Age-group Sentence Examples
Next year, 16 qualifiers from each age group will be invited to take part in the final.
For the second year running he became National Age Group Champion for the 200m & 400m freestyle.
Last year she was also three gold medals in the under 17 age group.
The distance for the Over 16 age group shall be at the organizer's discretion.
In the total population of 10 years of age and over the female sex is more illiterate than the male, but within the age-group 10 to 24 years the reverse is true.
In 1890 females preponderated among illiterates only in the age-group 10 to 19 years.
In all races there has been since 1890, throughout the country, a large increase in the proportion of girls among the pupils of each age-group; and this is particularly true of the group of 15 years and upwardthat is of the grammar school and high school age, in which girls were in 1900 decidedly preponderant.
Our third medallist was Nina MacArthur who got the bronze medal in the younger Youth's age-group.
I was thrilled to discover that I could hear several decibels more than average for my age group.
However, they are not the age group with the highest rates of drink driving.
AdvertisementThis was particularly evident among the 50+ age group.
For skin neoplasia the majority of the cases occur in the 65+ age group.
Only among one age group - pensioners - did the Conservatives manage to win a plurality.
We're in such dire straits in every age group.
No more than three pieces from either age group categories could be submitted in digital format to the first selection panel.
AdvertisementWe 're in such dire straits in every age group.
They may also have complex needs, for example unaccompanied refugee young people frequently fall within the 16 to 19 age group.
It is simply based on the knowledge gained from a 30 year work experience with children of this age group.
Toddlers make up a unique age group caught between babies and older children.
Toys that emphasis the large motor schools are great for this age group.
AdvertisementBe sure to select the right gender and age group in order to have a chart that suits your child.
This age group also enjoys gift cards or being taken on their own Christmas shopping spree.
There are numerous popular series for this age group.
Some stories for this age group have animation and sound for added interest.
Books for young adults featured on the website are short stories that may not be considered full length books, especially for this age group.
AdvertisementTouch-and-feel books are excellent choices, as are lift-the-flap books, for this age group.
Though similar in many ways, this scent offers a richer, more seductive finish that appeals to a broader age group.
The blend is spicy, earthy and woody and undoubtedly geared toward a mature age group.
With the wide variety of Shrek games free online, there is something to entertain children in every age group.
There's a great Scooby Doo game for every fan and every age group.
Basically, your mission is to find clothes that your particular age group can wear that no other age group can.
Just about any age group can wear trends, but it's with the teen set that you can wear them at their authentic best.
Take some time to read a little about this age group and you may come to understand and even enjoy their company a little bit more.
Girls in this age group love special attention in a creative way.
No one is immune to advertising, images, and ideas set forth by the media, as they influence every age group.
You can find girls' junior clothing in many places, including department stores (in the section marked "Juniors") as well as shops devoted to this age group.
There are also teen clothing stores like Hot Topic, Wet Seal and Delia's; you don't have to be a teen to shop there, but many of the customers are in this age group.
Also, giving your daughter a book or two about pre-teens that is geared toward her age group can help her with the changes that she will be going through in the next few years.
In the survey, 1.3 percent of respondents in this age group reported being binge drinkers, while 0.2 percent admitted to heavy alcohol use.
Presidential Election - 10 million people from the same age group voted.
One of those things is that the population of that age group is increasing.
Finding a cool outfit simply involves finding what is currently trendy for girls in the age group of your daughter, and narrowing it down to those trends that are flattering on her individual body.
Like most children's clothing, you'll find pajamas in sizes that usually correspond to age, so a size six in girls' pajamas will fit most girls in this age group.
Girls of this age group are generally not very picky about clothes, so as long as you choose something that appeals to their general style, you should have a nice gift picked out.
Some pageants are simple affairs in which contestants walk onto the stage for a few moments, and then the winners of each age group are announced.
Styles differ considerably based on the age group for which you are shopping.
Other grant money is limited to women of a certain age group or those in lower income brackets.
Some audiologists work with the whole range and others specialize in a certain age group such as children.
Costa Cruises offers an organized children's program on all of their ships for kids from 2 to 19, in four age-group categories.
