Alaska Sentence Examples
They may have just moved to Alaska from another state.
His greatest work in this period was the purchase of Alaska from Russia, in 1867.
The development of Alaska and the completion of the Northern Pacific Railroad to the coast (1883) brought a great increase in population.
Coal was produced in 1908 in 30 states out of the 46 of the Union; and occurs also in enormous quantities in Alaska; 690,438 men were employed in this year in the coal mines.
The area of the United States, as here considered, exclusive of Alaska and outlying possessions, occupies a belt nearly twenty degrees of middle latitude in width, and crosses Boundaries sad Area, North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The southern boundary is naturally defined on the east by the Gulf of Mexico; its western extension crosses obliquely over the western highlands, along an irregular line determined by aggressive Americans of Anglo-Saxon stock against Americans of Spanish stock.
In the north, the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the intricately branching waterways of Puget Sound between the Cascade and the Olympic ranges occupy trough-like depressions which were filled by extensive glaciers in Pleistocene times; and thus mark the beginning of the great stretch of forded coast which extends northward to Alaska.
In October 1906 the seat of government of Alaska was removed from Sitka to Juneau.
The axis of the archipelago near the mainland of Alaska has a S.W.
The last is not confined to this part of Alaska, but is the characteristic and universal tree.
In this way Mt Whitney (14,502 ft.) came to be the highest summit in the United States (excluding Alaska).
AdvertisementOn the 12th of March 1881, however, the acting secretary of the United States treasury, in answer to a letter asking for an interpretation of the words "waters adjacent thereto" in the acts of 1868 and 1873, stated that all the waters east of the boundary line were considered to be within the waters of Alaska territory.
Bushes are common in western Alaska, but undergrowth is very scanty in the forests.
The mining laws of most civilized states grant the right of free prospecting over the public lands, protect the rights of the discoverer of the mineral deposit during the period of exploration, and provide for the acquisition of mineral property on favourable terms. Striking examples of the far-reaching effect of such laws is shown in the history of the Rocky Mountain region and western coast of the United States, the colonization and development of Australia, and the development of Alaska.
The range of the common or brown hare, inclusive of its local races, extends from England across southern and central Europe to the Caucasus; while that of the blue or mountain species, likewise inclusive of local races, reaches from Ireland, Scotland and Scandinavia through northern Europe and Asia to Japan and Kamchatka, and thence to Alaska.
The genus includes about a score of species of guinea-pig-like animals, inhabiting chiefly the mountainous parts of Northern Asia (from 11,000 to 14,000 ft.), one species only being known from South-east Europe and several from the Rocky Mountains and Alaska.
AdvertisementThe turnstone (Strepsilas interpres) arrives in the islands in August after breeding in Alaska.
Its total membership is under ioo,000, and it has some 350 missionaries, labouring in the most unpromising fields - Greenland, Labrador, Alaska, Central America, Tibet, and among the Hottentots.
He founded missions in Alaska and the Aleutian Islands, Kamtchatka and throughout Eastern Siberia, and established the Orthodox Missionary Society at Moscow.
In North America, the principal region of volcanic activity lay in the west; great thicknesses of igneous rocks occur in the Lower Carboniferous rocks of British Columbia, and from the middle of the period until near its close volcanoes were active from Alaska to California.
The best fur seals are found off the Alaska coast and down as far south as San Francisco.
AdvertisementThese are the Hudson's Bay Co., Russian Fur Co., Alaska Commercial Co., North American Commercial Co., Russian Sealskin Co., Harmony Fur Co., Royal Greenland Fur Co., American Fur Co., Missouri Co.
Found in Alaska, Hudson Bay territory, Archangel and Greenland.
The finest skins are found in the East Main and the Esquimaux Bay, in the Hudson's Bay Company's districts, and the poorest in Alaska.
The clays, which contain layers of good coal and an abundant fossil vegetation, show that during the Miocene period Sakhalin formed part of a continent which comprised north Asia, Alaska and Japan, and enjoyed a comparatively warm climate.
Domesticated reindeer have also been introduced into Alaska.
AdvertisementThe last is the counter-trade, the all-year wind of Alaska and Oregon; it prevails in winter even off Southern California.
Jesuit missionaries entered Lower California as early as 1697, maintaining themselves there until Charles III.'s expulsion in 1767 of all Jesuits from his dominions; but not until Russian explorations in Alaska from 1745-1765 did the Spanish government show interest in Upper California.
In July 1920 he arrived at Nome in Alaska having completed the north-east passage.
The genus Isotoma, for example, has some of its numerous species in regions so remote as Alaska, Franz Josef Land, the Sandwich Islands, the South Orkneys, Graham Land, Kerguelen and South Victoria Land.
In 1883 she was appointed special agent to allot lands to the Omaha tribes, in 1884 prepared and sent to the New Orleans Exposition an exhibit showing the progress of civilization among the Indians of North America in the quarter-century previous, in 1886 visited the natives of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands on a mission from the commissioner of education, and in 1887 was United States special agent in the distribution of lands among the Winnebagoes and Nez Perces.
Among business buildings built since the fire are the Phelan building (costing more than $2,000,000), the buildings of the Bank of California, the Alaska Commercial Company, the First National Bank and the San Francisco Savings Union, and the Chronicle (newspaper) building.
Trade with the Philippine Islands and the Hawaiian Islands and Alaska is important, while the coastwise trade with Pacific ports exceeds all the rest in tonnage.
Thuja gigantea, the red or canoe cedar, a native of north-western America from southern Alaska to north California, is the finest species, the trunk rising from a massive base to the height of 150 to 200 ft.
In America the Russian archbishop, who resides in New York, has (on behalf of the Holy Synod) the oversight of some 152 churches and chapels in the United States, Alaska and Canada.
He is assisted by two bishops, one for Alaska residing at Sitka, one for Orthodox Syrians residing in Brooklyn.
