Aimed Sentence Examples
She aimed and hit him in the stomach.
The warrior drew an arrow and aimed at the door while the others escaped.
The house, with its bare, unplastered log walls, was not overclean--it did not seem that those living in it aimed at keeping it spotless--but neither was it noticeably neglected.
Several rounds drove him back, and he ducked a blow aimed at his neck by Jilian.
Indeed, the Cretan system, like that of Sparta, appears to have aimed at training up the young, and controlling them, as well as the citizens of more mature age, in all their habits and relations of life.
She eyed him and then looked to Damian, who stared at her with an intensity she'd last seen aimed at Claire.
It aimed at the prohibition of discrimination between persons, places and commodities.
Under the masonic aprons and insignia he saw the uniforms and decorations at which they aimed in ordinary life.
Elise shouted, leaping atop the nearest boulder with her laser aimed at him.
The principal features of his reign were a struggle against his brother general, Thomas, who aimed at the throne (822-824); the conquest of Crete by the Saracens in 823; and the beginning of their attacks upon Sicily (827).
AdvertisementThis Cooperative Wheat Research Production Program, in which Borlaug took part, aimed to boost Mexican wheat production.
If it was a shot, no telling where it was aimed.
The goal in life to be aimed at, according to him, is not happiness, but tranquillity, or equanimity.
The revisers aimed at the most scrupulous faithfulness.
She drew the gun at the small of her back and aimed it at the head of one of the vamps.
AdvertisementBesides, Dean thought, Randy—single or married—probably has more sense than to get knocked on his ass by a zillion pounds of water pressure aimed at his body.
In reality it was Gallicanism alone which was condemned at the Vatican Council, and it is Gallicanism which is aimed at in the last phrase of the definition we have quoted.
He urged on the bill by which Catholics were prohibited from sitting in either House of Parliament, and was bitter in his expressions of disappointment when the Commons passed a proviso excepting James, against whom the bill was especially aimed, from its operation.
That he aimed at conquering the whole world and demanded to be worshipped as a god is the traditional view.
He had long hated the Romans, who had taken Phrygia during his minority, and he aimed at driving them from Asia Minor.
AdvertisementConsidering the circumstances in which General Roca assumed office, it must be admitted that he showed great moderation and used the practically absolute power that he possessed to establish a strong central government, and to initiate a national policy, which aimed at furthering the prosperity and development of the whole country.
Cromwell's colonial policy aimed definitely at the recognition and extension of the British empire.
These youths assumed the style of princes, and it was against their lives that the Pazzi, with the sanction of Sixtus IV., aimed their blow.
A provisional government was formed, led by Ubaldino Peruzzi, and was strengthened on the 8th of May by the inclusion of Baron Bettino Ricasoli, a man of great force of character, who became the real head of the administration, and all through the ensuing critical period aimed unswervingly at Italian unity.
On one side; another battery of Kant's was aimed against Hume.
AdvertisementConsistency of conduct was not among the objects which he aimed at, nor did he shrink from thwarting in secret a policy which he supported in public. A large share of the discredit attaching to the measures of James II.
An act of 1627, one of several such aimed at aggrandizing families by diverting the descent of dignities in fee from heirs general, entailed the earldom and castle of Arundel upon Thomas, earl of Arundel and Surrey and the heirs male of his body "and for default of such issue, to the heirs of his body."
The Conqueror beyond doubt sincerely aimed at being a religious reformer both in his duchy and in his kingdom, while it is needless to say that his immediate successor was exceptionally ungodly, whether among Normans or among other men.
One apologetic contention, aimed at Gentile readers, is found among the motives of Acts.
The former had aimed simply at making annexations in Lithuania; 'Ivan' IV.
Charles's ambition aimed at wider fields, and when Margaret, countess of Flanders, asked help of the French court against the German king William of Holland, by whom she had been defeated, he gladly accepted her offer of the county of; Hainaut in exchange for his assistance (1253); this arrangement was, however, rescinded by Louis of France, who returned from captivity in 1254, and Charles gave up Hainaut for an immense sum of money.
Panin was the inventor of the famous "Northern Accord," which aimed at opposing a combination of Russia, Prussia, Poland, Sweden, and perhaps Great Britain, against the Bourbon-Habsburg League.
Cousin and Charles think that Albertus Magnus is aimed at, and certainly much of what is said applies with peculiar force to him.
But the modern Land Acts have readjusted the relation between landlords and tenants, while the Land Purchase Acts have aimed at abolishing those relations by enabling the tenant to become the owner of his holding.
He disclaimed any desire to enlarge the powers and responsibilities of the executive, which, he declared, were already too large; and he aimed at close cooperation with Congress.
We have already seen that among the princes who joined the First Crusade there were some who were rather politiques than devots, and who aimed at the acquisition of temporal profit as well as of spiritual merit.
On the one hand he aimed at the conquest of Constantinople as Henry VI.
On the other hand, like Frederick II., he aimed at uniting the kingdom of Jerusalem with that of Sicily; and here, too, he was able to provide himself with a title.
One of these, the Dialogue against Hypocrites, was aimed in a spirit of vindictive hatred at the vices of ecclesiastics; another, written at the request of Nicholas V., covered the anti-pope Felix with scurrilous abuse.
This is why, besides the disciplinary measures which regulated the elections, the celebration of divine service, the periodical holding of diocesan synods and provincial councils, are found also decrees aimed at some of the "rights" by which the popes had extended their power, and helped out their finances at the expense of the local churches.
Hearers like John Nelson felt as though every word was aimed at themselves.
He imroved the laws and institutions established by p i his predecessors and adapted them to the require ments of the age; to him are due important modifications in the feudal system, aimed.
In pursuance of his conservative policy which aimed at maintaining Athens as a land power, he was one of the chief opponents of the naval policy of Themistocles.
As the removal of the impurities of the latex is one of the essential points to be aimed at, it was thought that the use of a centrifugal machine to separate the caoutchouc as a cream from the watery part of the latex would prove to be a satisfactory process.
While the persevering policy of the Capets, which aimed at reuniting the great fiefs, duchies, countships, baronies, &c., to the domain of the crown, gradually reconstructed for their benefit a territorial sovereignty over France, the institution of the appanage periodically subtracted large portions from it.
Five recent Roman decisions are doubtless aimed primarily at Loisy's teaching.
I have aimed at establishing principally the historical position of the various questions, and secondarily the necessity for reforming more or less the traditional concepts."
Taking no account of the real forces of the time, he aimed at an ideal form of society in which the clergy should confine themselves to their spiritual duties, and the king, after being enlightened by open communication with the Scottish nation, should maintain law and order without respect of persons.
Restrictions in this direction dated as far back as 1865, while in 1896 an act was passed aimed at the exclusion of Indians from the suffrage.
As the grandson of St Ladislaus, Manuel had Hungarian blood in his veins; his court was the ready and constant refuge of the numerous Magyar malcontents, and he aimed not so much at the conquest as at the suzerainty of Hungary, by placing one of his Magyar kinsmen on the throne of St Stephen.
Less reprehensible, though equally self-seeking, were his dealings with the emperor, which aimed at a family alliance between the Jagiellos and the Habsburgs on the basis of a double marriage between the son and daughter of Wladislaus, Louis and Anne, and an Austrian archduke and archduchess; this was concluded by the family congress at Vienna, July 22, 1515, to which Sigismund I.
In royal Hungary the same object was aimed at by innumerable indictments against the richer landowners, indictments supported by false title-deeds and carried through by forged or purchased judgments of the courts.
Fortunately, in Kalman Tisza, the leader of the Liberal From the first, Tisza was exposed to the violent attacks of the opposition, which embraced, not only the party of Independence, champions of the principles of 1848, but the so-called National party, led by the brilliant orator Count Albert Apponyi, which aimed at much the same ends but looked upon the Compromise of 1867 as a convenient substructure on which to build up the Magyar state.
In these, as in many other of the romances of Josika, a high moral standard is aimed at.
In the Itthon (At Home), by Alois Degre (1877), the tale is made the medium for a satirical attack upon official corruption and Hungarian national vanity; and in the Almok dlmodoja (Dreamer of Dreams), by John Asboth (1878), other national defects are aimed at.
But whereas Diophantus aimed at obtaining a single solution, the Hindus strove for a general method by which any indeterminate problem could be resolved.
