All-important Sentence Examples
His voice grew hushed, as if the all-important guests behind each door might hear him.
Douglas is in all important respects even more of a medievalist than his contemporaries; and, like Henryson and Dunbar, strictly a member of the allegorical school and a follower, in the most generous way, of Chaucer's art.
Tramway lines, which date from 1870, are to be found in all important towns.
The events of these three years taught the Labour leaders that a parliamentary party was of little practical influence unless it was able to cast on all important occasions a solid vote, and to meet the case a new method was devised.
Naturally, however, as the ideals of the members of the party are the same, the members of the Labour party will be generally found voting together on all important divisions, the chief exception being with regard to free trade or protection.
It was all-important that whatever victories Garibaldi might win should be won for the Italian kingdom, and, above all, that no ill-timed attack on the Papal States should provoke an intervention of the powers.
Outside the all-important domain of finance, the attention of Minghetti and his colleagues was principally absorbed by strife between church and state, army reform and railway redemption.
Only a few papers and works can be mentioned here, with the remark that few authors have paid attention to the all-important innervation of the muscles.
They present great diversities of size, length and thickness of fur, and coloration, although resembling each other in all important structural characters.
The writer claims to have treated his subject impartially, and though written from the narrow point of view of one to whom Monophysite "orthodoxy" was all-important, it is evidently a faithful reproduction of events as they occurred.
AdvertisementThe settlement which he thereby imposed was in many ways excellent; but it was dearly purchased by the complete ascendancy of Bonaparte in all important affairs, and by the claim for the services of a considerable contingent of Swiss troops which he thereafter rigorously enforced.
He now grouped together the princes of south and central Germany in the Confederation of the Rhine, of which he was the protector and practically the ruler in all important affairs.
In his theories the element of mystical speculation for the first time comes to the front as all-important.
In this all-important doctrine of the Sephiroth, the Kabbalah insists upon the fact that these potencies are not creations of the En Soph, which would be a diminution of strength; that they form among themselves and with the En Soph a strict unity, and simply represent different aspects of the same being, just as the different rays which proceed from the light, and which appear different things to the eye, are only different manifestations of one and the same light; that for this reason they all alike partake of the perfections of the En Soph; and that as emanations from the Infinite, the Sephiroth are infinite and perfect like the En Soph, and yet constitute the first finite things.
Whatever its causes, Darwin showed that it is all-important.
AdvertisementThe question of the mastering of this all-important lower waterway in the event of a contest with the Turks had indeed engaged the close attention of British naval and military experts some years earlier.
The enemy's light guns, aided by effective searchlights, were offering a strenuous opposition to the small craft engaged on the all-important duty of clearing the channel of submerged defences.
He accompanied the chancellor on all his journeys; was present at all the conferences that preceded and followed the war; no political secrets were hidden from him; and his hand drafted all important diplomatic documents.
The Opera del Duomo contains models and pieces of sculpture connected with the cathedral; the Etruscan and Egyptian museum, the gallery of tapestries, the Michelangelo museum, the museum of natural history and other collections are all important in different ways.
To prevent undergound intrigues, Bestuzhev now proposed the erection of a council of ministers, to settle all important affairs, and at its first session (14th-30th of March) an alliance with Austria, France and Poland against Frederick II.
AdvertisementGamaliel devoted special attention to the regulation of the rite of prayer, which after the cessation of sacrificial worship had become all-important.
The Creoles (Criallos) or American-born Spaniards had for long been aggrieved at being shut out from all important official positions, and at the restrictions placed upon their trade, but the bulk of the Creole population was not disloyal.
In the grand advance of Halleck's armies which followed Shiloh, Grant was relieved of all important duties by his assignment as second in command of the whole force, and was thought by the army at large to 'be in disgrace.
In the negotiations concerning the Peace of Utrecht, Defoe strongly supported the ministerial side, to the intense wrath of the Whigs, displayed in an attempted prosecution against some pamphlets of his on the all-important question of the succession.
Moreover the practice among Athenian settlers of acquiring land in the allied districts must have been vexatious to the allies, the more so as all important cases between Athenians and citizens of allied cities were brought to Athens.
AdvertisementTheir possession was all-important for Philip, and he set there the new city, called after him, Philippi.
Place, again, as we have seen, was an essential element even in the conception of the numen, and is therefore all-important in ritual.
Considering the important part played by the Egyptian sojourn of the Hebrews, as narrated in the Scriptures, it was certainly not an overenthusiastic prediction that the Egyptian monuments when fully investigated would divulge important references to Joseph, to Moses, and to the all-important incidents of the Exodus; but half a century of expectant attention in this direction has led only to disappointment.
