After Sentence Examples
He has come after me.
After the service, Alex was unusually silent.
Hour after hour he stood and watched.
After he left, she lifted one of the suitcases and placed it on the bed.
I'll be fine after we rest for a little bit.
Additionally, right below that is a section called, "What Do Customers Ultimately Buy After Viewing This Item?"
After a while he rang the bell again, very loudly.
Hopefully he would be in a better mood after they got back home.
Julia called after him.
One ball after another came whizzing near him.
AdvertisementSome time after this, Zeuxis painted another wonderful picture.
They now bade farewell to the kind but unseen people of the cottage, and after the man had called their attention to a high, pyramid-shaped mountain on the opposite side of the Valley, and told them how to travel in order to reach it, they again started upon their journey.
After is getting a lot of hits.
After all, her plans were going so well.
Fifteen years after that, I got the computer on which I currently am typing.
AdvertisementAfter lunch, all four of them went outside to play ball.
Toni bellowed, tearing after her.
Finals are week after next and I have to study.
Darian picked up after the first ring.
She shut the door after they entered, and smiled wryly at Adrienne.
AdvertisementThere was another way, but after what had happened today, she was reluctant to bring it up.
After one last look around to see if she was being watched, she started into the woods.
Carmen stared after her and shook her head.
They're all several hours after the fact and come from an unusual viewpoint; not where there would naturally be someone observing.
After many adventures I reached Omaha, only to find that all my old friends were dead or had moved away.
AdvertisementAfter having her wiggle her toes and move her ankle this way and that, he finally stepped back and observed her with a frown.
Have you heard about an organization called After?
If you fail, I'll send Jonny here after you.
She sensed Talon was about to rebel, as was she at the thought of swimming after such an exhausting walk.
Sharon was born shortly after my husband remarried.
Not until after I graduated.
They should have waited until after school was out, like she had suggested.
The balance of the weekend went well after a slow start.
Betsy, it's after ten...
After examining the various dials and switches on Quinn's machines, I had a fairly clear idea of each; I could turn it on and increase and decrease the settings.
She doesn't realize her time on this earth is ebbing to a close, perhaps only minutes from now after she answers my questions.
After all, no one in history has ever been able to look into the past the way we do.
After all, I'd designed it to be imperturbable.
A young man cowers and cries, perhaps in memory long after his sister is gone.
After all, that spark was why he fought so hard, so humans didn't turn into someone like him.
The two worlds were sealed after the Schism.
Her features had gone from drawn and pale to glowing, the result of his return from Europe after an extended absence and the child growing in her womb.
We'll evac all Naturals and Guardian assets from Tucson Sector after the Quarterly and send in a clean-up crew.
After smearing peanut butter and jam on whole wheat bread for a lunch on the fly, Dean knocked on Martha's door.
It was just after midnight.
From what Fred says after snooping on the Internet, Mr. Westlake is quite wealthy.
That's where the kids sometimes go, and after the water fight we figured they'd be celebrating.
Not after what I did to you.
By some means, however, he learned to read; and after that he loved nothing so much as a good book.
He works from home and has a night job remotely monitoring real-time security cameras after hours at an office building.
After awhile the need of some means of communication became so urgent that these outbursts occurred daily, sometimes hourly.
After a while Giddon and the driver emerged from the building.
After all, he wasn't a guard dog.
Timing was with her and she was able to take all the state exams shortly after graduating.
After a few questions, she hung up with an appointment scheduled for the following Saturday.
After all, they had their father.
On the positive side, at that rate their conversation should be over by five minutes after nine.
As he sat sipping his coffee after breakfast he glanced at her.
After breakfast tomorrow she would leave.
You could fly down after work on Friday.
No words were exchanged until much later, after our naked and robust greeting.
Betsy spoke to Martha on the phone after dinner while Molly and I walked Bumpus.
After a fair amount of fumbling with the lock I was in.
I must have slept immediately after she left.
The nurse interrupted him with a series of questions about my well-being and left after telling me a doctor would visit and breakfast was on the way.
After I managed to get in I fished around for a light switch and found they didn't work.
After ten minutes of pushing back branches, I spotted the back of a pop up trailer.
After more gut wrenching waiting the word came in.
He accelerated amid a spray of pebbles as he raced after the receding tail lights far up the road.
Fingers and thumbs were struck constantly and after a few hours I was the first to fall.
Jonny stayed after their father's death, while she moved closer to her mom on the west coast.
She tied her hair back and straightened the sweatshirt, somewhat relieved and disappointed it hadn't been Aaron at the door after all.