Meanwhile the newly constituted " Party of Right," resting upon a narrow Catholic clerical basis, aimed at the reunion of Dalmatia with CroatiaSlavonia in the so-called Triune Kingdom, within whose bounds it affected to deny the very existence of Serbs.
Wycherley is supposed to have aimed at her in his Widow Blackacre in the Plain Dealer.
Yet it may well be asked whether this is the final goal to be aimed at.
It was among the Benedictines that the monastic study of medicine first received a new direction, and aimed at a higher standard.
The reform of practical medicine was effected by men who aimed at, and partly succeeded in, rejecting all hypothesis and returning to the unbiassed study of natural processes, as shown in health and disease.
The efforts of the river authorities are being directed to the deepening and improvement of the navigable channel from the sea to Strassburg, the low-water depths aimed at being TO ft.
The situation itself and its accompanying privileges were what Voltaire chiefly aimed at, but there was a salary of two thousand livres attached, and he had the year before come in for three times as much by the death of his brother.
Fragments of glass of the same composition as that aimed at are generally incorporated to a limited extent with the mixed raw materials to facilitate their fusion.
The Sicilian Vespers by weakening Charles strengthened the commune, which aimed at complete independence of emperors, kings and popes.
He now aimed at establishing himself definitely by marrying his daughter Mary to Peter II.
In this last work, by which he is chiefly known, he aimed at presenting an explanation and a vindication of the doctrine of the Atonement by the help of the conception of personality.
Henri de Tourville, in his Histoire de la formation particulariste (1903), basing his argument on the Ynglinga Saga, interpreted in the light of " Social Science," reveals Odin, " the traveller," as a great " caravan-leader " and warrior, who, driven f rem Asgard - a trading city on the borders of the steppes east of the Don - by " the blows that Pompey aimed at Mithridates," brought to the north the arts and industries of the East.
In the products of the KiOto branch the decoration generally covered the whole surface of the piece; in the products of the other branch the artist aimed rather at pictorial effect, placing the design in a monochromatic field of low tone.
That poetry in its most elevated form aimed at being the organ of the new empire and of realizing the national ideals of life and character under its auspices; and in carrying out this aim it sought to recall the great memories of the past.
Against the Calvinists the synod of 1672 therefore aimed its rejection of unconditional predestination and of justification by faith alone, also its advocacy of what are substantially the Roman doctrines of transubstantiation and of purgatory; the Oriental hostility to Calvinism had been fanned by the Jesuits.
But, on the other hand, he did not equally succeed in attaining elegance, an object at which he seems equally to have aimed.
A careful, calculating dynastic policy, which aimed at the establishment of an equilibrium by means of prudent compromises and defensive alliances, was, he rightly judged, the best guarantee for the future safety and glory of Poland.
He indulged freely in flourishes; and in devising technical terms derived from the Greek he seems to have aimed at making them as unintelligible as possible.
He even aimed, or was suspected of aiming, at the succession to the crown; but in this hope he was disappointed by the action of the Good Parliament a year before Edward's death, in which it was settled that Richard the son of the Black Prince should be king after his grandfather.
He aimed at improving relations with Austria, and also tried to bring about a reconciliation with France; it was in fact under his auspices that President Loubet visited Rome.
They aimed at communism in all things.
His first publications, which appeared as rhymed allegories, were political rather than religious, being aimed at what he deemed the degrading Swiss practice of hiring out mercenaries in the European wars.
Luther was content with changes in one or two fundamental doctrines; Zwingli aimed at a reformation of government and discipline as well as of theology.
The Army of the North was to concentrate in three fractions - around Solre, Beaumont and Philippeville - as close to Charleroi as was practicable; and he arranged to screen the initial movements of the troops as much as possible, so as to prevent the allies from discovering in time that their centre was aimed at.
Only on the wing on which the reserve is brought into action will a decisive result be aimed at.
The medieval church set forth Christ as present in the orderly community of the faithful; Protestantism aimed at setting the individual in immediate communion with Christ, without the mechanical intervention of the officers of the community; the 1 D'Argentre, Collectio judiciorum de novis erroribus, i.
The revocation of the edict of Nantes in 1685 began a new period of persecution, which aimed at entire extermination.
The main object to be aimed at, therefore, in the study of elementary mensuration, is that the student should realize the possibility of the numerical expression of areas and volumes.
While observing all due formalities towards his overlord, there can be little doubt that Odainath aimed at independent empire; but during his lifetime no breach with Rome occurred.
But "Turkification" was aimed chiefly against the Armenians, who were to be exterminated.
This rising, which lwas probably caused by the exaction of tithes and the oppression of Frankish officials, aimed also at restoring the heathen religion, and was put down in 842 by king Louis the German, who claimed authority over this part of the Carolingian empire.
Briefly, Griffenfeldt aimed at restoring Denmark to the rank of a great power.
As a ruler of a rising great power in search of a seaboard he was the natural adversary of the Venetian republic, which already aimed at making the Adriatic a purely Venetian sea and resented the proximity of the Magyars in Dalmatia.
These measures Nerva supplemented by others which aimed at lightening the financial burdens on the declining industry of Italy.
The standing orders under which the business of the Reichsrat was conducted were, as the law originally stood (1867 and 1873), intended for a dignified assembly of which each member aimed at avoiding disturbances.
During his father's lifetime he was led by her into court intrigues which aimed at driving the king's favourite minister, Floridablanca, from office, and replacing him by Aranda, the chief of the "Aragonese" party.
But his most striking ministerial act was a memorial written in 1805, but otherwise undated, which aimed at transforming the whole map of Europe.
The means at his disposal were inadequate, his excavations were incomplete and also unscientific in that his prime object was the discovery of inscriptions and museum objects; but he was wonderfully successful in achieving the results at which he aimed, and the numerous statues, monuments, inscribed stones, bronze objects and the like found by him in the ruins of Calah are among the most precious possessions of the British Museum.
First Valdemar aimed at the recovery of Zealand, which was actually partitioned among a score of Holstein mortgagees who ruled their portions despotically from their strong castles, and sucked the people dry.
Foreign chapmen eagerly competed for special privileges of Skanor and Falsterbo, and the Hanseatic merchants in particular aimed at obtaining a monopoly there.
The Communists aimed at a dictatorship of the proletariat, the creation of workmen's and military councils and a close handin-hand cooperation with Soviet Russia.
The system of prohibition thus instituted, while aimed at Great Britain, was made general in its terms. Hence the importation into France of virtually all manufactured articles from foreign countries was completely interdicted; and such was the legislation' in force when peace came in 1815.
These unions for the most part aimed, not at incorporating the two churches in doctrine and in worship, but at bringing churches or congregations professing different confessions under one government and discipline.
Mieszko had been content to be received on almost any terms into the Christian community, Boleslaus aimed at securing the independence of the Polish Church as an additional guarantee of the independence of the Polish nation.
The eyes of Jagiello were now opened to the fact that the machiavellian policy of the Knights aimed at subjugating Lithuania by dividing it.
Ziemo Union of vit aimed at the Polish crown, proposing to marry Poland and the infant princess Jadwiga of Hungary, who, as Lithuania.
All the .more disquieting was the internal condition of the country, due mainly to the invasion of Poland by the Reformation, and the coincidence of this invasion with an internal revolution of a quasi-democratic character, which aimed at substituting the rule of the szlachta for the rule of the senate.
Vives (1531), and in all his teaching aimed at the formation of a sapiens atque eloquens pietas.
But, while the Renaissance aimed at reproducing the Augustan age of Rome, the new humanism found its golden age in Athens.
The Latin Renaissance in Italy aimed at recovering and verbally imitating the ancient literature; the Greek Renaissance in Germany sought inspiration from the creative originality of Greek literature with a view to producing an original literature in the German language.
The new gymnasium aimed at a wider education, in which literature was represented by Latin, Greek and German, by the side of mathematics and natural science, history and religion.
His earlier policy aimed at strengthening Holstein-Gottorp at the expense of Denmark.
A part was also played in this movement by a free theology which arose within the Church, itself a kind of Gnosticism which aimed at holding fast whatever was good in the Gnostic movement, and obtaining its recognition within the limits of the Church (Clement of Alexandria, Origen).
To obtain a clear view of the reforms aimed at by the Pleiade, the Deffence should be further considered in connexion with Ronsard's Abrege d'art poetique and his preface to the Franciade.