Crawford's evidence was all-important, because it corroborated Mary's own account of her interviews with Darnley in Letter II.
This solid played an all-important part in the geometry and cosmology of the Greeks.
The investigation of triangles and other figures drawn upon the surface of a sphere is all-important in the sciences of astronomy, geodesy and geography.
In practice the legislature has interpreted these exceptions so freely that nearly all important laws are passed with emergency clauses.
The provisions differ considerably in detail, but in the larger schools the system is uniform in all important respects.
The one all-important fact was that he supported his great minister.
From this time forth deputies from the cities were summoned to the sejmiki on all important occasions, such, for instance, as the ratification of treaties, a right formally conceded to them by the sejmik of Radom in 1384.
It was now all-important for Caesar to secure practical irresponsibility by obtaining a military command.
The incessant change which experience brings before us, taken in conjunction with the thought of unity in productive force of nature, leads to the all-important conception of the duality, the polar opposition through which nature expresses itself in its varied products.
While nearly all important measures are brought into parliament by the ministers of the sovereign, and nominally under his instructions, the American president cannot introduce bills either directly or through his the secretary of the treasury, the secretary of war, the attorneygeneral, the postmaster-general, the secretary of the navy, the secretary of the interiorthis order to apply only to such officers as shall have been appointed by the advice and consent of the Senate.
On the other hand, the characteristic merits of the system may be summed up as consisting in the safeguards it provides against the undue predominance of any one power or person in the government, and therewith against any risk there may be that the president should become a despot, and in the full opportunities it secures for the due consideration of all important measures.
He rejected the Platonic hypothesis of forms, and affirmed that they are not separate but common, without however as yet having advanced to a constructive metaphysics of his own; while at the same time, after having at first adopted his master's dialectical treatment of metaphysical problems, he soon passed from dialogues to didactic works,, which had the result of separating metaphysics from dialectic. The all-important consequence of this first departure from Platonism was that Aristotle became and remained primarily a metaphysician.
There is a marked antagonism in nearly all important particulars between the actions of physostigmine and of atropine.
A safeguard against undue encroachment on the part of the central government was provided in the councils of the individual cities, to which all important questions of policy had to be submitted for ratification.
Elizabeth, so shamefully her inferior in personal loyalty, fidelity and gratitude, was as clearly her superior on the one all-important point of patriotism.
Practically in all important legislative measures affecting the interests of the two countries the Dutch government were able to command a small but permanent majority.
There are no elective offices, but there is an advisory board, appointed by the governor and consisting of one member from each of eleven districts; its recommendations the municipal board must seek on all important matters.
Like all important German towns, Cologne contains many fine monuments.
Their assent to all important acts of state, especially to grants of crown property, was now regarded as necessary and was conveyed by means of Willebriefe; henceforward they were not merely the advisers of the king, they were rather partners with him in the business of government.
Cement for all important work is submitted to a rigorous system of testing and analysis before it is accepted and used.
Reindeer are domesticated by the Lapps and other nationalities of northern Europe and Asia, to whom these animals are all-important.
The influence of the topography of the country on the history of its inhabitants has been all-important.
But in the case of a pupil who had passed through a good secondary school it would be as safe to rely for supplementary information under this head on the testimony of his teachers, as it is to rely on their evidence with regard to the fundamental and all-important element on which no examina- .tion supplies direct information - personal character.
In the case of white people exposure to heat of itself frequently causes heat-stroke, but probably in almost all cases of heat hyperpyrexia amongst natives the malarial complication is the exciting cause and therefore with them quinine treatment is all-important.
Luther had a high opinion of her intelligence; she took rank among those consulted on all important occasions; in one letter to her, seldom quoted, he gives the fairest statement he ever made about the views of Zwingli on the Sacrament of the Supper.
The site of Golgotha and of the the Holy Sepulchre, of the manger or of the home at Bethany, were to them of no special moment in comparison with the one all-important fact that " Christ was risen."
As for the classification of sophistical methods, so for their criticism, the testimony of Plato is all-important.
There is a special member for finance in the governorgeneral's council, and all important matters are brought before the council.
The puzzled Moslem doctors explain this fact on the ground that the Hashimites were regarded as too noble to hold ordinary administrative offices, and that they could not be spared at Medina, where their counsel was required in all important affairs.
The postmasters were charged with the task of informing the caliph of all important news in their respective countries.
As to syllogism specifically, Locke in a passage, 8 which has an obviously Cartesian ring, lays down four stages or degrees of reasoning, and points o ut that syllogism serves us in but one of these, and that not the all-important one of finding the intermediate ideas.