After an hour-long attempt to expel his wired energy, he returned to his room to the sound of his cell phone ringing.
After millennia dealing with the dark side of humanity, he didn't think there was anyone else pure left.
Just said he was coming back for me after he went away for a couple days, Bianca said with a shrug.
She rose, bored after being trapped alone the whole day in the condo, and peered through the peephole.
If Darian can't return her, I'll bring her back after the battle is over.
It'd gotten worse after she touched him in the car.
The air was heavy and fragrant, the wet, solid sand near the ocean welcome after her initial attempt to keep up in the sugary sand higher up the beach.
Jonny turned and walked away, disappearing after a few steps.
He was alive, after all, and there was some good to him for wanting to make things right.
She checked the clock on the nightstand then the notepad listing the time of the flight she'd booked the afternoon before after exploring the mansion.
Damian started after her, furious.
That was right after I met them, before the Schism and being paroled to earth.
Pierre trotted after her into the cold morning.
Though I could always wait until tomorrow, after Darkyn deals with you.
We talked after you told him.
According to the brief phone call, the ten-year-old girl's natural mother, another loser like faux foster mother Janet, had been recently discharged to a halfway house after doing hard time in the state's Cañon City facility.
After pantomimed introductions, she was back to her chores.
I figured I owed myself a present after getting busted.
I'm pleased Martha trusted us enough to confide in us, even though now I have to take my hat in my hand and talk Jake Weller into spelunking after a skeleton.
After lunch, photographer Brandon Westlake took the opportunity to show a montage of his recent shots, first on the parlor coffee table, and then, as the crowd increased, he presented a full-fledged slide show.
Then, after a pause he added, "Before Pop disappeared for good."
It was after nine before the two had time to talk, and come to some sort of peaceful understanding.
Or perhaps the theater props were kept somewhere just before the auction— after they were hauled out of the storage quarters.
After Maria left to return to her duties, the pair lingered at the kitchen table.
But he wasn't even in Ouray between the early 1940's, when he was a child visiting summers, and 1980, when he started coming back after his brother died.
He didn't have to explain how accusing his opponent would be perceived, especially after their acrimonious debate.
Decided to collect after all?
He said something cute like one bottle for before and one for after.
He couldn't blame her for looking incredulous after hearing the tale.
It was right after Cynthia had commented on liking his perfume—what was it?
She must at least think she has or surely she wouldn't have shown up after all this time and started a fuss about something that we all settled long time ago.
After sobbing herself to sleep, she was almost too tired to appreciate the fact he was alive.
You didn't quit because you wanted to, but because you had to after breaking those laws to spare me and Hazel, Katie added, patting her stomach.
It didn't make sense that there was, especially after he'd admitted to having someone else on the side.
It felt good to laugh after the events of the past week.
After lunch, Giddon's offer to help Lisa with the dishes was met by a raised eyebrow from Sarah.
After a pause, his voice was more controlled.
After a few moments, he glanced up at her.
I can pick you up at the hospital after work and we can spend the night up there.
I reckon that's something that needs to be done, and them children would be better off with a woman looking after them.
She caught him alone in the hallway after supper, while Julia and Rachel were in the kitchen doing dishes.
She stood in the road after he left, watching until he turned a corner and drove out of sight.
Schedules were exchanged until a free weekend opened up, after our obligatory trip to Iowa and Betsy's parents.
No, though I admit with head bowed, I lusted after her in my mind enough times.
Reverend Humphries called me a cab after an early pancake breakfast he insisted on cooking.
Isn't that enough to go after him with guns blazing?
After a solid hour of the child crying, I wondered if the mother read about the abandoned child, perhaps with a fleeting hint of sympathy.
After twenty minutes into the session, I became concerned we were nearing his maximum.
Part of her accepted his explanations after what she'd experienced the past few days.
He deserved it, after all the trouble he'd been, but these people didn't!
His sister's warning came an hour after he last remembered looking at the clock.
Dusty asked after a pause.
He bolted after her and tackled her.
The sensation intrigued her after a lifetime of rejection and isolation.
I can see why they're after you.
Who are all these people, and why are they after me?
He disappeared, and she stared after him for a long moment before grabbing as many weapons as she could carry and returning to her room.
Itching to relieve some of her own nervous energy after the run-in with the vamps, she'd reached the door when Jonny spoke again.
After your leg is broken next week.
Pierre trotted after her.
After what he'd done to her, she wasn't able to.
