All-to Sentence Examples
Alex took them all to dinner to celebrate the birth.
Had it meant anything at all to Cade, or was it merely a moment of desire?
Our company name was modestly displayed by the front door for all to see.
It's not easy with these guys; they're a level of government all to themselves.
Shall I simply kill them all to be sure?
You'll continue to receive dividends for the stock in your names so there will be sufficient funds for you all to move on.
It had been where Wynn, the father of all the Immortals on the Council, had lain for hundreds of years before being dragged out by Sasha, the son who betrayed them all to Darkyn.
What brings you all to my neighborhood?
Even Sasha, who'd betrayed them all to serve the Dark One, still sought out his brother's counsel.
But all too soon my condition will be displayed for all to see, and then, only dear God can help me!
AdvertisementDammit, Rhyn, I'm serious. What if you bring down both worlds just by forcing us all to come here?
Jeffrey Byrne had finally put it all to rest by making his appearance on the incoming tide.
I was thinking that we should share all this — not hog it all to ourselves.
Explain it all to him.
More important, she wasn't going to gain experience by leaving it all to him.
AdvertisementBefore Carmen left, she invited them all to breakfast and orientation before the first ride in the morning.
He didn't need to use it all to get what he wanted, but he wasn't about to let someone who hurt Jessi off with a quick death.
For many years Torquemada had been persuading the sovereigns to make an attempt once for all to rid the country of the hated Moors.
Joao d'Albuquerque, bishop of Goa, he asked his permission to officiate in the diocese, and at once began walking through the streets ringing a small bell, and telling all to come, and send their children and servants, to the "Christian doctrine" or catechetical instruction in the principal church.
The idea of communicating with the departed was naturally attractive even to the merely curious, still more to those who were mourning for lost friends, and most of all to those who believed that this was the commencement of a new revelation.
AdvertisementAfter washing our hands and lighting the lamps, each is invited to sing a hymn before all to God, either taken from holy writ or of his own composition.
It is traversed by the Julian Alps, the Karawankas and the Steiner Alps, which belong all to the southern zone of the Eastern Alps.
He must then go towards the interior of France to a provincial capital, best of all to Rouen, and there he must appeal to the people and summon a great convention.
Public education is not suitable for them, because they are never called upon to act in public. Manners are all in all to them, and marriage is all they look to."
Turning to the other problem, that of internal fusion and consolidation, we find that in 466, fourteen years after the fall of Aquileia, the population of the twelve lagoon townships met at Grado for the election of one tribune from each island for the better government of the separate communities, and above all to put an end to rivalries which had already begun to play a disintegrating part.
AdvertisementWhen Godfrey died in July 1100 (after successful forays against the Mahommedans which took him as far as Damascus), it might seem as if a theocracy were after all to be established in Jerusalem, in spite of the events of 1099.
In his Histoire du gouvernement de Venise he undertook to explain, and above all to criticize, the administration of that republic, and to expose the causes of its decadence.
He was married first of all to a daughter of Aretas, the Arabian king; but, making the acquaintance of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip (not the tetrarch), during a visit to Rome, he was fascinated by her and arranged to marry her.
The various approaches to the citadel on the northern side - the rock-cut flight of steps north-east of the Erechtheum, the stairs leading to the well Clepsydra, and the intermediate passage supposed to have furnished access to the Persians - are all to be attributed to the primitive epoch.
Of the four kings who now divided the Macedonian Empire amongst them, two were not destined to found durable dynasties, while the house of Antigonus, represented by Demetrius, was after all to do so.
The results must have been disastrous, most of all to the slave population itself.
Indeed it could not be that I should; for I neither laid the foundation of repentance nor of preaching the Gospel, taking it for granted that all to whom I preached were believers, and that many of them needed no repentance.
These charges are not wholly unfounded; but the chief social and political evils in Bosnia and Herzegovina may be traced to historical causes operative long before the Austro-Hungarian occupation, and above all to the political ambition of the rival churches.
