T49,500 per annum each to series B, C and D; the lottery bonds were originally excluded from this arrangement, and special compensation was granted to these later.
The valves are also in some species very unequal in their respective thickness, as may be seen in Productus (Daviesiella) 1 llangollensis, Davidsonia verneuilii, &c., and while the space allotted to the animal is very great in many species, as in Terebratula sphaeroidalis, it is very small in others belonging to Stro phomena, Leptaena, Chonetes, &c. The ventral valve is usually the thickest, and in some forms is six or seven times as great as the opposite one.
The acting-president had in his absence been granted leave by the volksraad to carry out various measures opposed to the public welfare; native lands had been indiscriminately allotted to adventurers, and a war with Sikukuni (Secocoeni), a native chief on the eastern borders of the country, was imminent.
The temptation to use the larger part of any space allotted to the history of feudalism for a discussion of origins does not arise alone from greater interest in that phase of the subject.
Nineteen of these, comprising 22,180 acres, were to have been allotted to the church, and forty-two, amounting to 55,620 acres, to English and Scottish colonists, servitors, native Irish and four corporate towns - the swordsmen to be dispersed throughout Connaught and Munster.
They were shunned and hated; were allotted separate quarters in towns, called cagoteries, and lived in wretched huts in the country distinct from the villages.
In 1286 it became a free city of the empire, a position which it main tained down to 1802, when it was allotted to Bavaria.
No space was allotted to private religion or domestic life.
The bathtub wasn't a permanent feature in modern homes until after World War I, when home design allotted for a "bathing room."
There may also be specific visiting hours allotted.
After completing the allotted sixty minutes of the free trial, you are provided with the option to purchase the full game.
However, don't rely too much on these since additional hints will not be presented until an allotted amount of time has passed.
Wario Ware would present you with a series of 10 second mini-games that you would have to figure out and complete in the time allotted.
These codes are frequently traded and listed by gamers who won't be making another order in the time allotted.
Shared plans also allow all of the users on the plan to share the allotted number of minutes, which can help reduce costs.
It is best to attempt your at-home cut slowly and steadily, with enough time allotted to do the job as cleanly and evenly as possible.
Of the $4 million allotted for the program, in early 2009, only $680,000 had been utilized.
If you don't cancel your free trial within the allotted time, you will be charged a membership fee.
Make sure you use tests right after opening them, and do not attempt to read them after the allotted time has expired.
There are flexible options offered within the plan to use the hours allotted.
If you qualify, a card is given to you once a month with an allotted amount of money for certain groceries.
However, if work continues, the worker loses benefits each week she works past the allotted 10 KIT days.
However, sometimes even when you wait the allotted time period you could find yourself getting quite sick upon your return to the lovely water.
If you live in or around one of the following areas or you plan to be vacationing there during the allotted times, you won't have to do much super-sleuthing to find a homemade bikini contest.
The primary difference allotted by the Amish space heater by Heat Surge is the handcrafted mantel and the Fireless Flame technology, which many other electric space heaters now have similar versions of.
The warranty covers defects in workmanship and materials for the allotted time period.
The more dates you manage to set up within the allotted time, the better.
These, as you may have guessed, are slightly different in that there is usually not space allotted for items of all sizes.
They will even have such extra expenses allotted in their budget because they believe the lack of romance can lead to a quick death in any relationship, especially one challenged by the stars.
Allow for plenty of time-Consider how much time you've allotted for the party, and plan accordingly.
Set the timer, and see who can create the best scarecrow in an allotted time period, such as 10 or 15 minutes.
The plans may be unlimited or you may be allotted a certain amount of time online per month.
Activate your spending plan so you can see how you intent to spend each month, what will be saved, and what can be allotted to pay of debts.
Some people make a zero-based budget in which every penny is allotted to a specific spending category, while others leave a small cushion for unexpected purchases.
This means that every dollar you take in for the month is allotted to a specific purpose.
On it, you will have the allotted amount of food assistance available to you and your family.
When you near the end of your allotted minutes, you purchase more.
