Alien Sentence Examples
His face looked pale and he rode with an alien stiffness.
It seems so alien to his nature.
On the 5th of March 1440-1441, the king endowed the college out of alien priories with some scpc, a year, almost exactly the amount of the original endowment of Winchester.
The deaf child who has only the sign language of De l'Epee is an intellectual Philip Nolan, an alien from all races, and his thoughts are not the thoughts of an Englishman, or a Frenchman, or a Spaniard.
At this period they controlled more of the foreign and colonial trade than all the other alien merchants in London put together.
The alien element is small, consisting chiefly of Austro-Hungarians, gipsies, Italians and Jews.
She was expecting some sort of alien monster to inhabit the brutal planet.
Not so with the national customs. There are features - the wooden house, the oven, the bath - which the Russian never abandons, even when swamped in an alien population.
One may ask why certain alien plants prove so invasive.
If the couple divorces, however, then the alien spouse's status must be determined.
AdvertisementIf an alien (non-US citizen or permanent resident) marries a US citizen or permanent resident, that person is usually given an immigrant benefit.
U-1 possesses the last gitaroo that the Gravillians, an evil alien race, need to secure the top spot in the universe.
Due to the spreading of an alien virus, the human survivors are becoming infected and turning into vicious monsters.
The native dynasty has been strengthened rather than weakened, and Tunisia may be pointed out as the best and wisest example of French administration over an alien land and race.
In their poetry above everything the Japanese have remained impervious to alien influences.
AdvertisementBut, notwithstanding the attempt to introduce an alien element into the Roman language, which proved incompatible with its natural genius, and his own failure to attain the idiomatic purity of Naevius, Plautus or Terence, the fragments of his dramas are sufficient to prove the service which he rendered to the formation of the literary language of Rome as well as to the culture and character of his contemporaries.
Alien ships were in a big group formation above you.
Plehve carried out the "russification" of the alien provinces within the Russian Empire, and earned bitter hatred in Poland, in Lithuania and especially in Finland.
Throughout its history, therefore, "dialectic" has been connected with that which is remote from, or alien to, unsystematic thought, with the a priori, or transcendental, rather than with the facts of common experience and material things.
There is no indication of an abrupt change from the use of stone to the use of metal such as might have occurred had the knowledge of copper and bronze, and the methods of working them, been introduced through the conquest of the original inhabitants by an alien race of superior culture and civilization.
AdvertisementThe fashionable accomplishments of the day, and the new Greek culture, were wholly alien to his taste.
Nothing was more alien to his mental temperament than the spinning of hypotheses.
Kiera could be the most stubborn and frustrating woman Evelyn had ever met, and she'd sworn off any man, let alone an alien.
The insertion of the alien matter 7-12 between 1-5 and 13-17 may be due to our author's wish to show that the expulsion of Satan from heaven after Christ's birth and ascension to heaven was owing in some measure to Christ, although he has allowed Michael's name to remain in the borrowed passage, 7-12 - a fact which shows how dependent the writer was on tradition.
The legislature of New Jersey passed a special law, enabling him, as an alien, to own real property, and it is said to have been in reference to this that the state received its nickname "Spain."
AdvertisementIn coming, as at a certain point in its development it does, to the consciousness of an object, the mind does not find itself in the presence of an opponent, or of anything essentially alien to itself but of that which gives content and stability to its own existence.
It meant the excision of an alien element which fed like a cancer on the body politic; it meant the recovery, at comparatively little cost, of the command of the principal rivers of Poland, the Vistula and the Niemen; it meant the obtaining of a seaboard with the corollaries of sea-power and world-wide commerce.
In1798-1799the legislature passed the famous Kentucky Resolutions in protest against the alien and sedition acts.
For several years the Anti-Federalists or Republicans had contended that the administration at Washington had been exercising powers not warranted by the constitution, and when Congress had passed the alien and sedition laws the leaders of that party seized upon the event as a proper occasion for a spirited public protest which took shape principally in resolutions passed by the legislatures of Kentucky and Virginia.
Not the least important of these influences is the sentimental sympathy felt for those who are supposed to be deprived of the use of their mother-tongue, and who are subjected to the hardship of learning an alien one.
Some years previously he had expressed his conviction that "one of the chief needs of the age was to make inroad after the alien, to bring in the votaries of fashion, of literature, of sentiment, of policy and of rank, who are content in their several idolatries to do without piety to God and love to Him whom He hath sent"; and, with an abruptness which must have produced on him at first an effect almost astounding, he now had the satisfaction of beholding these various votaries thronging to hear from his lips the words of wisdom which would deliver them from their several idolatries and remodel their lives according to the fashion of apostolic times.
Kalakaua considered residents of European or American descent as alien invaders, and he aimed to restore largely the ancient system of personal government, under which he should have control of the public treasury.
In his earliest pamphlets (1774-1775) he started out with the ordinary pre-Revolutionary Whig doctrines of natural rights and liberty; but the first experience of semi-anarchic states'-rights and individualism ended his fervour for ideas so essentially alien to his practical, logical mind, and they have no place in his later writings.
To this obsession he sacri 1 He warmly supported the Alien and Sedition Laws of 1798 (in their final form).
The movie had a very nice homage to "Alien" in a scene with Phyllis Diller.
However could alien abduction simply be a symptom of a deluded mind?
They could assume a framework of widely agreed absolutes and standards which are alien to so many now.
I thought India was going to be an illegal alien.
The concept of handing their cash into a bank or building society in exchange for a slip of paper may seem alien to them.
Let's get ready to kick some alien butt!
The greatest ecological catastrophes have occurred through the introduction of alien species.
He believes the alien interlopers can never have a soul of their own.
Meanwhile the President of the United States has to contend with a possible alien invasion.
It was also found that the justice offered by the state courts was not as alien or inappropriate as commonly supposed.
It is claimed that she was abducted and raped by an alien wearing a loose fitting metallic green tunic.
The case for man-made UFOs is stronger than ever whereas the evidence for ' alien flying saucers ' is wholly untenable.
He walks over to a table and carefully unwraps the small body of the alien baby we saw delivered in the teaser.
B ut we must be ever watchful for the alien hiding in our midst.
In these further provinces of Iran the Macedonian invader had for the first time to encounter a serious national opposition, for in the west the Iranian rule had been merely the supremacy of an alien power over native populations indifferent or hostile.
Meanwhile he had published his collected Gedichte (1809) and two series of lectures, Ober die neuere Geschichte (181 I) and Geschichte der alien and neuen Literatur (1815).
The tawdry and exaggerated rhetoric; the petty vanity and jealousies; the weak sentimentalism; the utter incapacity for proportioning means to ends, and for grasping the stern realities of things, which so commonly disfigure the lives and conduct even of the more honest members of his class, were wholly alien to his nature.
In 1800, Adams was again the Federalist candidate for the presidency, but the distrust of him in his own party, the popular disapproval of the Alien and Sedition Acts and the popularity of his opponent, Thomas Jefferson, combined to cause his defeat.
The moral character of Europe in 1300 was no longer the moral character of Europe in 110o; and the Crusades, which had been the active and objective embodiment of the other worldly Europe of I i oo, were alien to the secular, legal, scholastic Europe of 1300.
Mid-Syria shows a medley of populations of more or less mixed origin, in large part alien, for which see Druses; Maronites and Lebanon.
Yugoslavia's economic recovery had been surprisingly rapid, and the chief problems which confronted her in the autumn of 1921 were how best to exploit her vast undeveloped mineral and agricultural resources, improve her very faulty communications, and root out the illiteracy which was a legacy of alien rule.
On the other hand, not a few disorders proved to be alien to classes to which narrower views of causation had referred them; of such are tabes dorsalis, neuritis, infantile palsy or tetanus, now removed from the category of primary nervous diseases and placed in one or other of the class of infections; or, conversely, certain forms of disease of the joints are now regarded with some certainty as members of more than one series of diseases chiefly manifest in the nervous system.
Serapion of Thmuis in Egypt, a younger contemporary of Athanasius, in his Eucharistic prayers combines the language of the Didache with a high sacramentalism alien to that document which now only survived in the form of a grace used at table in the nunneries of Alexandria (see Agape).