Meanwhile the mathematical mind, with its craving for accurate data on which to found its plans (the most difficult of all to obtain under the conditions of warfare), had been searching for expedients which might serve him to better purpose, and in 1805 he had recourse to the cavalry screen in the hope of such results.
The story that at Bactra in 327 B.C. in a public speech he advised all to worship Alexander as a god even during his lifetime, is with greater probability attributed to the Sicilian Cleon.
Transits of Venus and observations of Deterrnina- various kinds on Mars are all to be included in this tion.
Population.-According to the census of June 15 1920 the population of Latvia was less numerous and homogeneous than was anticipated in 1918, amounting in all to 1,515,815 inhabitants, of whom 1,146,554 were Letts and 355,518 belonged to other nationalities (Livonia, 477,839 Letts and 104,091 non-Letts; Courland, 404,- 159 Letts and 71,524 non-Letts; Latgalia, 264,556 Letts and 179,103 non-Letts), the non-Letts thus forming about 25% of the total population.
In November 1865 he returned again to Göttingen, but, although he was able to live through the winter, and even to work a few hours every day, it became clear to his friends, and clearest of all to himself, that he was dying.
The essence of the fatalistic doctrine is that it assigns no place at all to the initiative of the individual, or to rational sequence of events.
But he owed all to Concini, and his taste of power ended with the murder of his patron on the 24th of August 161 7.
The Hittite warriors upon north Syrian sculptures (Zenjirli, perhaps ' all to 9th centuries) have a short-sleeved tunic which ends above the knees, and this type of garment recurs over a large area with numerous small variations (with or without girdle, slits at the neck, or bordering).
The mode of discipline practised by the pedantic and irritable old man who stood at the head of this institution was not at all to the young student's liking, and the impression made upon him stimulated him later on to work out his projects of school reform.
Latest of all to acknowledge the impulse of the new departure have been the potters of Kaga.
The reaction against scholasticism was still in full tide; it was the transition time between the old and the new, when the eager and forwardlooking spirits had first of all to do battle with scholastic Aristotelianism.
When he had fallen from power he wrote an apology, in which he maintained that he had always wished to see more attention paid to internal government, and above all to the complete unification of Portugal with Spain.
Other principal public buildings, nearly all to be included in modern schemes of development, are the city hall, occupying the site of the old Linen Hall, in Donegall Square, estimated to cost £300,000; the commercial buildings (1820) in Waring Street, the customhouse and inland revenue office on Donegall Quay, the architect of which, as of the court house, was Sir Charles Lanyon, and some of the numerous banks, especially the Ulster Bank.
To Germany were assigned all the territory and islands to the north of the British boundary under the name of Kaiser Wilhelms Land, while all to the west of the 141st meridian remained under its old flag as Dutch New Guinea.
But the chronic frontier disputes with Tegea, which turned the two cities into bitter enemies, contributed most of all to determine their several a notable victory but lost his own life.
That modern Unitarianism is all to be traced back to Sozzini and the Rakow Confession need not be assumed.
During the war all but twelve small townships raised troops in excess of every call, the excess throughout the state amounting in all to more than 15,000 men; while the total recruits to the Federal army (including re-enlistments) numbered, according to the adjutantgeneral of the state, 159,165 men, of which less than 7000 were raised by draft.
The pope drew a line from north to south one hundred leagues west of the Azores and Cape Verde Islands, and gave the Spaniards the claim to all to the west (May 4, 1493).
When forbidden to preach without the permission of the bishop, they were driven to assert the right of all to preach, without distinction of age or sex.
These varieties tend to multiply, and it is difficult to reduce them all to a few types.
In London, where rent, rates and taxes have all to be paid, precisely as if the gardens were a profit-distributing private institution, the annual expenditure under these headings amounts to about £ 2000.
There is, therefore, no reason at all to doubt that both apostles were martyred in 64-65, and the date serves as a confirmation of the chronology adopted above of the imprisonment, release and subsequent journeys of St Paul.
