All-but Sentence Examples
Wrapping his arms around her in a bear hug, he all but dragged her down the hall.
She all but jumped away.
All her dreams had been dashed - all but one.
She all but fell with him into the car.
The group trudged upstairs, all but Quinn who remained with his equipment.
Now I would muddy the waters even more by contacting Daniel Brennan, another fact I planned to withhold from all but my wife.
I assure you, I have managed to contact all but three and if I located them I would get down on my knees before them and beg forgiveness, just like I've done with the others .
She unfastened the seatbelt, all but falling into the street as he yanked her out.
The Watcher all but spat the words.
She all but staggered into her bathroom.
AdvertisementShe all but snatched her hand away, overwhelmed at the images in her head.
Katie all but shouted.
Damian saw him and bought the herd of them, freeing all but him.
Bianca's cool magic ran through his body, repairing all but his exhaustion.
He was too weak to stand, and yet he all but promised to find her.
AdvertisementOr, I can cancel, and we can live out the—" "No, thanks," she said, standing and all but bolting out of his suite.
Stop Claire, Darian all but demanded.
The supermodel all but bolted from the midst of the male forest around her.
After a nod of her head, Paulette's hand shot up and the auctioneer all but cheered as he looked about for another sucker, his voice sounding like an old Lucky Strike commercial.
They'd traveled several hundred yards when Dean saw it, nearly covered by brush and invisible from all but a few feet away.
AdvertisementHe started to say something but both of the accompanying officers all but pushed him out the door.
Lydia did all but ignore Cynthia who in turn was equally cool to the visitor.
She's immune to all but the most ancient of us.
He all but dragged her through one of the glowing doorways before she vomited.
Most…well, all but you come from the elitist circles of their times.
AdvertisementRhyn, whose large hands all but swallowed the tea cup, had made an attempt to be civilized.
He all but dragged the healer to Kris.s room, found it empty, then went to Katie.s chamber.
Cynically, he suspected all but Kiki would choose the demons.
She turned and all but fled the rooftop, cursing herself for her weakness and the tears in her eyes.
Jade stopped and crouched, all but flinging Iliana.s body down.
At the age of fourteen sun-cycles, before he reached manhood, he had lost all but his sisters, been proclaimed dhjan of a planet he couldn't even visit, and made battle commander of a war he knew nothing of.
He rose and hauled her to her feet, all but dragging her into the hall.
Besides, by noon the sun would have cleared all but the most shaded roadways.
However, winter locked the mountain jeep roads beneath yards of snow for all but a few short summer weeks.
It snowed for the entire trip, but all but a few other drivers had the sense to remain home for the last fifty miles.
Lana jumped over him and squeezed between two boulders, all but flinging herself towards the object.
She all but dropped into the commo sector chair and issued mayday calls on the emergency net.
Her shapely body was all but exposed.
He'd all but rejected her deal to sleep with him and wasn't about to hand her equipment over to her.
I guess she wouldn't play this morning at all but changed her mind this afternoon.
We've all but taken over the military and have people in all levels of government.
Hands over her ears, she took a deep breath and hurried up them, all but flinging herself into the arms of an awaiting rebel soldier.
She stood on wobbly legs and all but dragged Toby to his feet.
Jeff used to jog and all but he got a bum knee.
The Wassermann twins, sainted boys according to the stilted account, had been all but ignored, according to the writer, Linda Segal, a name Dean didn't recognize.
He called all but Visa.
They all had a good laugh over that too, all but Dean.
Norfolk had all but ceased trying to locate the ex-World Wide employee, but Dean still considered him a missing piece in the puzzle and wanted to talk to the man.
She moved into his embrace in a non-verbal response that pushed all but one thought from her mind.
Her hair was short and curly, too, unlike the blond, blue-eyed father that'd all but raped Jenn on their mating night.
Jonny was all but immune to them.
Yully cried from the second floor, where she all but hung over the railing.
She'd never forget he chose it to save her, just as she'd never forget how much she loved the little brother she'd all but raised.
Awareness filled and overwhelmed her senses, blinding her to all but instinct and the sound of her breathing.
He all but dragged her through the quiet, stinking roads of Corcoran, seething, oblivious to the wooden huts lining the muddied street on each side of them.
The northern territories had been all but cut off, but the southern routes - -where most of her army was ineffectively positioned - -were open.
Fatigued, she carefully sealed it and returned all but the bladder to the hiding spot behind the trunks.
Taran all but spat the words.
The chamber's drapes were drawn, extinguishing all but enough light to see.
Hilden barked, all but tearing the bow from Taran's shoulder.
Four steps in, the stone bottom dropped out from under him, and he all but dropped her into the depths of the Springs.
Ingrid all but bolted out of the bar.
She listened to the next two messages, also from Laurie, and all but dropped the phone.
Accustomed to the teens' all but shredding their clothes, she instinctively reached for the stain to feel if it was wet.
She all but fled up the stairs to the kitchen, heading towards the iPad.
She all but threw the last of the pillows into place.
Toni's body was all but molded around his midsection.
Brandon was all but clinging to his cousin, whose gray eyes were taking in the group uneasily.
Only when they were all but surrounded did he release her.
It will be noticed that the difference between the greatest and least hourly values is, in all but three winter months, actually larger than the mean value of the potential gradient for the day; it bears to the range of the regular diurnal inequality a ratio varying from 2.0 in May to 3.6 in November.
Many milestones belonging to the road from Carales to Olbia have been found, but all but one of them (which was seen at Valentia) belong to the portion of the road within 12 m.
Against this work and the Ethics of Spinoza the orthodox Cartesians (who were in the majority), no less than sceptical hangers-on like Bayle, raised an all but universal howl of reprobation, scarcely broken for about a century.
Organs used to be regarded as contrary to New Testament example, but their use is now all but universal.
The ministers with all but absolute unanimity decided to commute their life-interest and form therewith a great fund for the support of the Church.
