Al Sentence Examples
The uncertain authority of these statements, and the plausibility of the preceding explanation, have caused philologists to accept the derivation from al and jabara.
Fahri des al Karhi, who flourished about the beginning of the i 1 th century, is the author of the most important Arabian work on algebra.
Martino al Piano, where remains still exist.
Archimedes' problem of dividing a sphere by a plane into two segments having a prescribed ratio,was first expressed as a cubic equation by Al Mahani, and the first solution was given by Abu Gafar al Hazin.
Since the distance to be travelled by the secondary waves is still r, we see how the effect of the first zone, and therefore of the whole series is proportional to al(a+r).
Upon waking and much to the surgeon's surprise, Al described the motion that turned out to be how the surgeon normally keeps his hands sterile.
The fourteenth and fifteenth amendments to the Fedc al Constitution were ratified in 1870, and the state was formally readmitted into the Union on the 23rd of February of that year.
And also another seuerall close for his portion of his common pasture, and also his porcion of his medowe in a seuerall close by itselfe, and al kept in seureall both in wynter and somer; and euery cottage shall haue his portion assigned hym accordynge to his rent, and than shall nat the ryche man ouerpresse the poore man with his cattell; and euery man may eate his oun close at his pleasure.
Titian's "Presentazione al Tempio," painted for the Scuola della Carita, which is now the seat of the gallery, has been placed in its original position.
The year iIto is additionally important by reason of the accession of Maudud al Mosul, which marks the beginning of a Moslem reaction.
AdvertisementHe here continued to render great service to Abu Salem (Ibrahim III.), Abu Inan's successor, but, having offended the prime minister, he obtained permission to emigrate to Spain, where, at Granada, he was received with great cordiality by Ibn al Ahmar, who had been greatly indebted to his good offices when an exile at the court of Abu Salem.
It is thus possible to study simultaneously all the theories which depend upon operations of the group. Symbolic Representation of Symmetric Functions.-Denote the s 8 s elementar symmetric function a s by al a 2 a3 pleasure; then, Y y si,, si,...
Taking the systems of quantities to be / al, a2, a3,...
This decreases as r increases; its value ranging from na/A to al(nA).
The full title is ilm al jebr wa'l-mugabala, which contains the ideas of restitution and comparison, or opposition and comparison, or resolution and equation, jebr being derived from the verb jabara, to reunite, and mugabala, from gabala, to make equal.
AdvertisementOther writers have derived the word from the Arabic particle al (the definite article), and geber, meaning " man."
Now since AP is very small, AL' - PL'= AP sin a, where a is the angular semi-aperture L'AB.
In like manner PL - AL has the same value, so that PL - PL' = 2AP sin a.
The following is an analysis of a specimen of English pressed glass; S102, 70.68%; Na 2 0, 18.38%; CaO, 5.45%; BaO, 4.17%; Al 2 0 3, 0.33%; and Fe203, o.
The system of decorating vases and vessels by means of strands of glass trailed upon the surface in knots, zigzags and trellis work, was adopted by the Moors and is characteristic of Roman craftsmanship. Glassmaking was continued at Pinar de la Vidriera and at Al Castril de la Pena into the 17th century.
AdvertisementIt is decorated with diamond or steel-point etching, and bears on one side the date 1586, and on the opposite side the words " In God is al mi trust."
The most important of these are aluminium and zinc, which are converted into aluminate, Al(OK,Na) 3, and zincate, Zn(OK,Na) 2, respectively.
Aluminium, when pure and kept out of contact with siliceous matter, is only oxidized at a white heat, and then very slowly, into alumina, Al 2 O 3.
C - a 2 - 2 b2 +A, = and then as above in § 31, with a= c ch a, b=c sh a, a =-1 (a 2 +X) =c ch al, b1= c sh a (13) the ratio in (II) agrees with § 31 (6).
But even by postulating the highest possible dates for he Dynasties of Babylon and Ur, enormous gaps occurred in he scheme of chronology, which were unrepresented by any ro al name or record.
AdvertisementHis ardent zeal was sorely tried by Philip's cautious temperament; and Sir Thomas Stukeley's projected Irish expedition, which Sanders was to have accompanied with the blessings and assistance of the pope, was diverted to Morocco where Stukeley was killed at the battle of Al Kasr al Kebir in 1578.
The term clay is often used by chemists to denote hydrated silicate of alumina (Al 2 O 3 2SiO 2.2H 2 O), of which kaolin or china clay is a fairly pure form.
The old reservoirs on this route attributed to Zubeda, wife of Harun al Rashid, were destroyed during the Wahhabi raids early in the 19th century, and have not been repaired.
In the contest between the two sons of Harun al Rashid all Arabia sided with Mamun (812).
Jonah is the Kitab al Tank (" Book of Exact Investigation"), which consists of two parts, regarded as two distinct books - the Kitab alLuma ("Book of Many-coloured Flower-beds") and the Kitab alusul ("Book of Roots").
The Hirado porcelainso called because it enjoyed the specia patronage of Matsuura, feudal chief of Hiradowas produced al Mikawa-uchi-yama, but did not attain excellence until.
In the cases of aluminium dissolved in tin and of mercury or bismuth in lead, it is at least probable that the molecules in solution are Al 2j Hg 2 and Bit respectively, while tin in lead appears to form a molecule of the type Sn4.
