Agree Sentence Examples
We both agree that you need to get out of this place for a while.
I agree with you.
I know you agree with me.
He wanted to agree out of anger but couldn't.
I was simply stating that I agree with the man.
I'm sure we can all agree to that.
We have had to agree on a certain set of rules, called etiquette and politeness, to make this frequent meeting tolerable and that we need not come to open war.
Before you all agree, hear me out.
Then you agree to give it some more thought?
You both must agree to the terms you made, and I will agree on behalf of the Council.
AdvertisementWhy he chose to agree, I don't know.
How did you persuade Mother to agree to this?
I don't agree with him; but I suppose we shall have to leave our little bower very soon.
They sat there and pretended to agree, or at least consider the alternatives and ramifications as presented.
She did not agree with the commander's orders to kill anyone who stepped within range.
AdvertisementShe couldn't agree with him more, but it was an unusual viewpoint for a man.
That is, agree in principle but decline any personal accountability.
She nodded, willing to agree to anything if it meant she could see Jonny.
It was so easy to agree and sink into his strength, let the scent of dark chocolate work its way into her skin as his hands moved over her.
While Dean was fully exonerated from any wrongdoing in the unfortunate affair, either Fitzgerald failed to agree with the determination or simply despised being judged wrong.
AdvertisementMaybe I don't always agree with you, but that's okay, isn't it?
I agree with them.
I will agree to anything.
I agree with Betsy.
Dean couldn't agree more.
AdvertisementI agree with all you have said.
Only if you agree to stay for the dinner party.
You only have to agree once.
The third was for you to agree to be my lifemate.
Because he would agree.
I don't suppose he'd agree.
But I.ll have to agree, Kris.
Kind of hard not to agree at that point.
I want to ask you to agree to protect me.
Though I don't agree with the gentleman...
Because, you will agree, chere Marie, to fall into the hands of the soldiers or of riotous peasants would be terrible.
You drive a hard bargain, but I agree.
He might not agree.
Brennan gave me the phone number even though I didn't agree to call.
If you're going to go to work for the woman—and God knows she needs your help—she has to agree to the rules of engagement.
Then perhaps you'll agree to let me try for my own edification?
My mother asked you to agree to me having another man's child?
He's a cutie all right, but I have to agree with Katie.
Da Bormida, the minister for foreign affairs, resigned nab rather than agree to the proposal, and other statesmen ana the were equally opposed to it.
All authorities agree that he was not only good-looking, but kindly and well-bred.
If that activity displeases somebody, this is only because it does not agree with his limited understanding of what is good.
By the confidence in his voice, he expected her not only to agree, but to resume her place on his arm.
Incredible handiwork, don't you agree?
For a long moment, she didn't think he'd agree.
You have never once invited us here, maybe because we never agree on anything?
Frankly, I agree he was being a pain in the ass, but you quit being a detective when you left the East—we're the guys still on the job.
I didn't agree with that.
Didn't we agree that you would be head of the household?
Observations on the Sonnblick agree with those at low-level stations in showing a diminution of dissipation with increase of relative humidity.
These by no means necessarily agree with the Code.
Burmite and simetite agree also in being destitute of succinic acid.
Faith and reason partly agree, partly diverge.
The pacification of the island, however, was delayed by the presence of the Turkish troops and the inability of the powers to agree in the choice of a new governorgeneral.
In these broad anatomical features both classes agree.
The reformed Aristotelian logic of the first-named with its inductio demonstrativa, the mathematicophysical analysis followed by synthesis of the second, the exclusiva, or method of exclusions of the last, agree at least in this, that the method of science is one and indivisible, while containing both an inductive and a deductive moment.
Some of you will not agree with me.
Her husband couldn't help but agree.
She was inclined to agree.
I agree with Dan—someone in the government wants to start another civil war.
I agree with Mums.
In honoring her beliefs regarding chastity – even when he didn't agree, he had expressed his respect for her.
For once, I agree with that ass.
They agree very well with experiment, and require us to suppose that the vibrations are perpendicular to the plane of polarization.
He claimed to be recognized as guardian of his young son Philip and as regent of the Netherlands, but some of the states refused to agree to his demands and disorder was general.
We must, however, agree with Starkie Gardner that it is only Miocene as regards its present position, which was originally farther north, and that its actual origin was much earlier.
They also agree in the general structure of the nephridia.
It did little to satisfy the Radicals, who were angered by the refusal of the second' chamber to agree to their proposal for the summoning of a+.
It is generally and traditionally praised, but those who have read it will be more disposed to agree with Charles Lamb, who considers it "of a vile and debasing tendency," and thinks it "almost impossible to suppose the author in earnest."
For most of these, however, we have no authority but Lee's own impressions of style, &c.; and consequently, though the best qualified judges will in most cases agree that Defoe may very likely have written them, it cannot positively be stated that he did.
Otherwise these snakes agree with the aglyphous Colubridae.
He now proposed to define absolute temperature as proportional to the reciprocal of Carnot's function, so as to agree as closely as possible with the scale of the gas thermometer.
Writers who follow Harnack explain " holy spirit " as the gift of impersonal influence, and between wide limits of difference agree in regarding Christ as Son of God by adoption and not by nature.