Distance from the ocean, situation with reference to the mountain ranges, and altitude are all important determinants of these climatic differences; but of these the last seems to be most important.
In all important matters they asked the advice and support of "wise men," sapientes, discretiores, prudentes, as a body called the credenza, while the popular assembly (parlamentum, concio, consilium generale) was the true sovereign.
In the group of the villes consulaires, comprising all important towns in the south, the executive was, as in Italy, in the hands of a body of consules, whose number in most cases rose to twelve.
In both cases no doubt remains that the all-important means of dissemination is human intercourse.
Nor were the numerous gallant attempts to capture the all-important ridge of Monte Tomba-Monfenera, which ran down from the Grappa massif to the Piave, more successful in breaking through the thin Italian lines.
The mixed type of government described by Homer - consisting of a king guided by a council of elders, and bringing all important resolutions before the assembly of the fighting men - does not seem to have been universal in Indo-European communities, but to have grown up in many different parts of the world under the stress of similar conditions.
This is all important in a newspaper office, where the margin of time between the caseroom and machine department is usually so limited, for it permits several machines being quickly equipped with duplicate sets of the same pages.
Thus Sweden, as well as Denmark, had become an absolute monarchy, but with this important difference, that the right of the Swedish people, in parliament assembled, to be consulted on all important matters was recognized and acted upon.
The Persian wives were practically all discarded and the Persian satraps removedat least from all important provinces.
From this time he was inseparably associated with Catharine in all important diplomatic affairs, though officially he was the subordinate of the vice-chancellor, Count Alexander Osterman.
Of the three divisions logic is the least important; ethics is the outcome of the whole, and historically the all-important vital element; but the foundations of the whole system are best discerned in the science of nature, which deals pre-eminently with the macrocosm and the microcosm, the universe and man, including natural theology and an anthropology or psychology, the latter forming the direct introduction to ethics.
Temperate fruits - peaches, pears, apples, apricots and small fruits - do excellently; as do all important vegetables.
An all important factor in this remarkable progress was the introduction by Koch of solid culture media, of the " platemethod," &c., an account of which he published in 1881.
There is, however, another all-important factor concerned, viz.
The action on the circulation is largely secondary, however, to the all-important action of opium on the respiratory centre in the medulla oblongata.
Egoism merely asserts that the self is all-important in the application of moral principles, and does not in any way supply the material of these principles.
It is more usual to tunnel under such channels, and the numerous Thames tunnels, the Mersey tunnel between Liverpool and Birkenhead, and the Severn tunnel, the longest in the British Islands (42 m.), on the routes from London to South Wales, and from Bristol to the north of England, are all important.
The military element was no longer all-important, and the ephebia became a sort of university for well-to-do young men of good family, whose social position has been compared with that of the Athenian "knights" of earlier times.
The same process was carried out with regard to abbacies, and indeed with all important places of ecclesiastical preferment.
The sheriff, the original president of the shire court, was gradually extruded by them from all important business.
The citizens of London welcomed him, but he was not secure of his success till by a swift swoop on Winchester he obtained possession of the royal treasurean all-important factor in a crisis, as Henry I.
He was prepared to refer all important matters to his parliament, and (as we shall see) he improved the shape of that body by reintroducing into it the borough members who had appeared for the first time in Montforts assembly of 1265.
The notion of imaginary intersections, thus presenting itself, through algebra, in geometry, must be accepted in geometry - and it in fact plays an all-important part in modern geometry.
In this speech, moreover, and in the only less powerful one of the preceding year upon American taxation, as well as in the Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol in 1777, we see the all-important truth conspicuously illustrated that half of his eloquence always comes of the thoroughness with which he gets up his case.
It is generally agreed, however, that the Iron Age, the period of civilization during which this metal played an all-important part, succeeded the ages of copper and bronze, notwithstanding the fact that the extraction of these metals required greater metallurgical skill.
In addition to agriculture, the breeding of livestock, more especially sheep, camels, horses and asses, fishing in the waters of the lower Tarim, and the transportation of merchandise are all important means of livelihood.
It is true that Bentham expressly recognizes the varying influences of climate, race, religion, government, as considerations which it is important for the legislator to take into account; but his own work of social construction was almost entirely independent of such considerations, and his school generally appear to have been convinced of their competence to solve all important ethical and political questions for human beings of all ages and countries, without regard to their specific differences.
Both in ordinary life and in the acquisition of scientific knowledge hypothesis is all-important.
They did not, as is often but loosely said, create economic prosperity; but they did prop it, in an all-important field, with order, hope and confidence.
As a rule, the petrified remains, all-important for the revelation of structure, are fragmentary, and give little idea of the habit or external characters of the plants from which they were derived.