The word "alcohol" is of Arabic origin, being derived from the particle al and the word kohl, an impalpable powder used in the East for painting the eyebrows.
It is compounded of al, the definite article, and ilah, meaning a god.
The volume u may be determined by repeating the experiment when only air is in the cup. In this case v =o, and the equation becomes (u --al l) (h - k') =uh, whence u = al' (h - k l) /k'.
His first expedition to Morocco, in 1574, was little more than a reconnaissance; in a second expedition Sebastian was killed and his army annihilated at Al Kasr al Kebir (4th of August 1578).
It is true that the Florentine Simone Sigoli, who visited Cairo in 1384, in his Viaggio al Monte Sinai still speaks of "Presto Giovanni" as a monarch dwelling in India; but it is the India which is conterminous with the dominions of the soldan of Egypt, and whose lord is master of the Nile, to close or open its discharge upon Egypt.
He also wrote his chief historical work, Lo Stato Romano dal 1815 al 1850, in four volumes (Turin, r850).
That emblem was the diadem, and al though the diadem and crown are frequently confused with each other they were quite distinct, and it is well to bear this in mind.
The word is of Arabic origin, being a corruption of daras-sina`ah, house of trade or manufacture, dar, house, al, the, and sina`ah, trade, manufacture, sana`a, to make.
To the visitor from Europe the attraction of Tunis lies in the native city, where, in the Rue al Jezira, along which runs electric trams, he can see hundreds of camels in the morning bearing charcoal to market; where he may witness the motley life of the bazaars, or, by the Bab-Jedid, watch the snake-charmers and listen to the Moorish storytellers.
In E'; the case of a parallelogram, the equivalent right,, trapezium is a rectangle; in the case of a triangle, Al it is a right-angled triangle.
The areas of the sides for which 0 and x=xo+2h, and of the section by the plane x=xo+h, may be found by Simpson's second formula; call these Ao and A2, and Al.
A solution by means of the parabola and hyperbola was given by Dionysodorus of Amisus (c. 1st century B.c), and a similar problem - to construct a segment equal in volume to a given segment, and in surface to another segment - was solved by the Arabian mathematician and astronomer, Al Kuhi.
For the position shown the distribution of bending moment due to W 1 is given by ordinates of the triangle 000 A'CB'; that due to W2 by ordin al, W, WW1 W„ ates of A'DB'; and that due to W3 by ordinates of A EB'.
Let measurements along the beam be represented according to any convenient scale, so that calling L 1 and 1 1 the lengths to be drawn on paper, we have L = aL i; now let r1, r 2, r 3 be a series of radii such that r 1 = R i /ab, r 2 = R 2 /ab, &c., where b is any convenient constant chosen of such magnitude as will allow arcs with the radii, r 1, &c., to be drawn with the means at the draughtsman's disposal.
Abu Salih records (12th century) that the patriarch used always to send letters twice a year to the kings of Abyssinia and Nubia, till Al Hakim stopped the practice.
Monterrey is connected with Tampico by a Belgian line known as the F.C. de Monterrey al Golfo Mexicano, and the capital is to have direct connexion with the Pacific, other than the F.C. Interoceanico, by a line through Cuernavaca and Iguala to the coast.
Indirectly the capital has a Pacific coast connexion by way of Cordoba and the F.C. Vera Cruz al Pacifico to a junction with the Tehuantepec line.
His great work, Le Istorie del regno di Napoli dal 1250 fino al 1498, first appeared at Naples in 1572, and was the fruit of thirty or forty years' labour; but nine more years were devoted to the task before it was issued in its final form at Aquila (1581).
Darby in the following year; and Ahmad ibn Mohammed ibn Abdallah, al Dimashki, al `Ajmi, commonly called Ibn 'Arabshah, author of the Arabic `Ajaibu '1 Makhlnkat, translated by the Dutch Orientalist Golius in 1636.
Al' Gill University at Montreal has been enlarged and splendidly endowed by the munificence of a few private individuals; Toronto University by the provincial legislature of Ontario; Queen's University at Kingston largely by the support of its own graduates and friends.
San Francesco al Prato is 'a fine church of the end of the 13th century with interesting frescoes of the school of Giotto.
Since the middle of the 12th century the party of The Papacy P munici al autonomy and indeed, the whole of the and the Y European middle classes, who wished to shake off ofCommune Rome.
We find her associated with Ba`al and called " the name of Ba'al," i.e.
It was the custom among the Phoenicians, as among other Semitic nations, to use the names of the gods in forming proper names and thus to express devotion or invoke favour; thus Hanni-ba`al, 'Abd-melqarth, IIanni- `ashtart, Eshmun-`azar.
Al Kasr al Kebir was built, according to Leo Africanus, by Yakub el Mansur (1184-1199).
In order to avoid the uncertainty arising from the lack of vowels to distinguish forms consisting of the same consonants (for the vowel-points were not yet invented), the aramaising use of the reflexive conjugations (Hithpa`el, Nithpa`el) for the internal passives (Pu'al, Hoph`al) became common; particles were used to express the genitive and other relations, and in general there was an endeavour to avoid the obscurities of a purely consonantal writing.
Kaolin or China clay is essentially a pure disilicate (Al 2 O 3.2SiO 2.2H 2 O), occurring in large beds almost throughout the world, and containing in its anhydrous state 2 4.4% of the metal, which, however, in common clays is more or less replaced by calcium, magnesium, and the alkalis, the proportion of silica sometimes reaching 70%.
