Agrees Sentence Examples
He agrees with you.
There's no doubt the note is in Mrs. Shipton's handwriting—even Corday agrees with that.
The German poet, Wolfram von Eschenbach, whose Parzival in parts closely agrees with the Perceval and who was long held to be a mere translator of Chretien, differs widely in the setting of his story.
The fifth and last book takes up the question of man's free will and God's foreknowledge, and, by an exposition of the nature of God, attempts to show that these doctrines are not subversive of each other; and the conclusion is drawn that God remains a foreknowing spectator of all events, and the ever-present eternity of his vision agrees with the future quality of our actions, dispensing rewards to the good and punishments to the wicked.
This may possibly be the site of Ai; it agrees with all the intimations as to its position.
This agrees substantially with the independent records of Nehemiah, and unless we assume two disasters not widely separated in date - viz.
In this he agrees with the speculative mystics everywhere, and differentiates himself from the scholastics who followed him.
Thus in the Chaetopoda the perivisceral cavity is coelomic; in this respect the group contrasts with the Arthropoda and Molluscs, where the perivisceral cavity is, mainly at least, part of the vascular or haemal system, and agrees with the Vertebrata.
Like Gloger, Sundevall in his ideal system separated the true passerines from all other birds, calling them Volucres; but he took a step further, for he assigned to them the highest rank, wherein nearly every recent authority agrees with him; out of them, however, he chose the thrushes and warblers to stand first as his ideal " Centrum " - a selection which, though in the opinion of the present writer erroneous, is still largely followed.
Newberry, with whom on early Egyptian connexion with Syria the writer agrees.
AdvertisementThis agrees in many particulars with the Chronicon Angliae, but it is much less hostile to John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster.
Otherwise, it is not clear why we find him opposing himself to the Egyptian king Necho, since the assumption that he fought as an Assyrian vassal scarcely agrees with the profound reforming policy ascribed to him.
There are a number of other important points of structure besides those referring to the somites and appendages in which Limulus agrees with Scorpio or other Arachnida and differs from other Arthro- '11'1 poda.
Limulus thus agrees with Scorpio and differs from the Crustacea, in which there are three prosthomeres - one ocular and two carrying palpiform appendages.
The Crustacea have, in fact, three prosthomeres in the head and the Arachnida only two, and Limulus agrees with the Arachnida in this respect and differs from the Crustacea.
AdvertisementWhilst Limulus agrees thus closely with Scorpio in regard to the VII?tg VII, The genital operculum.
We have now passed in review the principal structural features in which Limulus agrees with Scorpio and differs from other Arthropoda.
Limulus agrees with the majority of the Crustacea in being destitute of renal excretory caeca or tubes opening into the hinder part of the gut.
With the canonical gospel it agrees in some of its sayings; in others it is independent.
None agrees in every point, but almost every detail finds a close parallel in some tomb or other.
AdvertisementWith this it agrees that the titles of the psalms name no one later than Solomon, and even he is not recognized as a psalmodist by the most ancient tradition, that of the LXX., which omits him from the title of Ps.
C - a 2 - 2 b2 +A, = and then as above in § 31, with a= c ch a, b=c sh a, a =-1 (a 2 +X) =c ch al, b1= c sh a (13) the ratio in (II) agrees with § 31 (6).
Alphonse de Candolle (Origin of Cultivated Plants, p. 158) points out that the epoch of its introduction into different countries agrees with the idea that its origin was in India, Cochin-China or the Malay Archipelago, and regards it as most probable that its primitive range extended from Bengal to Cochin-China.
Further, he shows an "astonishing familiarity with the Jewish rites," in the opinion of a modern Jew (Kohler in the Jewish Encycl.); so much so, that the latter agrees with another Jewish scholar in saying that "the writer seems to have been a converted Jew, whose fanatic zeal rendered him a bitter opponent of Judaism within the Christian Church."
And that Ibn Ishaq agrees with Wagidi in certain main dates is important evidence for the trustworthiness of the former also.
AdvertisementWith this Driver provisionally agrees, whilst Nowack thinks no more can be said than that (I) belongs to the Greek and (2) - (4) to the postexilic period in general.
And this later contrast is all the more striking that Villehardouin agrees with, and not impossibly borrows from, these very writers in many points of style and phraseology.
The emperor agrees that the custom might lead to "political factions," and should therefore be strictly controlled (117).
All deep-sea measurements are subject to uncertainty because the sounding machine merely measures the length of wire which runs out before the lead touches bottom, and this agrees with the depth only when the wire is perpendicular throughout its run.
The place is called Jiljulieh, and its position north of the valley of Achor (Wadi Kelt) and east of Jericho agrees well with the biblical indications above mentioned.
It agrees with older forms of libertarianism in taking its stand on the fact of spontaneity as primary and self-evidencing, but it is not content to assert its existence side by side with rigidly determined sequence.