Let's look at some of the jewelry available to this age group.
Therefore picking products that are targeted at an age group may quickly go out of fashion.
One of the good points about tee shirts is that they're inexpensive and easy to care for, which is perfect for the age group these retailers target.
However, that doesn't mean that there aren't certain clothes that should generally be avoided, whether for their cut, lack of flattering fit or simple fact that they doesn't suit a particular age group.
This is a style that works well with any age group.
Each portion of the web site speaks directly to the specific age group for which it is written.
Elder law takes its name from the age group of clients that specialized attorneys serve.
Attorneys who choose to work in this area may work in private practice, with a government agency or a community group to protect the interests of people in this age group.
More people of this generation are dating than any previous age group.
The over-50 age group is filled with brilliant and talented individuals who can fill the gap when employers need a little extra help, so the options for jobs for seniors are wide open.
Sweaters are for every age group - they aren't just fashions for elderly women.
Having others of the same age group allows for a relaxed environment, free from the hustle of busy working life, or the clamor of kids at play.
In fact, out of the approximately 80 million Baby Boomers who are age 50 and up, many new businesses are expected to be started in this age group.
In fact, according to the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, adults over age 65 have the highest suicide rates of any age group.
The sunglass industry has hit a goldmine in discovering that children in this age group desire to look older, and oftentimes their kids frames are very similar to the adult counterparts.
Video games began to break this mold by allowing complex games to be created, targeting the much older age group of 25-35.
Researchers examined death certificates over a 19-year period and found a 21 percent higher risk of death from stroke in people under age 20 in the stroke belt states had compared with the same age group in other states.
Most children in this age group who still suck their thumbs will stop on their own, and intervening may stress the child and make the problem worse.
Although the accidental injury death rate declined among children ages 14 and under by almost 40 percent from 1987 to 2000, accidental injury remained in the early 2000s the number one killer of this age group.
Approximately 114,000 children in this age group were treated in the emergency room for accidental poisonings in 2001.
Norms-A fixed or ideal standard; a normative or mean score for a particular age group.
Parents should research the games that their children want to buy to ensure appropriate content for the child's age group.
Since symptoms are more severe in adolescents and adults, more cases are diagnosed as mononucleosis in this age group.
The motives for lying in this age group are more complex.
Adequate calcium intake is essential for the rapidly growing bones of teenagers, but milk has often been replaced by soft drinks as the beverage of choice among this age group.
The DP-II behavior scale is used to screen for developmental delays and compare a child's development to that of other children who are in the same age group.
Children are considered unusually short if they fall below the third percentile of height for their age group.
Timeouts and consequences continue to be effective disciplinary measures in this age group.
Sixty-seven percent of the children treated were between one and four years of age, with two-year-olds the most common age group.
Examples of appropriate activities for this age group include rolling and bouncing a ball, jumping, hopping, skipping, mimicking animal movements, and pedaling a tricycle.
Poverty exerts its greatest impact during children's preschool years, the age group in which children are most likely to live in poverty.
Diaper rashes occur in the diaper-wearing age group (birth to three years of age).
Children in this age group sometimes bite one another because they are over-stimulated or tired or because they have not yet learned to use words to express their feelings.
There are vaccines for the youngest age group at risk for developing the disease and known to develop a satisfactory antibody response to the vaccination.
It consists of 16 subtests, not all of which are used for every age group.
Thus, there is considerable variation in fine motor development among this age group.
The most common age group to experience sleepwalking is children under 10.
Parallel play is usually associated with toddlers, although it happens in any age group.
They want to know the right kind of play for an only child or sick child who may not be able to play with other children in their age group.
This age group likes to run, jump, hop, and in general increase motor skills.
The Maturity Index indicates the age group of the child in terms of test performance.
It is more commonly diagnosed among children under age five than any other age group.
In addition, women in this age group are often coping with the care of aging parents as well as their own offspring.
Researchers conducting a 2004 survey for the National Sleep Foundation discovered that children in every age group fail to meet even the low-end requirements for adequate sleep.
Children in this age group tend to be more troubled with nightmares and night terrors than younger children.
