Against Sentence Examples
What do you have against me?
I don't have to defend myself against Alex.
Who could be against children not going blind?
She turned it again, and this time put her weight against the door.
I take no side other than to be against hunger.
There is a war now against Napoleon.
Each time Prince Nesvitski tried to move on, soldiers and carts pushed him back again and pressed him against the railings, and all he could do was to smile.
You have borne arms against us.
He pressed his face against the window and managed a forlorn goodbye wave.
Against this backdrop, YouTube appears.
AdvertisementSo you run against me and lose?
Wasn't there some law that prevented a wife from testifying against her husband?
That said, the suggestions of the twenty-five-year sales veteran wouldn't stand a chance against Amazon.
She pressed against him, moaning with delight.
I'm not against the commune, said Dron.
AdvertisementCassie tapped her boot toe against the footrest and shifted restlessly in the seat while the men exchanged greetings.
She leaned against the waist-high wall.
My guess is that such people have some genetic factor protecting them against the adverse effects of bacon.
Preventing violent crimes and crimes against the weak usually take precedent over fraud and economic crimes.
I swear, sometimes I think he's completely against progress.
AdvertisementHe stepped closer, slipping his other hand around her waist, and pulled her gently against him.
He turned and leaned back against the counter, surveying her with obvious distaste.
It goes against the grain.
His low growl vibrated against her.
Her hair sparkled in the sunlight against the dark tan of his hand.
AdvertisementHer headache was now a migraine, and she shielded her eyes against the light from the street that filtered past her honeycomb blinds.
Her blood was a slash of stark red against a white marble floor.
Deidre eased against him, the tension fleeing her body.
When he withdrew, she rested against him.
She rested her head against the back of the chair.
She sat there for a long time, leaning against the porch post and thinking about the first time they had met.
Deidre rested her forehead against her knees, tears on her face.
International aid strategies have often worked against each other.
They rounded the corner of the building to see a group of men lounging against the fence, watching a display that made Carmen's blood run cold.
She braced herself against the memories running through his head and the confusion as he tried to figure out where he was.
He drew her against him.
Darkyn flicked a nail against the pad of his thumb.
He took Deidre's arm and pulled her against him, rubbing his hips against her backside.
She leaned forward until she was resting against the demon, who didn't move away.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled her face against his cheek.
Breathless, she managed to open the door on the second try and made it into the hallway before sagging against the wall.
The biggest thing you two have against each other is that you're so much alike.
Giddon was leaning against the kitchen sink, frowning into a cup of coffee when she entered.
Any excursion there after today would be against his instructions, but what she planned to do there wouldn't exactly be sanctioned anyway.
Claudette laced her fingers and leaned against the counter, eyeing Cynthia with a puzzled expression.
Her hand dropped from her eyes to reveal a furry, fanged monster from a nightmare framed against the light.
She wrenched away from both men and pressed the heels of her hands against her eyes, trying to stop the visions.
She closed her eyes against the sunlight and took another two steps into the garden.
Jake didn't follow her as she strode into the airport and checked in, careful not to brush up against anyone for fear of the jarring visions.
Dusty felt for her pulse before resting against the cabinets opposite him.
She wiped her mouth again and flung the rag against the wall, chest heaving.
She shoved against him as hard as she could, knowing when he released her it was because he wanted to.
He sliced his wrist, and her attention turned immediately to thick liquid bubbling against his olive skin.
She recoiled, pushing herself against the couch.
A hand swept the dark memories from her mind, and she sagged against Darian, feeling the same sense of peace overtake his mind.
He moved his arm to wrap around her and pulled her against him.
Darian's disapproving gaze mirrored Damian's, and Sofia hid her face against Damian's chest as the three men facing her gave her similar looks.
The horrors from his mind fell away as she curled against her mate again.
Comfortable against Damian, she drifted into a restful doze until he shifted.
He took her hand in his and leaned forward, allowing his forehead to rest against hers.
He dragged her against him.
Instinctively, she flattened her palm against his chest once more to feel his heartbeat.
The same instincts that warned her against the last deal with him told her she'd never win any bet with the devil I'll give you the terms first this time.
His body was solid and strong, the sensations of his skin against hers and his scents intoxicating her.
Deidre whipped the door open, ignoring the sting of her wet hair against her shoulders.
She struggled against him, not caring what he did to her now that he'd taken away her only real hope of leaving.
She rested her cheek against his, and they breathed the same air, his steady and hers erratic.
Panting and exhausted, Deidre couldn't have moved, had he not shifted to hold her against him.