The summers are much cooler than on the mainland at Sitka, but the winter temperature of the islands and of south-eastern Alaska is very nearly the same.
Sporadic efforts to Christianize the Aleuts were made in the latter half of the 18th century, but little impression was made before the arrival in 1824 of Father Ivan Venyaminov, who in 1840 became the first Greek bishop of Alaska.
These three parts will be referred to hereafter respectively, as Continental Alaska, Aleutian Alaska and the " Panhandle."
Very little was known about Alaska previous to 1896, when the gold discoveries in the Klondike stimulated public interest regarding it.
The orographic features of the Pacific Mountain system trend parallel to the coast-line of the Gulf of Alaska, changing with this at the great bend beyond the N., and of the Panhandle from S.E.
Alaska, which it crosses near the Arctic coast in a broad belt composed of several ranges about 6000 ft.
It is fed by Alpine glaciers, among them one of the grandest in Alaska, the Seward, which descends from Mt.
A low water-parting divides the Yukon valley from the Kuskokwim, the second river of Alaska in size, navigable by steamers for 600 m.
The Rocky Mountain system in Alaska is higher and more complex than in Canada.
The Panhandle, along with the lisiere (foreland), westward to Cook Inlet might be called temperate Alaska, its climate being similar to that of the N.W.
But the Alaska summer is the uncertain season; at times the nights are cold into July, at times snow falls and there are frosts in mid-August; sometimes rain is heavy, or again there is a veritable drought.
It is, however, the fish and the fur-bearing animals of its rivers and surrounding seas that are economically most distinctive of and important to Alaska.
The red fox is widely distributed, and the white or Arctic fox is very common along the eastern coast of Bering Sea; a blue fox, once wild, is now domesticated on Kodiak and the Aleutians, and on the southern continental coast, and a black fox, very rare, occurs in south-eastern Alaska; the silver fox is very rare.
The forests of the coastal region eastward from Cook Inlet, and particularly in south-eastern Alaska, are of fair variety, and of great richness and value.
The balsam fir and in the south the red cedar occur in scant quantities; more widely distributed, but growing only under marked local conditions, is the yellow or Alaska cedar, a very hard and durable wood of fine grain and pleasant odour.
The thick peat moss or tundra of the undrained lowlands covers probably at least a quarter of Alaska; the ' The trees here grow as large as 10 in.
It is calculated that a twentieth of south-eastern Alaska is available for agriculture, and that of the entire country 100,000 sq.
The fur and fish resources of Alaska have until recently held first place in her industries.
The second salmon stream is the Nushagak, flowing into Bristol Bay; this bay is the richest fishing field of Alaska, furnishing in 1901, 35% of the total production.
The timber resources of Alaska are untouched 2 280 species of mosses proper, of which 46 were new to science, and 16 varieties of peat moss (Sphagnum) were listed by the Harriman expedition; and 74 species or varieties of ferns.
The value of the total product of Alaska's fish canneries was in 1905 $7,735,7 82, or 29.3% of the total for the United States; in 1900 it was 17.4% of the country's total.
Other gold districts are scattered over the whole interior of Alaska.
The product of gold and silver (of the latter some 1.3% of the total) from 1895 to 1901 was more than $32,000,000 from Alaska proper (not including that from the Canadian Yukon fields) as against a production of $5,000,000 in 1880-1896.
Coal, and in much larger quantities lignite, have been found in many parts of Alaska.
Most important, because of their location, are deposits along the Alaska Peninsula and between Circle City and Dawson.
As against $7,200,000 paid for Alaska in 1867, the revenues returned to the United States in the years 1867-1903 totalled $9,555,9 0 9 (namely, rental for the Fox and Pribilof Islands, $999, 200; special revenue tax on seal-skins, $7,597,351; Alaskan customs, $528,558; public lands, $28,928; other sources $401,872).
It has been estimated that in the same period the United States drew from Alaska fish, furs and gold to the value of about $150,000,000; that up to 1903 the imports from the states aggregated $100,000,000; and that $25,000,000 of United States capital was invested in Alaska.
The natives have adopted many customs of white civilization, and on the Aleutians, and in coastal Alaska, and in scattered regions in the interior acknowledge Christianity under the forms of the Orthodox Greek or other churches.
This policy threatens to become a continued necessity throughout much of Alaska.
Before this act and the elections of August 1906 Alaska was a governmental district of the United States without a delegate in Congress.
This act extended over Alaska the laws of the state of Oregon so far as they should be applicable, created the judicial district and a land district, put in force the mining laws of the United States, and in general gave the administrative system the organization it retained up to the reforms of 1899-1900.
As the general land laws of the United States were not extended to Alaska in 1884, there was no means, generally speaking, of gaining title to any land other than a mining claim, and so far as any method did exist its cost was absolutely prohibitive.
After partial and inadequate legislation in 1891 and 1898, the regular system of land surveys was made applicable to Alaska in 1899, and a generous homestead law was provided in 1903.
The coast of Alaska offers exceptional facilities for smuggling, and liquor has always been very plentiful; juries have steadily refused to convict offenders, and treasury officials have regularly collected revenue from saloons existing in defiance of law.
The governor has represented the president without possessing much power; the department of war has had ill-defined duties; the department of justice has, in theory, had charge of the general law; the department of the interior has administered the land law; the agents of the bureau of education have superintended the stocking of Alaska with reindeer; the United States Fish Commission has investigated the condition of marine life without having powers to protect it.
The region now known as Alaska was first explored by the Russian officers Captain Vitus Bering and Chirikov in 1741.
In 1864 authority was granted to an American company to make explorations for a proposed Russo-American company's telegraph line overland from the Amur river in Siberia to Bering Strait, and through Alaska to British Columbia.
In 1854 a Californian company began importing ice from Alaska.
Since its acquisition by the United States the history of Alaska has been mainly that of the evolution of its administrative system described above, and the varying fortunes of its fisheries and sealing industries.
