All-kinds-of Sentence Examples
They've got all kinds of newfangled ways of digging up the past.
They have all kinds of good stuff.
I love all kinds of music.
But if he saw her swollen eyes he'd be asking all kinds of questions.
Apparently he spent a lot of time on the back of a horse, riding his range in all kinds of weather - a fact that prompted more than one comment by townsfolk that he had wasted a good college education.
You get to meet all kinds of interesting people.
That subjected them to all kinds of trouble—not just a spanking, but police involvement, assuming they were older.
God, he was so cute about it—wanting to know if you were a witness, asking all kinds of questions about what you saw and heard.
There are all kinds of different tools, pitons, hammers to set pitons, ice screws, pound-ins, ice hooks, wired nuts and cams—different stuff for different surfaces.
I've been on climbs in all kinds of weather, some all day, rappelling down at dusk, nearly in the dark, with wind and snow trying to blow me off the wall.
AdvertisementThey took a cigarette to his balls for one thing, and there's all kinds of marks on him.
They can put 'em in all kinds of things, even in olives in drinks.
I suppose it comes in handy for all kinds of surprises.
Do you know he already has all kinds of plans for my property?
We've got all kinds of clandestine technology.
AdvertisementThe owners said there were wild plum and cherry trees, all kinds of nuts and berries - a regular gold mine of natural food.
He then makes his Persian expedition; the Indian campaign gives occasion for descriptions of all kinds of wonders.
In their hurry to obtain wealth, this crowd of office-mongers from the provinces lent themselves to all kinds of bribery and corruption.
Here, too, he published, in 1531, his most important work, the Chronica, Zeitbuch and Geschichtsbibel, largely a compilation on the basis of the Nuremberg Chronicle (1493), and in its treatment of social and religious questions connected with the Reformation, exhibiting a strong sympathy with heretics, and an unexampled fairness to all kinds of freedom in opinion.
Ships, whose tonnage was estimated at the amount of grain they could carry, were continually hired for the transport of all kinds of goods.
AdvertisementPartridges, woodcock, snipe, &c., are among the game-birds; but all kinds of small birds are also shot for food, and their number is thus kept down, while many members of the migratory species are caught by traps in the foothills on the south side of the Alps, especially near the Lake of Como, on their passage.
In these African campaigns Sulla showed that he knew how to win the confidence of his soldiers, and throughout his career the secret of his success seems to have been the enthusiastic devotion of his troops, whom he continued to hold well in hand, while allowing them to indulge in plundering and all kinds of excess.
The term coprolites has been made to include all kinds of phosphatic nodules employed as manures, such, for example, as those obtained from the Coralline and the Red Crag of Suffolk.
These two-winged insects attack all kinds of plants, and also animals in their larval stage.
In regions where climatic conditions are favourable, cotton grows more or less successfully on almost all kinds of soil; it can be grown on light sandy soils, loams, heavy clays and sandy " bottom " lands with varying success.
AdvertisementBy simple modifications the Macarthy gin can be used for all kinds of cotton.
About this time the broker of cotton only began to specialize from the ranks of the brokers who dealt in all kinds of colonial produce.
There were no printed circulars, except the monthly prices current of all kinds of produce, but brokers used to send particulars of business done to their customers in letters.
There can be no doubt that Eabani, who symbolizes primeval man, was a figure originally entirely independent of Gilgamesh, but his story was incorporated into the epic by that natural process to be observed in the national epics of other peoples, which tends to connect the favourite hero with all kinds of tales that for one reason or the other become embedded in the popular mind.
Family ties are strong, and the women are not ill-treated, although they share in all kinds of manual labour.
As to ancient coins, and all kinds of treasure of which the proprietor is unknown, reference must be made to the Dustur, No.
He was also favourable to the pursuit of all kinds of knowledge.
Of the total importations of all kinds of coal to Hamburg, that of British coal, particularly from Northumberland and Durham, occupies the first place, and despite some falling off in late years, owing to the competition made by Westphalian coal, amounts to more than half the total import.
He fought with success against the German tribes, but soon left the defence of the Upper Rhine to his legates and returned to Rome, where he abandoned himself to all kinds of debauchery and excess.
Galen was a man furnished with all the anatomical, medical and philosophical knowledge of his time; he had studied all kinds of natural curiosities, and had stood in near relation to important political events; he possessed enormous industry, great practical sagacity and unbounded literary fluency.
There are many other smaller establishments, and the Florentine artificer seems to possess an exceptional skill in all kinds of work in which art is combined with technical ability.
Whilst, however, the plant adapts itself to a great variety of climatic conditions and will grow on almost all kinds of soil, the flavour and quality of the produce are profoundly affected by variations in these two factors.
