Aiding Sentence Examples
This stream does work on the air, aiding the motion.
The waterways of Cochin-China communicate by means of natural or artificial channels (arroyos), facilitating transport and aiding in the uniform distribution of the inundation to which the country owes its fertility.
He attended the queen in her flight to France in 1646, but disapproved of the prince's journey thither, and retired to Jersey, subsequently aiding in the king's escape to the Isle of Wight.
But the secular arm, from the time of Nicaea I., was in the habit of aiding spiritual decrees, as by banishing deposed bishops, and gradually by other ways, even with laymen.
In 1818 General Jackson, believing that the Spanish were aiding the Seminole Indians and inciting them to attack the Americans, again captured Pensacola.
But, while apparently aiding Edward, Bruce had taken a step which bound him to the patriotic cause.
Semper, pursued as food by the leaping fish Periophthalmus, and the dorsal eyes are of especial value to them in aiding them to escape from this enemy.
A Venetian fleet of 1 20 sail came in 1123, and after aiding in the repulse of an attack, which the Egyptians had taken advantage of Baldwin II.'s captivity to deliver, they helped the regent Eustace to capture Tyre (1124), in return for considerable privileges - freedom from toils throughout the kingdom, a quarter in Jerusalem, baths and ovens in Acre, and in Tyre onethird of the city and its suburbs, with their own court of justice and their own church.
In the autumn of 1863 Banks organized a number of expeditions to Texas, chiefly for the purpose of preventing the French in Mexico from aiding the Confederates, and secured possession of the region near the mouths of the Nueces and the Rio Grande.
A confiscation bill was passed in August 1861 discharging from his service or labour any slave employed in aiding or promoting any insurrection against the government of the United States.
AdvertisementCosimo increased his own authority and that of the republic by aiding Francesco Sforza to become duke of Milan (1450), and he sided with him in the war against Venice (1452-1454).
Two other features of Arabian poetry are probably connected with the necessity for aiding the memory.
But Mill and the others were fully justified in not aiding the propagation of a doctrine in which they might not wholly concur.
Besides aiding his brother in his literary labours, he published, in 1749-1760, Codex Liturgicus Ecclesiae Universae in xv.
The heat of controversy is, however, abating, and during the past thirty or forty years both Catholic and Protestant investigators have been vying with one another in adding to our knowledge and in rectifying old mis takes; while an ever-increasing number of writers pledged to neither party are aiding in developing an idea of the scope and nature of the Reformation which differs radically from the traditional one.
AdvertisementIn 1820 he made his way to Buffalo, then only a village, and supported himself by teaching school and aiding the postmaster while continuing his studies.
Capture begins among the lower tribes with the hand, without devices, developing knack and skill in seizing, pursuing, climbing, swimming, and maiming without weapons; and proceeds to gathering with devices that take the place of the hand in dipping, digging, hooking and grasping; weapons for striking, whether clubs, missiles or projectiles; edged weapons of capture, which were rare in America; piercing devices for capture, in lances, barbed spears, harpoons and arrows; traps for enclosing, arresting and killing, such as pens, cages, pits, pen-falls, nets, hooks, nooses, clutches, adhesives, deadfalls, impalers, knife traps and poisons; animals consciously and unconsciously aiding in capture; fire in the form of torches, beacons, burning out and smoking out; poisons and asphyxiators; the accessories to hunting, including such changes in food, dress, shelter, travelling, packing, mechanical tools and intellectual apparatus as demanded by these arts.
Shortly afterwards, in aiding Charles of Blois, Du Guesclin was taken prisoner by Sir John Chandos at the battle of Auray, in which Charles was killed.
It was in favour of aiding Austria on a broad basis of financial and economic help, to be rendered generally to the states of central Europe by international agreement.
Protection was demanded as a means both of aiding young industries and of fostering a home market for agricultural products.
AdvertisementHolland drove them out in 1816, and, by giving them thus a valid excuse for aiding the Belgian revolution of 1830, secured them the strong position they have ever since held in Belgium; but they have succeeded in returning to Holland.
Practically the whole town was destroyed, a gale aiding the flames, and the population had to leave the place in the night at the notice of a few minutes.
In 1288 Nicholas empowered him to absolve the people of Genoa for their offence in aiding the Sicilians against Charles II.
Philip proved a faithful ally of the king, aiding him in re-entering Paris and preparing an expedition against Calais, which, however, failed through the ill-will of his Flemish subjects (1436).
He supported the parlements against the ministry, was especially active in his hostility to Turgot, and was suspected of aiding a rising which took place at Dijon in 1775.
AdvertisementTheir arrival immediately recalled Mehemet Ali and his party from the war, and instead of aiding KhorshId was the proximate cause of his overthrow.
Their function is the twofold one of protecting the embryo and of aiding in dissemination; they may also directly promote germination.