As to the confusion of Babylonian names - in which, by the way, the Hebrew and Greek authors do not agree - it is explained that the general, Belshazzar, was perhaps more directly known in Palestine than his father the king.
The results coincide with Maxwell's so far as above stated, though the numerical coefficients do not agree.
Then Wohler's results agree closely with the rule, kmax.
Thus two states can agree to neutralize specific territory as between them.
These forms all agree in making the frequency negative when s falls below a certain value sp. Rydberg's second law states that if the main branch series is taken, the numerical value of np_I corresponding to sp_ I is equal.
However this may be, we find amongst his writings - intermediate, as it would seem, between the Socratic conversations of his first period of literary activity and the metaphysical disquisitions of a later time - a series of dialogues which, however varied their ostensible subjects, agree in having a direct bearing upon education.
The highest pressures recorded for cane-sugar are nearly three times as great as those given by van't Hoff's formula for the gas-pressure, but agree very well with the vapour-pressure theory, as modified by Callendar, provided that we substitute for V in Arrhenius's formula the actual specific volume of the solvent in the solution, and if we also assume that each molecule of sugar in solution combines with 5 molecules of water, as required by the observations on the depression of the freezing-point and the rise of the boiling-point.
The allusions which fix the dates when his satires first appeared, and the large experience of life which they imply, agree with the statement that he did not come before the world as a professed satirist till after middle age.
Ignoring the declaration of the Great Powers that" under no circumstances would they agree to any change in the status quo in S.E.
The conspirators imagined that a terrorized and helpless government would readily agree to all their demands.
People broadly agree that government should do at least this much.
Through the adoption of standardized treaties, they can enter into economic agreements, adopt the same weights and measures, and agree to honor the intellectual property of the others.
It is only possible to capture prisoners if they agree to be captured, just as it is only possible to catch a swallow if it settles on one's hand.
But if you didn't agree, why didn't you contest it at the time?
Romas said you're being a five-year-old, and I agree!
A'Ran held out his arm as well, saying, "I agree."
Couldn't agree more. As fast as you can, Katie. Things are looking bad.
Dean felt strongly compelled to agree.
No Protestant, of course, can agree with Roman Catholic theology that (supernatural) faith is an obedient assent to church authority and the mysteries it dictates.
In fact, the means of the best determinations of each of these quantities separately agree with one another more closely than do the various values of either.
In 1877 he was offered the post of vice-chancellor with a seat in the Prus s ian ministry, but refused it because Bismarck or the king would not agree to his conditions.
In March 1848 he made a speech before the Confederation which led to his arrest for sedition, but at his trial the jury failed to agree and he was discharged.
Thus one may note the reshaping of older material to agree with later thought, the building up of past periods from the records of other periods, and a frequent loss of perspective.
This Polycrates firmly refused to agree to, and urged many weighty reasons to the contrary, whereupon Victor proceeded to excommunicate Polycrates and the Christians who continued the Eastern usage.
Vezhdovsky's figures of Rhynchelmis agree with those of Bergh in showing the backward growth of the nephridium from the funnel cell.
Neither during his life nor after his death did any two people agree about him.
In 1311 the king was forced to agree to the election of the "ordainers," and the ordinances they drew up provided inter alia for the perpetual banishment of his favourite.
The live animals are judged and subsequently the carcases, and, though the results sometimes agree, more often they do not.
Here we need only further draw attention to the osphradium, discovered by Lacaze-Duthiers, and shown by Spengel to agree in its innervation with that organ in all other Gastropoda.
In all main points of their internal structure the Hexapoda agree with other Arthropoda.
All these orders agree in the possession of biting mandibles, while their second maxillae have the inner and outer lobes usually distinct.
The law of England - and the laws of Scotland and Ireland agree with it on this point - recognizes no absolute private ownership of land.
Catulus was the last princeps senates of republican times; he held the office of censor also, but soon resigned, being unable to agree with his colleague Licinius Crassus.
All grass and weeds must be kept down, and the crust must be broken after every rain, but these seem to be the only principles upon which all agree.
These relations have been more thoroughly tested in the case of organic compounds, and the results obtained agree in some measure with the deductions from molecular volumes.
The results go to show that, where the existence of complex ions is not indicated by varying transport numbers, the observed velocities agree with those calculated on Kohlrausch's theory.
These numbers agree with those indicated by theory, viz.
Since the poles of different magnets differ in strength, it is important to agree upon a definite unit or standard of reference in terms of which the strength of a pole may be numerically specified.
The results, nevertheless, agree very well with those for annealed wrought iron obtained by other methods.
The tribunal is to sit at the Hague when practicable, unless the parties otherwise agree.
This would be as if two men were to agree to draw lots as to which should commit suicide in order to avoid fighting a duel.
Thus if A be selfluminous, the illumination is a maximum at B, where all the secondary waves agree in phase.
Both agree in having nothing that can be termed a metamorphosis; they are active from the time of their exit from the egg to their death, gradually increasing in size, and undergoing several moults or changes of skin.
In all mercurial thermometers there is a slight depression of the ice-point after exposure to high temperatures; it is also not uncommon to find that the readings of two thermometers between the iceand boiling-points fail to agree at any intermediate temperature, although the iceand boiling-points of both have been determined together with perfect accuracy, and the intervening spaces have been equally divided.
