All Sentence Examples
First of all, I wasn't the only one involved.
I think they are all having fun with Alex.
He was the best loved of all our poets.
Truthfully, Gerald wasn't all that good a dancer.
First of all, dear friend, tell me how you are.
After all, who knows?
That's all you wanted!
But, except for these fleeting memories, if, indeed, they be memories, it all seems very unreal, like a nightmare.
I see I have frightened you--sit down and tell me all the news.
All three girls laughed.
AdvertisementAll cuddled down together and were very happy.
I confess all these festivities and fireworks are becoming wearisome.
A few minutes later they all marched in and took their places at the table.
People on top of the earth are all meat.
They saw a mass of tough green vines all matted together and writhing and twisting around like a nest of great snakes.
AdvertisementYou know I did all a father could for their education, and they have both turned out fools.
It was all wishful thinking.
Then all three of them laughed heartily.
We didn't mean to keep all of you waiting.
All my money is honest.
AdvertisementYou all better get some rest.
It is hard to have a Southern overseer; it is worse to have a Northern one; but worst of all when you are the slave-driver of yourself.
If you have an unwavering commitment to an idea that all things will be good all the time, then that is irrational.
Indeed, I owe to her loving wisdom all that was bright and good in my long night.
They have got to live a man's life, pushing all these things before them, and get on as well as they can.
AdvertisementShe sat in my mother's lap constantly, where I used to sit, and seemed to take up all her care and time.
We are all vegetable, in this country.
All I could think about was that I had a living father-in-law.
Apparently Señor Medena and his daughters had lived here all their lives.
All of our Princes and Rulers have grown upon this one bush from time immemorial.
Many incidents of those early years are fixed in my memory, isolated, but clear and distinct, making the sense of that silent, aimless, dayless life all the more intense.
Now if that's all...
He had had a short illness, there had been a brief time of acute suffering, then all was over.
We should live in all the ages of the world in an hour; ay, in all the worlds of the ages.
All the facts are in flat contradiction to such conjectures.
I do not want all this.
Surely he doesn't make all the decisions.
A person couldn't be in control all the time - right all the time.
But you haven't been working there all that long.
It'll be all right.
The assembled nobles all took off their uniforms and settled down again in their homes and clubs, and not without some groans gave orders to their stewards about the enrollment, feeling amazed themselves at what they had done.
Blindfolded, they knocked it around for a while until it broke, spilling candy all over the floor.
Whether we want to admit it or not, we all wish everyone would like us.
That was all it took.
That's what's been bothering me all this time.
All the humor vanished from his eyes as he watched her.
All I know is what Mom and Dad taught me.
Then he just makes all the important decisions - and you have no input?
Those words stayed in her mind all afternoon.
I wish that was all she wanted.
All this happened before they were married - before they met.
Why lie when she made it so easy for him to avoid talking about it at all?
After all, it's your pool, your house.
But no, it wasn't proof at all.
Getting into that building was getting more important all the time.
Maybe I'm blowing this all out of proportion.
Then again, maybe you didn't miss anything at all.
Cassie squinted into the darkness, searching for a target, but all she could see was dust and an occasional hoof.
My mouth is too big and all teeth.
And he's getting as fat as a hog on all the table scraps.
That was all it took, providing it was the right time.
Then our country will be rid of all its unwelcome visitors.
All three got into the buggy and Zeb picked up the reins, though Jim needed no guidance of any sort.
The space underneath the roof, where they stood, permitted them to see on all sides of the tall building, and they looked with much curiosity at the city spread out beneath them.
In this country, as in all others they had visited underneath the earth's surface, there was no night, a constant and strong light coming from some unknown source.
But all along, they believed they would ultimately prevail—and not just win the war, but also do something epic that would change the course of history for all time.
It was the word "water," and I continued to make some sound for that word after all other speech was lost.
Of course I did not know what it was all about, but I enjoyed the pleasant odours that filled the house and the tidbits that were given to Martha Washington and me to keep us quiet.