The New Testament joins on not to the post-exile prophets, who are only faint echoes of earlier seers, but to Jeremiah's great idea of the new covenant in which God's law is written on the individual heart, and the community of faith is the fellowship of all to whom He has thus spoken.
These are all to a great extent antiquated, their errors being repeated in almost all subsequent accounts of the subject.
As The Error Amounted To Twentyfour Days In As Many Years, It Was Ordered That Every Third Period Of Eight Years, Instead Of Containing Four Intercalary Months, Amounting In All To Ninety Days, Should Contain Only Three Of Those Months, Consisting Of Twenty Two Days Each.
A very heavy rainstorm during the night seriously affected the movements of troops on the following day, but all to Napoleon's advantage, for his more mobile artillery, reinforced by every horse available in and about Dresden, was still able to move where the Allied guns sank in mud.
Such series ought all to be capable of being represented by a formula resembling that of Balmer, but so far the exact form of the series has not been established with certainty.
A steep slope, vineyards, low stone walls and abatis had all to be surmounted, under a galling fire from the Bavarian musketeers, before the Army of France found itself, breathless and in disorder, in front of the actual entrenchments of the crest.
Thus it turns out that the objective agency, the noumenal power, the absolute force, declared unknown and unknowable, is known after all to exist, persist, resist and cause our subjective affections or phenomena, yet not to think or to will.
This area, amounting in all to zioo sq.
In return he was obliged to lend an ear to the proposals of France, and above all to those of Austria.
He allowed all to enter, but seized those who attempted to escape.
There are three docks, all to the north-west of the city - namely, the free harbour (which was opened in 1888), the winter harbour, and the timber and industrial harbour.
Poland, with 193 (domiciled) inhabitants or 213 inhabitants in all to the square mile in 1897, and 240 to the square mile in 1904, has a denser population than any other region in the Russian empire, the next to it being the governments of Moscow, with 189 inhabitants to the square mile, Podolia with 186, and Kiev with 181.
Professing to be roused by the attack on his friend Boyle, when he had scorned to lift a finger in defence of himself against the earlier dialogues, he tore them all to shreds with an art of which no general description can give an idea.
In these years, too, owing to the extension of drainage works, the irrigable area of Egypt was greatly enlarged, so that if perennial cultivation was at all to be increased, it was necessary to increase the volume of the river, and this could only be done by storing up the flood supply.
These last three points were all to some extent attained.
Flinders Petrie then pointed out a group of kings named on scarabs of peculiar type, which, including Khyan, he attributed to the period between the Old Kingdom and the New, while others were in favour of assigning them all to the Hyksos, whose appellation seemed to be recognizable in the title Hek-khos, "ruler of the barbarians," borne by Khyan.
Taaffe, who now became first minister, tried first of all to govern by the help of the moderates of all parties, and he included representatives of nearly every party in his cabinet.
But the account of Chosroes' mode of action makes it plain that the Hellenism once planted in Iran had withered away; representatives of Greek learning and skill have all to be imported from across the frontier.
But the king was determined by a terrible example to wake Frederick once for all to a consciousness of the heavy responsibility of his position.
But it is difficult to apply such a term at all to those cases in which there intervene between the oospore and the next sexual stage a series of generations, the zoospores of which are all precisely similar.
This is the best example of the Macedonian tumulus-tombs, which seem all to be of Hellenistic date.
In 945 Edmund ravaged Strathclyde, and entrusted it all to Malcolm, king of Scotland, "on condition that he should be his fellow-worker by sea and land," the object of this policy being apparently to detach the king of Scots from any possible confederacy such as had been formed in 937.
God cannot interrupt His own work by miracles; nor can He favour some men above others by revelations which are not granted to all, and with which it is not even possible for all to become acquainted.
He fasted and scourged himself; he practised all the ordinary forms of maceration and invented new ones, all to no purpose.
His example of hard work stimulated all to their best.
He endeavoured above all to procure justice for all his subjects.
The promises made to them during the war against the Omayyads had not been fulfilled, and the new Mandi did not answer at all to their ideal.