In 1891, with the object of getting the total duration of the dynasties to agree with the chronological system of Berossus and with the statement of Nabonidus concerning Khammurabi's date, Peiser proposed to emend the figure given by the Kings' List for the length of Dynasty III.
His unwillingness to agree to the coalition was magnified into a determination to defeat it, though it is quite obvious that he could only gain by the humiliation of Frederick, and nothing was ever proved against him.
The last two passages agree in speaking of the capture of Jerusalem, the first declares Zion inviolable, and its capture an impossible profanation.
But the climate did not agree with him, and his official duties interfered with his theological studies.
The feeding habits of the adult may agree with that of the larva, or differ, as in the case of wasps which feed their grubs on flies, but eat principally vegetable food themselves.
On the other hand, it was Tirpitz who not only conducted the practical advocacy of these schemes in the Reichstag, but also organized the service of propaganda in the German press and on the platform, putting popular pressure on the parliamentary representatives of the nation and constraining them to agree to the enormous expenditure which these schemes entailed.
They agree, for instance, with that family in the presence of a descending flange at the hinder end of each side of the lower jaw; but their dentition is of a more generalized type, comprising the full series of 44 teeth, among which the incisors and canines are of normal form, but specially enlarged, and developing roots in the usual manner.
Although concerned principally with ecclesiastical affairs scholars agree in regarding the Historiae as one of the ablest and most valuable writings of its kind.
That the results do not agree even 1 " On the Cohesions of Fluids," Phil.
In May 1787 he was elected a delegate to the Convention which drew up the Federal Constitution, this body thus having a member upon whom all could agree as chairman, should Washington be absent.
They were able to agree on fourteen out of the fifteen " Marburg Articles," which stated the chief points in the Christian faith as they were accepted by both.
Celsus and Porphyry are the two early literary opponents of Christianity who have most claim to consideration, and it is worth noticing that, while they agree alike in high aims, in skilful address and in devoted toil, their religious standpoints are widely dissimilar.
We did not agree in all things, but we did in some, and those we pulled at together.
In addition to such supplementary information, another tendency of the chronicler is the alteration of narratives that do not agree with the later doctrines of the uniformity of religious institutions before and after the exile.
It was assumed that the individual members of society, by express or implied pact, agree to obey some person or persons; sometimes it is described as an unqualified handing over; sometimes it is a transfer subject to qualifications, and with notice that in certain contingencies this will be withdrawn.
The capacity of a person to agree of to arbitration, or to act as arbitrator, depends on the general law of contract.
If this date is left blank, practice has limited the arbiter's power of deciding to a year and a day, unless, having express or clearly implied power in the submission, he exercises this power, or the parties expressly or tacitly agree to its prorogation.
A somewhat different conception of the sovereign's functions was that of Disraeli's great rival, Gladstone, who, though his respect for the person and office of the sovereign was unbounded, not only expected all people, the queen included, to agree with him when he changed his mind, but to become suddenly enthusiastic about his new ideas.
The queen must say that she cannot view without alarm possible consequences of another year of agitation on the Irish Church, and she would ask the archbishop seriously to consider, in case the concessions to which the government may agree should not go so far as he may himself wish, whether the postponement of the settlement for another year may not be likely to result in worse rather than in better terms for the Church.
All critics agree, indeed, that the Arakcheev administration was the golden era of the Russian artillery.
Charles the Bald accordingly seized the whole kingdom; but Louis, having recovered, compelled him by a threat of war to agree to the treaty of Mersen, which divided it between the claimants.
The hind limbs are very strong; the massive femur has a large pneumatic foramen; the tibia has a bony bridge on the anterior surface of the lower portion, a character in which the moas agree only with Apteryx amongst the other Ratitae.
Another important point, in which the moas agree with the other Ratitae and differ from the kiwis, are the branched, instead of simple, porous canals in the eggshell.
The position of Poland was, consequently, much more advantageous than it had been on every other similar occasion, and if only the contending factions had been able to agree and unite, the final catastrophe might, perhaps, even now, have been averted.
It seems certain that the Old Syriac version also contained the Acts and Pauline epistles, as Aphraates and Ephraem agree in quoting a text which differs from the Peshito, but no MSS.
Yet it appears to be only an approximate relation, and therefore probably accidental, as the volume by the examples is too large to agree to the cube of the length or to the weight, differing 1/20, or sometimes even as 1/12.
The papyri of the " sayings " date from the 3rd century and most scholars agree that the " sayings " themselves go back to the and.
However different in structure Trilobites may be, they all agree in possessing a head-shield usually semi-circular in shape, which results from the fusion of apparently five segments, and bears, except in some blind forms, a pair of large reniform compound eyes like those of the king-crab (Xiphosura).
About the foundation of Halicarnassus various traditions were current; but they agree in the main point as to its being a Dorian colony, and the figures on its coins, such as the head of Medusa, Athena and Poseidon, or the trident, support the statement that the mother cities were Troezen and Argos.
The appointment of churchwardens is regulated by the 89th canon, which requires that the churchwardens shall be chosen by the joint consent of the ministers and parishioners, if it may be; but if they cannot agree upon such a choice, then the minister is to choose one, and the parishioners another.