Deidre strained then sighed, letting her head drop back against his shoulder.
The feel of the hot skin of his chest against hers made her groan.
I don't think she knew they were working as much against her as with her.
Chilled by the cold ocean wind, Deidre pressed herself against his warm body.
She slumped against the low wall, propping up her elbows and covering her face.
My mate, helping someone win a deal against her.
His other arm wrapped around her while his breath was hot against her ear.
The pain soon turned to pleasure, and she melted against him.
The death dealer yanked her back against him, his one hand roaming down her side.
Suddenly he flicked off the flashlight, plunging them into utter darkness as she stumbled against him.
She called out, louder and more frantically this time, her voice echoing against the rock.
The rocking chairs were back, four in a row, red, green, yellow, and purple, adding a blaze of color against the century-old white building of Bird Song.
She plopped back down and shaded her eyes against the light.
He reached out to her again and pulled her hand away, placing his against her neck.
When he refused to release her, she sighed and leaned against him.
It was strange to struggle against her own mind.
Alex pulled her gently against him and kissed her mouth.
Finally, taking a deep breath, she walked close to the bathroom and leaned against the wall.
Nothing felt right, so she decided to tuck her hands behind her back and simply lean against the wall.
She rested her head against the steering wheel, frustration making her veins swell.
It was true, and only Andre supported his petition to be recognized as one of the seven sons charged by their father with protecting humanity against the Dark One.
She tugged at her captured hand and was squeezed against him even harder.
He gripped her throat roughly and pulled her against his body.
Her shot nerves calmed until she rubbed a towel against the misty mirror and saw the tattoo again.
She leaned against a wall, overlooking a stretch of rocky terrain punctuated with patches of yellow-green grass.
Rhyn was gone, and she leaned against the wall.
She sighed deeply as it beat against her sore muscles.
She lowered her and sagged against the boulder.
She focused on her food and banged her fork against her plate.
He picked up a piece of straw and leaned his back against the tree, picking his teeth.
I think I've always known, she said and rested her forehead against his.
The sight of such normalcy calmed her, until someone brushed against her.
As his adopted brothers in the war against evil, the two of them were his equals.
His hand lingered on her arm, and she rested her forehead against his fingers, comforted for the first time in months.
She felt his arms around her and leaned into him, surprised at how natural it felt to be held against a complete stranger who made her want to flee for the hills and strip naked at the same time.
His warm chest vibrated against her cheek as he chuckled.
Damian felt the unusual urge to look in on her again, to feel her soft skin against him once more and make sure she was safe.
His body responded with a surge of desire he gritted his teeth against.
She leaned back against the door, mouth dry and legs shaky.
Jilian grabbed her again, and she grated her teeth against the visions, staggering as she tried to keep upright.
Sofia pulled again at her bindings and closed her eyes against the blood splatters on the ceiling.
Her breathing stilled, and she strained against the bindings.
She strained and bucked against the bindings, her body seizing.
He leaned against the cabinets behind him.
He cut her shirt open while it charged and placed the paddles against her chest.
She flattened her palm against the spot over his heart.
Deidre struggled against the sensations.
You won't turn me against him.
He flicked a fingernail against his thumb in response, commanding her complete attention.
It showed him in battle, his hardened body moving with unearthly speed and agility against enemies that were obscured.
He flicked his nail against the pad of his thumb.
After donning a heavy jacket against the mountain chill and continuing dampness, she kissed her husband goodbye.
I know I should be upset that Fitzgerald is running against you but I know his being in the race makes you want to run all the more.
Dean slammed his fist against the Jeep in frustration at the sight.
Cynthia leaned back against the seat and closed her eyes while Brandon Westlake acted as if he were taking a Sunday afternoon ride in the park.
Speaking of the election, the courthouse is all abuzz now that Fitzgerald's running against you.
I must have leaned up against the barbeque! he said, rubbing the grease in.
When the phone rang for the fourth time, Dean assumed it was either a call for reservations or more discussion on the upcoming New Jersey wedding plans, but Cynthia held the phone against herself and called to her husband.
He rubbed his eyes against the dimness and caught sight of a skid mark.
She bit her lip and closed her eyes, hugging against him like a lost child.
He could still hear her stifled sobs as he cautiously moved down the slope, wedging his foot against rocks and small vegetation for purchase.
He sat against a bush and caught his breath, waiting for a repeat performance.
As angry as she is, I think it's a fair fight—her against Fitzgerald.
But if he planted a bottle in Billy's vehicle after the accident, it's his word against mine the alcohol wasn't there at the time of the accident.
