All-over Sentence Examples
His pictures are all over the house.
We were looking all over the place for you.
The guys in suits have gone all over the Abbott house and found zilch.
The ones I fixed are all over there.
The woman was all over him!
I've traveled all over.
Your chem tests came back all over the place.
The all-over pattern keeps attention from focusing on a single feature, and the keyhole-style back piece makes slipping shoulder straps a thing of the past.
I have a baby and I'm not about to drag Claire all over the United States!
Julie, that's all over and done with.
AdvertisementHe didn't come back until morning and there were police cars all over the place.
He had no family pictures, no trinkets or doodads like she had all over her apartment.
Used to be, you saw ads all over the place.
Dean pointed out the peaks that ringed them; Cirque and Teakettle Mountains, and Potosi Peak, all over 13,000 feet, and Mount Sneffles, standing tall beyond the others, stretching 14,150 feet to the sky.
When Fred gets out of jail, we'll have to send him back to his old newspapers—begin all over again.
AdvertisementWhy do you look at me that way sometimes... all over?
I thought... that it was going to happen all over again.
Sheriff Weller or the police chief would jump all over you.
We been chasing this all over the country.
They came from all over.
AdvertisementThe ladies were crawling all over the ice park for a peek at him.
It'd be kinda nice to just think about fishing and TV and not having to wonder what suit is all over my ass because of some dumb new rule.
And a little while later the police were all over the place.
He even dropped off their room key and apologized all over for keeping it for two weeks and sticking us with storing all his junk.
Do that and you have to start building tolerance all over again.
AdvertisementDon't blame her; I could see it all over her face.
The keys were located all over the world, except for four of them, which were based here in the command center.
All of the weapons controllers had been taken from their positions all over the world and placed here, disguised as lesser systems.
They were all over six feet, all engineered for power, agility, and endurance.
And look, now I've gone and embarrassed you all over again!
Maybe he was putting the squeeze on all over town.
Arthur's social friends pawed all over one another on one side of the room, while his lawyer pals held down the other side, acting as if it were a board meeting instead of a wake.
He probably booked a bunch of reservations, all in different aliases, all over the country.
The other option was to accept the will, and when Carmen was awarded the money and farm, simply turn it all over to Lori.
Looking up into his sweet chocolate gaze, feeling the stroke of his hands on her face and neck, even the quickening of pulse — it was as if they had met all over again.
Her visions were all over the place this night, and she wasn't sure what she'd initially thought was the right path would actually turn out well.
It was black with white speckles all over its back.
Her mouth felt suddenly dry and goose bumps sprang up all over her bare arms.
Another cell could develop at any time and this could start again all over.
She went to the railing again to watch Toni throw herself all over Xander under the guise of conducting an interview.
She jumped and glanced down, spotting the picture Ashley had printed and posted all over the apartment.
One was dark-skinned with tattoos all over his body, dark hair and an expression that turned curious as he met her gaze.
That pic all over the web says differently.
He travels all over the world and makes enough money to do it in style.
The rest of the chickens were flogging all over the tiny coop, bouncing off the walls in a state of panic.
He must have loved her deeply - that girl who had walked all over his heart.
You made your feelings for Alex clear at the wedding - hanging all over each other and making eyes at each other across the room.
I'd have blown my brains all over the wall months ago if I didn't have him to give me a hard time.
He was beginning to like this girl who had hurt written all over her.
They were all over this place like bolls on cotton.
Dean told Hunter about his off-hand comment and how Baratto had jumped all over the Scranton connection.
I've been looking all over.
It will be all over.
I guess it would have been nice if I had asked that before I jumped all over you.
If that's what you call jumping all over me, we're going to get along fine.
You've been all over the world and you decided to move here.
She gazed up at him, wanting to beg him not to go, but they had been all over that and it would only annoy him.
Jenn gazed towards the wall, mentally determining her chances at taking on six guardsmen and getting them all over the wall before more came or worse—before Others showed up.
She groaned, comfortable in her familiar bed yet aching all over.
Great, now she had stepped all over his ego.
They climb all over the counters.
Numerous fragments of obsidian arrow-heads and chips are also found in and near them all over the island.
Though under thirty years of age, he became all over Europe, and in an exceptional degree in France, the leader, organizer and consolidator of the Reformation.
FruitFruit-growing is general all over France, which, apart from bananas and pine-apples, produces in the open air all the ordinary species of fruit which its inhabitants consume.
Haras or stallion stables containing in all over 3000 horses are established in twentytwo central towns, and annually send stallions, which are at the disposal of private individuals in return for a small fee, to various stations throughout the country.
Qiuirry-Products.Quarries of various descriptions are numerous all over France.
It would have been reasonable to expect to find them sporadically all over Australia.
After the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, a remarkable series of red sunsets appeared all over the world.
Though they now use metal tools imported by the Malays, it is noticeable that the names which they give to those weapons which most closely resemble in character the stone implements found in such numbers all over the peninsula are native names wholly unconnected with their Malay equivalents.
Meanwhile behind his back the royalists had risen all over England, the fleet in the Downs had declared for Charles, and the Scottish army under Hamilton had invaded the north.
The natural grass meadows are extensive, and hay is grown all over the country, but especially in the P0 valley.
Furniture-making in different styles is carried on all over Italy, especially as a result of the establishment of industrial schools.
By the beginning of February the agitation had spread all over Italy, and the government was faced by the possibility of a strike which would paralyse the whole economic life of the country.
