Alarm Sentence Examples
I kept thinking I could hear an alarm clock.
Betsy said, alarm in her voice.
Dusty tossed his phone on the nightstand and set the alarm clock.
In the distance, an alarm sounded.
Wednesday morning dawned with air so crisp Dean was awake before the alarm, awake to a knock down gorgeous day, "one of the ten best" prattled a cheery voice on the kitchen table radio.
There was an alarm clock on the nightstand beside the black base of a lamp.
The alarm sounded in the back of her mind.
Alarm reignited her adrenaline.
The woman rummaged through the colorful attire in a frenzy until she retrieved and turned off a large old fashioned alarm clock.
As he answered the late night call, he glanced up the staircase to see Edith in the hall above, a specter in her antique dress, a look of alarm on her face.
AdvertisementDeidre dropped her hand quickly from the knotted skin, alarm pulsing through her.
A fat major skirted a bush, puffing and falling out of step; a soldier who had fallen behind, his face showing alarm at his defection, ran at a trot, panting to catch up with his company.
Lana cracked an eye open wide enough to see it was too early for her alarm to sound.
Her instincts on high alarm, she met Xander's gaze.
Her alarm clock woke her at dawn, reminding her it was time for her morning run.
AdvertisementUlly watched with alarm as the healer unwrapped the angel.s bandage.
The alarm clock buzzed insistently and she reached over to slap the snooze button, squinting at the iridescent hands.
She doubted anything would alarm this man if tricking a woman into wedding him and discovering the news of his sisters' impending children did not.
He got his satchel from the buggy and, opening it, took out two deadly looking revolvers that made the children shrink back in alarm just to look at.
She set the alarm and fluffed the pillows, but it did no good to close her eyes.
AdvertisementJust have worse odds, Jule said, trying not to let his own alarm show.
Her vision cleared to reveal she now stood in a luxurious living room with several people in front of her displaying varying levels of alarm on their faces.
A tingle of alarm went through Rhyn, but his head was too heavy for him to process it. Instead, he focused hard on containing the power within him. When he felt he wouldn't explode, he looked around. Darkyn had claimed Kris's library and stood near a pane of windows overlooking the snowy Alps.
Her instincts were at full alarm, but she didn't understand what she had to fear from Gabriel's death dealers.
Kiera dreamt of a planet filled with spiders and dinosaurs and awoke in her bed a couple of hours later to the soft sound of her alarm clock going off.
AdvertisementI left word I'd call from the airport in the morning and set my phone alarm in time for my early departure.
She studied him, alarm swirling through her for the first time.
Then he remembered the ringing alarm clock in the luggage of their other guest.
Breathless, she reached the exit onto the roof and pushed it open, flinching at the alarm that sounded.
The alarm will be sounded and you'll be in a pretty position without your boots!
Lisa hesitated, not wanting to alarm her friend with the details.
Our home was as isolated as Howie's place and contained no alarm or security system.
Even Gladys Turnbull's alarm must have been muffled enough not to disturb his slumber.
His emotional voice was like an alarm clock in her brain.
There is no bell and the internal sounder on the alarm is disconnected.
Once in a while we shut the alarm down during the day 'cause some of the help use that exit to the back parking lot.
Her alarm growing, she crossed her arms and climbed the stairs to the kitchen area.
Distant alarm was overwhelmed by need.
If that was Gladys Turnbull's alarm clock, I hope she gets it fixed.
My guess is she sets the damn alarm multiple times every night.
The alarm clock wasn't enough.
She would apologize to him personally and in the future at least place the alarm under a pillow so only she would hear it.
Far off in the distance, Dean could again hear the ringing of Gladys Turnbull's alarm but he paid it no attention.
She's playing 'let's pretend' even more seriously than Gladys and her alarm clock rendezvous.
Her gaze flickered to the screen beneath her fingertips, and she typed the alarm disarm codes.
Neither slept very well that night, and Dean was awake before the alarm, up fixing the morning coffee.
The Porte, in alarm, turned to Great Britain for advice and assistance.
These insects are adorned with bands of black and yellow, or with bright metallic colours, and on account of their large size and formidable ovipositors they often cause needless alarm to persons unfamiliar with their habits.
Every morning when the alarm clock goes off at 7 o'clock, I hit snooze.
It was necessary to prevent the enemy from receiving information; it was necessary to avoid publishing information that would unnecessarily alarm British people or their Allies, or mislead neutrals as to the progress of the war; and it was also necessary for British censors to pay due regard to the censorship policies of other countries with whom Great Britain was associated.
During the lifetime of Griffith Jones the course of Welsh Methodism had run in orthodox channels and had been generally supported by the Welsh clergy and gentry; but after his death the tendency to exceed the bounds of conventional Church discipline grew so marked as to excite the alarm of the English bishops in Wales.
It is the alarm!
Anna Pavlovna's alarm was justified, for Pierre turned away from the aunt without waiting to hear her speech about Her Majesty's health.