In raising funds and equipping and supplying troops the governor showed great energy and resourcefulness, and his plans and organizations for caring for the needy widows and children of Pennsylvania soldiers killed in battle, and for aiding and removing to their homes the sick and wounded were widely copied throughout the North.
Although Spain had joined France in the war against Great Britain, she feared to imperil her own colonial interests by directly encouraging and aiding the former British colonies in their revolt against their mother country, and she had refused to recognize the United States as an independent power.
In the Rigveda he is represented as the god of prayer, aiding Indra in his conquest of the cloud-demon, and at times appears to be identified with Agni, god of fire.
The numerous local branches of the Friends of the Folk-School and the Society for Popular Education display great activity, the former by aiding the smaller communes in establishing schools, and the latter in publishing popular works, starting their own schools as well as free libraries (in nearly every commune), and organizing lectures for the people.
A few days before his entry General Gardane had been dismissed, as the peace of Tilsit debarred France from aiding the shah against Russia.
This incident, combined with the employment of the so-called Cossacks, evoked a protest from the Nationalists, who asserted that Russia was aiding the Royalists; the accusation was true only in so far as it referred to the conduct of certain Russian officials who acted without the consent of the Russian government.
The attention may be directed in succession to the different objects, so that the perception is rhythmical; the distinctive rhythm thus aiding the perception of the particular number.
The resultant legislature (at Pawnee, later at Shawnee Mission) adopted the laws of Missouri almost en bloc, made it a felony to utter a word against slavery, made extreme pro-slavery views a qualification for office, declared death the penalty for aiding a slave to escape, and in general repudiated liberty for its opponents., The radical free-state men thereupon began the importation of rifles.
There can be small doubt that both the duchess and tile German King (Maximilian had succeeded, to his fathers crown in 1493) were perfectly well aware that they were aiding a manifest fraud.
The aim of his logic is represented as having been the devising of rules for the discovery of syllogistic middle terms; this system for aiding slow-witted persons became known as the pons asinorum.
In order to improve the condition of affairs in congested districts, the board was empowered (I) to amalgamate small holdings either by directly aiding migration or emigration of occupiers, or by recommending the Land Commission to facilitate amalgamation, and (2) generally to aid and develop out of its resources agriculture, forestry, the breeding of live-stock, weaving, spinning, fishing and any other suitable industries.
The final success of Sparta and the capture of Athens in 405 were brought about partly by the treachery of Alcibiades, who induced the state to send Gylippus to conduct the defence of Syracuse, to fortify Decelea in northern Attica, and to adopt a vigorous policy of aiding Athenian allies to revolt.
The work of earthworms in aiding in the production of the subsoil and in levelling the surface was first studied by C. Darwin, and has since been investigated by others.
Her breathing was regulated but heavy, her scent and heated nearness aiding battle fever in agitating his blood.
One of the most potent ways of stimulating the lymph system, thus aiding the immune system, is by deep yogic breathing.
Buchenwald MONTI By being strongly suspected of aiding desertion.
It marks the first time a state has sought the extradition of anyone aiding suicides anywhere in the world.
These vanes were four in number, but were found entirely ineffectual in moving the balloon, or in aiding its ascending power.
Over a period of time, oats can act as a nerve tonic, reducing stress and aiding relaxation.
The establishment of the Tiro Nacional was enthusiastically received by all classes in Buenos Aires, the men turning out regularly to drill, and the women aiding the movement by collecting subscriptions for the purpose of armament and other necessaries.
The-considerations are not very striking from a general point of view; but the author adds to the weight of evidence which some of his predecessors had brought to bear on certain matters, particularly in aiding to abolish the artificial groups " Deodactyls," "Syndactyls," and " Zygodactyls," on which so much reliance had been placed by many of his countrymen; and it is with him a great merit that he was the first apparently to recognize publicly that characters drawn from the posterior part of the sternum, and particularly from the " echancrures," commonly called in English " notches " or " emarginations," are of comparatively little importance, since their number is apt to vary in forms that are most closely allied, and even in species that are usually associated in the same genus or unquestionably belong to the same family, 2 while these " notches " sometimes become simple foramina, as in certain pigeons, or on the other hand foramina may exceptionally change to " notches," and not unfrequently disappear wholly.
Moreover, whereas Persia had been for several years aiding Athens against Sparta, the revolt of the Athenian ally Evagoras of Cyprus set them at enmity, and with the secession of Ephesus, Cnidus and Samos in 391 and the civil war in Rhodes, the star of Sparta seemed again to be in the ascendant.
Chares sought to replenish his resources by aiding the Phrygian satrap Artabazus against Artaxerxes Ochus, but a threat from the Persian court caused the Athenians to recall him, and peace was made by which Athens recognized the independence of the revolted towns.
He unfortunately espoused the cause of Louis, duke of Anjou, and while aiding that prince in his attempt to recover the kingdom of Naples he died of the plague, leaving his realm to his son, Amadeus VII., the Conte Rosso or "Red Count" (1383-1391); the latter added Nice (1388) and other territories to his domains.