Hilda exercised great influence in Northumbria, and ecclesiastics from all over Christian England and from Strathclyde and Dalriada visited her monastery.
Their stomata are frequently not limited to the underside of the leaves, but may occur scattered all over the epidermal surface.
The vegetation of the Palaeozoic era, till towards its close, was apparently remarkably homogeneous all over the world.
Over it rose a dome entirely covered with gold, with two minarets at the sides, likewise gilt all over.
As many as one hundred and thirty-seven painters and pictorial students passed through his school, established towards 1440, which became famous all over Italy.
With great reluctance the tsar consented to convoke a consultative chamber of deputies as a sop to public opinion, but that concession stimulated rather than calmed public opinion, and shortly after the conclusion of peace the Liberals and the Revolutionaries, combining their forces, brought about a general strike in St Petersburg together with the stoppage of railway communication all over the empire.
This seems to have prevailed all over Europe in 1853.
The root appears more or less disguised in a vast number of river names all over the Celtic area in Europe.
These last years of his life were spent in journeying backwards and forwards between Toulouse and Rome, where his abode was at the basilica of Santa Sabina on the Aventine, given to him by the pope; and then in extended journeys all over Italy, and to Paris, and into Spain, establishing friaries and organizing the order wherever he went.
After the Declaration of Independence, Jews are found all over America, where they have long enjoyed complete emancipation, and have enormously increased in numbers, owing particularly to immigration from Russia.
Gold is widely diffused, and abandoned "washings" all over the state show how general the industry was at one time.
To the brilliant court of Marienburg, not only a school of chivalry, but under Winrich's predecessor Luther of Brunswick, a literary centre,(fn3) men came from all over Europe to win their spurs.
Many millions of sheep and oxen all over the world have thus been treated, and the rate of mortality reduced from io to less than %.
The corn weevils (Calandra granaria and C. oryzae) are now found all over the world, in many cases rendering whole cargoes of corn useless.
Lepidopterous enemies are numerous all over the world.
Sugar-canes suffer from the sugar cane borer (Diatioca sacchari) in the West Indies; tobacco from the larvae of hawk moths (Sphingidae) in America; corn and grass from various Lepidopterous pests all over the world.
The Palazzo Dario with its dedication, Urbis genio, the superb Manzoni-Montecuculi-Polignac, with its friezes of spread-eagles in low relief, and the Vendramini-Calergi or Non nobis palace, whose facade is characterized by its roundheaded windows of grouped twin lights between columns, are among the more important; though beautiful specimens, such as the Palazzo Trevisan on the Rio della Paglia, and the Palazzo Corner Reali at the Fava, are to be found all over the city.
A lively agitation all over Europe, and particularly in England (conducted by Ruskin and William Morris), led the Italian government to discard the Austrian plan of restoration, at least as regards the interior of the Basilica, and to respect the ancient portions which had stood the test of time and had escaped "renewal" by man.
Except in the extreme north and south, and on the tops of the highest mountains, where there is no insect life as food supply, spiders are found all over the world, even in isolated oceanic islands.
For about 10 years Pennsylvania was the one great oil producer of the world, but since 1870 the industry has spread all over the globe.
On the other hand there was legal persecution all over the country, and the preachers suffered many things from the hands of rural clergy and county magistrates.
The commerce of Athens extended from Egypt and Colchis to Etruria and Carthage, and her manufactures, which attracted skilled operatives from many lands, found a ready sale all over the Mediterranean.
And small finds of it on other sites have shown that it was usual all over Mesopotamia, and connects on the one side with the early pot fabrics of Asia Minor and on the other with the pottery of Anau and the kurgans of Turkistan, found by Pumpelly.
In general the climate is dry and bracing all over the plateau.
A circular was soon after sent to the governors and marshals of the nobility all over Russia proper, informing them of this desire of the Lithuanian nobles, and setting out the fundamental principles which should be observed " if the nobles of the provinces should express a similar desire."
Finally, the government sustains about two score of penal establishments, reform schools, hospitals, dispensaries and asylums, which are scattered all over the island, - every town of any considerable size having one or more of these charities.
Tobacco is grown all over the empire, the most important market for it being Smyrna.
In 1589 mutinies of troops took place all over the empire, and in the two following years there were several risings of the Janissaries at Constantinople, the pretext being everywhere that the soldiers were being robbed of their pay.
Ephemeridae are found all over the world, even up to high northern latitudes.
Survivals of Turkish blood, once much more numerous, are scattered all over south Siberia as far as Lake Baikal.
To them must be assigned the very numerous remains dating from the Bronze period which are scattered all over southern Siberia.
The men are well known all over Spain and Portugal as hardy, honest and industrious, but for the most part somewhat unskilled, labourers; indeed the word Gallego has come to be almost a synonym in Madrid for a "hewer of wood and drawer of water."
Pigs are reared in large quantities all over the country, but the principal centres for distribution are Debreczen, Gyula, Bares, Szeged and Budapest.
A large proportion of the captives of the Magyars had been settled all over the country to teach their conquerors the arts of peace, and close contact with this civilizing element was of itself an of enlightenment.
She employed the proceeds of the vast sums coming to her from the confiscation of the property of the suppressed Jesuit order in founding schools and colleges all over Hungary.
This was the primitive process all over the world; in the East, South America and similar regions it still holds its own.
The crusaders found them everywhere in Syria and Palestine, and corrupted their name to Publicani, under which name, often absurdly conjoined with Sadducaei, we find them during the ages following the crusades scattered all over Europe.