From the psychological point of view all these different kinds of faith healing, as indeed all kinds of mind cure, including those of Christian Science and hypnotism, depend on suggestion.
Solingen is one of the chief seats of the German iron and steel industry, its speciality consisting in all kinds of cutlery, Solingen sword-blades have been celebrated for centuries, and are widely used outside Germany, while bayonets, knives, scissors, surgical instruments, files, steel frames and the like are also produced in enormous quantities.
He first opened an English school in which the Bible was the centre of the school work, and along with it all kinds of secular knowledge were taught from the rudiments upwards to a university standard.
He took his share in all kinds of athletic exercises, and it was now that Brookfield said, "It is not fair that you should be Hercules as well as Apollo."
He agreed to pay to Decebalus an annual subsidy, and to supply him with engineers and craftsmen skilled in all kinds of construction, but particularly in the erection of fortifications and defensive works.
The name has been applied generally to all kinds of instruments used in the measurement of a force, as for example electric dynamometers, but the term specially denotes apparatus used in connexion with the measurement of work, or in the measurement of the horse-power of engines and motors.
Thus the contribution to the total impulsive pressure exerted on the area dS in time dt from this cause is mu X udtdS X (11 3 m 3 /,r 3)e hm (u2+v2+w2 )dudvdw (I o) The total pressure exerted in bringing the centres of gravity of all the colliding molecules to rest normally to the boundary is obtained by first integrating this expression with respect to u, v, w, the limits being all values for which collisions are possible (namely from - co too for u, and from - oo to + oo for v and w), and then summing for all kinds of molecules in the gas.
The aggregate amount of these pressures is clearly the sum of the momenta, normal to the boundary, of all molecules which have left dS within a time dt, and this will be given by expression (pp), integrated with respect to u from o to and with respect to v and w from - oo to +oo, and then summed for all kinds of molecules in the gas.
East Africa is rich in all kinds of antelope, and the elephant, rhinoceros and hippopotamus are still plentiful in parts.
Exports are all kinds of manufactured goods, such as cotton, linen, woollen, worsted and leather goods, machinery and hardware.
So soon as State control was applied to any article it could be taken as a sign that the supplies would soon come to an end, or at any rate were very restricted; and thus it was impossible to prevent the equipment of the army from becoming gradually more inadequate, and the provision both of the army and of the population behind the lines with all kinds of necessaries from being altogether insufficient; only wholly unsatisfactory substitutes could be provided, and the available provisions could hardly be made to go round.
They were content with a knowledge of the truth of the principle of gravitation; instead of essaying to explain it further by the properties of a transmitting medium, they in fact modelled the whole of their natural philosophy on that principle, and tried to express all kinds of material interaction in terms of laws of direct mechanical attraction across space.
Naruszewicz has not the happy vivacity of Krasicki; he attempts all kinds of poetry, especially satire and fable.
For all kinds of ceremonial he has all a lawyer's respect, and his pages are often adorned and encumbered with the pageantry and material garniture of the story.
That in the palace gardens flowers from the tierra caliente were transplanted, and water-fowl bred near fresh and salt pools fit for each kind, that all kinds of birds and beasts were kept in well-appointed zoological gardens, where there were homes even for alligators and snakes - all this testifies to a cultivation of natural history which was really beyond the European level of the time.
A parallel case to Automatic Writing is the action of the speech centres, resulting in the production of all kinds of utterances from trance speeches in the ordinary language of the speaker to mere unintelligible babblings.
Nothing but actual practice with hounds can teach a man how to ride where all kinds of going and obstacles of various sorts, natural and artificial, have to be encountered in a day's hunting.
The seed branch of the department of agriculture was established in 1900 for the purpose of encouraging the production and use of seeds of superior quality, thereby improving all kinds of field and garden crops grown in Canada.
The term silk waste includes all kinds of raw silk which may be unwindable, and therefore unsuited to the throwing process.
The evil reputation of these festivals, at which the grossest debaucheries took place, and all kinds of crimes and political conspiracies were supposed to be planned, led in 186 B.C. to a decree of the senate - the so-called Senatus consultum de Bacchanalibus, inscribed on a bronze tablet discovered in Calabria (1640), now at Vienna - by which the Bacchanalia were prohibited throughout the whole of Italy, except in certain special cases, in which the senate reserved the right of allowing them, subject to certain restrictions.
Calling himself now Captain Williams, now Lord Gerard or Lord Newport or Lord Cornwallis, he travelled from one part of Europe to another; he underwent imprisonments for crime, and became an expert in all kinds of duplicity.
Numerous works on all kinds of subjects are produced in various countries, periodicals flourish, and Hebrew is the vehicle of correspondence between Jews in all parts of the world.
