Air-space Sentence Examples
The so-called " floating soaps " are soaps made lighter than water either by inserting cork or a metallic plate so as to form an air space within the tablet.
It can be considerably shortened, the two vessels A and B brought more closely together, and the somewhat objectionable india-rubber tube be dispensed with, if we connect the air-space in B with an ordinary air pump, and by means of it do the greater part of the sucking and the whole of the lifting work.
The solution is contained in an inner tube, surrounding which is an air space.
One way in which this has been secured is by obtaining the under cooling by temporary cooling of the air space by a spiral tube in which ether may be evaporated, the outer vessel being filled with ice in contact with a solution of equivalent concentration to that within.
In the use of all these electroscopic instruments it is essential to bear in mind (as first pointed out by Lord Kelvin) that what a gold-leaf electroscope really indicates is the difference of potential between the gold-leaf and the solid walls enclosing the air space in which they move.'
The control exercised by an urban district council over streets and buildings is to a very large extent exercised through by-laws which they are empowered to make for various purposes relating to the laying out and formation of new streets, the erection and construction of new buildings, the provision of sufficient air-space about buildings to secure a free circulation of air, and the provision of suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences.
The cells of the endodermis are developed as trabeculae, which traverse the continuous air-space surrounding each stele.
Thus no change is needed in winter or summer, the air-space protecting the bees from cold in winter and heat in summer.
Fortunately the air space is fitted with a moisture absorbing chemical, which eliminates condensation inside the double glazing.
The doors also help create the illusion of a bigger home, with more open air space.
AdvertisementThe less air space you have, the warmer the bag.
Mummy sleeping bags-these tend to be warmer because they are more "fitted" and have less air space than a barrel sleeping bag.
In a 2001 study of youths ages 15 to 21, researchers found 33 to 50 percent of youth said it was important for the condom to fit tightly, leaving no air space at the tip, and that petroleum jelly, such as Vaseline, is a good lubricant.
The Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum makes it possible for visitors to experience life on the sea, in the air, and out in space.