Sanatoria have started up all over Europe and elsewhere for its treatment on the open-air principle.
The incense sticks and pastils known all over India under the names of ud-buti (" benzoin-light") or aggar-ki-buti (" wood aloes light") are composed of benzoin, wood aloes, sandalwood, rock lichen, patchouli, rose-malloes, talispat (the leaf of Flacourtia Cataphracta of Roxburgh), mastic and sugar-candy or gum.
The abir and aggir butis made at the Mahommedan city of Bijapur in the Mahratta country are celebrated all over western India.
The typical species frequents villages, towns and cultivated grounds all over India and Ceylon, but is specially common in the south of the peninsula.
Discord among the great families broke out again, and the attempt to put an end to it by a marriage between Buondelmonte de' Buondelmonti and a daughter of the Amidei, only led to further strife (1215), although the causes of these broils were deeper and wider, being derived from the general division between Guelphs and Ghibellines all over Italy.
Florentine cloth especially was known and sold all over Europe, and the Florentines were regarded as the first merchants of the age.
Florence was in the 14th century a city of about 100,000 inhabitants, of whom 25,000 could bear arms; there were Ito churches, 39 religious houses; the shops of the ante della lana numbered over 200, producing cloth worth 1,200,000 florins; Florentine bankers and merchants were found all over the world, often occupying responsible positions in the service of foreign governments; the revenues of the republic, derived chiefly from the city customs, amounted to some 300,000 florins, whereas its ordinary expenses, exclusive of military matters and public buildings, were barely 40,000.
By this time the Meistersinger schools 'had spread all over south and central Germany; and isolated gilds were to be found farther north, at Magdeburg, Breslau, Gorlitz and Danzig.
Asses of excellent quality are bred all over the country; they are much used as mounts by the richer townsmen.
In the cultivated upland valleys all over Arabia the Zizyphus j ujuba, called by some travellers lotus, grows to a large tree; its thorny branches are clipped yearly and used to fence the cornfields among which it grows.
Their remains have been found in Belgium and France, in Britain, Germany and Denmark, as well as in Spain; and they bear a close resemblance to a type which is common among the Basques as well as all over the Iberian peninsula.
Philip's influence all over Greece was compromised.
He was called Panoptes (all-seeing), from having eyes all over his body.
The commercial process was patented in 1890 by MacArthur and Forrest, and is now in use all over the world.
Unfortunately, before these archives could be removed, the galleries containing them were rifled by the Arabs, and large numbers of the tablets were sold to antiquity dealers, by whom they have been scattered all over Europe and America.
The authority of the new emperor was recognized at once all over the empire.
Taking advantage of the absence of the emperor in the Far East, and possibly by an understanding with the leaders of the rising in Armenia and the annexed portions of Parthia, the Jews all over the East had taken up arms at the same moment and at a given signal.
Early in 18 20 a revolutionary movement was set on foot, and vague plans of combined risings all over Italy and a war with Austria were talked of.
The establishment of a system of magnetic observatories in various parts of British territory all over the globe was accomplished mainly on his representations; and a great part of his life was devoted to their direction, and to the reduction and discussion of the observations.
The typical bottom moraine, with erratics from Finland, extends all over the country.
The clergy of some cathedrals (in England, Carlisle), and of a great number of collegiate churches all over western Europe, responded to the appeal; and the need of a rule of life suited to the new regime produced, towards the end of the 11 th century, the so-called Rule of St.
During the later middle ages the houses of these various congregations of canons regular spread all over Europe and became extraordinarily numerous.
Immense quantities of bricks are made all over the country.
The International Exhibition of 1851, the creation of the Museum and Science and Art Department at South Kensington, the founding of art schools and picture galleries all over the country, the spread of musical taste and the fostering of technical education may be attributed, more or less directly, to the commission of distinguished men which began its labours under Prince Albert's auspices.
Assiut is famous for its red and black pottery and for ornamental wood and ivory work, which find a ready market all over Egypt.
That servitude existed in many forms all over the archipelago, but among the most curious must be reckoned the pandelingschap or "pledgedom," which originated in Borneo, and according to which a man had the power to make his debtors his serfs until their debts were paid.
On these the brown bear (Ursus arctus, - tipKros of Aristotle) is found in one or other of its varieties all over the temperate and north temperate regions of the eastern hemisphere, from Spain to Japan.
Ultimately, indeed, as sanctuaries were multiplied and the priests all over the land came to form one well-marked class, " Levite and legitimate priest became equivalent expressions, as is explained in the article Levites.
The upshot of his oratory was the summoning of a rokosz, or national insurrection, to Sandomir, which was speedily joined by the majority of the szlachta all over the country, who openly proclaimed their intention of dethroning the king and chastising the senate, and sent Stadnicki to Transylvania to obtain the armed assistance of Stephen Bocskay.
But, though driven from the field, the agitation simmered all over the country for nearly two years longer, and was only terminated, in1609, by a general amnesty which excluded every prospect of constitutional reform.
It synchronized with, and was partly determined by, the new political system which was spreading all over Europe, the system of dynastic diplomatic competition and the unscrupulous employment of unlimited secret service funds.
This triangulation was the beginning of the great trigonometrical survey which has since been extended all over the country.
About Szegedin in Hungary and all over the vast pusztas (steppes) between the Theiss and the Danube, and from the Theiss up to and beyond Debreczin, the soil contains sodium carbonate, which frequently assumes the form of crude alkaline crusts, called "szekso," and of small saline ponds.