Transplant all kinds of evergreens, this month and September being the proper seasons.
Originally the trade of Macclesfield was principally in twist and silk buttons, but this has developed into the manufacture of all kinds of silk.
Johnson hated to be questioned; and Boswell was eternally catechizing him on all kinds of subjects, and sometimes propounded such questions as, "What would you do, sir, if you were locked up in a tower with a baby ?"
Besides maintaining a manly spirit in the population, the towns rapidly added to their importance by the stimulus they gave to all kinds of industry and trade.
Cedar wood was brought from the forests of Lebanon, ivory, leopard skins and gold from the south, all kinds of spices and ingredients of incense from Somaliland and Arabia, fine linen and beautifully worked vessels from Syria and the islands.
Farther on, separated from the forecourt by smaller though still massive pylons, lay a hypostyle hall, so called from its covered colonnades; this hall was used for all kinds of processions.
Beads and all kinds of amulets could be infused with magical power so as to be potent phylacteries to those who wore them.
There are 126 such local judges, each of whom deals with all kinds of cases arising in his district, and is also at the head of the police.
It opened the possibility for all kinds of complaints and prosecutions by those whose judgment was affected by war hysteria.
The system of revenue is based upon the general property tax; the local assessment of all real and personal property is required, with the aim of recording all kinds of property upon the assessment rolls.
Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury (925-988), like Bernward, bishop of Hildesheim a few years later, and St Eloi of France three centuries earlier, was himself a skilful worker in all kinds of metal.
William Molyneux, in his Dioptrica Nova (1692), p. 256, declares his opinion that Roger Bacon (who died c. 12 9 4) "did perfectly well understand all kinds of optic glasses, and knew likewise the method of combining them so as to compose some such instrument as our telescope."
The soil is suitable for the cultivation of almost all kinds of tropical produce, and it is to be regretted that the prosperity of the colony depends almost entirely on one article of production, for the consequences are serious when there is a failure, more or less, of the sugar crop. Guano is extensively imported as a manure, and by its use the natural fertility of the soil has been increased to a wonderful extent.
In particular he persecuted mercilessly the Manichaeans and all kinds of freethinkers.
Mecca, Medina and Yemen also were mastered by the Alids, who committed all kinds of atrocities and sacrilege.
He banished the musicians and singers, and forbade all kinds of games; he devoted himself to the administration of justice, and gave public audiences to the people for the redress of their grievances.
Instead of requiring from its population all kinds of work and reducing its ordinary occupations to a hard-and-fast routine meeting in a slow and unskilled manner all possible contingencies, the local group began to move, to call in workmen from abroad for tasks of a special nature, and to send its own workmen to look out for profitable employment in other places.
The goods mostly dealt in are cotton, woollen, linen and silk stuffs (35 to 38% of the whole), iron and iron wares, furs and skins, pottery, salt, corn, fish, wine and all kinds of manufactured goods.
The relation between the effort and the resistance may be found by means of this principle for all kinds of mechanisms, when the friction produced by the components of the forces across the direction of motion of the two points is neglected.
The general problem is to find the value of a corresponding to all kinds of loadings on shafts supported in any manner.
Ursula is warned by a dream to demand a respite of three years, during which time her companions are to be 1 i,000 virgins collected from both kingdoms. After vigorous exercise in all kinds of manly sports, to the admiration of the populace, they are carried off by a sudden breeze in eleven triremes to Thiel on the Waal in Gelderland.
The school of Shammai disallows it; but the school of Hillel allows it," &c. In the Gemara, the decisions of the Mishnah are not only discussed, explained or developed, but all kinds of additional matter are suggested by them.
Among these deities all kinds of relationships are displayed; consorts must be provided for the unwedded, and the family conception, as distinct from the regal, presents a divine father, mother and child.
An exuberant demonology admitted all kinds of interfering causes in the field of human life.
In these processes, which do not take place at equal rates in different cases, all kinds of survivals remain lodged, and embarrass every attempt to fix the place of specific religions in any general course of development.
The soil is exceedingly rich and well adapted to all kinds of agricultural purposes, and for the most part is composed of a rich black loam reposing on a grey sandy clay, though occasionally it exhibits a light yellow clayey texture.
There is a brisk trade, especially in horses, cotton, leather-ware and all kinds of imported manufactured goods.
His health was the one subject to which he gave unremitting attention, and his fine constitution and devotion to all kinds of sport and physical exercise kept off the effects of uncontrolled debauchery for thirty years.
Another charter, granted in 1545, extended the jurisdiction of the port to the islands of Aran, permitted the exportation of all kinds of goods except linens and woollens, and confirmed all the former privileges.
