Aim-at Sentence Examples
We must not, we dare not, aim at happiness.
He speaks in places as if his object was to record the wars between the Greeks and the barbarians; but as he omits the Trojan war, in which he fully believes, the expedition of the Teucrians and Dlysians against Thrace and Thessaly, the wars connected with the Ionian colonization of Asia Minor and others, it is evident that he does not really aim at embracing in his narrative all the wars between Greeks and barbarians with which he was acquainted.
He appeared to aim at driving Baliol into rebellion and annexing his kingdom.
One day I was resting on my bed and feeling listless, with no goal to aim at.
Gardiner speaks of the final shape of Charles's measure as " a wise and beneficent reform "; and he did aim at recovering the "teinds" or tithes, and securing something like a satisfactory sustenance for ministers.
Your little one will love trying to aim at the targets.
Well-organized continuation schools and systematic courses of lectures aim at providing the young soldier with a complete adult education.
In the long run men hit only what they aim at.
The sacrificer may aim at causing a speedy death or a slow one.
He professed to aim at a union of parties on the basis of the satisfaction of material interests, a policy to which the name of Sammlung was given; but his enemies accused him of constantly intriguing against the three chancellors under whom he served, and of himself attempting to secure the first place in the state.
AdvertisementHis reconciliation amounts to this, that the rule of conduct is to aim at universal happiness, but that we recognize the reasonableness of this rule by an intuition which cannot be further explained.
On the other side he was involved in a quarrel with Volmar and his school, who desired to put aside from immediate consideration the complete attainment of the Socialist ideal, and proposed that the party should aim at bringing about, not a complete overthrow of society, but a gradual amelioration.
Under these teachers he became familiar with the Talmud and, what was probably more important for his own development, with the philosophical writings of Ibn Ezra and Maimonides, Levi ben Gerson, Hasdai Crescas, and other representatives of Jewish medieval thought, who aim at combining the traditional theology with ideas got from Aristotle and his Neoplatonic commentators.
Scripture deals, he maintains, in none but the simplest precepts, nor does it aim at anything beyond the obedient mind; it tells nought of the divine nature but what men may profitably apply to their lives.
Their party was defeated(May 2,1182),but Andronicus Comnenus took advantage of these disorders to aim at the crown, entered Constantinople, where he was received with almost divine honours, and overthrew the regents.
AdvertisementIt is this latter fact which has led many students of human character to state that men do in fact aim at the gratification of their personal desires and impulses.
It was feared by some that Duke John might carry his ambitions so far as to, aim at the thronehe could do what he pleased with his doting father, and flaws might have been picked in the marriage of the Black Prince and his wife Joan of Kent, who were cousins, and therefore within the prohibited degrees.
Sit back and observe the first few bursts, then aim at the sky.
General treatments aim at supporting the individual's functioning and independence.
The funky music and regular in-store events all aim at making shoe shopping less of a chore.
AdvertisementThus the recent defenders of the apostolic authorship, the Unitarian James Drummond (1903), the Anglican William Sanday (1905), the Roman Catholic Theodore Calmes (1904), can tell us, the first, that " the evangelist did not aim at an illustrative picture of what was most characteristic of Jesus "; the second, that " the author sank into his own consciousness and at last brought to light what he found there "; the third, that " the Gospel contains an entire theological system," " history is seen through the intervening dogmatic development," " the Samaritan woman is.
The abolition of Th feudal tenures and purveyance had long been decommons manded, and the conclusion of an arrangement which aim at had been mooted in the reign of James 1.
Perhaps we may find a third and better possibility by ceasing to aim at a scientific gnosis of God, either limited or unlimited.
While if the deterrent and reformatory theories alone provide a rational end for punishment to aim at then the libertarian hypothesis pushed to its extreme conclusion must make all punishments equally useless.
All men, in acting, aim at some result, either for its own sake or as a means to some further end; but obviously not everything can be sought merely as a means; there must be some ultimate end.
AdvertisementSince, then, all the voluntary actions of men tend to their own preservation or pleasure, it cannot be reasonable to aim at anything else; in fact, nature rather than reason fixes this as the end of human action; it is reason's function to show the means.
We might infer from this that the intellect, so judging, is itself the proper and complete determinant of the will, and that man, as a rational being, ought to aim at the realization of absolute good for its own sake.
The latter are " necessarily presupposed " as distinct impulses in " the very idea of an interested pursuit "; since, if there were no such pre-existing desires, there would be no pleasure for self-love to aim at.
He holds, indeed, that each man should aim at making himself the most perfect possible instrument of reason; but he expressly denies that the perfection of others can be similarly prescribed as an end to each.
Kant's answer is that what each is to aim at in the case of others is not Perfection, but Happiness, i.e.
Athens must aim at leading a free confederacy, of which the members should be bound to her by their own truest interests.
While it does not itself aim at being a history, it makes striking use of Jewish history for purposes of edification.
On the 29th of June 1408 he and seven of his colleagues broke away from Gregory XII., and together with six cardinals of the obedience of Avignon, who had in like manner separated from Benedict XIII., they agreed to aim at the assembling of a general council, setting aside the two rival pontiffs, an expedient which they considered would put an end to the great schism of the Western Church, but which resulted in the election of yet a third pope.
The methods of bleaching by oxygen include all those which aim at the bleaching by exposure to the air and to sunlight (as in the case of artists' linseed-oil), or where oxygen or ozone is introduced in the form of gas or is evolved by chemicals, as manganese dioxide, potassium bichromate or potassium permanganate and sulphuric acid..
Someone was selling quot Mafia quot taking aim at for her various.