In these general works references to all important memoirs will be found.
Since 1896 an indispensable guide is the periodical review Kantstudien (Hamburg and Berlin, thrice yearly), edited by Hans Vaihinger and Bruno Bauch, which contains admirable original articles and notices of all important books on Kant and Kantianism.
Having loads of money isn't a huge advantage and the product's not all-important at first.
Determination and a strong focus are therefore all-important attributes.
Few can so easily take a minor matter and through their enthusiasm make it seem so all-important.
Managing information or creating new products has become all-important.
The all important shutter lag is almost non-existent when pre-focused and only 1/10 of a second including autofocus.
We traditionally have a Christmas dinner, and a summer Bar-B-Que - not forgetting the all-important party after each production.
We frequently need to consider all-important issues such as planning and rights of light and other essential easements.
When their reputations are all-important, corporations can't carry on as private fiefdoms with no obligations other than to the capital markets.
Each unit is seriously over-engineered with generous headroom in all important areas.
If Banjo brings her enough Hollow Honeycombs, this potential lifesaver will work her magic on that all-important health bar.
Visually Warrior Within is also quite murky, making it all the more difficult to see that all-important ledge or pole.
The number 7 is also an all-important factor in the lunar mythos, with its twenty-eight days to the month.
The feel good factor is absorbing the Abbey Stadium at the moment as the all-important league run-in continues.
This discipline is all-important, and is the special business of the governors.
The spectroscope has played an all-important part in the characterization of the elements, which, in combination with oxygen, constitute the group of substances collectively named the " rare earths."
With other radical Republicans Davis was a bitter opponent of Lincoln's plan for the reconstruction of the southern states, and on the 15th of February 1864 he reported from committee a bill placing the process of reconstruction under the control of Congress, and stipulating that the Confederate states, before resuming their former status in the Union, must disfranchise all important civil and military officers of the Confederacy, abolish slavery, and repudiate all debts incurred by or with the sanction of the Confederate government.
And Croesus was so amazed that he endowed the Oracle at Delphi with all kinds of gifts and planned to run all-important questions by this oracle.
I considered this suggestion carefully, then I told Mr. Rhoades that I should be proud and glad to have wise friends to whom I could always turn for advice in all important matters.
There is nothing certain, nothing at all except the unimportance of everything I understand, and the greatness of something incomprehensible but all-important.
Amidst a pile of boxes, we scrabbled to find televisions, computers and the all-important cables to connect everything up.
The talks are all important in themselves and substantive in nature.
There 's no better way to revise for those all-important A-level language exams than on one of our courses, tailor-made for A-level students !
These are all important questions that you should ask yourself before you purchase a stroller.
These are all important and essential building blocks for your baby's self esteem, social development, and verbal development.
Whether it is bathing or changing a dirty diaper, that all important newborn care is being delivered, and the bonding is already happening.
Knowing what types of guns are available, the accessories you need, and safety procedures you should take are all important in purchasing a roofing nail gun.
Fuels such as solar power, bio fuels and wind power are all important alternatives.
And still others like flax are best known as extracts like flax seed oil, a plant-based source of the all important fatty acids.
Whether your living room is formal or casual in style, the living room furniture helps set the tone for this all important room.
To achieve this look, stick to what you know, but add a few extra little touches for that all important wow-factor.
Shipping costs, minimum purchases, packaging options are all important pieces of the business puzzle.
Once you've settled the all-important matter of what to wear and splurged on a gorgeous dress, stylish pair of heels, and all the right accessories, you're ready to focus on makeup.
Factor in the all-important hair and makeup morning ritual and you can pretty much guarantee no one will see your face until, oh, right around lunchtime.
Its components, including the all-important pro-vitamin B5, are the same.
Customer service, good dispute resolution and ease of play are all important things to look for.
In doing so, you would have a player who can score as well as a rebound, assist and steal -- all important stats in fantasy basketball.
Choose your mission, your campaign and those all-important weapons.
One of the most important ideas in the philosophy of Creative Memories is that the past, present, and future are all important and deserve attention.
For the all-important prom dress, Rodarte is a great source.
Young Jeezy has stated in various interviews how important it is for him to maintain his, but, didn't he supposedly "earn" this all important street cred before he became successful?
Appearance, functionality, and durability are all important factors in choosing toddler clothing.
What you should think about first is the all-important accessory of the tie.
These are all important questions to be answered, and you may even be able to think of more.
This is an all-important task in the raising of a family-friendly pet, and it's a critical step in obedience training.
This site has tons of resources for Christian musicians of all sorts, including those all important guitar chords.