Prussia has always declared that Buonaparte is invincible, and that all Europe is powerless before him....
She is rich and of good family and that's all I want.
All that did was to enwich the pwiests' sons and thieves and wobbahs....
We're probably all a little hypocritical at times - and we're all sinners, so I hear.
He didn't know her at all, but that was beside the point.
I think the best thing to do is try to remember all the good times you had.
It isn't that at all.
They saw a landscape with mountains and plains, lakes and rivers, very like those upon the earth's surface; but all the scene was splendidly colored by the variegated lights from the six suns.
In the center of each plant grew a daintily dressed Mangaboo, for the clothing of all these creatures grew upon them and was attached to their bodies.
The Regular Worker who Risks it All and Strikes it Rich.
The little princess went round the table with quick, short, swaying steps, her workbag on her arm, and gaily spreading out her dress sat down on a sofa near the silver samovar, as if all she was doing was a pleasure to herself and to all around her.
Many other orators spoke after the excited nobleman, and all in the same tone.
But all these hints at what happened, both from the French side and the Russian, are advanced only because they fit in with the event.
They all said goodnight and then headed upstairs.
Had they all been arguing?
At the moment, all she wanted was to be snuggled close.
Alex, why were you with Tessa all evening?
All this cloak and dagger thinking wasn't accomplishing anything.
I know, we've been all through this before - but I still don't understand.
Was that where his father got all that money?
Now it was suddenly all his, and she was spending it for him.
Most of all, he wanted to change the subject.
All right, so he wasn't trying to hide his wealth, but he certainly did try to hide his family.
Maybe he meant he was sick of all the bickering with his family.
Alex should have told you all this.
One way to do that is to make sure they don't have all the facts.
Aunt Paulette, (we all called her Aunt Paulie) married a real estate agent and moved to Arkansas.
All this time I thought the company was interested in him because he could speak both Spanish and English.
One word was missing in all that...
You want me to think of all this as ours, but how can I when you insist that the problems are all yours?
You can't avoid conflict all the time.
Alex took them all to dinner to celebrate the birth.
That was all he needed.
They reached an open place in the brush where Diablo stood hip-shod, his eyes half closed - as if all hell wasn't getting ready to burst loose.
All of which was irrelevant.
The money comes on time and he has fulfilled all his promises.
Obviously they all thought she was leaving with Bordeaux.
It gets lonely out there all by myself.
As soon as Howie emerged from the basement we all hurried into the living room and stood around, expectantly.
Meanwhile, we locked on the television, all evening, awaiting the results of our actions.
All our earlier actions were a series of what ifs.
The rest of us looked to Howie, all of us wondering what roads we'd travel forward.
Like yesterday, I guess; with all of you.
Let's all agree to sit on this for a week and do some soul searching.
We're all here now.
We're putting all of us at risk.
Thirty minutes later, the two emerged from the room, all smiles.
They think they are anonymous on the web but I can trace them all.
Governments, thieves, scientists, treasurer hunters, historians and despots of all kinds would crave his skill.
Thinking that turn and turn about is fair play, she seized the scissors and cut off one of my curls, and would have cut them all off but for my mother's timely interference.
The nobility don't gwudge theah lives--evewy one of us will go and bwing in more wecwuits, and the sov'weign" (that was the way he referred to the Emperor) "need only say the word and we'll all die fo' him!" added the orator with animation.
Every place seemed unsatisfactory, but worst of all was his customary couch in the study.
The files had been there all along and he had given her passwords and permission to look at them since they were first married.
I'm not all that secretive, but you were the one who kept telling me that if he wanted you to know, he'd tell you.
They don't sound at all alike to me.
But why didn't you say something to me about all of this before now?
All I know is that he gets defensive when I mention Uncle Fabrice.
Still, all the information Katie provided created a clearer picture of why Alex acted the way he did at home.
If he decided to go back to Texas, they would all go together.