Ridewood have shown that in gill-structure the Pectinacea agree with the Filibranchia and the Ostraeacea with the Eulamellibranchia, and accordingly the order Pseudolamellibranchia is now suppressed and its members divided between the two other orders mentioned.
Lastly, the two works agree in reducing the Categories to substance and its belongings (inrapxovra).
So can we men, not, as Plato thought, by having in our souls universal principles innate but forgotten, but by acquiring universal principles from sense, which is the origin of knowledge, arrive at judgments which are true, and true because they agree with the things which we know by sense, by inference and by science.
Among the Joseph-tribes (Ephraim and Manasseh), the most important of Israelite divisions, the traditions of an ancestor who had lived and died in Egypt would be a cherished possession, but although most writers agree that not all the tribes were in Egypt, it is impossible to determine their number with any certainty.
They agree with primitive nephridia in being of ectodermic origin, in consisting of perforated cells in linear series, and in having no communication with the coelom.
In all rodents the upper incisors resemble the lower ones in growing uninterruptedly from persistent pulps, and (except in the hare group, Duplicidentata) agree with them in number.
After succeeding with great difficulty in inducing the cabinet to agree to a compromise on the corn laws, Huskisson finally resigned office in May 1829 on account of a difference with his colleagues in regard to the disfranchisement of East Retford.
Thirdly, the signatory powers agree that it shall not be regarded as an unfriendly act if one or more powers, strangers to the dispute, on their own initiative offer their good offices or mediation to the states in disagreement, or even during hostilities, if war has already broken out.
It may be difficult to agree in the latter case on a principle for assessment of the proportionate fighting value of the respective fleets.
If the members are not agreed, the subject is adjourned to another session, and still another, until they do agree.
If we compare Balmer's formula with the general equation of Ritz, we find that the two can be made to agree if the ordinary hydrogen spectrum is that of the side branch series and the constants a', b, c and d are all put equal to zero.'
In a word, Mach and Kirchhoff agree that force is not a cause, convert Newtonian reciprocal action into mere interdependency, and, in old terminology, reduce mechanics from a natural philosophy of causes to a natural history of mere facts.
They do not all agree with one another, or perhaps even with the title.
Although he does not agree with Kant that either the formal element in sense or the synthesis of sensations is a priori, yet in very Kantian fashion, through not distinguishing between operation and object, he holds that, in synthetically combining sensations of touch and sight, we not only have a complex perception of a solid body, but also know this " object thought of " as itself the complex of these sensations objectified.
On the whole, then, the earliest traditions in East and West alike agree in effect, viz.
How much older they may have been we have no means of determining, but our authorities agree in assigning to them a dateless antiquity.
The climate of Tibet varies so greatly over the enormous area and different altitudes of the country that no two travellers agree precisely in their records.
This separation causes a difference of potential, which can be calculated and is found to agree with the values obtained experimentally.
These gases agree with argon in respect of the ratio of the specific heats and in being non-oxidizable under the electric spark.
Both species agree in their predaceous habits, omnivorous diet and great fecundity.
At length in September 1645 the elector was compelled to agree to a truce with the Swedes, who, however, retained Leipzig; and as far as Saxony' was concerned this ended the Thirty Years' War.
In refusing to agree to the offer of the imperial crown to Frederick William IV, Maximilian had the support of his parliament.
On the 17th it instructed Sir Hyde Parker to agree to a suspension of hostilities, and not to take active measures against Russia so long as the Reval squadron did not put to sea.
The majority of Greek cursives agree generally with the Latin Vulgate, and offer the fuller text in a corrupt form.
The Gospels agree in regarding Cephas or Peter as an additional name, which was given by Christ.
One of these is that they agree that their privilege to issue private notes may be withdrawn at one years notice without compensation.
They failed, infact, to agree upon any of Austria.
In Germany itself the king made scarcely any pretence of exercising the supreme authority; for nearly thirty years he never attended the imperial diet, and the suggestions which were made for his deposition failed only because the electors could not agree upon a successor.
Notwithstanding the absence of chlorophyll, and the consequent parasitic or saprophytic habit, Bacteriaceae agree in so many morphological features with Cyanophyceae that the affinity can hardly be doubted.
The parties agree that any notices of Dispute or other communications addressed to LoveToKnow Corp. will be sent by Certified or Registered Mail, return receipt requested to the above address, and deemed delivered as of the date of signing of the return receipt or the first date of a refusal to sign.
These neossoptiles or first feathers bear no resemblance to those of the Anseriform birds, but agree in detail with those of spoonbills, the young of which the little flamingos resemble to a striking extent, but they leave the nest soon after their birth to shift for themselves like ducks and geese.
Sectionalism had a big influence on issues in the Civil War because the northern states didn't agree with the southern states.
These the duke had to concede, and to agree further to the appointment of a council to assist him in his administration.
The records do not agree as to the date of the arrival of these chieftains or the motives which led them to come to Britain.
Porcius Cato sets forth the doctrine of the Stoics which is shown by Cicero to agree with that of Antiochus of Ascalon; in v.
These often agree with CZ against M, and the readings of CZZ are generally superior.