You won't be leaving here after your deal is up with Past-Death.
She wanted to ask after Gabriel but didn't.
Darkyn recently decided to send his demons after human kids.
After the initial shock, she felt the pleasure, warm and hot, burning and mixing with the pain.
She sat down on her couch, recalling the nights she spent watching television after work.
He was armed but hadn't yet replaced the trench coat she cost him soon after they met.
Darkyn said nothing about leaving Hell after they returned from her apartment.
I didn't know what to do after you showed me those pictures, Rhyn.
Darkyn didn't restrict her movement or who she saw, but the idea of seeing Gabriel again so soon after their meeting yesterday disturbed her.
After a moment grappling with her mixed emotions, she got up and called a portal.
You're not going after Gabriel.
Deidre couldn't help wondering how the woman was able to ask such favors after hurting her so badly.
After a moment, she felt him place her on the bed.
After a moment, the door cracked open.
After a moment, she realized none of them could see the portal to Hell the way she could.
Anyone in authority seemed habitually out of the office after Dean gave his name.
Martha didn't answer but after a short time she asked to be excused.
There was the customary group of tourists with names like Bud and Ethel and Elmer and Clara— names not assigned to anyone born after World War II.
My brother Ralph, bless his soul, lost a son to the system after a divorce.
I'll bet you didn't do bad things after that.
After a pirouette of approval, she sat on the edge of the bed.
After a short wait, the four were seated in a booth and began to work on chips and salsa as the adults ordered drinks.
After a hurried shower, he dressed and joined his silent wife in serving the gathering guests.
After embarrassed apologies, she seemed compelled to sit down and chat, as if idle conversation might be penance for the pilfered peach pie.
He busied himself with his equipment but after glancing outside and turned to Cynthia.
After donning a heavy jacket against the mountain chill and continuing dampness, she kissed her husband goodbye.
After they dragged Jen off to confession, the Calvias would stick around and rent the church for the wedding—if Randy was still alive.
Both lay awake, trying not to disturb the other while neither slept until hours after the sun finally slipped around the corner to the other side of the world.
Later, after the guests left, the three-person management team was cleaning up when the front door bell rang.
Westlake twisted around the seat once more and after a struggle pulled out an old step pump.
The bidding starts at eleven o'clock, but you can look the items over any time after ten.
After they married, they never visited Ouray, only fantasized about it.
Sure, Dean thought, I'll put it on the list, right after food, clothing and shelter, all of which were tough enough to fund given Bird Song's present budget.
After a switchback, they crossed the bridge over a deep gorge, the location of Ouray's now-melted ice climbing park where David Dean had almost lost his life the prior winter.
After what seemed even longer than the Dean's first trip to the mine just two days earlier, they emerged into the basin where the valley floor was a sea of wildflowers.
Added to it was the pleasure of seeing Cynthia, after all she'd undergone, so utterly enjoying the day.
They waited, and after a few seconds there was the distinct sound of movement above them.
Finally, after ten minutes of silence passed, they heard the sound of feet running down the slope on the other side of the rise above them.
After a cursory look, she moved on.
After all, he'd abdicated all Bird Song's weekend chores in favor of his flesh-pressing tour, and Cynthia deserved a rest.
After fumbling in her pocket, she found a book of matches and lit the cigarette she had stuck behind her ear.
He hated the idea but understood the necessity, especially after finding the second compass in the hands of demons within a week.
They may be after you all.
After a pause, she continued.
After condemning the human to Darkyn, how did she deserve to feel this way?
In the last week, she had started going to bed after he was asleep and getting up before he woke.
Mums was her first choice because of confidentiality issues, but there probably wasn't much romance at her age and after so many years of marriage.
After lunch he disappeared for a while and when he finally returned, he signed that they were all going to take a ride in the buggy.
The minute he released her on the ground, she ran after Jonathan.
After a moment he leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth.
After he left, she headed for the computer.
He'd recognized her the morning after their one night stand, flipped out and wanted to kill her since then.
Rhyn said there are demons after you.
She wasn't going to lose her only friend, not after all he'd done for her.
Well then, we're on our way to happiness ever after.
After a week of knowing him, she already had to concentrate hard to resist leaning into him whenever he was around.
The idea of waking up to him each morning reminded her of how centered, energized and at peace she'd been after their first night together.
I'm an Immortal, and Gabriel has moved on after thousands of years at your feet.
She was edgy again after the hour it took to relax.
She avoided looking at Gabriel, not at all certain what to think after their exchange and seeing him with another woman.