The carpenters tried to keep the dust level down, but it was impossible to avoid all of it.
She had been lying around all day catching up on her sleep while Carmen worked on her bedroom.
Nurses came into the room off and on all night to check on Destiny, but she continued to sleep.
They both couldn't be there all the time.
Carmen could hear her crying all the way down the hall to the elevator.
The medication they were giving her to clear up the congestion in her lungs was making her sleep a lot, but they thought that was better than having her upset all the time.
He's been sick all morning.
It's wandering around in circles and it's not at all afraid of us.
She imagined all kinds of reasons why he wouldn't want her to go - none of them good.
It was all about money - his money.
She escorted him to wash his hands, talking all the while.
The seduction was going all too well - for her.
It was so much more fun when she left it all up to him.
Instead, he assisted her, his lips seeking hers urgently all the while.
All that was true enough, but remaining bitter about it wasn't going to improve their relationship.
Why don't we all make another trip to Texas?
After all, her husband was the one who had custody of the boy.
Why would she hide him from me all this time and suddenly ask for a fortune?
If she doesn't have custody, then why go through all this?
Gosh Alex, didn't you realize that all this silence was already troubling me?
It was all true though.
This time he created enough suction to pull her nipple well into his mouth - feeding tube and all.
They were chatting together as if they had known each other all their lives.
Right now all he wanted to do was get it over with.
I wish it to be so with all who live in my home.
They would all get together and wash her old car, winding up in a gleeful water fight.
They wouldn't all be there unless something terrible had happened.
That was the last thing she remembered until she opened her eyes again and found all three of them hanging over her.
She jumped up, pushing them all away, darting for the bathroom with a hand over her mouth.
If she could talk to her family, maybe she could clear all this up.
We were all getting worried about you.
They were a family who knew all they had was each other.
They all leaned on each other in hard times.
All Len wants out of me is information about Allen, and Howard couldn't care less where I am.
Lisa thanked her for all the help and assured her that she would be fine.
All this attention from Howard could be due to a guilty conscience.
But they had been inconvenienced enough with all her problems.
All her skills were occupied simply keeping all four wheels on the ground.
She desperately fought the steering wheel for control, but the car weaved all over the road.
It was all she could do to remain upright on tingling weak legs.
All the same, he gently took her elbow and led her to the house.
It had been in all the local papers, but she wasn't sure she could talk about it without getting emotional.
After a moment of thanks, they all began their meal.
Giddon was silent, giving all his attention to his food, but Tammy watched Lisa with interest, twirling her fork in her eggs and squirming in her chair.
The windows were all broken and the front end was smashed back to the windshield.
It wasn't enough, but it was all she felt capable of at the moment.
He didn't have to bring her here at all.
She encircled his neck with one arm, noting that his breathing didn't seem at all labored as he carried her across the creek.
He stepped around her and remained silent all the way to the ATV.
His mother lives there with him, so it's not like we'd be all alone out there.
You left it in the car all night?
Is it all right if I call Lisa now and then to see how she's doing?
It was all so fast that she didn't have time to think.
Tammy could swim almost as well as Lisa, but Sarah couldn't swim at all, confessing unabashed that she was afraid of the water.
There were bears and mountain lions, but in all the years she had lived here, she had never known of anyone being attacked.
The tablet that she tucked under her mattress at night contained all sorts of conclusions at the end of that trail.
On the other hand, who wanted the odors of animals drifting through their house all the time?
After supper, they all spent their usual evening in the family room.
They were all originals, upwards of $20,000 each.
If you feel that way, why did you come all the way out here to see me?
Surely you have time off as well, otherwise, how would you have time to come all the way out here.
All of which was beside the point.
In fact, I think my big mouth made him all the more determined.
In any case, Yancey didn't seem to be all that determined to avoid a relationship.
So he hadn't been in Tammy's room all this time.
But people are out here all the time with ATV's, aren't they?
He knew all the right buttons to push.
Yet as the world began to open beyond her little circle, she realized that he had been open about his interest all along.