Battles became all but bloodless; diplomacy and tactics superseded feats of arms and hard blows in pitched fields.
The new Genoese republic, French in all but name, was renamed the Ligurian Republic.
Toselli and all but three officers and 300 men fell at their posts after a desperate resistance.
The last great undertaking in which he was employed was the revision of his codification of the canon law, which had been all but completed before the death of Henry.
The moral training which he received from his grandfather and his mother must have been all but perfect.
In all but the very simplest forms the plant-body is built up of a number of these cells, associated in more or less definite ways.
Fagus, starting from the northern hemisphere, has more than held its own in Europe and Asia, but has all but died out in North America, finding conditions favorable for a fresh start in Australasia.
When we come to consider the moral quality of the act of prayer, this contrast between the spirit of public and private religion is fundamental for all but the most advanced forms of cult.
When the tradition of speaking French had all but died out, the practice was revived by fashion.
At the same time the Senate interpreted the law so as to exclude all but heads of families actually engaged in farming from the vote for the Duma.
The rising of the Strelitsi in 1682 all but gave them the victory; the crushing of the rising relegated them definitely to the status of schismatics.
It was clear that the system with which the murdered minister's name had been associated stood all but universally condemned, and in the appointment of the conciliatory Prince Sviatopolk-Mirski as his successor the tsar himself seemed to concede the necessity for a change of policy.
The Duma endorsed this all but unanimously, and as the result the Grand-dukes Peter and Sergius resigned their posts of inspector-general of Engineers and Ordnance respectively, and the Grand-duke Nicholas his chairmanship of the Committee of National Defence.
As an international force Russia had been, of course, all but completely crippled by the outcome of the Japanese War and the subsequent revolution.
This number does not include suicides and attempts at suicide, of which there were 333, all but 24 being successful.
From that time until the Reformation the Christian sacrifice was all but universally regarded as the offering of the body and blood of Christ.
Mommsen (Unteritalische Dialekten, p. 345) pointed out that in the social war all the coins of Pompaedius Silo have the Latin legend "Italia," while the other leaders in all but one case used Oscan.
Finally, the traditional circulus and titulus seem all but forgotten, the whole front and back surfaces of the mitre being ornamented with embroidered pictures or with arabesque patterns.
Because in physical science there is all but complete agreement in opinion.
The promulgation of the Concordat (18th of April 1802) and the institution of what was in all but name a state religion tended strongly in the same direction, the authority of the priests being generally used in support of the man to whom Chateaubriand applied the epithet "restorer of the altars."
As for the neighbouring land, Piedmont, it was already French in all but name.
To continue the strife when Wellington was firmly established on the line of the Garonne, and Lyons and Bordeaux had hoisted the Bourbonfleur de lys, was seen by all but Napoleon to be sheer madness; but it needed the pressure of his marshals in painful interviews at Fontainebleau to bring him to reason.
In all but name he was a prisoner of Great Britain, and he knew it.
By the end of 1914, the entrances of Scapa Flow had been adequately protected, facilities for carrying out all but the most serious repairs were installed, and Scapa Flow gradually assumed the aspect of a great naval station, which it retained to the end of the war.
The Ray Society had the good fortune to obtain the ten original copper-plates, all but one drawn by the author himself, wherewith the work was illustrated.
Cox, the Democratic nominee, also from Ohio; he carried, generally by immense majorities, all the northern states and all but one of the states on the border between North and South, and he cut down materially the Democratic majorities in the South.
Distinct from all these courts, if similar in its sphere, is the court which the Italian quarter generally enjoyed in each town under its own consuls - a court privileged to try all but the graver cases, like murder, theft and forgery.
Here was a crusader against whom a Crusade was proclaimed in his own territories; and when he arrived in the Holy Land he found little obedience and many insults from all but his own immediate followers.
It is necessary to dwell at length upon Poggio's devotion to the task of recovering the classics, and upon his disengagement from all but humanistic interests, because these were the most marked feature of his character and career.
By 1901 all but $2671700 of the issue of 1871 had been retired and this amount was then refunded with 3% 50 year bonds which were taken by the Educational Fund.
But a strong sentiment against removal suddenly developed, and the efforts of the United States to enforce the treaty brought on the Seminole War (1836-42), which resulted in the removal of all but a few hundred Seminoles whose descendants still live in southern Florida.
Final k and h are all but suppressed in the utterance.
John Thornton and Thomas Scott helped him to secure supplies from the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge from 1787 to 1789, when the stock became all but exhausted.
He was left free to tyrannize over his Christian subjects, a king in all but name.
Again war all but broke out; but, through the intervention of France, a treaty of partition was signed at Constantinople on the 23rd of June 1724, whereby the shores of the Caspian from the junction of the Kur and the Arras (Araxes) northwards should belong to Russia, while the western provinces of Persia should fall to the share of Turkey.
The main body were between Weimar and Apolda during the 12th, and the Saxons duly effected their junction with Hohenlohe in the vicinity of Vierzehnheiligen, whilst the latter had withdrawn his troops all but some outposts from Jena to the plateau about Capellendorf, some 4 m.
Yet even so the want of complete documentary evidence upon which to base conclusions has vitiated all but the most recent of the countless monographs and histories that have appeared on the subject.
He announced his intention "to follow in the footsteps of his illustrious predecessor," took over all but one of Jackson's cabinet, and met with statesmanlike firmness the commercial crisis of 1837, already prepared for before he took office.
On the other hand, teachers connected with Palestine, and familiar with the Hebrew canon, rigidly exclude all but the books contained there.
As a rule denudation, which has acted on a magnificent scale, has removed all but a few hundred feet of the basement beds.
The Russians were by this time well on their way to the Theiss, and the terrible girdle which was to throttle the liberties of Hungary was all but completed.