We must bisect as far as may be, but the division is after all to be into limbs, not parts.
Kant's influence, then, upon subsequent logic is least of all to be measured by his achievement in his professed contribution.
The leading thesis seems to have been that all the great religions of the world originated from the same supreme source, and that they were all to be regarded as so many divers expressions of one and the same fundamental truth, or "Wisdom Religion," in such form and dress as was best adapted to suit the times and the people for whose spiritual growth and development religious instruction was required.
At the close of 565 Justinian died, and a deputation of Romans waited upon his successor Justin II., representing that they found "the Greeks" harder taskmasters than the Goths, that Narses the eunuch was determined to reduce them all to slavery, and that unless he were removed they would transfer their allegiance to the barbarians.
The treaty in 1847 put an end once for all to the hopes which the Dutch had cherished of including the whole island in their dominions, but it served also to stimulate their efforts to consolidate their power within the sphere already subjected to their influence.
These labours laid the foundation on which was subsequently erected a complete system for the absolute measurement of electric and magnetic quantities, referring them all to the fundamental units of mass, length and time.
A subordinate matter in the book that attracted much attention at the time is the conception of the "Plastic Medium," which is a mere revival of Plato's "World-Soul," and is meant to explain the existence and laws of nature without referring all to the direct operation of God.
The royal navy owed all to him, for the king thought only of military exploits.
Not content with this, in February 1725 he assembled all the captives of the royal family, except the shah, in the courLyard of the palace, and caused them all to he murdered, commencing the massacre with his own hand.
Charles, by Hyde's advice, had not interfered in the movement, and had avoided inconvenient concessions to the various factions by referring all to a " free parliament."
Heraclitus had indeed declared all to be in flux, but we ask in vain what is the cause for the unceasing process of his ever-living fire.
In order to judge these new appeals the Parlement had above all to study written documents, the inquests which had been made and written down under the jurisdiction of the, court of first instance.
The deists, differing widely in important matters of belief, were yet agreed in seeking above all to establish the certainty and sufficiency of natural religion in opposition to the positive religions, and in tacitly or expressly denying the unique significance of the supernatural revelation in the Old and New Testaments.
He thus made it possible for the half-converted and rude tribes to remain Buddhists while they brought offerings, and even bloody offerings, to these more congenial shrines, and while their practical belief had no relation at all to the Truths or the Noble Eightfold Path, but busied itself almost wholly with obtaining magic powers (Siddhi), by means of magic phrases (Dhdrani), and magic circles (Mandala).
Other important articles of export, all to Russia, are cotton, carpets, shawls and turquoises, the last from the mines near Nishapur.
Which of them - if it is lawful at all to argue from Alexandria to Samaria - is to be identified with the one called " great " we have no means of deciding.
The story of Helen is thus definitely shown to belong to the second Simon, and not at all to the first.
But as the friars soon came nearly all to be priests devoted to spiritual ministrations, and the communities grew larger, it became increasingly difficult for them to support themselves by personal work; and so the begging came to play a greater role than had been contemplated by St Francis.
Those, he said with much point, who have most of the spirit of prayer are all to be found in gaol; and those who have most zeal for the form of prayer are all to be found at the alehouse.
Startled at such news he rose up, seizing the end of his outer robe, and hastened to the place where Gotama was, exclaiming, "Illustrious Buddha, why do you expose us all to such shame ?
It is necessary above all to consider the relation of a people's years of growth and ferment to the song which represents them; for in the strains of Whittier, more than in those of any other 19th-century lyrist, the saying of Fletcher of Saltoun as to the ballads and laws of a nation finds a historic illustration.
Parmenides embodied his tenets in a short poem, called Nature, of which fragments, amounting in all to about 160 lines, have been preserved in the writings of Sextus Empiricus, Simplicius and others.
Slaveholders were not footloose; they had all to lose if they should carry their blacks into Kansas and should nevertheless fail to make it a slave-state.