Special opportunities were afforded by the law of majestas, which (originally directed against attacks on the ruler by word or deed) came to include all kinds of accusations with which it really had nothing to do; indeed, according to Tacitus, a charge of treason was regularly added to all criminal charges.
The bamboo is employed in the construction of all kinds of agricultural and domestic implements and in the materials and implements required in fishery.
Prince Josaphat grows up in this seclusion, acquires all kinds of knowledge and exhibits singular endowments.
In the same way consuls are often exempt from all kinds of rates and taxes, and always from personal taxes.
They were then known under the name of " animalculae," and were confounded with all kinds of other small organisms. At that time nothing was known of their life-history, and no one dreamed of their being of importance to man and other living beings, or of their capacity to produce the profound chemical changes with which we are now so familiar.
Until the abandonment of this experiment in 1847, Ripley was its leader, cheerfully taking upon himself all kinds of tasks, teaching mathematics and philosophy in the school, milking cows and attending to other bucolic duties, and after June 1845 editing the weekly Harbinger, an organ of "association," which he continued to edit in New York from 1847 until it was discontinued in 1849.
That act abolished the old school boards and school attendance committees, and substituted a single authority for all kinds of schools and for all kinds of education.
The general district rate is made and levied on the occupiers of all kinds of property for the time being assessable to any rate for the relief of the poor, subject to a few exceptions and conditions.
The fact that there still existed all kinds of survivals of harsh forms of dependence, e.g.
Rates were imposed, therefore, on all kinds of property and the income arising from them, just as they are imposed in the United States on the capital of the property itself.
These, it is said, can be distributed among different classes of tax-payers, because the income tax falls on the owners of incomes of all kinds of property subject to the duty, if their incomes are above a certain limit, while the incidence of customs and excise duties can be ascertained by inquiries as to the consumption of dutiable articles by different classes.
In a small commonplace book, bearing on the seventh page the date of January 1663/1664, there are several articles on angular sections, and the squaring of curves and " crooked lines that may be squared," several calculations about musical notes, geometrical propositions from Francis Vieta and Frans van Schooten, annotations out of Wallis's Arithmetic of Infinities, together with observations on refraction, on the grinding of " spherical optic glasses," on the errors of lenses and the method of rectifying them, and on the extraction of all kinds of roots, particularly those " in affected powers."
Raids of the Black Prince in Languedoc led to the states-general of 1355, which readily voted money, but sanctioned the right of resistance against all kinds of pillage - a distinct commentary on the incompetence of the king.
The cavern locally known as Hobgoblin Hall is described in Marmion, and is associated with all kinds of manifestations of the black art.
These areas are of small extent and are closely cultivated, and support thick forests of date-palms. All kinds of tropical vegetables, grains and small fruits grow under cultivation, and land is so precious in these limited areas of great richness and fertility that very narrow pathways divide each owner's plot from his neighbour's.
This is clearly expressed in the cult of Artemis Laphria (possibly connected with X a4wpa, "spoils"), at whose festivals all kinds of animals, both wild and tame, as well as fruits, were thrown together on a huge wood fire.
Numerous animals were sacred to her, and at Syracuse all kinds of wild beasts, including a lioness, were carried in procession in her honour.
The manufacturing industries assisted by the government developed rapidly during the later years of the 19th century, notably metal-working, especially such branches of it as require exact and delicate workmanship. Of particular importance are iron and steel goods, locomotives (for which Esslingen enjoys a great reputation), machinery, motor-cars, bicycles, small arms (in the Mauser factory at Oberndorf), all kinds of scientific and artistic appliances, pianos (at Stuttgart), organs and other musical instruments, photographic apparatus, clocks (in the Black Forest),.
The country is a very level one, making it possible to use all kinds of machinery with great success.
We observe that men are classified according to their functions; all kinds of man, and indeed all organs of man, have their special functions, and are judged as functionaries and organs according as they perform their functions well or ill.
The kima, a great mussel weighing (without shell) 20 to 30 Ib, and other shellfish, are eaten, as are also dogs, flying foxes, lizards, beetles and all kinds of insects.
The fat-tailed sheep, goats and swine have also been naturalized, as well as all kinds of domestic poultry.
Whilst the insurrection in La Vende was spreading, and Dumouriez falling back upon Neerwinden, sentence of death was laid upon migrs and refractory priests; the treachery of Dumouriez, disappointed in his Belgian projects, gave grounds First corn- for all kinds of suspicion, as that of Mirabeau had mittee ot formerly done, and led the Gironde to propose the public new government which they had refused to Danton.
As a coveted district, all kinds of natural riches are attributed to Sus, but it may be assumed that they are exaggerated.