This is found not to agree with the facts at all.
He too saw its resemblance to chlorine, and was obliged to agree with Davy's opinion as to its simple nature, though not without some hesitation, due doubtless to his previous declaration about chlorine.
But the place did not agree with him, and he returned to Samarra, where he caused a magnificent quarter to be built 3 m.
For nearly a year the diplomatic pourparlers continued without an agreement being reached; France insisted on Mehemet Ali's receiving the hereditary pashalik of Syria as well as that of Egypt, a proposition to which Palmerston, though sincerely anxious to preserve the Anglo-French entente, refused to agree.
When therefore, on the 8th of October, Guizot, in an interview with Palmerston, presented what was practically an ultimatum on the part of France, "it was determined that this intimation should be met in a friendly spirit, and that Lord Palmerston should see the Ministers of the other powers and agree with them to acquaint the French that they with England would use their good offices to induce the Porte not to insist on the deprivation of Mehemet Ali so far as Egypt is concerned."
Officially then the Church identifies Christianity with the position outlined above, and hostile critics agree to this identification, rejecting the faith in the name of philosophic and scientific truth.
The Phoenician alphabet was an alphabet of consonants only, but all Greek alphabets as yet known agree in employing A, E, I, 0, Y as vowels.
Contemporary observers agree that the disease was introduced from the East; and one eyewitness, Gabriel de Mussis, an Italian lawyer, traced, or indeed accompanied, the march of the plague from the Crimea (whither it was said to have been introduced from Tartary) to Genoa, where with a handful of survivors of a Genoese expedition he landed probably at the end of the year 1347.
All contemporary accounts agree that Washington was of imposing presence.
Several early writers agree in saying that the Cimbri occupied a peninsula, and in the map of Ptolemy Jutland appears as the Cimbric Chersonese.
In relative clauses the verb is sometimes made to agree; but in the oldest poetry we generally find the singular verb, as in the oft-repeated Gododin phrase Grvyr a aeth Gatraeth, " men who went (to) Catraeth " (not Gwyr a aethant).
The working of the system in modern times is perhaps too controversial a question to be discussed here; but one or two points may be noted on which all fairly well informed writers would probably agree.
Still more recently many Baptist churches have considered it right to admit to full membership persons professing faith in Christ, who do not agree with them respecting the ordinance of baptism.
Verse 19 is metrically redundant, and the last clauses do not agree with what follows.
They agree with fishes in the possession of median fins, and resemble the large majority of early fishes in their unequal-lobed (heterocercal) tail, but they have no ordinary a.v.l., c., Central.
The renal organs of the oyster were discovered by Hoek to agree in their morphological relations with those of other lamellibranchs.
Sometimes an entirely milk diet is useful, but in others it does not agree, and a more liberal diet is essential.
The failure of the dictatorship and the inability of the monarchists to agree upon any common policy had discredited the existing regime, and at the general election of August 1910 the Republican candidates in Lisbon 1910.
Though differing on many points, they agree in thinking (I) that the island of Sphagia is the ancient Sphacteria, Palaeokastro the ancient Coryphasium or Pylos; (2) that in 425 B.C. the lagoon of Osman Aga was navigable and communicated by a navigable channel with the Bay of Navarino; (3) that Thucydides, if the MS. reading is correct, underestimates the length of the island, which he gives as 15 stades instead of 24 (nearly 3 m.), and also the breadth of the southern channel between it and the mainland.
In the case of a combination the expenses are defrayed by the several councils in such proportion as they may agree upon, and the proportion may be fixed with reference to either the accommodation required by each council or the population of the district.
We cannot, therefore, agree with Dr Salmon's remark that the only reason why Justin attributed magic to Simon of Gitta was because of his identifying him with Simon Magus.
Clement had died in April 1314, but the cardinals assembled at Carpentras were unable to agree as to his successor.
It should also be remarked that even if the curves were not parabolas, it would always be possible to draw parabolas to agree closely with the observations over a restricted range of temperature.
Then they all agree to set the price per flip at $1,000.
All climates agree with brave Chanticleer.
No, I can't agree with you!
No, I shall not agree with you, and you do not really believe what you are saying.
I shall never agree with you, said Pierre.
A man who simply wished to retain his lucrative post would today agree with Pfuel, tomorrow with his opponent, and the day after, merely to avoid responsibility or to please the Emperor, would declare that he had no opinion at all on the matter.
All historians agree that the external activity of states and nations in their conflicts with one another is expressed in wars, and that as a direct result of greater or less success in war the political strength of states and nations increases or decreases.
All that may be so and mankind is ready to agree with it, but it is not what was asked.
Still, Fred refused to agree.
If you agree to let me fasten your other arm and drop this pillow case over your head so you can't see, I'll let you chat with our friend, but that's the only way.
Maybe she would get desperate enough to agree with that some day.
She didn't come here to discuss adoption with Mums and AI wasn't something she would ever agree to.
So you agree that a relationship between a man and a woman can be platonic.
Darian smiled, doubting the White God would remotely agree with the two women before him but proud of them nonetheless.
I don't always agree with his views on how to raise children either, but we don't contest each other in front of the children.
I'm afraid Alex wouldn't agree.
When you agree to do what I want.