The Romans, who succeeded the Greeks as the chief civilized power in Europe, failed to set store on their literary and scientific treasures; mathematics was all but neglected; and beyond a few improvements in arithmetical computations, there are no material advances to be recorded.
In Europe the decline of Rome was succeeded by a period, lasting several centuries, during which the sciences and arts were all but neglected.
The Radicals of Serbia being conservative in all but name, made a working alliance with the clericals of Zagreb and Ljubljana, and under the leadership of Protic favoured decentralization, combined with concessions to the expropriated landowners.
In that year the government sanctioned the building of a " steam tramway " - a railway in all but name - from the Boksburg collieries to the Rand gold mines.
The objections raised were (i) the costliness of the instruments employed and their liability to get out of order; (2) the need for specially instructed measurers, men of superior education; (3) the errors that frequently crept in when carrying out the processes and were all but irremediable.
At such pressures all but the strongest rocks will be strained beyond their limit of elasticity.
This drew all the children after him and he led them out of the town to the Koppelberg hill, in the side of which a door suddenly opened, by which he entered and the children after him, all but one who was lame and could not follow fast enough to reach the door before it shut again.
A scrupulous insistence on making his meaning clear led to an iteration of certain adjectives and adverbs, which at length deadened the effect beyond the endurance of all but the most resolute students.
This volcano is all but extinct.
Bentinck (1828-1835) took vigorous steps in this matter that the system was gradually unmasked, and finally all but stamped out.
A rectangular trough of boards, whose dimensions depend chiefly on the size of the planks available, is set up on the higher part of the ground at one side of the claim to be worked, upon trestles or piers of rough stone-work, at such an inclination that the stream may carry off all but the largest stones, which are kept back by a grating of boards about 2 in.
Not one of the Lennox documents is dated; all but one are endorsed in an English hand of the period.
The northern extremity of New Guinea is all but severed from the mainland by the deep MacCluer Inlet, running eastwards towards Geelvink Bay which deeply indents the northern coast.
The bishop of Rome, who enjoys a unique title, that of " pope," may annul the decrees of all other powers, since he judges all but is judged by none.
During the war all but twelve small townships raised troops in excess of every call, the excess throughout the state amounting in all to more than 15,000 men; while the total recruits to the Federal army (including re-enlistments) numbered, according to the adjutantgeneral of the state, 159,165 men, of which less than 7000 were raised by draft.
Occasional references to the celebrated musician in the works of his contemporaries are, however, by no means rare, and from these it may be conjectured with all but absolute certainty that Guido was born in the last decade of the 10th century.
The last-named species spends most of its time in water, where it may be observed not infrequently among the reeds with all but its head and horns submerged.
The hope of advancing from Chatalja and relieving Adrianople - of in fact changing the whole course of the war - was sufficient to prevent all but small concessions on the part of the Turkish Government.
Yet Christian orthodoxy, which itself has, all but uniformly, understood this passage of the spiritual radiation throughout the world of the Word before His incarnation, has been aided towards such breadth as to the past by the Johannine outlook into the future.
In 1829 she was crippled by a serious fall, and was all but blind before her death in 1836.
The College of New Jersey, now Princeton University, was situated here from 1747 to 1756, for all but the first few months under the presidency of the Rev. Aaron Burr, who published in 1752 the well-known Newark Grammar, long used in Princeton and originally prepared for Burr's very successful boys' school in Newark.
Robert now resolved to employ Roger's genius in reducing Sicily, which contained, besides the Moslems, numerous Greek Christians subject to Arab princes who had become all but independent of the sultan of Tunis.
His statesmanship, as judged from his acts, was all but flawless, and he was certainly one of the greatest of the medieval diplomatists.
Three years after his defeat at Beresteczko, Chmielnicki, finding himself unable to cope with the Poles single-handed, very reluctantly transferred his allegiance to the tsar, and the same year the tsar's armies invaded Poland, still bleeding from the all but mortal wounds inflicted on her by the Cossacks.
From Arkona Absalon proceeded by sea to Garz, in south Rugen, the political capital of the Wends, and an all but impregnable stronghold.
The Anomopoda are arranged in four families, all but one very extensive.
He all but completed the cathedral which his predecessor, William of St Carilef, had begun; fortified Durham; built Norham Castle; founded the priory of Mottisfout and endowed the college of Christchurch, Hampshire.
When the three provinces sent in their first contingent of conscripts in 1877, it was found that all but about sixty knew how to read and write, and succeeding contingents have kept up this high standard.
During the last years of his life Briggs devoted himself to the calculation of logarithmic sines, &c. and at the time of his death in 1631 he had all but completed a logarithmic canon to every hundredth of a degree.
It is further related by the Mexican historians that the Toltec nation all but perished in the 11th century by years of drought, famine and.
The promise of a constitution, which in the excitement of the War of Liberation he had made to his people, remained unfulfilled partly owing to this mental attitude, partly, however, to the all but insuperable difficulties in the way of its execution.
Within the state are also sixteen orphan asylums, and though these are private institutions, in all but one of them children are boarded at county or city expense.
Immediately before the revolution of February he went to all but the greatest lengths, and when it broke out he and Odillon Barrot were summoned by the king; but it was too late.
In all but a few places where their relations are known, the Proterozoic rocks are unconformable beneath the Palaeozoic Where conformity exists the separation is made on the basis of fossils, it having been agreed that the oldest rocks carrying the Olenellus fauna are to be regarded as the base of the Cambrian system.
The buildings, with some exceptions, seem to have been of one story only, and all but the church were probably erected of wood.
Like all casuists, he took for granted that morality was a recondite science, beyond the reach of all but the learned.
In 1900 the total population was 129,237, all but wholly German-speaking and Romanist.
The characteristic organs of Mollusca are the mantle and shell, the foot, the ctenidia and the radula, of which all but the last are external.
Hence the apparent reversals so frequently observed in the centre of a widened line may not be reversals at all but due to a reduction in luminosity.