A corner table was overturned, a lamp smashed, and a bottle of vodka broken against the wall.
I'm not sure running against Lydia will be any easier than taking on Fitzgerald.
I guess you're pissed at me for running against you.
I put the knife right against the left cheek of his butt and dug it in.
Lydia slammed on the breaks, flinging Dean against his seat belt.
He turned and put his arm to his eyes against the blindness.
Nobody would believe a kid against the word of an adult.
It wasn't coming out the way she practiced it, maybe because Gabriel was sitting close enough that she wanted to lean against him instead of the bed and place his large hands on the parts of her body hidden by clothes.
Gabriel drew her into his body, and she tucked her head against his shoulder, so she didn't have to look at him.
Her lips were soft and warm, her body molded against his.
Deidre shifted, aware again that she was now defenseless against the creatures that used to either fear her or at least, respect her power.
The human senses that made her gasp at the colors of spring flowers were also ill-made to defend them against Immortals and deities.
Deidre rested against the wardrobe, arms crossed as she shook from cold but blue eyes riveted to him.
Deidre sank against him, and he wrapped his arms around her trembling body.
She yielded, fitting against him in a way that made him more possessive of her petite frame and fiery spirit.
His velvety tongue was hot against her neck and her lips and as he pleasured her in ways she never experienced before.
His chest was warm against her ear, and she drew loose shapes against his skin, beyond intrigued by the smoothness.
She loved the feel of his warm skin against hers and breathed in his scent deeply.
You wanted to break me, Deidre, by turning me against everything I was.
He nudged her off him and onto her side then wrapped his arms around her and held her against him.
Deidre leaned forward until she was resting against the demon, who didn't move away.
The skin against his jaw was rough.
Immediately she snuggled against him again.
His warm hands dropped to her waist and slid to the back, pulling her gently against him.
His response was a soft groan that vibrated delightfully against her lips.
If she continued to push it, they would get a restraining order against her.
Sometimes, but if it's against your morals, then no.
Carmen leaned against the stall and whispered.
She leaned her head back against his arm and gazed up at him.
He lowered her feet and gently pushed her against the wall beside the door.
Destiny cowered against her, watching Alex intently.
Finally he reached out and took her waist in his hands, drawing her back against him.
You were exquisitely beautiful - standing against that wall looking so innocent – not posed like so many women do who have half as much to show off.
He stepped behind her and put his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his chest.
She leaned against him and he held her close.
Deidre closed her eyes and rested against him, trying to imagine what the last days of her life would be like.
The deity dragged Wynn here to warn him against altering his plan for revenge.
The compass grew hot against his chest.
She dumped her omelet onto her plate and faced him, leaning against the counter to eat.
Part of her wanted to lean against him, knowing he wouldn't turn her away.
They'd never trusted one another enough to share, and their father made things worse by compartmentalizing the Council's business and pitting the sons against one another long before he was killed.
Leaning against the sink, she breathed out a deep sigh.
She pressed herself against the warm, humming swamp cooler and turned a corner, only to come face to face with Gabriel again.
The footsteps of those entering the kitchen were solid against the stone floor.
His step slowed as he saw her leaning against the wall, gazing into the darkness.
She leaned against the wall, trembling visibly.
Deidre closed the door to her room and leaned against it, struggling to make sense of everything.
I intended to have him killed, before his mother acted against me.
Katie set the tray on the bed then sat at the foot, leaning against the bed frame.
She nodded and moved forward to stand beside him, leaning her hips against the railing.
The forest was cold, the rustle of pine trees against one another faint.
It was like throwing herself against a wall.
He didn't release her, instead drawing up the arm she used as a pillow to force her head against his shoulder.
She turned to face him and leaned against the door, hand on the knob.
His hands traveled down her arms and settled on her hips, drawing them against his.
Leaning back against the counter, she laughed out loud at her absurd thought.
She leaned back against the sink.
He leaned against the counter beside her, his arm touching hers.
He swirled his wine as he leaned against the counter opposite her.
His arms circled hers, and he drew her against him.
Deidre let her full weight settle against him.
She growled but settled, her head dropping back against his shoulder.
With her knees pulled closer to her chest to guard against the sea breeze, the dress crumbled to the creases of her thighs and hip.
It goes against my nature to avoid it, he was saying.
You also didn't bargain against not becoming a blood monkey while you were here either.
Deidre braced her hands against his chest, tunnel-vision forming.
The scraping of leather against leather, the hollow clatter of stone and shale, the rustle of whatever creature settled behind her.
Deidre opened the door into the familiar chamber and closed it behind her, leaning against it.