Almost all kinds of vegetables and garden-fruits, oranges, rice, hemp and other products are generally grown solely or mainly on irrigated land, whereas most kinds of grain, vines and olives are cultivated chiefly on dry soil.
In this way a mass of traditional interpretation of all kinds of observed phenomena was gathered, and once gathered became a guide to the priests for all times.
Since that time a number of fossil Bacteria, mainly from Palaeozoic strata, have been described by Renault, occurring in all kinds of fossilized vegetable and animal debris.
In English-speaking countries, and by the majority of German writers, the meaning is now restricted to the study of the action of chemical substances (as apart from foods) on all kinds of animals, from bacteria up to man; it is, in fact, a comparative study of the action of chemical bodies on invertebrate and vertebrate animals.
There is a bed in there, along with stinky plants, vegetables, mushrooms, rocks and all kinds of crap.
That subjected them to all kinds of trouble—not just a spanking, but police involvement, assuming they were older.
God, he was so cute about it—wanting to know if you were a witness, asking all kinds of questions about what you saw and heard.
There are all kinds of different tools, pitons, hammers to set pitons, ice screws, pound-ins, ice hooks, wired nuts and cams—different stuff for different surfaces.
These days, humans sprayed and bathed in all kinds of crap to mask their odor.
As an influential Undersecretary in the fed command and control structure, Tim had access to all kinds of information that helped Brady's chances of survival.
The grave yard scene showed skeletons jumping out of the graves and all kinds of other frightening apparitions.
Koh Samui, a fashionable boutique, offers elegant clothes for all kinds of occasions.
Refuse areas are the perfect breeding ground for all kinds of pests.
This can lead to all kinds of diarrhoeal diseases, including cholera.
Over the years he has broadened his techniques to incorporate all kinds of fishing including coarse, sea and game.
You can trim the cress into all kinds of funny haircuts, or even use the cress in sandwhiches!
People feel all kinds of ways, But nothing can substitute a drunken daze, Apart from Rage.
Our decoupage Papers are suitable for all kinds of papercraft, card making, scrapbooking and decoupage work.
Information CUSU Update CUSU have another doozy of an update this week, with all kinds of craziness and stuff.
It includes an example dungeon in which you have to fight all kinds of dragons, vampires and elementals and pick up potions.
The Project offers all kinds of help - from a listening ear to practical assistance with the tasks of everyday living.
Sennheiser HD 515 £ 54.99 The HD 515 is an open dynamic stereo headphone suitable for all kinds of music.
SuperBike is an irreverent, humorous and massively informative magazine for all kinds of bikers.
It was painted black inside with plaster peeling off the walls and all kinds of weird paintings and staues hanging about in unexpected places.
PalmLaser - powerful low level laser that treats all kinds of wounds and skin lacerations, leg ulcers and pressure sores.
These days you can buy all kinds of colors ranging from white, yellow, orange and even marbled forms.
Our DM showed us all kinds of interesting stuff highlights included frog fish, seahorse, pipe fish and a mimic octopus!
Each has an enviable musical pedigree and a wealth of experience performing in all kinds of venues and at all kinds of events.
Wendy is still around today, and is a true polymath, working in all kinds of creative and scientific fields.
However spatial proximity would clearly not be sufficient, or even desirable, for linking all kinds of information.
A website for parents, teachers and children with all kinds of educational resources to teach children about money.
I am a very sociable person who gets on with all kinds of people.
Then again, you don't get a winter of miserably pounding the tarmac through all kinds of foul weather with the triathlon.
Will attack furs, carpets and all kinds of woolen textiles.
Iron goods of various kinds, glass and pottery, school slates, pencils and marbles are produced; the abundant timber fosters the manufacture of all kinds of wooden articles, especially toys; and the textile industry and the manufacture of leather goods, papier mache and sewing-machines are also carried on.
It has application to all kinds of organs and qualities, but is of especial significance in regard to the development of the brain and the mental qualities of animals and of man (see the jubilee volume of the Soc. de Biologie, 1899, and Nature, 1900, p. 624).
A few of such preserves still exist, and it is noticeable that in the Palace-moats of Tokyo all kinds of water-birds, attracted by the absolute immunity they enjoy there, assemble in countless numbers at the approach of winter and remain until the following spring, wholly indifferent to the close proximity of the city.
Zeus gave her a jar (7rLOos), the so-called "Pandora's box" (see below), containing all kinds of misery and evil, and sent her, thus equipped, to Epimetheus, who, forgetting the warning of his brother Prometheus to accept no present from Zeus, made her; his wife.
The tables were to be laden with all kinds of food.
The choices we make to test options never before contemplated will tell us all kinds of new things about ourselves.