Bauxite is a hydrated oxide of aluminium of the ideal composition, Al 2 0 3.2H 2 0.
Aluminium hydrate, Al(OH) 3, is obtained as a gelatinous white precipitate, soluble in potassium or sodium hydrate, but insoluble in ammonium chloride, by adding ammonia to a cold solution of an aluminium salt; from boiling solutions the precipitate is opaque.
Potassium aluminate, K 2 Al 2 0 4, is obtained in solution by dissolving aluminium hydrate in caustic potash; it is also obtained, as crystals containing three molecules of water, by fusing alumina with potash, exhausting with water, and crystallizing the solution in vacuo.
Aluminium forms one series of salts, derived from the trioxide, Al 2 0 3.
Aluminium sulphate Al(S04)3, occurs in the mineral kingdom as keramohalite, Al 2 (SO 4) 3.1811 2 0, found near volcanoes and in alum-shale; aluminite or websterite is a basic salt, Al 2 (SO 4) (OH)4.71120.
Aluminium sulphate crystallizes as Al 2 (SO 4) 3.181120 in tablets belonging to the monoclinic system.
The nitrate, Al(N03)3, is obtained as deliquescent crystals (with 81120) by evaporating a solution of the hydroxide in nitric acid.
This difficulty has, however, been lessened since the translation and publication of the papyrus Rhind by Eisenlohr; 1 and it is now generally admitted that, in the distinction made in the last passage quoted above from Proclus, reference is made to the two forms of his work - aL a - Tr Epov pointing to what he derived from Egypt or arrived at in an Egyptian manner, while indicates the discoveries which he made in accordance with the Greek spirit.
Seven princes of the Rustamite house succeeded Abdul Wahab at Tiaret, but in 909 the dynasty was overthrown by the Fatimite general al Shi`i.
Al Harizi 1 says at the age of twenty-nine, and Moses b.
Lambertini (Pope Benedict XIV.), De servorum Dei beatificatione et beatorum canonizatione (Bologna, 1 7341738), several times reprinted, and more remarkable for erudition and knowledge of canon law than for historical criticism; Al.
In 1872 the value of thc imports was placed at 173,400,000 and that of the exports al 124,700,000.
Adjacent to the muristan on the north is the tomb mosque of al Nasir,.
Prominent among these papers is Al Lewa (The Standard), founded in 1900.
Other papers of a similar character are Al Omma, Al Moayad and Al Gerida.
Certain of the carri al gods early became identified with cosmic divinities, and inst latter thus became the objects of a cult; so, for instance, in t Horus of Edfu was a sun-god, and Thoth in Hermopolis as gna was held to be the moon.
They did not, however, follow up their victory, and under the leadership of Fadl-el-Maula Bey remained al?out Wadelai, while the dervishes strengthened their post at Rejaf.
The constituent of next importance is an aluminate, but whether this is dicalcium aluminate, 2CaO Al 2 0 3, or tricalcium aluminate, 3CaO-Al 2 0 3, is still in doubt.
Some authorities, however, hold that it commemorates the red flare of the torches by whose light the work of construction was carried on nightly for many years; others associate it with the name of the founder, Mahomet Ibn Al Ahmar; and others derive it from the Arabic Dar al Amra, " House of the Master."
Of the outlying buildings in connexion with the Alhambra, the foremost in interest is the Palacio de Generalife or Gineralife (the Moorish Jennat al Arif, " Garden of Arif," or " Garden of the Architect ").
A story of Mahommedan origin, which is probably no more historical than the oath of Santa Gadea, tells of how he allowed himself to be tricked by Ibn Ammar, the favourite of Al Motamid, the king of Seville.
After the death of Constance he perhaps married and he certainly lived with Zaida, said to have been a daughter of "Benabet" (Al Motamid), Mahommedan king of Seville.
Lighthouses exist on one of the Quwain group of islands off Ras Musandam and on Tunb I.; light-buoys have been placed at Bushire in the outer and inner anchorages, at Bahrein and on the Shatt al 'Arab bar.
There is a lightship in the Shatt al 'Arab bar, which is very completely buoyed and lighted throughout its length from the lightship to Fao, where there is a fixed light.
The founder of the family is said to have been Izzud-din al Husain, whose son Ala-ud-din destroyed Ghazni, as already mentioned.
Bertolini, Storia d'Italia dal 1814 al 1878.
The Sogdians, though subdued by Said al Harashi, were not appeased, but implored the assistance of the Turks, who had long been contending earnestly against the Arabs for the dominion of Transoxiana.
For the moment Merwan could do no more than send a new governor, Ibn Sa'id al Ilarashi.
Ibn Omar and Ibn Sa`id al IIarashi tried to defend their province, but were completely defeated.
Touching the coast of Arakan or Burma, he reached Sumatra in forty days, and was provided with a junk for China by Malik al Dhahir, a zealous disciple of Islam, which had recently spread among the states on the northern coast of that island.
The notation employed by English writers for the general continued fraction is al b2 b3 b4 a 2 "' Continental writers frequently use the notation a 1 ?
The general continued fraction al is evidently equal, convergent by convergent, to the continued fraction X 2 b 2 X2X3b3 x3%4b4 a1+ A2a2 + X + X
Let the fraction be a l a 2 al +...