At Grunth also some apprehension and alarm could be felt, but the nearer Prince Andrew came to the French lines the more confident was the appearance of our troops.
His face was so unusually triumphant that Pierre rose in alarm on seeing it.
On receiving it, he ran on tiptoe to his study in alarm and haste, trying to escape notice, closed the door, and began to read the letter.
Hearing that cry and seeing to whom it was addressed, Nesvitski and the neighbor on his right quickly turned in alarm to Bezukhov.
Don't settle for a regular off-the-shelf alarm when you buy one that can really get the job done.
Take the day off from work, set the alarm clock early, grab a cup of hot coffee and settle in, because on this day, the shopping is fast, serious and fun.
Now, not to alarm you, but as a precaution, I'd make an appointment with your pediatrician to discuss the children's possible exposure to the worms.
Unless you're into hairless cat breeds, the sight of a molting feline is generally cause for alarm.
When the perceived danger is false, the body experiences a false alarm and triggers a panic attack.
Some alarm clocks even have a white noise.
A great cool choice is a radio alarm clock.
Lambert (who was assassinated by Arabs, June 1859) had the support of his government, which viewed with alarm the establishment (1857) of the British on Perim Island, at the entrance to the Red Sea.
He was one of the first of his countrymen to recognize and come under the influence of German thought and speculation, and, amidst an exaggerated alarm of German heresy, did much to vindicate the authority of the sounder German critics.
The defeats undergone by their outpost detachment had profoundly affected the nerves of the troops, and on the afternoon of the 11th, on the false alarm of a French approach, a panic broke out in the streets of Jena, and it took all the energy of Hohenlohe and his staff to restore order.
An insulting decree was passed in the Cortes, ordering the prince Dom Pedro to come to Europe, which filled the Brazilians with alarm; they foresaw that without a central authority the country would fall back to its former colonial state subject to Portugal.
Unrest was also manifested among the natives west of the Tugela, but it was not at first cause for alarm.
Anselm had made an elaborate employment of reason in the interest of faith, but the spirit of pious subordination which had marked the demonstrations of Anselm seemed wanting in the argumentations of this bolder and more restless spirit; and the church, or at least an influential section of it, took alarm at the encroachments of Rationalism.
In 1862 he published his pamphlet entitled The Three Panics, the object of which was to trace the history and expose the folly of those periodical visitations of alarm as to French designs with which England had been afflicted for the preceding fifteen or sixteen years.
The alarm of the government at the power and popularity of the Liberal party induced it, soon after the accession of the new king, the emperor Ferdinand I.
Moreover the High Command viewed with alarm the growth of " Septembrist " doctrine among the troops - i.e.
To the great alarm of the inhabitants a body of about 1400 men disembarked, but it quickly capitulated, practically without striking a blow, to a combined force of the local militias under Sir Richard Philipps, Lord Milford and John Campbell, Lord Cawdor; the French frigates meanwhile sailing away towards Ireland.
Public alarm was speedily manifested and suspicion to a high degree awakened.
The Zulu force did not come into contact with the British troops guarding the Cape frontier, but much alarm was caused by the invasion.
But the routes to be followed were difficult to find in the dark, the ascent was rapid, the ground was much broken, and the enemy opposed a stubborn resistance to the advance, with the result that this was greatly retarded, and that at daybreak the most forward of the columns was not much more than halfway up. The Ottoman staff had, moreover, on the first alarm begun to hurry reinforcements on the Sari Bair from the rear, while the Allied troops were so much exhausted by their nocturnal experiences that all attempts to win the upper ridge failed on the 7th.
He had viewed proposals to abandon the campaign with alarm; but after visiting the peninsula he realized that evacuation was the only justifiable course, and he reported to that effect.
A few months later the great reverse of Chickamauga created an alarm in the North commensurate with the elation that had been felt at the double victory of Vicksburg and Gettysburg, and Grant was at once ordered to Chattanooga, to decide the fate of the Army of the Cumberland in a second battle.
Soon after entering his eightyfourth year, however, symptoms of weakness set in, and early in September his condition began to give alarm.
Accidents are rarely caused by them, because they are extremely shy and swim away on the least alarm; but, when surprised in the submarine cavities forming their natural retreats, they will, like any other poisonous terrestrial snake, dart at the disturbing object; and, when out of the water, they attempt to bite every object near them, even turning round to wound their own bodies.
Philip's fortification of Elatea filled Athens with alarm.
The Conservative party gained strength from the alarm raised by this incident and still more from the shock caused by the assassination of the duc de Berri.
They inhabit the densest jungles and are very shy, avoiding contact with strangers, and flying to the hills on the least alarm; but they bear a good character for honesty and truthfulness.
The momentary result was a wild panic, especially among the horses; but this panic gave the alarm to the infantry all along the road, and these (Frossard's 2nd Corps) at once stood to arms and moved forward, deployed for attack - one division to the west, another division, from Rezonville, to the south.