An inevitable effect of the reign of Islam had been that the kindred language of the Arabs gradually killed the vernacular Syriac of Mesopotamia (see Edessa) as the alien Greek and Persian had shown no tendency to do, and the classical period (4th to 8th centuries) of the only Mesopotamian literature we know, such as it is, useful but uninviting, came to an end (see Syriac Literature).
The plantation labourers are almost entirely alien coolies, largely Chinese, and the Malays are comparatively few in number.
At the end of his scheme, probably in deference to theological prejudices, he added an element which was utterly alien, namely, a higher impulse, a soul superimposed by God, in virtue of which we strive beyond the world of sense.
But it forms an epoch in administrative reform, and in the benign process by which the hearts of a subject population are won over to venerate as well as obey their alien rulers.
In 1798 he joined Jefferson in opposing the Alien and Sedition Laws, and Madison himself wrote the resolutions of the Virginia legislature declaring that it viewed "the powers of the Federal government as resulting from the compact to which the states are parties, as limited by the plain sense and intention of the instrument constituting that compact; as no further valid than they are authorized by the grants enumerated in that compact; and that, in case of a deliberate, palpable and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states, who are parties thereto, have the right and are in duty bound to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties appertaining to them."
So Zoroaster himself converted the Turanian Fryana with his kindred (sec above); and the same tendency to proselytize alien peoples survived in his religion.
They looked at him and at his shoes mistrustfully, as at an alien.
Countess Mary was jealous of this passion of her husband's and regretted that she could not share it; but she could not understand the joys and vexations he derived from that world, to her so remote and alien.
Things are n't looking good for Earth as alien scum is invading the planet and wrecking everything in sight.
The only people to escape being frozen are Ulysses, his son Telemachus, alien girl Yumi and pet robot Nono.
While Jim is inside the dragon an alien spaceship lands on the Baron and takes the dragon back to their planet for secret experiments.
The movie follows two friends who make a spoof documentary, which they claim is footage of a secret autopsy on an alien.
Not quite a comedy, not quite a true-life story, not quite a thriller, Alien Autopsy manages a bit of everything.
This story set the scene for all future breakout stories and introduced us to the TP ideals as well as some unsavory alien characters.
The last point, although the most alien for journalists, was clearly uppermost in the thoughts of the proprietor at the time.
For humans, fish appear as alien creatures living in a weightless twilight world.
Beyond its geological significance, the site is a biological wonderland of alien marine life.
Steven Spielberg's movie, "E.T." is about an alien that comes into contact and makes friends with terrestrial beings. sells nearly 50 Star Trek patch designs, including insignia from the original series and The Next Generation, patches dedicated to popular alien races, and a Starfleet Academy patch.
An alien can be granted the status of a permanent resident through the sponsorship of his/her spouse.
To get full citizenship, the alien must have been married to a US citizen for three years or more before the date set for the exam.
An alien who has been married to a US citizen for a relatively short time (two years or less) can be granted a conditional green card.
If the marriage is found to be fraudulent (entered into only for the purpose of obtaining a green card), then the alien will have his/her permanent-resident status terminated.
The alien and his/her spouse are required to apply to have the conditional status on the green card lifted three months before the couple's second wedding anniversary.
If the couple's marriage ends in divorce within two years, the alien's spouse's conditional permanent resident status can be terminated.
It is possible for the alien spouse to obtain a waiver, however.
The waiver can be granted if it can be shown that the alien spouse married in good faith.
Not only did the movie bring Spiderman face-to-face with two major villains, the plot also turned Peter Parker against himself as he struggled with the dark side inflicted upon him by the crash landing of an alien symbiote.
When looking online, free virtual pets exist on sites where you can pretty much find the animal of your choice, even strange alien animals and exotic species.
Do Science - A nice site for students and teachers with a wide variety of projects, from an alien autopsy to slam-dunk sports projects.
To procure a marriage license, the happy couple is required to bring a valid driver's license, birth certificate, resident alien card, military identification or passport and payment for the license.
In 1992, actress Sigourney Weaver shaved her head for her role as Ripley in Alien 3.
Steven Spielberg's film about an alien stranded on earth and a group of children that befriended him was the role that made seven-year-old Drew Barrymore a bankable Hollywood starlet.
The show was a science fiction story based on the reported alien activities in Roswell, New Mexico, and how they affected future generations.
This film was based on an alien invasion in which the aliens presented themselves as friendly, but of course had ulterior motives.
Guffey played an alien child in these movies, which were action/science fiction sequels.
Make an effort with your first impression and you'll go a lot further than if you show up wearing a glow-in-the-dark alien tie.
Scientists add alien substances to the cells of a plant to change it in some way.
Essentially then, one is left with an appearance of that of some otherworldly creature, a vampire, a monster, an alien even!
The Alien models have brown tinted lenses that are exceptional at cutting down glare and reducing eye strain.
Novelty lenses are customizable and can be used in fantasy or science fiction to give an alien or mythical creature an extra edge of believability.
These styles, obviously not particularly suited to daily use, impart an "alien" type look to the wearer, great for Halloween or other "creepy" occasions.
Alien Arena is an online FPS made for the Windows, Linux and FreeBSD operating system platforms.
The concept was to defend the earth from alien invaders by shooting at them with your space ship.
Some other popular alien shooter 80's video games were Galaga, Galaxian, and Gyruss.
Defend yourself from an onslaught of asteroids and alien ships in this spaced-out title.
Either way, you can still fight aliens if you're tired of the alien fighting in Doom or Halo.
I have to admit that having Moulder do the voice in a game about alien infestations was an ingenious notion, but sometimes dreams are just a little better than realization.
You have to fight beside your comrades for a while before the game decides to remove the training wheels and let you rest in an alien induced eternal sleep.
The all-time best selling game was Alien vs. Predator, but there are others that deserve honorable mention as well.
An alien race known as the Chimera has wiped out most of Asia and Europe during the early 20th century.
Before many of the inhabitants leave for good, various alien artifacts and ruins are found, including The Vault.
The villain Al Durandal kidnaps the hero and forces him to battle an alien race.
At the Macworld show in 1999, Bungie demoed footage of a sci-fi shooter based on a mysterious alien ring thingie.
While on the alien ship, there are lots of buttons and electric 'pods' that might hinder your progress.
Remember that the red boxes can be picked up by the 4-legged alien machine and thrown.
The story of Crysis has yet to be fully unveiled, though developer Crytek has alluded to an alien infested planet with extremely hostile conditions for the human player characters.
When it is all gone, you will change back into an alien.
You are a sarcastic, trigger-happy gray alien named Crypto whose race faces extinction due to genetic deterioration.
Destroy All Humans! is a funny sci-fi, action/adventure game where you play an alien with a mission to collect DNA to rebuild your race and eliminate potential human threats.
Taking its cue from Alien obviously, much of Doom 3 takes place within the confines of a dreary industrial research facility, but it's still quite amazing to look at as the technology is still less than a year old.
In this story, there was no WWII, and instead we were attacked by alien forces who wiped out most of our race.
You are an alien invader who needs to abduct a specific number of people before your time runs out.
Once again, you play Gordon Freeman, the scientist from the original Half-life that saved the world from an alien invasion.
Once again, you play Gordon Freeman who previously saved the world from alien invasion.
Stranded on Halo, you resolve to remove this alien threat and save humanity.
In this rendition, the Master Chief and Cortana return to Earth to try to prevent an aggressive alien civilization, the Covenant, from taking over.
Master Chief is driving while the alien mans the turret.
The alien that accompanied Master Chief has returned... with no Master Chief.
The General calls for a gun salute and while he can't forgive the alien's race, he gives him thanks for standing by Master Chief until the end.
The alien returns to his own kind and is assured their world is safe since the prophet's lies can no longer harm them.
You can also switch over and support the alien side or you can even make your own.
Find a picture of one of your favorite characters in the game -- be it Master Chief, a no-name marine, or one of the alien outcasts -- and use it as your default picture.
This layout has Master Chief poised to attack an alien city.
The first person shooter features a young native American fighting to save his family from a grotesque alien race who have kidnapped them.
Prepare to view an alternate history where World War II never occurred and an alien force (called the Chimera) wiped out the majority of Asia and Europe.
Humanity is facing extinction as many survivors are infected by an alien virus that is turning them into violent monsters.