Was this all there was after one died?
She wanted to ask more about them and what happened after Death claimed someone, but it was a lot to deal with.
Deidre didn't expect to see it, not after how he'd treated her the past few days.
The look he'd given her after she told him she was leaving made more sense.
Several hours after Deidre walked through the portals back to Atlanta, Gabe's soul radar began working again.
With her taste in his mouth and scent on his skin, he was about to go insane, especially after walking away from her.
Demons are after her.
After a moment, the deity continued.
He was alive after a lifetime banished to the shadows.
After the first glass of wine, she was convinced.
After the fifth, she was certain she'd dreamt it all up.
How long until he kicked her out of the apartment, the final act of abandonment after disrupting everything in her life?
The painkillers she'd taken kicked in soon after, and she bought ice cream.
After rejecting then pining for him for a few days, she wasn't ready for him to be less confused than she was.
His response came after a lengthy pause.
Was she willing to give life a second shot, even if Gabriel wasn't in the picture and she had no more normal friends after Wynn's betrayal?
After all, he promised that he'd try and let her rewrite the awful terms of their relationship, if she survived.
It was of her running and Darkyn tearing out her throat, after doing much more horrible things to her.
After a moment, she entered the room.
Her head felt heavy and like it was stuffed with cotton, the way she felt when she came to after surgery.
I've been instructed to show you to your chamber, after which I'll be released.
The woman who captured his heart in a week, something you barely did after millennia!
He'll make things right with Rhyn after their nasty break?
It was hazy and cool, like a beach after the evening fog rolled in.
He was distracted by the feel of both after so long with nothing but stone walls beneath his fingertips.
Taxis quit coming this way after rush hour.
After he destroyed all her drugs, she'd suspected he'd react this way and had hidden another bottle in her bedroom.
He'd found peace with Jade after Rhyn killed his first love, Lilith.
It was foggy and chilly, like a walk on the beach after the fog rolled in.
Only after she tossed back a couple of painkillers did she pick up the phone.
She'd fallen asleep in Kris's library after half a bottle of whiskey and awoken in her own bed with a throbbing headache and dry mouth.
He rose and left, and she stared after him, excited.
Hey --you mind if I come over after work?
She felt almost human again after the drama of her week.
The pain surprised her after Lankha's gentle ministrations.
Maybe I've succeeded in breaking you after all.
Rhyn watched him, even more curious after the odd interaction.
It melted in her mouth and ran down her throat, soothing it after her screams had run it raw.
She stood for a long moment before striking out after them on foot.
After several failed attempts to communicate, they proceeded in silence to the nearest town, a coastal resort-like town.
After her time in Hell --where most of the monsters looked human --she didn't trust this one.
She darted after him, cold on the inside yet still buzzing from whiskey.
He wasn't ready to be dead-dead yet, not after all the time he'd spent in Hell and all the unfinished business he had.
Wouldn't go out walking alone after dark if I was you, little girl.
Last night, after he'd beheaded the four, she'd innately known he wouldn't hurt her.
He didn't drink long and sealed the wound after.
At his sharp tone, she quickly changed the subject, saying, "After the meeting, I have to go."
He seemed at once disgusted by the fact she was a difficult mortal blood monkey and yet primitively protective, holding her as she quaked after her run-in with a man who wanted to kill her.
His little mortal had come after him.
No one had ever come after him before.
He'd claimed her, whether in a fit of jealous fury after hearing Kris's name or for some other purpose.
After two shots, she felt woozy.
The legends don't say what happened, but after Rhyn killed the woman, he tried to kill Kris.
He wasn't gone after all.
They should arrive there before the suns set, and I shortly after.
How could he say such a thing after all he had put her through?
They were like old friends who came to visit after a long absence.
He understood better the tension between Ne'Rin and nishani after several hesitant stories from Talal of their discussions.
Maybe, just maybe, after that happened, he would let her go home.
Kiera went, looking back once to see Mansr staring hard after her.
She stared after him, uncertain what to think.
I'm going-- " "He's gone weak after all these years at battle and lost sight of winning back our planet!
I was bored after he kidnapped me and left me with his sisters, she replied.
She hesitated, ashamed to feel a sense of suspicion after Ne'Rin's betrayal.
After all he'd been through fighting for his home, how could she refuse?
More warriors tumbled out after them until the last closed the stone door.
Howie joined me, after I hung up the phone.
After an interminable wait a human voice interrupted.
He looked confused, but did my bidding as Paul made a quick U-turn and followed after the speeding vehicle.
