Affronted Sentence Examples
The people were affronted, but for the most part acquiesced, under the influence of Joazar the high priest.
Not only have you caused me to waste valuable time by not filling it in, I also feel personally affronted.
A simple analogy may help to explain why right-thinking capitalists are so affronted by this phenomenon.
Some of the philosophers who talked idly of the good old times of the republic, and thus indirectly encouraged conspiracy, provoked him into reviving the obsolete penal laws against this class, but only one, Helvidius Priscus, was put to death, and he had affronted the emperor by studied insults.
Hormizd had not the ability to retain the authority of his father, and he further affronted the Magian priesthood by declining to proceed against the Christians and by requiring that, in his empire, both religions should dwell together in peace.
In both cases, I was almost affronted to find that I remembered almost none of the detail of their complex plots.
To our delight they obliged, popping their heads up to stare back at us, albeit looking slightly affronted.