And Croesus was so amazed that he endowed the Oracle at Delphi with all kinds of gifts and planned to run all-important questions by this oracle.
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Machines could, in theory, do all kinds of jobs in the world.
I have no doubt there are all kinds of things in the Twitterverse that I want to know about, but I only find the ones that I first knew to look for.
She is going through the house now, applying the new words to all kinds of objects.
Then again, you do n't get a winter of miserably pounding the tarmac through all kinds of foul weather with the triathlon.
Quite often programs that terminate abnormally cause all kinds of mess lying around the oddest places.
Cruel trick, writes Carrie Dunn from across my desk, inviting all kinds of spurious Zorro based comment about flashing blades.
Heaven v. Pender 1 goes no further than this, tho it is often cited to support all kinds of untenable propositions.
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Heavy weight, quilted car seat covers also work well in all kinds of cold weather.
My opinion about letting a baby "cry it out" is that it gives all kinds of messages to your baby about whose needs are more important - yours or his - that you don't want to give.
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Landfill sites store all kinds of waste and rubbish, however much of this waste is not biodegradable, meaning that it will stay in its existing form in the landfill site for many years to come - perhaps many hundreds of years to come.
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For a nominal fee you can pre-register for all kinds of classes, from Creating Pop-up Pages to Mastering 3D Sticker Art.
Cross-country runners train in all kinds of weather and run through all kinds of areas including creeks, mud, and high grass.
Shredded coconut can be toasted and used as a topping for all kinds of things, from ice cream to savory main dishes.
When they're made right, they taste good and are a great source all kinds of minerals and vitamins.
One of the nice things about the Weight Watchers plan is that it is adaptable to all kinds of lifestyles, including vegetarian and vegan.
Tobacco not only increases the risk of developing tobacco related cancers but also harms the immune system in such a way that the risk for all kinds of non-cancer related diseases goes up.
There are all kinds of packages to be found for what constitutes a set.
Comforters are available in all kinds of material and finishes.
You can find all kinds of colorful patterns so you can match the style and colors of your current bedding.
Find all kinds of choices at local bed and linens stores or shop online.
You'll find hundreds of shower curtains at any given time, printed with all kinds of unusual designs from William Shakespeare, designs to patchwork quilt styles.
The best part of a Hollywood celebrity homes tour is that your tour guide will know all kinds of fun facts and information about the houses along the way, and you'll learn quite a bit about the history of the area.
Dressing Spears up in all kinds of costumes, hair styles, and makeup provides hours of entertainment for budding stylists.
Fanpop - The Lautner site at Fanpop has all kinds of icons, images, and news, as well as a forum.
The popular celebrity-watching magazine People has a terrific website with all kinds of features.
Travolta holds his pilot's license and is an avid fan of all kinds of aircraft, and his personal collection consists of five planes.
They're climbing, jumping, running and experiencing all kinds of adventures.
Fishnets are inappropriate for younger girls, but there are all kinds of wild girls tights available in stripes and colored patterns that would work just as well.
Pullovers are available in solid and patterned varieties, and work well with all kinds of pants.
Though this is technically a camping supply store, they offer all kinds of children's clothing for the great outdoors, from fleece to winter hats.
There are clothing catalogs and then there are the clothing catalogs; seasonal items that arrive crisp in the mail, featuring all kinds of colorful and imaginative photography.
The Princeton Review goes to great pains to make sure that it surveys a very broad section of students from all kinds of institutions.
There are all kinds of holistic things we can do to enhance our pets' lives!
American Gardener is a 150-page resource full of tips for all kinds of gardening, including information on why you might want a greenhouse and how to set one up.
These slight variations apply to all kinds of picking techniques (pinch harmonics, pick slides, flat picking, etc.) so it's almost like playing an entirely new guitar when you first try a titanium guitar pick.
This will open up all kinds of design possibilities for your room and enhance traffic flow.
This product is attractive because it comes in all kinds of different designs and patterns.
Store jewelry and all kinds of accessory odds and ends in this organizer that hangs over the door.
Certain garments just present all kinds of challenges.
There are many places online to purchase dress socks in all kinds of sizes from your local drugstore to online, but if you need especially large pairs then sites like cater directly to you.
Golfers can wear all kinds of shirts, even T-shirts, but there is no question that when you are serious about your game, you want a shirt that is designed to allow you complete range of movement and absolute comfort.
This online store specializes in all kinds of items that are hypo-allergenic.
Papa's Organic is a national delivery service that delivers all kinds of organic foods including milk and dairy products.
This is very impressive considering that the skin care industry is generally unregulated, allowing manufacturers to use all kinds of nasty ingredients without consumers' knowledge.
