Agency Sentence Examples
The Internet has no central planning agency deciding what new, cool websites should be made.
From 1639 to 1768 there was an agency of the Levant Company here; there is now a British consul.
The principal travelling agency in London is that of Messrs Cook, whose head office is at Ludgate Circus.
Thence it has spread, partly by man's agency, northwards throughout temperate western Europe, increasing rapidly wherever it gains a footing; and this extension is still going on, as is shown by the case of Scotland, where early in the 19th century rabbits were little known, while they are now found in all suitable localities up to the extreme north.
Within this agency there are districts as independent as any in Afghanistan, but the political status of the province as a whole is almost precisely that of the native states of the Indian peninsula.
After making allowance, however, for this deflecting agency, it must be admitted that in the highest quality of the statesman, " aptness to be right," he was surpassed by none of his contemporaries, or - if by anybody - by Sir George Cornewall Lewis alone.
In 1760 he published a work entitled Les Toulousaines, advocating the rights of the Protestants; and he afterwards established at Paris an agency for collecting information as to their sufferings, and for exciting general interest in their cause.
The alleged occurrence of the disease in localities free from mosquitoes or without their agency is not well attested; its absence from other localities where they abound is accounted for by their being of an innocent species, or - as in England - free from the parasite.
His best known work was Die Betooverde Wereld (1691), or The World Bewitched (1695; one volume of an English translation from a French copy), in which he examined critically the phenomena generally ascribed to spiritual agency, and attacked the belief in sorcery and "possession" by the devil, whose very existence he questioned.
In addition to the storage buildings, he owns an insurance agency, a bank and a bunch of commercial real estate.
AdvertisementIt consisted of two essays, the first of which was designed to prove that oracles were not given by the supernatural agency of demons, and the second that they did not cease with the birth of Christ.
In the first stage the ammonium compounds are oxidized to nitrites by the agency of very minute motile bacteria belonging to the genus Nitrosomonas.
The, agency was established in March 1871.
His system declared that holiness and sin are free voluntary exercises; that men act freely under the divine agency; that the slightest transgression deserves eternal punishment; that it is through God's mere grace that the penitent believer is pardoned and justified; that, in spite of total depravity, sinners ought to repent; and that regeneration is active, not passive, with the believer.
The flowers are hermaphrodite and regular, with the same number and arrangement of parts as in the order Liliaceae, from which they differ in the inconspicuous membranous character of the perianth, the absence of honey or smell, and the brushlike stigmas with long papillae-adaptations to wind-pollination as contrasted with the methods of pollination by insect agency, which characterize the Liliaceae.
AdvertisementThe wide distribution of certain species is undoubtedly attributable to the agency of ships and trains; under natural conditions mosquitoes seldom travel far from their breeding grounds, although the powers of flight of some species are greater than has been supposed.
It is doubtful whether the convergent action of the streams has been the sole agency in the erosion of these striking cavities, or whether snow and glacier-ice have had a share in the work.
It was a government business agency.
The fertile leaves or sporophylls are generally aggregated on special shoots to form rioweN which may contain one or both kinds The microspores are set free from the sporangiurn and carried generally by wind or insect agency to the vicinity of the macrospore, which never leaves the ovule.
The various charity and benevolent institutions are closely bound together on a co-operative basis by the agency of the associated charities.
AdvertisementIt resembles Juncaceae in the general plan of the flower, which, however, has become much more elaborate and varied in the form and colour of its perianth in association with transmission of pollen by insect agency; a link between the two orders is found in the group of Australian genera referred to above under Asphodeloideae.
The supply of agency for these duties is, fortunately, not deficient.
The Agency Sales role is a key role within the National Sales Team.
So after a cab ride to the airport rental agency, we escaped the fumes of Manhattan on an August Friday noon and joined the city escapees heading north.
It prevents the king from increasing by their agency the amount of money annually due to him from the various counties and hundreds.
AdvertisementAt a few points, such as Nikita near Livadia and Alupka, where plants have been acclimatized by human agency, the Californian Wellingtonia, the Lebanon cedar, many evergreen trees, the laurel, the cypress, and even the Anatolian palm (Chamaerops excelsa) flourish.
Many bird parasites belonging to the Rippoboscidae have naturally been carried about the world by their hosts, while other species, such as the house-fly, blow-fly and drone-fly, have in like manner been disseminated by human agency.
Now they form an official province of British Baluchistan within the Baluchistan Agency; and the agency extends from the Gomal to the Arabian Sea and the Persian frontier.
The difficulty in all these cases is that of procuring a sufficient quantity of efficient agency, especially where a large and illiterate native population has to be taken into account.
On each occasion new areas had to be brought within the sphere of enumeration, whilst the necessity for the use in the wilder tracts of a schedule simpler in its demands than the standard, grew less as the country got more accustomed to the inquiry, and the efficiency of the administrative agency increased.
To this army must be added the controlling agency, of at least a tenth of the above number, charged with the instruction of their subordinates, the inspection and correction of the preliminary record, and the transmission of the schedule books to the local centre after the census has been taken.
Living at the time he did, when the doctrines of the humoral pathologists were carried to an extreme extent, and witnessing the ravages which disease made on the solid structures of the body, it was not surprising that he should oppose a doctrine which appeared to him to lead to a false practice and to fatal results, and adopt one which attributed more to the agency of the solids and very little to that of the fluids of the body.
In 1804 free banking was restricted to such an extent as to give practically a monopoly of the business to associations receiving special charters, and as these charters were generally awarded as favours to politicians the system was a formidable agency of corruption.
But it is as an anti-slavery leader, and as perhaps the chief agency in educating the mass of the Northern people to that opposition through legal forms to the extension of slavery which culminated in the election of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War, that Greeley's main work was done.
In 1840 he ', as thus enabled to give a quantitative statement of the law acc s rding to which heat is produced in a conductor by the pas ageof an electric current, and in succeeding years he publish d a series of valuable researches on the agency of electricity in ansformations of energy.