The others thought they trapped me, and here I am, against all odds.
He sagged against the wall, exhausted.
Rhyn snorted and let his head drop back against the stone wall.
He was dressed in worn clothing and shoes and flattened his palms against the window, as if he'd never been on a train before.
He was tall and clothed in all black, ominous and large against the slate sky.
His trench was long and unfastened, the chilled winter wind whipping back one side to reveal a sword tucked against his leg.
The cold wind felt good against her face and roused her dark thoughts.
She heard herself scrape against the wall as she fell and was out before she hit the floor.
You, out! she belted at the death dealer, who leaned his hip against the counter and managed to fill up the entrance to the kitchen.
Gabriel leaned his hip against the counter and crossed his arms in physical disagreement.
She slammed her door and rested her head against it, wondering how long this would continue before her head exploded.
Their turf wars and battle against the Dark One --and now Sasha --had stirred up some of the bloodiest wars in mankind's history.
He roared and slammed his fists against the ground.
He spun her to face him and pulled her against him with one arm while his other took hers to the side for a waltz pose.
He snatched both hands in one of his, balancing her with his body as he placed his other hand against her forehead.
The room was dark, the floor-to-ceiling windows displaying the incredible views of the Eiffel Tower, whose frame was outlined by lights against the dark Parisian sky She was about to step onto the balcony when a knock at the door drew her attention.
Wiggling her toes in the plushest carpet she'd ever felt, she leaned against the window sill, exhausted yet wired.
She slumped against the sill, hot from the inside out while the late fall breeze chilled her skin.
She wiped the glass shards from the ledge and carefully stepped out, standing against the outside wall.
She pressed the front of her body against the building, dug her fingertips into indents in the stone, and slid her foot along the roughened ledge to the right, stepping slowly and forcing her head up.
She stepped inside, sagged against the wall, and lifted one bloodied foot.
Rhyn retreated to the wall and sat with his back against it, staring at the healer that held the woman protectively in his arms.
The beast across the hall roared and threw itself against its prison.
A man in a robe hurried down the hall as the beast battered itself against the weakening cell.
He retreated to his cell and sat against the wall again, troubled by a familiar feeling of helplessness.
He slammed himself against the cell walls, roaring.
She relived the bloody scene in the banquet hall, heard the creature panting her name as he came against her thigh and then tore through the other side of her neck.
Rhyn smashed himself against the cell, as if to prove his strength.
They began beating against their cell walls, and the lights flickered again.
He nuzzled her neck, his breath hot against her skin.
She saw his large frame against the night sky outside the small cave, human one moment, then decidedly not the next.
She let the bodies pressed against her shove her into the chilled night and blinked back her blurred gaze until she saw her German friends.
Her head was spinning, her vision narrowing, and she paused close enough to Rhyn to lean against him.
She rested fully against him, shaking too hard to stay on her feet.
You can teach me how to defend myself against monsters if you get tired of bailing me out.
She sat on the river bank across from a series of wide, large steps leading up a hill to the park where the Arch stood, framed against a black sky.
His was the only form in one piece; he was propped up against the base of a tree.
He sagged against her.
They turned on their brothers and against humans and the order of good.
He said nothing and mirrored her position, leaning against the wall in what she knew was irritated mockery.
Instead, she slumped against the wall, defeated by alcohol and impotent rage.
He snatched her upper arms and pushed her against the wall, his body close enough for their chests to brush when either breathed in.
Exhausted, she rested her head, then her body, against him.
It was more than comforting; she wanted to melt against him and stay there.
It was not a stretch, not with his muscular body pressed against her and his rugged features so close.
She played them against each other and betrayed them both to Sasha.
She leaned against the wall, eyeing the distance from her position to the rock on which Rhyn sat.
He drank long, until she was swaying and leaning against him.
One arm looped around her and she braced herself against his chest, vaguely realizing that --by not refusing him the day before --he'd taken her response as a blank check.
He tensed as they stepped through the portal, clutching her against him with one arm, and she blinked.
Rhyn refused to release her, and she sighed, leaning her head back against his shoulder in defeat.
Megan asked, chuckling as she leaned against the doorway.
He looked her up and down in approval from his position leaning against the wall nearby.
She faced him, suddenly overly aware of how small the room was and the fact that he leaned against the only way out.
He wrapped one arm around her and pulled her against him.
His arousal rose solid and thick against her belly, and the soft towel agitated her straining nipples.
He pressed her against the wall, moving against her slowly while intensifying the kiss.
Before she could blink, he snatched her and shoved her against the wall, pinning her to it with his body.
