Age Sentence Examples
He sold his first painting at age fifteen – something like $17,000.
At her age, the words sounded strange.
About your age, I guess.
Giving up a child of any age had to be difficult.
What do you do at age thirty, or, if you're lucky, forty?
We were not born in that age that had no word for change.
This is not a defense of our present age; we will come to our own report card soon enough.
When at the age of fourteen she had had but a few lessons in German, she read over the words of "Wilhelm Tell" and managed to get the story.
This is an age of workers, not of thinkers.
When she was stricken down with the illness which resulted in her loss of sight and hearing, at the age of nineteen months, she was learning to talk.
AdvertisementHe looked to be about her age and his blond hair was neatly combed into a fashionable style.
Kind of makes you wonder what they were up to when she was my age, doesn't it?
What's the point of living to a ripe old age if you can't enjoy yourself?
The children were all elementary age, their dismembered bodies nothing but carnage.
We based the age on when the ownership of the mine changed hands and when it was last worked.
AdvertisementDean knew from reading their newspaper comments and hearing of their exploits that age had in no way diminished their faculties.
He did the math—married seven years, divorced ten years— depending on her age when she married, she might be a young-looking forty.
Even his many years absence from visiting Ouray no longer eliminated him as a suspect now that the age of the bones was uncertain.
She recalled nothing beyond her human age of twenty-six years.
It is found in flat rolled pieces, irregularly distributed through a blue clay probably of Miocene age.
AdvertisementIn our modern age, people disagree not just in terms of values they apply to knowledge, but they disagree on actual pieces of knowledge.
They will take advantage of the freedom from financial want that the modern age gives them and will focus on improving themselves and the world they live in.
Last week she made her doll an apron, and it was done as well as any child of her age could do it.
She always reads such books as seeing and hearing children of her age read and enjoy.
I could always tell if visitors had called in my absence, either by the bended twigs or grass, or the print of their shoes, and generally of what sex or age or quality they were by some slight trace left, as a flower dropped, or a bunch of grass plucked and thrown away, even as far off as the railroad, half a mile distant, or by the lingering odor of a cigar or pipe.
AdvertisementThe Golden Age was first created, which without any avenger Spontaneously without law cherished fidelity and rectitude.
The two young men, the student and the officer, friends from childhood, were of the same age and both handsome fellows, though not alike.
I was sowing wild oats at that age and not thinking clearly.
In my younger days I slept on the ground half the summer, but old age makes you stiff.
He rose to leave and then added, Whatever the age of that skeleton, the facts still remain that someone swapped the bones, someone stole the finger and 'metalman29' was offering an inflated price for the mine.
His age was wrong but that was when they suspected Martha's bones dated back to the 1960s.
It has been found in Mycenaean tombs; it is known from lake-dwellings in Switzerland, and it occurs with neolithic remains in Denmark, whilst in England it is found with interments of the bronze age.
The implication is that any time they nursed, they felt pain as well, to learn at an early age that there is no pleasure to be had in life without pain.
Their aim, he said, was nothing less than "the lifting, from the backs and from the hearts of men, of their burden of arms and of fears, so that they may find before them a golden age of freedom and of peace."
They need the Internet, mobile phones, computers, and the other accoutrements of the modern age for the wealth they bring.
Long before English became the lingua franca of the Internet age, the world has wanted a common language.
As a historian, I know it has been the vanity of every age to think it represents a high point in history.
I hope that, after reading this far, you appreciate that for our age, this is no idle boast.
They early introduce us to and detain us in scenery with which otherwise, at that age, we should have little acquaintance.
At your age I was married.
We lost his mother to cancer at an early age and his father is in jail, convicted of fraud.
A brother would make the most sense, given the age difference.
To create a fake identity, one would need at a minimum, our age, physical description and picture.
Most of our cases proved to be runaways or missing persons and our limitations due to non-specific known time or age of the event continued to plague us.
No warrior wants to die of old age, he said.
If there was a way to make him see what was in her head … to make him remember … she focused on Damian's memories, the ones before the dark age, when he and his brother were happy.
I tried to make a photographer out of my godson Billy, but I'm afraid at his age there are a lot more interesting things to do, and they all have female names.
If we had a better description of them it might pinpoint the age of the victim.
Destiny was big for her age.
Jetr, the only Council member he trusted, had been an ally for three generations of his family without appearing to age.
The etchings of age, pain, and sorrow were upon his brow and cheeks.
To a youth and womanhood of storm and stress had succeeded an old age of serene activity and then of calm decay.
On the Constantins platz stands the magnificent brick basilica, probably of the age of Constantine, though the south and east walls are modern.
Thus Isaiah became in that troubled age the true founder of Messianic prophecy.
In philosophy he began with a strong predilection for the physical side of psychology, and at an early age he came to the conclusion that all existence is sensation, and, after a lapse into noiimenalism under the influence of Fechner's Psychophysics, finally adopted a universal physical phenomenalism.