Most of the immigrants elected to stay, and, though they were long kept in alarm by pirates, they continued to prosper.
Notwithstanding the alarm occasioned by Braddock's defeat, the old quarrel between the proprietors of Pennsylvania and the assembly prevented any adequate preparations for defence; " with incredible meanness " the proprietors had instructed their governors to approve no act for levying the necessary taxes, unless the vast estates of the proprietors were by the same act exempted.
A land-tax imposed by his government helped to alarm the farmers.
He appears, however, to have set himself honestly to carry out reforms. The economical condition of Italy evidently excited his alarm and sympathy.
The ladies of the bedchamber were so unpopular in consequence of their behaviour to Lady Flora Hastings that the public took alarm at the notion that the queen had fallen into the hands of an intriguing coterie; and Lord Melbourne, who was accused of wishing to rule on the strength of court favour, resumed office with diminished prestige.
Fortified by this success and assured of the support of the parliament and of the great nobles, James, acting as an absolute king, could view without alarm the war which had broken out with England.
Even in the early part of the 19th century sentinels stood on duty night and day, and at a signal of alarm the whole population, including the Turkish aga himself, used to hide in the woods.
Protestant England took alarm at the proceedings of a queen who associated herself so closely with the doings of "the grim wolf with privy paw."
Thomas's defence won him the popular title of the "Rock of Chickamauga" and enabled Rosecrans to draw off his men, but the critical position of the Army of the Cumberland in Chattanooga aroused great alarm.
The far-ranging strategic "raid" was a notable feature of the war; freely employed by both sides, it was sometimes harmful, more usually profitable, especially to the South, by reason of the captures in material, the information acquired and the alarm and confusion created.
These successes roused natural alarm in the minds of the Belgae - a confederacy of tribes in the north-west of Gaul, whose civilization was less advanced than that of the Celtae of the centre - and in the spring of 57 B.C. Caesar determined to anticipate the offensive movement which they were understood to be preparing and marched northwards into the territory of the Remi (about Reims), who alone amongst their neighbours were friendly to Rome.
The Austrian stroke had failed, and worse than failed, for Napoleon III., who had been filled with alarm at this attempt to create on his flank an empire of 70,000,000, saw in Prussias attitude no more than a determination to maintain for her own ends the division and weakness of Germany; and this mistaken diagnosis of the situation determined his attitude during the crisis that followed.
The supreme issue was, however, delayed for a few weeks by the intervention of Napoleon, who, urged on by the loud alarm of the French people at the prospective aggrandizement of Prussia, attempted to detach Italy.
Large accumulations of troops on the western frontier excited alarm in Germany and Austria.
His chief literary work was An Alarm to the Unconverted (1672), otherwise known as The Sure Guide to Heaven, which had an enormous circulation.
Austria-Hungary also differed from Russia as to the position of Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria, and during 1886-1887 much alarm was caused by the massing of Russian troops on the Galician frontier.
For general talk about the evils of slavery they cared little, but this assertion that every slave was entitled to instant freedom filled them with alarm and roused them to anger, for they saw that, if the conscience of the nation were to respond to the proposition, the system must inevitably fall.
Other newspapers were afterwards established upon the same principles; anti-slavery societies, founded upon the doctrine of immediate emancipation, sprang up on every hand; the agitation was carried into political parties, into the press, and into legislative and ecclesiastical assemblies; until in 1861 the Southern states, taking alarm from the election of a president known to be at heart opposed to slavery though pledged to enforce all the constitutional safeguards of the system, seceded from the Union and set up a separate government.
They spend most of their time in the water, but are also very fond of basking in the hot sun on the banks of rivers or in marshes, usually with the head turned towards the water, to which they take on the slightest alarm.
At the beginning of his long reign of forty-four years he was threatened by Nebuchadrezzar; later he joined the league against Cyrus and saw with alarm the fall of his old enemy.
Two Mamelukes had in the meantime succeeded, by great exertions, in giving the alarm to their comrades in the quarter of the Azhar, who escaped by the eastern gate called BIb al-Ghoraib.
In great alarm lest the beys should join them, especially as they were far north of his position, he immediately sent messengers to his rivals, promising to comply with all their demands if they should join in.
By a fortunate accident the isolated outwork was just missed in the darkness by the left flank of the 2nd Division; otherwise a premature alarm would have been given, which must have changed all the conditions of the operation.
The same afternoon the guards in the streets and on the ramparts were doubled; on the following morning the gates of the city were closed, powder and bullets were distributed among the city train-bands, who were bidden to be in readiness when the alarm bell called them, and cavalry was massed on the environs of the city.
This lasted till 539, when Chosroes declared war, alleging that Justinian had been secretly intriguing against him with the Hephthalite Huns, and doubtless moved by alarm and envy at the victories which the Romans had been gaining in Italy.
But he had caused alarm, and he refused all demands for the withdrawal of the loathed articles of Perth.
