Ailing Sentence Examples
Nestorius was already old and ailing and must have died very soon after.
He came back to find his father ailing, and in February 1831 he left Cambridge for Somersby, where a few days later Dr George Tennyson died.
The Persian campaigns wore out the feeble health of Peter, who had been ailing for some time.
Backed by this force he seems to have persuaded the ailing caliph to designate him as his successor.
From about 1796 Ampere gave private lessons at Lyons in mathematics, chemistry and languages; and in 1801 he removed to Bourg, as professor of physics and chemistry, leaving his ailing wife and infant son at Lyons.
War was already declared in 1702, but William, who had long been ailing, died from the combined effects of a fall from his horse and a chill on the 8th of March 1702.
They are dipped in water, which is given to ailing cattle and human beings as a sovereign remedy for diseases.
In other words, he wanted to provide an alternative for owners who were unable to handle large veterinary bills and felt euthanasia was the only avenue they had left to ease an ailing pet's suffering.
Like his father, Philip understood how to make capital out of the quarrels of the aged and ailing Henry II.
Rather what part can you find in which I am not ailing?
AdvertisementThen, of course, along came Big Brother to muddy the waters and undermine Castaway ' s already ailing critical success.
None are strong enough to carry the main World Cup mode or rescue the already ailing football reputation of the DS.
Accordingly, on the 10th of June, the weak and ailing tsarevich received twentyfive strokes with the knout (as then administered nobody ever survived thirty), and on the 24th fifteen more.
Green 's recently rebuffed bid for ailing high-street retailer Marks & Spencer, earlier this year, was well publicized.
The game against the Chest was memorable for many reasons, and finally salvaged some cricketing pride for the ailing team.
AdvertisementDoyle is a member at Benson 's Health Spa - an ailing gym on the verge of bankruptcy.
The ailing king passed on the mantle of authority to his eldest son.
People with children, ailing parents or demanding careers may not have the time to commute to campus and participate in presentations and discussions.
When ordinary dog beds are not enough, orthopedic dog beds can provide ailing pets with a comfortable respite from the cold, hard world.
The right convalescent home helps ailing seniors obtain needed medical care, emotional support and assistance with daily living.
AdvertisementFor anyone who has ever cared for an ailing family member, the stresses can be quite high.
People use the tortoise to bring good physical health, but it can also bring health to an ailing or dying career and other areas of your life, such as a relationship.
The updates were designed to increase the number of buyers who qualify for FHA mortgages, in order to stimulate the ailing housing industry.
The Somebody Cares Tampa Bay organization is a network of non-profit independent groups throughout the Tampa Bay area that help to support the community, particularly the sick, the ailing and the impoverished.
After just one short season with their ailing talent, Carmelo Anthony helped the Nuggets to become a playoff team.
AdvertisementDr. Tony Jones, despite being beside himself with grief, donated her heart to her ailing cousin Maxie who was dying.
Izzie had spent so much time planning Meredith's wedding from her hospital bed that Meredith ultimately gave away her wedding to her ailing friend.
In 1983 N.A.W.C. acquired the ailing Movado, a Swiss watch company with over 100 years of history that was on the verge of closing down.
Initially, this ploy by Trump to revamp the ailing show's ratings worked.
A remnant of the days when the now ailing city was an industrial powerhouse of the socialist state.
Since Mr Souter returned to the helm, shares in the once ailing company have leaped from 10p in July 2002 to 77p.
In the late 50s the government were investing 391 million pounds in the then ailing and loss-making railroad industry.
Is paid for increasing from in to pay for medical insurance biller salary ailing system.
Members of the BCG are relatively adept at identifying ailing chelonians.
Home care costs, which may be reduced by such coverage, are almost never covered in full, making it nearly impossible for some to avoid nursing homes for ailing family members.