She rested her cheek against the cool stone wall.
She tried to pull away, but he pressed her harder against the wall until she could barely breathe.
She cried out and arched, blinded by pain as he held her against the wall.
His erection pressed hard against her backside, and tears slid down her face.
She sagged against the wall and gripped her bleeding neck.
He propped her up, and she sagged against him, unable to keep from crying at the thought of one sworn to protect humanity nearly killing her!
Instead, his hand dropped to her shoulder, and he pulled her against him.
When she opened her eyes, he held her tightly against him.
He gripped her arm and pulled her against him once more.
She left him alone in the dark with his thoughts, and he began to understand more how his friend Rhyn felt in a world that was pitted against him.
I seek an alliance against my former employer and to regain my place at the Council, Sasha answered.
He threw her against the wall, blinded by pain and rage.
Rhyn made no moves on her, simply rolled to tuck her against his warm body.
She looked around for something to brace the door and ended up leaning against it.
Rhyn tossed the demon against the wall with enough power to break its back.
The stark red of blood against white snow caught his attention, and he circled the park behind the castle.
Jared was pale and propped against a rock.
The healer was huddled against the door, looking around with visible horror.
Kris caught Katie.s gaze and shook his head ever so slightly, warning her against coming in.
He draped his arms around her and pulled her against him, resting his chin on her head.
She wiped her face, afraid to let herself feel pleasure in the warm body pressed against hers on such a cold night.
He looked back to see Ully leaning against the wall to fix his shoes.
I want my revenge against Sasha and Kris both, but there are innocent people there.
Sasha snatched her neck with one hand, his movement too fast for her to defend herself against.
Sensing the level of tension in the room, Rhyn didn.t sit but leaned with his back against the wall, ready to launch across the table at whoever snapped first.
His turquoise eyes stood out against his caramel- colored Oriental features.
I won.t use force against my brothers.
She crossed to it, took a deep swig, then flung it against the door.
Katie gasped and flattened herself against the wall as they soared past them.
Steadying herself against the walls of the winding
Rhyn gave a nod, hands clenching at the thought of facing off against some demons.
She sagged against a counter, hoping he believed her.
He stopped to lean against a tree to rest, unable to shake his own surprise at discovering Sasha wasn.t dead.
He moved to the edge of the table nearest Jade and crossed his arms as he leaned against it.
He shoved her against the wall, and she hunkered down.
Even with the door closed, Jade.s madness and the sounds of his body thrashing against the wall were audible in the small courtyard.
Her small body molded against his.
Rhyn lowered himself into a fighting stance and faced off against the two.
Her eyes stayed on Rhyn, and she.d never been as awed as she was watching him fight a flawless battle against the full- blooded demon and the assassin.
Gabriel had whispered the words from her dream before facing off against Rhyn.
When she walked into the kitchen, Evelyn was gazing with adoration up at the huge man, leaning against him in a purely anti-feministic way.
An hour later, she dismounted her bike and leaned it against the brick front of the art gallery where her work was displayed.
She leaned against the wall, pensive.
She sat in one of the chairs and slid down in it until her head rested against the back.
He held her against him, his dark, spicy-sweet scent seizing her senses.
A'Ran and Kisolm have been competing against each other for years.
She rested against the door, jarred when the flash of a grey knife crossed inches before her eyes, followed by a muted thunk as the weapon buried itself in the door.
She pushed her heels against the door and gazed up at him, her courage gone in the face of such a man.
She pressed herself against the door, almost wishing Romas would discover them.
She leaned against him to steady her balance.
She rested her head against the door, not understanding.
Surprised, she froze when she felt the knife against her cheek.
He wrapped a thick arm around her and pulled her against him until her back was pressed against his chest.
His thighs rested against hers and extended well beyond hers.
His body was warm against hers, his breathing and heartbeat deep and slow.
The door cracked open, and his woman shielded her eyes against the sudden sunlight.
His youngest sister paused beside him, leaning against his thigh while she studied his lifemate with brown eyes a shade lighter than his.
She eased against him, awed by his pure strength yet determined not to appear as stupid as she felt.
Surprised, she pulled away from the comfortable position resting against him and twisted to face him.
Kiera watched him lean both weapons against the side of the dwelling before he returned.
A'Ran pushed himself away from the table he leaned against and paced, thoughts turning to Gage, who would bear Ne'Rin's child.
He had waited for the signs his father warned him against, intending to take on whatever woman that brought him.
Her trembling body was warm and small tucked against him.
She calmed in his arms, and he focused on comforting her and not his awareness of her soft body pressed against him.