Originally organized as an asram, or retreat, by the Maharshi, it was developed by Rabindranath into a school conducted on unconventional lines, and he aimed at enlarging it into an international university which should comprehend the whole range of eastern culture.
The newer scheme aimed at a greater equality of voting power; but it has been differently interpreted.
With a sound instinct that looked to future greatness, France still aimed, more and more, at the control of the interior of the continent.
The French were suspicious of the Union, aimed avowedly at checking their influence, and the complete self-government for which the " Reformers " in English-speaking Canada had clamoured was not yet conceded by the colonial office.
Most of the legislation during Oscar I.'s reign aimed at improving the economic position of Sweden, and the riksdag, in its address to him in 1857, rightly declared that he had promoted the material prosperity of the kingdom more than any of his predecessors.
The movement gradually assumed the form of terrorism, and aimed at the assassination of prominent officials, and even of the emperor himself, and the natural result was that the reactionary tendencies of the government were strengthened.
As Prime Minister Poincare aimed at safeguarding the interests of France abroad, especially against the menace of the Triple Alliance, and at strengthening her at home by firm government and the restoration of social discipline.
In their practice the Glasite churches aimed at a strict conformity with the primitive type of Christianity as understood by them.
Therefore the more the armaments of each power increase the less they answer to the objects aimed at by the governments.
Italian practice has always aimed at the maintenance of peace; therefore, I am happy to be able to say that our delegates at the coming Hague Conference will be instructed to further the English initiative."
His foreign policy aimed at the aggrandizement of his family, but his plans were prudent as well as ambitious, and Hungary benefited by them, greatly.
At the same time, as he could not be suspected of any sympathy with Lutheran or Wickliffite heretics, he might fairly be regarded as qualified to lead the party which aimed at reform in State and Church within the limits of Catholic orthodoxy.
Kalakaua considered residents of European or American descent as alien invaders, and he aimed to restore largely the ancient system of personal government, under which he should have control of the public treasury.
Afterwards, in his Kritik der reinen Erfahrung (1888-1890), Avenarius aimed at giving a description of pure experience which he identified with the natural view of the world held by all unprejudiced persons.
He aimed at honour in upholding the pope, in driving the Austrian tyrant from Italy, in attacking Prussia.
Italy regarded the pope more than ever as a foe within its walls; and the policy of the pope, as regards Italy, aimed at replacing the kingdom by one or more republics, in which the temporal power should, in some form or other, find a place.
It was steadily aimed to secure the greatness and the safety of Russia.
The exact imitation of the style of the genuine classics was the highest perfection at which he aimed.
In proportioning the quantities of matrix to aggregate the ideal to be aimed at is to get a concrete in which the voids or air-spaces shall be as small as possible; and as the lime or cement is usually by far the most expensive item, it is desir able to use as little of it as is consistent with strength.
As the Eleans, therefore, were the religious supervisors of Olympia, so the Spartans aimed at constituting themselves its political protectors.
In the Macedonian and Roman ages the temples and contests of Olympia still interpreted the ideal at which free Greece had aimed.
The knightly ages will always enjoy the glory of having formulated a code of honour which aimed at rendering the upper classes worthy of their exceptional privileges; yet we must judge chivalry not only by its formal code but also by its practical fruits.
It aimed at a close alliance with the house of Austria, with the double object of drawing Sweden within its orbit and overawing the Porte by the conjunction of the two great Catholic powers of central Europe.
The conspiracy aimed at securing the help of the emperor Napoleon.
The North German or Bremen Society split into a strict Lutheran or Leipzig agency and the Hermannsburg Mission, which aimed at a more primitive and apostolic method.
A world missionary conference was held at Edinburgh in June 1910, which aimed at making, on a scale far more comprehensive than had been previously attempted, a thorough and scientific study of the problems involved in the relation of Christianity to the nonChristian world.
The goal to be aimed at is the bringing about of a second age of wisdom, in which mankind shall have recovered all its early knowledge.
Every fourth year the festival was celebrated with peculiar magnificence; gymnastic sports were added to the horse races; and there is little doubt that Peisistratus aimed at making the penteteric Panathenaea the great Ionian festival in rivalry to the Dorian Olympia.
In foreign affairs Schrenk, like his predecessor, aimed at safeguarding the independence of Bavaria, and supported the idea of superseding the actual constitution of the Confederation by a supreme directory, in which Bavaria, as leader of the purely German states, would hold the balance between Prussia and Austria.
The West India Company, erected in 1621, though framed on the same model, aimed rather at waging war on the enemies' commerce than in developing their own.
As a preliminary step William aimed at a centralization of the powers of government in the United Provinces in his own person.
When the desulphurization is sufficiently complete, the sulphurbearing slag is removed, the final additions needed to give the metal exactly the composition aimed at are made, and the molten steel is tapped out of the furnace into its moulds.
But, though their publications count a large number of first editions, and some are works of considerable magnitude, they were not brought out with the scholarly perfection at which Aldo aimed.
The first demands of Cromwell were impossible, for they aimed at the absorption of the two republics into a single state, but at last in the autumn of 1654 peace was concluded, by which the Dutch made large concessions and agreed to the striking of the flag to English ships in the narrow seas.
This Act of Seclusion, as it was called, was aimed at the young prince of Orange, whose close relationship to the Stuarts made him an object of suspicion to the Protector.
Lastly, in regard to the object aimed at there was an important difference, for the professed object of the friars was to be clerical helpers of the parochial clergy in meeting the specifically religious needs of the time.
He drew up articles aimed at nonconforming ministers, and obtained increased powers for the Court of High Commission.
If the cities had gained the day they might still have aimed at balancing the power of the princes, but owing partly to their imperfect union, partly to the necessity of fighting with hired troops, they did not gain any serious advantage.
The guarantee had been willingly given; for Metternich had no desire to see the creation of a powerful unified German empire, but aimed at the establishment of a loose confederation of weak states over which Austria, by reason of her ancient imperial prestige and her vast non-German power, would exercise a dominant influence.
From the beginning the negotiations were indeed doomed to failure, for what Bismarck appears to have aimed at was to detach Bennigsen from the rest of his party and win his support for an anti-Liberal policy.
The Recognitions, in both recensions, as is shown by the fact that it was read in the original with general admiration not only by Rufinus but also by others in the West, was more Catholic in tone and aimed chiefly at ' Dom Chapman maintains that the Recognitions (c. 370-390,) even attack the doctrine of God in the Homilies or their archetype.
These six kings reigned 198 years and 10 months, and all aimed at extirpating the Egyptians.
Wolf and Wolfer have, however, aimed persistently at securing a definite standard, and there are several reasons for believing that the change of unit has been in the auroral rather than the sun-spot frequency.
For some months the caliph was under this sons control; but the latter, who aimed at conciliating the people, speedily lost his popularity with the troops, and his father was able to get possession of his person and cause him to be poisoned (beginning of 1133).
On the other hand, the Odense Recess of the 10th of August 1527, which put both confessions on a footing of equality, remained unrepealed; and so long as it remained in force, the spiritual jurisdiction of the bishops, and, consequently, their authority over the " free preachers " (whose ambition convulsed all the important towns of Denmark and aimed at forcibly expelling the Catholic priests from their churches) remained valid, to the great vexation of the reformers.
Bernstorff, who aimed at steering clear of all foreign complications and preserving inviolable the neutrality of Denmark.
It aimed at confirming and supplementing what had already been done during his regency.
The earliest war measures aimed at sedition and disloyalty had as a background the passage of the conscription or Selective Service law.
Miquel had entirely given up his Liberalism, and aimed at practical measures for improving the condition of the people irrespective of the party programmes; yet some of his measures - such as that for taxing "Waarenhauser" (stores) - were of a very injudicious nature.
On the eve of that council he published at Naples his Causa El onorii Papae, which aimed at demonstrating the moral and historical impossibility of papal infallibility.
His dazzling achievements as a general have obscured his more sober qualities as a ruler, and even the sound strategy, with which he aimed to be master of the narrow seas.
He aimed at a union of the two countries, and Scottish representatives were chosen to sit in the English parliament.
But he aimed still higher, and determined to put all the members of the royal house out of his way.
He became Doctor of Divinity and pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church at Beesd in 1863, and in 1870 moved to Amsterdam, where he became in 1876 leader of the anti-Revolutionary party which aimed at the restoration of strictly Calvinistic doctrine in the guidance of State affairs.