A sudden storm terrified the disciples, and they roused Him in alarm.
The effect of the controversy was a great decrease in the sale of Indulgences in Germany, and the Papal Curia saw with alarm a prolific source of revenue decaying.
Abdalmalik in alarm made Hajjaj governor of Irak with the most extensive powers.
In great alarm Abdalmalik endeavoured to stifle the revolt by offering to dismiss Hajjaj from his post.
Yazid in alarm, offered him as the price of peace the government of this province together with Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Irene took alarm, sued for peace, and obtained a truce for three years, but only on the humiliating terms of paying an annual 2 The first citizens of Medina who embraced Islam were called Ansar ("helpers").
He entered Asia Minor and took Heraclea, plundering and burning along his whole line of march, till Nicephorus, in alarm, sued for peace.
But Octavianus could not allow the capital to be kept in alarm for its daily sustenance.
Meanwhile, indignation at Antony's un-Roman excesses, and alarm at Cleopatra's rumoured schemes of founding a GrecoOriental empire, were rapidly increasing.
When Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France appeared, in 1790, Paine at once wrote his answer, The Rights of Man first part appeared on the r3th of March 1791, and had an enormous circulation before the government took alarm and endeavoured to suppress it, thereby exciting intense curiosity to see it, even at the risk of heavy penalties.
The Indians saw with alarm the movement of so many whites through their hunting grounds and became increasingly unfriendly.
In consequence of the alarm excited by this appearance of plague upon European soil, most European governments sent special commissions to the spot.
Army, whose task had been rendered more difficult by the fact that the permanent bridges at Casarsa had been blown up prematurely, owing to a false alarm.
So absolute became the papal sovereignty over conscience that more than one government took alarm.
But the growth of dissent steadily continued and excited alarm from time to time; and it may be questioned whether the peace of the church was not purchased at too high a price.
He now, it is said, applied for help to Dr Israel Tonge, rector of St Michael's in Wood Street, an honest half-crazy man, who even then was exciting people's minds by giving out quarterly "treatises in print to alarm and awake his majesty's subjects."
He was in the fullness of his powers, his studies had fed his natural aversion to the principles of authority and ecclesiasticism, and at a moment when the revived activity of the Jesuits caused some real and more pretended alarm he was appointed to the chair of history at the College de France.
At this moment the alarm was given, but the sentinel and the sleepy soldiers were slain and the cannon turned on the garrison.
This is done about midsummer, when by the aid of torches and long poles many thousands of the young birds are slaughtered, while their parents in alarm and rage hover over the destroyers' heads, uttering harsh and deafening cries.
The alarm was greater, as theology was still unreconciled with the Darwinian theory; and Clifford was regarded as a dangerous champion of the antispiritual tendencies then imputed to modern science.
The troops nearest the enemy, however, which have to be maintained in a state of constant readiness for battle, cannot as a rule afford the time either for dispersing into quarters or for rallying on an alarm, and in western Europe at any rate they are required to bivouac. In India, the term "cantonment" means more generally a military station or standing camp. The troops live, not in private houses, but in barracks, huts, forts or occasionally camps.
Although there was much in the official life of Lord Palmerston which inspired distrust and alarm to men of a less ardent and contentious temperament, he had a lofty conception of the strength and the duties of England, he was the irreconcilable enemy of slavery, injustice and oppression, and he laboured with inexhaustible energy for the dignity and security of the Empire.
He himself was perfectly calm amid the danger, though his followers were filled with alarm.
The respectable mediocrity of Chapelain might misapprehend him; the lesser geniuses of Scudery and Mairet might feel alarm at his advent; the envious Claverets and D'Aubignacs might snarl and scribble.
Their preparations excited general alarm, and on the invitation Chartism of the government no less than 170,000 special constables were sworn in to protect life and property against a rabble.
The Chartists were induced to abandon the procession which had caused so much alarm, and the monster petition was carried in a cab to the House of Commons.
These secessions raised a feeling of alarm throughout England.
At home, a terrible murrain had fallen on the cattle, inflicting ruin on the agricultural interest; a grave commercial crisis was creating alarm in the city of London, and, in its consequences, injuring the interests of labor; while the working classes, at last roused from their long indifference, and angry at the rejection of Lord Russells bill, were assembling in their tens of thousands to demand reform.
It could not say that the Transvaal government had no cause for alarm when British officers had attempted an invasion of its territory, and had been treated rather as heroes than as criminals at home.
To alarm the British force at Philadelphia the Americans floated kegs charged with gunpowder down the Delaware river towards that city, and the British, alarmed for the safety of their shipping, fired with cannon and small arms at everything they saw floating in the river.
But for this interruption it is likely that he would have given much of his attention to Ireland, not because it was an attractive employment for his few remaining years, but because he saw with alarm the gathering troubles in that country.
Many were homes of marauding chiefs, and nearly all were used as beacon-stations to give alarm of foray or invasion.