But Len didn't know all the facts, and that wasn't fair.
All else aside, would she want to marry a man like Yancey – so moody and secretive?
Why not dispense with all the formalities?
All this talk about bears was frightening her.
All my mail goes to a post office box.
Since they were all dressed up, she assumed they were going to church together.
I didn't know you all would be up so early.
It's our home and you're more than a sitter or maid to all of us.
In all the time I spent in the woods as a young girl, that's the first time I've seen a bear.
You'll get ticks and chiggers all over you.
In spite of all the evidence, Yancey still came out as a responsible adult.
Do you tell all your boyfriends you love them?
His voice was harsh, but his expression was all hurt.
Well, it doesn't look like you're all that scared of me right now.
All the while, the shadow was getting closer.
Why don't we all eat out on the patio?
All the same, she left early.
After all, he was the one who insisted that his mother was her boss.
Instead, she collected a few small photos and arranged them all in one frame.
All I want is information.
All I know is that he's temperamental, and you'd better stay away from him.
She had provided all the information he needed through Connie.
So he thought it was all about Howard and a love interest.
Thank you for driving all that way to make sure I was safe.
Let him explain all of it to his mother.
It's all there, and thanks for the business.
Worst of all was the façade of romantic interest.
But if he saw her swollen eyes he'd be asking all kinds of questions.
Right now all he wanted out of her was absence.
She used the same suit cases when she came and she had the same clothes, but it didn't look like there was enough room to put it all in.
Could she have been wrong about it all?
Is that what this is all about?
Worst of all, she had probably ruined any chance she had with him.
Yeah, he wanted me to get rid of you, all right.
Covered all the bases, did you?
He motioned to the others to follow and they all went down the path to the building.
How did you unravel all that?
I'm all right now.
I just got up too fast, that's all.
That's why you're so tired all the time.
I heard all that.
He's all caught up with his computers.
What does he want with all that equipment?
It's a good thing we're all so darn sweet.
All right, I'll throw a few things together and stow them in your car before I leave.
At the moment, she wasn't sure whether she found all his concern touching or insulting.
After all, he wasn't a guard dog.
Anyway, with all the money in his family and the good looks as well, he couldn't hold a candle to Brandon in the charm department.
Why Michael wasn't following her like all the other guys was beyond Adrienne's comprehension.
Oh, it's all right.
The idea that Brandon felt relieved wasn't all that flattering - or comforting, for that matter.
I've heard it all.
All this was doing neither of them any good.
All the same, Brandon introduced them as his parents - and Adrienne as a friend he had met in Tulsa.
Fried chicken, gravy, biscuits - did they eat like this all the time?
We're all holding down jobs and going to school, Dad.
I thought about it, but now that we're here, it all seems kind of stupid.
Come to think of it, he hadn't been out at all since they returned from his parent's house.
In addition, all her planning and tenacity were paying off.
Since they all lived in the same apartment complex, and the evening was early, Adrienne invited them to her apartment for a cup of coffee.
They were all giggling over coffee when Brandon walked in.
We were looking all over the place for you.
There's no reason to get all worked up.
They didn't know what to think - you coming in here all huffy and chewing me out.
He led the way to the door, all the while muttering something under his breath about something being stupid.
After all, her plans were going so well.
All her plans were about to blow up – all this because she had allowed herself to be drawn into a relationship.
What had she been thinking of all this time?
Obviously, she hadn't been doing much thinking at all.
Brandon, we all agreed on those rules.
Now both of you get in here before we make a scene that gets us all thrown out.
All our cuddling was done outside those doors.
Now all I want to know, is when are you getting married?
Could all this be happening to her?
When they all set down to supper, Brandon was still brooding.
Watching the two of them, it was all she could do to control her own tears... especially knowing that this was at least partly her fault.
It was all too logical.
They all attended the funeral on Wednesday, and Brandon had little to say to any of them.
You've planned this all your life.