This includes feeding them when they're hungry and shooting the hideous alien creatures that teleport inside the tank with your special laser gun.
A creepy alien race has been looking for a new home and they have their sights set on the Mushroom Kingdom.
Toadsworth leaps out of bed and is ready to greet the Princess with open arms when a giant alien creature pops out of the time machine.
The Big Apple has been invaded by an alien force lead by an evil scientist named Nile Von Roekel.
The MIB agency has been monitoring alien activity on earth for several decades.
In this mission-based game, you play either Agent J or Agent K who are assigned to stop violent or disruptive alien threats on the planet.
At the Agency, Zed talks to you about a current alien threat he would like you to eliminate.
The missions will take you to a wide variety of locations; the city, dark caves, strange wildernesses and alien spacecraft.
A nice feature is that Alien Escape has an auto save feature, which is useful in those overpowering alien encounters.
You will need this, since the alien encounters more difficult to handle.
I like alien shooter games, and since it is Men in Black naturally I was intrigued.
Most of the games are shooter/action games like Defender where you are traveling over an alien landscape blasting enemies with your ship.
In the near future, strange alien attacks in Washington D.C. prompt a group called Trust to send in rookie agent Michael Ford to investigate.
This online role-playing computer game is a mix of science fiction and fantasy as you fight for the future of a troubled alien world.
In this game, you are an alien trying to escape your surroundings.
If you like this one, there is also "Alien Grrrl" and "Alien in the Room - Reloaded" available.
The strange Arena Masters have constructed the 'Arena Eternal' for their amusement and have brought the greatest warriors to fight and die for the alien's amusement.
Instead, an alien species known as the Chimera have invaded our planet, easily taking over nation after nation, sweeping eastward from their initial landing point in Russia.
There are over 20 "chapters" in all to explore, fighting wave after endless wave of alien monstrosities, but by and large, the action is fairly linear.
The visuals in Resistance are quite brilliant and the 30fps frame rate never skips a beat, even when there are countless soldiers and alien beings on the screen at the same time.
While all this is happening, a dark alien army is creating havoc and destruction in the world.
The screen didn't vary, but the alien ships would get a bit faster.
An alien race called the Morolians have invaded Earth and are shooting people with a mysterious ray gun.
The ray gun forces people to dance uncontrollably to the alien beats.
After you reach the end of a level, you'll encounter a Boss alien and do that same thing with them.
Enter in HCRAYERT to get more than 40%; you will also get 21000 hero points with swing speed and Win zip upgrades, Big Game Hunter, Alien Buster, and Shock Absorber.
A combination of Space Invaders and BrickBreaker, this alien blasting video game will keep you entertained for hours.
You are limited only by your imagination and you can share your alien creation with the rest of the world through online play.
You fight against the Covenant, an alien race in an all-out war with the humans.
Immigration during the war slowed considerably, and during 1918 to 1919, Ellis Island served as a detention center for suspected alien radicals.
Try to look at math as a natural part of life rather than totally alien to other subjects and categories.
The alien watch, known as the Omnitrix, attached to his wrist, giving him the power to transform into different creatures.
The Transforming Alien Rocks are collectable toys that are suitable for play with the Alien Laboratory or alone.
The classic figures are quickly followed by the newer Alien Force series, which promises items for collecting and for play.
The Mini Figure Buddy 2 Pack Alien and Waving Woody comes with two figurines under three inches tall, one representing Woody and the other representing an alien.
Color Splash Buddies Alien & Sparks Figures are more than basic plastic figurines.
While they look like the alien and Sparks characters on the outside, when you dip them in icy water they change color.
The Toy Story Alien Figure 2-pack of aliens comes with two plastic alien figurines.
Help the aliens be chosen by the almighty Claw with the Mega Action Claw Grab Alien.
Alien is approximately 3 inches tall and stands on a special Toy Story base.
Store your small alien figures in the Claw Carrying Case.
Standing eight inches tall, the Talking Alien Plush is cute and cuddly.
It features a truck and gas pump to build and both Buzz Lightyear and alien LEGO figurines.
Add an alien to your keyring with the LEGO Alien Keychain.
The crew discovers that the 'face-hugger' form is an intermediate stage in the alien's life cycle, between the eggs laid by the Queen and the full-blown morphology of the mature xenomorph.
The determined alien had stowed away for safety, but the quick-thinking warrant officer manages to make it into a pressure suit before blowing the intruder out of the airlock, along with all of the shuttle's atmosphere.
And since the Gnostics were compelled to draw the figure of the Saviour into a world of quite alien myths, their Christology became so complicated in character that it frequently recalls the Christology of the later dogmatic of the Greek Fathers.
The 11 th century, with its political convulsions, resulting in the establishment of an alien rule and the partial suppression of the language of the conquered race, was unfavourable to literary efforts of any kind in the vernacular.
It is evident that any Old English versions which might have survived the ravages of time would now be unintelligible, it was equally natural that as soon as French came to be looked upon as an alien tongue, the French versions hitherto in use would fail to fulfil their purpose, and that attempts should again be made to render the Bible into the only language intelligible to the greater part of the nation - into English.
Such barbarism was alien to the spirit of the Founder, who substitutes bread and wine for his own flesh and blood, only imparting to these his own quality by the declaration that they are himself.
Yet if society was to grow, men of alien descent had to be admitted into the original brotherhood and amalgamated therewith.
The Alaskan boundary, the Atlantic and inland fisheries, the alien labour law, the bonding privilege, the seal fishery in the Bering Sea and reciprocity of trade in certain products were among the subjects considered by the commission.
After Caesar's murder, Balbus seems to have attached himself to Octavian; in 43 or 42 he was praetor, and in 40 consul - an honour then for the first time conferred on an alien.
In the United States this artificial method has become a necessity, to prevent the upgrowth of alien communities, which might at some later date cause domestic trouble of a perilous character.
This, however, is a consideration altogether alien to the Christian spirit, the aspiration of which is to lay up treasures not on earth but in heaven.
He was deprived by Henry of the English protectorate; and when sentence was finally given against the divorce, Campeggio was deprived of the see of Salisbury as a non-resident alien, by act of parliament (11th of March 1535); but his rich benefices in the Spanish dominions made ample amends.
Centuries of alien domination have left their mark upon the character and appearance of the Andalusians, a mixed race, who contrast strongly with the true Spaniards and possess many oriental traits.
Hubert was accused, with some reason, of enriching himself at the expense of the crown, and of encouraging popular riots against the alien clerks for whom the papacy was providing at the expense of the English Church.
They forced upon the king the Provisions of Oxford (1258), which placed the govern ment in the hands of a feudal oligarchy; they reduced expenditure, expelled the alien favourites from the kingdom, and insisted upon a final renunciation of the French claims. The king submitted for the moment, but at the first opportunity endeavoured to cancel his concessions.
Forgiveness of injuries was as alien from her fierce and loyal spirit as forgetfulness of benefits; the destruction of England and its liberties by Spanish invasion and conquest was the strongest aspiration of her parting soul.
For example, an indeterminative vowel, a, e, i or u, may be prefixed to any root to form an abstract; thus, from me, " speak," we get e-me, " speech"; from ra, " to go," we get a-ra, " the act of going," &c. In connexion with the very complicated Sumerian verbal system 2 it will be sufficient to note here the practice of infixing the verbal object which is, of course, absolutely alien to Semitic. This phenomenon appears also in Basque and in many North American languages.
No longer had the princes as in former years any reason to dread the designs of an ambitious king; the destinies of the kingdom were in their own hands and they would not permit them to be controlled by an alien power.
The government has also not succeeded in reconciling to the empire the alien races which have been incorporated in the Poles, kingdom of Prussia.
They resemble the erratic blocks which lost amid alien soils recall, where we find them, the geological conditions of earlier ages.
Under this act powers are given to the secretary of state to make an order requiring an alien to leave the United Kingdom within a time fixed by the order and thereafter to remain outside the United Kingdom, subject to certain conditions, provided it is certified to him that the alien has been convicted of any felony or misdemeanour or other offence for which the court has power to impose imprisonment without the option of a fine, &c., or that he has been sentenced in a foreign country with which there is an extradition treaty, for a crime not being an offence of a political character.