Baker, " List of Charts, Maps, and Publications relating to Alaska," in United States Pacific Coast Pilot, 1879; Monthly Catalogue United States Public Documents, No.
Bancroft, Alaska 1730-1885, pp. 59560 9; and various other bibliographies in titles mentioned below, especially in Brooke's The Geography and Geology of Alaska.
Dall, " Alaska as it was and is, 1865-1895," in Bulletin of the Philadelphia Society of Washington, xiii.; Governor of Alaska, Annual Report to the Secretary of the Interior; Fur Seal Arbitration, Proceedings (Washington, 1895, 16 vols.); also Great Britain, Foreign Office Correspondence, United States, Nos.
The excellent harbour, and the fact that Bellingham is nearer to the great markets of Alaska than any other city in the states, make the port an important shipping centre.
The city is served by the Port Townsend Southern railway (controlled by the Northern Pacific, but operated independently) and by steamship lines to Victoria (British Columbia), San Francisco, Alaska and Oriental ports.
Sitka is the see of a Greek Catholic and of a Protestant Episcopal bishop. In_ its early history it was the leading trading post of Alaska.
The formal transfer of Alaska from Russian to American possession took place at Sitka on the 18th of October 1867.
During the next ten years Alaska was governed by the department of war, and Sitka was an army post.
It was the seat of government of Alaska until 1906, when Juneau became the capital.
The connexion of this system with that of the Rocky Mountains, which has been pointed out by many writers, has received much support from the discovery of the extensive eruptions of granite during Tertiary times, extending from the southern extremity of South America to Alaska.
The Jurassic and Cretaceous formations, which in the Southern Cordillera are situated outside of the range to the east, form to a considerable extent the mass of the great range, together with quartz porphyry, the Tertiary, granite and other eruptive rocks, which have been observed along all the chain in South America up to Alaska in the north.
During his term of office the wealth of Alaska was made more accessible by the construction of a Government railway.
It is rather curious that there's that piece of the United States, called Alaska, tucked up in the top left hand corner.
Enjoy a walk on the arctic tundra which will give you a sense of the vast scale of Alaska's arctic tundra which will give you a sense of the vast scale of Alaska's arctic regions.
Experimental studies of ornaments in crested auklets (Alaska) and Australian finches, with reference to mate choice and species isolation.
Carbon dates show that bison were present throughout Alaska from 45 to 5 Kyr, including the 11,000 year period of human occupation.
Enhance your Alaska vacation by exploring any of Alaska's scenic byways.
I'm a police dispatcher in Alaska and it's amazing the similar issues we face.
In Alaska, the Exxon Valdez runs aground and spills 11 million gallons of oil.
Are the real go-getters all up in Alaska, mowing their snow twice a week and learning actionscript at an advanced rate?
The earthquake occurred as a result of a northward thrust of the Pacific Ocean sea floor beneath the continental landmass of Alaska.
And cruise mediterranean travel there are to Alaska pacific.
The PSA sighted Alaska as the cruise hot spot for 2004 with an increase of nearly 70 per cent in cruise passengers.
For some reason the sky above Alaska seems strangely receptive to images of Bristol.
By this time we also had a pet skunk which is not native to Alaska.
A few years ago Alaska had five time zones.
The site contains information about the Alaskan earthquake of 1964 which generated a destructive tsunami in Alaska.
Enjoy a walk on the arctic tundra which will give you a sense of the vast scale of Alaska's arctic regions.
In the latest test, to destroy a dummy warhead fired from Alaska, the interception missile never even got off the ground.
Norway defies the ban while some indigenous peoples in Greenland, Siberia and the US state of Alaska are allowed traditional subsistence whaling.
From Labrador it ranges to the southern shores of Hudson's Bay and to those of the Great Bear Lake, and to the valley of the Yukon and the coast of Alaska, forming with the aspen, the larch, the balsam poplar, the banksian pine, the black and white spruces and the balsam fir, the great subarctic transcontinental forest; and southward it ranges through all the forest region of the Dominion of Canada and the northern states."
Stefansson, with two companions and a dog team, left Martin Point, Alaska, on March 22 1914, reached lat.
The Soil of Alaska seems to be in itself rich, and quite capable of agricultural development; the great impediment to this is in the briefness of the summer.
Each year a payment is made to each resident of Alaska.
Anchorage, Alaska, just opened its first two roundabouts at a major intersection.
Seward, Alaska is a seacoast town 128 miles south of Anchorage.
Theater mask alaska board shore excursions club with kayaks.
Going from snowy Alaska to sunny Hawaii on the same trip made for an odd juxtaposition during the family's vacation.
My cousins were told that they would prosper if they moved to remote Alaska, but in reality they are struggling to get by.
They include Alaska, Georgia, Colorado, Hawaii, California, Kentucky, Iowa, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Tennessee, Vermont, Utah, New York, Wyoming and Washington.
They do not ship out of the country or to Alaska or Hawaii.
The stories in the series are intriguing from his incredible memory of his birth the delivery room to his outrageous decision to run away to Alaska because wearing plastic fangs is accepted.
Alaska state divorce statutes can be cumbersome, but some knowledge of them is necessary to get through the process as easily as possible.
If you are the petitioner, you must be a legal resident of Alaska at the time of filing.
Military members stationed in Alaska for 30 or more days are also considered residents for this purpose.
According to the Alaska state divorce statutes, you must have proper grounds to file for divorce.
Alaska is an equitable distribution state, with all marital property being distributed to the parties in an equitable fashion.
Alaska uses a Percentage of Income method that takes a percentage of the non-custodial parent's income based upon the number of children that need to be supported.
For more specific information, visit our Alaska Child Support page.
These are some of the issues that you and your spouse will have to deal with as you and your attorney navigate your way through Alaska's divorce system.
Alaska is a state where things are a bit different when it comes to division of property.
Under the provisions of The The Alaska Community Property Act, couples may elect to have some or all of their marital property considered community property.