Of these the most important is cause, of which his theory, in short, is that by this a priori category and the process of reason we go on from sequence to consequence; first stating that an effect may be caused by several alternatives, then negating all but one, next concluding that this one as sufficient reason is cause, and finally attaining the necessity of the causal nexus by converting causality into identity, e.g.
Edward was king in all but name for some years before the death of his father, by whom he was alternately suspected and adored.
But it varies much in form and scaling, and some most aberrant varieties have been fixed by artificial selection, the principal being the king-carp or mirror-carp, in which the scales are enlarged and reduced in number, forming more or less regular longitudinal series on the sides, and the leather-carp, in which the scales have all but disappeared, the fish being covered with a thick, leathery skin.
Off the eastern coast lie the islands of Graemsay, Cava, Risa, Fara, Flotta and Switha, while the peninsula of South Walls, forming the southern side of the harbour of Long Hope, is an island in all but name.
Thence it has spread to all parts of the world, driving out the house-haunting species everywhere, as it has in England all but exterminated the black rat.
In one of these (Heteronotus trinodosus), the dorsal area of the forepart of the thorax is developed into a plate which projects backwards over the body of the insect, which retains its normal form, and conceals all but the head, wings and, legs.
The significance of this phenomenon, as already stated, was first explained by Fritz Milller; but although the term " Mullerian mimicry " has been assigned to this and similar instances, they are not strictly speaking cases of mimicry at all but of warning coloration.
The famous correspondence produced next year in evidence against her at the conference of York may have been, as her partisans affirm, so craftily garbled and falsified by interpolation, suppression, perversion, or absolute forgery as to be all but historically worthless.
In the Eastern Alps the political history is almost monotonous, for it relates simply to the advance or retreat of the house of Habsburg, which still holds all but the whole of the northern portion (the exception is the small bit in the north-west that belongs to Bavaria) of that region.
It was by the members of these clubs (and a few others) that the minute exploration (now all but complete) of the High Alps was carried out, while much has been done in the way of building club huts, organizing and training guides, &c., to smooth the way for later corners, who benefit too by the detailed information published in the periodicals (the first dates from 1863 only) issued by these clubs.
The members of the typical genus have the lower jaw so articulated to the upper, by means of a transverse condyle firmly locked into a long cavity of the cranium, that dislocation of the jaw is all but impossible, and this enables those creatures to maintain their hold with the utmost tenacity.
Indeed Timur's raid was of service to the Russian prince as it all but wiped out the Golden Horde, which for the next twelve years was in a state of anarchy.
Some way below Bellegarde, between Le Parc and Pyrimont, the Rhone becomes officially "navigable," though as far as Lyons the navigation now consists all but wholly of the floating of flat-bottomed boats, named g igues, laden chiefly with stone quarried from the banks of the river.
On the other hand, he made it appear all but certain that Vico's comet was the same with one seen by Philippe de Lahire in 1678.
The same intolerance that ruined the university all but ruined the city too.
She received the prophet with hospitality, sharing with him her all but exhausted store, in faith of his promise in the name of the God of Israel that the supply would not fail so long as the drought lasted.
The same character of elaborate decoration, guided almost uniformly by good taste and artistic feeling, is displayed in the mosaic pavements, which in all but the humbler class of houses frequently form the ornament of their floors.
Prussia thus made a bid for the sympathy of the democracy at the same time as she declared war against the dynasties; and her power was revealed by the fact that her veto was sufficient to wreck a proposal seconded by the all but unanimous vote of the German sovereigns.
Meanwhile a Prussian envoy had again been appointed at the Vatican; all but three of the vacant bishoprics were filled by agreement between the pope and the king, and the sequestrated revenues were restored.
On the 4th of March the constitution was published; but it proved all but as distasteful to Czechs and Croats as to the Magyars, and the speedy successes of the Hungarian arms made it, for the while, a dead letter.
Before the first war his home power was all but overthrown; he was besieged in Syracuse itself Jfls war ' 'with in 403; but he lived through the storm, and extended his dominion over Naxos, Catana and Leontini.
Between invasion and home discontent, the tyrant was all but lost; but the Spartan Pharacidas stood his friend; the Carthaginians again suffered from pestilence in the marshes of Lysimelia; and after a masterly combined attack by land and sea by Dionysius Himilco went away utterly defeated, taking with him his Carthaginian troops and forsaking his allies.
Meanwhile Syracuse, all but lost, had driven back Hamilcar, and had taken him prisoner in an unsuccessful attack on Euryelus, and slain him when he came again with the help of the Syracusan exile Deinocrates.
He all but drove them to the surrender of Messana; he even helped Rome to chastise her own rebels at Rhegium.
It was based mainly on the MS. called G above, and is the chief source of our knowledge of that MS. which perished, all but three leaves, in the Cottonian fire of 1723.
In Ireland, where the long barrow form is all but unknown, the round barrow or chambered cairn prevailed from the earliest Pagan period till the introduction of Christianity.
This part of the subject, with which he was most competent to deal, was all but completed at the time of his death.
The first parliament (1661-1663), under Middleton, was obsequious enough to grant the king £40,000 annually, to abolish the covenants and to rescind all but the private legislation of the revolutionary years (1638-1660).
In all but the largest establishments the kennel huntsman is generally called the "feeder."
They are subjected to incredible abuses under Spanish colonial rule, their numbers being reduced to a fraction of the former population, and even yet they are subjected to a kind of debt-bondage which is slavery in all but the name.
Of these totals, all but £127,532 of the imports and £441,679 of the exports passed through the port of Guayaquil.
The absurdity of excluding the plebeians from all but a merely theoretical citizenship, based on the negative fact of freedom, seems to have become apparent before the close of the monarchical period.