Up to this juncture the question had been in the hands of Grattan and other Protestants, and of a small knot of Catholic nobles and prelates; but their efforts had not accomplished much, and they aimed only at a kind of compromise, which, while conceding their principal claims, would have placed their church in subjection to the state.
In theory it was an aristocracy based only upon military command; but practically it accomplished the object at which it aimed by incorporating the hereditary chiefships of Rajputana among the mushroom creations of a Mahommedan despotism.
This measure was really aimed at the political and economic supremacy of the Spanish-born friars, who had by this time acquired 400,000 acres of agricultural land, more than half of it in the vicinity of Manila.
His propaganda, aimed at the small body of Filipinos who had sufficient education to appreciate political satire, was very effective.
Russia, apart from her desire to protect the Orthodox nationalities subject to the Ottoman power, aimed at owning or controlling the straits by which alone she could find an outlet to the Mediterranean and the ocean beyond.
The revolt of the Greeks (1821) put this claim to the test; by the treaty of Adrianople (1829) Russia stipulated for their autonomy as part of the price of peace, but the powers assembled in conference at London refused to recognize this settlement, and the establishment of Greece as an independent kingdom (1832) was really aimed at the pretensions and the influence of Russia.
It was in the pressing to its extreme consequences of the conception of uncompromising identity which is to be found in Leibnitz, that the contradictions took their rise which Herbart aimed at solving, by the method of relations and his doctrine of the ultimate plurality of " reals," The logic of relations between conceptual units, themselves unaltered by the relation, seems a kind of reflection of his metaphysical method.
In 1828-1829 there was a revolution of unpaid soldiers aided by natives, against alleged but not serious abuses, that really aimed at the establishment of an independent native government.
The reactionary party, which, owing to the absence of Hertford and Lisle and to the presence of Gardiner, gained the upper hand in the council in the summer of 1546, were not satisfied with this repulse; they probably aimed at the leaders of the reforming party, such as Hertford and possibly Queen Catherine Parr, who were suspected of favouring Anne, and on the 18th of June 1546 Anne was again arraigned before a commission including the lord mayor, the duke of Norfolk, St John, Bonner and Heath.
It was this, his first administration, which introduced the constitution of the 5th of June 1849, and he also presided over the third constitutional ministry which was formed in July 1851; but he resigned on the 27th of January 1852, because he could not approve of the decree which aimed at transforming Denmark into a composite, indivisible, monarchy.
He sought to increase the influence of his archbishopric, sent missionaries to Finland, Greenland and the Orkney Islands, and aimed at making Bremen a patriarchal see for northern Europe, with twelve suffragan bishoprics.
Indeed, the sacerdotal class themselves had made its universal acceptance an impossibility, seeing that their laws, by which the relations of the classes were to be regulated, aimed at permanently excluding the entire body of aboriginal tribes from the religious life of their Aryan masters.
He became a leading spirit in the literary and religious circle that gathered round Valdes in Naples, and that aimed at effecting from within the spiritual reformation of the church.
Being bound to pay a stated sum to the public authorities these publicani naturally aimed at extracting the largest possible amount from the unfortunate provincials, and, as they belonged to the Roman capitalist class, they were able to influence the provincial governors.
For at the beginning of the principate Augustus seems to have aimed at a complete estimate of the financial situation, though this may be regarded as due to the influence of the freer republican traditions which the reverence that soon attached to the emperor's dignity completely extinguished.
He aimed a further blow at Fustel's system by showing that the Frankish kings had never borne the Roman title of vir inluster, and that they could not therefore be considered as being in the first place Roman magistrates; and that in the royal diplomas the king issued his commands as rex Francorum and addressed his functionaries as viri inlustres.
Roman Catholics felt them to be aimed at their own system, but they gave so great offence to Lutherans as to induce Statius Buscher to charge the author with a secret leaning to Romanism.
Supported by the young king, Louis XIV., he aimed the first blow at the greatest of the extortioners - the bold and powerful superintendent, Fouquet; whose fall, in addition, secured his own advancement.
The schemes he put forward as one of the heads of the league of Schmalkalden, aimed primarily at overthrowing the house of Habsburg; to this end aid was sought from foreigner and native, from Protestant and Catholic alike.
The war organization of the home establishment, with its general and special reserves, aimed at the mobilization and despatch overseas of 6 army divisions, each of 12 battalions in 3 brigades; 9 field batteries in 3 brigades, a brigade of 3 field howitzer batteries, and a heavy battery, each with the appropriate ammunition columns; 2 field companies and telegraph company R.E.; 2 companies mounted infantry; and ambulances, columns and parks.
The determining feature of their recent history has been the attempt made by the Russian government (since 1881) and the Orthodox Greek Church (since 1883) to russify and convert the inhabitants of the province, Germans and Esths alike, by enforcing the use of Russian in the schools and by harsh and repressive measures aimed at their native language.
Gustavus's foreign policy at first aimed at little more than self-preservation.
Naturally, after 1544, when the Council of Trent had formally declared the Bible and tradition to be equally authoritative sources of all Christian doctrine, the contrast between the old and the new teaching became more obvious; and in many countries a middle party arose which aimed at a compromise by going back to the Church of the Fathers.
Hitherto Charles had aimed at supporting the weaker Slavonic power against the stronger; but now that Muscovy seemed about to disappear from among the nations of Europe, Swedish statesmen naturally sought some compensation for the expenses of the war before Poland had had time to absorb everything.
They aimed at restoring Sweden to her former position as a great power.
The first aimed at making abdications in the future impossible by binding the king to reign uninterruptedly.
It is true that in many features his Christian system - if we may use the expression - resembles the so-called Gnostic systems; but the first duty of the historian is to point out what Marcion plainly aimed at; only in the second place *have we to inquire how far the result corresponded with those purposes.
Gustavus now aimed at forming a league of princes against the Jacobins, and every other consideration was subordinated thereto.
However well grounded this reasoning may be, it altogether misses the point at which Butler aimed, and is indeed a misconception of the nature of analogical argument.
In one he aimed at being brilliant; and becoming merely laboured and pedantic, he was covered with ridicule by Sheridan, from whom he received a lesson which he did not fail to turn to account.
Crates of Mallus, one of his teachers, aimed at fulfilling the high functions of a " critic " according to his own definition - that the critic must acquaint himself with all rational knowledge.
Abroad, he aimed at peace with Castile and close friendship with England.
The other Greek kings who aimed at power in Asia Minor were his natural enemies, and about 222 reduced Pergamenian power to a very low ebb.
Varro adopts a compromise between the two opposing schools of grammarians, those who held that nature intended the declinationes of all words of the same class to proceed uniformly (which uniformity was called analogic) and those who deemed that nature aimed at irregularity (anomalia).
In both cases the envelopment of all the forces that the Turks could gather for battle was the object aimed at.
They aimed at a rational and intelligible faith, professedly in order to make religion, in all its width and depth, the heritage of every man.
In these quarrels both nations aimed at obtaining the support of the emperor Justinian, who, in pursuance of his policy of playing off one against the other, invited the Langobardi into Noricum and Pannonia, where they now settled.
He inserted speeches, enlivened his pages with chance tales, and aimed, as Cicero tells us, at not merely narrating facts but also at beautifying them.
At the close of the Russo-Turkish war in 1878 he was selected by the emperor to fill the post of ambassador at Constantinople, and for more than a year he carried out with great ability the policy of his government, which aimed at re-establishing tranquillity in the Eastern Question, after the disturbances produced by the reckless action of his predecessor, Count Ignatiev.
It was aimed at the repeal of the whole Elizabethan legislation against the Roman Catholics and perhaps derived some impulse at first from the leniency lately shown by the administration, afterwards gaining support from the opposite cause, the return of the government to the policy of repression.
Under his direction the Addressers and the Resolutioners coalesced, and he was entrusted with the difficult and delicate negotiations with the crown, which aimed at effecting a compromise between the Pragmatic Sanction of 1719, which established the indivisibility of the Habsburg monarchy, and the March decrees of 1848.
As philosopher, politician, historian, essayist, orator, he aimed at lucid and harmonious expression - not, indeed, neglecting the importance of the material he undertook to treat, but approaching his task in the spirit of an artist rather than a thinker or a man of action.