Areas like Alaska that goes days without sunlight could not rely on solar energy as a main power source.
A guide to the Midwest won't do you much good if you're in Alaska!
The company offers adventure travel ski clinics in all parts of the globe, including Chamonix and Val D'Iserre France, helicopter skiing in Valdez, Alaska, summer skiing in Portillo or Valle Nevado, Chile and powder skiing in Switzerland.
Getting married on a cruise ship off the coast of Alaska is best during the spring and summer months.
Try your hand at dog sledding in Alaska, or set foot on the Antarctic continent itself, view spectacular ice burgs, and visit with the Penguins.
Cruises-These can include the Caribbean, South Pacific, and even Alaska!
Whether you want to enjoy the tropical brilliance of the Caribbean or the majestic glaciers of Alaska, a cruise offers couples the chance to visit several ports and enjoy a bounty of food.
The couple was married in October 2004 on Kauai and honeymooned in Alaska.
There's not even no crackheads in Alaska!
Crime rate - According to the U.S. Census, even though Alaska rates as the 48th state in population, its crime rate is the 22nd highest in the United States.
Yes, crimes are committed, even in Alaska.
The commission accredits colleges and universities in Alaska, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Montana.
Alaska's Grand Canyon University has two Master of Education programs for reading and literacy, one for elementary education and one for secondary education.
A popular part of many packages, these additional tours are the perfect way to see not only the tremendous coast and ports of Alaska, but also to experience the wild beauty of the interior.
Alaska cruise tours often involve visits to different cities, unique natural features, and explorations of Denali National Park.
Holland America Cruise Line offers the most extensive selection of Alaska options, with more than two dozen tours ranging from eleven to nineteen total days, including the time spent onboard the ship (typically seven days).
Different tours offer a variety of features, though all of them provide passengers a glimpse of the awesome wildlife and natural beauty of Alaska.
Alaska cruise tours are not covered in the standard cost of a cruise vacation; instead, they are an additional fee based on the length of the tour and the scheduled attractions.
Not only will visitors experience the luxury of a cruise but by experiencing the additional wonders in Alaska's interior they can truly say they have visited this fine state.
Alaska is a vast state and most visitors only brush the fringes of the wonders it offers.
By adding Alaska cruise tours onto standard seven-day cruise vacations, travelers can explore the state's interior and come face to face with many natural delights, including wolves, caribou, moose, bears, and more.
These are particularly popular in Hawaii and Alaska, giving passengers rare insights into the unique cultures and natural beauty of the destinations.
Fortunately, Celebrity ships visit a wide range of cruise destinations, including Alaska, the Caribbean, and Europe.
Ring of Fire cruises spanning the volcanic region from Alaska to Japan.
In the past these cruises have made their way to Alaska but in 2010 the Gaither Homecoming Cruise will sail for Hawaii for the first time.
Besides the Gaither Vocal Band, will there be other musicians on the voyage to Alaska?
For a printable packing list of what to take on an Alaskan cruise, visit Alaska
There is no debating the fact that Alaska has gorgeous scenery, but seldom do people think first of this destination as the ideal place to have a wedding.
Alaska has some particularly stunning locations where couples can hold wedding ceremonies, although some locations may be a little harder to reach than others.
Alaska is definitely a breathtaking place to spend a first vacation as a married couple.
Kodiak Alaska Dinner Cruises offers one-day wedding cruises for couples who do not want to include a longer length cruise to the event.
Cruise lines strive to make the cruise as romantic as possible for guests wanting to celebrate their love, and Alaska's gorgeous scenery lends itself nicely to the occasion.
Wedding ceremonies conducted within the state of Alaska can be conducted anywhere and by anyone, as long as the person applies for a one-day marriage commissioner's licence.
This means that your friend can receive permission through Alaska to conduct your wedding ceremony, and the ceremony is legally binding.
This option makes many couples look to Alaska as an ideal location for their wedding.
While Alaska is a beautiful destination, it also has the real potential to be an expensive one for a wedding, so it's a good idea to save money where you can.
The ships sail to exotic locations around the world including the Caribbean, Bermuda, the Mexican Riviera, Alaska, Europe, and Hawaii.
Besides being able to winter in the Bahamas and summer in Alaska, cruise line employment offers numerous benefits.
In addition, the company has offices in Seattle and Ft. Lauderdale, as well as field offices located throughout Alaska and parts of southwest Canada.
During the busy summer months, Princess Cruise Line provides land transportation services for its tour divisions in Alaska and Canada.
Private Alaska cruises are ideal for travelers looking to take intimate voyages along pristine waterways, which boast breathtaking views and phenomenal fishing.
If you are a fan of gigantic cruise ships that feature dozens of onboard activities, massive buffets and unlimited libations, then a private Alaska cruise may not be for you.
Private tours of Alaska's picturesque natural surroundings are plentiful.
What's more, the Discovery's size enables it to access Alaska's remote and intimate waterways, which allows you to see unprecedented views of the state's wilderness.
Alaska Yacht Adventures specializes in extreme vacations.
The all-inclusive private charters travel along Alaska's crystal clear protected waters in Sitka and Juneau.
The company's most popular itinerary includes fishing for King and Silver Salmon, Halibut, Ling Cod and other bottom fish offshore of Alaska's Inside Passage.
Alaska Sea Adventures customizes its cruises for small groups and families.
Each vessel travels to Alaska's remote southeast region and gives passengers the chance to explore the grandeur found within the state's rugged Inside Passage.
Archaeology expeditions, which feature tours of ancient sites once inhabited by Alaska's maritime cultures.
Alaska Northwest Charters provides luxury accommodations onboard stylish yachts for up to 10 passengers.
While there are many benefits to taking private cruises of Alaska, one of the drawbacks of experiencing such luxury is price.
However, many passengers who have taken private cruises of Alaska's stunning Prince William Sound, Resurrection Bay and other awe-inspiring local waterways will tell you that the experience is priceless.