Mountain Rose Herbs carries all kinds of organic sprouts, beans and grains.
Spring jackets come in all kinds of colors that mirror the ambiance of spring.
They are made with fabrics in a variety of colors and patterns to match all kinds of tops.
Jones of New York is a sophisticated and well-tailored line that delivers all kinds of attire for work, weekend and going out.
While bras are designed to meet all kinds of functional needs, primarily they should provide you with the support you need to comfortably get through the day in your favorite garments.
As every woman knows, an ill-fitting garment can cause all kinds of distress, physically and even emotionally if you're focusing all of your attention on how uncomfortable you feel.
Ped socks worn with all kinds of shoes became a fad with Japanese women.
Look for all kinds of fun, playful prints (like snowflakes and animal patterns), as well as unique styles you'd be hard pressed to find elsewhere (like footie pajamas and "pajama jeans").
When it comes to breastfeeding, it is not unusual to get all kinds of unsolicited advice.
Spokane offers a variety of opportunities catering to all kinds of interests.
However, this seemingly seamless process can run into all kinds of pitfalls when it comes to the sun's glare.
You can play various characters (or make them from scratch), building all kinds of Lego creations and visit many worlds.
Cent, or Fiddy, is tearing up all kinds of media outlets.
You can race all kinds of Mustang models from 1964 to 2005, including a couple of concept cars.
There is a huge database of gamers communicating in the forum and you can find all kinds of useful tips that may not be covered in the traditional guides.
They have over 100 hidden objects games in all kinds of genres like adventure, horror, fantasy, mystery and even romance.
You can play all kinds of supernatural beings like vampires and silly ghosts to secrets of the modern world like the abominable snowman and zombie rock stars, and I don't mean Keith Richards. - This video game website is filled will all kinds of games including arcade, puzzle, strategy, mystery and more.
But on top of that, refinements abound, and gamers now expect all kinds of features and goodies in their pigskin games.
There are cheats for all kinds of things - skipping levels, giving you skills and possessions you never earned, making you invulnerable or terribly weak, and making in-game characters look distorted or menacing, to name but a few.
As you can tell, cheats come from all kinds of sources.
There are all kinds of obstacles which will attempt to hinder your way.
Kratos will encounter all kinds of monsters with different fighting abilities.
You start controlling this tattooed beef-cake Spartan on the helm of a ship, fighting all kinds of mythological baddies.
You can keep it simple or you can make you MySpace ornate with all kinds of Halo 3 multimedia.
Some people also use these homebrew solutions to run pirated video game ROMs, but this can run into all kinds of legal problems.
Featuring over a dozen different fighters with all kinds of unique abilities and super powers, you can play as Spiderman, Electra, Magneto, and Iron Man, as well as unique characters dreamed up by the team at EA (Electronic Arts).
My only complaint is that they won't notice Max until he's in line of sight of them, even where you're in the next room making all kinds of ruckus.
You get to see all kinds of weird aliens in this game, along with the "worm guys" from the Men in Black movies.
On the Neopets website, you can have up to 4 little pets, play all kinds of games and buy stuff if you want.
Cartridge based systems are easier to emulate because the code can be extracted from the circuitry.An extensive emulator website, Emulator Zone provides all kinds of information about emulators, the history of emulation and downloads.
They're perfect for all kinds of demographics, as the gameplay itself is usually very simple to understand.
There's all kinds of maneuvers you can do, like a stealth turn, or a corner peek, but there's too much to do.
The Nintendo Wii Remote is used for all kinds of motion-based video games on the Wii, letting you swing the Remote just as you would a golf club or a tennis racket.
Choose from Blood Rayne, Final Fantasy, Halo, Doom, Resident Evil, and all kinds of other popular video game franchises.
It's understandable that the Nintendo Wii has been so popular, because it has been designed to appeal to all kinds of gamers, from casual grandmas to hardcore shooting games fans.
Artisan Cheese is a shop that specializes in all kinds of imported cheese from all over the world.
The wine accessory industry is booming, and you're bound to find all kinds of practical and impractical accessories for wine lovers.
You can include all kinds of New Year's items in the basket like confetti, a Happy New Year sign, noise makers and Champagne flutes.
Alibris carries all kinds of books and media, including rare and out of print items.
The lineup of Sprint PCS phones offers a great deal of variety, ensuring that all kinds of consumers will be able to find the right handset to suit their specific needs and preferences.
There are all kinds of different mobile phone Java applications, so no matter what your needs, you're probably covered.
Assuming that your unlocked phone is compatible, you can effectively use it for all kinds of international travel.
Exclusive to Verizon Wireless, this rugged handset is built to withstand all kinds of abuse.