Mirabeau had already taken alarm at the growing violence of the Revolution.
Foreign statesmen noticed with alarm the effect of the French Revolution upon opinion in their own countries, and they resented the endeavours of French revolutionists to make converts there.
Although Royalists formed but a petty fraction of the majority, they raised the alarm that Mth i t w as seeking to restore monarchy and undo the work of the /8th g y of the Revolution.
The conch-shell is the trumpet of alarm and call to arms. The vendetta - resulting, when successful, in the bringing back the head of the slain as a trophy to be set up as a house ornament - is widely practised..
The First Philippic, spoken early in 351 B.C., was no sudden note of alarm drawing attention to an unnoticed peril.
Moreover the improved quality of the wool showed itself in the improvement of the finished article, to the great alarm of the English manufacturer.
A prey to perpetual alarm, the people entrenched themselves behind those high walls of the oppida which Roman security had razed to the ground, but imperial impotence had restored, and where life in the middle ages was destined to vegetate in unrestful isolation.
The revocation of the edict of Nantes vitiated thi-ough a fatal contradiction all the efforts of the latter to create new manufactures; the country was impoverished for tht1 benefit of the foreigner to such a point that economic conditions began to alarm those private persons most noted for their talents, their character, or their regard for the public welfare; such as La Bruyre and Fnelon in 1692, Bois-Guillebert in 1697 and Vauban In.
The majority of Spaniards were kept by the government and the press quite in the dark about the growth of disaffection in Cuba, so that they were loath to listen to the few men, soldiers and civilians, courageous enough to raise the note of alarm during the ten years before the final catastrophe.
The alarm was shared by the heads of houses and by others in authority; and, at the request of the bishop of Oxford, the publication of the Tracts came to an end.
These walls, which were largely rebuilt by Jasper Tudor, earl of Pembroke, during the Wars of the Roses, were again repaired under Elizabeth during the alarm of, the Spanish invasion, as is shown by a contemporary tablet bearing the queen's cipher and the date 1588.
Won't the alarm sound when the bastard opens that door?
A shiver of alarm went through her, but she gritted her teeth and pressed on, hoping to find her brother fast.
The dream of Darkyn was no doubt a fever dream, one that caused distant alarm despite her illness.
Cynthia said, the alarm apparent in her voice.
Dean allowed Gladys to devour a platoon-size breakfast while he delayed bringing up the awkward question of the late-night alarm.
Rhyn you – Surprise and then alarm filled Rhyn. He'd walk happily to his own death, but angels were sacred creatures among the Immortals. He ignored Kris and plunged through the portal.
Only Watchers and Others could grab everyone in the house without raising one alarm.
Glancing at the iridescent numbers on her alarm clock, she discovered it was only two a.m.
Other items include Climatic semi-automatic air conditioning, remote central locking with alarm, electric windows and mirrors and a radio/CD player.
Search and rescue messages will activate the acoustic alarm.
You install a burglar alarm to protect your house.
Follow the manufacturers instructions on how to fit the alarm.
In November a false alarm went out on a calm Tuesday evening.
Use intruder alarm equipment to monitor building or room entry.
Someone switched the fire alarm on at 3.00 in the morning!
In fact approximately 64,000 children rely on us to let them know that their parents need help when they press their panic alarm buttons.
All rooms are thoughtfully equipped with color television, tea & coffee making facilities, and radio alarm clock.
I thought, " if you've set the alarm clock you want to get up.
Sorry I've just bought a new alarm clock.
Moes Bar 12 phrase talking alarm clock with backlight, snooze and demo feature.
Through into a spacious double bedroom with quality furniture which includes alarm clock and hairdryer.
Children who are very heavy sleepers may need an alarm clock that uses a vibrating pad and a flashing light to wake them.
The unattended pan contained a wooden spoon which caught alight causing smoke to activate the smoke alarm.
What can I do to ensure the alarm does not cause unnecessary annoyance to my neighbors?
Is the Fire Alarm easily audible above machinery noise?
All alarm bells should be ringing around the world!
It also has an audible bleep for heart rate training zone alarm.
The Alarm is the only slight quibble, with it looking really really breakable!
Games, vibrate alert, calculator, alarm function - of course all these features are already built-in to the O2 XDA IIs!
A built-in buzzer (available with output option) sounds an alarm whenever a limit is reached.
There is a choice of waking up to crystal clear DAB digital radio or an alarm buzzer.
Alarm bells should have been ringing when an electric cello and electric double bass appeared.
The type of alarm clock your deaf child chooses will depend on how heavy a sleeper they are.
Harassment Putting people in fear of violence; also continual, persistent attacks causing alarm or distress.
Its handy travel features include a currency convertor and alarm clock.
After an extremely convivial evening, the Thursday morning alarm call came early.
Wake by self in time, which is lucky, cos the alarm I set on my palm was on English time.
The lack of this basic human decency in their comments sent alarm bell ringing in my head.