You might sail to Mexico, Bermuda, Hawaii, Europe, the Caribbean or Alaska.
Alaska is one of the most popular cruise destinations in the world for good reason.
If you are looking to explore nature at its finest, then navigating the waters off Alaska should be at the top of your to-do list.
If you calculate the cost of seeing Alaska by land versus water, you'll quickly realize that booking a cruise is a true money saver.
Reduced rate voyages to Alaska do not include tips for wait staff or cabin stewards.
Alaska is home to some of America's most unspoiled frontiers.
Holland America offers special packages in Alaska and Northern Canada that it refers to as CruiseTours.
Alaska cruises are cheaper between May and September.
Finding an Alaska cruise senior special is easier than ever.
With its stunning natural beauty and unprecedented access to unique wildlife, Alaska is a popular cruise destination for senior citizens.
Alaska's popularity among vacationing senior citizens is one of the reasons cruise lines offer reduced rates to those age 55 and older.
In some cases seniors can save up to 50 percent on cruises to Alaska as long as they provide proof of age prior to boarding.
The savings on these sailings to Alaska are so spectacular it's no wonder so many mature cruisers are taking advantage of the age discount.
Alaska cruise last minute specials are easier to find than ever before.
Alaska has always been one of the most popular cruise destinations in the world.
An Alaska cruise affords you unprecedented views of breaching whales, gigantic grizzlies grazing along the shore, and endangered eagles soaring above rugged coastlines.
Cruises to Alaska are undoubtedly memorable, but access to all that breathtaking scenery often comes with a hefty price tag.
That's why many savvy cruisers wait a bit before booking so that they can take advantage of Alaska cruise last minutes specials.
While most Alaska cruises fill up early, there are some that don't completely sell out in the time frame that cruise lines would like, hence the last minute cruise deals.
Nothing beats saving hundreds of dollars on an Alaska cruise.
In addition, many cruise lines offer last minute bargains to Alaska in May and September.
The weather in the region is cooler, and fish, animals and flowers are less abundant at these times, but you'll still be treated to unbelievable view of Alaska's natural wonders, including the Aurora Borealis.
Before paying for your Alaska cruise, read the last minute offer very carefully.
In regards to destinations, Christian cruises sail to Alaska, the Caribbean, Canada, the Mediterranean, Hawaii, New England, and more.
Bargain cruises to Alaska are readily available, if you know where to look for them.
If you have been looking for a way to squeeze a cruise to Alaska into your limited budget, or just want to save some money, there are a few things you should do before booking.
Alaska is one of the more popular cruise options in North America.
A variety of cruise lines will travel up the Canadian coast to Alaska and back.
To save on your next sailing to Alaska, consider the following tips.
For example, cruise lines will move Alaskan cruise ships down the coastline during the winter months when it becomes difficult to travel to Alaska.
Another way to save significantly on cruises to Alaska is to wait to book your cruise until the last minute.
Even during the high season, cruise ships have to market their cruises to Alaska to get people interested in choosing their cruise line over another.
As you look for bargain cruises to Alaska, take into consideration what makes one cruise more expensive than another.
There are a host of factors to consider when selecting a cruise to Alaska.
If you fail to inform a cruise line of your vegetarian diet prior to departing on your Alaska cruise, there's no reason to jump ship.
Most major cruise lines that sail to Alaska offer a variety of meatless options as part of their standard meal service.
The majority of cruise lines that sail to Alaska state whether or not they serve vegetarian meals right on their websites.
Alaska last minute cruises are your ticket to view some of America's most awe-inspiring sights, from glimmering glaciers and rich forests to towering mountains and exotic wildlife, at drastically reduced prices.
An Alaska cruise is a once in a lifetime, dream vacation for travelers from all walks of life.
However, getting up close and personal with the spectacular natural treasures that call Alaska home can be costly.
The key to scoring inexpensive Alaska cruises is to take advantage of last minute deals.
In some cases, it is possible to book an Alaska cruise just two days before the ship sets sail and save between 50 and 70 percent off rack rates in the process.
In addition to lower rates, some Alaska last minute cruises offer bonus incentives, such as onboard credits, which can be used at the ship's spa, shops or restaurants.
While there is an almost endless amount of Alaska cruise itineraries to choose from, most last minute options sail to either the Inside Passage or to glacier colonies.
The majority of last minute cruise deals to Alaska tour the state's breathtaking Inside Passage, are seven nights long, and typically begin and end in either Vancouver or Seattle.
Alaska's famed Inside Passage is a stunning narrow waterway nestled between towering mountains, quaint waterfront communities, and the Pacific Ocean.
Unlike an Alaska Inside Passage cruise, an Alaska Glacier Cruise does not return to its original departure port.
The Alaska cruise season begins in late April and continues through September.
Consequently, summer is one of the best times to find last minute voyages to Alaska, as cruise companies try to attract as many passengers as possible to fill the extra vessels they have based in the state during the high season.
In order to score Alaska last minute cruises you need to be diligent, quick, and know where to look.
If you're the adventurous type, a traditional relaxing cruise will not satisfy your lust for life, so why not try Alaska active cruises?
Keep in mind that smaller ships will give you a more up-close, arguably more active, look at Alaska, but may cost more than a cruise on a major cruise line.
Alaska active cruises aren't without luxury accommodations and amenities.
Your ideal cruise time will depend on what you hope to see or experience while you're in Alaska.
Taking advantage of the best Alaska cruise family deals is a terrific way to save money on voyages to one of the most breathtaking spots on the planet.
Alaska has long been a top cruise destination for families.
Kids and nature go hand in hand, and Alaska has no shortage of natural treasures to explore.
Another reason families flock to Alaska is that an increasing number of cruise lines are catering to pint-sized passengers.
Finding the best Alaska cruise family deals is especially desired in these tough economic times.
You are more likely to find a family cruise deal on three or four-day sailings to Alaska than you would on a 10-day voyage.