Gregory after Tischendorf's death, is the standard critical edition which is used by scholars all over the world.
If that were so, the preaching of the apostles at Jerusalem and organization of the Church at the capital - the preaching of the seven and the extension of the Church all over Palestine - the extension of the Church to Antioch, and the commencement of St Paul's work - might each occupy five years more or less, that is to say, roughly, A.D.
In Scotland the Edinburgh Bible Society (1809), the Glasgow Bible Society (1812), and other Scottish auxiliaries, many of which had dissociated themselves from the British and Foreign Bible Society after 1826, were finally incorporated (1861) with the National Bible Society of Scotland, which has carried on vigorous work all over the world, especially in China.
The early methods of making cane sugar, clarified with clay and dried in conical moulds, are to be found all over Mexico, and the annual output of this brown or muscovado sugar (called "panela " by the natives) is still very large.
America; and all over that region it is the chief figure in a group of myths, fulfilling the office of a culture hero who brings the light, gives fire to mankind, &c. Together with the eaglehawk the crow plays a great part in the mythology of S.E.
On gaining an entry into the blood of a vertebrate the organisms pass rapidly into the general circulation, and are thus carried all over.
The Essenes, similarly, appointed houses all over Palestine where they could safely eat, and priests of their own to prepare their food.
The custom of providing a material abode or nidus for the ghost;s found all over the earth; e.g.
Professor Franz Cumont has traced the progress of Mithraism all over the Balkan Peninsula, Italy, the Rhine-lands, Britain, Spain and Latin Africa.
The third sub-family is that of the Microtinae, or voles, which are distributed all over Europe, Northern Asia and North America, and are characterized by the tympanic bulla of the skull being filled with honey-combed bony tissue, the small size of the infra-orbital foramen, and the deep pterygoid fossa on the palatal aspect.
The silk to be opened is placed on a latticed sheet or feeder, and thus slowly conveyed to a series of rollers or porcupines (rollers set with rows of projecting steel pins), which hold the silk firmly while presenting it to the action of a large receiving drum, covered with a sheet of vulcanized rubber, set all over with fine steel teeth.
Mr Chamberlain spoke all over the country, advocating a definite scheme for reorganizing the budget, so as to have more taxes on imports, including food, but proposing to adjust the taxation so as to improve the position of the workingclasses and to stimulate employment.
They supply teachers not only for Wesleyan, but for council schools all over the country, and no colleges have a higher reputation.
John Wesley felt a lively interest in the Sunday schools which began to spring up all over England in the last years of his life.
Hertzen's writings, and the journals he edited, were smuggled wholesale into Russia, and their words resounded throughout that country, as well as all over Europe.
Not only is the respiratory centre stimulated but the cardiac centre is acted upon both directly by the drug and indirectly for a time by the enormous rise in blood pressure due to the contraction of the arterioles all over the body.
Or, if hard, its surface can be picked all over with a bush hammer.
Moreover, some of the albinoes possess these particular "pattern" hairs all over the body and obviously such individuals are carrying the self pattern.
It may be remarked too in passing that in official Latin, not only in England but all over Europe, the word miles held its own against both eques and caballarius.
Then there grew up all over Europe a system of fining the knights who failed to respond to the sovereign's call or to stay their full time in the field; and in England this fine developed, from the reign of Henry II.
The silk manufactured in the looms of Su-chow is famous all over the empire.
There was little of the zeal which had carried the Franciscans all over Asia in the 13th century, and the Jesuits to South America, India and Japan in the 16th.
Middleton in Calcutta, and Reginald Heber all over India, were eagerly using their opportunities.
Wherever the soil is not quite suitable, but is capable of being made so, it is best to remedy the defect at the outset by trenching it all over to a depth of 2 or 3 ft., incorporating plenty of manure with it.
When this pruning is just brought to a balance with the vigour of the roots, the consequence is that fruit buds are formed all over the tree, instead of a thicket of sterile and useless wood.
The high roads of Bavaria, many of which are military roads laid out at the beginning of the 19th century, extend in all over about 10,000 m.
We learn from Palladius that by the end of the 4th century nunneries were numerous all over Egypt, and they existed also in Palestine, in Italy and in Africa - in fact throughout the Christian world.
The conspiracy was regarded by Mendoza, the Spanish ambassador, one of its chief instigators, and also by Walsingham, as the most dangerous of recent years; it included, in its general purpose of destroying the government, a large number of Roman Catholics, and had ramifications all over the country.
Immediately on its establishment in 1221 the Third Order spread with incredible rapidity all over Italy and throughout western Europe, and embraced multitudes of men and women of all ranks from highest to lowest.
Demophon was burnt to death, and Demeter, to console his parents, took upon herself the care of Triptolemus, instructed him in everything connected with agriculture, and presented him with a wonderful chariot, in which he travelled all over the world, spreading the knowledge of the precious art and the blessings of civilization.
Wild geese and ducks, grouse, partridges, snipe, woodcock, quails, widgeons and teal are plentiful all over the country, and in recent years preserves have been largely stocked with pheasants.
At the beginning of Henrys reigh the church all over Europe was in a deplorable condition.
Quickly the insurrection became general all over central and southern Germany.
It has been continuously and carefully bred in Cornwall, Devon, Essex and Suffolk, and from these centres it has rapidly spread all over the country.
In England table-turning became a fashionable diversion and was practised all over the country in the year 1853.