Thus Harnack agrees with Catholic theologians in holding that, in the fullest sense, there is no dogma except the Catholic.
This agrees with one feature in ordinary literary usage - the contrast between " dogmatizing " and suspending judgment, or taking refuge in conjecture.
The stationary wave system adjusts itself so that its motion agrees with that of the sounder, which is therefore not exactly at a node.
In particular, Chronicles agrees with Kings in those short notes of the moral character of individual monarchs which can hardly be ascribed to an earlier hand than that of the redactor of the latter book.2 For the criticism of the book it is important to institute a careful comparison of Chronicles with the parallel narratives in Samuel-Kings.
He thus, to a certain extent, agrees with the Scottish school, but he differs from them in rejecting altogether the doctrine of mental faculties.
In 1827 appeared the Traite des fonctions elliptiques (2 vols., the first dated 1825, the second 1826); a great part of the first volume agrees very closely with the contents of the Exercices; the tables, &c., are given in the second volume.
The Samaritan Pentateuch agrees with the Septuagint version in many passages, but its chief importance lies in the proof which it affords as to the substantial agreement of our present text of the Pentateuch, apart from certain intentional changes,' with that which was promulgated by Ezra.
We have no evidence earlier than Clement, and the text of the New Testament which he quotes has more in common with the Old Latin or " geographically Western " text than with the Neutral, though it definitely agrees with no known type preserved in MSS.
They are well concealed by the colour of their upper parts, which in most cases agrees with the prevailing tone of their surroundings, mostly arid, stony or sandy localities; the large spikes FIG.
Though Queipo has opposed this connexion (not noticing the Greek link of the digit), he agrees that it is supported by the Egyptian square measure of the plethron, being equal to the Roman actus (33).
And with this agrees a pottery cylindrical vessel, with official stamp on it (ΔHM0ΣION, &c.), and having a fine black line traced round the inside, near the top, to show its limit; this seems to be probably very accurate, and contains 58.5 cub.
At Corinth the unit was evidently the Assyrian and not the Attic, being 129.6 at the earliest (17) (though modified to double Attic, or 133, later) and being divided by 3, and not into 2 drachms. And this agrees with the mina being repeatedly found at Corcyra, and with the same standard passing to the Italian coinage (17) similar in weight, and in division into 1/3 -- the heaviest coinages (17) down to 400 B.C. (Terina, Velia, Sybaris, Posidonia, Metapontum, Tarentum, &c.) being none over 126, while later on many were adjusted to the Attic, and rose to 134.
If this unit haS any connexion with the kat, it is that a kat of gold is worth 15 shekels or 1/4 mina of silver; this agrees well with the range of both units, only it must be remembered that 129 was used as gold unit, and another silver unit deduced from it.
Apart from the reference to Whytchurch and the place of printing, this statement agrees with that of Simeon Ruytinck, and it is possible that van Meteren showed his zeal in the matter by undertaking the cost of printing the work as well as that of remunerating the translator.
The rite as he pictures it agrees well with the developed liturgies of a later age.
Again, it is not unlikely that the Politics was arranged in the traditional order of books by Theophrastus, and that this is the meaning of the curious title occurring in the list of Aristotle's works as given by Diogenes Laertius, rroXcTCKns IcKpoavEC.os ws OeocApa6Tov a'13'y'8'E'srrt', which agrees with the Politics in having eight books.
Both sexes are devoid of antler appendage; but in this the musk-deer agrees with one genus of true deer (Hydrelaphus), and as in the latter, the upper canine teeth of the males are long and sabre-like, projecting below the chin, with the ends turned somewhat backwards.
The structure of the Mollusca in the greater number of cases agrees with the hypothesis that the primitive form was unsegmented, and therefore had but one pair of coelomic ducts and one pair of nephridia.
It exactly agrees with the larval form of many Chaetopod worms and other Coelomata.
Everybody agrees that carbon is necessary for its appearance, but some believe it to be due to a hydrocarbon, others to carbon monoxide, and others to volatilized carbon.
He not only agrees with Laplace and Lyell about the evolution of the solar system, but also supposes that the affinities, pointed out by Lothar Meyer and Mendeleeff, between groups of chemical elements prove an evolution of these elements from a primitive matter (prothyl) consisting of homogeneous atoms. These, however, are not ultimate enough for him; he thinks that everything, ponderable and imponderable or ether, is evolved from a primitive substance, which condenses first into centres of condensation (pyknatoms), and then into masses, which when they exceed the mean consistency become ponderables, and when they fall below it become imponderables.
Hartmann has an affinity with all these predecessors, and with Spinoza, with whom he agrees that there is but one substance unaltered by the plurality of individuals which are only its modifications.
He agrees with Fechner and Wundt that there is no substantial soul, and that soul is nothing but the mental states, or rather their unity--thus identifying it with Kant's synthetic unity.