If you are traveling with a very large family, then you might consider contacting a travel agent to help find the best cruise deal to Alaska.
Going on an Alaska bluegrass cruise is a great way to spend a week of your summer.
Norwegian Cruise Lines offers an bluegrass cruise to Alaska once a year, departing from Seattle.
If you'd like to book an Alaska bluegrass cruise, contact Cottage Music at 1-888-509-8163.
In addition, it's a good idea to book early as the Alaska bluegrass cruise often sells out quickly.
You should also dress in layers as the temperatures in Alaska can be quite unpredictable.
Alaska cruises from Seattle are generally round-trip and last about a week, though some end in Vancouver, and others last 10 to 14 days.
You can generally expect to take a week-long vacation when you book Alaska cruises from Seattle, so prepare for loads of relaxation and glacier sightings.
Typical cruises from Seattle to Alaska are round-trip with stops in Juneau, Ketchikan, and Skagway.
Quite a few cruise lines offer Alaska cruises from Seattle.
While on your sail from Alaska to Seattle you'll see wildlife, glaciers and learn about history and culture.
A 5 night Alaska cruise gives you plenty of time to see animals, glaciers and amazing landscapes during your trip.
Booking for less than five nights may not provide you with enough time to see all Alaska has to offer.
An Alaska cruise offers numerous things to see and do.
The Alaska cruise season starts in mid-May and continues through mid-September, depending on weather conditions.
One option for a five-night, six-day cruise to Alaska is Carnival Cruise Lines.
The company offers a six-day cruise from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada to Alaska.
This cruise also takes you to Alaska's Inside Passage where you will see wildlife, glaciers and mountains.
The benefit to these voyages is the smaller ships can move into waterways that larger cruise ships cannot, allowing you to see Alaska's natural beauty up close.
The cruise to Alaska sails into smaller waterways where you can see tidewater glaciers, icebergs and fjords.
Princess Cruises has several cruise ships that sail to Alaska on a regular basis during the cruise season.
Royal Caribbean offers a 10 to 14- night cruise that is one of the best options for extensive exploration of Alaska.
In addition to these cruise lines, you may find other 5 night Alaska cruise options at local tour companies in Alaska.
Instead of traveling on an ocean liner to explore "The Last Frontier," you may wish to take an Alaska small ship cruise.
Alaska offers no shortage of opportunities to travel on a small ship, which is usually defined as a vessel that holds 300 passengers or less.
This line offers cruises in Alaska's Glacier Bay aboard a 36, 22 or a 12-passenger vessel.
If you're looking for an educational voyage, then consider booking an Alaska small ship cruise with Linblad Expeditions.
While it may sound like a shipbuilder, the Boat Company is actually a fairly well known cruise provider in Alaska.
This is not an exhaustive list of all of the small ship cruises available in and around Alaska.
Also, consider picking up an Alaska guidebook to determine which natural areas you consider must-see sites.
This cruise leaves from Anchorage, Alaska, and travels to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Holland American offers a 10 to 13-day wilderness cruise through Alaska as well.
Each tour allows cruisers to explore more of Alaska's wilderness and natural beauty.
Booking an Alaska Inside Passage cruise on a small boat is one of the best ways to experience the wonders of the "Final Frontier."
Many large and smaller cruise lines offer Alaska Inside Passage cruises.
An Alaska Inside Passage cruise on a small boat is the ideal way to see the 49th state.
It also used six vessels for Alaska tours.
Holland America Alaska cruise specials allow you to have the time of your life exploring "The Last Frontier" without spending a fortune.
Holland America offers a seven-day cruise of the 49th state where you can take in the stunning beauty of Alaska without enduring the land tours.
Holland America offers three, seven-day sailings and one, 14-day roundtrip cruise to Alaska from Seattle.
If you're the adventurous type, you may want to get off the ship for some up-close looks and hands-on experiences in the beauty and wilderness of Alaska.
Holland America claims to have the most extensive cruise-tour combinations for Alaska, with up to 14-day land excursions that boast of taking guests where no other cruise-tour has gone before.
You may also be interested in signing up for cruise specials, so you can be notified via email when a new special pops up for a cruise to Alaska.
If you want to try your luck, you can also enter to win a seven-to-10-day cruise for two to Alaska.
Another place where you can find Holland America Alaska cruise specials is
You'll see which destinations are featured, and if Alaska is on the list, you stand to save at least enough to pick up a few souvenirs while you're on your vacation.
It's worth the search for a Holland America Alaska cruise special.
If you thought you'd never be able to afford a cruise to Alaska, you may be pleasantly surprised to find out you actually can.
Snagging a Princess Alaska cruise deal is one of the best ways to stretch your vacation dollar.
However, one of its most popular stops is Alaska.
This fact is both a pro and con when booking voyages to Alaska.
Due to its immense popularity, sailings to Alaska on Princess Cruises sell out very quickly, especially the line's "Voyage of the Glaciers" option.
The trip sails along Alaska's famed coastline and provides passengers with unprecedented views of massive glaciers, historic ports and unique wildlife.
Like most things in life there are pros and cons to cruising to Alaska on Princess Cruises.
However, there are ways you can spare your budget when booking a Princess Alaska cruise.
By taking time to conduct a little research, you can score a fabulous deal on a Princess cruise to Alaska.
The best way to find cruise deals to Alaska on Princess is to check the company's website.
In addition, travel agencies are a great place to score Princess Alaska cruise deals, especially if you purchase a package, which includes airfare and cruise accommodations.
Finally, the Internet is a valuable tool in securing cruise deals to Alaska on Princess.
For instance, if you are embarking on a voyage to Alaska or Canada you don’t want to restrict your wardrobe to shorts, swimsuits and flip flops.
Hi, I live in Wasilla, Alaska and would like some info on how to care for my Rose tree of China.
If you're looking for organic products in Hawaii, Alaska, Canada, or elsewhere, contact your local state or province agricultural office for more information.