Those who favour state connexion and those who oppose it agree in claiming spiritual independence as a fundamental principle of Presbyterianism.
Provided the parties could agree, the Code left them free to contract as a rule.
Custom or public opinion doubtless secured that the parties would not agree to wrong.
There is also a provision that only three-fourths of the jurors may be required to agree to a verdict in civil cases, although the legislature has the power to require by statute a unanimous agreement.
These worms lay cocoons like the Oligochaeta and leeches, and where they depart from the structure of the Oligochaeta agree with that of leeches.
Some of the states have usury laws giving relief to borrowers in cases where circumstances have compelled them to agree to extortionate rates; but other states have no such laws, except that a contract in writing is invariably required in all cases where the "legal rate" is exceeded.
The remedy is to make the plane of its surface agree with that of the ground.
All authorities agree that the Chinese in early years were often abused in the mining country and their rights most unjustly neglected by the law and its officers.
On the point of doctrine all good judges agree that Fenelon was wrong; though many still welcome the obiter dictum of Pope Innocent, that Fenelon erred by loving God too much, and Bossuet by loving his neighbour too little.
For reason is consistent in the general conceptions wherein all men agree, because in all alike they are of spontaneous growth.
Setting forth these views, candidly and calmly, in a sermon, he found his congregation, not unnaturally, reluctant to agree with him, and therefore retired, not without some disappointment, from the pastoral office.
Modern criticism naturally made the superscription its startingpoint, endeavouring first to explain the contents of the writing on this theory of authorship, but generally reaching the conclusion that the two do not agree.
This Swift would not agree to.
A new genus of conifers, Taiwania, has recently been described from the island of Formosa; it is said to agree in habit with the Japanese Cryptomeria, but the cones appear to have a structure which distinguishes them from those of any other genus.
In the more heterogeneous structure of the wood and in the possession of true vessels the Gnetales agree closely with the higher flowering plants.
It is remarkable that all the insectivorous plants agree in inhabiting damp heaths, bogs, marshes and similar situations where water is abundant, but where they are not brought into contact with the plenteous supply of inorganic nitrogenous food as are the roots of terrestrial plants.
Several estimates have been made which agree well together; whether direct use is made of known parallaxes, or comparison is made with binaries of well-determined orbits of the same spectral type as the sun, in which therefore it may be assumed there is the same relation between mass and brilliancy (Gore), the result is found that the sun's magnitude is - 26.5, or the sun is Io n times as brilliant as a first magnitude star; it would follow that the sun viewed from a Centauri would appear as of magnitude 0.7, and from a star of average distance which has a parallax certainly less than o 1 ", it would be at least fainter than the fifth magnitude, or, say, upon the border-line for naked-eye visibility.
The king returned to Naples soon afterwards, and ordered wholesale arrests and executions of supposed Liberals, which continued until the French successes forced him to agree to a treaty in which amnesty for members of the French party was included.
As far as the anatomy of the zooid is concerned, the majority of the stony or madreporarian corals agree exactly with the soft-bodied Actinians, such as Actinia equina, both in the number and arrange 4 4 ¢ 2 4 FIG.
The systems adopted for numeration and for notation do not always agree with one another; nor do they always correspond with the idea which the numbers subjectively present.
In reality there is a transition from a cardinal to an ordinal system, but to an ordinal system which does not agree with the original ordinal system from which the cardinal system was derived.
Many Pelmatozoa have, it is true, no stalk, while some are freely-moving, but all agree in the possession of certain characters obviously connected with a fixed mode of life.
It will be seen that with the exception of the Grand Saint Graal, which has now been practically converted into an introduction to the Quete, no two versions agree with each other; indeed, with the exception of the oldest Gawain-Grail visit, that due to Bleheris, they do not agree with themselves, but all show, more or less, the influence of different and discordant versions.
Not only did he agree to receive Stephen Langton as archbishop, to restore all the exiled clergy to their benefices, and to pay them handsome compensation for all their losses during the last five years, but be took the strange and ignominious step of declaring that he ceded his whole kingdom to the pope, to hold as his vassal.
The king, therefore, thought it best to agree to terms of pacification.
Pitt died on the 23rd of January, and the refusal of Lord Hawkesbury to assume the premiership forced the king to Death of summon Lord Grenville, and to agree to the inclusion Pitt.
Lord Stratford soon discovered that Prince Menshikov was the hearer of larger demands, and that he was requiring the Porte to agree to a treaty acknowledging the right of.
Its members were unable to agree upon.
We are disposed to agree with the Brazilian historian Constancio that Maranon is derived from the Spanish word marana, a tangle, a snarl, which well represents the bewildering difficulties which the earlier explorers met in navigating not only the entrance to the Amazon, but the whole island-bordered, river-cut and indented coast of the now Brazilian province of Maranhao.
They are separated from fishes and batrachians (Pisces and Batrachians) on the one hand, and agree with reptiles, and birds (Reptilia and A y es) on the other, in the possession during intra-uterine life of the membranous vascular structures respectively known as the amnion and the allantois, and likewise in the absence at this or any other period of external gills.
The accounts of its institution, which differ in detail, agree that it was intended to appease the wrath of the goddess at the killing of a bear.