He had been all over England and Scotland addressing vast meetings and, as a rule, carrying them with him; he had taken a leading part in a conference held by the Anti-Corn Law League in London, had led deputations to the duke of Sussex, to Sir James Graham, then home secretary, and to Lord Ripon and Mr Gladstone, the secretary and under secretary of the Board of Trade; and he was universally recognized as the chief orator of the Free Trade movement.
The site of Douche, famous for its worship of Baal (Zeus Dolichenus), adopted by the Seleucids and eventually spread all over the Roman empire, lies at Duluk, two hours N.W.; but nothing is to be seen there except a mound.
The most important tree is the date-palm, which grows all over Egypt and in the oases.
It is the chief seat of the manufacture of the porous earthenware water-bottles used all over Egypt.
As towns and villages gradually sprang up, they too adopted as their patron some one or other of the original tribal gods, so that these came to have different seats of worship all over Egypt.
Then while she was absent visiting her sop Horus he city of Buto, Seth once more gained possession of the se, cut it into fourteen pieces, and scattered them all over pt.
The contact being thus reddened showed where the face had to be further dressed away; and this process was continued until the ochre touched points not more than an inch apart all over the joint faces, many square feet in area.
His authority was before his death recognized all over Syria (with the exception of the few cities still in the power of the Franks), over Arabia, with the exception of Yemen, on the Euphrates from Birah to Kerkesia (Circesium) on the Chaboras (Khabur), whilst the amirs of north-western Africa were tributary to him.
Yet, after all, the prospects of the burgesses depended mainly on economic conditions; and in this respect there was a decided improvement, due to the increasing importance of money and commerce all over Europe, especially as the steady decline of the Hanse towns immediately benefited the trade of Denmark-Norway; Norway by this time being completely merged in the Danish state, and ruled from Copenhagen.
Many nobles whose lands had been wasted received corn for seed; his war horses were within a few months to be found on farms all over Prussia; and money was freely spent in the re-erection of houses which had been destroyed.
The gods were worshipped as the givers of the kindly fruits of the earth, and, as all over the world " bread and salt " go together in common use and common phrase, salt was habitually associated with offerings, at least with all offerings which consisted in whole or in part of cereal elements.
The Hungarians and Szeklers together number 81 4,994, and the Saxons 233,019, but by far the most numerous element, though long excluded from power and political equality, is formed by the Rumanians, 1,397,282 in number, who are spread all over the country.
His reputation had spread all over Europe.
The Louvre also possesses some good examples, and many others are dispersed in various public collections, as in the Musee Bonnat at Bayonne, at Munich, Hamburg, Bremen, Frankfort, Dresden, Basel, Milan, Florence and Oxford, as well as in private hands all over Europe.
On the number and relations of these prisms the voles, which form an exceedingly large group, ranging all over Europe and Asia north of (and inclusive of) the Himalaya, and North America, are divided into genera and subgenera.
The beauty and the lax morals of Daphne were celebrated all over the western world; and indeed Antioch as a whole shared in both these titles to fame.
Banks.-The Imperial Bank of Persia, in addition to branches all over Persia, has branches at Bushire, Bandar 'Abbas and Mohammerah.
Within a month they had been heard of all over western and southern Europe.
The latter half of 1521 saw the silent spread of Lutheran opinions all over Germany.
If a statue was to be cast, the figure was first roughly modelled in clay - only rather smaller in all its dimensions than the future bronze; all over this a skin of wax was laid, and worked by the sculptor with modelling tools to the required form and finish.
A mixture of pounded brick, clay and ashes was then ground finely in water to the consistence of cream, and successive coats of this mixture were then applied with a brush, till a second skin was formed all over the wax, fitting closely into every line and depression of the modelling.
The constant abundance of food, stable amount of water, innumerable hidingplaces in the mud, under the banks, amongst the reeds and roots of the floating islands which are scattered all over them, - all these points are inducements or attractions so great that the creatures remain in their paradise and consequently retain all those larval features which are not directly connected with sexual maturity.
The remainder are scattered all over India, but are most numerous in Hyderabad, the Central India Agency, and the Central Provinces.
The large towns of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras have municipalities of this character, and there are large numbers of municipal committees and local boards all over the country.
The garment distinctive of the Hindus of all castes, men and women, all over India, is the dhoti or loin cloth.
His court at Palermo had been one of the most brilliant in Europe, and attracted learned men from all over the then known world; his somewhat pagan philosophy was afterwards regarded as marking the beginnings of modern rationalism.
There are in all over 120 miles of railway, all owned and worked by the government.
In 1262 the Tatar tribute was felt so grievously all over Russia that preparations were made for a general insurrection, and Alexander, who knew that an abortive rebellion would make the yoke heavier, was obliged to go to the Horde in person to prevent the Tatars from again attacking Russia.
He received the highest recognition, not only from philosophers and learned societies all over the world, but also from the emperor and the German people.
Within half a dozen years no fewer than fifty-four new prisons were built on the Pentonville plan, which now began to serve generally as a "model" for imitation, not in England alone, but all over the world.
The institute spread rapidly all over western Europe, so that it eventually came to have forty provinces and 2000 friaries with some 30,000 members.
The volume of trade is not very great, although some of the productions are exported all over Europe, and in some cases to other continents as well.
Amid great variations of local weather there are some peculiar features that obtain all over the state.
On nearly all lands irrigated some crops will grow in ordinary seasons without irrigation, but it is this that makes possible selection of crops; practically indispensable for all field and orchard culture in the south, save for a few moist coastal areas, it everywhere increases the yield of all crops and is practised generally all over the state.