Since there are no contracts binding you to one carrier, or any hefty plan cancellation penalties, when you reach the end of your allotted minutes, you're free to change carriers.
Meetings that run over their allotted time cut into others tasks that need to be done by your staffers.
You have one hour allotted to clean all the ceiling fans in the house.
I selected the very largest almonds I could find and dutifully ate the ten a day I was allotted.
Depending upon factors such as an individual's height and weight, dieters are allotted a certain number of points per day.
Be sure to eat small portions throughout the day, rather than consuming your entire daily allotted servings all at once.
Within your allotted calories you can customize meals that are healthful, palatable and budget-conscious.
The old plan allotted points based more on calories rather than on the type of food.
The old plan allotted points to fresh fruits, such as 1 point for a small banana or apple.
All publications require content to stay in business, but if the ad space overwhelms the space allotted for articles, the magazine is probably not worth the price of the paper on which it was written.
A variable annual percentage rate is necessary for individuals who do not pay off their costs within the allotted timeframe, or if the minimum payment is not made on time.
I filled in for someone who was on maternity leave, and I had no intention of staying beyond the allotted time, which was three months.
The trick is that they must complete the task within the allotted time in order to win the prize!
If his team guesses correctly in the allotted time, they get a point.
How much time is allotted for activities, games, cake and present opening?
Set a timer for games that may not end with a clear winner within the allotted timeframe and tell children about it up front.
Guests should ask as many people as possible in the allotted time and write their answers down on a piece of paper.
At the end of the allotted time, each person needs to introduce the guest he or she questioned and give a brief summary of what was learned.
Tell them to perform a makeover on a friend in an allotted amount of time, all while blindfolded.
However, if a team has incurred any penalties, they will be asked to step outside of the mat and wait out their allotted penalty time.
Cece Baldwin was the only person seated at the counter when Dean arrived at the designated shop, only a few minutes before the allotted time.
Of course, she had the thirty-some thousand in her savings account - most of which had been allotted her when she turned twenty-one.
Under the provisions of this lex, large tracts of land were bought up and allotted to poor citizens.
Epiphanius says quite distinctly that they were woman-elders and not priestesses in any sense of the term, and that their mission was not to interfere with the functions allotted to priests but simply to perform certain offices in connexion with the care of women.
Seven lay exhorters were also at the meetings; they were questioned as to their spiritual experience and allotted their several spheres; other matters pertaining to the new conditions created by the revival were arranged.
On the burning of the Lyceum, "The Steaks" met again in the Bedford Coffee House till 1838, when the New Lyceum was opened, and a large room there was allotted the club.
To the Cyclopidae six genera are allotted by Giesbrecht in 1900.
The question, however, may still be raised, whether these time-indications of the two Gospels are exhaustive, whether (that is) two years, and two years only, are to be allotted to the ministry.
The Canadian government did their best to facilitate the immigration, and allotted land to the Doukhobors in the provinces of Assiniboia near Yorktown and of Saskatchewan near Thunder Hill and Prince Albert.
The estimated revenue for 1905-1906 was 23,000,000 pesos (about £328,500); the estimated expenditure was 27,317,659 pesos (£39 0, 200), of which £242,800 were allotted to the public debt, £42,000 to internal development and justice, £29,000 to the army and the remainder largely to education.
The powers allotted to the national government are those, and those only, which are required for the purposes of the collective life of the nation, i.e.
All powers which are not expressly allotted to the national government are left to the states, unless specially forbidden to be exercised by the latter, i.e.
But Federal authority is always entitled to prevail, as against a state legislature or officer, in all matters specifically allotted to it; and in these its power of direct action has two great advantages.
The circuit courts consist of twenty-nine circuit judges, acting iji nine judicial circuits, while to each circuit there is also allotted one of the justices of the Supreme Court.
Caesar, moreover, says that the clans or kindreds to whom the lands were allotted changed their abodes also from year to year - a statement which gives a certain amount of colour to Strabo's description of the Germani as quasi-nomadic. Yet there is good reason for believing that this representation of early Teutonic life was by no means universally true.