Their kiss grew more passionate, the feel of her body against him not enough to sate his growing need.
There was enough room for her to raise her arms but not sit, and she leaned against the uncomfortable wall, gazing at the world spinning outside her pod.
Her eyes flew open and she braced herself against the side.
She was pressed against the ceiling despite the gravity controller in the pod.
Sweat broke out on her skin, and she shielded her eyes against the sun before crawling back to the shade of the pod.
She cried until too tired to cry more, then leaned against the pod, feeling as if her skin was frying despite the shade.
She closed her eyes and rested her head against the pod.
She shifted with a grimace and looked down at the brush of grass against her hands.
It felt cooler than the air against her fevered skin.
She watched the flares of color against the night sky with tired fascination.
The battle still raged in the distance, the colors duller against the morning sky.
She glanced down absently at the tickle of grass against her feet.
Her hands shook as she gripped the heavy stone dagger, and she leaned against the fountain.
It opened, and she flung herself against the second door.
Shaken, she leaned against the nearest wall and sank into a sit, disgusted to see there was blood on her clothing.
She savored the feel of his body against hers, unable to deny what she felt toward him and terrified he'd never feel the same.
Both surprised and horrified, she snatched the broom she'd left leaning against the counter.
She leaned the broom against the wall, unhappy to see the creature but feeling bad for it.
She leaned against the wall and drew a deep breath, praying A'Ran trusted this Council member for a reason.
Edith Shipton took the garment and held it against herself.
She began to cry, her sobs muffled as she leaned forward against her arms.
Edith looked up, rubbed a sleeve across her eyes to dry them, then brushed her hands down the white dress, smoothing the fabric against her legs.
You can ask the court for an order of restraint against your husband and stop him from coming anywhere near you if you're in fear of the man.
Standing there, silhouetted against the upstairs light, he was once again reminded of his prior night's dream.
He mentioned the term kidnapping, but of course being the saint he is he wouldn't press charges against his wife who according to him was just temporarily disturbed.
He looked over at her, still pressed against the door.
She gestured toward the leather sofa against the office wall.
He walked from Oak to Main Street yesterday though he didn't see me as his head was bent against the driving snow and I, a distance away.
He tried to get her to seek a court order against Shipton if she was in fear of him, or, at the very least talk to an attorney.
Dean considered calling the City of Ouray Police but realized they too could be of little help unless Shipton did something against the law.
I'm sure shooting ghosts in town must be against some local ordinance.
It's important whatever garments you wear, that you get good protection against the elements.
Your tent has to protect against wind, water and snow to maintain a warm and dry climate inside.
I'll bet you a night of unbridled ecstasy against a week of doing dishes that they end up in the sack.
She propped herself up against the back of their brass bed.
Just being a jerk isn't against the law.
What could happen so terrible to cause you to do something you felt so strongly against?
She was standing at the rail, peering down river, dressed in only a sweater, clutching her arms to her body against the snow and chilling cold.
While she wasn't crying, she was biting her lip against doing so, and kept blinking her reddened eyes.
He reached over and pulled her toward him and she snuggled against him and he could feel her shake.
By now, more than two feet was packed against the door, though the exact depth was difficult to determine in the wind-driven drifts.
By my read, all the police are doing is making a case against David Dean.
When Dean kicked the door loose from the accumulated snow blown against it, he found Jake Weller dressed in civilian clothes, huddled against the frame of the unshoveled rear entrance.
Shipton's told them I'm in bed with you against him and if they haven't bought what he said in total, they've sure banked the down payment.
He leaned in to her, brushed his lips against her ear and whispered, "I've got a closet full of Caracenis and Brionis at home."
The helicopter righted itself fast, and she saw the parachute Brady had been trying to release by smashing his fist against the control box in the ceiling.
Pulling her body against his, he kissed her ardently.
At this moment that terrible door burst noisily open and banged against the wall.
His head dropped back against the ground in relief.
She sagged against the hard frame.
Lana's head buzzed, and she staggered, leaning against a wall.
She sank down against it when her vision grew narrow.
She felt the pressure of a cup against her lips.
She huddled against the trunk, too terrified to make a sound.
She slumped against him.
Lana's skin was soft, her body fitting comfortably against his.
Though he took an oath to take care of her, he'd never expected she'd be lying in his bed, helpless against his world.
With nothing to balance against, she settled her knees on the bed, stopped to make sure he was still asleep, then inched forward until she could reach his pants.
Her face flamed with heat, and she strained against him.
He used his body to back her against the wall.
He moved away, and she released her breath, resting her head against the cabinet in relief.