The notation for this type of fraction is b4 + b5+ b3+ al b2 + a4 a3 It is obviously equal to the series b 2 b3 b4 b5 al +a 2 +aza3a4 + a2a3a4a 5 + .
As the rentf and royalties, excepting those on the turquoise mines, amount to about one-fifth of the net proceeds, it may be estimated that th value of the annual output does not exceed 50,000, while thi intrinsic value of the ores, particularly those of lead, iron, cohali and nickel, which have not yet been touched can be estimated al millions.
In addition to this, he translated various other treatises, to the number, it is said, of sixty-six; among these were the Tables of "Arzakhel," or Al Zarkala of Toledo, Al Farabi On the Sciences (De scientiis), Euclid's Geometry, Al Farghani's Elements of Astronomy, and treatises on algebra, arithmetic and astrology.
The king was a strong-willed and weak-minded ascetic, who entrusted his empire to the Jesuits, refused to marry, although the dynasty was threatened with extinction, and Disaster spent years in preparing for a crusade against the Al Kasr. Moors.
After a long desert march under an August sun, he took up an indefensible position in a valley near Al Kasr al Kebir (q.v.).
All these poems, like the Elegiada of Luis Pereira Brandao on the disaster of Al Kasr, the Primeiro cerco de Diu of the chronicler Francisco de Andrade, and even the AfTonso Africano of Quevedo, for all its futile allegory, contain striking episodes and vigorous and well-coloured descriptive passages, but they cannot compare with The Lusiads in artistic value.
Sebastiao by Frei Bernardo da Cruz, who was with the king at Al Kasr al Kebir, while Miguel Leitao de Andrade, who was taken prisoner in that battle, related his experiences and preserved many popular traditions and customs in his Miscellanea.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Aka to Al.
It has a_ castle of the emperor Frederick I., the residence of the imperial governors of Tuscany from 1226 to 1286, and from them bears the name of San Miniato al Tedesco.
G ea I al tea Nayl E ?
Julius holds that this sole fact robs of objective reality almost all the features of the sun, An al ou.
These are the days of Mina, a fair and joyous feast, with no special ceremony except that each day the pilgrim is expected to throw seven stones at the jamrat al `agaba, and also at each of two similar cairns in the valley.
We recognize six orders - the Stolonifera, Al Cyo N-, '?
Giovanni al Sepolcro (Ilth century) is now a museum.
In his rhymed chronicle Robert of Gloucester tells how "A bourgois at Bristowe - Robert Harding Vor gret tresour and richesse - so wel was mid the king That he gat him and is eirs - the noble baronie That so riche is of Berkele - mid al the seignorie."
Vasilievski and Jernstedt, St Petersburg, 1896); Yahya of Antioch (contemporary Asiatic chronicle), extracts with Russian translation by Rosen (St Petersburg, 1883); Al Mekin (Elmacinus), Historia Saracenica (ed.
Henry and Al Louis at once engaged in the first Capet-Angevin duel, destined to last a hundred years (1,521242).
The Arab called them the Christians of Al Frank, and distinguished them from the Gallicians.
A palace revolution, headed by Mahommcd, of the Omayyad family, who called himself Al Mahdi Billah (guided by God), and a street riot, upset the power of the liajib at Cordova while he was absent on a raid against Castile.
Abu Saud's mission failed, and Mahommed Ahmed no longer hesitated to call himself al-Mandi al Montasir, "The Expected Guide."
This was followed (1813-1818) by his magnum opus, the Storia della scultura dal suo risorgimento in Italia al secolo di Napoleone, in the composition of which he had been encouraged and advised by Giordano and Wilhelm Schlegel (1767-1845).
The district contains the town of the same name and 22 villages, and, including about 3700 nomad families of the Kunduzlu, Saad, Anafijeh and Al i Kethir tribes, has a population of about 40,000 and pays a yearly revenue of 6000.
X-ray absorption column plotted against galaxy axial ratio from Malizia et al.
However, not all children seem adversely affected (see Hughes et al 2002 ).
Mr Brandreth has Al amyloidosis complicated by autonomic neuropathy, an extremely serious presentation of this rare disorder.
If Al is present, angles between atoms separated by less than AL angstroms are computed.
Hollis et al (1995) studied 18 cadaver ankles.
Then add funky urban beats to opera arias from Rossini, Puccini, Donizetti, et al.
A violent enemy of Church orthodoxy in al forms, yet he was not a confirmed atheist.
The efficacy of this dressing to promote autolysis has been identified through a randomized controlled trial undertaken by Bale et al.
Large covered terrace with built-in barbecue for relaxed dining al fresco looking over the large pool.
A brazil nut allergen was identified in soya bean genetically engineered with a brazil nut gene (Nordlee et al, 1996 ).
One of political party cadre collected donation in pray event in Al Azhar mosque yard in Jakarta.
Imag The DENIS I-band total magnitude calibrated by comparison with the I-band measurements of Mathewson at al.
Over 40% of patients with oesophagitis do not have oral candidiasis (Bonacini et al 1991 ).
Tearfund is urging churchgoers to watch Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth, which goes on selected nationwide release from 15 September.
Equating Vietnam with the war against al Qaeda takes remarkable chutzpah, but the Republicans have it in spades.
A former commandant of the US Marine Corps, General Al Gray, was of the same opinion.
Model Gardens II - Mediterranean Garden Sven designs a secluded courtyard perfect for al fresco entertaining.