Williams favorites had all to lose by his death.
Henrys two daughters, Mary and Elizabeth, the descendants of his elder sister Margaret, and Lady Janes mother, the duchess of Suffolk, were all to be passed over, and the succession was to be vested in Lady Jane and her heirs male.
Momerie remarked, this would merely be "a definition of honesty; in that sense we ought all to be agnostics."
This enumeration would give six somites in all to the head - three prosthomeres and three opisthomeres.
He wrote numerous letters to his friends in England, to Arno, bishop of Salzburg, and above all to Charlemagne.
But in Kant's view the universal content of this will is only given in the formal condition of "only acting as one can desire all to act," to be subjectively applied by each rational agent to his own volition; whereas Hegel conceives the universal will as objectively presented to each man in the laws, institutions and customary morality of the community of which he is a member.
Men of good birth (nearly always, too, of Celtic blood on one side at least), they leave Iceland young and attach themselves to the kings and earls of the north, living in their courts as their henchmen, sharing their adventures in weal and woe, praising their victories, and hymning their deaths if they did not fall by their sides - men of quick passion, unhappy in their loves, jealous of rival poets and of their own fame, ever ready to answer criticism with a satire or with a sword-thrust, but clinging through all to their art, in which they attained most marvellous skill.
And perhaps it is the highest praise of all to him that he wrote in his own " Danish tongue," and so ensured the use of that tongue by the cultured of after generations.
A murderous attack upon Coligny, who had opposed the candidature of Catherines favorite son, the duke of Anjou, for the throne of Poland, having only succeeded in wounding him and in exciting the Calvinist leaders, who were congregated in Paris for the occasion of Marguerite deValoismarriage with the king of Navarre,Catherine and the Guises resolved together to put them all to death.
He tried first of all to govern in accordance with public opinion, and was r0e,s xvi.
In 1846 the patriarch anathematized all to the formation of the " Evangelical Church of the Armenians," which was made, after much opposition from France and Russia, a community (Protestant millet), at the instance of the British ambassador.
He didn't want to hear about her moral ethics - especially since she had thrown them all to the dogs anyway.
Pissed off the Dark One and the demon-leader, who freed us all to hunt him.
I was thinking that we should share all this — not hog it all to ourselves.
The irony of the situation in which we find ourselves today should be evident for all to see.
Apparently it's all to do with timing and getting apprehensive of the flashing.
James Bond spoof all to sell a rather bland car!
The worst public beating I ever suffered was for turning cartwheels in the park, thus flashing my knickers for all to see.
Why are you so conceited that you think your life is worth anything at all to an infinite God?
She needed some cakes to be sent by courier, all to arrive on the same day.
The children were coached not to cry or ask questions, and above all to say nothing derogatory about Saddam.
Without wanting to sound disrespectful at all to Wharfedale, I hope I don't have to go up there again next season.
Even the genteel Hutton inquiry has exposed the fabricated nature of the infamous Iraq weapons dossier for all to see.
And no Hazel, no drool at all to worry about with this session, not a sausage!
Whilst the corporate experience at Harlequins RL will remain exclusive, it is also open for all to enjoy.
The raw religious fervor of the alleged terrorist profiled is pushed right out front for all to see.
This is the best way for you all to get festive without the cheese.
The phenomenon described certainly doesn't bear any resemblance at all to the ' foo fighter ' reports.
Spectators had seats on a huge temporary floating grandstand with scoreboards for all to see.
These are all to be found on the wooded hillside directly above the town.
This series which until now has been universally banned for it's subversiveness and abject horror is now free for all to behold.
The freedoms they offer provide a new incentive for all to improve.
Post the latest funny SMS jokes here for all to laugh at.
The cross eluded everyone, closest of all to getting a decisive touch was David Fox but his despairing lunge came up just short.
Lastly there were 13 dead nicks on the side or back walls in the 5 games, all to the opposition!
The Official Unionist lost 35 seats, nearly all to the DUP, while Baird's party was all but obliterated.