The Bretton Woods Institutions should also aim at providing an extra 50 billion pounds a year to halve poverty.
Policy measures would aim at a more efficient use of rolling stock - higher occupancy, higher rate of operating time.
There may first be mentioned the zealots such as the Akalis, who, though generally quite illiterate, aim at observing the injunctions of Sikhism Guru Govind Singh; secondly, the true Sikhs or Singhs who observe his ordinances, such as the prohibi tions of cutting the hair and the use of tobacco; and, thirdly, those Sikhs who while professing devotion to the tenets of the gurus are almost indistinguishable from ordinary Hindus.
He grasped a musket and took aim at the French.
Draw some animal pictures or smiley faces on some toilet paper sheets, and let your son aim at these.
Whether you are gearing up to document New Year's Eve, Fourth of July or Memorial Day celebrations, you'll want to know how to photograph firework displays before taking aim at the night sky.
It is absolutely paramount to reach "Zuma" as soon as you possibly can, and while you will likely not be able to aim at the front of the line of balls most of the time, you should bear in mind how close it is to getting to the center.
Another toy for night play, this one shoots out a beam of light so that kids can take aim at targets even when they can't see them clearly.
In the 1998 blockbuster Armageddon, for example, the world is poised on the brink of destruction as a tremendous asteroid takes aim at the planet, but when A.J.
Yes, Stewart's humor was milder than his Daily Show scripts; it might have been funnier if he had taken aim at a few more Hollywood sacred cows.
The bulk of Hamilton's watches take aim at men, but the Khaki and American Classic lines have targeted women as well.
Across the street, she imagined the man with the rockets taking careful aim at her.
He lifted the ax, taking aim at a new block of wood.
The banner of the church waves above the camp of those who aim at positive prosperity and republican equality.
For a few years they took an active share in the Evangelical Revival (173817S5); but Zinzendorf's "ecclesiola" policy prevented their growth, and not till 1853 did the English Moravians resolve to aim at "the extension of the Brethren's Church."
On the one hand he may make the line follow the natural inequalities of the ground as nearly as may be, avoiding the elevations and depressions by curves; or on the other he may aim at making it as nearly straight and level as possible by taking it through the elevations in cuttings or tunnels and across the depressions on embankments or bridges.
The history of international arbitration is dealt with in the article Peace, where treaties of general arbitration are discussed, both those which embrace all future differences thereafter to arise between the contracting parties, and also those more limited conventions which aim at the settlement of all future differences in regard to particular subjects, e.g.
Although it lagged in early times behind both Gela and Acragas (Agrigentum), it very soon began to aim at a combination of land and sea power.'
Having thus disposed of the ideas of truth and causality, he proceeds to undermine the ethical criterion, and denies that any man can aim at Good, Pleasure or Happiness as an absolute, concrete ideal.
Her artists and artisans alike aim at symmetry, not by an equal division of parts, as we do, but rather by a certain balance of corresponding parts, each different from the other, and not numerically even, with an effect of variety and freedom from formality.
The time was ripe for one which should be quite independent of the booksellers, and which should also aim at a higher standard of excellence.
These two alone move men to aim at perfect harmony for its own sake in the man and in the universe.
At a very critical moment, when the Kaiser had actually mesmerized Nicholas II into the conclusion of a secret and personal convention at Bjdrko, which purported to aim at a defensive agreement, but would have led by necessity to the disruption of the FrancoRussian Alliance and to the vassalage of Russia in a continental league against England, Count Benckendorff was invited to Copenhagen and had an opportunity of serving as a confidential intermediary between Russia and Great Britain.
Schools of the Frankfort type take French as their only foreign language in the first three years of the course, and aim at achieving in six years as much as has been achieved by the Gymnasia in nine; and it is maintained that, in six years, they succeed in mastering a larger amount of Latin literature than was attempted a generation ago, even in the best Gymnasia of the old style.
It did not aim at being a history, and still less a complete history, but it was mainly a collection of sayings or discourses suited to supply a rule of life.
The true hedonist will aim at a life of enduring rational happiness; pleasure is the end of life, but true pleasure can be obtained only under the guidance of reason.
These laws vary greatly in their details from state to state, but they all aim at enabling the voters to exercise a free and unfettered voice in the selection of their candidates, and they have created a regular system of elections of candidates preliminary to the election of office-holders from among the candidates.
Nature does not aim at God as end, but God, thinking and willing ends, produces and acts on nature.
This is apparently owing to the facts that too much has been attempted in the definition, and that differences arise according as we aim at a morphological or a physiological definition.
In the work of pressing on the national and international expansion of Germany the interests and views of the lesser constituent states of the Empire were apt to be overlooked or overridden; and in the southern states there was considerable resentment at the unitarian tendency of the north, which seemed to aim at imposing the Prussian model on the whole nation.
It shows the same tendency to aim at effect by alliterations, assonances and plays on words.
Again, we do not aim at anything so hopeless, or indeed so useless, as a complete description of any phenomenon.
It has hardly come into being before forces are evident which aim at its destruction.
Years before he had propounded in Tancred the theory that England should aim at eastern empire.
Our idea relies on the use of adaptive methods that aim at reducing the asymptotic variance of the estimates.
The first makers of namako did not aim at regularity in the distribution of these dots; they were content to produce the effect of millet-seed sifted haphazard over the surface.
It does not aim at binding the opinions of men or at condemning to the tortures of hell-fire those who refuse to accept it.
Give boys something to aim at in the potty, such as a dissolvable animal target or a picture drawn on a piece of toilet paper.
After getting out of your UFO, aim at a human and press Circle.