All this time he had to remain strong for his mother.
Timing was with her and she was able to take all the state exams shortly after graduating.
Don't start acting like it was all my idea.
The only problem is that it all doesn't fit into your preconceived plans.
All your plans worked out.
After all, I wasn't in them to begin with.
All she had to do was set her mind to it.
They all didn't understand that she couldn't simply run out and get a job like she had in Tulsa.
All that aside, Brandon didn't want her back.
Why did she need to prove to anyone, least of all herself, that she was right in breaking off the relationship?
Why go through all that pain again, when she had almost succeeded in putting him in the past - almost, but not quite.
All the same, she finally sent her application for the job.
All the same, Saturday found her at a restaurant in Bartlesville, where she was supposed to meet her prospective employer.
The chances were, he rarely got into town at all.
Then they spend all their time at parties instead of studying.
Brandon retired to a table nearby and it was all Adrienne could do to keep her mind on the interview.
I'm trying to say that it's all right to switch boats if that's what you really want.
A woman your age ought to be looking for a husband – or already married, not chasing all over creation in pants, trying to act like a man.
Not surprising, since they made all the laws.
Anyway, my point was that women are expected to do all the things I'm doing on this job.
Of all things, why did he have to bring that up?
If we all treated you like one of the guys, wouldn't you be a little disappointed?
When all the wagons were ready, she snapped the whip over the back of the mules.
Each day they changed positions in line so that no one ate the dust from all the wagons every day.
All that churning of sand and dust disguised their trail to some degree, but nothing could hide the trail of five heavy wagons.
He probably thought she was all googly-eyed over him.
Not all men were unfaithful lechers.
The rest of the teamsters joined them and they all waited in silence as the horses approached and drew to an organized halt.
All eyes were on him, but he appeared not to notice.
All I want is a chance to speak my piece.
If that's all they give you, count yourself lucky.
We all pull our own weight around here.
You do all the work we do, and then cook.
Thanks, but I did all this by myself until you came along.
She could wear men's clothes and crack that whip all she wanted, but she was still a woman at heart - and he knew it.
All of which was neither here nor there.
Why should she care – and what did he have to gain by all this attention?
I didn't mean that at all.
All the money in the world couldn't have saved her.
It must be fun to be able to ride all around freely while we're stuck in our wagons.
Let them all think what they wanted.
For some reason, she found it all amusing.
Why would I want to see more of the same thing I view from this wagon seat all day?
If they all hadn't been so close, she would have thought he didn't hear the question.
Now that they were all together, it would be a good time to tell them.
It was all a ploy to get the ranch, and Bordeaux was right in the middle.
All he wanted was the ranch.
You would know all about lying.
She packed all the dishes and stashed them in the back of one of the wagons.
All this work is for nothing.
When they were all together he addressed them soberly.
I'll follow you all.
I know all that.
Saddle a mule for each person; pack all the supplies you might need on the extra mules and burn the rest of the supplies.
It would take all night to bury that much stuff.
But the mules have been working all day.
Pete was going to be the deciding factor, and all eyes turned to him.
He mulled it over in silence, sipping on his coffee while they all waited for his decision.
But we're here, all the same.
For the first time she thought about the fact that he had no commitment to them at all, yet he had risked his life for them.
How come he can get familiar and you don't get all huffy?
Cassie could feel them all watching her as she settled to the ground.
All the activity and lack of sleep was catching up with her and she was exhausted.
It took them over an hour to fill all the canteens.
It's going to be all right, Cassie.
That was all there was to it.
Suddenly all those annoying rules of conduct began to make sense.
After all, what did they have to lose?
He scowled at their tracks, visible all the way back around the dune.
All the same, we'd better get moving.
There was no need to hold on to her, but his arm around her waist was welcome all the same.
The memory of her weakness for him was all too fresh.
After all, they had their father.
What did she know about him, after all?
So, Bordeaux had coerced her to meet him at the church after all.
After all, they had known and loved each other for a long time.