Sleep disruptions such as nightmares tend to increase with this age group as the child has more life experiences and anxieties to process.
In the age group of nine to 12, adolescents usually react to abandonment with anger.
Early intervention often helps other children to catch up to their age group.
It is how children and teens learn to get along with others of their own age group and eventually learn how to become independent.
Time outs for this age group should be very brief.
If they do not comply, this age group often responds well to being grounded until they choose to complete the time out.
Children in this age group who are caught stealing should be made to take the item back or should be made to find ways to make enough money to pay for what they have stolen.
The most common injury level for the five to 13 age group is the high cervical spine (C1-C4).
Usually the aggression in this age group is expressed toward parents as a way to get their compliance with the child's wishes.
The pediatrician can make an initial evaluation of the child's developmental maturity compared to other children in his or her age group.
Children of this age group spend much of their time daydreaming.
The newest, hottest styles run the gamut from playful and unusual to smart and professional, and essentially offer something for everyone of every age group.
I love medium length hair on women in this age group.
However, some children, especially those in smaller communities or those who live in an area with few other children, may be unable to form close relationships with kids in their age group.
Joining a reading group fosters a love of reading, improves oral communication skills, and allows your child to interact with children in his age group.
If you are a homeschooling parent, you must ensure your child has access to children in his age group.
However, the curriculum for this age group is really very simple and can be had for free online and through the local library.
If you plan to design your own early childhood lesson plans, remember, the best learning activities for this age group are tactile ones.
Activities and crafts that provide practical knowledge that is also appropriate for your child's age group will make the act of learning enjoyable.
Popular jobs for this age group include positions within the service industry, particularly because service industries tend to be open several hours beyond normal school hours.
Many designers are aware of this and make modest two piece bathing suits juniors will like and that will be suitable for their particular age group.
No matter where you have a swim party, or what age group is involved, safety has to be your first concern.
There is something for everyone in every age group and at every performance level.
You can bend the rules the way you want to make it suitable for any age group to play.
Friends, fashion, pets and favorite hangouts are among the features that make the dolls so interesting to the age group.
The weight requirement for this age group is up to 40 pounds.
Each is a little different and recommended for a different age group.
From the traditional teddy bear, to even frogs and monkeys, there is a stuffed animal for every age group and personality type.
A vintage doll or doll that may become valuable would be appropriate for this age group as well.
Exercise caution when buying pool toys sight unseen to ensure they are well-constructed, made with non-toxic materials and safe for the age group of children who will be playing with them.
If you decide to supplement your vitamin K, be aware of the RDA for your gender and age group.
Macy's - This venerable department store has a wide selection of summer dresses in the latest trends for every age group.
The game is designed for girls over the age of 7 and is likely to be enjoyed primarily by the pre-high school age group.
Votive candle holders about three inches in size are preferable, but you can choose the size that is easy to handle for the age group in your scouting troop.
Check out LoveToKnow Kids for reviews of the coolest toys for every age group.
Share dating experiences, your creative writing and chat with folks in a specific age group.
Because the site started with and grew from college students, that age group represents the majority of people on Facebook.
I have been very shy with females of my age group since childhood, though I have managed to act confident for few years now.
If you are a guy in high school or even college, it's important to understand what girls within this age group are looking for in a guy if you want to stand any chance of dating them.
The only catch is that your profile information has to match criteria set by the member in whom you're interested, such as a specific age group.
From there, you'll choose the age group you're interested in.
You'll meet several people in your preferred age group from your city in one evening and be given a certain number of minutes to chat before moving from one to the next.
Even SugarDaddyHaven is quick to point out that feelings of safety and the sophisticated relationship skills make older men more attractive to younger women than their own age group.
Well, no age group has to fear with these lines of handbags since there is something for everyone at every age.
Although the growth rate of toddlers and preschoolers is slower than that of babies, this age group may outgrow special occasion clothes.
Girls in this age group are likely to be more tuned into style than their younger sisters and also subject to a great deal of peer pressure.
To avoid disappointment and tears, you'll want to make sure you involve girls in this age group in the clothing selection process.