Have you ever tried working for a collection agency?
The Agency will be a catalyst for a culture of continuous self-improvement, working on three sound principles.
He supposes that all agency, and therefore the agency of thinking, is will.
He speaks of the Logos (1) as the agency by which God reveals Himself, in some measure to all men, in greater degree to chosen souls.
The sole link with the Christian tradition is the statement that its virtue is renewed every Good Friday by the agency of a dove from heaven.
The further question whether the voluntary acts for which a man is ordinarily held responsible are really the outcome of his freedom of choice, is barely touched upon, and most of the problems which surround the attempt to distinguish human agency from natural and necessary causation and caprice or chance are left unsolved.
It was the main concern of the national agency on alcohol misuse.
The Environment Agency has a statutory duty to promote recreation on or near inland and coastal waters.
A number of LPAs commented that the Agency generally sought conditions rather than outright refusal.
The North West Development Agency has identified gardens as a key economic regenerator for the rural economy.
The Wales Environment Trust are currently campaigning to encourage the Environment Agency to use retreads.
From April 2003, some Highways Agency trunk roads will be transferred into the contract.
To help families with journey planning, the leaflet gives an overview of major roadworks on the Agency's network.
No, the public can join the rotary or volunteer with an agency.
The role of the regulatory agency should also come under careful scrutiny.
Jobs UK - Job center plus recruitment agency search searching for a job vacancy in the UK can be done by region or sector.
Another way to think of this is to consider the sense of agency that is normally an aspect of pre-reflective self-awareness in action.
He therefore tried to raise up a Native Agency who could promote self-government among their own people.
Agency Listings Direct links to online recruitment specialists for web design jobs and new media careers.
Bulgarian Move Ltd We are Bulgarian Move Ltd., a professional real estate agency specialized in serving UK buyers purchasing properties in Bulgaria.
Of natives as of epidemiology stein a covering the Ryan-Reum Insurance Agency uninsured.
The invocation to Book 9 likewise frames mourning as empowering, in this instance as a particularly strategic defense against the charge of agency.
This agency has excellent working conditions and a purpose-built design studio.
The site has been developed by interactive agency syzygy, and Mazda is expecting great things from it.
The AGA group has devised a psychometric questionnaire, which can be accessed through a micro site designed by interactive agency syzygy.
I will be hiring temps or agency workers, what do I need to consider?
Tracy Locke agency industry says otis.
Two new sculptures for Catford The Creative Lewisham Agency is proud to announce the unveiling of two new sculptures on Rushey Green in Catford.
Standing on the doorstep is Jeeves, who's been sent by a domestic employment agency to be Bertie's new valet.
In the first attempt to fulfill its statutory duties the Agency was thwarted in its use and interpretation of non-market valuation techniques.
Gary was a leading visionary with the Highways Agency in developing and promoting the CAT procurement techniques.
We are not all walking wallets to be cornered in the pub by the Child Protection Agency.
Old plastic wallets sent in to the agency cannot be returned.
The Agency has issued a Category B food hazard warning asking local authorities to ensure the products are removed from sale.
But in his very denial of a cruel, limited and capricious agency of the gods, and in his imaginative recognition of an orderly, all-pervading, all-regulating power, we find at least a nearer approach to the higher conceptions of modern theism than in any of the other imaginative conceptions of ancient poetry and art.
They can, however, only carry on their work extensively under anaerobic conditions, as in waterlogged soils or in those which are badly tilled, so that there is but little loss of nitrates through their agency.
The success of his work had the effect (1) of altering the policy of the government of India in matters of education, (2) of securing the recognition of education as a missionary agency by Christian churches at home, and (3) of securing entrance for Christian ideas into the minds of high-caste Hindus.
The most probable supposition is that the cup is simply an excrescence or "enation" from the mouth of the flower-tube, and is connected with the fertilization of the flowers by insect agency.
Is there any one element which communicates the decisive impulse to all the rest, - any predominating agency in the course of social evolution?
The existence of evil in opposition to the perfect goodness of God, as thus explained, need not be attributed to God's agency, inasmuch as the whole emanation-process is governed by necessary - as it were mechanical - laws, which may be compared to those of the physical universe.
Another marked peculiarity is that active agency is never attribtited to neuter nouns.
The "cash on delivery" or "collect on delivery" system, known as C.O.D., is one whereby a tradesman can, through a delivery agency, send goods to a customer, and have the money due to him collected on the delivery of the same, with a guarantee from the carrier that, if no money be collected, the goods shall be returned.
The function of such an agency is performed in the United States of America by the express companies (see Express).
Historically it includes the five British districts of Hamirpur, Jalaun, Jhansi, Lalitpur and Banda, which now form part of the Allahabad division of the United Provinces, but politically it is restricted to a collection of native states, under the Bundelkhand agency.
He also imported great quantities of English coal and had an agency at Newcastle as well as an interest in some English mines.
To the ordinary men it seemed to be a reforming agency, insisting on a high moral standard, and upholding the words of Scripture against the traditions of an overgrown and worldly church.
In regard to the scope of the inquiry, it is recognized that much is practicable in a country where the agency of trained officials is employed throughout the operation which cannot be expected to be adequately recorded where the responsibility for the correctness of the replies is thrown upon the householder.
In the acts relating to the census from 1801 to 1851, provision for the enumeration of Scotland was made with that for England and Wales, allowance being made for the differences in procedure, which mainly concerned the agency to be employed.
The tabulation of the returns, again, is carried out at the central office from the original schedule, and not, as in England, from the book into which the former has been copied by the enumerating agency.
Andros was sent to England for trial in 1690, but was immediately released without trial, and from 1692 until 1698 he was governor of Virginia, but was recalled through the agency of Commissary James Blair, with whom he quarrelled.