Langley aimed at great lightness of construction, and in this he succeeded to a remarkable extent.
It would be futile to maintain that that passage is not aimed at Paul.
With Schmiedel's contention that there are passages in the Clementines which are aimed at Paul, we entirely agree.
Here it need only be said that Hall himself soon became aware of the impossibility of the "Helstat," and his whole policy aimed at making its absurdity patent to Europe, and substituting for it a constitutional Denmark to the Eider which would be in a position to come to terms with an independent Holstein.
Plucker aimed at furnishing modern geometry with suitable analytical methods so as to give it an independent analytical development.
If therefore Jeremiah aimed at Deuteronomy in the severe language of viii.8, he went too far.
In this way fixity of tenure and service was aimed at and to a certain degree enforced by the state.
Conn O'Neill was a relative of Gerald Fitzgerald, and this event accordingly led to the formation of the Geraldine League, a federation which combined the O'Neills, the O'Donnells, the O'Briens of Thomond, and other powerful clans; the primary object of which was to restore Gerald to the earldom of Kildare, but which afterwards aimed at the complete overthrow of English rule in Ireland.
The Puritans, who aimed at setting up the Genevan model, objected; and the visitation articles of the bishops in Charles I.'s time make frequent inquisition i nto the neglect of the clergy to obey the law in this England.
Among other less judicious measures, a decree was passed ostensibly directed against all vagabond foreigners, but really aimed at the Jews, large numbers of whom, including many respected landowners and men of business, were imprisoned, or expelled, from Jassy, Bacau and other parts of Moldavia.
Schreiner objected that the Bond aimed ultimately at the overthrow of British rule and the expulsion of the British flag from South Africa.
The object aimed at varies very much with different machines.
Early maturity and great size have been the objects aimed at and attained, this breed, more perhaps than any other, being identified with early maturity.
The preface to the Frag= second edition (1833) and the Avertissement to the third (1838) aimed at a vindication of his principles against contemporary criticism.
A law of 1899, aimed to separate the legislative and executive functions, provided for the election of legislative bodies in every township and county.
Both movements had this in common, that they indicated a revival of religious energy, and aimed at vindicating the authority of the church, and resist, ing the interference of the state in church matters.
Hallam deliberately aimed at impartiality, but he could not escape his Whig atmosphere.
At first mystical rather than rationalistic in his theology, he took part with the "Catholic Christians," as they called themselves, who aimed at bringing Christianity into harmony with the progressive spirit of the time.
Beside the schools of the old type attached to the mosques, schools of a better class were established under the direct control of the minister of education, which, although open to improvement, certainly aimed at a higher standard than that reached in former days.
The means by which they hoped to attain this end were a loyal application of the charter granted by Louis XVIII., and the steady co-operation of the king with the moderate Royalists to defeat the extreme party known as the Ultras, who aimed at the complete undoing of the political and social work of the Revolution.
He was also their most prominent advocate in the great commission of 1767, though he aimed primarily at pleasing the empress, who affected great liberality in her earlier years.
The Commune of Paris and the journalists who were its mouthpieces, Hebert and Marat, aimed frankly at destroying the Girondins.
Next to them came the Fatimites of Egypt and northern Africa, who claimed the caliphate, and who aimed at extending their rule over the Mahommedan world, at least in the west.
As Proudhon aimed at economic rather than political innovation, he had no special quarrel with the second empire, and he lived in comparative quiet under it till the publication of his work,, De la Justice dans la revolution et dans l'eglise, (1858) in which he attacked the Church and other existing institutions with unusual fury.
The education given by the Sophists aimed at no general theory of life, but professed to expound the art of getting on in the world and of managing public affairs.
We find in his theory no satisfactory attempt to discriminate between the pleasure aimed at by the altruist and the immediate pleasure of egoistic action.
Iceland has always borne a high renown for song, but has never produced a poet of the highest order, the qualities which in other lands were most sought for and admired in poetry being in Iceland lavished on the saga, a prose epic, while Icelandic poetry is to be rated very high for the one quality which its authors have ever aimed at - melody of sound.
Bosnia reclaimed her own independence; so did Rashka, whose Grand Zhupans came forward as leaders of the Serb national policy, which aimed at freedom from Greek suzerainty and the union of all the Serb Zhupaniyas into one kingdom under one king.
He aimed at finding out the cause as well as the mode of the planetary revolutions; and his demonstration that the planes in which they are described all pass through the sun was an important preliminary to a physical explanation of them.
Eighteen observatories scattered north and south of the equator divided the sky among them; and the outcome of their combined operations aimed at the production of a catalogue of at least 2,000,000 strictly determined stars, together with a colossal map in 22,000 sheets, showing stars to the fourteenth magnitude, in numbers difficult to estimate.
A permanent sovereignty over the whole of Ireland, such as Turgeis seems to have aimed at, was then as in later times impossible because of the state of society.
The policy of the nationalists, who now aimed at the political union, under the king-emperor, of all Serbo-Croats in Austria-Hungary - upwards of 4,50o,000 - was less visionary than the older Illyrism, and less aggressively Panslavist.
The Mayoralty of the Palace aimed a third and more serious blow at the royal authority.
The Guises, strengthened by the failure of the conspiracy of Amboise, which had been aimed at them, abused the advantage due to their victory.
Owing to this first intervention of the troops inpolitics, the Committee of Public Safety, which aimed not so much at a moderate policy as at steering a middle course between the Thermidorians of the Right and of the Left, was able to dispense with the latter.
There was a division of opinion between the moderates, who favoured a constitutional Tuscany under Leopold, but forming part of an Italian federation, and the popular party, who aimed at the expulsion of the house of Lorraine and the unity of Italy under Victor Emmanuel.
They aimed at using it as an instrument of government.
It aimed at preserving orthodoxy and developing sainthood on the medieval mociel.
She became regent when Spain had felt the consequences of the expulsion of the Jesuits and other religious orders from France after the famous Jules Ferry laws, which aimed at placing these orders more under state control, to which they declined to submit.
Another special feature of CastilianPortuguese is the complete absence of the form of conjugation known as inchoative (intercalation, in the present tense, of the syllable isc or esc between the radical and the inflexion), although in all the other tenses, except the present, Spanish shows a tendency to lay the accent upon the same syllable in all the six persons, which was the object aimed at by the inchoative form.
Carriere identified himself with the school of the younger Fichte as one who held the theistic view of the world which aimed at reconciling the contradictions between deism and pantheism.
The systematic raiding of Lithuania by the knights under the pretext of converting it had long since united all the Lithuanian tribes against the common enemy; but Gedymin aimed at establishing a dynasty which should make Lithuania not merely secure but mighty, and for this purpose he entered into direct diplomatic negotiations with the Holy See.
After the flight of that prince Zamoyski seems to have aimed at the throne himself, but quickly changed his mind and threw all his abilities into the scale in favour of Stephen Bathory and against the Austrian influence.
The religion is an undisguised animism, and all their frequent and elaborate ceremonies and festivals are aimed at exorcising and scaring spirits.
At these ends he aimed with extraordinary skill in all his financial measures.
In fact, he aimed at a higher alliance, for he espoused Ginevra d'Este, daughter of the duke of Ferrara, and his entry into Rimini with his bride in 1434 was celebrated by splendid festivities.
She snatched one of the handguns out of the small arms chest and aimed it at his head, fed up with surprises.
Their looks ranged from amazement to surprise to Dustin's look of disapproval aimed at Pierre.
Besides, Dean thought, Randy—single or married—probably has more sense than to get knocked on his ass by a zillion pounds of water pressure aimed at his body.
Darian blocked lightening aimed at the vampire, who disappeared once more into the shadows.
Victims would not acquiesce in any sham process aimed at facilitating an amnesty for the terrorists who have escaped justice.
Gross international happiness is a new concept in economic thinking aimed at replacing the western paradigm of economic productivity and well-being.
Although a commercial site, primarily aimed at selling its wares, this site offers some useful information about the history of drinking absinthe.
The Government Offices will be encouraging future bids aimed at raising levels of educational achievement.
Here aid policies aimed at poverty alleviation could be an obvious answer.
I abandoned attempts to follow any description precisely and aimed for a beckoning crack above, which had featured somewhere in the description.
They are planning a new campaign aimed at children to try to change attitudes toward violence in the home.