By the time Norman Borlaug passed away in 2009 at the age of ninety-five, he had become one of only six people to have won the Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Congressional Gold Medal.
The ideas of the Revolution and the general temper of the age produced Napoleon's power.
Her age must have been mentioned at least a half-dozen times in the last six trips.
On the record, tell the public this; you've been led to believe the psychic tipster is a woman of an age able to collect social security.
His kind don't age.
The age would be the give-away, even if I feel seventy-seven.
I'm not sure all packaging wouldn't look unfamiliar to a girl her age.
I can't even imagine it at her age.
The old man sighed, looking every bit his age.
I told him that was nonsense and he had no business drinking at his age.
Mums was her first choice because of confidentiality issues, but there probably wasn't much romance at her age and after so many years of marriage.
She looked younger than Talal, and he wondered what her age might have been.
It was like every teen age wet dream.
A full ten years older than his little brother, he'd raised Damian from the age of seven, after the death of their father.
At the age of eight he was taken in charge by an elder brother of his father, Howard Hastings, who held a post in the customs. After spending two years at a private, school at Newington Butts, he was moved to Westminster, where among his contemporaries occur the names of Lord Thurlow and Lord Shelburne, Sir Elijah Impey, and the poets Cowper and Churchill.
At the age of eighteen, on the 25th of February 1639, he married Margaret, daughter of Lord Coventry, with whom he and his wife lived at Durham House in the Strand, and at Canonbury House in Islington.
Edgar Mortara, when between five and six years of age, fell ill.
He was still at college in Vienna when the sudden death of his father raised him to the Khedivate; and he was barely of age according to Turkish law, which fixes majority at eighteen in cases of succession to the throne.
But he was a patron of learning and, like most prelates of his age, a great architect.
As a boy he attended the Volksschule of his native village, and at the age of seventeen, having passed through the gymnasium of Kdslin, went to Berlin to study medicine.
In the English criminal law, where corporal punishment is ordered by the court for certain criminal offences, the "cat" is used only where the prisoner is over sixteen years of age.
When the king came of age, the mayor exerted himself to keep this power, and succeeded.
He was educated at the school of the Brothers of the Christian Doctrine at Brive, where he received the tonsure at the age of thirteen.
At the age of sixteen he went home to his father, who was now settled at Rennes, and had married again.
The cardinal de Retz in his leisurely age at Commercy found amusement in presiding at disputations between the more moderate Cartesians and Don Robert Desgabets, who interpreted Descartes in an original way of his own.
Ivan was also unfortunate in having for his chief antagonist Stephen Bathory, one of the greatest captains of the age.
He did not himself know his age and was quite unable to determine it.
Fred, age seventy-six, was quick to embrace any hint of mystery and attach it to the most common everyday happening.
But I wish you'd stop mentioning my age.
Cynthia had ironed it and the dress looked quite appealing in spite of its hundred-year age.
When I was about your age, I wasn't a lick smarter than you.
That's a ridiculous age to take up skiing!
There was no charge for Fred, though the counter girl, with a wink at Dean, asked for age verification, telling Fred he didn't look a day over sixty.
Fred answered with a look that said he, too, was justifiably proud to be on the slopes at his age.
All persons under the age of eighteen must complete and mail a consent of minors use of the ice park in the box below.
The building sat amid a cluster of cottonwoods that had grown there for an old man's lifetime, while a weather-beaten barn stood off to the side, showing its tired age.
Jerry took off at about age thirteen.
I'd hate to think a child his age would try to kill someone, whatever the reason, but I have to admit it's a possibility.
Then she added, What kind of a mother lets her son do something stupid like climbing icicles at the age of twelve?
Martha, although half her age, was taller by two inches than the elfin Franny.
Your age is pushing the envelope—" "Careful...." she smiled.
She contracted smallpox at the age of 33.
Yes. You know it isn't polite to ask a lady her age.
He grinned thinking how she would react to his true age.
How do you think he will deal with the age thing?
Werewolves age very quickly until puberty, then the process slows exponentially.
Because they usually tire of living long before they show age and find someone to stake them.
That's a tough age.
Seems like so much death should be avoidable in this day and age.
It was not likely for the paths of a soldier and a member of the political elite to cross paths, but he was the closest thing she had ever had to a friend since leaving her home at the age of four.
How many women her age had never seen a naked back, let alone a naked man?
Mrs. Watson demonstrated with a deftness at odds with her age.
It led to the last apocalyptic age that predated my predecessor here. It was not a good time, Rhyn. I'm hoping I can calm the waters down.
Jeffrey Byrne, age 38, of 156 Maid Marian Lane, Parkside, apparently drowned in the early morning hours of Tuesday, May fourth while on a business trip in Norfolk, Virginia.