The former, which is a somewhat less favourable method than the latter, is effected by air-currents, insect agency, the actual contact between stigmas and anthers in neighbouring flowers, where, as in the family Compositae, flowers are closely crowded, or by the fall of the pollen from a (From Darwin's by permission.) FIG.
They have left their traces in the different dialects, Khoswar, Burishki and Shina, spoken in the Gilgit agency.
He left Stockholm in 1770 and took up his residence at Upsala, where through the agency of Johann Gottlieb Gahn (1745-1818), assessor of mines at Fahlun, he made the personal acquaintance of Bergman.
In 1839 St Petersburg became the headquarters of an agency of the British and Foreign Bible Society, which enjoys special facilities in Russia, and now annually circulates about 600,000 copies of the Scriptures, in fifty different languages, within the Russian empire.
The woollen trade was established here through the agency of Flemish immigrants in Edward III.'s reign, and in Elizabeth's time this industry was of such importance that an aulneger was appointed to measure and stamp the woollen cloth.
It is only through his agency and that of his imitators, "the elect," that the separation of the light from the darkness can be completed.
The Lafayette formation has been the occasion of much difference of opinion, but is by many held to be a non-marine formation, made up of gravels, sands and clays, accumulated on land, chiefly through the agency of rain and rivers.
Another agency, called the " American Association for International Conciliation," seeks by the publication of essays on the different aspects of international friendship to promote the same cause.
Between this agency and the Khyber Pass lie the Mohmand hills, a rough country with but little cultivation, under the political control of Peshawar.
The mountains of the Hindu Kush running from east to west form the northern boundary of the province, and are met at the north-east corner of the Chitral agency by the continuation of an outer chain of the Himalayas after it crosses the Indus above the Kagan valley.
The chief peaks in the province are Kaisargarh (11,300 ft.) and Pir Ghol (11,580 ft.) in Waziristan; Shekh Budin (4516 ft.), in the small range; Sikaram (15,621 ft.) in the Safed Koh; Istragh (18,900 ft.), Kachin (22,641 ft.) and Tirach Mir (25,426 ft.), in the Hindu Kush on the northern border of the Chitral agency; while the Kagan peaks in Hazara district run from 10,000 ft.
Frontier agency, besides Chitralis and Bajouris, are the Utman Khel, Yusafzais, Hassanzais, Mohmands, Afridis, Jowakis, Mullagoris, Orakzais, Zaimukhts, Chamkannis, Khattaks, Bangashes, Turis, Waziris, Battannis (Bhitanis) and Sheranis.
The military cantonments and posts in Malakand, Dir, Swat and Chitral were also enumerated, as were those in the Tochi Valley (the Northern Waziristan Agency) and in the Gomal (the Southern Waziristan Agency), the former figures being included in the census returns of Bannu district, and those of the latter in the returns of Dera Ismail Khan.
From the sense of that which stands between two things, "mean," or the plural "means," often with a singular construction, takes the further significance of agency, instrument, &c., of which that produces some result, hence resources capable of producing a result, particularly the pecuniary or other resources by which a person is enabled to live, and so used either of employment or of property, wealth, &c. There are many adverbial phrases, such as "by all means," "by no means," &c., which are extensions of "means" in the sense of agency.
Among the Australian natives we catch the consecrating agency at work.
Thus it turns out that the objective agency, the noumenal power, the absolute force, declared unknown and unknowable, is known after all to exist, persist, resist and cause our subjective affections or phenomena, yet not to think or to will.
He uses this psychical causality to carry out his voluntarism into detail, regarding it as an agency of will directed to ends, causing association and understanding, and further acting on a principle which he calls the heterogony of ends; remarking very truly that each particular will is directed to particular ends, but that beyond these ends effects follow as unexpected consequences, and that this heterogony produces social effects which we call custom.
During the preceding century Christianity had been planted sporadically among the Goths beyond the Danube, through the agency in part of Christian captives, many of whom belonged to the order of clergy, and in part of merchants and traders.
In 1778 appeared a published correspondence between these two liberal theologians on the subjects of materialism and necessity, wherein Price maintains, in opposition to Priestley, the free agency of man and the unity and immateriality of the human soul.
The veil that hides the negotiations which, during the closing months of the Franco-German War, were carried on between Bismarck and the pope, through the agency of Cardinal Bonnhose, has not yet been lifted, and perhaps never will be.
After peace had been concluded, Leo, by the agency of Galimberti, reminded the chancellor of the settlement of the Roman question.
The carp itself, Cyprinus carpio, has a very wide distribution, having spread, through the agency of man, over nearly the whole of Europe and a part of North America, where it lives in lakes, ponds, canals, and slow-running rivers with plenty of The Common Carp.
The presence of carp in Indo-China and the Malay Archipelago is probably also to be ascribed to human agency.
She had always entertained a quiet contempt for the French writers whom she flattered and pensioned, and who served her as an advertising agency in the west.
The North German or Bremen Society split into a strict Lutheran or Leipzig agency and the Hermannsburg Mission, which aimed at a more primitive and apostolic method.
In Norway and Sweden missionary activity kept pace with the development of the national life; in the former country the Free Church, in the latter the State Church has been the most successful agency.
Apart from Queensland most of the black population is in West Australia; here the Roman Catholic Church is the main evangelizing agency.
Foremost in this work were William Ellis and John Williams (q.v.), who formed a native agency to carry the gospel to their fellow islanders, and so inaugurated what has since been a characteristic feature of South Sea Missions.
The Roman Mission too has been very successful; for some years a French agency, the White Fathers of Algeria, carried it on, but they were afterwards joined by English helpers from St Joseph's Society at Mill Hill.
The root, though not precluded from access of air, is not directly dependent for its growth on the agency of light.
Deficiency of light is less injurious than might at first be expected, because the plant to be forced has stored up in its tissues, and available for use, a reserve stock of material formed through the agency of light in former seasons.