There are also provisions applicable within one year after the alien has entered the United Kingdom in the case of pauper aliens.
In 1917 he was appointed alien property custodian under the " Trading with the Enemy Act," and within 18 months was administering 32,000 trusts, valued at $503,000,000.
The Senate refused to confirm the appointment until his record as alien property custodian had been investigated, on the ground that he had made his office a " political machine."
Although the cults of the old Greek deities in the new cities, with their splendid apparatus of festivals and sacrifice might still hold the multitude, men turned ever in large numbers to alien Art religions, felt as more potent because strange, and the various gods of Egypt and the East began to find larger entrance in the Greek world.
How long is it probable that Greek colonies planted in the midst of alien races would have remained distinct?
The common description of " the Oriental " as indurated in his antagonism to the alien conqueror here perhaps has some truth in it.
The inspiring idea of the poem was accepted, purified of all alien material, and realized in artistic shape by Virgil in his national epic. He deliberately imparted to that poem the charm of antique associations by incorporating with it much of the phraseology and sentiment of Ennius.
But Sigismund was both an alien and a heretic to the majority of the Swedish nation, and his formal deposition by the Riksdag in 1599 was, in effect, a natural vindication and legitimation of Charles's position.
The Federal Government had no traditions of censorship except the disastrous ones in connexion with the Alien and Sedition laws of 1798.
Under the old Internment Statute of 1789, the Attorney-General was authorized by the President to intern dangerous enemy aliens and by an Act of Congress the Alien Property Custodian assumed charge of enemy aliens' property.
About 6,000 out of 4,000,000 " alien enemies " were interned or put under restraint.
In the state campaign of 1859 he made a speech attacking the Fugitive Slave Law and arguing for state's rights and thus injured his political standing in Wisconsin; and in April he delivered in Faneuil Hall, Boston, an oration on "True Americanism," which coming from an alien was intended to clear the Republican party of the charge of "nativism."
They are free from Rome, from England, from all alien powers.
This, in accordance with the wider view of the effect of naturalization in the United Kingdom, may mean that naturalization in pursuance of a colonial law confers the full character of a British subject, only without removing disabilities, such as that to hold land, under which the naturalized person may have lain as an alien in any other British possession.
In Germany, Austria and Italy no period of residence is prescribed, while in Austria a ten years' residence confers per se the rights of citizenship. In the United States an alien desiring to be naturalized must declare on oath his intention to become a citizen of the United States; two years afterwards must declare on oath his intention to support the constitution of the United States and renounce allegiance to every foreign power, including that of which he was before a subject; must prove residence in the United States for five years, and in the state where his application is made for one year, as a good citizen; and must renounce any title of nobility.
In France an alien desiring naturalization, if he has not resided continuously in the country for ten years, must obtain permission to establish his domicile in France; three years after (in special cases one year) he is entitled to apply for naturalization, which involves the renunciation of any existing allegiance.
But to regard Hezekiah as a Jewish Pisistratus is to ascribe to the time a literary spirit of which the extant documents give no hint; the literature of the age was wholly occupied with the past history, the religious conditions and the political fortunes of the nation, subjects alien to the book of Proverbs.
They enforced, when necessary, the alien acts (EmIXacrla), negotiated with foreign ambassadors, instructed generals, sent out expeditions and were the guiding spirits of the Spartan confederacy.
Emigrants founded new cities and new sees of Low German speech among alien and pagan races; and thus in the course of a century the commerce of Lubeck had supplanted that of Westphalia.
The development of a theory of the ground on which subjects claim their predicates and disown alien predicates could not be long postponed.
The flight of Byzantine scholarship westward in the 15th century revealed, and finally, that the philosophic content of the Scholastic teaching was as alien from Aristotle as from the spirit of the contemporary revolt of science, with its cry for a new medicine, a new nautical astronomy and the like.
It is deservedly, nevertheless, that Mill's applied logic has retained its pride of place amid what has been handed on, if in modified shape, by writers, e.g., Sigwart, and Professor Bosanquet, whose theory of knowledge is quite alien from his.
Lotze's logic then represents the statical aspect of the function of thought in knowledge, while, so far as we go in knowledge thought is always engaged in the unification of a manifold, which remains contradistinguished from it, though not, of course, completely alien to and unadapted to it.
In such a logic, if and so far as coherence should be attained, would be found something akin to the spirit of what Hegel achieves, though doubtless alien to the letter of what it is his pretension to have achieved.
He is, perhaps, more able than Bradley has shown himself, to use material from alien sources and to penetrate to what is of value in the thought of writers from whom, whether on the whole or on particular issues, he disagrees.
We have thus a peculiar combination - the religious doctrines of the Bible, as culminating in the person of Jesus, run through the forms of an alien philosophy.
At first it was persecuted by the state, then established by it, and finally dominated over it; so its teaching was at first alien to philosophy and despised by it, next was accepted by it and given form and rights through it, and finally became queen of the sciences as theology and ruled over the whole world of human knowledge.
On the one hand there are churchmen who attempt to repeat the historical process which has naturalized Theories of the Church in alien soils by appropriating the forces meat.
They have the chief characteristics of the Polynesian, with Malay affinities, and peculiarities such as the use of suffixes and inseparable pronouns and, as in Tagal, of the infix to denote changes in the verb; in the west groups there is a tendency to closed syllables and double consonants, and a use of the palatals ch, j, sh, the dental th, and s (the last perhaps only in foreign words), which is alien to the Polynesian.
These are the universality of the Gospel, the jealousy of national Judaism, and the Divine initiative manifest in the gradual stages by which men of Jewish birth were led to recognize the Divine will in the setting aside of national restrictions, alien to the universal destiny of the Church.
But the people of these cessions, especially of Kentucky, were closely allied to the great up-country party of Virginia, and altogether they formed the basis of the Jeffersonian democracy, which from 1794 opposed the chief measures of the Washington administration, and which on the passage of the Alien and Sedition laws in 1798 precipitated the first great constitutional crisis in Federal politics by the adoption in the Kentucky and Virginia legislatures of the resolutions, known by the names of those states, strongly asserting the right and duty of the states to arrest the course of the national government whenever in their opinions that course had become unconstitutional.
The forces underlying the movement may differ from time to time in their respective intensity, and, in highly exceptional cases, may approach equilibrium, their natural tendencies being interrupted by special causes, but the instances of general decline are confined to wild and comparatively small communities brought into contact with alien and more civilized races.
But the natural vigour of the English genius resisted influences alien to itself, and showed a robust capacity for digesting the varied diet offered to it.
One and all of the permanent institutions of society were condemned by the early enthusiasts, especially by those who looked forward to a speedy advent of the millennium, as alien to the kingdom of God and as impediments to the life of grace.
The Covenant was no doubt an act of revolt against legal authority, and can only be justified on the ground that the crown had for many years acted oppressively and illegally in its attempt to coerce Scotland into a religious system alien to the country, and that the subjects were entitled to free themselves from tyranny.
But he is there as the companion and friend of man, which is Aryan and not Semitic. So alien indeed is this from the Semitic mind that in the Aramaic and Hebrew versions the dog does not appear.
The Church, which had so long played a prominent and valuable part in the moral and literary education of the Welsh people, was now gradually forced out of touch with the nation through the action of alien and unsympathetic Whig prelates in Wales itself, which still remained mainly High Church and Jacobite in feeling.
The radical contrast between mechanical and spiritual religion, though fundamental for modern theology, is alien to the primitive point of view, and is therefore inappropriate to the purposes of anthropological description.
There is no doubt that these prepared the way for the coming of the modern Baptists, but "the truth is that, while the Anabaptists in England raised the question of baptism, they were almost entirely a foreign importation, an alien element; and the rise of the Baptist churches was wholly independent of them."
Though a man of great capacity for work, he represented the narrowest nationalism, and through his enmity to all that was "alien" did more than any other man to retard the political and industrial development of the country.
No person can be elected who is an alien, is under the age of 30 years or over the age of 70 years, is in the employ of the government, is in the active service of the army or navy, has been convicted of any criminal offence, or is a bankrupt.
Besides the Iranians, numerous tribes of alien origin were found in Iran.
The well-known monstrous representation of her, as a figure with many breasts, swathed below the waist in grave-clothes, was probably of late and alien origin.