About sixteen such chambers were combined in such manner that the fresh gas passed into that chamber which had been the longest time at work and in which the bleaching-powder was nearly finished, and so forth until the gas, now all but entirely exhausted, reached the last-filled chamber in which it met with fresh lime and there gave up the last of the chlorine.
On discovering in 1863 that a French shipbuilder, with the connivance of Napoleon III., was constructing two formidable iron-clads and two corvettes for the use of the Confederacy, he devoted his energies to thwarting this scheme, and succeeded in preventing the delivery of all but one of these vessels to the Confederate agents.
Of the total number of 2,195,339 Sikhs all but 64,352 are found in the Punjab, and two-thirds of the remainder are in the United Provinces and Kashmir which adjoin it.
Of the 9,476,759 enumerated in the census of 1901 all but some three hundred thousand were in Burma.
The Parsees, though influential and wealthy, are a very small community, numbering only 94,000, of whom all but 7000 are found in Bombay.
Nay, even the use of letters at all suggests that the sort of analysis that actually breaks up its subject-matter is universally or all but universally applicable in nature, and this is not the case.
In 1901 the total number of Parsees in all India was 94,000, of whom all but 7000 were found in the Bombay presidency and the adjoining state of Baroda, the rest being widely scattered as traders in the large towns.
The state bonded debt in 1907 amounted to three and a half million dollars, of which all but $767,529.03 was represented by bonds purchased by the state and held for the school and university funds; for the common school fund on the 1st of July 1907 there were held bonds for $4, 8 9 0, 95 0, and $800,000 in cash available for investment; for the university fund there were held $751,000 in state bonds, and a large amount in other securities.
The general tendency of constitutional development in Venice henceforward ran in an exactly opposite direction to that of all other Italian cities towards a growing restriction of popular rights, until in 1296 the great council was for all future time closed to all but the descendants of a limited number of noble families, whose names were in that year entered in the Golden Book.
Yet it was a task all but impossible to preserve this appearance of unanimity in view of the divergent views within the concert.
When the empire became Christian in the 4th century, the notion of a kingdom of Christ on earth to be introduced by a great struggle all but disappeared, remaining only as the faith of obscure groups.
Belief in mysterious powers attached to food, feasts, ceremonial rites and sacred things is all but universal.
It is in favour of the theory that it spread by some means from Holland that plague had been all but extinct in London for some seventeen years, and prevailed in Holland in 1663-1664.
In spite of these admonitions all but a few instrument makers have continued to make the vicious type of instrument consisting of a pair of gold-leaves suspended within a glass shade or bottle, no means being provided for keeping the walls of the vessel continually at zero potential.
When all but Beowulf are asleep, Grendel enters, the iron-barred doors having yielded in a moment to his hand.
The fight begins; Beowulf is all but overpowered, and the sight is so terrible that his men, all but one, seek safety in flight.
It can hardly be doubted that this custom has been largely responsible for the crime of female infanticide, formerly so prevalent in India; as it also probably is to some extent for infant marriages, still too common in some parts of India, especially Bengal; and even for the all but universal repugnance to the re-marriage of widows, even when these had been married in early childhood and had never joined their husbands.
What it did make impossible for him was to attain that union immediately on the cessation of his present life, as he would first have to pass through higher and purer stages of mundane existence before reaching that goal; but in this respect he only shared the lot of all but a very few of the saintliest in the higher spheres of life, since the ordinary twice-born would be liable to sink, after his present life, to grades yet lower than that of the Sudra.
In all but a few of the minor groups religious fervour is only too apt to degenerate into that very state of sexual excitation which devotional exercises should surely tend to repress.
The exceptional cases are, first, Ireland and Norway, with their emigrating tendencies; then Spain, where the returns have probably to be discounted for improved registration, and France, where the population is all but stationary.
Dr Sundbarg's returns give about 28 millions as the number which left Europe by sea during the 19th century, of whom all but 4 millions emigrated during the last' half of that period.
Yet for all this it would long ago have been extirpated there, and have ceased to be a British bird in all but name, but for the special protection afforded it by several members of two families (Edmonston and Scott of Melby), long before it was protected by modern legislation.
To escape from these preoccupations and prejudices except upon the path of conscious and deliberate sin was impossible for all but minds of rarest quality and courage; and these were too often reduced to the recantation of their supposed errors no less by some secret clinging sense of guilt than by the church's iron hand.
The other additional phenomena he observed finally contributed an all but conclusive proof of the truth of Maxwell's views.
The first blow occupies about 25 minutes, and oxidizes all but a small quantity of the iron and some of the sulphur, raising the product to white metal.
Even the glories of the Achaemenid Empire faded rapidly, and all but completely, from recollection; so also the conquest of Alexander, and the Hellenistic and Parthian eras.
The Sassanid ruler is the representative of the Kingly Majesty, derived from Ormuzd, which appears in the Avesla as the angel Kavaem Hvareno, the royal glory, and, according to legend, once beamed in the Iranian kings, unattainable to all but those of royal blood.
This all but led to a new war; but in 374 Valens sacrificed Pap and, had him killed in Tarsus.
In 370 Agesilaus tried to restore Spartan prestige by an invasion of Mantinean territory, and his prudence and heroism saved Sparta when her enemies, led by Epaminondas, penetrated Laconia that same year, and again in 362 when they all but succeeded in seizing the city by a rapid and unexpected march.
On the sudden death of Potemkin he was despatched to Jassy to prevent the peace congress there from breaking up, and succeeded, in the face of all but insuperable difficulties, in concluding a treaty exceedingly advantageous to Russia (9th of January 17 9 2).
The Cape of Good Hope subsequently " became not a colony of the Republic of the United Provinces, but a dependency of the ` Netherlands Chartered General East India Company ' for mercantile purposes; and to this fact principally can be traced the slow progress, in all but extension of territory, of a country which was settled by Europeans within thirty years of the time when the Pilgrim Fathers, the founders of a mighty empire, landed at Plymouth to plant democratic institutions and European civilization in the West."