For this age group it's best to use easily recognizable themes.
This age group can handle more detailed explanations, so more complicated birthday parties are acceptable.
This age group is more mature and can handle abstract ideas and those requiring audience input.
There are many party theme ideas available for every age group.
Brightly colored floatation devices in character, animal, transportation, and ocean themes are popular with this age group.
Many of the kids' learning games for this age group revolve around reading, writing, and very basic math.
Captain Feathersword of the Wiggles is a popular bedding theme among this age group.
For toddlers and preschoolers, you'll probably want to stick with items bought specifically for that age group for basic safety reasons.
There are several hot toys of 2006 geared specifically towards this age group.
Game systems, cell phones, and iPods are generally the toys for this age group.
Have a bin for each age group so as your next child grows you can find the age appropriate toys.
The parenting advice section is divided by age group and covers topics such as sleeping problems, milestones, academics, and family relationships.
Bright colors, movement, light and learning about the world around them is what is most important for this age group.
Good fun games for kids in this age group might include simple, tried and true favorites such as Peek-a-Book or Itzy Bitsy Spider.
Will you have a broad age range of party participants, or will the party be focused on a particular age group?
Details-There is a variety of uniform components available for this age group.
Board games are an option for boys of all ages; just make sure you check the packaging for the recommended age group before you buy.
The good news is that computer games have ratings on the packaging to give you an idea of which age group they are considered appropriate for.
However, in some instances, unique specifications or requirements are established for each individual school or age group.
If you're out of cake ideas, bakers are more than happy to assist you in finding a cake theme or character that would suit your child's age group and interests.
A second important part of the Toolkit is a special developmental guide with tips and activities geared to your child's age group.
So, whether you're teaching, say, patience to a toddler, a preschooler, or a teenager, there's a checklist of activities and things to know about that age group.
Learn with Math Games also has many printables specifically tailored to the kindergarten age group.
Christmas quizzes can be on any holiday topic and for any age group.
The overall look is cute and childlike, and its popularity amongst American and Japanese teenagers is perhaps one of the reasons for the rising popularity of Mary Janes for this age group.
The target age group at this popular mall outpost is 16-35, so the styles are always young and fresh.
In this case, an all inclusive family vacation package including special activities targeted toward this age group may be ideal.
Teens will love the teen concierge who can provide their age group with all the hip places to hang out.
Autistic children do learn, but they learn much less from their environment than other children in the same age group.
Figure out what age group of students you want to work with.
Disclaiming the advantages of a low-fat diet when such a complex gender and age group was independently studied does not address the diverse population that may benefit from a low-fat diet.
Extreme care must be taken in approaching weight issues among this age group.
Note that "vous" is used formally and "tu" is used when one already knows the person or when in the same age group.
Individuals in this age group are allowed to make "catch-up" contributions until they sign up for Medicare.
This cause outnumbers any other cause of death for this age group including drowning, diseases or suicide.
Not all insurance companies offer car insurance to people who fall into this age group.
I do specifically target women in the 35-55 age group primarily because I'm in that age group, but also because women in that age group are interested in looking and feeling good for themselves.
High School Musical has been an entertainment phenomenon among teens and tweens, making the well-loved movie a popular party theme among this age group.
Parties for this age group are relatively easy to plan because kids this young are generally pretty easy to please.
Look for one who specializes in youth, adult or mixed age group parties.
Both boys and girls in this age group may enjoy parties at a bowling alley, miniature golf park, theme park, or zoo.
If producers are looking for a certain age group or a certain group of people and you don't meet the requirements, don't go out for the audition.
Years many HMO 's you providing you amounts to a. Over years age group a well educated.
This toy is so instinctive and perfect for the age group.
Figure 4 show the relationship between observed three-year mortality and statin prescription for the age group 75-80 years.
Eczema, also called dermatitis, is actually a group of skin conditions that effect every age group.
Teenagers aren't the only age group that suffers from breakouts; adults get them too, which is why the right acne scar skin care is important when it comes to leaving your skin blemish-free.
Offerings run the gamut from low- to high-end, and there is something for every skin type, age group and even price range.