In this spirit I am making a few projects open-source for all to look at and hopefully contribute to.
Several drivers were interested in this excellent deal, including outgoing FF1600 co-ordinator Steve Burns, but Darcy beat them all to it.
If you want to be truly pampered, a parador is one of the very best places of all to indulge yourself.
Want all to run smoothly, with no faux pas from her mother.
Know about all to play amazing indoor playrooms are was the charming.
Charges will be brought in, debts written off, staff laid off, all to make the system profitable for big business.
For a while it seemed the ToCA series had the racetrack all to itself.
Try not to use the rudder at all to start with.
The government provides the infrastructure - the drains, sewers, inoculation programs, which enable us all to take preventive medicine seriously.
You owe it to us all to resist him in this, even if you have no solicitude for yourself.
May God help us all to reject the temptations of Satan.
The most melancholy spectacle of all to my mind was, that the bridegroom was decidedly tipsy.
The spontaneity, the sheer human verve, and the naivety at times of the apostolic writings is there for all to see.
And it's really of no interest at all to anyone with the slightest vestige of intelligence.
It should alert us all to the fact that both have a common wellspring in hatred of the other.
I want one and all to be aware that Christmas in Texas is the best y'all will ever see!
Himself a keen bowler, he offered for competition, in 1854, a silver bowl and, in 1857, a gold bowl and the Eglinton Cup, all to be played for annually.
Their preponderance in Ulster and their consciousness of their great service to England led them first of all to hope that Presbyterianism might be substituted for Episcopacy in Ulster, and afterwards, that it might be placed on an equal footing with the latter.
By means of the little musk-kangaroo, the cuscuses and phalangers, constituting the family Phalangeridae, are so closely connected with the kangaroos, or Macropodidae, that in the opinion of some naturalists they ought all to be included in a single family, with three sub-families.
In November 1865 he returned again to Göttingen, but, although he was able to live through the winter, and even to work a few hours every day, it became clear to his friends, and clearest of all to himself, that he was dying.
The fact that in the formation of the reproductive cells of the hybrid generation the material which carries the positive quality is not subdivided so as to give a half-quantity to each reproductive cell, but on the contrary is apparently distributed as an undivided whole to half only of the reproductive cells and not at all to the remainder, is the important inference from Mendel's experiments.
There are, of course, many other parallels with St Mark, and at some points the two documents seem to overlap and to relate the same incidents in somewhat different forms. There is the same use of parables from nature, the same incisiveness of speech and employment of paradox, the same demand to sacrifice all to Him and for His cause, the same importunate claim made by Him on the human soul.
The Russian and British ministers in Teheran urged Mahommed All to maintain the constitution, and he sent a message to the Majlis, promising compliance with its demands and agreeing to place the whole army under the control of the ministry of war.
The best sort is gathered by the hand like opium; sometimes the resinous exudation of the plant is made to stick first of all to cloths, or to the leather garments of men, or even to their skin, and is then removed by scraping, and afterwards consolidated by kneading, pressing and rolling.
So Zeb unharnessed Jim, and several of the servants then led the horse around to the rear, where they selected a nice large apartment that he could have all to himself.
The mother gave each a tin plate and a wooden spoon, and then helped them all to boiled beans.
A record of all human activity, with anonymity safeguards in place, will allow us all to become part of the solution by putting our minds to work on the problems of the world.
With more than thirty thousand genes in your body, you can't expect them all to have cool names.
We just want it all to work, to do what it is programmed to do.
So let's say your parents bought Coca Cola stock their entire life, left it all to you, and you are able to live off the dividend payments of the stock.
For environmentalist organizations like Greenpeace to be against GMO in all its forms under all conditions does nothing at all to serve them or the constituencies they purport to represent.
She is delighted with action-words; so it is no trouble at all to teach her verbs.
Indeed, the Tophetic weather has reduced us all to a semi-liquid state.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion.
Or suppose he comes from reading a Greek or Latin classic in the original, whose praises are familiar even to the so-called illiterate; he will find nobody at all to speak to, but must keep silence about it.