He didn't want to go but I felt it was important for him to be around friends his own age.
He was remarkably spry, healthy for his age, and had broken the hearts of half the widows in Parkside.
Dean did not know Ethel's age and she wouldn't have told him if he had been interested enough to ask.
Randy Byrne was dressed in jeans and sweater and seemed at ease around adults, more so than most his age.
Look, I don't ask their age.
The man was about Dean's age, shorter, with dark hair and moustache and dressed in full biking attire.
I figured I was getting absentminded in my old age and I tossed it when I was cleaning up.
Some of the bikers were Dean's age or older and a few were in physical shape that made you wonder if they realized what they were undertaking.
Congratulations on making the climb—at your age.
Using his own parameters about mileage and age of the vehicle, he found several cars that fit her criteria.
Of course, it usually didn't happen at her age.
That's kind of childish, isn't it – for a woman my age?
Age has nothing to do with it, Carmen.
Her mate and father were near the same age, over double her eighteen years.
The demon is too strong for a boy under the age of five summers.
Those of age to become pages were too old, for the beast twisted their impure hearts and made them attack us.
After several seasons and seventeen children, we discovered the right age for a host.
Already he felt as if an age had passed since he was flung into the darkness.
My son nears the age where my uncle says the demon must claim him as a host.
One of them wore a sash of red and black, a youth his age hiding behind him.
Taran felt someone watching him and peered between two of his father's men to see the youth his age with glowing green eyes.
In my age or yours, this is true.
It felt like a lifetime, as if she were looking up on the walls for the first time in an age!
He was a lonely child, about your age.
Still, he was a good looking boy – tall for his age and lean.
Maybe it was the age.
The only thing boys his age think about is propagate, propagate.
I thought maybe a boy about Jonathan's age would be nice.
From what she had read and gleaned from conversations with mothers of teen boys, Jonathan was typical for his age.
There were five boys in their band – two of them a rebellious age of fifteen.
The freckles sprinkled over that upturned nose gave her a youthful look, though he guessed her to be nearer his age.
When you're my age you'll wish you had taken his proposal of marriage more seriously.
He was close to her age and, though she wouldn't have described him as handsome, there was something about his features that she found attractive.
That man had talked about catamounts - and a grandson who would have been about her age.
A full head and shoulders taller than other kids his age, he had lost the ability to work with the rest of the street urchins.
His mother spoke of a rich woman often, one who sent her on errands when his mother was not wanted at the whorehouse where she made what living was afforded a poor woman beyond the marriage age.
He was beaten once, at the age of seven, and the second time, his mother was.
Losing his family at such an early age, I understand why, she said, thoughts on her cousins.
In 1872 he was promoted commander at what was an exceptionally early age, but he died on the 17th of December 1874 of brain fever.
It may be added that fossil remains of the African elephant have been obtained from Spain, Sicily, Algeria and Egypt, in strata of the Pleistocene age.
He appeared, however, only once at its conferences, owing to his age and to disappointment at the comparative failure of his work.
The serfs, whose wrongs seldom attracted notice in an age indifferent to the claims of common humanity, found a friend in this severe monarch, and he protected even the despised and persecuted Jews.
At the age of nineteen he returned home and began practice with his father.
At the age of thirteen he entered the university where he studied under Graevius and Gronovius.
In many respects he was far in advance of his age.
After his return to Morocco at the age of twentyeight, he began preaching and agitating, heading riotous attacks on wine-shops and on other manifestations of laxity.
He had retired at an early age from the army and was living an idle life at home as a gentleman farmer.
I was not then at an age for reflecting on social grievances.
Destined from his birth for the church, he received the tonsure at the age of seven and was soon loaded with rich benefices and preferments.
Every Italian artist and man of letters in an age of singular intellectual brilliancy tasted or hoped to taste of his bounty.
At the early age of sixteen he attained one of the highest dignities of the order, being made grand prior of France.
The beautiful frescoes with scenes from the life of the saint (a local saint who died at the age of fifteen) are the earliest work of Domenico Ghirlandaio, completed before 1475.
All male citizens above twenty-one years of age have the right of suffrage, subject to a residence of one year in the state and sixty days in the county in which they offer to vote.
A senator must be twenty-five years of age, and must have been a citizen of the state for five years and a resident of the district for one year preceding his election.
A woman becomes of age at twenty-one.
A law enacted in 1908 requires that children between eight and fifteen years of age shall attend school twenty-four weeks each year, provided the public school in their district is in session that length of time.
On the 21st of December 1443 he was sworn to the statutes by Bishop Bekynton and the earl of Suffolk, the king's commissioners, and himself administered the oath to the other members of the foundation, then only five fellows and eleven scholars over fifteen years of age.
The renewal of interest in classical literature was shown in the prohibition of the study of sophistry by any scholar under the age of eighteen, unless he had been pronounced proficient in grammaticals.