The conveyance of pollen from one flower to another in crossfertilization is effected naturally by the wind, or by the agency of insects and other creatures.
But it was the achievement of Wailer alone, in 1828, to break down the barrier held to exist between organic and inorganic chemistry by artificially preparing urea, one of those substances which up to that time it had been thought could only be produced through the agency of "vital force."
The diazonium salts are characterized by their great reactivity and consequently are important reagents in synthetical processes, since by their agency the amino group in a primary amine may be exchanged for other elements or radicals.
There is also an extensive emigration system, under which many hundreds (3000 in 1906) of carefully tested men and families, of good character, chiefly of the unemployed class, are placed in permanent employment in Canada through the agency of the local clergy.
In writing and in conversation the geological expression " drift " is now usually understood to mean Glacial drift, including boulder clay and all the varieties of sand, gravel and clay deposits formed by the agency of ice sheets, glaciers and icebergs.
This doubtless arose from his having at first omitted altogether from his view of the question the great counteracting agency of moral restraint.
He regarded, it is true, the agency of this cause for the improvement of the race as largely superseded by moral influences in the more advanced social stages.
To the united agency of the above-named causes may safely be attributed the benefits arising from the special form of water-irrigation which is practised in England.
The Bagelkhand agency is under the political superintendence of the governor-general's agent for central India, and under the direct jurisdiction of a political agent who is also superintendent of the Rewa state, residing ordinarily at Sutna or Rewa.
The agency consists of Rewa state and eleven minor states and estates, of which the more important are Maihar, Nagode and Sohawal.
Until that date Bagelkhand was under the Bundelkhand agency, with which it is geographically and historically connected; a general description of the country will be found under that heading.
The Behar Opium Agency has its headquarters at the town of Patna.
At the beginning of the I 9th century the country was divided into some hundred states, but there was no central agency for instituting an exact census on a uniform plan.
Whilst by many the movements were ascribed to the agency of spirits, two investigators - count de Gasparin and Professor Thury of Geneva - conducted a careful series of experiments by which they claimed to have demonstrated that the movements of the table were due to a physical force emanating from the bodies of the sitters, for which they proposed the name "ectenic force."
In the Pagan districts where no native machinery existed and no previous taxation had been in force, a nominal impost was levied and collected by the officers of the government through the agency of the village chiefs.
In practice the system works perfectly smoothly, the gold flowing in and out of the country through the agency of private banking establishments in proportion to the requirements of the circulation.
Thereafter Mehemet Ali threw Egypt freely open to Europeans, and a busy traffic in antiquities began, chiefly through the agency of the consuls of different powers.
European initiative suggests measures to be executed by Egyptian agency, while European supervision controls the manner in which they are executed.
The magnitude of the task he had accomplished is shown by the preceding pages, and it need only be added that the transformation effected in Egypt and the Sudan, during his twenty-fout years occupancy of the British Agency, was carried out in every department under his guidance and inspiration.
In the second case the outer series (calyx of sepals) is generally green and leaf-like, its function being to protect the rest of the flower, especially in the bud; while the inner series (corolla of petals) is generally white or brightly coloured, and more delicate in structure, its function being to attract the particular insect or bird by agency of which pollination is effected.
This agency for publicity concerning war efforts and purposes developed into a great news agency and a means of distribution of patriotic propaganda.
The fact that no new agency was established to control the Press did not mean that communication, the Press and public speech were to continue to be unrestricted.
On the other hand, it has been held by Bernhard Frank and other observers that atmo spheric nitrogen is fixed by the agency of Green Algae in the soil.
The old organism is more stable and responds in obvious ways to direct assaults from without; the young organism is at once less stable and more profoundly modified by environmental change, replying in terms less easy to predict from knowledge of the nature and amount of the impinging agency.
Since 1877, when the Quetta agency was founded, the freedom of the pass from plundering bands of Baluch marauders (chiefly Marris) has been secured, and it is now as safe as any pass in Scotland.
He identified the active intellect (vous 7rocrlrteOr), through whose agency the potential intellect in man becomes actual, with God.
The remainder are scattered all over India, but are most numerous in Hyderabad, the Central India Agency, and the Central Provinces.
As is to be expected in the case of a religion with a strong proselytizing agency, the growth of Christianity is far more rapid than that of the general population.
For the preservation of order this force is by no means inefficient, but it fails as a detective agency and also in the prosecution of crime, being distrusted by the people generally.
About half of this quantity comes from the forests of Burma, where large amounts of teak and other woods are annually extracted, chiefly through the agency of private firms. It is, however, only the more valuable of the woods, such as teak, sandal-wood, ebony and the like, which find a market abroad.
In the early days of railway enterprise the agency of private companies guaranteed by the state was exclusively employed, and nearly all the great trunk lines were made under this system, but the leases of the last three of these lines, the Great Indian Peninsula, the Bombay Baroda and Central India, and the Madras companies, fell in respectively in 'goo, 1905 and 1907.
In 1870 a new policy of railway development by the direct agency of the state was inaugurated; and in 1880 the system of encouraging private enterprise by state assistance was again resorted to.
His favourite residence is said to have been the old capital of Ghazni, while he governed his Indian conquests through the agency of a favourite slave, Kutb-ud-din.
In 1657 Hugli became the head agency in Bengal, with Balasore and Cossimbazar in the Gangetic delta and Patna in Behar under its control.
Warren Hastings, a tried servant of the company, distinguished alike for intelligence, for probity and for knowledge of oriental manners, was nominated governor by the court of directors, with express instructions to carry out a predetermined series of reforms. In their own words, the court had resolved to " stand forth as diwan, and to take upon themselves, by the agency of their own servants, the entire care and administration of the revenues."
The Bhopal agency is administered by the agent to the governorgeneral in central India.
It is said, for example, that Clarke made virtue consist in conformity to the relations of things universally, although the whole tenor of his argument shows him to have had in view conformity to such relations only as belong to the sphere of moral agency.