Their programs are aimed not only at the socially excluded but are places where young people from all socio-economic backgrounds are brought together.
The United Kingdom bartenders Guild offers two Levels bar training courses aimed at both the younger and the more experienced bartender.
Honda describes it as an " entry-level 1,000cc bike " aimed at relative beginners seeking their first step up to large-capacity motorcycling.
The research is aimed at three aspects of the parasites biology relevant to disease control.
For example, Charlotte opens a trendy boutique selling clothes aimed at the young adult.
Adams calculus is aimed at the upper end of the three semester calculus course.
In all over a ton of tear gas was used, many canisters aimed directly at demonstrators to cause maximum injury.
The Guardian column, heavily censored, was aimed to debunk sex myths.
These products are often aimed at the country or colonial market to avoid censure.
Baldwin, confused and somewhat chagrined aimed his pistol away from MacDonell and fired it high and wide in the air.
It aimed to enable young people to recognize the commonality between the different cultures and dispel many of the myths that are perpetuated.
I suspect these phones are aimed at the bored rail commuter, looking for something to keep him entertained.
It is aimed both at workers employed by contractors and at those who have contractors in the workplace.
This Guide is aimed at those who are at some stage of building a linguistic corpus.
Powerful magnets aimed at the motor cortex have been shown to induce muscles to twitch.
Speeding motorists in the North East are facing a tough crackdown as part of a new campaign aimed at driving them off our roads.
Delivery time aimed at is again within 5 working days.
The CIA has a program aimed at encouraging such defections.
The whole thing is aimed at getting the discerning diner simply the best meat meal.
Awards for All Awards for All is a lottery grants distributor aimed at local community projects.
The welsh word eisteddfod denotes a festival aimed at encouraging literature, music and other cultural pursuits.
Classically elegant rich burgundy colors made their presence felt in Deeply, a section aimed at the more mature bride.
It is believed Mr Blair will outline key future policies aimed at curbing the emission of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
Teaching Materials; Flagella; Cilia; Centrioles; endoplasmic reticulum Illustrated notes on the endoplasmic reticulum aimed at students.
Portals are aimed at human end-users using common Web ' standards ' such as HTTP, HTML, Java and JavaScript ' .
This two-year project (2001-2003) aimed to raise awareness about managing staff-related equality and diversity issues in higher education.
The colorful, if not gaudy packaging, with fancy graphics and cartoons, seems to be aimed at the younger market.
All students are encouraged to attend short courses and workshops aimed at developing generic, transferable skills.
Our work in microbial genomics is aimed at understanding genome organization and evolution.
The Year Reps organize the annual get-together in London aimed at alumni who have graduated in the last ten years.
You on the above project funded by EPSRC which is aimed at improving a new design of the stent graft.
From the entrance hall a door leads onto a covered terrace, the design of which has clearly been aimed at outdoor catering.
He said his demands were aimed at alleviating the hardship caused by the embargo.
One section of the site is KidZone, an area aimed at activities for Kids who own land hermit crabs as pets.
Airplanes filled with innocent hostages became guided missiles, aimed straight for our hearts.
The parties then held hustings which aimed to gain votes from their peers in a following election.
All banks will be painted sky blue and have new iconography aimed to make them more appealing to the public.
Mr Letwin said illegal immigrants, who the ID cards are aimed at tracking, would not apply for them.
With a gentle starting pace and the ability to stay virtually immortal it really is aimed for the young kiddies.
Aimed at critics of the government, the Act proves impossible to enforce.
Starting with the iMac in 1997, the range of computers aimed at home users always had inbuilt CRT or LCD displays.
This paper describes the first of a family of new geomagnetic indices aimed at meeting two requirements.
A new national initiative, it is aimed at encouraging parents to spend just a few minutes a day reading aloud to their children.
A well aimed kick from them can smash the skull of a hunting dog or inflict serious injury on a lion.
The Chancellor announced a number of measures aimed at encouraging innovation and enterprise.
Firstly, it is aimed at preserving intact all existing legal regimes providing access to information.
The implications for programs aimed at improving intergroup communication and reducing intergroup communication and reducing intergroup tension within Northern Ireland are important.
A minimum first lactation of 6,500 liters is aimed for, with subsequent lactation 's not below 7,500 liters (target 8900 liters ).
Brother's latest color laser printer is aimed at smaller networks.
The writing is clear and aimed at the intelligent layman.
Although 'be lite ' is aimed at light users, it is not light on features.
Last year there was an oil ' strike ' in Venezuela, really a bosses ' lockout aimed at bringing down Chávez's government.
He has overseen major ERDF and JIF initiatives aimed at underpinning magnetics technology transfer to industry and applied magnetics research respectively.
They aimed to engineer the bacteria to contain a switch governing their sensitivity to the sugar maltose.
This will be aimed at women who are receiving their last routine mammogram within the NHS Breast Screening Program.
Aimed at coaches talking to small boats who don't want to use a megaphone.
The site contains a collection of resources on steel and ferrous metallurgy aimed at students and industry.
It is aimed at young people, parents, professionals or anyone concerned with solvent misuse.
Yet another initiative is franchising, which involves copious training and on-going support, aimed at industry newcomers.
Geneva Convention provisions were aimed at protecting noncombatants in times of war.
Recent debates about intellectual property rights have been marked by a spurt of critiques aimed at the very normative basis of intellectual property.
Aimed at adults - in fact it was one of the first series to feature nudity - the prgramme failed to find an audience.
Dissent can be deliberately obstructive, aimed at holding back the process of decision-making.
The roadshow is aimed mainly at Key Stage 2 of the National Curriculum which focuses on seven to eleven year olds.
The dialog is sharp and snappy, containing many one-liners and some more subtle puns aimed squarely at the parents watching.
Programs aimed at reducing the number of people in the world have been formally outlawed.
This advice is really aimed at people new to dog ownership, or lapsed members!
Typically, family panto has more satire and obviously bad puns than student panto, and is aimed at both adults and children.
Treatment Currently there is no cure for RRP and management is aimed at maintaining airway patency and adequate voice.
These forces will continue to insist that all production should be aimed at maximizing profit.
We haven't come across any more detailed information about puerperal psychosis which is aimed at the lay reader.
The project aimed to build on the key recommendations in the report Research into Audiences for Contemporary Dance in the North West.
Perhaps the final redaction of the Fourth Gospel aimed at a broader reading public; cf.
The site is aimed at the public and both current and potential professional registrants.
That would be aimed to normalize the bilateral relations.
This is the message aimed at first-time renters in a hard-hitting publicity campaign launched today by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE ).
Colin Molton assured the Board that URCs aimed to deliver sustainable urban communities offering residential, commercial and leisure developments in town centers.
Teaching Materials; Flagella; Cilia; Centrioles; Endoplasmic reticulum Illustrated notes on the endoplasmic reticulum aimed at students.
Both are aimed at accelerating the rollout of Broadband services throughout the Western Isles.
The money is aimed at minimizing the impact of the flood in the education, water sanitation sectors.
The pilot was thus able to look down onto the clouds to see the searchlight aimed up from below.
The project was also aimed to raise the boys ' self-esteem by exploring their potential and different skills.
Caltech have a Virtual Planetary Laboratory aimed at reproducing possible spectral signatures to help the Terrestrial Planet Finder program.
It is a wide field optical integral field spectrograph aimed at performing deep field science.
This massive spending spree is aimed at getting a very good deal with computer manufacturers.
Aimed at more tribal floors, it's the ' Dub ' mix which is the true standout.
Talks between managers and trade unions aimed at preventing an all-out stoppage at the plant are to continue on Monday.
Director Kevin Bray has clearly aimed the movie at The Rock's core market of undemanding male teens.
He spun round - just managed to parry a vicious upward thrust aimed at his heart.
Thus warned, the main thrust of their disdain is aimed at Alan Parker, not the subject, followed by the writing.
I just assumed it was aimed squarely at the teenage girl market, and now I discover that the thing was actually quite tongue-in-cheek.
Aimed at the public, this brochure describes bovine trichomoniasis, a venereal disease of cattle caused by the parasite Tritrichomonas fetus.
Objectives The project aimed to reduce the burden of both cattle and human trypanosomiasis through cost-effective and sustainable management of the former.
By the mid 1990s the flock had been built up and was regularly selling 50 tups a year, aimed at the commercial breeder.
