All-or-nothing Sentence Examples
But that 's zander fishing - it is usually all or nothing.
It is an all-or-nothing type of business.
However, the tide is changing, and while the common theory is that two parents are still better than one parent, psychologists and other professionals are starting to decry the all or nothing generalization.
When the Bring It On All or Nothing cheers first show up on the big screen, it seems very much like the original script of Bring It On.
If you tell yourself you can never eat cake, candy, fried food, or any of your other favorites again, you're setting yourself up for all-or-nothing thinking, which is a major derailer of any diet.
All-or-nothing nothing is that little voice that says, "You've already had a bit of cake, so you might as well have the whole cake" or "You've blown it by skipping breakfast and dinner, so let's binge at dinner."
Both sides would n't budge, they wanted all or nothing.
Here we have a typically monochromatic view of the whole situation - all or nothing.
He had a motto, his motto was " All or nothing.
Again, it can be of the all or nothing variety or an assortment of whatever you choose.
AdvertisementInstead of viewing events and reacting to triggers in an exaggerated, dramatic, all-or-nothing way, cognitive restructuring can help you see events from a calm, logical perspective.
He's an all-or-nothing kind of guy who needs an equal for his mate.