The close-fought 2000 presidential election - with Al Gore 500,000 votes ahead of Bush - was simply the natural culmination of this trend.
The attraction of radon decay products to sources of power frequency electric fields has been demonstrated by Henshaw et al (1996 ).
The aft deck is perfect for al fresco entertaining - day or night.
A prototype version of the multisource decoder was reported in Barker et al.
He has not been above funding and training terrorists such as the Al Aqsa Brigades while publicly decrying them in the past.
This led to the destruction of Al Amarna and the defacing of many monuments and temples where the name of Akenaten was defaced.
It was indeed Al Casey who owned the viking deluxe.
Techniques using in situ produced cosmogenic nuclides have been developed to date sediments deposited over the past several million years Granger et al.
The 1974 album is a very fine soul offering, at times sounding not too dissimilar to the Reverend Al Green in parts.
Summer would not be complete without some al fresco eating.
Average values for a soprano pipistrelle echolocation call, as given by Vaughan et al.
Bakos et al. calculated the equatorial coordinates for epoch and equinox 2000.0 using their astrometry and proper motion measurements.
She was so al one, with the lev el, un liv ing field of the wat er stret ching be neath her.
The problems associated with these preparations may be partly explained by a series of studies carried out by Swanson et al (1999 ).
Dear Auntie Al, I quite often get caught fiddling with specimens of ancient Scottish history that are usually very valuable.
They then spilled up and Mole and Al did a few gigs on their own which eventually fizzled out.
If Devine is the dignified Mafia godfather, Williams is the thrusting young Al Pacino, all furious self-righteousness.
Alta staff offer gourmet dining inside, or an equally elegant al fresco meal on the foredeck.
The support Jackson et al. are giving the Butcher of Baghdad is entirely gratuitous.
We have hefty et al member was in the schip expansions.
Histoplasma duboisii Vanbreuseghem) The spores of these organisms can cause the lung disease histoplasmosis if inhaled (Roberts et al.
Symptoms were not accompanied by icterus (Quint 1933 ). Hypericum canariense L. Rabanal et al.
In line with the zoocentric approach, Sandoe et al presuppose that the way a result is achieved is morally indifferent.
Over the years, CIA and military interrogators have repeatedly attempted to suborn testimony from both men, linking Abu Qatada to al Qaida.
Why, then, does aluminum form Al 3+ ions?
The biggest joker in current deck is Al Qaeda.
Kim et al additionally utilized endoscopic ultrasound to evaluate the deep margins of 4 colonic lipomas.
The depletion is unaffected by cobra venom factor treatment and thus presumably does not depend on complement lysis (Isaacs et al 1992 ).
Et al broker insurance malpractice medical some form of may be able.
Al fresco Shakespeare has aways struck me as a peculiar form of British masochism.
In the Persian Gulf lies the massif of Jebel Hafeet, on the outskirts of Al Ain in the United Arab Emirates.
The samples were extracted with 80 per cent aqueous methanol at room temperature, using a procedure based on that of Barnes et al.
Al Carone - unlike his near namesake, Al Capone truly was a paradox wrapped in a mystery concealed behind an enigma.
Kendrick KM et al (1997) Formation of olfactory memories mediated by nitric oxide.
Al the issues would have the common obverse of a picture of Victory.
In patients with keratoconjunctivitis sicca punctal occlusion reduces corneal surface staining (Turberville et al, 1982 and Willis et al, 1987 ).
Al Qaeda is living in the expectation of resuming the offensive.
In particular Cy12R1 includes envelope orography and orographic gravity wave drag based on the Palmer et al.
Day 6 - Al Maha Al Maha, a sanctuary in the sands is home to the shy Arabian oryx.
Hughes et al ' Bisphosphonates promote apoptosis in murine osteoclasts in vitro and vivo ' .
The truly outrageous stuff is on Al Jazeera (the closest the Arab world gets to a free-spoken news channel) from Qatar.
Finally on another issue referring again to the closing paragraph of the paper by Fenton et al (1999 ).
Their plan is an exact parallel with the strategy of Hattersley, Kaufman, Golding et al during 1983.
Door to large poolside patio including table & chairs for al fresco dining.
Iraqi prisoners of war are assembled on the Al Faw peninsula.
I ate the pizza watching an Al Murray DVD.
In 1918, Bradford et al described ' acute infective polyneuritis ' .
The break-up has defied earlier predictions that AL's practice would merge with traditional law firms or be snapped up by KLegal.
Dinsmore et al [65] studied the effect of high dose prednisone in 17 PPS patients (with new muscle weakness ).
This happened in the early days of Al Gore's vise presidency, when he was still trying to be a practicing environmentalist.
All virus isolates tested were successfully amplified using degenerate primers designed by Deng et al; 1994.
Combat Al adjusts in real-time to test your sword fighting prowess.
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura occurs in approximately one person in a million (Elkins et al, 1996 ).
In this narrative history, AL Rowse brilliantly recreates the dynastic conflict, the battles, and the transition from medieval to Tudor England.
It also sucks when you see headlines like ' Al Qaeda ' bomb kills 50 Iraq police recruits ' .
We estimate a photometric redshift of for this galaxy, using the methods of Mobasher et al.
An extensive research program is directed at the understanding of grain refinement in Al alloys.
Ghazi's first cousin, Amir Abd al Ilah, was made regent.
Before he became a renegade from the armies of Hell he was Al Simmons, an assassin working for the United States Security Group.