The introduction of this large alien element, leading from 1895 onwards to the passing of restrictive measures in Natal, was a mistake which South Africans elsewhere had no desire to repeat.
Even the distinction between " force " and " matter " - so alien to the spirit of Heraclitus - is seen to be a necessary consequence.
The Portuguese intermarried freely with their slaves, and this infusion of alien blood profoundly modified the character and physique of the nation.
Brazil and the settlements in Africa and Asia were still to belong to Portugal, not to Spain, and neither in Portugal nor in its colonies was any alien to be given lands, public office, or jurisdiction.
Vieira was a man of action, while the oratorian Manoel Bernardes lived as a recluse, hence his sermons and devotional works, especially Luz e Calor and the Nova Floresta, breathe a calm and sweetness alien to the other, while they are even richer treasures of pure Portuguese.
The development of anti-substances is, however, not peculiar to bacteria, but occurs also when alien cells of various kinds, proteins, ferments, &c., are injected.
For this very reason Orthodox Eastern Christians of alien race felt compelled to resist Greek domination by means of independent ecclesiastical organization, and the structure of the church rather favoured than interfered with the coexistence of separate national churches professing the same faith.
Union would clearly only be possible in the improbable event of the English Church surrendering most of the characteristic gains of the Reformation in order to ally herself with a body, the traditions of which are almost wholly alien to her own.
In Congress he denounced Hamilton's financial policy, opposed the Jay Treaty (1795) and the Alien and Sedition Acts, and advocated a continuance of the French alliance of 1778.
The Rohillas were never a nation, but consisted of a small body of Mahommedans, who had imposed an alien rule upon a million Hindus; and one of their chiefs was left in possession of a tract which now forms the state of Rampur.
A person so qualified is entitled to be enrolled as a burgess, or registered as a county elector (as the case may be), unless he is alien, has during the qualifying period received union or parochial relief or other alms, or is disentitled under some act of parliament such as the Corrupt Practices Act, the Felony Act, &c. The lists of burgesses and county electors are prepared annually by the overseers of each parish in the borough or county, and are revised by the revising barrister at courts holden by him for the purpose in September or October of each year.
The interior of the Dobrudja is occupied largely by Turks and Bulgarians, with Tatars, Russians and Armenians, but here the Ruman steadily gains ground at the expense of the alien.
Many estates were held by alien foundations, such as the convents of Mount Athos and Jerusalem; while the revenues of many more were spent abroad by the patriarch of Constantinople.
It represents the original rustic Latin of the Roman provincials in Moesia and Dacia, as modified by centuries of alien rule.
It had passed, since the war, two measures of importance - one (1902) restricting alien immigration, the other (1903) ratifying the first customs convention between all the South African colonies.
Burkli (Der wahre Winkelried, - die Taktik der alien Urschweizer, Zurich, 1886) has put forth a theory of the battle which is, he allows, opposed to all modern accounts, but entirely agrees, he strongly maintains, with the contemporary authorities.
He opposed the Alien and Sedition Laws, introduced legislation on behalf of American seamen, and in 1800 attacked the president for permitting the extradition by the British government of Jonathan Robbins, who had committed murder on an English frigate, and had then escaped to South Carolina and falsely claimed to be an American citizen.
Her old subjects in Aquitaine were secretly encouraged by her to follow her son Richard against his father, whom the barons of the south always regarded as an alien and an intruder.
But they were only the earliest of the kings alien favorites; quite as greedy were the second family of his mother, Isabella of Angoulme, who after King John.s death had married her old betrothed, Hugh of Lusignan.
Not only is the charge of secrecy rigidly obeyed in regard to the alien world, but full initiation into the deeper mysteries of the creed is permitted only to a special class designated Akils, (Arabic `Akl, intelligence), in contradistinction from whom all other members of the Druse community, whatever may be their position or attainments, are called Jahel, the Ignorant.
On the other hand, the root principle of the ecclesiastical law of the established Protestant Churches is the rejection of alien jurisdiction and the assertion of the supremacy of the state.
Fairbairn takes the rather unusual view that Greek Christian theology was the climax of the process of Greek philosophy, and so far alien to piety, although he is far from banishing speculation out of theology.
But Disraeli had found other studies and an alien use for his pen.
The last chapter, its author says, is taken up with "Mr Papillon's banishment under the Alien Act, from a ministerial misconception of a metaphysical sonnet."
The aristocratic principle of government having been destroyed by the Reform Bill, and the House of Lords being practically "abrogated" by that measure, it became necessary that Toryism should start from the democratic basis, from which it had never been alien.
If, as has already been said, one of the chief tasks of ethics is to prevent the intrusion into its own sphere of inquiry of ideas borrowed from other and alien sources, then obviously these sources must be investigated.
This yearning, he held, springs - like more sensual impulses - from a sense of want of something formerly possessed, of which there remains a latent memory in the soul, strong in proportion to its philosophic capacity; hence it is that in learning any abstract truth by scientific demonstration we merely make explicit what we already implicitly know; we bring into clear consciousness hidden memories of a state in which the soul looked upon Reality and Good face to face, before the lapse that imprisoned her in an alien body and mingled her true nature with fleshly feelings and impulses.
Partly, no doubt, the limited influence of his disciples, the Peripatetics, is to be attributed to that exaltation of the purely speculative life which distinguished the Aristotelian ethics from other later systems, and which was too alien from the common moral consciousness to find much acceptance in an age in which the ethical aims of philosophy had again become paramount.
The sense of the gap between theory and fact gives to the religious element of Stoicism a new force; the soul, conscious of its weakness, leans on the thought of God, and in the philosopher's attitude towards external events, pious resignation preponderates over self-poised indifference; the old self-reliance of the reason, looking down on man's natural life as a mere field for its exercise, makes room for a positive aversion to the flesh as an alien element imprisoning the spirit; the body has come to be a " corpse which the soul sustains," 1 and life a " sojourn in a strange land "; 2 in short, the ethical idealism of Zeno has begun to borrow from the metaphysical idealism of Plato.
For example, we find Plutarch amplifying the suggestion in Plato's latest treatise (the Laws) that this imperfection is due to a bad world-soul that strives against the good, - a suggestion which is alien to the general tenor of Plato's doctrine, and had consequently been unnoticed during the intervening centuries.
The view, however, to which he gave audacious expression, that moral regulation is something alien to the natural man, and imposed on him from without, seems to have been very current in the polite society of his time, as we learn both from Berkeley's Alciphron and from Butler's more famous sermons.
We observe, however, that Paley's method is often mixed with reasonings that belong to an alien and older manner of thought; as when he supports the claim of the poor to charity by referring to the intention of mankind "when they agreed to a separation of the common fund," or when he infers that monogamy is a part of the divine design from the equal numbers of males and females born.
It is impossible to give accurate statistics of the alien population; for, in the compilation of the official figures, language is taken as a test of nationality, an utterly untrustworthy method in a country where every educated person speaks two or three languages.
Although they at first acknowledged no alien sovereign, they passed gradually under Italian influence in the extreme west, and under Byzantine influence in the south and south-east.
Partly under the influence of Mazzini, the freedom of Italy became his ruling motive in life, - its emancipation, not only from foreign masters, but from modes of thought alien to its genius, and detrimental to its European authority.
The variation of type among the Bantu is due probably to a varying admixture of alien blood,which is more apparent as the east coast is approached.
Italy and Germany were two great tracts of land at the mercy of the highest bidder, rich and easy to, dominate, where these coarse and alien kings, still reared on medieval traditions, were for fifty years to gratify their love of conciucst.
Then was inaugurated the period of Persian supremacy, during which Islam was laid open to the full current of alien ideas and culture.
On the other hand, he came to represent those aspects of Peripateticism most alien to the spirit of Christendom; and the deeply religious Moslem gave his name to the anti-sacerdotal party, to the materialists, sceptics and atheists, who defied or undermined the dominant beliefs of the church.
Vizcaya (Biscay)a tongue which is utterly unlike Celtic or Italian or any Indo-Germanic languagesuggests that the Iberians may have been an older people than the Celts and alien from them in race, though the attempts hitherto made to connect Basque with ancient traces of strange tongues in the Basque lands have not yielded clear results.