Just 10cm in front of them levels can reach 120 decibels which is the equivalent of holding a smoke alarm to your ear!
Nor the individual who has endeavored to create alarm about " The chartist desecration of the Sabbath " by telling a barefaced lie.
Apparently, it is a regular occurrence for children to set off the alarm, usually by activating the smoke detectors.
The alarm can cause disturbance to people working in the Library.
She excelled at her soundwork training, learning to alert to sounds including the doorbell, cooker timer, telephone and smoke alarm.
The system has an alarm that warns of highs or lows, allowing the user to adjust the insulin dosage.
I set my alarm clock to a trumpet fanfare, I will wake up at the right time tomorrow!
Everyone is entitled to equal access under the DDA this includes a building's fire alarm.
If no member of staff is available, sound the fire alarm before leaving the building.
It usually means a break glass fire alarm system with or without the means of detecting devices which are required in certain circumstances.
The alarm was received at 4-30 a.m. and the Arrochar voluntary fire brigade was at the scene of the outbreak in eight minutes.
They were also advised that there should be the provision of L3 standard fire alarm system and water-type fire extinguishers.
Whether its an alarm clock or a 13 amp fuse, Spare & Repairs is the place to go.
We were sure the Jimmy had the gangway wired up to an alarm in his cabin, he missed nothing!
The alarm, feigned for the purpose, was not altogether groundless.
We also offer an infra-red movement sensing alarm and locking hasps.
Despite the minor hiccup of John, our cox, sleeping through his alarm clock we all made it to Lincoln on time.
Other standard equipment included immersion heater, shaver socket, radio alarm clock, hairdryer and vacuum cleaner.
Many people whose hearing is not severely impaired are still able to hear a conventional smoke alarm.
The effect on the miss, false alarm and segment impurity rates is given in Table 5.
To many people, this instantly set off alarm bells with the fans claiming he had sold out by " going mainstream " .
The apartment features hot and cold air conditioning, alarm, fully fitted kitchen and cream marble floors throughout.
Vervet monkeys give different sorts of alarm calls according to the danger they perceive.
A smoke alarm alerted the occupants to the fire which gave them valuable time to get out of the house safely.
The other hewer gave the alarm, and the deputy overman, John Kerr was quickly on the scene.
Alarm clocks Alarm clocks often use a vibrating pad or flashing lights (or both) to wake up deaf children.
Output trigger may be linked to a text pager or additional siren, and the alarm comes with a comprehensive 3 year guarantee.
The pedometer part of the panic alarm pedometer is so easy to set and use.
The Alarm is activated by pressing a button on the Alarm or neck pendant supplied.
The venom of the wasp contains a pheromone that acts as an alarm causing other wasps to become more aggressive.
Then smoke the area to mask the alarm pheromone in the sting to stop any more bees from stinging in the same area.
All staff will be trained in their use and in the evacuation procedure in the event of a fire alarm.
Cabin Clock Incorporating a high quality quartz alarm movement with clean, smooth lines & a classic face.
The actions of the junior senator have caused alarm and dismay among our allies abroad, and given considerable comfort to our enemies.
It rings alarm bells when you look at the way some gaming TV shows have turned out.
Alarm Raised The outbreak was discovered by a Mrs Murray who woke up to find her room full of thick smoke.
The Radio Voice sounder is a traditional alarm sounder with the addition of up to 4 pre-recorded voice messages.
Simply plug the sensor into the jack socket on the alarm sounder.
Alarm indicators operate for 1 minute per decoded signal from fire alarm sounder.
The only main stipulation is that you have a Cat 1 alarm.
When an alarm occurs Deafgard's high-intensity flashing strobe provides a visual indicator and the under pillow pad vibrates to awaken guests.
All our rooms have remote control teletext TV's, radio alarm clocks and tea and coffee facilities.
Throughout the ages, the leaning tower has been the cause of considerable alarm to many an inhabitant.
Most children were able to produce simple procedures to turn on lights, sound the alarm and turn the weather vane.
She can consider herself lucky that her cries for help were heard by two passing walkers, who raised the alarm.
Alarm calls are in the form of a shrill whistle.
One strong motive which had impelled him to engage in this enterprise was his anxious desire to establish more friendly relations between England and France, and to dispel those feelings of mutual jealousy and alarm which were so frequently breaking forth and jeopardizing peace between the two countries.
The young, as in all Limicolae, are at first clothed in down, so mottled in colour as closely to resemble the shingle to which, if they be not hatched upon it, they are almost immediately taken by their parents, and there, on the slightest alarm, they, squat close to elude observation.
Paulowitz (1813), Cain (1822), Ion (1835), Wild Dayrell (1852), and his son Buccaneer (1857) bring down Sir Paul's blood; whilst Walton is represented through Phantom (1806), Partisan (1811) and his sons Glaucus (1829) and Venison (1833) and Gladiator (1833), Venison's sons Alarm (1842) and Kingston (1849), Gladiator's son Sweetmeat (1842), Sweetmeat's sons Macaroni (1860) and Parmesan (1857), and Parmesan's sons Favonius (1868) and Cremorne (1869).