But it may be doubted if this suzerainty was ever complete, or could be maintained at all but for the assistance of the British government.
The death of Fox, who became foreign secretary and leader of the House of Commons, soon, however, broke up the Grenville administration; and in the spring of 1807 Lord Eldon once more, under Lord Liverpool's administration, returned to the woolsack, which, from that time, he continued to occupy for about twenty years, swaying the cabinet, and being in all but name prime minister of England.
Libraries, Museums, &c. - The Public Library has more than 100,000 volumes (it had more than 165,000 volumes before the fire of 1906, but then lost all but about 25,000).
The system of French foreign consulships, for instance, all but died out after the crushing of the independent life of the south and the incorporation of Provence and Languedoc under the French crown; while, with the establishment of Venetian supremacy in the Levant, the baylo developed into a diplomatic agent of the first class at the expense of the consuls of rival states.
They were deployed along a "line of demarcation" which was a battle-front in all but name.
But though they generally had the best scholarship of England against them, they were bold, acute, well-informed men; they appreciated more fully than their contemporaries not a few truths now all but universally accepted; and they seemed therefore entitled to leave their mark on subsequent theological thought.
The Thirty Years' War all but ruined the city, the population of which sank from some 14,000 in 1600 to less than 8000 in 1650.
It referred to the Compacts that had been abolished, and was liable to an interpretation excluding from tolerance all but the Romanists and the retrograde Utraquists.
He now describes a number in succession, introducing all but the first of those told between Mark i.
As the nut grows the slight puncture becomes almost obliterated, so that it is unnoticed by all but the most observant eye.
In the second place they are sealed to all but those who know how to read them, and so they lie forgotten for centuries while oral tradition flourishes, - being within the reach of every man.
Hubert Latham all but performed the same feat on an Antoinette monoplane.
It is composed of the valley of the Var river (which is all but completely within this department), together with those of its chief affluents, the Tinee and the Vesubie.
The last well-marked lowering of the land took place in the Pleistocene period, when it was accompanied by glacial conditions, through which the greater part of northern England and the Midlands was covered by ice; a state of things which led directly and indirectly to the deposition of those extensive boulder clays, sands and gravels which obscure so much of the older surface of the country in all but the southern counties.
Of these all but the medical officer of health and inspectors of nuisances hold office at pleasure and receive such remuneration as the council may determine.
The pronunciation as hospodar of a word written gospodar in all but one of the Slavonic languages which retain the Cyrillic alphabet is not, as is sometimes alleged, due to the influence of Little Russian, but to that of Church Slavonic. In both of these g is frequently pronounced h.
In 1490, the seventh year of his residence at Milan, after some expressions of impatience on the part of his patron, he had all but got his model ready for display on the occasion of the marriage of Ludovico with Beatrice d'Este, but at the last moment was dissatisfied with what he had done and determined to begin all over again.
While the large genus Drosera has an all but world-wide distribution, its congeners are restricted to well-defined and usually comparatively small areas.
He assumed office at a critical period, when the republic was all but openly attacked by General Boulanger.
On the 4th of April the Kwango was crossed, and on the 31st of May the town of Loanda was entered, Livingstone, however, being all but dead from fever, semi-starvation and dysentery.
At first Livingstone thought the Nile problem had been all but solved by Speke, Baker and Burton, but the idea grew upon him that the Nile sources must be sought farther south, and his last journey became in the end a forlorn hope in search of the "fountains" of Herodotus.
Good pyrites contains from 48 to 50%, exceptionally up to 52% of sulphur, of which all but from i to 4% is utilized when burning the ore.
This time the British nation was all but unanimous in resistance.
The invention of machinery and the jadesthe concentration of the working population in manufacturing centres had all but destroyed the old village industries, and great populations were growing up outside the traditional restraints of the old system of class dependence.
To the Whig leaders the church was all but as sacrosanct as to the Tories, the very foundation of the constitution, not to be touched save at imminent risk to the state; the most they would adventure was to remedy a few of the more glaring abuses of an establishment imposed on an unwilling population.
James, the 3rd earl, an active sea captain who was all but lost in company with Sir Cloudesley Shovel, became knight of the Garter and lord high admiral and commander-in-chief in the Channel, he and his house being loyal supporters of the Hanoverian dynasty.
The retorts in which the coal is carbonized are almostluniversally made of fire-clay, and in all but small country works the old singleended retort, which was about 9 ft.
John Sigismund, adopting his court-preacher's views, issued (1568) an edict of religious liberty at the Torda Diet, which allowed David (retaining his existing title) to transfer his episcopate from the Calvinists to the anti-Trinitarians, Kolozsvar being evacuated by all but his followers.
He was received with more than princely pomp, and all but succeeded in his design, thanks to his extraordinary adroitness and the command of an almost unlimited bribing-fund.
On his arrival at Madrid he found the princesse des Ursins all but omnipotent with the king, and for a time he judged it expedient to use her influence in carrying out his plans.
But Venizelos' decision to accept this offer was incontinently vetoed by King Constantine; and Venizelos was forced to resign, though supported by a strong parliamentary majority and an all but unanimous public opinion.
His own materials for these lectures and his students' notes and reports of them are the only form in which the larger proportion of his works exist - a circumstance which has greatly increased the difficulty of getting a clear and harmonious view of fundamental portions of his philosophical and ethical system, while it has effectually deterred all but the most courageous and patient students from reading these posthumous collections.
The Desmonds were Irish in all but pride of blood.
Meanwhile, among some of the Arunta of the centre, among the Dieri and Urabunna tribes near Lake Eyre and their congeners, and among the tribes north by east of the Arunta, no such belief has been discovered by Messrs Spencer and Gillen, from whom the tribes kept no secrets, or by Mr Siebert, a missionary among the now all but extinct Dieri.