Guitar Music Tabs - Guitar Music Tabs has a diverse collection of tabs, including the all-important "Smoke on the Water".
Luckily, a great system of notation called tablature, or tabs for short, has been developed that allows novice guitarists with no musical training to conquer this all important step.
Drawn designs, color swatches, and accurate measurements are all important to ensure you get the piece of jewelry of your dreams.
The most important thing to focus on - besides the all-important price factor, that is - is fit.
They also provide an excellent source of all important nutrients needed by the body.
Once you've chosen the all-important dress, you can finish the look to perfection with the right accessories.
This can keep alive the all-important element of tease, which adds to the romantic fun.
Things like cardiovascular heath, improving strength and flexibility, and balance are all important.
That said, these Jewel Quest chain reactions can cause some frustration, especially if you're working on a particular tile only to have an unexpected disappearance take away that all important gleaming skull, for example.
If you don't you will find that the Champagne you served to your first guests will be a bit warm and a bit flat by the time you reach your last guest and the all important toast.
Good nutrition, proper sleep, exercise, and family support are all important to a healthy mental state, particularly in children.
These are all important things to consider before you start showing off your planned moves.
Remember that not all mortgages are created equal, especially when it comes to the all important interest rate.
Your suit choice really depends on how far you dare to go, and how much sun exposure you think you can stand, but the defining element of any thong rests with that all important bottom piece.
While swimsuit designers know that women love a good white suit, it's also understood that the fabric and lining are all-important.
It offers the all-important UPF 50 sun protection, dries fast, has a front line for better coverage and stays in place.
A rash guard hoodie will also cover the all-important neck, which is too easily neglected and prone to burning.
Accessories (including the all-important treat bag) should be attached in such a way that they do not distract your child from walking or pose a risk of injury if your child falls on them.
As for the all-important mask, you can either paint your face or find instructions for making a mask.
These are all important and worth remembering.Rejection hurts.
While these are all-important ways to get to know other people online, they get tiresome to fill out.
These are all important parts of a person's identity, but there aren't really any places in the profiles of these standardized dating sites to list them.
Then, that all-important kiss is sure to follow.
As with any diamond, the four Cs are all important for judging diamond quality, but because a champagne gem's value hinges on its color, that is the most valuable characteristic.
No matter how a proposal is staged, however, the most important part of it is that it represents the love and devotion of two people ready to spend their lives together fulfilling the answer to that all important question.
Even while the timing and setup of this all important question may be a surprise, the idea of a marital commitment should never be a surprise for the prospective bride-to-be.
This popular style is only second to the round cut brilliant when it comes to styles to order for that all important proposal day.
Sturdy handles and straps (if necessary for your needs), a comfortable lining and a thick exterior are all important features of any high-quality laptop holder.
Here, because numerology is all about math, the all important birth date is reduced to a number, or a series of numbers, that deals with personality, "destiny" and the like.
Luckily, there are several reputable online sites one can visit to get that all important question answered.
Not only will your little girl feel a big part of the planning and construction of the home, she'll always have a say in the all important decorating, while you can save a handful of cash.
That all-important first pair of shoes should be soft enough for the foot to flex, and for the baby to feel the ground under him/her.
These traits are all important since the sport requires the player to move constantly and often quickly.
Many car buyers skip the all-important task - the test-drive.
Furthermore, since unsaturated fats and complex carbohydrates are essential macronutrients for obtaining the all-important balanced food equation, these are constant ingredients found in zone recipes as well.
When working out your abdominal muscles, performing lower ab crunches can help you to avoid neglecting this all-important part of your core muscle group.
Help to keep your shoulder region healthy by performing these all-important stretches regularly.
Knowing how to ask for directions, how to ask how much something is, or asking the way to the nearest bathroom are all important phrases to know.
All agree that finding your best adhesive is a matter of trial and error and the fabric, usage and your skin type are all important factors.
It wasn't comfortable, but it gave support and protected a woman's modesty and all-important reputation.
They also have the all-important fly opening.
They aim to help up-and-coming song writers better their skills and make those all-important contacts.
The song hit number one in the music charts in several countries, including the all important US Billboard Top 40 Chart, and ranked in the top five in several other countries, including the UK and Ireland.
That means that you can navigate to the likes of People and Us Weekly after Survivor airs and find out who lost the all-important vote.
It doesn't matter what your skin type might be; it is simply crucial to apply this all-important product whenever you head outdoors.
The final and all-important act of selection from among these men was, however, to be made by a personage, styled the proclamateur-electeur, who chose all the important functionaries, and, conjointly with the notabilities of the nation, chose the members for the Council of State (wielding the chief executive powers), the Tribunate and the Senate.