After he returned my phone, he wrote down all our names and pertinent information.
If you'd spare a moment and look at it, I'll have you driven back to the hospital after you're finished.
After a childhood filled with foster homes, she feared getting too comfortable, even in the home of the man who adopted her twelve years ago, when she was ten.
She'd stayed after she turned eighteen, because he was the only one who understood her strange gift.
After a lifetime of rejection, she'd found a home with the very people her father warned her against.
A couple of them were talking quietly, but she didn't hear them, instead unable to fathom that anyone would find her life worth protecting after her father hadn't.
Jule excused himself quickly from his brothers and trotted after her.
He'd never gotten over her friend refusing to date him after she dumped him.
Dimly, Sofia knew she'd never work there again after that low blow.
Cody, sprawled in the middle of the street after being hit by a car, blood trickling from his skull into a nearby storm drain.
Her body was beginning to ache more, from her battered hands to her bruised cheek from when she'd fallen after fainting the night before.
To the three of them, the drastic changes that occurred over such a short time span after thousands of years of no change were a warning sign.
The drug wore off, leaving her in a dark fog, hot and sweating with a different kind of headache, the kind she got after taking a lot of Dr. Mallard's drugs.
You'd think after oh, a few thousand years, you'd remember, Jule.
She shuddered, afraid to face him after ditching him as she had before.
She felt like the morning after a drunk, one night stand.
What did she say after the most awkward experience of her life?
Damian hadn't returned the night before after their last interaction.
The second traitor came soon after, a man whose past stunned her.
He'd not had to work too hard for confessions in the past thousand years, not after word of his cold, methodological skills leaked to the Guardians.
After her explosion at Damian, she'd have to beg for food.
He's been after bad guys for thousands of years, and he's never gone to the Dark Side or quit or anything.
Even after thousands of years he was reliving the pain of his brother's death.
Claire didn't look any worse for wear after a day in the offsite location Dusty had scouted as a temporary dungeon for their prisoners.
You threw me out with nowhere to go after the man who was meant to be my husband was killed.
At one point after his brother's death, he'd considered making Claire his queen.
After a thick moment of silence, she forced herself to continue.
Her heart sang as she realized she hadn't lost him after all, her body echoing the desire on his face.
Half an hour after leaving her room, she was ready to break down.
It was the same thrum she felt with Gabriel, after she'd been claimed as his mate.
The sound surprised her after the intensity of their interactions.
Deidre almost cringed at the thought of leaving the chamber after her first venture out that landed her not only in trouble but also in Darkyn's bed.
He was on the Council until shortly after I died-dead, after which he betrayed the Immortals to work for the Dark One, Darkyn's predecessor.
After they were settled in the vehicle and on their way back to town, Jennifer Radisson brought up the more mundane subjects of the mine and her litigation.
Two hours remained before the last of the day's celebrations— the Jeep flare parade down the mountain, followed by a massive fireworks display—so after finishing supper, the Deans began playing catch up with Bird Song's chores.
After Cynthia conveyed the news to Jennifer, she turned to her husband.
It was only moments later when his fears were realized by the gnashing, booming, ripping sound of metal on rock, echoing across the valley like a clap of thunder, repeating and repeating, as if car after car had met a similar fate, further and further away.
After the first several feet, the angle of the slope dropped more sharply and he was forced to move to his left to avoid falling.
The next eruption, and the one after it, gave insufficient light to help, but then a multiple display hung in the sky like a full moon, giving time for his eyes to search left and right.
Fitzgerald didn't follow but called after him, "I still have to talk to you!"
She hugged him again but after a few moments he pulled back.
After a few words of greeting, each candidate was directed to stand on either side of the raised platform.
Making judgment after the fact is far easier than before.
I'm mighty glad to see her back on duty after only a half day off!
He closed the door to Brandon Westlake and told the old photographer-antique collector to come back after nine o'clock, claiming a need to do his own Internet work.
But after a night of boozing, he'd punch out a nun in a wheelchair for looking at him the wrong way.
Dawkins, Sr. had never hired another mine manager after Josh and never so much as mentioned the Lucky Pup after that time—to his sons or his wife.
It was after the Firestone store closed—I remember Ed complaining about that.
After all, Jennifer was born in Ouray and was connected to the disputed land.
He brought Cynthia up to speed on his meeting with Lydia after confirming there was no further word on Martha's disappearance.
She'd turned and retreated after unlocking the barred door, leaving it standing open as Dean entered the darkened enclosure.