Business brief roundup - Birmingham News Business brief roundup Birmingham News, AL - 14 hours ago.. .
Since it contained at least 40 percent impurities when manufactured, sarin produced at Al Muthanna had a short shelf life.
Al is particularly good at adapting his humor to the audience - he can be clean, very saucy or something between the two!
Other political parties have had similar experiences, yet don't attract the scorn of Ruth et al.
Prochaska et al (1992) Only ten to 15% of addicted smokers were prepared for action.
Using sediment sampling and digital side-scan sonar, Van Lancker, et al.
Al Deere I flew a spitfire for the first time in March 1939.
Confusion persists about supplementary prescribing Hay A. et al.
There is a covered terrace running along the length of the house, ideal for dining al fresco.
The first holder of the post is consultant pediatrician Professor Al Aynsley Green, the government's former child health tsar.
The cast is superb, from big names like Al Pacino and Meryl Streep to the relative unknowns filling most of the roles.
The Conservatives et al are not only proving themselves to be rabidly ridiculous, but also rather unprofessional.
Al Qaeda has formed an alliance with a Somali warlord.
Sure there's plenty for us to sing from the rooftops about - dolby 5.1 mixes, anarmorphic widescreen, directors cuts et al.
As a youth he performed the pilgrimage to Mecca, whence he was expelled on account of his severe strictures on the laxity of others, and thence wandered to Bagdad, where he attached himself to the school of the orthodox doctor al Ashari.
His most important literary work is his Memorie sull' Italia e specialmente sull y Toscana dal 1814 al 1850, in 2 vols.
The crucial example of this is what Richard Strauss has ingeniously called the "al fresco" treatment of instruments in large orchestral masses (Berlioz-Strauss, Instrumentationslehre, edition Peters)..
Regarding the derivation of the word, there are two main views which agree in holding that it has an Arabic descent, the prefix al being the Arabic article.
The first occurrence of the word is said to be in a treatise of Julius Firmicus, an astrological writer of the 4th century, but the prefix al there must be the addition of a later copyist.
The prefix al begins to be dropped about the middle of the 16th century.
By simple multiplication (al b l b2 -24a2bib2+ala2b;)xi +(aibz -ala214b2-aia2blb2+a2b2)xlx2 + (aia 2 b2 - 2a l a2b l b2 +a2/4b 2)x2; and transforming to the real form, (aob 2 - 2a1b,+a2bo)xi (aob 3 -a l b 2 - alb,+a3bo)xlx2 + (aib3 - 2a2b2+a3b1)x2, the simultaneous covariant; and now, putting b = a, we obtain twice.
Florence and other cities were forced to supply troops to the emperor for his Lombard campaigns, and he began to establish a centralized imperial bureaucracy in Tuscany, appointing a potestas, who resided at San Miniato (whence the name of "San Miniato al Tedesco"), to represent him and exercise authority in the contado; this double authority of the consoli in the town and the potestas or podestd outside generated confusion.
The length of its western side from Port Said to Aden is 1500 m.; its base from the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb (or Bab al Mandab) to Ras el Had is 1300 m., its northern side from Port Said to the Euphrates 600 m.; its total area approximately 1,200,000 sq.
Table services of Owari porcelain the ware itself excellently manipulated and of almost egg-shell fineness2re now decorated with floral scrolls, landscapes, insects, birds, figure-subjects and al sorts of designs, chaste, elaborate or quaint; and these services, representing so much artistic labor and originality, are, sold for prices that bear no due ratio to the skill required in their manufacture.
I, C, al), which soon acquires an opening to the exterior at one pole, and so forms the characteristic embryonic stage of all Enterozoa known as the gastrula (fig.
Among the heavy alloys, the aluminium bronzes (Cu, 9 o -97.5%; Al, 10-2.5%) occupy the most important position, showing mean tensile strengths increasing from 20 to 41 tons per sq.
Aluminium oxide or alumina, Al 2 0 3, occurs in nature as the mineral corundum, notable for its hardness and abrasive power (see Emery), and in well-crystallized forms it constitutes, when coloured by various metallic oxides, the gem-stones, sapphire, oriental topaz, oriental amethyst and oriental emerald.
There is only one non-recurring partial quotient al.
Some Carbonarist disorders having broken out in Calabria, Murat sent General Manhes against the rebels; the movement was ruthlessly quelled and Capobianco hanged in Septemlber 1813 (see Greco, Inlorno al tentativo dei Carbonari di Citeriore Calabria nel 1813).
Once upon a time there was a famous Arab whose name was Al Mansur.
Al Mansur loved poetry and was fond of hearing poets repeat their own verses.
So he employed a wise man whose name was Al Farra to be their teacher.
One day, after lesson hours, Al Farra rose to go out of the house.
When the caliph heard of this he sent for Al Farra and asked him, "Who is the most honored of men?"
Al Farra bowed low, but said nothing; and the caliph went on.
There was once a caliph of Cordova whose name was Al Mansour.
A year passed by and then the merchant appeared once more before Al Mansour.
Al Mansour noticed that the merchant was very sad and downcast.
But, as I came to your palace this morning, I kept saying to myself, 'When our lord Al Mansour learns just how it was that I borrowed the gold, I have no doubt that in his kindness of heart he will forgive me the debt.'
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura occurs in approximately one person in a million (Elkins et al, 1996).