Curiously, Apotheosis is used by the Latin Christian poet, Prudentius (c. 400), as the title of a poem defending orthodox views on the person of Christ and other points of doctrine - the affectation of a decadent age.
He was a born adventurer, going to sea at the age of 17 and serving before the mast as A.B.
Concerning his second marriage, it suffices to say that the Baroness Imhoff was nearly forty years of age, with a family of grown-up children, when the complaisant law of her native land allowed her to become Mrs Hastings.
In his initial declaration to the chamber the new premier had declared his intention of continuing the policy of the late cabinet, pledging the new ministry to a policy of conciliation, to the consideration of old age pensions, an income-tax, separation of Church and State.
Gascoigne was killed at the battle of Marston Moor on the 2nd of July 1644, in the twenty-fourth year of his age, and his untimely death was doubtless the cause that delayed the publication of a discovery which anticipated, by twenty years, the combined work of Huygens, Malvaison, Auzout and Picard in the same direction.
It is thus clear that in the Bronze Age Sardinia was fairly thickly populated over by far the greater part of its extent; this may explain the lack of Greek colonies, except for Olbia, the modern Terranova, and Neapolis on the cians.
At the age of eighteen he was enrolled as a sizar at St John's College, Cambridge, whence he graduated in 1830 as fourth wrangler.
He was about fifty-five years of age.
His parents died before he was ten years of age, and he inherited extensive estates in Hampshire, Wiltshire, Dorsetshire and Somersetshire, much reduced, however, by litigation in Chancery.
The same society which produced his infamous favourites also produced St Philip of Moscow, and by refusing to listen to St Philip Ivan sank below even the not very lofty moral standard of his own age.
He was the best educated and the hardest worked man of his age.
Though only twenty-two years of age, Alexius was a man of ability and resolute will, and he succeeded without difficulty in making himself master of the greater part of the southern coast of the Black Sea.
His most important work is his standard History of English Dramatic Literature to the Age of Queen Anne (1875), re-edited after a thorough revision in three volumes in 1899.
About 1350 she went to Rome, partly to obtain from the pope the authorization of the new order, partly in pursuance of her self-imposed mission to elevate the moral tone of the age.
In the year 597 (being then, probably, not far from thirty years of age) he was carried off to Babylonia by Nebuchadrezzar with King Jehoiachin and a large body of nobles, military men and artisans, and there, it would seem, he spent the rest of his life.
At the age of twenty-two Avicenna lost his father.
In 1642 she was married to the duc de Longueville, governor of Normandy, a widower twice her age.
It must be conceded as no small merit in Lydgate that, in an age of experiment he should have succeeded so often in hitting the right word.
In 1549 Archibald Napier, at the early age of about fifteen, married Janet, daughter of Francis Bothwell, and in the following year John Napier was born.
Napier lived, too, not only in a wild country, which was in a lawless and unsettled state during most of his life, but also in a credulous and superstitious age.
Though under thirty years of age, he became all over Europe, and in an exceptional degree in France, the leader, organizer and consolidator of the Reformation.
From archaeological discoveries it would appear that the ancient town was preceded by a prehistoric settlement of the Bronze Age, the dwellings of which rested upon piles - one, indeed, of the so-called terremare, which are especially frequent in the neighbourhood of Parma.
Within a few months of the same age, the two became brothers in intellectual and artistic cameraderie.
Of Mendelssohn's remaining years it must suffice to say that he progressed in fame numbering among his friends more and more of the greatest men of the age.
Conscripts of 20 years of age have to serve two years, three months each year.
Dr Quintana at the time of his election was sixty-four years of age.
This body consists, according to the population of the commune, of from 10 to 36 members, elected for four years on the principle of the scrutin de liste by Frenchmen who have reached the age of twenty-one years and have a six months residence qualification.
Every Frenchman therefore is a member of the army practically or potentially from the age of twenty to the age of forty-five.
Each year there is drawn up in every commune a list of the young men who attained the age of twenty during the previous year.
The active army, then, at a given moment, say November 1, 1908, is composed of all the young men, not legally exempted, who have reached the age of twenty in the years 1906 and 1907.
The non-commissioned officers are, as usual in universal service armies, drawn partly from men who voluntarily enlist at a relatively early age, and partly from men who at the end of their compulsory period of service are re-engaged.
Voluntary enlistments in the French army are permissible, within certain limits, at the age of eighteen, and the engages serve for at least three years.
The inscript usually begins his service at the age of twenty and passes through a period of obligatory service lasting seven years, and generally comprising five years of active service and two years furlough.
The chief naval school is the Ecole navale at Brest, which is devoted to the training of officers; the age of admission is from fifteen to eighteen years, and pupils after completing their course pass a year on a frigate school.