He accepts the Kantian positions that unity of consciousness combines sensations by a priori synthesis, and that therefore all that natural science knows about matter moving in space is merely phenomena of outer sense; and he agrees with Kant that from these data we could not infer things in themselves by reason.
He agrees with Fechner that physical process of nerve and psychical process of mind are really the same psychophysical process as appearing on the one hand to an observer and on the other hand to one's own consciousness; and that physical phenomena only produce physical phenomena, so that those materialists and realists are wrong who say that physical stimuli produce sensations.
It opposes " pure experience " to " pure reason," while it agrees with Kant's limitation of knowledge to experience.
Again he agrees with the reaction both to Hume and to Kant in limiting knowledge to mental phenomena, and has affinities with Mach as well as with Lange.
He agrees with Schopenhauer that will is the fundamental form of the spiritual.
Lastly, while he agrees with Kant about a priori categories, he differs about the knowledge to be got out of them.
He agrees with Hegel that there are two fundamental identities, the identity of all reason, and the identity of all reason and all being.
He agrees with du Bois-Reymond in refusing to regard the universe as a vast brain animated by conscious mind.
He agrees also that there is no object without subject.
Mexican form of which it quite agrees in colour.
The former has a somewhat briefer text, the latter agrees more closely with the Hebrew text.
Forbes's method, which agrees better with the results given in § to below.
It often agrees with the English metrical Psalter preserved in three MSS.
Here we observe that (I) the extract agrees this time with Recognitions, not with Homilies; (2) its framework is that of the Clementine romance found in both; (3) the tenth and last book of Recognitions is here parallel to book xiv.
The higher date assigned by the ancient writers agrees better with the tradition that Lysias reached, or passed, the age of eighty.'
C. johnstoni of northern Australia and Queensland is allied to the last species mentioned, with which it agrees by the slender snout.
In temples of Ptolemaic and Roman age the full series is figured presenting their tribute to the god, and this series approximately agrees with the scattered data of early monuments.
This island agrees in geological structure with the southern part of Sweden, and forms, in fact, the southernmost portion of the Scandinavian system.
Thus the reason assigned for the institution of the Sabbath in Exodus is drawn from the creation, and agrees with Gen.
As regards the general structure of the rest, of the skeleton, it must suffice to say that this agrees closely with that of the antelopes and the prongbuck, and differs markedly from the cervine type.
This latter conclusion is the more probable from the circumstance, that the text of the code, as revised by the emperor Leo, agrees with the citations from the Basilica which occur in the works of Michael Psellus and Michael Attaliates, both of them high dignitaries of the court of Constantinople, who lived a century before Balsamon, and who are silent as to any second revision of the code having taken place in the reign of Constantine Porphyrogenitus, as well as with other citations from the Basilica, which are found in the writings of Mathaeus Blastares and of Constantine Harmenopulus, both of whom wrote shortly after Balsamon, and the latter of whom was far too learned a jurist and too accurate a lawyer to cite any but the official text of the code.
Aristobulus' description agrees exactly with the ruins of Murghab on the Bandamir, about 30 m.
With this agrees the legend of the contest between Athena and Poseidon for supremacy on the acropolis of Athens, for Theseus is intimately connected with Poseidon, the great Ionian god.
In this regard Ecclesiasticus agrees with Proverbs - it has no word of advice for women.
The mingling of despotism and good-natured familiarity there described (and the spirit is doubtless correctly given by Josephus, whether or not his details are historical) agrees with the picture in Proverbs.
There appears to be no further record of Bamian as a city; but the character of ruins at Ghulgulah agrees with traditions on the spot in indicating that the city must have been rebuilt after the time of the Mongols and again perished.
In a word, the present writer agrees with Grote that the sophists were not a sect or school with common doctrine or method; that their theoretical and practical morality was neither above nor below that of their age, being, in fact, determined by it; and that Plato and his followers are not to be regarded as the authorized teachers of the Greek nation, nor the sophists as the dissenters, but vice versa.
Such a sage agrees in his thought with God; he no longer blames either God or man; he fails of nothing which he purposes and falls in with no misfortune unprepared; he indulges in neither anger nor envy nor jealousy; he is leaving manhood for godhead, and in his dead body his thoughts are concerned about his fellowship with God.
He found for it a parallax of o 35" a value which agrees well with more modern determinations.
The position of the solar apex calculated in this way agrees satisfactorily with that found by the usual methods.
He agrees with Jevons in calling this second syllogism analytical deduction, and with Jevons and Sigwart in calling it hypothetical deduction.
This assumption coincides exactly with Raoult's law for the relative lowering of vapourpressure, if a = 1, and agrees with it in the limit in all cases for very dilute solutions, but it makes a very considerable difference in strong solutions if a is greater or less than 1.
