Aft Sentence Examples
A poop deck aft had cabins below and she probably had a high forecastle over the stem.
The forward section is built around the engine air inlet duct; the aft section is built around the engine.
Swimming back along the starboard side, the diver will find some remains of the aft mast.
For the survivors trapped aft of the torpedo stowage compartment the situation was hopeless.
Models on the aeroplane screw type may be propelled by two screws, one fore and one aft, rotating in opposite directions; and in the event of only one screw being employed it may be placed in front of or behind the aeroplane.
This was a 43 foot cruiser with center cockpit control, plus both forward and aft cockpits.
The aft deck is perfect for al fresco entertaining - day or night.
The aft fuselage, at the back, houses the main engines that provide the other 29 per cent of thrust required for launch.
Left; Ammunition boxes still remain intact filled with shells, I shot this image just above the aft quadruple pom Pom pom guns.
On that day, a workman was engaged in cutting and grinding the aft top-deck guard rails and stanchions of the Northern Challenger.
AdvertisementThey have forward and aft braced spars with integral aluminum ribs.
A minor omission is the vertical stanchion at the location of the joint between the two hull pieces, aft.
Queen master forward, and two private guest staterooms off the aft end of the salon featuring two singles each.
The 8.5m Scorpion is well suited to the full width luxuriously upholstered aft seat which is integrated with the outboard well.
Bad Company 1977 A fine V section bow blends into a rounded mid section and narrower waterline aft.
AdvertisementThe 68ft yachts accommodate 20 with four bunks located aft in two cabins.
The stock of the anchor rests on the cat-head when hung outside the ship. The name is also used of a type of a vessel, now obsolete, and formerly used in the coal and timber trade on the north-east coast of England; it had a deep waist and narrow stem; it is still applied to a small rig of sailing boats, with a single mast stepped far forward, with a fore and aft sail.
The main undercarriage unit has twin wheels and is fitted with powerful brakes, retracting aft when the aircraft is airborne.
The contoured side decks allow easy movement fore and aft as you shift position from upwind sailing to reaching and running.
A fore or aft motion of the wiper switch stalk engages or disengages the unit.
AdvertisementCelebrity's aft Lido deck alternative dining - while still maintaining a casual atmosphere - utilizes their expert wait staff.
Being familiar with lingo such as port, aft, starboard, muster station, and other vocabulary will help you navigate different decks confidently.
The cache-sexe can be traced to the Paleolithic period, where stone carvings of fecund women, such as the Venus of Lespugue, depict panels of string fore and aft.
At a trial carried out in 1894 at Bexley, Kent, only the main aeroplane, the fore and aft rudders, and the top and bottom side planes were in position.
The hopper is carried on two knife - edges, one on each side, and is prevented from tipping over fore and aft by a pair of parallel motion bars on each side.
AdvertisementThe engines were mounted back-to-back in pairs, with the forward unit driving a tractor airscrew and the aft facing unit a pusher propeller.
Structure The fuselage sides are sheet balsa, with balsa stringers attached to the outside aft of the cockpit.
A shelf with shiny brass rails curving around the aft cabin.
The effect of throat just aft of the lip is derived from theoretical calculations taking account of the velocity profile.
Note also how the slot in the top of the centreplate casing has been extended aft by about ten inches.
For a casual atmosphere, choose the L-shaped lounge dining with a large open galley aft.
By means of an electric installation between the log register aft and the electric register in the chart room, every tenth of a mile indicated by the former is recorded by the latter.
Between 4 and 4.30 the "Congress," having been raked fore and aft for nearly an hour by the "Merrimac," was forced to surrender.
Thus the part of B caused by the permanent magnetism of hard iron must be corrected by permanent magnets horizontally placed in a fore and aft direction; the other part caused by vertical soft iron by means of bars of vertical soft iron, called Flinders bars, before or abaft the compass.
These models flew in a haphazard sort of a way, it being found exceedingly difficult to confer on them the necessary degree of stability fore and aft and laterally.
This consisted of a small elastic aeroplane placed aft or behind the principal aeroplane which is also elastic. The two elastic aeroplanes extended horizontally and made a slight upward angle with the horizon, the angle made by the smaller aeroplane (the rudder).
In some vessels both fore and aft holds and 'tween decks are insulated.
Our pride and joy is " HEART'S CONTENT ", an Ocean 34 aft cabin cruiser built by Broom.