Primary Inslruction.All primary public instruction is free and compulsory for children of both sexes between the ages of six and thirteen, but if a child can gain a certificate of primary studies at the age of eleven or after, he may be excused the rest of the period demanded by law.
Ward, then began to work on commissions, and at the age of twenty-three received from the town of Concord, Massachusetts, an order for his well-known statue "The Minute Man," which was unveiled (April 19, 1875) on the centenary of the battle of Concord.
At the age of eighteen Moratin won the second prize of the Academy for a heroic poem on the conquest of Granada, and two years afterwards he attracted more general attention with his LecciOn poetica, a satire upon the popular poets of the day.
At the age of sixteen he was sent to the celebrated Saxon cloister school of Pforta (Schulpforta).
This fluctuation finds a parallel in the age at which the Levites were to serve; for neither has any reasonable explanation been found on the traditional view.
The key must be sought in the exilic and post-exilic age where, unfortunately, direct and decisive evidence is lacking.
There are many stately figures in the Roman and other museums which clearly belong to the same school as the Parthenos; but they are copies of the Roman age, and not to be trusted in point of style.
In his old age he was engaged in incessant conflicts with his Aragonese and Catalan subjects, with Louis XI.
In his old age he was blinded by cataract, but recovered his eyesight by the operation of couching.
He died on the 15th of July 1472 at the age of about seventy-eight, leaving no children.
It is as yet difficult to determine the part which Rhodes played in prehistoric days during the naval predominance of the neighbouring island of Crete; but archaeological remains dating from the later Minoan age prove that the early Aegean culture maintained itself there comparatively unimpaired until the historic period.
The expansion of Levantine trade which ensued in the Hellenistic age brought especial profit to Rhodes, whose standard of coinage and maritime law became widely accepted in the Mediterranean.
Silurian rocks are well developed in western Tasmania, and the Silurian sea must have washed the south-western corner of the continent, if the rocks of the Stirling Range be rightly identified as of this age.
The age of the glacial deposits is later than the Glossopteris flora and occurs early in the time of the Gangamopteris flora.
Similar deposits, of approximately the same age, occur in Tasmania and New Zealand; and at about the same time there began the Kainozoic volcanic period of Australasia.
The great monoclinal fold which formed the eastern face of the east Australian highlands, west of Sydney, is of later age.
The census of 1901 showed that about 83% of the whole population and more than 91% of the population over five years of age could read and write.
In old age they appear much ground down; particularly is this the case with women, who chew the different kinds of fibres, of which they make nets and bags.
The affairs of a tribe were ruled by a council of men past middle age.
At the age of puberty the lad was tattooed or scarred with gashes cut in back, shoulders, arms and chest, and the septum of the nose was pierced.
By the Federal Act, passed in the session of 1908, a pension of ten shillings a week was granted to persons of either sex over sixty-five years of age, or to persons over sixty who are incapacitated from earning a living.
The Commonwealth legislation thus made provision for the aged poor in the three states which up to 1908 had not accepted the principle of old age pensions, and also for those who, owing to their having resided in more than one state, were debarred from receiving pension in any.
The money thus obtained was appropriated in part to naval defence and harbours, and in part to the provision of old age pensions under the Federal Old Age Pension Act of 1908.
At an early age he became a tile-burner.
The franchise is enjoyed by all domiciled males over twenty-five years of age who pay taxes.
Amidst universal anarchy, the young king, barely twenty years of age, inexperienced, ill-served, snatching at every expedient, worked day and night in his newly-formed camp in Scania (Skane) to arm the nation for its mortal struggle.
From the age of 18 years to 20 he was employed in the commissary department of the army.
At his advanced age he went with his youngest child to Panama to see with his own eyes the field of his new enterprise.
Not until the age of seventeen did he attack the higher mathematics, and his progress was much retarded by the want of efficient help. When about sixteen years of age he became assistant-master in a private school at Doncaster, and he maintained himself to the end of his life in one grade or other of the scholastic profession.
Philip, surnamed the Fair, was fifteen years of age, and his accession was welcomed by the Netherlanders with whom Maximilian had never been popular.
His Burgundian lands passed without opposition to his son Charles, then six years of age.
He was but twenty years of age, and his sudden intrusion was as embarrassing to the prince of Orange as to Don John.
His breadth of human sympathy led him to positions which the comparative study of religions has made familiar, but for which his age was unprepared.
At the age of twenty he found himself possessed of effective autocratic power.
Early in 1640 he died, barely twenty-nine years of age.
The limestone has yielded Proetus, Chonetes and other fossils, and is believed to be of Carboniferous age.
A change of climate, however, is imperatively necessary every five or six years, and the children of European parents should not be kept in the peninsula after they have attained the age of four or five years.