It also sucks when you see headlines like ' Al Qaeda ' bomb kills 50 Iraq police recruits '.
Daily variations in reflectance factors were quantified in relation to changes in the solar zenith angle, applying the modified Walthall et al.
Ghazi 's first cousin, Amir Abd al Ilah, was made regent.
We know that renegade scientists have co-operated with Al Qaida and provided them with some of the knowledge they need to develop these weapons.
This movement was termed posterolateral rotatory instability by Hughston et al.
Business brief roundup - Birmingham News Business brief roundup Birmingham News, AL - 14 hours ago...
Al is particularly good at adapting his humor to the audience - he can be clean, very saucy or something between the two !
Other political parties have had similar experiences, yet do n't attract the scorn of Ruth et al.
Over 26 million people watched the senate hearings on Al Jazeera TV.
Each has a private shady terrace for al fresco dining.
Al is not that good in calculating and so we do n't want him to manually update the shoelace view.
Purchase the freshest of fruits and vegetables and enjoy lunch ' al fresco ' followed by a well earned siesta by the pool !
Work by Professor J Edwardson et al showed, apparently, that silicic acid reduced the absorption of Al from an orange juice drink.
Al Deere I flew a Spitfire for the first time in March 1939.
Boden et al described a model of syndesmosis injuries in which the lower leg was loaded in external rotation.
A major factor contributing to the national increase has been the Manchester syphilis outbreak (Clark et al, 2001).
Gordon et al. reports tritium beta efficiencies of 27% for devices having large 1mm 2 pixels.
The first holder of the post is consultant pediatrician Professor Al Aynsley Green, the government 's former child health tsar.
Prahl et al [7] derived an analytic theory for the interpretation of photothermal signals detected in turbid media.
Authentic Cypriot fare is also in abundance in the waterside tavernas where you can dine al fresco on the fresh catch of the day.
Sure there 's plenty for us to sing from the rooftops about - dolby 5.1 mixes, anarmorphic widescreen, directors cuts et al.
Klein, et al. state that climate change is not as large of a concern as some once thought.
The exhibition will contain classic works from Picasso, Monet, da Vinci, et al.
Symptoms of the common cold include muscle aches, congestion, coughing, et al.
For more on this subject, you may consult this article by Fenwick, et al.
If the crown markings feature an "AL," it means the tank is made from aluminum.
A very good one is at the website connected with Al Gore's award-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth, where you can quickly calculate your impact and then check out tips on reducing or offsetting it.
Not just another fad product, ozone-treated olive oil has been scientifically evaluated for its use in acute wound healing (Kim et al 373) and has been used in hospital settings for the treatment of resistant skin conditions.
A 2007 study (Sakazaki et al 503) found that the application of ozonized olive oil accelerated the healing process by increasing the production of granulation tissue.
Al Gitelman & Associates - Tapestries sells antique and reproduction tapestries to turn your home into a castle.
FreeTube is a cool site for watching television channels you might not be able to see otherwise, such as BYU TV and Al Jazeera (in Arabic and English).
Even more famous is the rumor that Al Gore said he invented the Internet.
Continue adding stock one ladleful at a time and stirring constantly until the rice is al dente.
For example, in 2006, "Weird Al" Yankovic penned You're Pitiful which mocked Blunt's breakout hit You're Beautiful.
Are Mr and Mrs Al Reynolds headed for divorce court?
First there was speculation that Al's preference is for men and their marriage is one of convenience, which, of course, Jones-Reynolds categorically denies.
While these rumors only add more fuel to the marriage of convenience rumors, these revelations are no where near as disturbing as the discovery that Al has been seen walking through his building wearing Spandex.
Al Sharpton's syndicated radio talk show apologizing again for his comments.
Celebrities are busted for al sorts of reasons, just like non-celebs.
The program was the network's first ever prime-time series and followed the life and times of shoe salesman Al Bundy, his homemaker wife Peggy, teenage son Bud and daughter Kelly.
Al Green, best known for his hit Let's Stay Together was asked to take the stage shortly before the show was to begin in order to fill the time that would have otherwise been filled by Rihanna and Brown.
Bush and also made fun of former Vice President Al Gore's Academy Award-winning film An Inconvenient Truth.
Al Bunny's Typing Class was designed as a game for children to play, but adults may find it useful in improving their typing skills as well.
Everyone wore a fedora, not just Al Capone and company.
Featured artists have included Montgomery Gentry, Weird Al Yankovic, Hootie & the Blowfish, Lonestar, and the Beach Boys.
Villains in the game include Scarecrow, Ra's al Ghul and Carmine Falcone.
To beat Ra's Al Goul at the end, you must beat all the ninjas around him.
Also, when Ra's Al Goul attacks you with his sword, try using your counter moves; they will be helpful.
The villain Al Durandal kidnaps the hero and forces him to battle an alien race.
Unlock Ras Al Ghul by assembling all the minikits.
The 1983 blockbuster Scarface featured Al Pacino as gangster Tony Montana fighting for power and fame.
Al Pacino himself agreed to lend his voice to Scarface the video game.
I wasn't expecting too much when I opened this wine, not like Geraldo Rivera opening Al Capone's safe.
They look great when put outside and can be used to line a walkway, hung on fence posts to add a little light, or placed on tables for al fresco dining.
This makes them great for using on tables when you're dining al fresco.
A., et al. "Survival pattern in patients with acute organophosphate poisoning receiving intensive care."