Yup. Even after running around with that dingbat mother like a mouse in a doorless maze.
After it was repeated, Dean answered it to find Lydia Larkin.
I had made up my mind to just leave after I came here tonight and not say anything, but you've both been so nice, I shouldn't be so selfish.
I suppose Paul recognized my name, either before or soon after we first met, back when I was a teenager.
He explained it all after we were married.
His story checked out, and after extensive questioning, the police released him.
She stumbled back after leaving the door open barely enough for Dean to enter.
Dean slammed the door behind him and hurried after her into the darkened room.
Fred returned part way through the recital, and after a greeting and a handshake, retired to the back room with Kathleen the jailer to fill out paper work for his release.
After all, it is a murder in your jurisdiction.
The old man was still dressed in a dark suit after attending the funeral.
The audience included the Dawkinses, still in residence after an airplane mechanical problem delayed them yet another day.
After greeting the group with a hearty wave, he proudly handed a surprised Cynthia Dean a wad of bills.
Finally, after lunch, Dean telephoned Jake Weller, first to report on Martha's wellbeing and in hopes of learning more about Fitzgerald's whereabouts.
After all, you're ambitious.
Why the hell should I be after what he did to me?
After you beat me and win the election, there's no way you can fire me.
You expected him to come storming after you.
There was a lot about some guy from here who turned up missing fishing over on the Gunnison River, but they just stopped mentioning it after a few weeks.
The answers fell into place, one after another like a child's wooden puzzle, and even absent the last lingering block, the finished the picture was finally clear.
I heard he was going to give them out after the sale, after the trunks sold, but the keys all got mixed up so he simply tossed them.
You said you were lost in 1941, after the killing.
Why didn't you and your brother come forward after your uncle was killed?
After Ralph killed him, we took his car with the boat tied on top.
They figured he'd left to go fishing by himself just after we returned to Kansas.
Why go back into the mine after all these years and take the chance of swapping the bones and getting caught?
He couldn't help but remember her agitated state of mind after learning of Fitzgerald's death.
Brandon's feelings about the event were intense, even after all those years.
It was Brandon who kept coming back to Ouray year after year when you'd think the loathsome thing that happened here would cause him to despise the place.
Before Dean could contact Lydia to offer his congratulations, she visited Bird Song the day after Cynthia returned.
Later, David Dean called Lydia—from bed after making love to his wife.
He was leaving conflicted after seeing the marking on her back, the one that identified her as Darkyn's mate.
I went after him, not knowing that whatever he did, it was something only he could undo.
His soul was … lost soon after we threw your old body into the deepest chasm in the mortal world.
Silently agreeing, Wynn released the breath he held only after he heard the door close behind Darkyn.
They'd start their lives together and live happily ever after.
She wasn't willing to lose him already, not after all she'd gone through to keep him.
In her mind, she saw only them being happy, finally, after an eternity of struggling to understand one another.
I'll wait to touch you until after.
Deidre swallowed hard, wanting to chase after him but unsettled by his anger and the changes in him.
After all their years together, he didn't trust that she would do what she had to in order for them to be together.
He noticed something … missing the night before, soon after he left her.
If he noticed her absence soon after it occurred, would he have been able to follow and stop her deal with Darkyn?
Gabriel moved through the meat locker, unaffected by the cold after the half hour battle.
He was Death, after all, a deity in his own right.
That he understood now how he needed to break rules from time-to-time to preserve his domain was gratifying after years of him judging her for it.
He went after Sasha when Sasha hurt his daughter and didn't stop raiding the Immortals until Sasha was dead.
After half an hour, she grew tired of the internal argument.
Gabriel doubted Darkyn was after the Immortal because he was fighting demons.
Darkyn is after the bad apples.
You serious about demons being after me?
Gabriel squinted, unaccustomed to so much light after all his years in the underworld.
I gotta go back out after this.
His mate wasn't going to die after all.
Of course, it was possible that Darkyn combined the souls into Deidre's new body, after raising her from the dead-dead.
Then again, putting up that barrier was what drove her to Darkyn after their romantic night on the beach.
You've got demons after you.
The souls crossed over into mortal lakes, after the dome of her underworld cracked, and she resigned.
He knew what souls the demons were after, and his death dealers were equipped with the soul compasses.
Dozing after his insatiable passion, she roused herself when one of Gabriel's hands moved down her body.
Even after you rejected me, he replied.
It was just after dawn, and the fortress was silent.
He felt good after the night with his mate, and it was too nice outside to take a portal when he had the energy to walk.