But, apart from this opening for foreign influence, the Christians were left to develop their order untouched by alien examples, and they developed from the Visigoth monarchy.
Napoleon had sought to impose upon Spain an alien dynasty; Angoulme came to restore the Spanish king to his own.
We also note the same generous inclusion of the household slaves and of the resident alien as well as the fatherless and widow that characterizes the autumnal festival of "Booths."
But at least up to the year 12 4 7 he submitted patiently to papal encroachments, contenting himself with the protection (by a special papal privilege) of his own diocese from alien clerks.
I have known Sharon for 20 years and far from being an undesirable alien who should be deported she is a model citizen.
Activities include making a simple astrolabe, calculating your moon weight and writing a letter to an alien.
Is it just me or does that sound very alien autopsy?
The episode also provides a rather good alien spacecraft which certainly bodes well for the return of Doctor Who in 2005.
Bohemian lifestyle might be alien to you, yet demonstrate an easy way of relaxation that has its charms.
Rising deputy characters include Nicholas Lea as the perfidious Krycek and Brian Thompson as the shapeshifting alien bounty hunters.
You have these army brats taking on an alien menace and it is all out survival for the human species.
Rather like the alleged alien cadaver itself, in fact.
It includes three stages in which you have to fight your way through the passages of alien subterranean caverns.
The spruce, however, so favored by our foresters on economic grounds, is alien to our moorland cloughs.
An alien spacecraft is heading for Earth and will arrive within weeks, bringing colonists who offer partnership and prosperity.
The second stage is simply a matter of blasting or avoiding alien craft, which behave like stunted refugees from Galaxians.
The Blue Planet takes a journey in to the abyss where there are strange creatures straight out of Alien.
The presence of alien limb syndrome pointed to the diagnosis of " Corticobasal degeneration " .
Incredibly, Pravda also described an alleged retrieval of an alien artifact during archeological digs in Kiev, near the Tchaikovsky Conservatory.
Who needs environmental do-gooders on the new frontier; who cares about alien natives?
An attempt to determine population dynamics of introduced alien squirrel species.
Of the world's spin on metal utterly alien continues wpt enterprises was.
The case for granting German citizenship to the alien concept " generic fascism " ', Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften, vol.
You expect many things from Brian Molko, the androgynous alien sex fiend who fronts Placebo.
You might be amused by a photo, Alien; I think it's the first fractal to feature on the Mirror Project.
Blue black is too dark and will look not so much striking and alien as possibly slightly freakish.
Alien genetic material invading genomes also give rise to gene mutations, some of which may result in cancer.
The only gore in this film is Alien gore in this film is Alien gore with a yellow tint.
From alien sightings to terrifying Skeleton Ghost Pirates, spooks and scares lurk around every corner creating high seas hilarity and swashbuckling excitement.
Likewise, we should have heard a vibrant hum of energy to highlight its alien power.
Mysterious Skin A teenage hustler and a young man, obsessed with alien abductions, cross paths discovering a horrible, liberating truth.
This creates an incoherence within the self-structure that we have called an ' alien self ' .
The moment the game begins, you're in a starship defending a war-torn planet Earth from a ravaging alien race called the krill.
We hadn't done any that featured any alien life-form yet, so this was a chance to do that.
Barbara buried her face in Mary's black mane, drowning her fear in the acidic alien scent of the fine silken hair.
A few years later the entire team appeared to perish destroying once and for all the alien overlord behind Gallacter.
Exeter Ship Canal Two alien weeds, parrots feather and floating marsh pennywort, have invaded Exeter Ship Canal.
This is because the piety of the psalms is quite alien to the piety of the psalms is quite alien to the piety that prevails in many contemporary churches.
I suspected they were some sort of alien pods waiting for a chance to take over our bodies and turn us into mindless zombies.
Things aren't looking good for Earth as alien scum is invading the planet and wrecking everything in sight.
However, suppose an alien civilization somehow finds a way to launch the aggressive colonization of other planetary systems while avoiding self-destruction.
Having survived two encounters with the Alien, Ripley faces the final showdown in the penal colony.
Designed for a cheeky barbecue for two, the small grill looks more like an alien spaceship than a cooking device.
The Bop the Alien portable game features six aliens that light up.
If your kids enjoyed the drama of the crane scene in Toy Story 3, they may enjoy replaying that action in this Alien Rescue Claw Game.
However, in the spin-off television show Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, the Toy Story aliens are an actual alien race.
Relive the action and adventure as you recreate some of the more memorable scenes from the movies with your own Toy Story alien toys.
Throughout the course of the film, Jake Sully, the main character, grows to appreciate this strange alien race, finds love with the Na'vi woman Neytiri, and engages in a bloody battle to save the planet from humans.
The set comes with Lotso, Hamm, Woody, alien figures and the trash compactor.
Alien masks, skull masks, and zombie masks are just a few of the possibilities.
Again, you're probably rolling your eyes at the memory of some eager-but-unskilled kisser who was something of a cross between the monster from Alien and a labrador retriever.
Almost everyone involved in the film was subjected to harassment by people who felt the film was objectionable, and even the Chief Minister called the film "alien to our culture."
You must be an alien because you've abducted my heart.
A hybrid watch and bracelet attaches itself to Ben's wrist, effectively giving him the ability to transform into different types of alien life-forms.
Because of the stark cultural differences between the US and India, we on this side of the pond tend to think that the Indian people are as far removed from us and as totally alien as possible.
While the plot is similar to past Superman movies, with villains working toward draining him of his powers, Return strays a bit from the "I'm an alien and trying to fit in" to one that most of us are more familiar with.
The year 1979 brought us Alien, a tale of one ship that lands in the wrong spot and begins encounter creatures of the…well, alien sort.
Sigourney Weaver fires big guns and battles big beasts as she tries to survive the alien attacks.
Alien has one of the most recognizable scenes in the movie industry.
His stomach soon ripples horrendously and a tiny little alien crashes through his stomach lining.
He is an alien with outstanding powers that is sent from his dying home planet.
Avatar fans and those who haven't seen the movie yet will enjoy getting a glimpse of the beautiful alien world, Pandora, through both versions of the extended previews.
James Cameron, who directed Avatar along with films like Titanic and Aliens, brilliantly transports Avatar audiences to the alien planet of Pandora with the use of stunning special effects.
In this movie about nine alien teenagers, the home planet of the aliens is taken over.
Titanic was released in 1997 and directed by James Cameron, who has also directed the blockbuster films Avatar and Alien.
In 2011, the prequel to the Alien series will come to life.
Alien is frightening for its tale of alien invasion.
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) - A young boy makes friends with an alien who is trying to find his way back home.
For the alien's survival, the boy needs to keep him a secret from both his mom and the government.
The Loch Ness Monster is a paranormal phenomenon, either as the ghost of a dinosaur, an alien entity or another otherworldly being.
Nancy and Chris Hughes were a very happily married couple, but Nancy's dissatisfaction was not an alien concept.
The modern world craves meaning and purpose in all aspects of life, which often leads seekers to explore the mythology of past eras or civilizations alien to their own.
H.R. Giger's xenomorph design from the Alien film franchise is perhaps the most famous example of this.
Some claim that the government is housing aliens at the site; others say it's a test site for alien spacecraft.
This device allows him to turn into one of ten different kinds of alien heroes.
This wrist-worn game shows the faces of each of the ten special alien superheroes that Ben can turn himself into.
The sounds replicate the noise that takes place as Ben is transformed from a 10 year-old boy into an alien superhero.
These are an alarm clock bell, alien alarm, digital alarm and bugle reveille.
Your UFO and Alien clocks are really unique.
I love the Big Alien Head one and the one about the cow abduction is eye catching too.
In one scene of the first Back to the Future movie, the car was mistaken for an alien spacecraft, and speculation is that they chose the DeLorean because of this scene.
Custom Online Signs - If you wonder about alien life on other planets or are interested in flying saucers and UFOs, Custom Online Signs has what you need.
Choose alien graphic decals in many colors and even personalize your alien automobile window decal.
Stop by their FAQ section for help in choosing the right alien decal for your window, and get great installation instructions too.
If you look hard enough, you might even be able to find some funny alien and Looney Toons tunes too!
The Alien (with black background) is particularly appealing, especially with the cool blue highlights.
