Allocation Sentence Examples
This makes sure the allocation is valid before calling the superclass.
Unlike C but like most Lisp dialects, Perl internally and dynamically handles all memory allocation, garbage collection, and type coercion.
The TP meeting decisions are presented at the fortnightly Thursday together tactical meeting, where decisions on the allocation of CO resources are made.
Question 11 Changing the subject from cup final ticket allocation questions etc, I have a little brain teaser for you!
Methodology Controlled trial, using repeated alternate allocation of time periods to the two study groups.
From the 1999 harvest, tobacco growers wishing to leave the sector must offer their quota allocation to other producers.
Memory allocation is very much in keeping with the price group, with 55MB of the 64MB RAM available for storage.
The senior management team determines resource allocation and staffing policy, two key drivers of research performance.
The claim is that the allocation itself of observable algebras to finite space-time regions suffices to account for the physical meaning of observables.
The TP meeting decisions are presented at the fortnightly Thursday Together tactical meeting, where decisions on the allocation of CO resources are made.
AdvertisementQuestion 11 Changing the subject from cup final ticket allocation questions etc, I have a little brain teaser for you !
Thus ANN tools could be used for improved donor kidney allocation and for exploring the role of HLA in transplant rejection.
Allocation to Period 6 was made on the basis of the surrounding truncated pits of that date.
Workload Allocation The module also has the ability to monitor resources like development and support staff.
With a map in hand, allocation is much easier to do than when you're flying by the seat of your pants and potentially flailing in too many directions.
AdvertisementWith the star power quickly approaching the original allocation of 2,500, an expansion project added stars at the west end of the Walk.
Essentially, this requires tracking the allocation of funds within a single account.
If you don't use all your downloads in a month, they roll over, and you can also top up your allocation if you have a heavy download month.
Notwithstanding the inconsistency of his allocation of substances to the different groups (for instance, acetic acid was placed in the vegetable class, while the acetates and the products of their dry distillation, acetone, &c., were placed in the mineral class), this classification came into favour.
Her first shed allocation was Salisbury, where she worked the south western main line.
AdvertisementThe numbers in square brackets indicate the provisional allocation of maximum marks per section of the paper.
The equitable and optimal allocation of staff time could and should be a significant aspect of leading change and maintaining balance.
What's not Included The DHCP service does not provide dynamic allocation of IP numbers.
In terms of patterns of resource allocation, much depends on how evidence is used.
This is known as your quota allocation and it is used to control the amount of disk space that you have available.
AdvertisementA customer may at any time upgrade their account or pay for more bandwidth allocation at the current rates on the Burton Hosting site.
Allocation of the oral amoxicillin and placebo was reported as being double blind.
The branch has a calculator model to ensure fair apportionment of paid time allocation within the overall hours allocation provided by the Employer.
Effective dates of allocation An allocation takes effect on the day on which the person making it becomes entitled to payment of retirement benefits.
The phased moved away from a slots allocation based on historic patterns to one based on weighted capitation should improve the equity of access.
Allocation becomes trivial, since all free space is always contiguous.
The precise definition of the star allocation system varies according to the type of accommodation.
The authors found no evidence of direct gender discrimination in the allocation of training by employers.
Classical and neoclassical economics are primarily about the efficient allocation of resources.
Allocation of Food Safety issues to the Department of Health would certainly ensure adequate separation of production and safety considerations.
String getToolTipText (float x, float y, Shape allocation) Returns the tooltip text at the specified location.
Control allocation of coarse grains might well tend in that direction.
For double-stranded nucleic acids Table 2 permits the allocation of symbols to the complementary strand.
Memory allocation is very much in keeping with the price group, with 55MB of the 64MB ram available for storage.
This has enabled a sensitivity allocation to be made to the various impacts that the foreshore recharge was assessed to have.
The studentship allocation is available for all EPSRC funded students.
Asset allocation and diversification can protect against market risk because different portions of the market tend to underperform at different times.
Once you've set your budget, be prepared to be flexible with the allocation of funds.
Perhaps some of the Silver Oak mystique has dulled over the last several years, but that is primarily with a few critics who don't line up for their six-bottle allocation in February.
Politically the city is divided into six Reichstag and four Landtag constituencies, returning six and nine members respectively, and it must be noted that in the case of the Landtag the allocation of seats dated from 1860, so that the city, in proportion to its population, was in 1908 much under-represented.
The area staffing allocation is then apportioned according to these totals.
The attractions of the Spanish Main converted the seafaring folk of south-west England into hardy Protestants, who could on conscientious as well as other grounds contest a papal allocation the of new worlds to Spain and Portugal.
The anatomical construction of these plants presents many peculiarities which have given rise to discussion as to the allocation of the order among the dicotyledons or among the monocotyledons, the general balance of opinion being in favour of the former view.
In spite of shortsighted parsimony in the matter of schools, &c., and increased resources through the allocation to the municipality of a certain percentage of new state and provincial taxation, their anti-Semitic successors have been unable to avoid a deficit, and have been obliged to increase the rates.
At the bottom of the double allocation there was, no doubt, that confusion of Ethiopia with India which is as old as Virgil and perhaps older.
Calculating the actual, societal costs of fatty foods, alcohol, cars, pet ownership, mercury thermometers, air conditioning, solar panels, razor blades, jogging shoes, and ten thousand other things, and incorporating those costs in the prices as taxes would lead to a vastly more efficient allocation of resources.
The sultan receives an annual allocation for himself and household of £T240,000, the crown prince one of £T24,000, and a sum of T153,000 is assigned to the Imperial princes and the sultanas.
These also, like the lignites of Bovey Tracey, have been referred to the Miocene period, on the supposed evidence of the plants; but more recent discoveries by Gardner tend tb throw doubt on this allocation, and suggest that, though of various ages, the first-formed of these deposits may date back to early Eocene times.