After a moment, he responded to Darkyn.
He didn't pity her, even after their relationship.
It was worse than the morning after he slept with human-Deidre and awoke to discover whom he spent the night with.
After a moment, a form emerged from the black portal.
Deidre gasped, understanding now how Darkyn planned on ensuring his mate didn't go anywhere, even after she won their deal.
No one could love her after all she'd done!
She didn't know how he could love her still after all she'd done or why he was willing to try to make things work.
Deidre gazed after him, fear and hope colliding within her.
Silently, he strode down the hallway after the figure he saw.
After the telephone call tonight, he wasn't so sure money was an asset.
After Tess broke their engagement - at the last minute - there had been no reason for him to hold his end of the bargain... nothing but integrity.
Long after they returned home and changed clothes, it stayed on her mind.
Destiny had finally reached the point that she would tolerate being held by Lori, but after a few minutes she was ready to get down or go to Alex, Carmen or Jonathan.
After the house warmed, she lifted his arm to get up.
After a shower, she dressed and headed for the kitchen to cook breakfast.
After he left, she turned the heat down and wrote a note to Jonathan.
After counting to ten and taking two deep breaths, she lifted her head and met his troubled gaze.
She stared after him as he drove away, wondering if he would be home for supper – or if he was going to eat alone.
After all, he had accused her of having an affair with Josh.
After he left the room, the situation with Lori stayed on her mind.
After that, neither of them would discuss the matter further with her.
After a long and fulfilling kiss, she laid her head on his chest and hugged him.
You said he knew you planned to leave after the baby was born.
It was hard to tell whether she would go through with contesting the will, or if she even could after so long.
She reached into the cage and, after several foiled attempts, managed to capture one of the little bunnies.
After lunch, Mums arrived to get Destiny.
After Mums left, Carmen and Alex headed for the barn again.
After several more grabs, he finally caught her arm.
After asking if there were any more questions, he turned and left the room.
The nurse arrived after a few minutes and led her in to see Alex.
Only after both Destiny and Jonathan fell asleep did Carmen take her shower and go to bed.
Long after she crawled into bed, she lay awake, thinking about Alex.
One night after chores, Carmen, Jonathan and Destiny were eating supper when Brutus started barking.
But if he does some more freelance work after I told you what happened, you will be responsible.
After a while Lori came back in and said she was under arrest.
But surely he knew by now that the police were after him.
Still, she needed to be careful doing the chores – especially after dark.
But after a few more attempts at rousing him, she was convinced that the frown was purely coincidence.
After explaining the situation and giving her address, she turned down the road toward the nearest public area – a service station 2 miles away.
Early the next morning after taking Jonathan to school, she went back to the house and took care of the animals.
After a while she stopped reading, staring at a picture.
He had certainly shown patience for her recovery after Alexia died – even when she was being unreasonable.
After he had been gone for a few minutes, Carmen dragged a chair up close to Alex.
After listening to her story, Carmen gave her the latest information on Alex's recovery.
Maybe I'll get by – after this heals.
Later, after Destiny fell asleep and Jonathan went to his room, Lori regarded her thoughtfully.
Two hours later she was wondering if it had been a good thing after all.
I'll start supper after a while.
Jonathan disappeared around the corner and Alex started after him.
As Carmen expected, he went back to work only a few days after he came home.
Why did Sasha send his creatures after you?
You came after me at the Arch.
After all, in his own twisted way, he'd tried to help her.
Whatever Daniela said to him after she fled worked, and Katie didn't see him for the rest of the day.
After they mated, she killed him.
She told herself he'd gotten there after she'd wrapped the towel around her.
It was, after all, the women's wing.
Gabriel replaced the hourglass after several unsuccessful attempts to shake it.
She whirled away and crossed to the Oracle's book, closing it after his failed attempt to see Rhyn's fate.
In fact, the normal world --while comforting --seemed a bit boring after her trauma.
Hours later, she dropped onto the plush guest bed, clad in a T-shirt and underwear after a hot shower.
Every time I turn around, I'm getting my ass kicked by some beast, many of which are probably after you!
Thought you'd learned something after all those years in Hell.
You can't go after Kris.
Uneasy after her dream, she dressed in running clothes and padded out of the room.
She started after him, senses scattered.
Yet never come after me.
She.d spent the day in thought after her talk with Gabriel, and there was only one solution that might drive Rhyn away before she and Gabriel hurt him.
The demons released us after Sasha fled.