Aimed at employers, this leaflet outlines the ways that hand-arm vibration can be controlled.
I Am The Next Idol Register free to upload your images and sounds to this site aimed at unsigned pop idol wannabe 's!
The compact starters are aimed, in particular, at OEMs, offering them reduced panel space and simplified wiring at a low price.
In this endeavour he forms with Herbart an opposition to the philosophies of Fichte, Schelling and Hegel, which aimed at objective and absolute knowledge, and also to the criticism of Kant, which aimed at determining the validity of all human knowledge.
Moreover parliament was so far from pressing disendowment that on the petition of the Commons it passed a savage act against the heresies " commonly called Lollardry " which " aimed at the destruction of the king and all temporal estates," making Lollards felons and ordering every justice of the peace to hunt down their schools, conventicles, congregations and confederacies.
What is aimed at in ordinary observations of atmospheric potential is the measurement of the difference of potential between the earth and a point a given distance above it, or of the difference of potential betweeen two points in the same vertical line a given distance apart.
He was above all a provincial, and was soon in opposition to the party of the Mountain, which aimed at supremacy not only in Paris but in the government as well.
A further embassy calling upon the Athenians to expel the accursed family of the Alcmaeonidae, clearly aimed at Pericles himself as its chief representative, was left unheeded, and early in 431 hostilities began between Athens and Sparta and their respective allies (see Peloponnesian War).
The aggressive attitude of Chile towards Bolivia was causing considerable anxiety, and Argentina and Brazil wished to show that they were united in opposing a policy which aimed at acquiring an extension of territory by force of arms. The feeling of enmity between Chile and Argentina was indeed anything but extinct.
The ideal of the Sabbath which all these rules aimed at realizing was absolute rest from everything that could be called work; and even the exercise of those offices of humanity which the strictest Christian Sabbatarians regard as a service to God, and therefore as specially appropriate to His day, was looked on as work.
He aimed at nothing less than the annihilation of the enemy's forces, which Clausewitz was the first to define, a hundred and fifty years later, as the true objective of military operations.
This time Mehemet Ali was supported by the French government, which aimed at establishing predominant influence in Egypt, but he was successfully opposed by a coalition of Great Britain, Russia, Austria and Prussia, which checkmated the aggressive designs of France by the convention of London (July 15, 1840) (see Mehemet Ali and Turkey).
In particular it is aimed against the worship at the numerous minor sanctuaries and inculcates the sole pre-eminence of the one great sanctuary - the Temple of Jerusalem.
That the proximate ends at which Bentham aimed are desirable hardly any one would deny, though the feasibility of the means by which he proposes to attain them may often be questioned, and much of the new nomenclature in which he thought fit to clothe his doctrines may be rejected as unnecessary.
He aimed in fact at producing a work which might replace in ordinary use the Wealth of Nations, which in his opinion was "in many parts obsolete and in all imperfect."
This work Chillingworth engaged to answer, and Knott, hearing of his intention and hoping to bias the public mind, hastily brought out a pamphlet tending to show that Chillingworth was a Socinian who aimed at perverting not only Catholicism but Christianity.
He was a man of great ability, both military and administrative, and initiated a new system of policy in Assyria which he aimed at making the head of a centralized empire, bound together by a bureaucracy who derived their power from the king.
This is, perhaps, his most marked deviation from the rigour of principle; it was doubtless a concession to popular opinion with a view to an attainable practical improvement The wisdom of retaliation in order to procure the repeal of high duties or prohibitions imposed by foreign governments depends, he says, altogether on the likelihood of its success in effecting the object aimed at, but he does not conceal his contempt for the practice of such expedients.
This doctrine had grown up under Persian and Grecian rule, and no government that possessed or aimed at political independence could possibly show constant deference to the punctilios of the schoolmen.
An insurrection in the north, headed by the earl of Huntly under pretext of rescuing from justice the life which his son had forfeited by his share in a homicidal brawl, was crushed at a blow by the Lord James against whose life, as well as against his sister's liberty, the conspiracy of the Gordons had been aimed, and on whom, after the father had fallen in fight and the son had expiated his double offence on the scaffold, the leading rebel's earldom of Murray was conferred by the gratitude of the queen.
The one great object aimed at should be to present an agreeable contrast - a floral picture; and, as at particular seasons a monotony of tint prevails, it is useful at such times to be in possession of some strong glaring colours.
This, superseding the autonomy severally enjoyed by the towns and cities since the middle ages (see COMMUNE), aimed at welding the citizens, who had hitherto been divided into classes and gilds, into one corporate whole, and giving them all an active share in the administration of public affairs, while reserving to the central authorities the power of effective control.
Thus the later work aimed at superseding the earlier, much as Photius suggests (see above).
They have never aimed at any social or political revolution, and have been as remarkable for sobriety of conduct as the Munster sect was for its fanaticism (see Mennonites).
His demands were not small; for, with an ambition mingled, as his letters show, with strong family affection, he aimed at placing all his relatives in positions of affluence and dignity; and many a rich benefice and important public office was appropriated by him to that purpose.
As regards the Talmud, neither the Mishnah nor the subsequent Gemara aimed at presenting a digested corpus of law.
His domestic policy was severely equitable, and aimed at relieving the public burdens by limiting the privileges of foreign traders and abolishing a great many useless and expensive court offices.
He raised his pistol and aimed.
But even if we admitted that Kutuzov, Chichagov, and others were the cause of the Russian failures, it is still incomprehensible why, the position of the Russian army being what it was at Krasnoe and at the Berezina (in both cases we had superior forces), the French army with its marshals, kings, and Emperor was not captured, if that was what the Russians aimed at.
Protesters also dedicated a new synagogue in southern Gaza, in a move apparently aimed at showing their resolve to defeat the pullout plan.
It has been argued that the newspaper pioneered popular journalism with its racy style aimed at an literate working-class.
And every one and rake wielder aimed at this pay tables have.
The recitation contest is aimed at pupils studying German at all levels.
This is the message aimed at first-time renters in a hard-hitting publicity campaign launched today by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
It 's a perfectly innocent, cartoony style film although it is a simple retread of numerous other movies aimed at a younger audience.
The Code is aimed at pig farmers and provides a ' best practice ' guide to preventing the occurrence of salmonella in pig farms.
That sarky comment was purely aimed at a number of fools who judge Mr P without actually bothering to read him first.
Three weeks ago the European Commission launched a swathe of legal proceedings aimed at loosening the sclerotic nature of the European internal energy market.
One of the two trials aimed at the promotion of screening mammography found no significant differences between groups for nearly all outcomes.
This song seemed to be aimed at one of those horrible self-centered men that I have heard about !
The Israeli Housing Ministry pays for the security measures aimed at protecting the Jewish settlers in these neighborhoods.
The program is aimed at easing the burden of skyrocketing gasoline prices.
Aimed at more tribal floors, it 's the ' Dub ' mix which is the true standout.
Then, in § 6.5, we look at subterfuge attacks aimed at hiding keywords in interactive text.
Surgical intervention, however, has not only been aimed at the stomach.
Puffta is a national online magazine aimed at gay teens.
Director Kevin Bray has clearly aimed the movie at The Rock 's core market of undemanding male teens.
Its current focus is on a genetics project aimed at improving the temperament of dog breeding stock.
The main thrust of the temperance movement was aimed at children.
Suddenly, we received well aimed fire from a thicket of trees.
These studies are aimed at developing high throughput assay procedures.
The twin-screw extruders are aimed at the rising profile market, rather than PVC pipe for which the company says the market is declining.
A new eye level resource, aimed at reaching unchurched children.
The essays cover topical subjects and are aimed at increasing the understanding of science among the general public.
Micro-simulation can be a simple and relatively unsophisticated form of simulation, aimed principally at providing answers to matters of social policy.
The qualitative evaluation of phase 1 aimed to supplement and validate the findings of the phase 1 survey.
An online ' clinical tool ' developed by Waltham and aimed at veterinarians in small animal practice.
Do you worry about the vitriol aimed at you from AFC Wimbledon fans?
I Am The Next Idol Register free to upload your images and sounds to this site aimed at unsigned pop idol wannabe 's !
One of these works is to start " a whispering drive " against the person or institution aimed at.
Hygiene precautions aimed at preventing other zoonoses were sufficient for the time being.
Sally aimed to curl her hair so tightly so that it would bounce as she walked.