I have my horizon bounded by woods all to myself; a distant view of the railroad where it touches the pond on the one hand, and of the fence which skirts the woodland road on the other.
I have, as it were, my own sun and moon and stars, and a little world all to myself.
The count met the guests and saw them off, inviting them all to dinner.
He's also my Bory's godfather, she added, as if she attached no importance at all to the fact.
Nearest of all to the commander-in-chief walked a handsome adjutant.
If we were in Vienna it would be easy, but here, in this wretched Moravian hole, it is more difficult, and I beg you all to help me.
The greatest attention of all to Boris' narrative was shown by Helene.
Hard as it may be, I'll tell them all to hold their tongues and will hide it from the count.
Knocked the roof and ceiling all to splinters!
The general orders them all to be driven out at once, without fail.
If the whole activity of the leaders serves as the expression of the people's will, as some historians suppose, then all the details of the court scandals contained in the biographies of a Napoleon or a Catherine serve to express the life of the nation, which is evident nonsense; but if it is only some particular side of the activity of an historical leader which serves to express the people's life, as other so-called "philosophical" historians believe, then to determine which side of the activity of a leader expresses the nation's life, we have first of all to know in what the nation's life consists.
But would also like all to respect the sportsmanship displayed by both sides.
She - " " You want her all to yourself, you stingy old thing !
In a topsy-turvy game, he had four different types of chances and took them all to give Leeds a 4-3 victory.
And it 's really of no interest at all to anyone with the slightest vestige of intelligence.
This will help us most of all to be more patient amidst the vicissitudes of life.
What wondrous sights will be there for all to see?
I want one and all to be aware that Christmas in Texas is the best y'all will ever see !
I do not belittle the children's artwork, but hang it up for all to see.
Using biodegradable plates, platters, and bowls can help save the environment and help us all to grow a greener world.
Eye makeup application is probably the trickiest of all to master, simply because the eye area is so complexly shaped.
These stations offer a live stream of their programming for all to see.
The first thing you need to know is that there are many different types of meditation and you can try them all to find one that works for you.
His edgy looks are taken to the mass-market allowing all to enjoy his creations.
Just make sure you return them all to the store after the celebration is over.
He spilled it all to the cameras and the rest of the Carter Clan, demanding respect from his younger sib.
Some gals are blessed with perfect legs and hardly have to work at all to keep their shape and appeal.
While taping for One Day at a Time, Mackenzie Phillips reportedly began showing up late, or not at all to rehearsals.
It began with the iCarly theme song titled "Leave it All to Me" which also features her former Drake & Josh castmate Drake Bell.
For celebrities, life in the public eye means that every potential scandal will be photographed, documented, and displayed for all to see.
So, as passengers enjoy all the activities on-board, Queen Mary 2 cruise photos formal wear will be available for all to purchase.
In fact, it's not hard at all to eat vegetarian meals on an Alaskan cruise, especially since most cruise lines feature daily buffets filled with fruits, vegetables and seafood.
Perhaps the easiest way of all to wear vintage fashions in a modern way is to start with accessories, and the 1980s are no exception.
Whether because of fashion trends or the increased hotness of the summers, the use of men's wide-brimmed sun hats seems to be on the rise, and this is all to the good.
Trying to fit into the wrong size T shirt would take away from one of their main benefits, comfort, so looking for big and tall sizes is the way to go-and it's not difficult at all to find them.
Injuries from slip and falls are all to common during the winter months.
You don't have to be an extreme sports nut or even a snowboarder at all to enjoy the styles Von Zipper provides.
Future expansion is not out of the question, and whenever it is time to get the public's attention, Disney adds a newer, more cutting edge Eticket attraction for all to come and see.
For the outside world this factor seemingly should be enough for us all to love all the games on offer and for that to be the end of discussion.
There are over 20 "chapters" in all to explore, fighting wave after endless wave of alien monstrosities, but by and large, the action is fairly linear.