He is specially invoked on behalf of the king (the nominal head of the priesthood) and the crops, and a very close connexion was supposed to exist between the god's agency and all agricultural life.
Serapis' (OsirisApis) who came to acquire the attributes of Aesculapius and of Pluto, god of the dead, sometimes had serpent-form, and even in the reign of Constantine popular belief connected the rise of the Nile with his agency (Frazer, Adonis, 398).
In 1573 the Spaniards tried somewhat unsuccessfully to obtain a share of this commerce, but it was not until 1580, when a dethroned sultan appealed to them for asistance and by their agency was restored to his own, that they attained their object.
It is not certain indeed that the practice of reciting a long poem by the agency of several competitors was ancient, or that it prevailed elsewhere than at Athens; but as rhapsodists were numerous, and popular favour throughout Greece became more and more confined to one or two great works, it must have become almost a necessity.
After the fall of the tyrants their institutions survived till the end of the 6th century, when the Dorian supremacy was re-established, perhaps by the agency of Sparta, and the city was enrolled in the Peloponnesian League.
This bed, which stretches east and west from Sasseram to Neemuch, and north and south from Agra to Hoshangabad, comprises the whole of the agency except the northern part of Bundelkhand.
The sandstone bed on which it rests is visible at a point just north of Goona, and in a small area round Bhilsa and Bhopal, as it is in those places freed from the layer of trap. The low-lying land includes roughly that part of the agency which lies to the east of the plateau and comprises the greater part of the political divisions of Bundelkhand and Baghelkhand and the country round Gwalior.
The hilly tracts lie chiefly to the south of the agency, where the Vindhya, Satpura and Kaimur ranges are met with.
Ethnologically as well as climatically the differences between the plateau and the eastern part of the agency are distinct and the languages markedly so.
The Central India agency is divided for administrative purposes into eight units, two classed as residencies and six as agencies.
At the close of the Pindari War in 1818 the whole country that is now under the Central India agency was in great confusion and disorder, having suffered heavily from the extortions of the Mahratta armies and from predatory bands.
The total population of the Central India agency in 1901 was 8,628,781, showing a decrease during the decade of 16.4%.
The need of an increase in the number of parishes was urgently felt, and, though chapels began to be built about 1796, they were provided only in wealthy places by local voluntary liberality; for the supply of the necessities of poor outlying districts no one as yet looked to any agency but the state.
The term " electricity " is applied to denote the physical agency which exhibits itself by effects of attraction and repulsion when particular substances are rubbed or heated, also in certain chemical and physiological actions and in connexion with moving magnets and metallic circuits.
The vibrations of this medium constitute the agency called light.
Turning now to the theory of electricity, we may note the equally remarkable progress made in 300 years in scientific insight into the nature of the agency which has so recast the face of human society.
If we take it strictly to mean the belief in ghosts or spirits having the " vaporous materiality " proper to the objects of dream or hallucination, it is certain that the agency of such phantasms is not the sole cause to which all mystic happenings are referred (though ghosts and spirits are everywhere believed in, and appear to be endowed with greater predominance as religious synthesis advances amongst primitive peoples).
But a new agency began to engage the speculations of thinkers, the moral values of action embodied in the Deed.
The Warren Association (1767) was organized under the influence of Manning and Smith on the model of the Philadelphia, and became a chief agency for the consolidation of denominational life, the promotion of denominational education and the securing of religious liberty.
This ruler was poisoned by the agency of conspirators, one of whom, Saiyid Murad, succeeded to the throne.
The mercantile agency in the United States is a much more comprehensive organization.
Lewis Tappan (1788-1873), founder of the Journal of Commerce (1828) and a prominent anti-slavery leader, undertook the work, and established in New York, in 1841, the Mercantile Agency, the first organization of its kind.
All this country, so far, is independent Baluchistan within the jurisdiction of the Baluchistan Agency, with the exception of certain clans of the Sheranis on the eastern slopes of the Takht-i-Suliman, north of the Vihowa, who are under the North-West Frontier Province administration.
Nor should the evidences of active volcanic agency afforded by the mud volcanoes of the coast be overlooked.
Since then the most important change in Baluch administration has been the perpetual lease and transfer of management to British agency of the Nushki district and Niabat, with all rights, jurisdiction and administrative power, in lieu of a perpetual rent of Rs.9000 per annum.
Bacterial diseases in the higher plants have been described, but the subject requires careful treatment, since several points suggest doubts as to the organism described being the of the disease referred to their agency.
The destruction of bacteria by direct cellular agency both in natural and acquired immunity must not be overlooked.
The popular belief in gods was attributed by Democritus to the desire to explain extraordinary phenomena (thunder, lightning, earthquakes) by reference to superhuman agency.
Unfortunately in consequence of the systematic destruction of all Bohemian writings which took place through the agency of the Jesuits, after the battle of the White Hill (1620), a large part of this controversial literature has perished.
In 1835 he combined the short circuit of his monster magnet (of 1834) with the small "intensity" magnet of an experimental telegraph wire, thereby establishing the fact that very powerful mechanical effects could be produced at a great distance by the agency of a very feeble magnet used as a circuit maker and breaker, or as a "trigger" - the precursor of later forms of relay and receiving magnets.
The legal requirement that every corporation chartered by the state must maintain its principal office there has given rise to the peculiar institution called the " corporation agency," a single office which serves as the " principal office " of numbers of corporations.
Although he denies liberty to the will in this sense - indeed, strictly speaking, neither liberty nor necessity, he says, is properly applied to the will, " for the will itself is not an agent that has a will " - he nevertheless insists that the subject willing is a free moral agent, and argues that without the determinate connexion between volition and motive which he asserts and the libertarians deny, moral agency would be impossible.
Pollination in cycads has always been described as anemophilous, but according to recent observations by Pearson on South African species it seems probable that, at least in some cases, the pollen is conveyed to the ovules by animal agency.