L., et al. "Lead Poisoning from a Toy Necklace."
McDonald, Ralph E., et al. Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent.
Emsley, John, et al. Was It Something You Ate?
Watanabe, H., et al. "Oxymetazoline nasal spray three times daily for four weeks in normal subjects is not associated with rebound congestion or tachyphylaxis."
J., et al. "Declining stroke rates in Californian children with sickle cell disease."
A., et al. "Sustained long-term hematologic efficacy of hydroxyurea at maximum tolerated dose in children with sickle cell disease."
J., et al. "Antibody response to diphtheriatetanus-pertussis immunization in preterm infants who receive dexamethasone for chronic lung disease."
Swanberg, Margaret M., et al "Speech and Language."
Derman, O., et al. "Premenstrual syndrome and associated symptoms in adolescent girls."
H., et al. "Infant with inadequate feeding and weight gain, progressive respiratory difficulty, hypotonia, and weakness, with onset at birth."
Fenton, G., et al. "Vineland adaptive behavior profiles in children with autism and moderate to severe developmental delay."
Cartledge, Gwendolyn, et al. Teaching Social Skills to Children.
Brendgen, Mara, et al. "Is There a Dark Side of Positive Illusions?
Sun, X., et al. "Early diagnosis of ataxia-telangiectasia using radiosensitivity testing."
Delilbasi, C., et al. "Maxillofacial Fractures Sustained During Sports Played with a Ball."
A., et al. "Hearing Loss in Young Adults who Had Ventilation Tube Insertion in Childhood."
Baro, L., et al. "The administration of a multivitamin/mineral fortified dairy product improves folate status and reduces plasma homocysteine concentration in women of reproductive age."
E., et al. "Folic acid fortified milk increases red blood cell folate concentration in women of childbearing age."
Hayward, C., et al. Gender Differences at Puberty (Cambridge Studies on Child and Adolescent Health).
Lecendreux, M., et al. "HLA and genetic susceptibility to sleepwalking."
Clark S, et al. "The influence of exterior dust and soil lead on interior dust lead levels in housing that had undergone lead-based paint hazard control."
Parental support groups such as Tough Love programs and twelve-step groups such as Al Anon can help parents to better understand the problem they facing and can help make them aware that they not alone and that they have options.
Al Anon is a twelve-step program (that is, a program based on the twelve steps employed by Alcoholics Anonymous) that provides support and spiritual recovery for the families and loved ones of alcoholics.
Because parents of alcoholic children often believe they are responsible for their child's drinking, the Three C's that Al Anon offers its participants may be particularly helpful.
Tough Love's approach is different from that of Al Anon.
Al Anon and Tough Love are offered in a variety of formats to the families of alcoholic children through treatment centers, churches, and other community services.
Ehrle, Jennifer, et al. "Who's Caring for Our Youngest Children?
Burkitt, Esther et al. "Children's Colour Choices for Completing Drawings of Affectively Characterised Topics."
Saunders, Charles E., et al. Current Emergency Diagnosis and Treatment.
Karaca, P., et al. "Painful paresthesiae are infrequent during brachial plexus localization using low-current peripheral nerve stimulation."
Mandal, B., et al. Lecture Notes on Infectious Disease.
Minns, J., et al. "Can flooring and underlay materials reduce hip fractures in older people?"
Ekeland, E., et al. "Exercise to Improve Self-Esteem in Children and Young People."
Izquierdo, I., et al. "The inhibition of acquired fear."
Graudins, A., et al. "Red-back spider (Latrodectus hasselti) antivenom prevents the toxicity of widow spider venoms."
Yamagami, T., et al. "Clinical features of snowboarding injuries."
E., et al. "The Escalating Pandemics of Obesity and Sedentary Lifestyle."
Firszt, Jill B., et al. "Auditory Sensitivity in Children Using the Auditory Steady-State Response."
F., et al. "Increased frequency of acute mastoiditis in children."
A., et al. "Clinical Presentation and Bacteriologic Analysis of Infected Human Bites in Patients Presenting to Emergency Departments."
Lenke, Lawrence, et al. Modern Anterior Scoliosis Surgery.
Parker, James, et al. The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Dermatomyositis.
Sy, Man-Sun, et al. "Human Prion Diseases."
Hansen, Robin L., et al. "Comparing the Health Status of Low-Income Children in and out of Foster Care."
Sorof, Jonathan M., et al. "Cardiovascular risk factors and sequelae in hypertensive children identified by referral versus school-based screening."
Martin, Paige D., et al. "Expressed Attitudes of Adolescents Toward Marriage and Family Life."
Bensley, Lillian, et al. "Community Responses and Perceived Barriers to Responding to Child Maltreatment."
Savas, L., et al. "Full recovered meningoencephalomyelitis caused by mumps virus."
Ippolito, E., et al. "The influence of treatment on the pathology of club foot.
J., et al. "Leg length discrepancy in unilateral congenital clubfoot following surgical treatment."
E., et al. "Influence of cup stacking on hand-eye coordination and reaction time of second-grade students."
Berntorp, Erik, et al. Textbook on Hemophilia.
E., et al. "Azithromycin compared with betalactam antibiotic treatment failures in pneumococcal infections of children."
Warner, Penny, et al. Toilet Training without Tears or Trauma.
Schonwald, Alison, et al. "Factors Associated with Difficult Toilet Training."