Algonkins Sentence Examples
The Algonkins, however, thought otherwise, and the myth itself suggests a theriomorphic earth-maker.
The Iroquois are in advance of the Algonkins; their creator-hero has no touch of the animal in him.
These people are at any rate above the Greenlanders, but are surpassed by the Algonkins described by Nicholas Perrot in 1700, and by the Iroquois, whom the heroic Father Brebeuf (1J93-1649) learned to know so we11.3 The earth-maker of the former was called Michabo, i.e.
Thus Qat, Quahteaht, Pundjel, Maui, Ioskeha, Cagn, Wainamoinen and an endless array of others represent the ideal and heroic first teachers of Melanesians, Ahts, Australians, Maoris, Algonkins, Bushmen and Finns.