She leaned into him, her warm, soft body molding against his.
When he withdrew, she weaved against him, face flushed and eyes glazed.
Lana never thought she'd end up in the middle of a forest, defended by the PMF against those who seemed to want to start a second East-West civil war.
One charged her hiding place, and she scrambled back, pressing herself against the tree.
Lana hunkered against the mountain as the helicopter drew nearer.
They flew south, and she strained against the harness to see if her own condo was still standing.
Something else caught, and their ascent stopped suddenly, slamming her against the harness and knocking the breath from her.
She struggled to pull herself out of the cabin, against the flow of cold river water.
She planted them against the side of the helicopter and pushed free.
She pulled her micro free and rested her wet thumb against it until the screen unlocked; it worked.
Her anger at him slid away as she huddled against a large river rock, alone.
She slung the markers designating her as the Undersecretary's assistant against the wall then crushed them with the heel of her boot.
He couldn't focus and strained against whatever held him in place.
He shot himself up with the drugs he'd brought with him, leaning his head back against the back of the seat as they traveled.
Lana went to the side opposite Kelli and pressed her thumb against the keypad.
She tapped it against her thigh, deep in thought as an idea formed.
The submarine bumped against the dock on the other side of the river, and the soldier turned it off.
The smooth ride grew bumpy suddenly, and Brady braced himself against his seat.
The sub bumped against a dock, and the door opened to reveal the man he assumed was Jim, dressed in his workout clothing with mussed hair.
She placed the laser gun against it.
The hand pushing against his side was covered in warm blood, and Lana's panic increased as Brady's body began to relax.
She considered throwing the tasteless food cubes to the trees he warned her against feeding every day.
The idea of emeralds swimming around in a lake was too much for Katie. She felt nauseous again at her overwhelming situation and stopped, leaning against a tree. What she would give for a sip of real water!
Gabriel stopped at midmorning, and she sagged against a tree, exhausted. The large death-dealer's gaze went from their surroundings to her face.
She sat on a thick log. He disappeared into the shadows of the jungle, and she pulled her knees to her chest, listening. He was silent while the branches overhead hissed and rasped against one another and the cries of distant birds drifted to her.
Then why would she have done something against her nature?
Toby huddled against the black stone wall of his cell in Hell.
He gripped the bars of his cell and pressed his face against them, trying to see into the neighboring cells.
The one he'd given her was tucked safely against her skin.
I don't regret it, Rhyn. You've had the deck stacked against you. The least I could do was give you a second chance.
Struggling against the demands of his roaring blood, Rhyn closed his eyes, sought his magic and willed himself awake.
The ground beneath her rumbled suddenly, and she straightened, balancing herself against a tree. Gabriel stopped ahead of her and Andre motioned her quickly away from the spot.
Toby asked, pressing his face against the cell door.
She shook her head and slumped against a tree.
The sound came again, the cry of someone who was hurt. Katie wiped her eyes. She was drenched with rain and curled against the large root of a tree. The birds of the jungle made screaming sounds, but this was different. This was human.
They navigated the jungle as fast as they could, catching themselves against trees as they slid through slippery piles of leaves and over fallen branches. Katie ran until she was breathless. Deidre kept on running, and Katie pushed her body forward.
The angel ignored her and dropped beside her, wringing his hands helplessly. The blond woman dangled over the widening chasm, clutching Katie's hand. She braced her feet against the side of the chasm and walked upward, until Toby could grab her belt. The angel pulled hard, and Katie pushed Deidre on top of the angel, who yelped.
She sagged against a tree.
Kris's confident response rankled Rhyn. He leaned his back against a tree and faced his eldest surviving brother. "I promised Kiki I'd tell you something," he started.
Death commanded. His body obeyed her, and he found himself struggling against himself not to turn around. Death won the fight for his body, and he watched.
The motel was an independent, adequate at best, barely holding its own against the national chains.
The man paused, leaning against a post, and confirmed in a somewhat slurred voice that indeed he was about to take a dip.
Rows of red tulips stood like sentinels along the walkway, struggling to survive against the encroachment of summer.
I've a bet with Leland—a night of unforgettable pleasure for him against a new golf outfit for me.
Never mind he spent three years constantly riding the bench, hoping against hope for a miracle, as he practiced, cheered and hustled with unbridled enthusiasm.
Is that against the law in this burg?
It's against the law.
There are laws against that sort of thing, you know.
A feeling of helplessness and panic welled up in him as he strained his eyes against the darkness.