The flowers contain honey, and attract flies, short-lipped bees or other small insects by the agency of which pollination is effected.
The appearances recorded in the Old Testament are manifestations of the Logos, and the knowledge of God possessed by the great leaders and teachers of Israel is due to the same source; (2) as the agency whereby man, enmeshed by illusion, lays hold of the higher spiritual life and rising above his partial point of view participates in the universal reason.
The chief groups of states are North Gujarat, comprising Cutch, Kathiawar agency, Palanpur agency, Mahi Kantha agency, Rewa Kantha agency and Cambay; South Gujarat, comprising Dharampur, Bansda and Sachin; North Konkan, Nasik and Khandesh, comprising Khandesh political agency, Surgana and Jawhar; South Konkan and Dharwar, comprising Janjira, Sawantwari and Savanur; the Deccan Satara Jagirs, comprising Akalkot, Bhor, Aundh, Phaltan, Jath and Daphlapur; the southern Mahratta states, comprising Kolhapur and other states, and Khairpur in Sind.
As regards terrestrial mammals (with which alone we are at present concerned), one of the most striking features in their distribution is their practical absence from oceanic islands; the only species found in such localities being either small forms which might have been carried on floating timber, or such as have been introduced by human agency.
In bodies we observe no active agency, only a sustained natural order in the succession of passive sensuous phenomena.
A similar line of argument would lead to the conclusion that the conception of the state as an educating, controlling and civilizing agency involves the belief that individual citizens can be influenced and directed by motives which have their origin in external suggestion, i.e.
It might, however, be thought that whatever be the compatibility of theories of punishment or of the activity of the state as a moralizing agency with determinism, to reconcile the R denial of freedom with a belief in the reality of remorse or penitence will be plainly impossible.
The study of such objects is now carried on mainly through the agency of the sensitive plate.
The pictures were taken, in both cases, with only one quality of light, the violet ray of calcium, the remaining superfluous beams being eliminated by the agency of a double slit.
We derive the idea of a totality by means of its parts, and the transcendental basis of being comes to us through the agency of individual phenomena.
In 1900 trouble again arose through the agency of Fodi Kabba, who had fixed his residence at Medina, in French territory.
Choiseul did not hesitate to attack through lits de justice or by exile a judiciary oligarchy which doubtless rested its pretensions merely on wealth, high birth, or that e!icroaching spirit that was the only counteracting agency to the monarchy.
Many of its members were sons of the bourgeoisie, men who having been educated at college, thanks to some charitablt, agency, in the pride of learning, and raised above their original station, were ready for anything but had achieved nothing They bad plenty of talent at c0mmand, were full of classical tirades against tyranny, and, though sensitive enough in their private life, were bloodthirsty butchers in their public relations.
But while the theologian incessantly postulated the agency of that God whose nature he deemed beyond the pale of science, the philosopher, following a purely human and natural aim, directed his efforts to the gradual elevation of his part of reason from its unformed state, and to its final union with the controlling intellect which moves and draws to itself the spirits of those who prepare themselves for its influences.
The British Levant (Turkey) Company maintained an agency and factory here for 200 years, till 1825, in spite of appalling mortality among its employes.
There were in 1900 small reservations for Omahas and Winnebagoes in Thurston county and for the Sioux in Sheridan county, and an agency for the Santees and Poncas near the mouth of the Niobrara; and at Genoa, where the Pawnee agency and reservation had been located, there was in 1908 an Indian school maintained by the United States government with 350 boarding pupils.
In 1823 Bellevue became an Indian agency, and in 1849 the first United States post-office in Nebraska.
They both abstain from meat and liquor, marry at the age of puberty, ordinarily celebrate their ceremonies through the agency of the elders of their own caste and bury their dead.
The scheme was developed, and the members of the society undertook various kinds of mission work throughout Rome, notably the preaching of sermons in different churches every evening, a wholly novel agency at that time.
After the Exile there is a tendency to protect the divine transcendence by the introduction of mediating angelic agency, and to separate all evil from God by ascribing its origin to Satan, the enemy of God and man.
On the one hand science has so explained many of the processes of outer nature and of the inner life of man as to leave no room for Satanic agency.
The possibility of the existence of evil spirits, organized under one leader Satan to tempt man and oppose God, cannot be denied; the sufficiency of the evidence for such evil agency may, however, be doubted; the necessity of any such belief for Christian thought and life cannot, therefore, be affirmed.
These masses are easily detached by the agency of insects.
It is when we turn to North America that the importance of the chartered company, as a colonizing rather than a trading agency, is seen in its full development.
The goal was quality of service to achieve a 92% compliance in customer assessments of agency performance against service level agreements.
When will the agency concede that the number of native speakers is down?
The agency contemplated abandoning Polaris.
In the mean time, alternative routes will need to be put in place by the agency in order to avoid a hiatus.
There was a hiatus in the activities of the agency.
An excellent career opportunity has now arisen with a leading recruitment agency.
Proceed according to the needs of the agency and the availability of a social worker.
Baton rouge continue the Delta Vacations Uk Travel Agency hills overlooking Adelaide a replica of his body the.
As well as its commercial body, Remploy provides direct support through its specialized employment agency - Remploy Interwork.
Lawnmower question I have been a landlord for over four years, letting my property through a letting agency.
North West Vision is the regional screen agency for England's Northwest.
Pitman's People is a London based event labor recruitment agency.
They believe someone is a law enforcement agency on the strength of a printed letterhead.
He worked in a middle management job at the advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather in London's docklands.
Read more... Hunters is the complete estate agency franchising system.
Sole agency The estate agent is the only agent with the right to sell your property.
More on the Medicines Control Agency The Cochrane Injuries group was investigating the use of human albumin in the treatment of burns victims.
Tests by the Food Standards Agency found the bug present in organic alfalfa produced by Aconbury Sprouts.