As he spoke the voice came so near to Zeb that he jumped back in alarm.
Hearing these words Jim resolved to conquer his alarm.
As soon as I see the light, I will mount my horse and ride out to give the alarm.
His eyes too seemed strange; at one moment they looked impudently sly and at the next glanced round in alarm.
The princess glanced at her watch and, seeing that she was five minutes late in starting her practice on the clavichord, went into the sitting room with a look of alarm.
On their familiar faces he read agitation and alarm.
Lazarev stopped, casting a sidelong look at his colonel in alarm.
But Natasha, guessing her doubts, interrupted her in alarm.
They can also make purring noises, one tone appears to be an alarm call.
The alarm was first raised by the harbor security officer on the main fish key gate.
Now, you may ask, what have Jews done to deserve such rancor and alarm?
I sounded an alarm bell against resurgent Japanese nationalism some years ago.
The touring continued and at a sellout concert in New York City, The Alarm were joined on stage by Neil Young.
Dawn simulators consist of an alarm clock with a light on top.
Smoking There are smoke detectors in the bedrooms and corridors which will sense tobacco smoke and sound the alarm. Never smoke in bed !
The alarm comes with a snooze button which will let you postpone the alarm call - up to a maximum of 4 times.
They have a crisp digital display and a ` tap on ` snooze function for the alarm.
The snooze alarm has gone off for the third time and still you ca n't get up.
This was something about which they should have been sounding the alarm.
The Radio Voice Sounder is a traditional alarm sounder with the addition of up to 4 pre-recorded voice messages.
It is not necessary to confirm that all fire alarm sounder circuits operate correctly at the time of this test.
Additional functions include dual time, date, alarm and stopwatch with split/lap.
When an alarm occurs Deafgard 's high-intensity flashing strobe provides a visual indicator and the under pillow pad vibrates to awaken guests.
The clock had an eight-day lever movement striking the hour and the half hour and a subsidiary alarm dial and mechanism.
The fan 's tachometer output enables the alarm module to monitor the speed of the fans.
All our rooms have remote control teletext TV 's, radio alarm clocks and tea and coffee facilities.
Radio alarm clock the base putting illinois ' first lady tiki bar in years.
Price is £ 286 for airflow sensors and an acoustic and visual alarm in the tractor cab.
But there is an undercurrent of public concern and even alarm about the implications of the new research.
A good quality alarm that is visible from the outside of the property will deter burglars.
The FM radio works, and can be used as a wake-up alarm.
Using low wattage bulbs can reduce the cost to less than 1p per night Alarms Install an alarm.
When the first chevron lit and the gate began to turn, there was a real yelp of alarm from the gathered crowd.
Sheresignedlyturned off her alarm clock and started getting ready for the bsuy day ahead.
Mandy noticed with slight alarm that they would need to replenish their toilet paper stock immediately.
However, a breastfed baby's development will be even and gradual and should cause little alarm for pediatricians.
There are door alarms available that will notify you when a door has opened in your home, and there are pool alarms which emit an alarm sound when something hits the water.
For child pool safety, it is a great idea if you invest in a Safety Turtle armband with alarm station to alert you if a child has fallen into the water.
To help you know when to recharge, an audible low-battery alarm warns a parent when it comes time to recharge.
Sony baby monitors are equipped with an alarm to notify you when the monitor moves out of range.
Sensor pads arranged beneath the crib mattress trigger a flashing green light and sound an alarm when no movement is detected for 20 seconds.
You need a smoke alarm, window guards or window stopping devices, (check local fire and building codes) and safety covers over all electrical outlets.
Install a CO alarm in the hallway near the bedrooms in each separate sleeping area.
In most cases, as long you see your child is growing and developing, however, there shouldn't be any reason for concern or alarm.
If the Snuza does not sense movement within 5 seconds of the vibration, then an audible alarm is activated so that parents, grandparents or caregivers can check their baby and get appropriate medical assistance, if necessary.
Low percentages are not a cause for alarm as long as infants progress along a natural curve of steady development.
Do be aware of changes, but small and gradual changes are generally no cause for alarm.
Because a parent who is hearing impaired may not be able to hear a typical monitor which relies on sound, most monitors for the hearing impaired feature either a flashing light, a vibrating alarm, and/or an LCD video monitor.
It vibrates when the alarm system is triggered by baby's cries.
Whether you're a skier, hiker, swimmer or cyclist, a sports watch is an accessory you'll need to help keep you going--most come equipped with alarm features that keep you on time, and most are resistant to water and scratches.
Whether you've spent a fortune on a brand new vehicle or a handsome sum on a used car, it's a good idea to protect your investment with a car alarm.
But how can you tell which alarm system is right for you?
While it may seem like much more of a bargain for you and your buddies to get together on a sunny Saturday afternoon to install your new car alarm, you are probably better off leaving it to the professionals.