From Alabama to Wyoming and every state in between, including Alaska and Hawaii, you'll find many retailers offering these organic products.
I have two states left to visit- Alaska and South Dakota.
Southwest Airlines and Alaska Air are two exceptions.
All Singles Travel offers a range of trips for singles of all ages to destinations like New York, Hawaii, Alaska, Europe and more.
Disaster Transport's original theme was an out-of-control space mission to deliver hazardous materials to a receiving station in Alaska.
An exploding planet was projected onto a massive screen, the shuttles flew through a detailed debris field, and the final landing in Alaska was accompanied by scenes of the futuristic frozen tundra.
Alaska, Florida and Idaho allow shipments in some areas.
Breathtaking, the first word that springs to mind when you think of an Alaska vacation, is the very definition of the four glacier by helicopter dog sled adventure.
Of course, ice is not the only thing you can count on seeing in Alaska.
To enjoy a real Alaska outdoor experience, visit Juneau and hit the ice.
The capital city of Juneau is located in Southeast Alaska.
Given that Alaska is not fully accessible by road, the best way to see what Alaska has to offer is by air.
In Alaska, helicopters are used for a wide variety of purposes, including exploring for resources such as timber and oil, fire fighting, search and rescue, and sightseeing tours.
In terms of phone numbers, you can choose to have a US-based number with a Texas, Alaska, Florida or Puerto Rico area code.
For adults, the rate is 6.6 and varies approximately six fold, ranging from 2.5 in Alaska to 15.7 in West Virginia.
The rate of substance dependence or abuse was highest among Native Americans and Alaska Natives (17.2%).
The rate of illicit drug use was highest among Native Americans and Alaska Natives (12.1%), persons reporting two or more races (12%), and Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders (11.1%).
Native Americans and Alaska Natives were more likely than any other racial-ethnic group to report the use of tobacco products in 2003.
Among persons aged 12 or older, 41.8 percent of Native Americans and Alaska Natives reported using at least one tobacco product in the past month.
The black widow, which is found in every state but Alaska, prefers dark, dry places, such as barns, garages, and outhouses, and also lives under rocks and logs.
These snakes are found in every state except Maine, Alaska, and Hawaii.
In North America, frostbite frequently occurs in Alaska, Canada, and the northern states, which have extremely cold winter temperatures.
These smallest of birds can only be found in the Americas from as far north as Alaska to the very tip of Chile.
One of the richest areas in the country for oil production is Alaska.
Fishing for king crab in Alaska is perhaps the most challenging maritime industry jobs.
Sorting through the crabs is challenging and workers have to follow rules outlined by the Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission (CFEC).
The best place to find information about licenses and the application process is the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
Once licensed, applicants can use the Alaska Labor Exchange System (ALEXsys) to find work.ALEXsys is a system developed for people looking for work through the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development.
The website is simple to navigate and a wealth of information is available for people interested in finding jobs in Alaska, including king crab fishing jobs.
Few positions are as challenging as an Alaska fishing boat job.
Alaska commercial fishing jobs offer a variety of positions in the seafood industry.
Onshore positions offer great opportunities to familiarize employees to the field before moving on to an offshore Alaska fishing boat job.
The Alaska Job Center Network, called ALEXsys is an excellent resource for applicants to find great job opportunities aboard Alaskan fishing boats.
The site connects visitors to job centers in Alaska that can help applicants find employment in specific regions but these are just a small sampling of resources offered by ALEXsys' Division of EMployment Security.
Finding an Alaska fishing boat job does require some patience.
For example, some high-school graduates or college students may choose summer work on Alaska fishing boats.
Some states allow a visit to a pharmacist in order to get the pill; they include Alaska, California, Hawaii, Maine, New Mexico, New Hampshire, and Washington.
In 1984, Sarah Palin took part in the Miss Alaska Pageant.
The family moved to Alaska while Sarah was still a baby.
That tenacity clearly served the future Governor well as she went on to compete in two beauty pageants (she won the Miss Wasilla pageant, and placed third in the Miss Alaska Pageant).
She also became the two-term Mayor of Wasilla which led to her post today as the first female Governor of Alaska.
Indian Housing Block Grant provides assistance to low-income American Indians and Alaska Natives for housing.
Make sure your Santa letter has the appropriate postage and when you send it, allow time for it to arrive in Alaska prior to December 15th.
If you are looking for a date in Alaska, using Craigslist Alaska personals can be an excellent source of leads.
Read on to learn how to use Craigslist Alaska personals.
To get started, follow this link to the Alaska Craigslist page.
In the movie, Bullock plays a successful book editor who ends up in Alaska with her assistant, who is played by Reynolds, to avoid being sent back to Canada.
With the exception of Alaska, the wilderness of Northern Maine remains one of the few great tracts of forest unbroken by paved roads, commercial development and, in most areas, any form of civilization.
They're more common in the Northwest part of the continent, with more than half of the population in Alaska and British Columbia.
Whale-Watching - The Baja is the winter home of hundreds of gray whales that make the trek from the Bering Sea in Alaska down the coast of California and Mexico.
They are found in most of the continental U.S. and Alaska, though the vast majority are still in the northeast.
That way you can choose what fits your situation the best, whether you're young or old, in Florida or Alaska.
Ice Road Truckers - On the dangerous ice roads in Alaska, truckers must deliver heavy loads to villages and out-of-the-way places.
Lisa Kelly was born on May 7, 1977 in Michigan, but currently resides in Wasilla, Alaska.
After being flown to Anchorage, Alaska for surgery and treatment, he was induced into a coma to try to relieve the swelling in his brain.
Sarah Palin's Alaska is a documentary style reality show on the TLC network.
The program aims to present the state of Alaska through the eyes of the former Governor and her family.
The family moved to Alaska when Palin was still a baby.
Then, in 2006, she became the first female Governor of Alaska.
For this program, Burnett focused on Palin's image as a tough wife and mother who isn't afraid to take on the harsher elements of life in Alaska.