Assuming an equation of the form log (p/760) =a log (0/373), their results give a = S/R =4.305, or S=0.474, which agrees very perfectly with Regnault's value.
The values of the saturation-pressure given in the last column are calculated by formula (25), which agrees with Regnault's observations better than his own empirical formulae.
This agrees with his legend as known to Ambrose and Paulinus of Nola, and is the most probable in itself.
The analogy between treaty-making and legislation is striking when a congress agrees upon general principles which are afterwards accepted by a large number of states, as, for instance, in the case of the Geneva conventions for improving the treatment of the wounded.
P. Peters agrees (pp. 191 ff.) that the best test is the etymology of the names of the letters.
The former agrees surprisingly with that given by the only other foreign resident we know of, Pyrard de la Val, two hundred and fifty years later.
This makes the Euphrates the main eastern limit, with radii to the north-east angle of the Levant and the south-east angle of the Black Sea, and roughly agrees with the popular conception of Asia Minor as a geographical region.
This represents a forced oscillation whose period 27r/o1, coincides with that of the disturbing force; and the phase agrees with that of the force, or is opposed to it, according as c1i2u; i.e.
That this ratio should be less than unity agrees with the theory of constrained types already given.
One view has been that it is covered by the sue and labour clause of an ordinary policy, by which the insurer agrees to bear his proportion of expenses voluntarily incurred "in and about the defence, safeguard and recovery" of the insured subject.
This agrees with the view taken in the United States.
This would make him contemporary with Nebuchadrezzar, which agrees with Tob.
It agrees very fairly with s, except in the matter of proper names.
It agrees with z.
But he agrees with Schopenhauer in basing consciousness, in all its forms of reason, feeling or will, upon "automatic movement - psychical change," from which consciousness emerges and in which it disappears.
The account given of him agrees in general with the statements in Beowulf, though the nature of his relations with Ali (Onela) has been misunderstood.
The genus agrees with Dorcopsis in the direction of the hair on the neck, but the muzzle is only partially hairy, and the elongation of the penultimate premolar is less.
King Alfred and the chronicler ZEthelweard identified this place with the district which is now called Angel in the province of Schleswig (Slesvig), though it may then have been of greater extent, and this identification agrees very well with the indications given by Bede.
Thus it agrees at times with the Samaritan, or Septuagint, or Syriac, or Vulgate, or even with Onkelos against all the rest.
To be more exact, our book represents some form of the Hebrew text of the Pentateuch midway between the forms presupposed by the Septuagint and the Syriac; for it agrees more frequently with the Septuagint, or with combinations into which the Septuagint enters, than with 1 In the Ethiopic Version in xxi.
Next to the Septuagint it agrees most often with the Syriac or with combinations into which the Syriac enters.
Neale makes three divisions - the liturgy of Jerusalem or of St James, that of Alexandria or of St Mark, and that of Edessa or of St Thaddaeus; and Daniel substantially agrees with him.
The course of development here outlined, in which the nauplius gradually passes into the adult form by the successive addition of somites and appendages in regular order, agrees so well with the process observed in the development of the typical Annelida that we must regard it as being the most primitive method.
In the Epics his practice agrees with that of Homer.
The stalk of an ovule, considerably reduced in normal flowers and much larger in some abnormal flowers, is homologous with a leaf-stalk, with which it agrees in the structure and number of vascular bundles.
In certain species of Gnetum described by Karsten the megaspore contains a peripheral layer of protoplasm, in which scattered nuclei represent the female reproductive cells; in Gnetum Gnemon a similar state of things exists in the upper half of the megaspore, while the lower half agrees with the megaspore of Welwitschia in being full of prothallus-tissue, which serves merely as a reservoir of food.
The structure of the wood agrees in the main with that of Ephedra.
Burkli (Der wahre Winkelried, - die Taktik der alien Urschweizer, Zurich, 1886) has put forth a theory of the battle which is, he allows, opposed to all modern accounts, but entirely agrees, he strongly maintains, with the contemporary authorities.
As the microscopic character of the corallum of these extinct forms agrees with that of recent corals, it may be assumed that the anatomy of the soft parts also was similar, and the tetrameral arrange ment, when present, may obviously be referred to a stage when only the first two pairs of Edwardsian mesenteries were present and septa were formed in the intervals between them.
With Schelling again Cousin agrees in regarding this supreme ground of all as positively apprehended, and as a source of development, but he utterly repudiates Schelling's method.
The names of his father and other relations whom he mentions have been found in the municipal records of Tournay, and the official description of them agrees with his statements.