There is just a trace of a dim sky-dwelling being, Arawotja, possibly an all but obliterated survival of an AllFather.
After Theuderichs death (737) he left the throne vacant until 742, but he himself was king in all but name; he presided over the royal tribunals, appointed the royal officers, issued edicts, disposed of the funds of the treasury and the churches, conferred immunities upon adherents, who were no longer the kings nobles but his own, and even appointed the bishops, though there was nothing of the ecclesiastic about himself.
Pippins brother, the pious Carloman, became a monk in 747, and Pippin, now sole ruler of the kingdom, ordered Childeric also to cut off his royal locks; after which, being king in all but name, he adopted that title in 752.
Louis XII., the next king of France, thought only of the Milanese; Ferdinand the Catholic all but destroyed the Spanish unity at the end of his life by his marriage with Germaine de Foix; while the house of Austria -was for centuries to remain involved in this petty course of policy.
This schism was reflected in the parties of the Assembly; the absolutists of the extreme Right; the moderate monarchists of the Right and Centre; the constitutionalists of the Left Centre and Left; and, finally, on the extreme Left the democratic revolutionists, among whom Robespierre sat as yet all but unnoticed.
In about eighteen months they managed to drive the rebels into the eastern districts of the island, Puerto Principe and Santiago de Cuba, and induced all but a few irreconcilable chiefs to accept a convention that became famous under the name of the peace treaty of Zanjon.
Here he all but succeeded.
Modern Smyrna is in all but government a predominantly Christian town (hence the Turks know it as giaour Is y nir).
Pot-8-os was the sire of Waxy (1790) out of Maria (1777) by Herod out of Lisette (1772) by Snap. Waxy, who has been not inaptly termed the ace of trumps in the Stud'-Book, begat Whalebone (1807), Web (1808), Woful (1809), Wire (1811), Whisker (1812), and Waxy Pope (1806), all but the last being out of Penelope (1798) by Trumpator (1782) from Prunella (1788) by Highflyer out of Promise by Snap, while Waxy Pope was out of Prunella, dam of Parasol (1800) by Pot-8-os.
In 1908 all but 5 counties out of 90 had railway outlets.
He had no difficulties in respect of the teaching and practice of his church, being in truth an ardent Ultramontane in doctrine, as was all but inevitable in his time and circumstances, and his great merit was the instinctive tact which showed him that the system of monasticism could never be the leaven of secular life, but that something more homely, simple, and everyday in character was needed for the new time.
Thus the mysterious hoard is all but lost sight of; no mention is made of the curse attached to it; and it is only as an afterthought that Siegfried (Sifrit) is described as its master.
Howie's unexpected enthusiasm was contagious, to all but Quinn.
She'd wanted to yell at him to save her, and he'd all but guaranteed the Black God would enslave her!
It's left the Black God in an advantageous position, since all but the White and Grey Gods are powerless.
Or, I can cancel, and we can live out the—" "No, thanks," she said, standing and all but bolting out of his suite.
In spite of the dreary weather, Pumpkin's enthusiastic description sold the venture to all but Joseph Dawkins and two senior ladies.
Dean witnessed none of it as he surged upward, climbing above all but the highest ridges as the narrow track stretched toward the timberline.
With the bond between them all but shoving her into his arms, was it possible to deny their fates together for long?
Most…well, all but you come from the elitist circles of their times.
She vaguely remembered it from her tour of the castle and was relieved to see several small groups congregated around all but one of the five fireplaces in the room.
More bikers crowded the small luncheonette, amid happy carefree chatter, all but Cynthia Byrne who sat alone at a table near the back.
Jonny all but ordered her to interact with the Grey God.
He all but flung her onto a horse, and she righted herself, joining a long caravan of well-armed men.
In the surrounding 4 streets there were another 7 families, all but 1 of which have now absconded.
In 14 lung cancer cases and all but one of the mesotheliomas there was moderate to severe asbestosis.
All strikes are allowed in the ring, unlike western boxing, which prohibits all but strikes with gloved fists.
Camelot case the carrier's minimum all but derailed check to see.
Even by the time the world rolled around to 1985 and I was all but out of my teenage years I remained largely clueless.
Pea Forage Yield Forage yields of peas increased significantly with increased sowing density in all but the late pea harvest in 1999.
A piano sound so elephantine it all but trampled over and squashed flat the entire ensemble, even when merely comping.
Hooliganism has been all but eradicated, and in my opinion the average football fan is far more tolerant and civilized than before.
It sings Sunday morning services every week and full choral evensong on all but the second Sunday of the month.
Remove all but 4 tablespoons of the bacon fat from the pan and add the cabbage.
Some of what he has to say is all but incomprehensible, but still garners a hearty ' Amen ' from the congregation.
Despite Wyoming's clear preference for Republicans in national offices, Democrats have held the governorship for all but eight years since 1975.
The cost of defending these claims aside from the eventual damages award is often beyond the pocket of all but the wealthiest individuals.
The reason is that it is all but inevitable that there will be sizeable gilt issues coming along for the foreseeable future.
Offshore, there was a decent swell running, and the buoys became all but invisible to us in boats.
Giantism in economics is anti-competitive and limits choice, and has already all but ruined British agriculture thanks to the retail monopolists.
The Official Unionist lost 35 seats, nearly all to the DUP, while Baird's party was all but obliterated.
Some speculate that the high-energy particles are not protons at all but some exotic new particle.
But by the time pep was appointed to carry out the study, the residents ' association had disbanded in all but name.
Together these two playlists include all but two of the tracks in my original iTunes playlist.
Gluttony and winebibbing are granted a plenary indulgence by all but the most ascetic at this festal time.
So strict became the rules of French prosody that lyrical poetry was all but extinguished between the 16th and 19th centuries.
The present portal is a drastic reduction of the original with 18th-century details replacing all but the doorway.