Small and light front shin plate with the top buckle being reversed aiding the closing leverage.
Radiometric data were also collected to map surficial rocks and soils, thus aiding geologic mapping of the basin fill.
Alongside any herbal treatments, bolstering the herbal effects through dietary changes may go a long way in aiding a man's recovery.
An individual taking ginseng or fo-ti to improve his vitality will not be aiding his condition with an unhealthy sedentary lifestyle and a diet that processed and, thus, devoid of essential nutrients and antioxidants.
For these reasons it is important to discuss with your doctor any lifestyle practices that may be contributing to your condition or inhibiting a natural remedy from aiding improvement.
By choosing foods that are in season, one can avoid aiding in additional pollution and waste due to transportation by train, truck, ship or plane.
Helping people to realize the importance of adequate sleep and aiding people in learning they have sleep problems is accomplished through various programs, advocacy efforts, and public information available at the organization's website.
Some games can be played just for fun, aiding in their development of hand-eye coordination.
Instead, the focus may be on aiding students in making the transition into the mainstream of education.
The basic philosophy of massage therapy embraces the concept of vis Medicatrix naturae, which means "aiding the ability of the body to heal itself."
Ideal for aiding blow-outs and hair styles that require volume, Fekkai's Full Volume shampoos, conditioners, and styling treatments pack strands with amino acids and yarrow extract to give hair an extra life.
In addition to aiding the formation of your skeletal system, it is involved with energy transfer within the body.
Certain scents have been known to help with the aiding of digestion and relief of migraines and body aches.
These are hours spent building his or her home as well as hours spent aiding in the building of another family's home.
A functional food has nutritional value as well as the possibility of aiding body processes.
Aiding and Abetting- While it may be easier for you to just do some of the more difficult problems that your child encounters, try to refrain from doing so.
In addition to aiding during World War II and in Vietnam, the legendary vessel served as the recovery ship for the Apollo 8 space mission.
Using a "first…next" framework rather than a "if…then" reward system makes a much more secure flow to the day, aiding also in transitioning from one activity to another.
My experience has included handling employee terminations and aiding in improving company productivity.
Finally, according to Cruise, frequent eating also teaches the body to reset its metabolic reactions, speeding up the metabolism and aiding fat-burning.
The combination of starving the yeast while aiding their "enemies" should bring rapid results with massive yeast die-off.
Peppermint tea in particular is good for aiding digestion.
Supplements like vitamin C, potassium, zinc and vitamin E have loads of health benefits, include aiding tissue repair.
Techniques such as relevant content, inbound links, metatag content and more all play a part in aiding a search engine to position a website as high as possible on its results pages.
The watchmen appointed by parishes were useless, inadequate, inefficient and untrustworthy, acting often as accessories in aiding and abetting crime.
Milner's own object in assenting to the introduction of the Chinese was - besides aiding to put the gold mining industry on a more stable basis - to obtain revenue for the great task he had on hand, " the restarting of the colonies on a higher plane of civilization than they had ever previously attained "; and in respect of the working of the mines and consequently in providing revenue the introduction of the Chinese proved eminently successful; but in February 1906 the Campbell-Bannerman administration felt it incumbent to announce that no ordinance imposing " servile conditions " would be sanctioned.
When not moving, they often assume a perfectly upright position, the tail aiding the two hind-legs to form a tripod, and the front-limbs dangling by the side of the chest.
It is characteristic of their native policy that they had not only refrained from aiding Vijayanagar in 1565, but had even been willing to despoil their Hindu allies.
The dictator employed the scholar in aiding him to collect and arrange great stores of Greek and Latin literature for the vast public library, which he intended to found.
In the Eumenides of Aeschylus" the Erinyes are reproached in that by aiding Clytemnestra, who slew her husband, " they are dishonouring and bringing to naught the pledges of Zeus and Hera, the marriage-goddess "; and these were the divinities to whom sacrifice was offered before the wedding," and it may be that some kind of mimetic representation of the " Holy Marriage," the IEpos ydpos, of Zeus and Hera formed a part of the Attic nuptial ceremonies.'
Lydd was made a member of the Cinque Port of Romney, and in 1290 was granted the same liberties and free customs as the Cinque Ports on condition of aiding the service of its head-port to the crown with one ship. This charter was confirmed by Edward III.
In 1904 the gross valuation of all taxable wealth was put at $1,155,402,647, and taxation for state purposes aggregated $0.17 per $1000.1 In the years1851-1857a debt of $23,701,000 was incurred in aiding railways, and all the roads made default during the Civil War.
In 1874 the 4th earl of Carnarvon, secretary of state for the colonies, who had been successful in aiding to bring about the federation of Canada, turned his attention to a similar scheme for the confederation of South Africa.
The motto on the city arms is "Bon Accord," which formed the watchword of the Aberdonians while aiding Robert Bruce in his battles with the English.
I remember an occasion when Patrick spent a full weekend aiding an elderly neighbor with some home repairs.