Lombard merchants soon spread all over western Europe, a chief source of their ever-increasing wealth being their employment as bankers of the papal see.
Already in 1068 Count Berengarius gave the city a special law (usatici) based on its ancient usages, and from the 4th century its commercial code (libro del consolat del mar) became influential all over southern Europe.
Buhler, on the other hand, shows from literary evidence that writing was in common use in India in the 5th, possibly in the 6th, century B.C. The oldest alphabet must have been the Brahmi lipi, which is found all over India.
Earthquakes are frequent all over the peninsula, but especially in the south-east and west, where the Maeander valley and the Gulf of Smyrna are notorious seismic foci.
Silk is produced in large quantities in the vicinity of Brusa and Amasia, and mohair from the Angora goat all over the plateau.
When in 1848 revolution and war broke out all over Italy, Pepe returned to Naples, where a constitution had again been proclaimed.
Moreover, these marvels - which in their original form are doubtless as old as anything in the Iliad, since in fact they are part of the vast stock of popular tales (Mdrehen) diffused all over the world - are mixed up in the Odyssey with the heroes of the Trojan war.
At the same time, one could more easily understand how such a system could have found general acceptance all over the Dravidian region of southern India, with its merest sprinkling of Aryan blood, if it were possible to assume that class arrangements of a similar kind must have already been prevalent amongst the aboriginal tribes prior to the advent of the Aryan.
But, in this repect, we also meet in the epics with the first clear evidence of what in after time became the prominent feature of the worship of Siva and his consort all over India, viz.
Vallabha, the son of a Telinga Brahman, after extensive journeyings all over India, settled at Gokula near Mathura, and set up a shrine with an image of Krishna Gopala.
Terns are found all over the world, and among exotic forms may be particularly mentioned the various species of noddy.
That, in spite of retardation and retrogression, the old order of ideas should have yielded to the new all over Europe, - that science should have won firm standing-ground, and political liberty should have struggled through those birth-throes of its origin, - was in the nature of things.
An aged paladin, somewhat uxorious and always penniless, he was a typical knight errant, whose wanderings led him all over Europe, and planted him successively on the thrones of Jerusalem and Constantinople.
Melons are to some extent exported, and peaches also; the musk-melons of the Arkansas valley (Rocky Ford Canteloups) being in demand all over the United States.
This success excited great enthusiasm and led to the diffusion of the order all over Western Christendom.
While still a young man he had been affected by the wave of liberalism then spreading all over Italy, and soon after his marriage he began to conspire mildly against the Bourbon government.
The gradual elevation of the whole of northern Russia and Siberia, and the consequent draining of the marshes, is one of these deeper-seated, ampler causes; another is the desiccation of the lakes all over the northern hemisphere.
The Oligocene consists of grey and white marls (known as the Idalian series), which are distributed all over the island and attain their greatest development on the south side of the Troodos.
He died extremely rich, and left fine estates all over France.
After an exceptionally cold season, seed should be collected from the trees that suffered least, and should be sown in various districts all over France.
Returning to the true finches, the only one which can compete with the house-sparrow in the extent of its distribution by man is the goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis), now established all over New Zealand, as well as in Australia, the United States and Jamaica.
At Tashkurghan the caravans from India and Bokhara meet, and from here the merchandise is distributed all over the country.
In July, on the other hand, the isotherms show an almost constant temperature all over the country, and the linguiform curves are wanting.
He is often painted with eyes all over his body and then he is called Sahasraksha, "the thousand eyed."
On the one hand, soul is corporeal, else it would have no real existence, would be incapable of extension in three dimensions (and therefore of equable diffusion all over the body), incapable of holding the body together, as the Stoics contended that it does, herein presenting a sharp contrast to the Epicurean tenet that it is the body which confines and shelters the light vagrant atoms of soul.
Hence a glass tube plunged into water would become wet all over were it not that the ascending liquid film carries up a quantity of other liquid which coheres to it, so that when it has ascended to a certain height the weight of the column balances the force by which the film spreads itself over the glass.
Sugar refining is another industry, which, although of recent date, has had a very great development, and the breweries produce a beer which is appreciated all over the world.
The Czechs occupy the middle of the country, as well as its south and south-east region, while the Germans are concentrated near its borders, especially in the north and west, and are also found all over the country in the large towns.
There he began his lectures on electrical science which brought him invitations to lecture all over the United Kingdom and made him a power in both the scientific and industrial worlds.
It is estimated that there are in all over nine hundred glaciers in this section of the range, and although they often rival those of the Alps in size, they do not descend generally to such low altitudes as the latter.
Anthropological researches undertaken all over the globe have shown the necessity of abandoning the old theory that a similarity of customs and superstitions, of arts and crafts, justifies the assumption of a remote relationship, if not an identity of origin, between races.
The Cervidae are distributed all over Europe, Asia, Northern Africa and America, but are unknown in Africa south of the Sahara.
But the merchants of West Turkestan are called all over central Asia Andijanis, from the town of Andijan in Ferghana.
In 1490, the seventh year of his residence at Milan, after some expressions of impatience on the part of his patron, he had all but got his model ready for display on the occasion of the marriage of Ludovico with Beatrice d'Este, but at the last moment was dissatisfied with what he had done and determined to begin all over again.
Yet as the author of Gulliver he is still read all over the world, while in England discipleship to Swift is recognized as one of the surest passports to a prose style.