Naomi aimed to build the most cohesive mountain-climbing team out there.
While many types of toys aimed at toddlers feed their need to explore the world around them, there are also plenty of toys that are geared just toward their educational needs.
Current collections include products aimed at preschoolers as well as infants.
Although aimed at slightly different audiences (the iPod at an older, more image-conscious crowd, the U2 at budget shoppers), these two flash music players have a lot in common.
There are several different foods on the market aimed at preventing these problems.
Some issues are aimed at beginning co-parents while others address problems that arise during the process.
The first Earth Day encompassed 20 million people, including thousands of schools that held environmental awareness campaigns aimed at educating the public about current threats to the environment and what could be done about them.
Alice called her blue "Tiffany box blue" and aimed to make her space feel calm and relaxing.
While frescos aimed at portraying actual painted figures and are also the forerunner of the modern mural, the subtle washes of color in many remain bright examples of a look that is achieved when color is applied on a utilitarian medium.
Not only does it provide overhead illumination, the heads can be positioned so that they're aimed at a mirror, or other area where more light is desired.
Britney's line of perfumes is aimed at the general public, which means all three are available just about anywhere and at affordable prices.
In 2001, the company introduced its Easy Share line of cameras and photo accessories aimed at making digital photography accessible to even the most technologically challenged shutterbugs.
Unlike Adobe Photoshop CS 5, which focuses on editing individual images, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 is aimed toward photographers who work with large collections of photographs.
The history of the Transcendental Meditation® technique (TM) began in 1957 as a type of meditation aimed at developing a person's mind so he could rise above, or transcend, the noise of a hectic everyday life.
The University of Michigan Health System has created an eating disorders page aimed at parents, with a basic overview of anorexia and bulimia, signs of an eating disorder, and links to relevant articles.
If you are on a limited budget, keep decorations aimed at the front of the ceremony area and skip extras like chair bows and aisle markers.
In 2007, Dr. Drew took on another nationally syndicated call-in radio program based in Los Angeles, aimed at adult relationships and mental health.
This statement is clearly aimed at her marriage, though she has stated that both parties are "…working" on their "issues" and have agreed not to speak about their relationship or possible split publicly.
From cleverly aimed camera angles to platforms in his shoes, Cruise and production staff have found ways to make him appear larger than life on screen.
Offers some specific fleece warm up pants that are aimed at sports like soccer, cheerleading and dance.
Many websites include a list of scholarships, and some scholarships are aimed at Catholic high school students or students hoping to attend a Catholic high school.
Downlights are placed above an area or object with the light aimed downward.
Uplights are placed at ground level with the light aimed upward to highlight chosen features.
The resources below provide a variety of lessons aimed at bluegrass guitar playing.
Within a few years she opened a shop at the popular vacation destination Deauville, where she sold sportswear aimed at the modern woman.
Rodale continues this tradition, writing informational articles aimed at the average person.
Known to some as the younger, edgier Lane Bryant, Torrid offers trendy clothes aimed at girls and women between 12 and 36.
You can certainly find plus pieces in the Women's section of department stores, but you'll find a much bigger selection at shops that are aimed at the plus size woman.
Curvaceous Chic Woman fashions are aimed toward plus size women who want clothing that is stylish, modern and sophisticated.
Aimed at viewers aged fifty and over, Retirement Living TV (commonly referred to as RLTV), offers a wide variety of television shows that are dedicated to the lifestyles, interests and needs of their target audience.
Visit Peeper Specs for a variety of reading glasses aimed at a more mature audience.
In 1992, her Miu Miu collection debuted, with vintage-inspired looks aimed at a younger audience.
Link aimed to protect Hyrule from being engulfed by the Twilight Realm, a parallel dimension that was corrupted and dark.
Other acts of violence, racism and borderline genocidal elements are also found in the game, all aimed toward the same group of people.
May 1st-5th - "Koinobori" - Fish-shaped windsocks will appear in your town in a reference to the Japanese celebration aimed at children.
I constantly found myself hitting things because I was paying more attention to the gun and where it was aimed and not the vehicle.
Missiles are coming from all over the place, every ship known to man is firing lasers at you and no matter where you jump or where to strafe to or how fast you fly around, everything seems to be aimed at you.
As soon as I started firing, the guy manning the laser stopped firing and aimed somewhere else.
The game was aimed at a younger audience.
Aimed at the same audience as the Fast and Furious movies, NFSU lets you take on the persona of a street racer on the rise.
Although the series seems to be aimed at children (who also seem to be the biggest fans), gamers of all ages enjoy the captivating gameplay.
You aimed air rifles or darts to hit specific targets.
E - Everyone - These games are aimed at a broad audience but are suitable for younger children over the age of 5.
While many consumers are already accustomed to spending extra money on Wii accessories, Nintendo aimed to provide greater value in time of the holiday shopping season.
With no offense aimed at the Central Valley, it's the proletariat wine growing region versus the aristocratic Napa Valley and Sonoma County.
For the beginner wine enthusiast try books that talk about all aspects of wine aimed at the beginning wine fan.
He was able to market an expensive machine, aimed at making a woman's life easier in a time when both money and concern for women was scarce.
Continuing along the line of thought of affordability, the C Series of devices from Nokia is also aimed mostly at the lower end of the market.
This is a service aimed at government workers.
Even the name, "Jitterbug," is designed to evoke a response to the classic dance, and the website talks about how the phone is aimed at baby boomers and their parents.
The phones created under the Microsoft Pink moniker will be aimed at heavy users of social networking and messaging technology, in order to bring faster and better ways to keep in contact with friends and family.
If the cancer is highly aggressive and cure is not likely, treatment will be aimed at relieving symptoms and controlling the cancer for as long as possible.
External radiation is aimed at the tumor from outside the body.
Treatment of adenovirus infections is usually supportive and aimed at relieving symptoms of the illness.
Prevention is best aimed at teenagers, who are at very high risk for substance experimentation.
If the paresthesia is caused by a chronic disease such as diabetes or occurs as a complication of treatments such as chemotherapy, most treatments are aimed at relieving symptoms.
In addition, homeopathic oral medications are aimed at boosting the immune system.
In the 1990s a number of countries initiated campaigns aimed at getting parents to put their infants to sleep on their backs or sides.
Treatment depends on the specific type of myopathy the person has and is aimed at controlling symptoms.
However, the success of programs such as "Teletubbies" aimed at children under age two, opened a new market to programmers.
Many educational programs such as "Sesame Street" are aimed at preschoolers.
Third, advertising is often aimed at promoting high calorie, less healthful foods.
Treatment of a perforated eardrum is aimed at relieving pain or pressure behind the eardrum, treating any infection of the ear itself or of the upper respiratory tract, and restoring hearing.
It also helps them become more flexible and is aimed at reducing the behavior patterns that interfere with everyday living.
Other possible treatments may include gene therapy techniques aimed at increasing the amount of normal hemoglobin the body is able to make.
Most treatments are aimed at treating the fractures and bone deformities caused by OI.
The program aimed to involve parents as well.
It may not be possible to treat the underlying condition; for this reason, treatment is usually aimed at adjusting hormone levels.
Alternative treatments are primarily aimed at strengthening the thyroid but will not eliminate the need for thyroid hormone medications.
Cognitive therapy-Psychological treatment aimed at changing a person's way of thinking in order to change his or her behavior and emotional state.
Treatment is aimed generally at boosting the body's immune response and preventing or controlling infections.
Other treatments for people with AIDS are aimed at the particular infections and conditions that arise as a result of the impaired immune system.
The primary focus of treatment is aimed at solving the specific learning problem of each affected child.
Efforts at prevention of Down syndrome are aimed at genetic counseling of couples who are preparing to have babies.
This was started in 1998, along with Dancesport, which is aimed at ballroom dancers.
Atelier - A video based art program aimed at the needs of homeschool students and their parents.
Before Five in a Row sets the basis for this program with this particular series aimed at ages two to four.
There are also numerous federal job websites aimed at on specific hiring initiatives.
In early 2009, President Barack Obama signed an initiative aimed to help five million borrowers refinance their homes if the mortgage is owned or guaranteed by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae.
Even though it is not necessarily aimed at children, many of the patterns are basic enough even for youngsters to fold.
Origami money flowers are also fairly simple and incorporate a different folding medium.Books aimed at beginners will have simple generic flower designs, too.