There are important quarries in Franklin (disambiguation)|Franklin county (at Swanton), the stone being a dark Chazy limestone, in which pink and red ("jasper," "lyonnaise" and "royal red") marbles of Cambrian age are found.
When these became law, he neglected to enforce them, and on the 1 st of September 1549 he was required by the council to maintain at St Paul's Cross that the royal authority was as great as if the king were forty years of age.
In May he refused to take the oath of supremacy, acquiring like his colleagues consistency with old age.
In both sacraments the death-bed baptism of an earlier age seems to survive, and they both fulfil a deep-seated need of the human spirit.
Many of the ancient oaks that remain in England may date from Saxon times, and some perhaps from an earlier period; the growth of trees after the trunk has become hollow is extremely slow, and the age of such venerable giants only matter of vague surmise.
The wood, of unknown age, found submerged in peat-bogs, and of a black hue, is largely used in decorative art under the name of "bog-oak."
Now at the age of 58 he was already old, and his firm, strong signature had become feeble and trembling.
But before long he came to understand, as no other commander of the age save Gustavus understood it, the value of true "shock-action."
It is when he is contrasted with other commanders, not of the age of Louis XIV., but of the Civil War, that Cromwell's greatness is most conspicuous.
It is not then surprising that we hear little of it after the apostolic age.
Neumayr, while they regard the basin of the Pacific as of great antiquity, believe the Atlantic to date only from the Mesozoic age.
After having been expelled from a monastery for his excessive austerities, at thirty years of age he built a pillar six feet high on which he took up his abode.
At an early age he entered the cloister; and in 423 he became bishop of Cyrrhus, a small city in a wild district between Antioch and the Euphrates, where, except for a short period of exile, he spent the remainder of his life.
Albrecht had been elected at the age of twenty-four to a see already impoverished by frequent successions and payments of annates to Rome.
What was particularly remarkable was that many of the entries were written by the most famous people of the age.
According to this statement he left his native town at an early age and settled at Rome, where he got employment in a theatre, though it is not clear in what capacity.
Thomas Heywood adapted the Amphitruo in his Silver Age (1613), the Rudens in his Captives (licensed 1624), and the Mostellaria in his English Traveller (1633).
Strabo mentions linen-weaving as an ancient industry of Panopolis, and it is not altogether a coincidence that the cemetery of Akhmim is one of the chief sources of the beautiful textiles of Roman and Coptic age that are brought from Egypt.
Thus perished at the age of thirty-six one of the most chivalrous and gifted of a gallant band of brothers, four of whom laid down their lives in their country's cause.
His conduct, judged not by a modern standard, but by the ideas of his age, will be found compatible with the highest Christian charity, as that of the duke with sound political prudence.
The age of these buildings is unknown, as they were already in ruins at the time of the Spanish Conquest.
After his death, his son, Valentinian Ii., an infant of four years of age, with his half-brother Gratian a lad of about seventeen, became the emperors of the West.
The child was then adopted to care for the parents' old age.
Vestals frequently adopted daughters, usually other vestals, to care for their old age.
The celebrated iron ore of Elba is of Tertiary age and occurs indifferently in all the older rocks.
At last, on the 3rd of October 12 26, he died in the Portiuncula at the age of forty-five.
His military training proceeded under the eye of his father, whom he began to follow on his campaigns when only twelve years of age.
For the four years 1899-1902 2466% died under the age of one year, 9.41 between one and two years.
The average expectation of life at birth for the same period was 52 years and II months, 62 years and 2 months at the age of three years, 52 years at the age of fifteen, 44 years at the age of twenty-four, 30 years at the age of forty; while the average period of life, which was 35 years 3 months per individual in 1882, was 43 yearf per individual in 1901.
This shows a considerable improvement, largely, but not entirely, in the diminution of infant mortality; the expectation of life at birth in 1882, it is true, was only 33 years and 6 months, and at three years of age 56 years I month; but the increase, both in the expectation of life and in its average duration, goes all through the different ages.
On the i7th of July 1898 a national fund for the insurance of workmen against illness and old age was founded by law on the principle of optional registration.
The minimum annual premium is six lire for an annuity of one lira per day at the age of sixty, and insurance against sickness.
The age limit is six to nine years for the lower grade, and up to twelve for the higher grade, attendance being obligatory at the latter also where it exists.
Infant asylums (where the first rudiments of instruction are imparted to children between two and a half and six years of age) and elementary schools have increased in number.
The law of 1877 rendering education compulsory for children between six and nine years of age has been the principal cause of the spread of elementary education.
In 1901-1902 only 65% out of the whole number of children between six and nine years of age were registered in the lower standards of the elementary and private schools.
To priests and choristers, for example, of the proprietary or endowed orders were assigned 24 per annum if they were upwards of sixty years of age, 16 if upwards of 40, and 14, 8s.