Looking for some classic alien fun at your Halloween party?
Turn your home into Area 51 and give your guests their very own alien encounter with these party ideas.
The Day the Earth Stood Still provides an example of combining the science fiction themes of alien invasion and end of the world.
Alien is the 1979 classic, space horror flick staring Sigourney Weaver, John Hurt, Ian Holm, Tom Skerrit and Veronica Cartwright.
Alien was the breakout film for director Ridley Scott, who went on to direct Blade Runner, Thelma and Louise, Gladiator and others.
At the film's conclusion, the alien defeated, Ripley and the cat curled up to go to sleep in stasis for their long journey back to Earth.
Running counter to the evil alien theme, the film introduced aliens as gentle co-inhabitants who only want to get along.
The alien protagonist of the story, whose name we never discover, is one of a party of scientists.
Elliot, played by Henry Thomas, hides E.T. in his home, while authorities scour the surrounding area for evidence of the alien incursion.
Using gizmos salvaged from games and toys, he cobbles together a device that Elliot and friends need to place in the woods where the alien ship briefly visited.
This expedition, on Halloween night, is the occasion for the visual that is most characteristic of this movie - the boy on the bike flying over the moon, with the strange little alien in his bike's basket.
These are the cases that the FBI officially will not admit exists; the alien abductions, mutants in the sewers, dangerous cabals and the like.
Human colonization is reaching farther into the galaxy and ultimately, humanity trespasses into the territory of an alien race.
Conventional wisdom calls the disappearances alien abductions.
Exploring the complex interactions of alien races, delving into religious and political issues, and sharing more information about the Star Trek universe are all strong points of the Deep Space Nine series.
In fact, when members of the Enterprise crew tell alien races where they are from, many respond with puzzled looks and say "Earth?
Director Ridley Scott, who also directed the movie Alien, brought his own unique perspective to this feature.
The second outing in the Alien franchise of feature films actually managed to avoid using a numeral at all, by the simple expedient of pluralizing the name of the movie it sequelized.
The sole survivor of Alien, Warrant Officer Ellen Ripley (played with panache by Sigourney Weaver) was last seen entering hypersleep for her trip back to inhabited space.
Where Alien was creepy-crawly tension and jump-out-at-you boo's, Aliens veers into action-adventure with the 'eighties-style hoo-rah Marines.
The situation is hardly helped when it is discovered that Company Representative Burke (played with two-faced sympathy by Paul Reiser) is actually trying to secure an alien to take back with him for the Company's research department.
Yet before they can effect their escape, Hicks is wounded and Newt is captured by the Queen Alien.
But the alien queen has hitched a ride on the landing craft, and just when Ripley and Newt have finished tucking the wounded Hicks into a hypersleep pod, she emerges to continue the battle.
Remember that alien spacecraft that crashed at Roswell, New Mexico back in the 1940s?
By reverse engineering, they've created a large blue sphere using the alien technology.
Alexander Dane (Alan Rickman) can't forget he's a classical actor and has nothing but contempt for the fans' worship of his character the alien Dr. Lazarus.
The furrowed foreheads were introduced in Next Generation to make the Klingons look more visibly alien, but which set up canon-inconsistency with original series Klingons.
It is left to the Star Trek franchise, with the deployment of Lt. Commander Data, and the Alien movies, to bring us artificial persons who were fully functional characters with inner lives and motives of their own.
You're not going to see any green-skinned beings living in alien jungles, toting unrecognizable weapon-like contraptions in this show.
It would be bigotry to despise another human race, but not an alien one.
Earth has been at war for decades with an alien race about which very little is known.
From the author who never featured aliens in his novels until this point, the Grand Old Man jumps into the alien inventing market with a vengence.
Our Space Cases are stranded on a partially sentient alien ship that will only respond to the students' commands - so now, the failing students have no choice but to pull their act together and get themselves home.
Have you ever spent a half an hour trying to find Alien in Science Fiction only to find it shelved under Horror?
Dyson, is the classic novel of listening for messages from distant alien civilizations.
Kirk. Her chief role was to establish contact with planets and alien races using the ship's communications technology, though she later took on many other duties in the course of her career.
Giger is perhaps best known as the visual genius behind the look of the movie Alien and its sequel, Aliens.
In early episodes, Deanna Troi's utility was mainly in studying the alien vessel in view on the main screen with a far off look and intoning "I sense a great fear... and sadness..." or similar hokum.
There are hundreds of ships appearing throughout the Star Trek series, both from alien races and the federation's own ships.
Captain Picard and his crew follow the Borg ship back to the time of first contact, when the first earth vessel encounters an alien life form.
A CE of the third kind is actual visual sighting, not just of a potential alien vehicle, but of an alien lifeform.
Close Encounters is one of the first films to deal with benign alien visitors; earlier sci-fi depictions of aliens are as frightening invaders.
An alien ship, which it is implied has called them all, appears and returns humans abducted in the past, and Dreyfuss' character leaves with them.
Spock not only can 'mind-meld' with his human shipmates, but with alien lifeforms as well.
The alien worlds of the Star Wars universe wouldn't be complete without the aliens and plenty of robots too.
Chronicling the exploits of Zim, an alien visitor bent on destroying earth, his frenetic and hilarious robot GIR, and Dib, his archenemy, Invader Zim took a dark and witty look at modern life.
For the more obscure alien races, this site has ships of the Borg Collective, Ferengi Alliance, the Maquis, and the Gorn Defense Force.
Besides ships, you can find links to pages that also build and review alien ships, Star Trek props, and in-depth websites that relay the lore of the Star Trek universe.
You don't have to attend a convention to show your respect for the Federation, although you're certainly welcome to do so, just try a tribble purr or some other alien critter speak.
While all this is going on, a reporter discovers Clark's super powers and the alien ship.
They reflect a facet of humanity, even if that facet is alien in concept.
Angels are comparatively beautiful, but their lack of free will and compassion makes them alien indeed.
In fantasy artwork, for example, the artist may use the eyes to convey a deeply held human emotion amidst an alien landscape or an utterly human gesture that sparks a memory.
The pet was suppose to be alien so the creators made the robot dog on Battlestar Galactica resemble a dog and a bear.
The Star Trek blaster beam doesn't refer to a special weapon of Starfleet Academy or an alien race in any of the episodes.
In the episode "The Devil in the Dark" Dr. McCoy is ordered to the planet's surface once again, this time to treat an alien known as a Horta.
Guinan - An alien and one of the last of her kind, Guinan shared a unique relationship with Picard and worked as a bartender in Ten-Forward.
In addition to Federation Starships, many fans also seek out blueprints of additional Star Trek ships of other alien races as well, including the Borg, Cardassian, Kazon, Klingon, Romulans, Vulcans and more.
Odo, like Spock and Data, was the alien in the triangle, but Major Kira Nerys complimented him as a Bajoran who also struggled with understanding human interactions.
The three formed a strong triangle of leadership, but in later seasons, Seven of Nine gradually edged out Tuvok for the role of alien among them.
You can see what designs are similar and themes that alien races use when making their ships.
Once in the Star Trek section, you'll find an easy-to-navigate format listing Starfleet and the major races' ships and any other alien race every mentioned in Star Trek, including the Kazon Collective.
In addition to blueprints and schematics of the ships, you will also find bridge plans of Starfleet and alien ships, a basic ship gallery of 3-D images and cutaways.
You can find Star Trek models ranging from ships in the Starfleet to alien ships to smaller models of weapons or parts of the ships.
You will also find different classes of Starfleet ship, like the Akira class ship, and other alien ships like the Dominion fighters.
These technologies are all advancing at a very rapid pace, and they are all bringing the concept of an android alien pet much closer to a very real possibility than ever before.
This feature makes the Cylon centurion one of the most recognizable alien "villains" of the silver screen.
Pilots of both kinds of ship wore Battlestar Galactica helmets for a number of reasons including protection when fighting, and if by chance they were shot down, and found themselves grounded on an alien world with an unfriendly atmosphere.
The other significant alien race in the original Star Trek, the Romulans, used the same basic design as the Klingon Battlecruiser.
Hoshi was responsible for programming much of the Universal Translator's versatility as human contact with alien races demanded greater communication skills.
