Algorithms Sentence Examples
Self-teaching algorithms will get better and better at making suggestions.
The speed and quality of those algorithms will get ever better.
Algorithms get smarter, computers faster.
This gives me confidence that, in the wisdom-seeking systems of the future, people will be willing to share data to make the algorithms better.
We first evaluate a number of compression algorithms for use in the driver.
By being presented as Grid services, numerical optimization algorithms can be consumed with a number of message interactions.
Lumagen's own calibration, and video processing algorithms are used to complement and enhance the already stellar Realta HQV processing.
Furthermore, VEDA employs efficient rendering algorithms for real-time interaction.
Genetic Algorithms are robust search algorithms capable of finding multiple solutions to complex problems.
Engines would typically also utilize algorithms to determine a relevancy factor.
AdvertisementThe basics of confidentiality, authentication, and some major cryptographic algorithms are outlined in chapter two.
For example there is a " evolution scheduler " which allows you to experiment with different scheduling algorithms for your Linux system.
We will look at reorder buffers and scheduling algorithms later.
Its rich, warm sound starts with algorithms based on true analog circuitry.
The framework can be easily used for quantitative comparison of texture classification algorithms.
AdvertisementOften used in video compression algorithms that exploit the temporal coherence of image sequences.
He is a numerical analyst who specializes in the development and analysis of algorithms in matrix computations.
The encoding and decoding algorithms are simple, but the encoded data are consistently only about 33 percent larger than the uncoded data.
Both the image normalization and tissue segmentation algorithms developed by our group significantly improve the statistics in tumor volume measurement.
The algorithms used to compute the correlation in the Question Statistics report have been improved in 2.2.
AdvertisementThe algorithms that generate uniform random deviates vary widely.
A half dozen fuzz algorithms, from smooth germanium transistor fuzz to harsh silicon clipping fuzz boxes.
Therefore, these algorithms rely on a locally linear internal model of the black box.
These algorithms have found to be very good at solving hard real-world combinatorial optimization problems.
We describe efficient randomized algorithms whose probability of error can be controlled by the user.
AdvertisementIn this paper, we propose propagation and routing algorithms for a fully decentralized, self-organizing network.
There are also three Undamped Algorithms for fitting sinusoids via a modification of the least-squares Prony method.
We have also developed parallel SP algorithms and the computational results vindicate the long-standing claim that such algorithms achieve both speed-up and scale-up.
A-Flex responds to the sleeper's breathing patterns by matching pressure to the entire breathing cycle's algorithms during sleep.
You can also define your own indexes using B-tree and hashing algorithms.
The feeling was that evolutionary algorithms should be better able to cope with noise than heuristic state merging methods.
Lower order polynomials are trivial to solve while higher order polynomials require iterative algorithms to solve them.
Advanced encryption algorithms protect the entire network against unauthorized access.
The higher the number of variables the longer the optimization algorithms will take to run.
Predictive analytics takes the body of data collected and manipulates it using sophisticated algorithms to provide dynamic suggestions for tactical action.
On closer examination, the algorithms show statistical weaknesses that might allow key recovery using differential cryptanalysis.
One of these is that efficient approximation algorithms exist that yield nearly optimal solutions to NP-hard optimization problems.
Graph-based planners Graph-based Planners are based on ideas used in graph algorithms.
The algorithms found and fixed red-eye about 90 percent of the time.
In particular, we demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach over standard mesh refinement algorithms which employ ad hoc error indicators.
Genetic algorithms are robust search algorithms capable of finding multiple solutions to complex problems.
The ranking algorithms of the search engines are a closely-guarded secret.
Web Search and MSN Search will likely integrate some form of visual page segmentation into their search algorithms.
Region growing A range of image segmentation algorithms are based on region growing.
The p-quotient and soluble quotient algorithms are implemented in the GAP 4 library, but those implementations are not yet described in the documentation.
Although computer simulations can help, many algorithms fail when they address regions near black hole singularities where the gravitational fields theoretically approach infinity.
Lumagen 's own calibration, and video processing algorithms are used to complement and enhance the already stellar Realta HQV processing.
Click popularity sorting algorithms track how many users click on a link and stickiness measurement calculates how long they stay at a website.
These include strange attractors, fractals, and genetic algorithms.
The standard method for defining subdivision algorithms uses a matrix notation.
You will work with programming languages like C++, 3D graphics, artificial intelligence algorithms and high-level mathematics.
The algorithms the sites use will tend to match you up with other people in similar fields.
These sites run algorithms that search for keywords, web browsing habits, and other data stored on your computer or social networking profile and provide you with advertisements targeted specifically to you.
The algorithms that search engines utilize to index websites change quite frequently.
Too many unscrupulous people began abusing that system, though, and Google and other search engines adjusted their algorithms so that page content is only a small part of the whole method used to place your site.
Most search engines keep the actual algorithms they use to "spider" the web (locate and rank the sites) a closely guarded secret.
Search engine algorithms prefer HTML based web pages, and your chances of listing highly in the search results increases significantly when you have HTML based web pages.
The search engines got wise to that game, however, and now the algorithms they use to measure a site's relevance and popularity are not only more sophisticated, they are also top-secret.
What's more, the algorithms used to make that recommendation are self-learning and will improve their suggestions over time.