About 12,000 carriers were collected, the load allotted to each being 50 1b.
At Rome he was opposed by Antipas and by many of the Jews, who feared his cruelty; but Augustus allotted to him the greater part of the kingdom (Judaea, Samaria, Ituraea) with the title of ethnarch.
His colleagues in the librarianship were Alexander of Aetolia and Lycophron of Chalcis, to whom were allotted the tragic and comic writers respectively, Homer and other epic poets being assigned to Zenodotus.
Besides 10,000 men are annually allotted to the Austrian Landwehr, and 12,500 to the Hungarian Honveds.
The German constituencies, though allotted in a proportion unduly favourable, left the Germans, with 233 seats, in a permanent minority as compared with the 259 Slav seats.
Two agitations were then going on in Rochdale - the first (in which Jacob Bright was a leader) in opposition to a local church rate, and the second for parliamentary reform, by which Rochdale successfully claimed to have a member allotted to it under the Reform Bill.
When the captives were allotted, Andromache fell to Neoptolemus (Pyrrhus), the son of Achilles, whom she accompanied to Epirus, and to whom she bore three sons.
The studies fell in the 18th century into an " abject state," from which they were first raised by a statute passed in 1800 (Report of Oxford University Commission of 1850-1852, p. 60 et seq.), under which distinctions were first allotted to the ablest candidates for the bachelor's degree.
The difficulties of comparison of marks are further complicated when students take different subjects and it is necessary to compare their merit by means of marks allotted by different examiners and added together.
In the competitive examination for the Indian civil service, places are allotted on the aggregate of marks obtained in a number of subjects selected by the candidate from a list of thirty-two.
The purely psychological branch of the subject takes up half of the space allotted to Geist in the Encyklopadie.
Palestine was apparently allotted to Antiochus and he came to take it, while Philip created a diversion in Thrace and Asia Minor.
For administrative convenience the "stars" - whose name comes from the scrap of crimson cloth worn on cap and jacket sleeve - have been generally concentrated at Portland, and employed in labours specially allotted to them, for the most part demanding a higher rate of intelligence than the general average shown by convicts.
The first of these divisions was akin to that of former first-class misdemeanants; the second division was allotted to persons guilty of trivial offences not amounting to moral depravity, the third division was apportioned to serious crime calling for severe repression, involving strict separation for the first twenty-eight days with "hard labour" (now an obsolete expression, since all prison labour is nowadays accounted "hard").
If one of these adopted Islam, Omar permitted him to leave his place, which had been strictly forbidden by I.Iajjaj in Irak and the eastern provinces, because by it many hands were withdrawn from the tilling of the ground, and those who remained were unable to pay the allotted amount.
A native of Persarmenia (that portion of Armenia which was allotted to Persia by the partition of 384), he may have been prepared and educated by his parents for service in an oriental court.
Even there one of his kinsmen and chief enemies, Usibepu, was allowed to retain the territory allotted to him in 1879.
In the earlier colonies, the state allotted to proposing emigrants from amongst the needy or discontented class of citizens portions of such lands as, on the subjection of a hostile people, the state took into its possession as public property.
In this article religions are treated from the point of view of morphology, and no attempt can be made in the allotted limits to connect them with the phases of ritual, sociological or ethical development.
In the modern Greek Church an exarch is a deputy, or legate a latere, of the patriarch, whose office it is to visit the clergy and churches in the provinces allotted to him.
On entering Palestine it is allotted a portion encompassed by the districts of Ephraim, Dan and Judah.
The ingenious diplomacy of Russia in this transaction was manifested in the fact that she had already acquired the greater part of the territory allotted to her, while Turkey had to obtain her share by further conquest.
The khanate is one of the "four domains," which were long in dispute between Bokhara and Kabul, but were allotted to the Afghans by the Anglo-Russian boundary agreement of 1873.
The subdivision of the district into divisions, on much the same lines as now existing, was at once made for administrative convenience, and a proportion of officers way allotted to each in the various grades then first constituted and still preserved, comprising in ascending order, constables, sergeants, inspectors and superintendents.
