Air-ambulance Sentence Examples
The diver was evacuated by air ambulance to Aberdeen.
The cost of being carried back to England in an air ambulance from the US West Coast is around £ 40,000!
Will I be covered for emergency air ambulance back home?
The airport based air ambulance is on call during daylight hours 365 days a year to support the regular NHS ambulance service.
The new MD 902 Explorer is a new generation twin engined helicopter ideally suited to the Air Ambulance role.
Air Ambulance paramedics assisted on scene, one patient taken to hospital by land ambulance with Air Ambulance paramedics assisted on scene, one patient taken to hospital by land ambulance with Air Ambulance paramedic.
They hope to raise around £ 2,000 for his parents ' chosen charity, Yorkshire Air Ambulance who attended the scene of the accident.