Unlike as they are in many respects, the two orders agree in being heterosporous.
Regarding this as a collar-cavity, it becomes possible to agree with Masterman that the region shown in fig.
Four distinct philosophical schools trace their immediate origin to the circle that gathered round Socrates - the Megarian, the Platonic, the Cynic and the Cyrenaic. The impress of the master is manifest on all, in spite of the wide differences that divide them; they all agree in holding the most important possession of man to be wisdom or knowledge, and the most important knowledge to be knowledge of Good.
In fact men commonly recognize such an end, and agree to call it well-being 1 (EUSatµovia).
The combination of antecedents is somewhat differently given by different writers; but all agree in representing the conscience of any individual as naturally correlated to the interests of the community of which he is a member, and thus a natural ally in enforcing utilitarian rules, or even a valuable guide when utilitarian calculations are difficult and uncertain.
As regards the date, Fritzsche, Ball and Ryssel agree in assigning this psalm to the Maccabean period.
Thousands of the dark lines in the solar spectrum agree absolutely in wave-length with the bright rays artificially obtained from known substances, and appertaining to them individually.
The old historians agree that Ireland was ruled by a succession of Milesian monarchs until the reign of Roderick O'Connor, the last native king.
Three or four poor members of a sept might combine their property and agree to form a " joint family," one of whom ' See D'Arbois de Jubainville, Revue celtique, xxv.
There are Old-Irish Catholics, under pope's nuncios, under Abba O'Teague of the excommunications, and Owen Roe O'Neill, demanding not religious freedom only, but what we now call ` repeal of the union,' and unable to agree with Catholics of the English Pale.
The distinction is of greater importance than would appear when one realizes how obvious the facts really are, and in practice it happens frequently that speakers claim with success to disprove a proposition by disproving the fact alleged in support of it, or to establish a hypothesis by showing that facts agree with its consequences.
They did not at once agree on - Charless successor; for some of them chose Eudes (Odo), son of Robert the Strong, for his brilliant defence of Paris against the Normans in 885; others Guy, duke of Spoleto in Italy, who had himself crowned at Langres; while many wished for Arnulf, illegitimate son of Carloman, king of Germany and emperor.
The writer's observations agree more nearly with the assumption s=constant, those of Stansfield with s=c/T.
We are told that some of these ancient scientists passed years of their lives studying the wonders of bee-life, and left accurate records of their observations, which on many points agree with the investigations of later observers.
For four years he ruled without a budget, taking advantage of an omission in the constitution which did not specify what was to happen in case the crown and the two Houses could not agree on a budget.
He showed also that the value of the former depended often both upon the intensity of the pressure and upon the length of time during which contact had lasted, both of which facts quite agree with what we should expect from our knowledge of the physical nature, already mentioned, of the causes of friction.
On the 11th of May 1895 the three powers presented to the sultan a complicated scheme of reforms which was more calculated to increase than to lessen the difficulties connected with the government of Armenia; but it was the only one to which Russia would agree.
But both stories agree that thereafter a new wife was brought to him every night, and on the morrow passed into the second house of the women (Esther), or was slain (Nights).
Superstition as to the appearance of the pie still survives even among many educated persons, and there are several versions of a rhyming adage as to the various turns of luck which its presenting itself, either alone or in company with others, is supposed to betoken, though all agree that the sight of a single pie presages sorrow.
The geographical position of Erytheia is unknown, but all ancient authorities agree that it was in the far west.
He did not like to agree with him in everything and felt a wish to contradict.
Almost all strobili of the Calamarieae are constructed on the same general lines as those of Equisetum, with which some agree exactly; in most, however, the organization was more complex, the complexity consisting in the intercalation of whorls of sterile bracts, between those of the sporangiophores.
In most other respects the two genera agree; there is evidence for the occurrence of heterospory in some strobili referred to Palaeostachya.
The morphology of Stigmaria has been much discussed; possibly the main axes, which do not agree perfectly either with rhizomes or roots, may best be regarded as comparable with the rhizophores of Selaginellae; they have also been compared with the embryonic stem, or protocorm, of certain species of Lycopodium; the homologies of the appendages with the roots of recent Lycopods appear manifest.
In certain cases the anatomical structure of these leaves is known, and found to agree generally with that of recent coriaceous fern-fronds.
The evidence for terrestrial Silurian vegetation is still dubious; apart from some obscure North American specimens, the true nature of which is not established, Potonie has described well-characterized Pteridophytes (such as the fern-like Sphenopteridium and Bothrodendron among Lycopods) from supposed Silurian strata in North Germany; the horizon, however, appears to be open to much doubt, and the specimens agree so nearly with some from the Lower Carboniferous as to render their Silurian age difficult of credence.
In Australia, South America and South Africa a few plants have been found which agree closely with Lower Carboniferous types of the northern hemisphere.
The majority of Mesozoic stems agree in external appearance with those of recent species of Encephalartos, Macrozamia, and some other genera; the trunk is encased in a mass of persistent petiole-bases separated from one another by a dense felt or packing of scaly ramenta.
Among the more abundant Conifers of Jurassic age may be mentioned such genera as Thuytes and Cupressites, which agree in their vegetative characters with members of the Cupressineae, but our knowledge of the cones is far from satisfactory.