Among the culprits apprehended by enforcement officers during the blitz were a number of carp fisherman in the Environment Agency's Thames region.
Once you have found a local auctioneer who holds property auctions they will want you to enter into a sole agency agreement with them.
Along with the agency they have developed an evening for club bailiffs to be held at the Halfway in on 29 th April.
The Environment Agency issued two new reports covering volatile organic compounds and new Soil Guidance Values covering contamination from toluene and ethyl benzene.
They say that during the agency which contains bleach or unable to.
Plywood, for example, can contain formaldehyde - a " probable carcinogen ", according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
They can be said to operate by circular causality without agency.
The European Space Agency launched its comet chaser Rosetta in March 2004, which will rendezvous with 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2014.
This agency was recently started by Angela Rossi after many of her friends with kids struggled to find good child-care.
The more businesslike way to hire a cleaner is through an agency.
A space agency format might bring greater coherence to delivery.
The Agency must have received three monthly payments or six weekly payments for the case to be deemed as compliant for enforcement purposes.
Neither were the duration of the agency nor the agent's performance necessarily conclusive.
If the appointment is made by an agency head, the agency head must receive the concurrence of the National Intelligence Director.
The Environment Agency charges for the consignment notes to be used to consign special waste.
In the Great Stour catchment, 26 sites of waste disposal have been identified by the Environment Agency as potential groundwater contaminants.
Hips away from the agency had airline tickets highly customized cooper says.
Successful and forward thinking agency based in the heart of Warwickshire are looking for an experienced copywriter to lead and inspire.
An agency will have complementary clients who are already receiving extensive media coverage in your target sector.
Creative Reading - June 2004 Report by Demos for The Reading Agency analyzing the role of libraries in nurturing creativity.
At the heart of the dispute is Europol, Europe's new police agency, set up to coordinate measures against organized crime.
Report to Environment Agency, Worthing Boro Council and Arun District Council, [13 Technical Reports, without consecutive pagination] .
No wonder the Americans call this agency the UN watchdog, the term that is demeaning and condescending to the integrity of this organization.
The consumer Council for Water is a national consumer watchdog agency for the water industry.
The Agency is a statutory consultee on planning applications affecting watercourses.
We have agreed with the Environment Agency that there are 32 km of critical ordinary watercourses within the District.
Roseland Holiday Cottages Small personally run agency offering luxury waterside & country cottages on the beautiful Roseland Peninsula, South Cornwall.
It is also the first return to the Agency's East Anglian waterways since it was held at Peterborough on the Nene in 1993.
Agency addresses are listed in the Commonwealth universities yearbook.
Labor councilors have called on the Royal Parks Agency to provide new zebra crossings on the ring road around the park.
Except where exterminated by human agency (and this has been accomplished to a deplorable extent), the African elephant is a native of the wooded districts of the whole of Africa south of the Sahara.
The second class include all changes brought about by the agency of enzymes, such as the action of diastase on starch, invertase on cane sugar, glucase on maltose, &c. The actions are essentially hydrolytic.
The fruit is eaten by most frugivorous birds, and through their agency, particularly that of the species which is accordingly known as missel-thrush or mistle-thrush, the plant is propagated.
The Grand Comneni were also patrons of art and learning, and in consequence of this Trebizond was resorted to by many eminent men, by whose agency the library of the palace was provided with valuable manuscripts and the city was adorned with splendid buildings.
The exact share which Cromwell had in this decision and its sequel is obscure, and the later accounts of the regicides when on their trial at the Restoration, ascribing the whole transaction to his initiation and agency, cannot be altogether accepted.
Moreover the clearing-out drop of the cord circuit was replaced by an arrangement which included the provision of one signal to be controlled through the agency of a relay by the calling subscriber, and another to be controlled by the person wanted.
During the passage of the Telegraph Bill 1878 through parliament the Postmaster-General endeavoured, without success, to insert a clause declaring that the term " telegraph " included " any apparatus for transmitting messages or other communications with the aid of electricity, magnetism, or any other like agency.
The sporophylls (stamens and carpels) are generally associated with other leaves, known as the perianth, to form a flower; these subsidiary leaves are protective and attractive in function and their development is correlated with the transport of pollen by insect agency (see ANGI0sPERM5; POLLINATION, and FLOWER).
The reduction of sulphates to sulphides by means of organic matter, probably through the agency of sulphur-bacteria, may also indirectly furnish sulphur, and hence it is frequently found in deposits of gypsum.
It was in the year 1886 that Hellriegel and Wilfarth first published in Germany the results of investigations in which they demonstrated that, through the agency of micro-organisms dwelling in nodular outgrowths on the roots of ordinary leguminous plants, the latter are enabled to assimilate the free nitrogen of the air.
In the two earliest books, accordingly, he lays down and largely illustrates the first principles of being with the view of showing that the world is not governed by capricious agency, but has come into existence, continues in existence, and will ultimately pass away in accordance with the primary conditions of the elemental atoms which, along with empty space, are the only eternal and immutable substances.
The close connexion of Hephaestus with Lemnos and especially with its mountain Mosychlus has been explained by the supposed existence of a volcano; but no crater or other sign of volcanic agency is now apparent, and the "Lemnian fire" - a phenomenon attributed to Hephaestus - may have been due to natural gas (see LeMNos).
Emphasizing the many real analogies between physical and mental agency, but underrating the much stronger evidences that all the mental operations of men and animals require a nervous system, he flew to the paradox that soul is not limited to men and animals, but extends to plants, to the earth and other planets, to the sun, to the world itself, of which, according to him, God P y is the world-soul.
The murder of the sons of Aegyptus by their wives is supposed to represent the drying up of the rivers and springs of Argolis in summer by the agency of the nymphs.
But in 1901 and 1904 certain districts were transferred from this agency to the Indore residency, created in 1899, and the area of Bhopawar was thus reduced by 3283 sq.