He knew Jared well enough after all their years in Hell together to understand the creature was too narcissistic to care about another.s issues.
Jared limped after him and appeared beside him on the cliff edge, taking in the morning view of grey skies and green forest with a look of distaste.
The Immortals. leader cursed and paced for a few minutes after Rhyn left before disappearing into the hallway.
His sweet smell and the feel of his soft skin lingered in her senses after she.d carried him from the forest.
It was after his adrenaline tapered off that he smelled blood, and he trotted down a path in the direction of the scent.
She trotted after him and stepped into the evening chill.
She had a reason to hate him after what he.d done, and he.d been unable to apologize.
After all his sacrifices, after losing Lilith and Katie to Rhyn, he wasn.t sure what he.d do if Hannah chose someone other than him as her mate.
Jade had disappeared after Kris sent him away in hopes that Katie would become his mate.
Katie was born about seven years after me.
He had come to Darkyn in desperation, after Sasha had invited him to his bed and then dumped him off with the demons. sent Immortals after it.
Most had attacked the castle while Darkyn.s personal guard went after Sasha.
When she reached the top of the beach, she paused to catch her breath before hurrying after Jade, whose determined walk soon outdistanced her.
It wasn.t hard to figure out why he did it after so long refusing to become Death.s slave, Darkyn answered.
What happens to you after we get to the Sanctuary?
Kiera's thoughts, warm and fuzzy after too much of Evelyn's special punch, drifted as she gazed into the quiet night sky.
After all, he could fix things around the house that she and Evelyn ignored.
We'll leave after the wedding, so you have a couple of days.
He hadn't uttered anything so stupid in a long time, after she yelled at him for talking like that.
Several members, including Qatwal, may be willing to aid you in regaining your planet after you've reached a peace treaty.
Soon after confirming she was asleep, the two large men who had emptied the house of boxes returned for her.
After Kiera's three months of tormenting him, he would find turning the tables satisfying.
Evelyn scrambled after him, jogging to keep pace with his long legs.
She'd avoided the galley Evelyn had tried for three days to drag her to and said it would prove they were on a ship after she challenged Evelyn to prove it wasn't a dream.
She closed her eyes as she stepped into and through the wall and opened them after two steps.
Soon after, a warrior came to her door and led her down several halls and into a tiny box resembling an elevator.
Brilliant sunlight blinded her after days of grey, and she blinked at the bright, familiar blue sky.
You're sure your brother won't try anything after what that guy said?
Kiera lay on the bed an hour after Evelyn left, staring at the white ceiling with its brightly corded edges.
After a surprised pause, she waved her bracelet in front of the internal access pad.
She sucked in deep breaths, on the verge of hysterics after the freaky trip from cliff to spaceship.
He owed them nothing after his mission, which cleared a path for him to do what he must to regain his throne.
Yes, he had named three conditions, and yes, she remembered agreeing after that fantastic kiss.
After several attempts, the two older boys were satisfied and moved onto another strike and then another block.
After exploring the halls and grounds for an hour or two, she returned to the main atrium, where she heard one of the sisters call her name.
Unlike the cheerful white walls of the house, the tall wall was the unwelcome shade of dark grey that she'd begun to despise after days in the spaceships surrounded by it.
The next morning, she went to the game room after her sparring session and sat the entire day, learning more and more about the game and experimenting with how the symbols on the keyboard interacted with the images before her.
He removed her translator from her ear as promised after a stern warning about not speaking to anyone.
She relaxed after a nice, long soak in the bathtub, her thoughts wandering among the stars.
Even after a month she couldn't go a night without thinking of her friend.
The simple assertion was a waterfall after a month without a drop of information about her.
Evelyn knew she didn't deserve to feel at peace after the mess she dragged Kiera into, but she did feel it, and it made her genuinely content for the first time since she'd kidnapped her best friend.
I'm having some problems with messages being intercepted after they leave the planet.
Less than an hour after she'd started playing the game, the communicator lit up and beeped.
That she took enough interest in him to ask after his injury pleased him.
She stumbled after him into the central area of the dwelling.
Leyon set her down after they passed it.
She rose after a few minutes and stretched.
It stunned him to feel the planet breathing, struggling back to life after hovering so long on the edge of death.
She continued after him.
An odd scratching sound came from the kitchen, like Evelyn's cat scratching at the door after it returned from its morning prowl.
I know it's a lot to ask after your … ordeal.
Evelyn asked after a startled pause.
Evelyn moved after a long, considering look, leaving the studio for the kitchen.