Sarah Palin's Alaska received criticism immediately after the show was announced, months before viewers had even had the chance to tune in.
Sarah Palin's Alaska debuted with five million viewers tuning in, setting a new record for the TLC network for a premiere episode.
To keep up with Sarah Palin's reality show, watch video clips, take show-related quizzes, and check out Palin's Alaska Blog, you can visit the program's official site at
In the latter case the United States, after the purchase of Alaska, vainly attempted to assert dominion beyond the three-mile limit.
Similarly, in Alaska, women felt great shame when seen without the plugs they carried in their lips.
It is bounded on the east by Alaska, and on the west by the Siberian and Kamchatkan coast.
The rate of increase from 1890 to 1900, eliminating from the computation the population of Alaska, Hawaii, Indian Territory and Indian reservations, was 20 7; the rate of increase if these places are included - in which case the figures of the population of Hawaii in 1890 must be taken from the census of the Hawaiian government in that year - was 21%.
American naturalists regard the big brown bears of Alaska as a distinct group. They range from Sitka to the extremity of the Alaskan Peninsula, over Kodiak Island, and inland.
The American coasts are for the most part mountainous and unbroken, the chief indentation being the Gulf of California; but the general type is departed from in the extreme north and south, the southern coast of South America consisting of bays and fjords with scattered islands, while the coast of Alaska is similarly broken in the south and becomes low and swampy towards the north.
As the loop of the Kuriles depends from the southern extremity of Kamchatka, so from the east of the same peninsula another loop extends across the northern part of the ocean to Alaska, and helps to demarcate the Bering Sea; this chain is distinctly broken to the east of the Commander Islands, but is practically continuous thereafter under the name of the Aleutian Islands.
Tacoma is the starting-point of steamship lines to Alaska, to San Francisco, and to Seattle, Port Townsend, Olympia, Victoria, and other ports on Puget Sound.
At the census of 1910, while the continental United States population (excluding Alaska) was 91,972,266, the total, including Alaska, Hawaii and Porto Rico, but excluding the Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoa and the Canal Zone, was 93,402,151.
The transmarine dominions are Alaska, the Hawaiian Islands, Porto Rico, the Philippine Islands, and the Canal Zone on the Isthmus of Panama.
In the year 1867 the United States government had purchased from Russia all her territorial rights in Alaska and the adjacent islands.
In 1870 the exclusive rights of killing seals upon these islands was leased by the United States to the Alaska Commercial Company, upon conditions limiting the numbers to be taken annually, and otherwise providing for their protection.
They were condemned by the district judge on the express ground that they had been sealing within the limits of Alaska territory.
The Dominion of Canada comprises the northern half of the continent of North America and its adjacent islands, excepting Alaska, which belongs to the United States, and Newfoundland, still a separate colony of the British empire.
It flows first to the north, then to the north-west, passing out of the Yukon territory into Alaska, and then south-west, ending in Bering Sea, the northward projection of the Pacific, 2000 m.
Alaska many may be observed in process of formation.
A bullfinch (P. cassini) has been discovered in Alaska, being the first recognition of this genus in the New World.
With the exception of the single species of bullfinch already noticed as occurring in Alaska, all the above forms o£ finches are peculiar to the Palaearctic Region.
Sea-otters are only found upon the rocky shores of certain parts of the North Pacific Ocean, especially the Aleutian Islands and Alaska, extending as far south on the American coast as The Sea-Otter (Latax, or Enhydra, lutris).
The people in Alaska who get the checks don't work for them.
They aren't responsible for the oil being in Alaska and do nothing to extract the oil from the earth.
There are regular lines of steamers running between Vancouver and Alaska and the points of connexion with the Yukon territory, as well as lines to Puget Sound and San Francisco in the United States.
The Aleutian archipelago was sold to the United States in 1867, together with Alaska, and in 1875 the Kurile Islands were ceded to Japan.
C. nootkaensis, the Nootka Sound cypress or Alaska cedar, was introduced into Britain in 1850.
Norway, Scotland, British Columbia 5 and Alaska, Patagonia and Chile, and even Spitsbergen and Novaya Zemlya, whose west coasts are far more indented than their east ones.
Some prominent examples (dealt with elsewhere under their appropriate titles) are the dispute between the United States and Great Britain respecting the " Alabama " and other vessels employed by the Confederate government during the American Civil War (award in 1872); that between the same powers respecting the fur-seal fishery in Bering Sea (award in 1893); that between Great Britain and Venezuela respecting the boundary of British Guiana (award in 1899); that between Great Britain, the United States and Portugal respecting the Delagoa railway (award in 1900); that between Great Britain and the United States respecting the boundary of Alaska (award in 1903).
It is larger than the continental United States excluding Alaska, and slightly larger than the great bulk of Europe lying east of France.
There is a painted image from Alaska, now in the museum of the university of Pennsylvania, which represents such an one.
Alaska appeared in the list of gold-producing countries in 1886, and gradually increased its annual output until 1897, when the country attracted much attention with a production valued at over £500,000; the opening up of new workings has increased this figure immensely, from about £1,400,000 in 1901 to £3,006,500 in 1905.
The Alaska gold was derived almost wholly from the large low-grade quartz mines of Douglas Island prior to 1899, but in that year an important district was discovered at Cape Nome, on the north-western coast.
Vancouver Barracks, east of the city, is an important U.S. military post (established in 1849) and the headquarters of the Military Department of the Columbia (including Washington, Oregon, Idaho, except the part in Yellowstone Park, and Alaska); the military reservation includes some 640 acres.
Coal is known at several points in Alaska, and there are rich but little worked deposits in Mexico.
Loom-weaving in its simplest form began with the Chilkats of Alaska, who hung the warp over a long pole, and wrought mythological figures into their gorgeous blankets by a process resembling tapestry work.
States, exclusive of Alaska, Areas (excluding water), in square miles.