These centers are prisons in all but name, with detainees having fewer legal rights than criminals arrested on charges of rape and murder.
It was pitched at just the right level and won an unusual standing ovation, with all but UKIP's MEPs standing.
This might be hard to discern, as rents appear static in all but a handful.
From Judaea there were three embassies pleading, for Aristobulus, for Hyrcanus, and for the nation, who would have no king at all but their God.
Nor is this surprising when we consider the marvellous skill of Continental and especially German taxidermists, many of whom have elevated their profession to a height of art inconceivable to most Englishmen, who are only acquainted with the miserable mockery of Nature which is the most sublime result of all but a few " bird-stuffers."
His father, a wealthy manufacturer, having been all but ruined by the French siege, he had, when only sixteen, to apprentice himself to an apothecary in Hamburg, and when twenty-two began to earn his living as an apothecary's assistant at Itzehoe.
Quantitative chemistry had been all but neglected before the time of Lavoisier, for although a few chemists such as Tachenius, Bergman and others had realized the advantages which would accrue from a knowledge of the composition of N N N bodies by weight, and had laid down the lines upon which such determinations should proceed, the experimental difficulties in making accurate observations were enormous, and little progress could be made until the procedure was more accurately determined.
That of Ezra, in its Latin translation, must have been all but a canonical book - the numbers of extant manuscripts of the so-called 4 Ezra being incredibly great, while several of them are found in copies of the Latin Bible at the beginning of the 16th century.
Navigable waters are said to penetrate all but four of the parishes of the state, their total length approximating 3800 m.
The peace of 1712 had been concluded only for a term of years, and the neglect of the tsar to carry out its provisions had all but led to a fresh outbreak of hostilities when the intervention of the other powers led in 1713 to the renewal of the treaty; and in November 1720 it was superseded by a treaty of " perpetual peace," signed at Constantinople.
At the congress of Vienna the claim of Prussia to annex the whole kingdom was supported by Russia, and opposed by Austria, France and Great Britain, the question all but leading to a complete break-up of the alliance (see Vienna, Congress Of).
Indeed, he was singularly tolerant of all but intellectual opposition.
Thus it comes about that the cupola, because it is so economical, is used for all but the relatively few cases in which the strengthening of the iron by the removal of part of its carbon and the prevention of the absorption of sulphur are so important as to compensate for the greater cost of the air-furnace melt - ing.
In his later years, however, he fell into a mood of settled melancholy; and, though still accessible to all who chose to approach him with complaints or petitions, he withdrew from all but the most essential social functions, and lived a life of strenuous work and of Spartan simplicity.
The scale of social precedence as recognized by native public opinion is concisely reviewed (ib.) as revealing itself" in the facts that particular castes are supposed to be modern representatives of one or other of the original castes of the theoretical Hindu system; that Brahmans will take water from certain castes; that Brahmans of high standing will serve particular castes; that certain castes, though not served by the best Brahmans, have nevertheless got Brahmans of their own whose rank varies according to circumstances; that certain castes are not served by Brahmans at all but have priests of their own; that the status of certain castes has been raised by their taking to infant-marriage or abandoning the remarriage of widows; that the status of others has been modified by their pursuing some occupations in a special or peculiar way; that some can claim the services of the village barber, the village palanquin-bearer, the village midwife, &c., while others cannot; that some castes may not enter the courtyards of certain temples; that some castes are subject to special taboos, such as that they must not use the village well, or may draw water only with their own vessels, that they must live outside the village or in a separate quarter, that they must leave the road on the approach of a highcaste man and must call out to give warning of their approach."
That he was the greatest tragic and dramatic poet born since the age of Shakespeare, the appearance of Hernani in 1830 made evident for ever to all but the meanest and most perverse of dunces and malignants.
It often left them partially paralyzed, in wheelchairs or iron lungs (a term that's now all but forgotten and will likely send younger readers to Wikipedia).
The next day I found that she remembered all but spread.
At first my little pupil's mind was all but vacant.
And hark! here comes the cattle-train bearing the cattle of a thousand hills, sheepcots, stables, and cow-yards in the air, drovers with their sticks, and shepherd boys in the midst of their flocks, all but the mountain pastures, whirled along like leaves blown from the mountains by the September gales.
General Buxhowden was all but attacked and captured by a superior enemy force as a result of one of these maneuvers that enabled us to escape him.
Modern rainproof clothing will also keep out all but the worst weather.
Despite the efforts of Ormond and his officers to rally the troops all but two regiments fled.
Place haunch on serving dish and pour off all but 1 tablespoon of fat from the roasting tin.
Seven patients were injured by shrapnel from shells, grenades or rockets, and all but two were soldiers.
It was pitched at just the right level and won an unusual standing ovation, with all but UKIP 's MEPs standing.
Birds navigate by the stars and undertake voyages as a yearly pilgrimage which would unnerve all but the stoutest of human hearts.
It 's a Speedo swimwear shop these days and The Blitz are all but forgotten.
They are all but trifles in comparison of this.
In all but one patient, ventilatory insufficiency was the limiting factor for exercise.
My Persian cat recently had five kittens, and all but one died.
By the 1900s, the breed had all but disappeared from being used extensively in Persian breeding programs.
Once you've done that, it's time to stop making all but the minimum payments on every debt but the one with the highest interest rates.
To get this look in your own bathroom, storage that keeps all but a few items out of sight is essential.
Instead of slogging through 200 different reds, Glidden offers a concise selection that is all but guaranteed to be perfect for your room or exterior.
A spritz of any of the renowned makeup artist's scents is all but guaranteed to recall a beautiful memory or transport you to another place.
In fact, within 20 minutes it had all but faded away completely.
Needless to say, Parker's nose for great scents and the success of Lovely all but guaranteed a follow-up fragrance.
With several scents under her belt, heiress and budding perfumer Hilton has all but taken the fragrance world by storm with her slowly growing collection.