It's easy to look at the devices themselves or the cell phone plans that you can get, but when it comes to the best cell phone companies, having good customer service can a long way in avoiding all kinds of stress and problems.
For all kinds of multifunctional versatility, you may want to take a look at the AT&T BlackBerry Curve 8310 PDA phone with GPS.
Because AIDS results in immune system suppression, individuals with AIDS are highly susceptible to all kinds of pneumonia, including some previously rare parasitic types that would not cause illness in someone with a normal immune system.
If you need a more thorough resource, you can try the instructional DVD by Anthony King that teaches you all kinds of Michael Jackson dance moves.
A parent dying may stir up all kinds of feelings, depending on the type of relationship we had with them.
Incorrectly placed beds can create all kinds of health, finance and relationship problems.
There are all kinds of levels and degrees of depth when using feng shui and applying the principles in order to design your home.
Water soaks into the ground and from this nourishing energy springs plantlife in the form of grasses, bamboo, trees and all kinds of plants.
This bed placement causes all kinds of physical illnesses.
Placing all kinds of good luck or good health charms and Chinese symbols creates clutter and becomes the opposite of intention.
Stagnant chi robs you of beneficial chi and can create all kinds of problems in your home and even in your life.
Misbach Enterprises sells all kinds of family tree charts, including combination diagrams.
There are several investment-worthy hair accessories that can be worn even after the big night to enhance all kinds of hairstyles.
You will have to sift through the listing to find the computer forensic jobs because all kinds of jobs are listed here.
It brings with it all kinds of exciting possibilities, such as labor, childbirth, vaginal birth, and C-sections.
When you are trying to get pregnant, you get offered all kinds of conception tips from well-meaning family and friends.
But in truth, babies have been conceived through all kinds of positions.
The company carries all kinds of sewing supplies and notions as well as fabric, patterns, and books.
You can buy industrial sewing machines, along with home sewing machines, buttons, fabric, and all kinds of notions.
Online classes demonstrate all kinds of sewing topics from threading the needle on a sewing machine to sewing a button hole.
Beach towels, for example, are widely available at all kinds of retailers during the summer months - even places you wouldn't normally purchase bed and bath products.
Department stores like JCPenney carry all kinds of swim trunks, including Hawaiian-style swimwear.
Promotional events are ideal for all kinds of personalized items.
Once the weather begins to warm (and sometimes, even before then), swimsuits go on display in all kinds of stores.
She uses the remote in the live casts of the show to make all kinds of noises.
The use of vitamin C given intravenously for all kinds of diseases, especially cancer is the ongoing topic of heated debate throughout the medical community.
But, like all kinds of traditions and fads, the handy electric can opener that gets installed under the counter has once again made a comeback.
Below are some websites that offer all kinds of templates for you to download and use.
Besides those versions listed above, you can find Trivial Pursuit games with all kinds of Trivial Pursuit questions to fit almost any interest.
It seems that while you may come in contact with all kinds of information daily, you ultimately miss some or retain what your subconscious wants you to retain.
PartyLite offers all kinds of candles in a variety of shapes, sizes and scents.
Oriental musk is a fragrance blend that is used in all kinds of products, including home fragrance items, scented candles, perfumes, incense, and bath and body products.
It is safe for all kinds of candle making.
While the name Fragrance Oil Suppliers suggests that scented oils are the only supplies you'll find here, this list actually incorporates sellers of all kinds of candle making supplies.
From big-box department stores to specialty home décor shops, you can find all kinds of different votive candles that are powered by batteries.
Skirts come with all kinds of decorations on them, from quilted metallic patterns to snowmen to commercial cartoon characters.
When you learn how to make your own masks, you'll have a head start on creating all kinds of costumes for dress up parties, holidays, and other special occasions.
The St. Bernard mascot costume is among the most popular around and is used for all kinds of special events, from grand openings to school functions.
Christian Dating for Free offers match making for all kinds of Christian singles, from those looking for casual friendship to the more marriage-minded Christian single.
Unlike singles chat rooms, an online chat room will legitimately have all kinds of people in it.
The author has excellent advice on how to create your profile and offers all kinds of advice for communicating online and later meeting offline.
Gay Adult Net- This site features links to all kinds of free gay sites.
He has gotten all kinds of help to coupe with his grief but is still having a very hard time.
This indicates that the site owners are less concerned with actually serving black singles and more occupied with targeting all kinds of demographics.
When you're traveling, you have to be prepared for all kinds of weather and you may find yourself stuck out in it for a while, so your bag needs to hold up well, especially if you've got a camera in there.
You can see this unisex style of bag being carried by all kinds of people - from school children and teens to busy professionals and fashionistas.