Among the characteristics of this Miocene flora are the large number of families represented, the marked increase in the deciduous-leaved plants, the gradual decrease in the number of palms and of tropical plants, and the replacement of these latter by Mediterranean or North American forms. According to Heer, the tropical forms in the Swiss Miocene agree rather with Asiatic types, while the subtropical and temperate plants are allied to forms now living in the temperate zone in North America.
Gordon accepted the post on these terms, but the consuls-general of the different powers refused to agree to the constitution of the commission, and it fell to the ground, as the khedive was not strong enough to carry his point.
Cyril and Augustine differ, as we should expect, in the doctrines which they select for emphasis, but they both agree in requiring a knowledge of sound doctrine on the part of the candidates.
All agree, however, in having each vertebra formed of at least two pieces, the suture between which persists throughout life.
Consequently he had to agree to the temporary Austrian occupation of the territory comprised within the Po, the Sesia and the Ticino, and of half the citadel of Alessandria, to disband his Lombard, Polish and Hungarian volunteers, and to withdraw his fleet from the Adriatic; but he secured an amnesty for all the Lombards compromised in the recent revolution, having even threatened to go to war again if it were not granted.
After the Dissolution the manor with the markets and fairs and other privileges was granted to Sir Philip Hoby, who increased his power over the town by persuading the burgesses to agree that, after they had nominated six candidates for the office of bailiff, the steward of the court instructed by him should indicate the two to be chosen.
On any major policy decision, we'll decide collectively and agree; otherwise, you'll follow orders.
Do I agree with how he's limiting it?
I do have to say, I don't necessarily agree with my guys in the trenches that this psychic business is crap.
I would agree not to slaughter your Guardians and declare a ceasefire for thirty days, if you will agree to help me root out the traitors in my own organization.
If you agree, I'll free him when you show up at my doorstep.
While I don't agree with the method, I came to understand that it wrenched my parent's heart to do it but there was no question about their motives—they did it out of love.
If you're going to go to work for the woman—and God knows she needs your help—she has to agree to the rules of engagement.
As for you, half-breed, I agree on the condition that I get Sasha's soul.
You're not allowed in the Sanctuary, and I doubt Rhyn will agree to disappear.
Frankly, I agree he was being a pain in the ass, but you quit being a detective when you left the East—we're the guys still on the job.
How did you persuade mother to agree to this.
I agree with Dan—someone in the government wants to start another civil war.
Part of him rejoiced while another part of him thought the boon was too easily won from the creature before him. There had to be a catch. Death wouldn't agree to anything so easily. He found himself wishing for the advice of Andre or Kris, men smart where he was brash. She said nothing else and Rhyn turned away, striding out of the chamber.
Ethel raged on for several minutes, listing in graphic detail exactly what she'd do to her partner—now ex-partner—until Dean managed to get her to agree to sign a complaint so the police could begin a quiet search.
In honoring her beliefs regarding chastity – even when he didn't agree, he had expressed his respect for her.
I didn't want to agree, but … Jenn, I'm going to save the world.
We will liaise to agree the support activities and materials needed for each bilingual student.
This action precludes the necessity of having to agree on names.
If you agree with the premise, then you will see why he is being held for fraud.
When you can point out why this set of donors deserve some sympathy, I might agree with you.
On the whole I agree with the Lib Dem principles but even they have policies that I find frankly absurd.
One such mom agree on how were not additional buildings along wilshire.
The fact they regularly adorn the covers of the major organ magazines suggests that many people agree.
We all agree that they're decent songwriters, but some of their vocal affectations to me are really annoying.
I agree totally Stevie, Tate Modern is just so airy and spacious.
Neil and Ann - Yes I agree there is totally justifiable anger within us as individuals and our community.
To agree with Bin Laden is a brave thing to do, even via the relative anonymity of the net.
Iain Connell, Uk I do not agree with dropping the possessive apostrophe.
The decision of military men to agree an armistice with Germany was ideological to the core.
To agree the price for the internal audit 13.
I agree that we are becoming too averse to risk.
Many agree that this shift toward neo-liberal economics and away from Keynesianism signaled the beginning of the sometimes rather nebulous term ' globalization ' .
You make a futures contract in which they agree to sell you 10,000 tons of pork belly at?1,000 a ton in three months.
I agree big brother is going one step to far another four in the house?
Friend agree that the only people who will suffer from less religious bigotry in Northern Ireland schools are the men of violence?
But I'm glad we didn't see 007 blubber away with abandon I agree.
I agree, physics reveals phenomena at which the mind truly boggles.
I agree with you, the idea is completely bonkers.
I'm not bragging, those reading this who have their own fruit trees will probably agree.
Worse, they can't even agree on what acute bronchitis is.
Furthermore, I think it's quite brutish for the State to agree with murder.
Both experimental work and ab-initio calculations agree that the most stable form is the ammonium ion pair species.
Countries agree to grow cash crops in order to pay off their crippling debts.
I asked everyone to try their best to agree, declare, implement, monitor and enforce a cease-fire for a whole next year.
Being a fellow cheapskate, I just have to agree.
Most of us broadly agree on the colors we see, because we are using similar neural circuits to see them.