The senate consists of princes of the blood who have attained their majority, and of an unlimited number of senators above forty years of age, who are qualified under any one of twenty-one specified categoriesby having either held high office, or attained celebrity in science, literature, &c. In 1908 there were 318 senators exclusive of five members of the royal family.
The suffrage is extended to all citizens over twenty-one years of age who can read and write and have either attained a certain standard of elementary education or are qualified by paying a rent which varies from 6 in communes of 2500 inhabitants to 16 in communes of 15p,ooo inhabitants, or, if peasant farmers, I6s.
Nor can he be returned under the age of thirty, and he must be qualified as an elector.
About 20% of the total are women, and there is an increase of nearly 3% since 1882 in the proportion of suicides qader twenty years of age.
The year 476 opened a new age for the Italian people.
The age of real autonomy, signalized by the supremacy of consuls in the cities, had arrived.
Once seated in the duchy of Milan, he displayed rare qualities as a ruler; for he not only entered into the spirit of the age, which required humanity and culture from a despot, but he also knew how to curb his desire for territory.
They gradually entered into the spirit of their age, assumed the style of despots and made use of the humanistic movement, then at its height, to place themselves in a new relation to Italy.
The year 1492 opened a new age for Italy.
Italy, intellectually first among the peoples, was now politically and practically last; and nothing to her historian is more heartrending than to watch the gradual extinction of her spirit in this age of slavery.
In 1856 the emperor and empress visited their Italian dominions, but were received with icy coldness; the following year, on the retirement of Radetzky at the age of ninety-three, the archduke Maximilian, an able, cultivated and kind-hearted man, was appointed viceroy.
Though sixty-eight years of age, Crispi possessed an activity, a rapidity of decision and an energy in execution with which none of his contemporaries could vie.
In Queen Anne's reign, in his old age, he is described as "a gentleman of admirable natural parts, great knowledge and experience in the affairs of his own country, but of no reputation with any party.
He received his early education, according to Morice his secretary, from " a marvellous severe and cruel schoolmaster," whose discipline must have been severe indeed to deserve this special mention in an age when no schoolmaster bore the rod in vain.
At the age of fourteen he was sent by his mother, who had in 1501 become a widow, to Cambridge.
But Butler - for reasons satisfactory to himself, and eminently characteristic of the man; he hoped to conciliate his age!
On the whole then Butler in personal conviction is an intuitionalist, wavering towards the idealism of his age; but in argument he is an empiricist, trying to reason every question as one of given facts.
It is hard to be certain that any systematic grouping will anticipate all the suggestions that may occur to a restlessly and recklessly inquiring age.
By declaring, as it does, what were the laws and customs of a past age wherein justice prevailed, it shows what was the ideal of good government formed by John's prelates and barons.
Statesmen and commentators alike professed to find in Magna Carta a number of political ideas which belonged to a later age, and which had no place in the minds of its framers.
The older rocks are early Tertiary or late Cretaceous but there are no fossils to indicate age.
These are of great age, and rise sometimes to a height exceeding 15 ft.
The fossil shells, pottery and rude stone implements, found alike at the base and at the surface of these middens, prove that the habits of the islanders have not varied since a remote past, and lead to the belief that the Andamans were settled by their present inhabitants some time during the Pleistocene period, and certainly no later than the Neolithic age.
The male matures when about fifteen years of age, marries when about twenty-six, begins to age when about forty, and lives on to sixty or sixty-five if he reaches old age.
Except as to the marrying age, these figures fairly apply to women.
The living tissues at the surface are cut off from the underlying dead portions by horizontal partitions termed tabulae, which are formed successively as the coenosteum increases in age and size.
At the age of fifteen he acted as an interpreter in the Crimean War.
The age of this building is very uncertain; it has been assigned to dates ranging from the 1st to the 4th century A.D.
Of these St Matthias in the south, now represented by a 12th-century building, has a Christian cemetery of the Roman age.
Having accompanied his troops in expeditions against the Bohemians and the Wends, Otto was declared of age in 995.
At the age of sixty, having become widely known by his writings on philosophy, he was called to the chair of logic and metaphysics in the university of Naples, which he held till his death in November 1846.
The acts of councils of this age are full of the trials of bishops not only for heresy but for immorality and common law crimes.
The domestic order and tranquillity of the kingdom had been restored by his painstaking father, but Poland had shrunk territorially since the age of his grandfather Boleslaus I., and it was the aim of Boleslaus II.
Marcus had been, at the age of fifteen, betrothed to Fabia, the sister of Commodus; the engagement was broken off by Antoninus Pius, and he was betrothed to Faustina, the daughter of the latter.
Antoninus Pius died in 161, having recommended as his successor Aurelius, then forty years of age, without mentioning Commodus, his other adopted son, commonly called Lucius Verus.