Soon after his death the story of the miracle of "Garnet's Straw" was circulated all over Europe, according to which a blood-stained straw from the scene of execution which came into the hands of one John Wilkinson, a young and fervent Roman Catholic, who was present, developed Garnet's likeness.
Steep and rugged ravines intersect the plains, opening into small bays or coves on the shore, fenced with masses of compact and cellular lava; and all over the island are found products of volcanic action.
Within a generation of the death of the two great founders, Dominic (1221) and Francis (1226), their institutes had spread all over Europe and into Asia, and their friars could be numbered by tens of thousands.
Clays occur, in short, all over the state; and their use is almost as general.
Limestone is quarried all over the state (except in the embayment region).
It immediately became famous all over Europe and students flocked to it from all countries.
The years of John's boyhood were those during which the Puritan spirit was in the highest vigour all over England; and nowhere had that spirit more influence than in Bedfordshire.
He had been five years a preacher when the Restoration put it in the power of the Cavalier gentlemen and clergymen all over the country to oppress the dissenters.
The panic-stricken inhabitants fled to the nearest strongholds, and soon the rebels were swarming all over the palatinates of Volhynia and Podolia.
The surfaces are pitted all over with perforations of two kinds, viz.
In Jerusalem, therefore, whither believers flocked from all over Christendom to be buried, the official point of view as late as A.D.
They range all over India and Ceylon, thence northward to Tibet, and eastwards to China, Japan, Formosa, Borneo, Sumatra and Java; while by some naturalists the black ape of Celebes (Cynopithecus ',tiger) is included in the same genus.
These rites are found all over the world, and in his monumental work, The Golden Bough, Dr Frazer has traced a host of extant beliefs and practices to this source.
Aware that the resources of his own duchy were inadequate to the conquest of England, he sent all over Europe to hire mercenaries, promising every knight who would join him broad lands beyond the Channel in the event of victory.
To a great extent the same horde of continental adventurers who had obtained the first batch of grants in Wessex and Kent were also the recipients of the later confiscations, so that their newly acquired estates were scattered all over England.
In especial the great monastic revival which had started from the abbey of Cluny and spread all over France, Italy and Germany had hardly touched this island.
Occasionally his views grew yet widerhe would knit up alliances all over Christendom and dominate the West.
He offered to submit his case to Louis IX., the saintly king of France, whose virtues were known and respected all over Europe, if the baronial party would do the same.
The woollen manufactures which had begun in the eastern counties in the 14th century were now spreading all over the land, taking root especially in Somersetshire, Yorkshire and some districts of the Manufac- Midlands.
When Romilly saw Diderot in 1783, the great encyclopaedic chief assured him that submission to kings and belief in God would be at an end all over the world in a very few years.
The remaining marsupials (namely the families Didelphyidae and Epanorthidae) are American, and mainly South and Central American at the present day; although during the early part of the Tertiary period representatives of the first-named family ranged all over the northern hemisphere.
The Suinae are at present spread all over the Old World, although the African forms (other than the one from the north) are markedly distinct from those inhabiting Europe and Asia.
Laterite, shale and sandstone occur all over the district.
This river supports a considerable fishing population, who despatch salt fish and caviare all over Russia.
The prevailing religion all over East Turkestan is Mahommedanism.
There are two wooden sarcophagi carved all over with Hebrew inscriptions.
The political clubs which sprang up all over the country often presumed to act as though they were public authorities (see Jacobins).
The successful issue of the Moscow riots was the occasion of disquieting disturbances all over the tsardom culminating in dangerous rebellions at Pskov and Great Novgorod, with which the government was so unable to cope that they surrendered, practically granting the malcontents their own terms. One man only had displayed equal tact and courage at Great Novgorod, the metropolitan Nikon, who in consequence became in 1651 the tsar's chief minister.
Rocks scored by glacial ice and showing plain indications of striation, together with thousands of erratic blocks, are found scattered all over Iceland.
Papuan weapons are the bow and arrow (in the Fly River region, the north and north-east coasts); a beheading knife of a sharp segment of bamboo; a shafted stone club - rayed, disk shaped or ball-headed (in use all over the island); spears of various forms, pointed and barbed; the spear-thrower (on the Finsch coast); and hardwood clubs and shields, widely differing in pattern and ornamentation with the district of their manufacture.
As their reputation grew he travelled all over the country, delighting large audiences with his quaint humour and natural pathos.
In the first place, the department had to train teachers of agricultural subjects; and secondly, it had to demonstrate to farmers all over Ireland by a system of itinerant instruction some of the advantages of such technical instruction, in order to induce them to make some sacrifice to obtain a suitable education for their sons and daughters.
Belfast is the centre and market of the trade, but mills and factories are to be found dotted all over the eastern counties of Ulster.
As early as the second half of the 5th century Enda, a royal prince of Oriel (c. 450-540), after spending some time at Whithorn betook himself to Aranmore, off the coast of Galway, and founded a school there which attracted scholars from all over Ireland.
In the calculation of Easter the Irish employed the old Roman and Jewish 84-years' cycle which they may have received from St Patrick and which had once prevailed all over Europe.
The cruelties which have generally accompanied Whiteboyism is common to servile insurrections all over the world.
Men were openly tried all over the country for disobeying the revolutionary decrees, and private spite was often the cause of their being accused.
Gold is found almost all over the region of crystalline rocks, except in and around the Antsihanaka province, the richest auriferous districts being a band of country parallel with the east coast and spreading at its southern end into the interior; and another tract, whose centre is about 100 m.