The scheme shall contain in full safeguards for the protection of the Assyro-Chaldeans and other racial or religious minorities within these areas, and with this object a Commission composed of British, French, Italian, Persian and Kurdish representatives shall visit the spot to examine and decide what rectifications, if any, should be made in the Turkish frontier where, under the provisions of the present Treaty, that frontier coincides with that of Persia."(Article 63.)" The Turkish Government hereby agrees to accept and execute the decisions of both the Commissions mentioned in Article 62 within three months from their communication to the said Government."(Article 64.)" If within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty the Kurdish peoples within the areas defined in Article 62 shall address themselves to the Council of the League of Nations in such a manner as to show that a majority of the population of these areas desires independence from Turkey, and if the Council then considers that these peoples are capable of such independence and recommends that it should be granted to them, Turkey hereby agrees to execute such a recommendation, and to renounce all rights and title over these areas.
The air of Pau agrees with invalids and delicate constitutions, and St Jean-de-Luz and Biarritz are much frequented by winter visitors.
The number is significant, since it agrees with that found in Edriophthalmous Crustacea, and assigns the labium of the Hexapod to the same somite numerically as that which carries the labium-like maxillipedes of those Crustacea.
The truth is that, while Locke agrees entirely with Hobbes as to the egoistic basis of rational conduct, and the interpretation of " good " and " evil" as " pleasure " and " pain," or that which is productive of pleasure and pain, he yet agrees entirely with Hobbes's opponents in holding ethical rules to be actually obligatory independently of political society, and capable of being scientifically constructed on principles intuitively known, - though he does not regard these principles as implanted in the mind at birth.
The pattern of the wig-lappets has been quoted to prove that it dates from the XIIth Dynasty, but it is said that the peculiar disposition of the uraeus on its forehead agrees with that in the earliest sculptures.
This agrees with all that is known of stone-cults, but it is quite obvious that this interesting example of popular belief is far below the religious ideas of the writer of the chapter in its present form.'
The Mediterranean province is that in which the vegetation agrees most closely with that of southern France and the lowlands i By conversion from Tb.
There is, however, some evidence that Isoetes, which in several respects agrees more nearly with the Lepidodendreae, may actually represent their last degenerate survivors (see Pleuromeia, in § II., MEsozoic).
Apart from the important advance shown in the anatomy of the stem, Lyginodendron agrees structurally with Heterangium.
On the other hand, the plant-beds of the Permo-Carboniferous age in South Africa, South America, India and Australia demonstrate the existence of a widely distributed vegetation wh i ch agrees in age with the Upper Carboniferous and of the beds in which Glossopteris and other genera make FIG.
It may be said that, on the whole, the distribution of the batrachians agrees to some extent with that of fresh-water fishes, except for the much less marked affinity between South America and Africa, although even among the former we have the striking example of the distribution of the very natural group of the aglossal batrachians, represented by Pipa in South America and by Xenopus and Hymenochirus in Africa.
Beer (op. cit.) agrees that xxxvi.
There's no doubt the note is in Mrs. Shipton's handwriting—even Corday agrees with that.
Client agrees to be responsible for Translator's costs in collecting late payments due from Client, including reasonable attorneys ' fees.
This agrees with our SRT working group's conclusion for a standing commission on the ethics of non-human biotechnology.
Each year the Council reviews its service and expenditure plans and agrees a budget which runs from 1st April to 31st March.
Liz tells Larry that she has claustrophobia so Larry agrees to blow the fuse controlling the shield.
In return the franchisee agrees to pay the franchisor a royalty on all goods sold or services provided by the franchisee.
Years later, after a series of particularly grisly murders, Graham reluctantly agrees to come out of retirement and assist in the case.
In the majority of cases the respondent will be able to confirm that he/she agrees with the arrangements proposed.
Oxfam agrees that patents are important to promote innovation.
The tenant agrees to surrender this lease in return for a new fifteen year lease at £ 150,000 per annum.
David completely agrees with the concept that appraisal must be developmental and formative, not managerial and punitive.
Now, the government agrees owner occupation is the only way forward.
Whether or not one agrees with Bennett's absolute pacifism, it is a moral position that demands respect.
Susie agrees to become a prostitute to help Donna pay back the money she owes Des for drugs.
He agrees that what he calls methodological reductionism is necessary for science, and he has no objections to it.
We start with Marconi destroying this threat by himself using a hand-held rocket launcher at close range - which everyone agrees is very impressive.
And as far as grass establishment is concerned, he agrees that the grass harrow and air seeder does a good job.
She should supply you with a written and dated letter stating that she hereby agrees to surrender the tenancy forthwith.
Rhona Apps agrees that the chance of a cat owner contacting toxoplasmosis from their pet is unlikely.
It is a reasonable trade-off, agrees the Green Party's Dr. Richard Lawson.
Among the Cycadofilices a series of stages is found leading from the primitive fern-protostele to the type of siphonostele characteristic of the Cycads which agrees in essentials in all the Spermophytes.
Its chronology agrees frequently with the LXX.
This version agrees for the most part with (i.).
This agrees with the character for flattery which the minister seems to have enjoyed.