In this campaign Aurelius, after a series of successes, was attacked, according to some authorities, by an infectious disease, of which he died after a seven days' illness, either in his camp at Sirmium (Mitrovitz), on the Save, in Lower Pannonia, or at Vindobona (Vienna), on the 17th of March 180, in the fifty-ninth year of his age.
He became a Salian priest at the age of eight, and soon knew by heart all the forms and liturgical order of the official worship, and even the sacred music. In the earliest statue we have he is a youth offering incense; he is a priest at the sacrificial altar in the latest triumphal reliefs.
The apothecaries' ordinance at Nuremberg provided that no Theriaca should in future be branded with the seal of the city unless it had been previously examined and declared worthy of the same by the doctors of medicine, and that every druggist must know the age of the Theriaca he sold.
Inasmuch as its action changed very materially with age, " the buyer should in all instances be informed, so that he may not be deceived."
A large circle of Talmudists lived there; at their head Joseph Qaro, then over eighty years of age.
These vary considerably in completeness with its age; in its younger parts the outer cells wall undergoes the change known as cuticularization, the material being changed both in chemical composition and in physical properties.
The power exercised by the Leguminosae is associated with the presence of curious tubercular swellings upon their roots, which are developed at a very early age, as they are cultivated in ordinary soil.
Other undoubted Dicotyledons, though of uncertain affinity, of similar age have now been detected in North America.
Starkie Gardner has argued with much plausibility that the Tertiary floras which have been found in the far north must have been of Eocene age.
A Persian king, Artaxerxes, who was murdered by his brother Gosithros at the age of 93 years, is mentioned in a fragment of Isidore of Charax (Lucian, Macrobii, 15).
A much more important work in the history of geographical method is the Geographia generalis of Bernhard Varenius, a German medical doctor of Leiden, who died at the age of twentyeight in 1650, the year of the publication of his book.
It was the spirit of the age; and England, English and Holland and France were fired by it.
It is from these works that our knowledge of the gallant deeds of the English and other explorers of the Elizabethan age is mainly derived.
The great traveller survived until 1815, when he died at the age of eighty-two.
Elie de Beaumont, in his speculations on the relation between the direction of mountain ranges and their geological age and character, was feeling towards a comprehensive theory of the forms of crustal relief; but his ideas were too geometrical, and his theory that the earth is a spheroid built up on a rhombic dodecahedron, the pentagonal faces of which determined the direction of mountain ranges, could not be proved.'
He remained in possession of his kingdom till his death at a very advanced age.
His adroitness in intrigue and his fascinating manners were exceptional even in an age when such qualities formed part of every statesman's education; but the characteristics which ensured him success in the House of Lords and in the royal closet led to failure in his attempts to understand the feelings of the mass of his countrymen.
Jager has described coprolites from the alum-slate of Gaildorf in Wurttemberg; the fish-coprolites of Burdiehouse and of Newcastle-under-Lyme are of Carboniferous age.
The Cambridgeshire coprolites are believed to be derived from deposits of Gault age; they are obtained by washing from a stratum about a foot thick, resting on the Gault, at the base of the Chalk Marl, and probably homotaxeous with the Chloritic Marl.
Age was now creeping on Torquemada, who, however, never would allow his misdirected zeal to rest.
Wakefield was for a short time at Westminster School, and was brought up to his father's profession, which he relinquished on occasion of his elopement at the age of twenty with Miss Pattle, the orphan daughter of an Indian civil servant.
A wide gap separates Archaeopteryx from the next order of fossil birds of the Cretaceous epoch, and, since freshwater deposits of that age are rare, bird remains are uncommon.
Probably all birds of Cretaceous age were still possessed of teeth.
Instead of the age of lower Eocene, as had been stated originally, these beds are not older than mid-Miocene, and not a few of the bones are of a much younger, even latest Tertiary date.
At his death in 1786 he was succeeded by his son Charles, the notorious "Jockey of Norfolk," the big, coarse, generous, slovenly, hard-drinking Whig of whom all the memoirwriters of his age have their anecdotes.
He survived the reign of Henry VIII., that perilous age for the Howards, with no worse misadventure than the conviction of himself and his wife of misprision of treason in concealing the offences of his niece, Queen Catherine.
A list of the Elamite deities is given by Assur-bani-pal; at the head of them was In-Susinak, "the lord of the Susians," - a title which went back to the age of Babylonian suzerainty, - whose image and oracle were hidden from the eyes of the profane.
He entered Trinity College, Cambridge, at the age of sixteen, but took no degree, his course being interrupted by severe pulmonary attacks which compelled a long residence abroad.
Tacitus possessed many admirable qualities, but his gentle character and advanced age unfitted him for the throne in such lawless times.
Nor is this title found in the age which succeeded to that of the apostles.
Both in East and West, the 4th and 5th centuries form the golden age of dogmatic theology, of homiletic preaching, of exposition, of letter-writing, of Church history, of religious poetry.