A handy tip is to have a backup power source dedicated to your alarm in case the would-be criminal disconnects your car's main battery, thus deactivating your alarm.
Here are a few key elements to a car alarm that may want installed into your application.
Once you know where to go, head to sleep early and be sure to set your alarm.
A traditional alarm clock has a single setting.
What this means is that the alarm will go off at exactly the same time every time, but that may not necessarily fit with your schedule.
Alarm clocks with multiple settings may allow you to set different alarms for different days or even multiple alarms within the same day.
Some also feature the ability to have adjustable snooze times, giving you more or less time to get out of bed before the alarm is triggered again.
They can also be very useful for people with shift work schedules who may need to wake up at different times on different days, setting an alarm for 7 a.m. on Mondays while having the alarm go off at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays, for example.
Alarm clocks that provide the ability to set multiple alarms are one of the most popular kinds of multiple setting devices.
While other alarm clocks may offer dual alarms, this one offers the ability to set seven independent alarms for the seven days of the week.
In fact, it is possible to save three alarm "banks" that have multiple alarms in each of them.
While some alarm clocks allow for dual alarms or multiple alarm settings, there are others that allow for a programmable snooze.
Most alarm clocks have a snooze setting that is typically ten minutes, but not everyone like this setting.
First is something called GRADUWAKE, a feature that provides an alarm with gradually increasing volume.
Along with this, there is the ability to set the different length of time between alarm sounds, effectively working as a programmable snooze.
For example, it has nature sounds for its alarm, as well as an integrated projector to display the time on the wall or ceiling.
The same is true with alarm clocks, as there are many alarm apps available for major smartphone platforms.
Instead of a standard buzzer, it is also possible to set the virtual alarm clock to play music from your iTunes playlist.
There are also extra features like the math alarm - which requires a math problem to be solved before dismissing an alarm - and the nap alarm clock that works like a timer rather than like a conventional alarm.
Your computer may already be able to automatically update its system time based on information pulled from the Internet, but even standalone alarm clocks can have this level of up-to-the-moment accuracy and precision.
It also supports dual alarm times and a gradual escalating alarm volume.
If you are looking for an alarm clock for someone who sleeps very soundly, you'll be glad to discover that are a number of models from which to choose.
Because there is a growing demand for more effective and original alarm clocks that really get the job done, numerous options have been developed.
With some help, you'll surely find the perfect alarm clock that will wake up even the deepest of sleepers.
Several different strategies have been implemented into a wide variety of alarm clocks for sound sleepers.
The Nanda Clocky is a unique alarm clock in that it has a pair of ruggedized wheels on its sides.
If you ignore the alarm and choose to snooze, the Clocky will actually roll itself off your bedside table and proceed to roll around in the room, hiding in some unknown crevice until you go to turn it off.
Using a similar strategy as the Clocky, the flying alarm clock contains a helicopter at the top.
When the alarm goes off, this helicopter propels itself into the air and flies away to some other part of the room.
The alarm sound is only deactivated when the helicopter is retrieved and placed back in its base.
The flying alarm clock is available for around $15 from
While you won't have to get out of bed to fetch something like the previous two examples, the Gun Shooting Alarm Clock is another great way to help you wake up each morning.
When the alarm is activated, a target pops up from the top of the alarm clock.
Using the provided toy gun, you must then shoot the target to turn off the alarm.
As one of the more effective alarm clocks for deep sleepers, this product forces you to do thirty bicep curls of its dumbbell shaped body before the alarm is turned off.
The Sonic Bomb alarm from Sonic Alert has an incredibly loud 113dB alarm, which is the approximately the same decibel level as a live rock concert or car horn at a distance of one meter.
In addition to having a very loud alarm, the Sonic Bomb also has pulsing red lights and a bundled 12-volt Super Shaker.
When shopping for an alarm clock, keep some of these factors in mind.
Many alarm clocks have a sound adjustment feature that allows the loudness of the alarm to be turned up or down.
Tock has an alarm clock for a body and places a high priority on time.
Accessory items usually have to go when hotels remodel too, so small appliances and accessories, like televisions, alarm clocks, three-way lamps, irons, matted prints, mirrors and curtains can sell for garage sale prices.
Inflatable Bed with Side Table - One of the most inconvenient things about sleeping on an inflatable bed is that there's no place to put your alarm clock, glasses, book, and other necessities.
Cell phones, alarm clocks, MP3 players, and even large appliances like dishwashers can all be recycled as long as you're willing to do the leg work.
The three-story home was on the cutting edge of design complete with the latest technology, including a burglar alarm.
Other changes included a larger foyer, new plumbing, a new heating system, and a burglar alarm system.
Some headboards also come with built in shelving where you can stack books, iPods and the dreaded alarm clock.
A one-time sale of a personal belonging or a lottery ticket turning up in the wash isn't neccesarily cause for alarm.