It became desirable that the horse patrol and constables allotted to the several.
As something like 90% 'of the days in the year have, during the course of centuries, been allotted to some saint or other, it is easy to see how this section of the Breviary has encroached upon the Proprium de Tempore, and this is the chief problem that confronts any who are concerned for a revision of the Breviary.
The seats allotted to each province are determined by its number of European male adults as ascertained by a quinquennial census, the quota for a constituency being obtained by dividing the total number of such adults in the Union as ascertained at the 1904 census by the number of members at the establishment of the Union.
In 1657 a few soldiers and sailors, discharged by the Dutch East India Company, had farms allotted them, and these men constituted the first so-called " free burghers."
Seats were to be allotted on a voters' (not population) basis, and there was to be an automatic redistribution of seats as voters increased or decreased " in given localities.
In 1901 the trans-Indus tract was allotted to the newly formed North-West Frontier Province, the cis-Indus tract remaining in the Punjab jurisdiction.
In the Orthodox Eastern Church "the holy Josaph, son of Abener, king of India" is allotted the 26th of August.
For the objective of the war was Macedonia, as von der Goltz had foreseen in 1909 when he increased both the present and the potential strength of the Turkish forces allotted to that theatre.
Bulgaria cherished ambitions in Thrace which extended even to Constantinople, and she had to consider the fact that sooner or later the Turkish forces in Thrace would be reenforced not only by their own allotted reserves but also by those, above alluded to, which the Greek navy prevented from going to Macedonia.
No reserves were allotted.
He incurred the enmity of Perdiccas, the regent, by refusing to assist Eumenes to obtain possession of the provinces allotted to him.
Irrigation.-Under the Federal Reclamation Fund, established in 1902, $830,000 was allotted to Utah in 1902-9, and $200,000 more in 1910, for the development of the Strawberry Valley project.
Mason became a member of the Council for New England in June 1632, and its vice-president in the following November; and in 1635, when the members decided to divide their territory among themselves and surrender their charter, he was allotted as his share all the region between the Naumkeag and Piscataqua rivers extending 60 m.
Besides this reduction of interest, the state secured an extension of fourteen years in each of the various periods allotted for repayment of the component loans.
In the distribution of the provinces Gaul and Britain were allotted to Constantius.
During the period allotted to his preliminary studies, he read over and over again all the yearbooks, reports, and law treatises in print, and at the Tower of London and other antiquarian repositories examined and carefully studied the records from the foundation of the English monarchy down to his own time.
Apologetic has no separate place with them; but the system of theology (in a sense midway between the dogmatists and the encyclopedists), is allotted between Dogmatics, Christian Ethics and Practical Theology.
Much land as late as 1900 was held in common by Indian tribes, but has since been allotted to the members of those tribes and most of it is leased to whites.
The most important Irish measure of the session was the Ashbourne Act,' by which £5,000,000 was allotted on the security of the land for the creation Act.
The normal annual expenditure amounts to about L56,000, while 24,000 is generally allotted to extraordinary works, such as new cuttings, &c. Between 1857 and 1905 a sum of about one and three quarter millions sterling was spent on engineering works, including the construction of quays, lighthouses, workshops and buildings, &c. Sulina from being a collection of mud hovels has developed into a town with 5000 inhabitants; a well-found hospital has been established where all merchant sailors receive gratuitous treatment; lighthouses, quays, floating elevators and an efficient pilot service all combine to make it a first-class port.
Thus the ghost of the hero or medicine man of a kin or tribe may be raised to divine rank, while again - the doctrine of spirits once developed, and spirits once allotted to the great elemental forces and phenomena of nature, sky, thunder, the sea, the forests - we have the beginnings of departmental deities, such as Agni, god of fire; Poseidon, god of the sea; Zeus, god of the sky - though in recent theories Zeus appears to be regarded as primarily the god of the oak tree, a spirit of vegetation.
The district was allotted to Afghanistan by the RussoAfghan boundary commission of 1885.
Wealth was, in theory at least, derived entirely from landed property, and consisted in the annual return made by the helots (q.v.) who cultivated the plots of ground allotted to the Spartiates.
