Air-flows Sentence Examples
Since the fabric has holes through it, the air flows easily, keeping your dog cool and comfortable even in humid weather.
In order to ensure that air flows through the air supply ducts, attention must be paid to the system's other parts, including furnaces, air conditioning pumps, registers, fans and coils.
The sound is created when air flows past and vibrates the relaxed tissue.
When the valve is opened at night, air flows directly into the trachea, bypassing any blockages in the upper airway.
As the tissues in the throat relax, they partially obstruct the airway and vibrate when air flows in and out.
Flow-volume loops and pulse oximetry are diagnostic tools used to measure how much air flows through the breathing passages and how much oxygen is available.
Lateral lisp-sounds wet because the air flows around the tongue, which is in the normal position to produce the l sound.
However, in the G-six, the bag mini emptor was redesigned so air flows better through it, making this vacuum slightly more durable than the Kirby G-Five and the Kirby G-Four vacuums.