Medal Events are exclusive to racing and slopestyle competitions, but Shred Challenges include everything from grinding rails to knocking down tourists and you can replay them all to earn more cash.
My only gripe with the space battles is that there is no training at all to prepare you for it.
Thankfully, it is not difficult at all to share Mii characters with friends and family.
It's fun, kind of mindless, and requires no time at all to pick up.
Browse them all to find the most valuable tools for deciding on the best phone for your life.
Before you venture onto your face with the thread and risk a mishap for all to see, you may want to practice on a small area of one of your legs first.
What is considered long hair by one person may not seem long at all to another.
You get shiny, relaxed hair that is resistant to humidity and takes almost no time at all to style.
If you want to show tons of skin all over, then this is the top for you, but be mindful that triangle tops don't offer much support at all to the bust area.
The microphone lets your kids conduct their own interviews, sing their own songs or lip sync to a portion of Miranda Cosgrove's "Leave it all to Me".
Fortunately, it's not difficult at all to find a manual for an Aroma rice cooker.
If Linda is holding any fives she must give them all to Mary and Mary gets another turn.
The desire is for all to have a good time.
The idea behind this type of fundraiser is that you sell bricks and engrave the purchaser's name on the brick for all to see.
This is all to say that when it comes to making a donation, you never know how far your generosity may go.
If you are part of a church group or other organization where there are regularly scheduled gatherings, set up your bake sale goodies in a centralized location for all to be tempted - and donate!
There are many school fundraisers to consider that will bring in money and be enjoyable for all to participate in.
If you've been paying any attention at all to the desires of the preschool set, you'll know that T.M.X.
It's no wonder that some who go to skate in Rockefeller Center wear costumes from either the Victorian era or any thereafter up through the early 1960s, all to capture the feel of a more romantic city.
It is natural that you would not want to share him with another girl and would want him all to yourself.
Arrange for the kids to stay over at a friend's house so that you'll have the morning all to yourselves.
You can choose to worry about what your husband might or might not do while he is away from you or you can choose to focus on what you can control and that is giving your all to make your marriage work long distance.
The best plan is to find an ezine regarding a topic you are interested in and contribute some content for the initial experience without expecting it all to culminate into something profitable.
At least that's what the Kathy Van Zeeland team would love us all to believe, if the Vegas collection has anything to do with it.
Without paying a cent, you will be able to find movies from the past decade that aren't in public domain, but are still available for all to enjoy.
None of this obviously happened in real life, but the magic of blue screen technology brought it all to life on the big screen.
By tracking your efforts on a monthly basis, it won't take much time at all to see the huge strides you've made in slaying energy vampires.
During the spring and summer months, it shouldn't be difficult at all to find dozens of styles of ankle cuff sandals.
Roland - He has an affair with a reporter, and later admits all to Joan.
Yellow ink is perhaps the most difficult color of all to remove, since it actually tends to reflect the laser light, rather than absorb it.
Display your tree frog in full color for all to see and enjoy the "good luck" it brings to your life.
No matter what Christian opportunity you take advantage of, remember that you are doing it first of all to please the Lord, and then to make a living.
This is all to accommodate the fact that basketball is an indoor sport.
Embroidery doesn't have much at all to do with needlepoint.
The purpose behind making the line is to blend the colors in a streak without combining them all to create a single color.
The following vegan cookie recipes are healthy, low fat, low cholesterol and low calorie treats for all to enjoy.
Sometimes you'll find matching bedroom slippers on top of it all to bring together the bedtime or lounging ensemble.
Ebaumsworld, which features Leave It All To Me on the site.
His initial career path had nothing at all to do with food or cooking; Ramsay had planned to become a soccer star.
That said, teen boys found nothing at all to object to in her more sexed-up incarnation.
This is all to spur on the freezing effect, which in any case usually begins anywhere from a few hours to three days after the injection.
Choose several free layouts that appeal to you and try them all to find the one you like best.
Don't worry that all of your check-ins will appear for all to see on your Twitter feed.