Such additional amount of non guaranteed final bonus will not constitute a " related bonus " or bonus allotted under the contract " .
This was the only bombing operation flown, as the squadron was then allotted to Special Duties.
Married couples, including officers, were not allotted cabins necessarily together.
Time is also allotted to develop subject knowledge through independent study.
I'm finally to meet the hallowed geisha - but by now, my allotted time has shrunk to a mere ten minutes.
Sarah duly planted the lavender out in their allotted place in the September.
The spigot mortar bases were allotted to the Home Guard.
Throughout my military career I have always been allotted a position on ceremonial parades where I was least likely to be seen.
Every user has been allotted a quota depending on their course requirements.
This will include renunciation of rights for shares or debentures provisionally allotted on a renounceable allotment letter in a rights issue.
As viewers try to make the most of the allotted 15-minute time slots, their sense of time might get warped.
Another grievance of the West was the large expenditure for internal improvements at state expense in the East compared with the scanty proportion allotted to the West.
The council also chooses communal delegates to elect senators; and draws up the list of repartiteurs, whose function is to settle how the communes share of direct taxes shall be allotted among the taxpayers.
In compliance with this feeling a royal edict (January 18, 1409) was issued, by which, in alleged conformity with Paris usage, and with the original charter of the university, the Bohemian "nation" received three votes, while only one was allotted to the other three "nations" combined; whereupon all the foreigners, to the number of several thousands, almost immediately withdrew from Prague, an occurrence which led to the formation shortly afterwards of the university of Leipzig.
No powers are expressly allotted to the states, because the states are contemplated as continuing to enjoy those preexisting powers which they have by their own right, and not as devolved upon them by the nation.
We now know this city to have belonged to the middle pre-Mycenaean period, long' prior to the generation of Homer's Archaeans; but Schliemann far and wide proclaimed it "Troy," and was backed by Gladstone and a large part of the European public. Trying to resume his work in February 1874, he found himself inhibited by the Ottoman government, whose allotted share of the gold treasure had not been satisfactory, and it was not till April 1876 that he obtained a firman.
Berg and Boris, having rested after yesterday's march, were sitting, clean and neatly dressed, at a round table in the clean quarters allotted to them, playing chess.
He spoke at a public meeting, objecting to a new sewage disposal plan, for 11 minutes instead of the allotted five.
While you certainly don't want to put many stipulations on each person's speech, you should give speakers a time limit, so that you have plenty of time for all of the other activities during the allotted time for the shower.
Local is a feature on the Yahoo! search engine that allows you to find carpet showrooms and dealers near you by simply entering your address or zip code in the allotted field and clicking on the "search" icon.
Excess vitamins and minerals can actually be fatal for dogs, as some become toxic in dosages that go over the daily allotted amount.
Do not leave the mask on for more than the product's allotted time, and avoid the tender skin around your eye area completely (this is a basic direction you'll find on all good facial mask products).
Learn about plans in the area you live in by simply typing your zip code in the allotted search field.
You can also find an Allstate agent by entering your zip code in the allotted field.
Check out the section on personal planning, or look for one of their offices by supplying your zip code in the allotted field.
If you go beyond the allotted miles, you will be charged extra money for the overage, perhaps up to 25 cents or more per mile, which can add up quickly.
Rack up as many points as possible within the time allotted.
Also make sure that you have extra time available - babies are unpredictable and extra time should be allotted for a quick change or feeding.
Parkinson's Law refers to the seemingly true statement that any given task will expand to fill the amount of time that is allotted to it.
Schedule time for your favorite distractions throughout the day such as surfing the Internet or watching television but make certain to stay within your allotted time.
Factor in alterations and other small issues that may arise and you'll be happy you allotted this much time.
Much as she wanted to work on it, Carmen found it difficult to spend any of the money Alex had allotted to her account.
To the senate, thus chosen "from above," was allotted the important task of supervising the constitution, and of selecting, from among the notabilities of the nation, the members of the Corps Legislatif and the Tribunate.