Cynthia Byrne's breasts stood firm against the lacy fabric covering them and he draped a towel across her chest as he struggled to unhook her bra from beneath her comatose body.
He jumped to his feet flipping light switches and stumbling through both rooms, barely seeing still-sleeping Cynthia through eyes pinched nearly closed against the intrusive brightness.
She caught up to him at the door, surprising him with the quiet of her bare feet on the carpet and gave him a hug from behind, burying her head against his back and holding on for a long while.
He covered one ear against Dolly.
Dean congratulated him but issued a warning against getting too bold with characters who would burn their mother at a stake just to light their cigars.
He sent the son-of-a-bitch flying against the wall with a startled yelp.
He buried her against his body in a bear hug, twisting around the steering wheel.
She continued to cry in muffled sobs against his chest.
She shuddered against him.
It's really helping build up the case against Delasandro.
They decided against it, cautious about frightening off Byrne if he should get wind of the search and realize someone was this close to finding him.
His head slammed against something hard and he lay there, momentarily stunned to the brink of unconsciousness before turning slowly to his side and opening his eyes.
The FBI built a good case against Burgess.
When she looked up, Alex was leaning against the kitchen door frame watching her.
He leaned against the wall with one shoulder and gazed down at her.
Her parents had always cautioned her against making pets of the farm animals.
For a moment she let her imagination dwell on the feel of that lean body against hers.
If he hadn't done so, she might not have seen the lean figure lounging against the tree.
She was too sleepy to bother Alex, so she moved to the window seat and curled up against the chill.
He leaned against the porch rail.
He climbed the stairs to the porch and leaned against a porch rail, watching her.
He lifted her gently and stepped forward, setting her down again with her back against the wall.
When his fingers laced through hers and his palms pressed her hands against the wall next to her face, his kisses became ardent.
She relaxed, leaning into his kiss – enjoying the full length of his body against hers.
As he lifted her leg and began pressing his lower torso against her, she finally realized his intent.
She leaned against the chicken coop and stared down at the house.
In her haste, she slammed her shoulder against the stall.
She snuggled against his chest and sighed contentedly.
She leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes.
He leaned against the counter and watched her work.
Sitting down with his back to the wall, he motioned for her to sit with her back against his chest.
His lips followed, softly pressing against the curve of her neck.
When she could resist no longer, she gripped his neck and forced her lips against his passionately.
She sat down, leaning her back against the tree, and watched shadows from puffy clouds drift across the surface.
She leaned back against the tree, her back stiff with anxiety.
He leaned against the counter, folding his arms across his chest.
Strong arms encircled her waist and moved up, pulling her back against his chest.
She moaned with pleasure and turned, molding her body against his as she kissed him passionately.
The barn door groaned as it swung shut, exposing the figure leaning against the wall.
His arms surrounded her, pulling her back against him.
A few minutes later he sauntered into the kitchen and leaned against the door jam.
She snuggled against his chest, feeling the warm goodness of him.
Leaning back against the wall, her hands behind her back, she contemplated the words she needed to say.
There was something exciting and yet soothing about the way they sat, with her back leaning against his chest.
Warm muscular arms slipped around her waist and she leaned her head back against his bare chest, gazing up into the sweet chocolate eyes.
The large belt buckle at his lean waist lay flat against a washboard stomach.
Pouring himself a cup of coffee, he lounged against the counter dejectedly.
She snuggled against his chest and sighed.
The longhorns had been grazing against the fence with the buffalo for the last two weeks, so they would be accustomed to each other.
He leaned back against the wall and gazed down at her thoughtfully.
He leaned back against the wall and smiled down at her, the dark eyes shedding their doubt.
She leaned back against the wall and drew her knees up to her chest.
She slipped her arms around his neck and snuggled against him.
He leaned against the counter and gazed down at her with a troubled expression.
There isn't any law against hitting your wife a little now and then.
She whispered against his lips.
He instantly responded, pulling her hard against him and kissing her hungrily.
She leaned against his chest, staring out the window with bleary eyes.
You have to protect her against that, and the only way you can do that is by legal adoption.
She drew her knees up against her chest and studied his face.
I can defend you against anything that attacks us.
She sagged against the horse's neck.
The closer she got to the overcrowded, poor part of the city, the more people jammed the streets, shoving against her in an effort to escape the collapsing buildings.
She'd be unable to use her gift against him in a matter of a few days.
His head throbbed and his body ached, as if he'd flung himself against the rocky wall.
Jenn yanked him against her, taking in his burned profile.
She sat and leaned against the nearest boulder, studying Darian.
She entered her bathroom and locked the door, leaning against it.