Lindsay's Church and Ministry in Early Centuries (1902) on the whole agrees with Hatch, but is too eager to find modern Presbyterianism in the early church.
This is the refutation of pessimism, which ultimately agrees with optimism in making pleasure the standard of value.
Its vapour density agrees with the molecular formula C302, and this formula is also confirmed by exploding the gas with oxygen and measuring the amount of carbon dioxide produced (see Ketenes).
And with this agrees a pottery cylindrical vessel, with official stamp on it (ÃŽâ€HM0ÃŽ£ION, &c.), and having a fine black line traced round the inside, near the top, to show its limit; this seems to be probably very accurate, and contains 58.5 cub.
This distinction agrees with that made by the gnostic Basilides no less strikingly than the Manichaean criticism of the Old Testament does with that propounded by the Marcionites (see the Acta Archelai, in which Mani is made to utter the antitheses of Marcion).
This number agrees singularly well with that determined in 1893 by Michelson, who found for the same line 6438-470o.
He differs, however, from Kant, not only because he will not allow that the given data are received from things in themselves, but also because, like Mach, he agrees with the nativists that the data already contain a spatial determinacy and a temporal determinacy, which he regards as a posteriori elements of the given, not like Kant, as a priori forms of sense.
He agrees with Leibnitz in the analysis of the material into the immaterial, but with Lotze in holding that the many immaterial elements coexist and interact.
Bury (who agrees with Ranke in rejecting the authorship of Procopius) A History of the Later Roman Empire (1889), vol.
In its rudiments it is akin to the HamitoSemitic group. It possesses two grammatical genders, not masculine and feminine, but the human and the non-human; the adjective agrees in assonance with its noun, and euphony plays a great part in verbal and nominal inflections.
Syntax.-A qualifying adjective follows its noun, and agrees with it in gender and generally in number.
Logic, therefore, agrees with epistemology (and differs from psychology) in treating thought not as mental fact but as knowledge, as idea, as having meaning in relation to an objective world.
Pretend there is a spectrum of jobs from the best in the world down to the worst and everyone agrees on the order.
Reb returns from solitary and agrees to deal drugs for Marie.
The signee of this permit has read the rules and regulations governing this event and agrees to be bound by them.
Ameliana smirks in amusement Khyrl says, " Do n't play with fire, that 's a good one " Ameliana agrees wholeheartedly.
She has n't had time to be subsumed into the culture where the Board agrees with whatever Vint says.
It is a reasonable trade-off, agrees the Green Party 's Dr. Richard Lawson.
Elyse Bender-Segall is a Manhattan-trained media specialist who brings top-level publicity experience and a "big black book" of national media contacts to each and every client she agrees to work with.
While some pet insurance providers allow you to remain with your current vet as long as he/she agrees to honor the terms of your policy, just as many insist you choose a vet from their own list of care providers.
If the creditor agrees to the settlement, you pay the settlement amount only and the creditor accepts this as paid in full.
If the creditor agrees to a reduced payment to close the account, the creditor cannot legally pursue you for full payment.
It contains the terms that the company owed money agrees to follow to help the consumer satisfy the debt.
If you don't want -or can't get- a secured card, other options are to get an affordable standard card with the help of a co-signer, who is someone who agrees to promise the creditor to be equally responsible for the debt if you don't pay.
In a case when a couple completely agrees that the marriage should end and there are no minor children involved, it's possible to file for a do it yourself divorce.
If your spouse agrees with the legal separation document, he or she must sign it.
If the respondent agrees with the provisions in the petition, he or she can file an Answer and a Waiver to the Petition, and the divorce will proceed in an uncontested manner.
The key is that everyone agrees housing will be limited to only those structures that are needed and the majority of the land is saved from development.
If your doctor agrees that valerian is safe for you, you may find it a helpful herb to help treat insomnia and anxiety with far fewer side effects than pharmaceutical drugs.
The American Cancer Society agrees that while mangosteen juice has shown to inhibit cancer cell growth in laboratory animals, it has not been tested on humans, and should not be claimed as a cure for cancer.
Not everyone agrees on whether or not an activity is fun.
A therapist can help you understand what to do and can see your teenager (if he agrees) to help him through this difficult time.
The treatment part is discussed and alternatives decided so the family is well prepared to move the intervention session forward after the patient agrees to seek professional help.
As soon as your loved one agrees to seek treatment, there is no need to continue the meeting.
Recovery may seem like a remote possibility when someone is in the throws of an addiction, but it is possible if the alcoholic agrees to get help.
That way the the addict or alcoholic can go directly jnto treatment if he agrees to do so.
If the vet agrees that your dog might be allergic to one of his food sources, he/she can conduct some tests to help isolate the exact food causing the problem.
Pet owners can also remain with their current vet, as long as that vet agrees to honor the policy.
Not every veterinarian agrees on the use of certain types of medications because many have potential health risks if used incorrectly.