Gazette, xlvi., 1908, regards this tissue as belonging to the nucellus.) At the time of pollination the long tubular integument secretes a drop of fluid at its apex, which holds the pollen-grains, brought by the wind, or possibly to some extent by insect agency, and by evaporation these are drawn on to the top of the nucellus, where partial disorganization of the cells has given rise to an irregular pollen-chamber (fig.
Horses are now diffused by the agency of man throughout almost the whole of the inhabited parts of the globe, and the great modifications they have undergone in consequence of domestication, crossing, and selective breeding are well exemplified by comparing such extreme forms as the Shetland pony, dwarfed by uncongenial climate, the thoroughbred racer, and the London dray-horse.
Dollars by refinancing not only does club agency inc.
But Williams & Associates Insurance Agency, Inc. he does to refine existing.
In addition, 19 sites in Basildon were sold on behalf of the national regeneration agency, English Partnerships.
Acting for a Regional Development Agency on a major regeneration scheme.
London Development Agency The London Development Agency is the reginal development agency for the capital.
Over the past five years the Agency has worked hard to reduce the regional variation in approach to enforcement.
The Agency have stated that they wish to encourage remediation of contaminated soils where it is the best environmental option.
The NHS is not renewing a License from the Copyright Licensing Agency from central budgets.
They may not be reproduced without permission from the football club or the agency.
The North American reappraisers are at least consistent in repudiating the whole notion of provincial accountability to any outside agency.
To help families with journey planning, the leaflet gives an overview of major roadworks on the Agency 's network.
The pitch follows a review of the BBC 's creative agency roster.
No, the public can join the Rotary or volunteer with an agency.
The agency first imposed the scallop fishing ban in Scapa Flow on June 14.
A whole agency may be made a scapegoat for the failure of an inter-agency project.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency received scathing criticism for its role in coordinating the initial Katrina response.
Jobs UK - Job center plus recruitment agency search Searching for a job vacancy in the UK can be done by region or sector.
Where CAF performs services on an agency basis for other charities, the related investments are maintained in segregated portfolios.
The charges for freight carried on the Agency 's waterways should be radically simplified.
In 1998 they contacted a surrogacy agency in the USA and they attempted to have babies by one surrogate mother but the pregnancy failed.
The site has been developed by interactive agency Syzygy, and Mazda is expecting great things from it.
The AGA group has devised a psychometric questionnaire, which can be accessed through a micro site designed by interactive agency Syzygy.
Some of the legal technicalities revolve round whether the agency is deemed to be an agency or an intermediary.
In the view of these findings The Health Protection Agency is undertaking a larger study of 100,000 tonsils in order to refine this figure.
In addition two the works with tracy locke agency industry says otis.
Although Vacation Travel Limited is not ABTA registered, its name and letterhead indicated an association with a travel agency business which is.
The stronger than expected increase in commissionable travel agency bookings was the main reason why the operating margin fell slightly.
Principles All of this work will be underpinned by six basic principles to which every agency involved will be asked to publicly accept.
The London Development Agency is committed to welcoming disabled applicants as they are currently underrepresented in the workforce.
All of these are deeply relevant to the post-tsunami response and must be consistently upheld by every agency.
Standing on the doorstep is Jeeves, who 's been sent by a domestic employment agency to be Bertie 's new valet.
The National News Agency reported that Israeli warplanes violated Lebanese airspace at 10 a.m. on Wednesday.
The first step to take is to contact either your local authority 's adoption team or an approved voluntary adoption agency.
There is info on the Food standards agency website - wales section.
Mrs Maureen Darling of the Scottish Agricultural Science Agency, whose interests include viral pathogens of potato and potato wart disease.
The Consumer Council for Water is a national consumer watchdog agency for the water industry.
It is also the first return to the Agency 's East Anglian waterways since it was held at Peterborough on the Nene in 1993.
Agency addresses are listed in the Commonwealth Universities Yearbook.
This exchange of information will assist the Agency in developing co-ordinated strategies for the control of food-borne zoonoses.
When you begin your search for the right adoption agency, adoption attorney, and/or adoption facilitator, there are several points you need to keep in mind.
The adoption agency that you choose should be well aware of any laws pertaining to adoptions in your home state as well as any other state that may be involved.
An adoption agency should offer prospective parents plenty of information and support during the adoptive process.
If the agency can't give you a clear price and a written agreement, go somewhere else!
Not only can they give information and support, but they can also vouch for the adoptive agency's reputation.
Educate yourself, and expect good communication and answers from the adoption agency or attorney that you use.
A private adoption is an adoption handled by a privately funded and licensed agency.
If you choose a private adoption agency, you will discover that the fees can vary greatly depending on the type of adoption and other factors.
Once they've made their choice, the agency then approaches the prospective adoptive parents with the details of the adoption.
Before you begin the adoption process, find out the average time frame for an adoption process with the agency you have chosen.
They also need to find out in advance how the adoption agency will handle these potential problems.
What happens if the agency cannot find the birth father?
Either a for-profit or a not-for-profit adoption agency typically handles domestic adoptions, although adoption attorneys and adoption facilitators may also handle these as well.
Adoption agencies vary in the types of adoptions they handle, so be sure to do your homework on each potential agency before you sign any papers.
Finally, whether you are planning to use an adoption agency, lawyer, or adoption facilitator, choose wisely.
Before you choose an agency, you need to do your homework.
As you prepare for your first meeting with the adoption agency or facilitator, prepare a list of questions.
Search for a reputable adoption agency or facilitator, and be sure you find and talk to other adoptive parents who have used this agency or facilitator.
Most must commit to a training program and the opportunity to find jobs through a placement agency.
After you have signed with an international adoption agency, a licensed social worker will be assigned to begin your home study.
The adoption agency will tell you all of the documentation and paperwork you will need to have on hand for the social worker to review.
One of the factors involved in choosing an adoption agency is determining adoption costs.