African humped cattle were introduced several hundred years ago and now exist in large herds all over the country.
Large herds of fine humped cattle are found almost all over the island.
This was formerly the general practice all over the island.
Yet they have never been without some distinct recognition of a supreme being, whom they call Andriamdnitra, " The Fragrant One," and Zanahc ry, " The Creator " - words which are recognized all over the island.
As a musical centre Leipzig is known all over the world for its excellent conservatorium, founded in 1843 by Mendelssohn.
The savage's notion of personality is more a universally diffused feeling than a reasoned conception, and this feeling of a personal self he impartially distributes all over the world as known to him.
But all over the savage world, especially in Africa, spirit worship has sprung up and choked the All-Father, who, however, in most savage regions, abides as a name, receiving no sacrifice, and, save among the Masai, seldom being addressed in prayer.
The Latin colonies of Alba Fucens (304 B.C.) and Carsioli (298 B.C.) must have spread the use of Latin (or what passed as such) all over the district; through it lay the chief (and for some time the only) route (Via Valeria) to Luceria and the south.
Such small bodies could not have occupied so extensive a territory, even if they had scattered themselves in driblets all over its surface.
A single blow delivered as much by Christian as by Moslem hands, sufficed to cut the bond which seemed to hold the kingdom together, and to scatter its fragments all over the soil of the Peninsula.
The rush of the Mahommedan flood sent terror all over Europe, but the little opposition it encountered south of the Pyrenees is to be easily explained, and the victory, though genuine, was more specious than substantial.
Indian corn is grown to some extent all over the state, except in the north-west, but the great bulk of the crop is produced east of the 99th meridian.
Various volcanic rocks are the predominant formations, but beds of limestone also occur, giving rise to numerous stalactite grottoes all over the island.
In 765 the emperor demanded of his subjects all over his empire an oath on the cross that they detested images, and St Stephen the younger, the chief upholder of them, was murdered in the streets.
In the crusading epoch the Cathars and Paulicians carried all over Europe the old iconoclastic spirit, and perhaps helped to transmit it to Wycliffe and Hus.
Latin being the official language all over the empire, there was no official Greek translation (except for Greece proper), as is shown by the variations in those portions of the text of which more than one Greek version is extant.
In Germany, Ips and Passau on the Danube, and Gross Almerode in Hesse, are the best known localities producing fireclay goods, the crucibles from the last-mentioned place, known as Hessian crucibles, going all over the world.
Destiny must not have heard him come home or she would have been crawling all over him.
A woman your age ought to be looking for a husband – or already married, not chasing all over creation in pants, trying to act like a man.
He had delayed mentioning the subject, knowing the old man, who devoured crime in the printed form and imagined it everywhere else, would stomp all over this real dilemma like a peasant in a wine vat.
You knew Fitz was screwing around with me and you didn't bring it up when he dumped all over you at the debate?
When Fred gets out of jail, we'll have to send him back to his old newspapers—begin all over again.
They take on the roles the Ancients and immortals can't, like working with human counterparts, touring the Council's facilities all over the world.
Makes me traipse all over the place, finding out the guy didn't have any taste.
He let out a primordial scream and threw the glass of blood at the painting with so much force, the crystal shattered and blood splattered crimson all over the painting and wall.
We met with the principal who looked it all over.
The widows will be fawning all over him—even more than usual.
Looking up into his sweet chocolate gaze, feeling the stroke of his hands on her face and neck, even the quickening of pulse — it was as if they had met all over again.
Jenn gazed towards the wall, mentally determining her chances at taking on six guardsmen and getting them all over the wall before more came or worse—before Others showed up.
Politicians were inundated with inquiries from all over the country.
The average British soldier would soon be quite accustomed to meeting up with people from all over the world.
But in the field of music education, Kodály is a towering figure, hugely admired all over the globe.
The Dundee International Guitar Festival which attracts aficionados from all over the world.
I've been traveling quite allot all over the world but I miss the London lifestyle!
Androgenic alopecia is a condition that affects about 2% of the population, resulting in total hair loss all over the body.
They are always slightly anarchic in some way, they appear at festivals and outdoor events all over the place.
In the afternoon I did crafts and I made an anklet out of beads, which rolled all over the floor.
Yet, it had apologists all over the world.
Denise has been a solo artiste for over 20 years working all over the world.
The center provides training facilities for wheelchair athletes from all over the world.
Texprint offers a carefully selected group of graduates from all over the UK their first opportunity to meet press and industry bigwigs.
Did you know that all over North America, migratory birds have stopped returning to their nesting grounds?
He ordered the drinks, sat down & then bludgeoned his pint all over himself and the poor girl.
Collections include botanical, zoological, geological and paleontological specimens from all over the world.
In among these species there are black bream all over the rocky marks.
The short coat lies smooth all over and is slightly bushy at the thighs.
Go back and do the first works all over again or I'll remove the candlestick.
In all over a ton of tear gas was used, many canisters aimed directly at demonstrators to cause maximum injury.
We have the largest choice of oriental carpets and rugs in the UK including hand-woven masterpieces from all over the world.
Basically the game involves Andy putting chalk all over my face without me realizing.
Millions of guns from all over the world ended up in Mozambique during its brutal civil war.
Local rulers all over Europe began minting gold coinage.
They were praised by Pliny and over the centuries their strength and flavor have come to be appreciated by connoisseurs all over the world.