While it's true that not everyone agrees on the merits of a certain product, customer reviews will provide an opportunity for you to take the general pulse of the favorability and benefits of a particular model.
In the end, everyone agrees if a player thinks it is fun, that's all that matters, whether they use the guides thoroughly or not.
Confused, and having a desire to learn about himself, he agrees to do this task.
Never one to turn down confections from a princess, he agrees and hops to it.
However, not everyone agrees on what constitutes a violent toy.
This study agrees with others which show that Asian Americans tend to be the least satisfied with quality of care.
Making an audio or visual record of your interview is always an excellent idea if your relative agrees.
Others do have to go back, but almost everyone who has had the work done agrees that the improvement is tremendous.
Refinancing a mortgage is never free, even if the mortgage lender agrees to pay all of the closing costs.
If they have a second mortgage, the lender who holds the second mortgage agrees to stay in the second position.
Price - Because the seller sets a price and the buyer agrees, usually without an appraisal, the seller can set a higher price than market value.
When a lender pre-approves, the qualifications are met and the lender agrees to lend you the money for an HUD home purchase.
However, only time will tell if she agrees to Scientology's practice of a drug-free, completely silent childbirth.
Everyone agrees that they should be abandoned as soon as possible, so that the child can become an accomplished swimmer.
She may find that, if you're being reasonable, she agrees and is not yet ready to be so exposed in public.
If you do so four times in a row, you'll hear the line where she agrees to kiss him.
While the scientific community agrees that antioxidants are good for one's health, the effectiveness of supplements is still up for debate.
Their review agrees with the first review site, Probiotic Supplement, and lists Florastor as the best probiotic.
Whatever is revealed underneath, the scratcher agrees to pay the shown amount as a donation.
Whatever the reason, once a person agrees to be a board member, the individual becomes invested in the nonprofit entity and is seen a vital part of the organization.
Most people want kids, but not everyone agrees on how many to have or when to start a family.
Your friend may be in a bad relationship and everyone agrees that it is a bad relationship including her.
Remember, though, the one thing everyone agrees on is that breakups happen, and people move on, to enjoy love again.
No one wants to hire a writer who agrees to do a project and then disappears without completing it.
If the company agrees to pay you an upfront fee, however, they are likely to require articles that meet predetermined standards for length, research, and keyword use.
A ghost writer agrees to write work that will be published under someone else's byline.
If she agrees, you can almost always find this same backpack sold by different web vendors for a better price than the Disney store offers.
Belle, star of Disney's Beauty and the Beast, is a bookish yet beautiful girl who agrees to live in the Beast's castle in exchange for the promise of her father's safety.
Uniforms are uncomfortable-While not everyone agrees with this argument, many students feel that uniforms are too restrictive, particular those that require girls to wear skirts and boys to wear shirts and ties.
As long as the rental meets HUD requirements and inspection, and the landlord agrees to the terms, you can find any qualified rental in the PHA area.
Even if the caseworker agrees to accept your application by e-mail or online submission, it is likely you will still need to make an appointment to provide verification of your application.
Burrescia agrees, stating, "The most important features to look for when shopping for a lightweight athletic shoe are fit, function and overall comfort."
Her lover agrees to marry her, but the couple must overcome his spiteful step-mother Angelica.
It's love at first sight for Dave, he asks Carmen to join him for a walk on the beach later and she agrees, but wants to bring her boyfriend along as well.
When Dr. Brown finally, agrees, the surgery is successful and Colin awakes.
Eventually, Colin's family agrees to another surgery, but when season two begins, viewers learn that Colin passed away on the operating table.
Andy offers to pay Madison if she agrees to keep the pregnancy a secret from Ephram.
Back in Everwood, Amy reluctantly agrees to help Ephram locate the baby, but the matter proves fatal for their relationship and they break-up.
Sookie is relieved to find Bill alive and agrees to help Eric with a vampire problem at Fangtasia.
The couple agrees to wed again, only this time Bobby was struck by a car and died from the injuries.
Emma agrees to wave the white flag, not knowing that Chuck had Gossip Girl read a false report.
If you can't find a piece that agrees with you, consider working with your tattoo artist to create one.
The majority of the traditional medical community agrees with the February 2009 ruling and hopes to focus on research into other possible causes of autism.
The traditional medical view of a connection between the MMR vaccine, or any childhood vaccine, and autism agrees with the statements made by U.S. Department of Health and Humans Services, the CDC and the AMA.
Current research agrees that autistic children need a structured, organized approach to learning.
President Bush agrees and is being proactive, since he knows that it may take up to two years or more before any evidence appears concerning a massive avian bird flu outbreak, or for any restrictions to be put into place.
If the employee agrees to wait until a specific date for the complete letter of recommendation, make sure you complete the letter as agreed.