If enjoy escaping to alien or futuristic worlds but don't have time to read a novel, science fiction short story collections offer the perfect solution.
The alien invasion trope includes occupation, infiltration, raids and combinations thereof.
Terraforming and colonization come with inherent risks such as intergalactic war, alien encounters and natural disasters.
While the setting may not be amongst the stars or amongst an alien species, Moore captured the philosophical issues that lie at the heart of most science fiction.
Gort - From the 1951 film The Day the Earth Stood Still, this plain yet terribly dangerous alien robot revealed how weak humans could be when facing superior technology.
Simple procedures that people who use computers frequently will find second nature, such as uploading photographs, may seem confusing and alien to someone new to this way of working with a computer.
People who serve in the US Coast Guard must be a citizen of the United States or a Resident Alien and be between the ages of 17-27 to be considered for active duty.
In The Next Generation, alien races became crew members of the Federation.
She was an author, she explained with a puff of her ample bosom, and had just returned from Roswell, New Mexico, Mecca of the strange and alien.
To the " Malcontents " (as the Catholic party was styled) the domination of heretical sectaries appeared less tolerable than the evils attendant upon alien rule.
The truth was indeed obscured for a time by persistent prejudices in favour of certain alien Mediterranean races long known to have been in relation with the Aegean area in prehistoric times, e.g.
The Aristotelian form refused to fit a matter for which it was never intended; the matter of Christian theology refused to be forced into an alien form.
It is also likely enough that they did not consider sensible matter to be a vehicle worthy to contain divine effluence and holy virtues, and knew that such rites were alien to early Christianity.
So various are the conditions of selfregulation in various animals, both in respect of their peculiar and several modes of assimilating different foods, and of protecting themselves against particular dangers from without, that, as we might have expected, the bloods taken from different species, or even perhaps from different individuals, are found to be so divergent that the healthy serum of one species may be, and often is, poisonous to another; not so much in respect of adventitious substances, as because the phases of physiological change in different species do not harmonize; each by its peculiar needs has been modified until, in their several conditions of life, they vary so much about the mean as to have become almost if not quite alien one to another.
But the result of these conditions and of his own inadequate conception of the proper limits of his art is that his best poetry is clogged with a great mass of alien matter, which no treatment in the world could have made poetically endurable.
After the failure of the Italians, the Hanseatics remained the strongest group of alien merchants in England, and, as such, claimed the exclusive enjoyment of the privileges granted by the Carta Mercatoria of 1303.
But a few years ago they used to compile laborious essays, in which the inspiration was drawn from Occidental text-books, and the alien character of the source was hidden under a veneer of Chinese aphorisms., To-day they write terse, succinct, closely-reasoned articles, seldom diffuse, often witty; and generally free from extravagance of thought or diction.
They do not mix with the Abyssinians, and never marry women of alien religions.
Papias, his ETaZpos (Irenaeus), turns in fact from " the vain talk of the many, and from the " alien commandments " to such as were " delivered by the Lord to the faith," offering to the Christian world his Interpretation of the Lord's Oracles based upon personal inquiry from those who " came his way," who could testify as to apostolic tradition.
This failed for several reasons, the foremost being that the language was not Arabic but Phoenician, and because professors and teachers, whose personal ascendancy was based on the official prominence of Italian, did not realize that educational institutions existed for the rising generation rather than to provide salaries for alien teachers and men behind the times.
The Cyrenaic ideal was, of course, utterly alien to Christianity, and, in general, subsequent thinkers found it an ideal of hopeless pessimism.
Erdmann, is at least a logic. Thought in its progressive unfolding, of which the history of philosophy taken in its broad outline offers a pageant, necessarily cannot find anything external to or alien from itself, though that there is something external for it is another matter.
No … all because Evelyn fell in love with an alien … no, all because Romas was an alien!
Over 15 military informers confirmed that the stirring was caused by the arrival of more American experts in UFO phenomena and alien creatures.
We are a tiny minority in an alien land.
From northwest Wales it's a colonial outpost of the English empire - governmental, stern, alien, nothing to do with them.
Owing to their almost entire immunity from any alien domination except that of the Romans and Goths, the Asturians may perhaps be regarded as the purest representatives of the Iberian race; while their dialect (linguaje bable) is sometimes held to be closely akin to the parent speech from which modern Castilian is derived.
Now this world disconcerted him no longer and was no longer alien to him, but he himself having entered it found in it a new enjoyment.
In the case of a divorce granted after the alien spouse has been granted a green card, his/her status doesn't change.
She wore the alien clothing, though her stomach was starting to protrude.
A waist-high bathtub and a round disc serving as an alien toilet, also waist-high, were on one wall.
The people whom they directed were called out to fight, at the bidding of an alien, for this and that foreigner who seemed most powerful and most likely to succeed.
An alien was, at common law, incapable of being either a lessor or a lessee.
All the time she was eating, Gladys prattled on about her magnificent dreams of the snow-covered landscape of faraway planets and the lustful urges of their alien inhabitants.
So for Schleiermacher "miracle is neither explicable from nature alone, nor entirely alien to it."
He brought with him into our rearguard all the freshness of atmosphere of the French army, which was so alien to us.
He carried his resolution within himself in terror and haste, like something dreadful and alien to him, for, after the previous night's experience, he was afraid of losing it.
She was grateful to see even alien kids behaved like typical kids.
It is commonly represented that the endowment was wholly derived from alien priories bought by Chicheley from the crown.
At Palermo the Sicilians struggled hard to establish a republic in place of the odious government of an alien dynasty.
Each kind of ant is so addicted to its own particular fungal food that it refuses disdainfully, even when hungry, the produce of an alien nest.
And the excited, alien face of that man, his bayonet hanging down, holding his breath, and running so lightly, frightened Rostov.
The household was divided into two alien and hostile camps, who changed their habits for his sake and only met because he was there.
The Brains set up the Planetary Council-- the alien version of the United Nations-- several generations before to mediate between the warring planets within the Five Galaxies.
No … all because Evelyn fell in love with an alien … no, all because Romas was an alien!
As an alien, he was unable to take part in the debates.
But these wars were fought for the most part by alien armies; the points at issue were decided beyond the Alps; the gains accrued to royal families whose names were unpronounceable by southern tongues.
The mysteries of theology are its best part - not alien to reason but of its substance, the " logos."
To Samuel of Nehardea belongs the honour of formulating the principle which made it possible for Jews to live under alien laws.
Adams's four years as chief magistrate (1797-1801) were marked by a succession of intrigues which embittered all his later life; they were marked, also, by events, such as the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts, which brought discredit on the Federalist party.
They believe that an experience of more than 250 years gives ample warrant for the belief that Christ did not command them as a perpetual outward ordinance; on the contrary, they hold that it was alien to His method to lay down minute, outward rules for all time, but that He enunciated principles which His Church should, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, apply to the varying needs of the day.
Julie, with whom she had corresponded for the last five years, was in Moscow, but proved to be quite alien to her when they met.
The only alien priories granted were Abberbury in Oxfordshire, Wedon Pinkney in Northamptonshire, Romney in Kent, and St Clare and Llangenith in Wales, all very small affairs, single manors and rectories, and these did not form a quarter of the whole endowment.
No alien, sojourner or hired servant shall eat thereof, but a bought servant, if circumcised.
That is just so alien to me.
The English common law, with all the absurdities and rigours of that day, was arbitrarily extended to an alien system of society.
The vilayet suffered severely during the Russian occupation of 1878, when, apart from the natural dislocation of commerce, many of the Moslem cultivators emigrated to Asia Minor, to be free from their alien rulers.
In Italy, divided between feudal nobles and almost hereditary ecclesiastics, of foreign blood and alien sympathies, there was no national feeling.
Alien domination alone has been able to correct the tendency of this long strip of land to break up into hostile belts.
The conception of the world and of human life as controlled by natural law, a naturalistic cosmos, is alien not only to the prophetic and liturgical Hebrew literature but also to Hebrew thought in general.
As native influences, however, began to reassert themselves in the Nile valley, Alexandria gradually became an alien city, more and more detached from Egypt; and, losing much of its commerce as the peace of the empire broke up during the 3rd century A.D., it declined fast in population and splendour.
Martha had no siblings and Quinn had no idea of what might have sprouted from his alien family tree.