Almost everyone agrees that the vehicle simply can't handle quite as impressively as a Lexus or offer the same level of comfort as a Mercedes.
When everyone understands and agrees to the same plan, things run smoother.
May 9, 1998; almost disqualified from cheer camp, Paula Abdul saves the day when she agrees to be a member of the Spartan cheerleading squad.
Not everyone agrees, but some people say a change in diet can affect hypothyroidism in a positive way.
Make sure that the definite article le/la as well as the adjective being used, agrees with the noun being described.
The consumer also benefits from this arrangement, since they are dealing with a dentist who has been screened by the insurer and who agrees to a particular service standard as a condition of joining the network.
If the insurance company's representative agrees to pay for a treatment or offers you something else, ask that person to confirm it in writing.
If the employer agrees with the employee, the application process is fairly quick.
This agreement is usually a three year service contract in which Sears agrees to provide certain repair and maintenance services.
In return for the payment, the insurer agrees to extend coverage to the customer against certain types of loss.
The reason for the increased cost is that the insurance company agrees to provide coverage to all members of the group, no matter what their current state of health is.
The parent or legal guardian should sign the form at the bottom to indicate that he or she agrees with the terms listed.
The insurance company agrees to provide coverage to all group members, regardless of their current health status or family history.
The deducible is the amount that a policyholder agrees to pay out of pocket before the insurance company will pay out on any claim.
When a person agrees to pay more themselves, the insurance company is able to offer coverage at a lower rate.
A deductible for an insurance plan is the amount that the policyholder agrees to pay personally before the company will pay out any benefits.
When a plan member agrees to pay a higher amount for his or her coverage, the insurance company offers lower premium rates.
The policyholder can choose how long the term will be, and the company agrees to provide coverage for that time.
A car insurance buyer who agrees to pay a higher amount toward the cost of a claim can qualify for lower premium rates.
Many mainstream rap songs, like those by the Black Eyed Peas, are also equally accepted in society, playing right alongside music that the general public agrees is safe, like Avril Lavigne, John Mayer, and Hoobastank.
Laid back, cool and funky, it's one of those songs that everyone agrees on.
There are a few different ideas as to where the term "boxing" came from in reference to the holiday, but almost everyone agrees that it all started in Britain.
Sometimes this results in a proposal of marriage, other times the couple agrees to continue seeing each other and find out where the relationship leads.
The teen couple agrees to a semi-open adoption, which allows them to visit their baby as she grows.
This agrees with the ancient Greek word for butterflies, "psyche."
When he agrees to follow Darth Sidious, he is dubbed Darth Vader.
Whether or not everyone agrees in this practice also called refereeing, it continues and is generally accept by those in the academic arena.
Almost everybody agrees that the past is fixed and immutable.
Not everyone agrees that the attention is good, however.
While people don't agree on the "how", almost everyone agrees that it is necessary - and so it is included in the packages.
He says Memon agrees to your banquet, but in two days.
But this idea involves the further conception of Leibnitz, that of a pre-established harmony, by which the Creator has taken care to arrange the life of each monad, so that it agrees with that of all others.
The Halberstadt pitch is nearly a semitone higher, which again agrees with the statement of Praetorius, and also Schlick's high C organ.
In thus looking forward to a shaking of all nations Haggai agrees with earlier prophecies, especially Isa.
In conclusion, it is noteworthy that though resorting to utterly fanciful hypotheses respecting the order of the development of the world, Anaximander agrees with modern evolutionists in conceiving the heavenly bodies as arising out of an aggregation of diffused matter, and in assigning to organic life an origin in the inorganic materials of the primitive earth (pristine mud).
It agrees with the vigorous development of this worship that the Three Provinces, though romanized, retained their own local feeling.
This agrees with the beginning of the speculation of Basilides.
Next, the Judaean compiler regularly finds in Israel's troubles the punishment for its schismatic idolatry; nor does he spare Judah, but judges its kings by a standard which agrees with the standpoint of Deuteronomy and is scarcely earlier than the end of the 7th century B.C. (§§ 16, 20).
The reasons for believing that this roll was substantially identical with the book of Deuteronomy were already appreciated by Jerome, Chrysostom, Theodoret and others,' and a careful examination shows that the character of the reformation which followed agrees in all its essential features with the prescriptions and exhortations of that book.
This last value agrees very closely with a determination made by Gill at the Cape of Good Hope, and most other recent determinations give values exceeding 20.50".
With this the whole standpoint of the prophecy agrees.
This agrees with the well-known fact that the presence of an impurity in a substance depresses its melting-point.
It agrees with his subordinate position in portions of ch.
Swinburne agrees with Gifford in thinking Ford the author of the whole of the first act; and he is most assuredly right in considering that "there is no more admirable exposition of a play on the English stage."
But this passage is the sequel to the rejection of Saul in xv., and Samuel's position agrees with that of the late writer in vii., viii.