Afflicted Sentence Examples
He was afflicted with asthma, and his retirement was relieved only by the society of a few chosen friends.
I realize that it hurts to see their afflicted little child punished and made to do things against her will.
He was afflicted with the stone, and obliged to be particular as to what he drank.
The period as a whole had some anxious moments; emigration to the gold-fields and the strife which afflicted Wesleyan Methodism brought loss and confusion between 1853 and 1860.
Thus, for example, the numerous psalms in which the poets, though speaking perhaps, not as individuals but as members of a class, describe themselves as poor and afflicted at the hands of certain ungodly men, who appear to be Jews, can hardly have been originally collected by the Temple choirs.
Besides these public establishments for the custody of lunatics, there are in the vicinity of Dublin various private asylums. The principal institution for blind men (and also those afflicted by gout) is Simpson's hospital (1780), founded by a merchant of Dublin; while blind women are maintained at the Molyneux asylum (1815).
During the long time of oppression and injury which followed the ejectment, Baxter was sadly afflicted in body.
I believed, therefore I said, " I am greatly afflicted.
Besides, they said Helen's wonderful deliverance might be a boon to other afflicted children.
He wrote inconsiderately on the subject, but we must remember that he was at the time afflicted in body and mentally haunted by dread of impending change.
AdvertisementFrederick, however, who was in Italy, harassed and afflicted, could do little to assert the imperial authority, and his enemy, Pope Innocent IV., bestowed the two duchies upon Hermann VI., margrave of Baden, whose wife, Gertrude, was a niece of the last of the Babenbergs.
He was a man of brutal and worthless character; but although Gibbon's statement that he was "just, humane and even partial towards the afflicted Christians" may be exaggerated, it is probable that he never exhibited any special hostility towards them.
Before the adoption of the Federal constitution Rhode Island was badly afflicted with the paper money heresy.
Though thus afflicted he never ceased his literary activity, dictating his tract On the Purity of the Church, and revising the sheets of a translation of Origen which was passing through the Froben press.
The singing of this is followed by bidding prayers for the peace and unity of the church, for the pope, the clergy, all ranks and conditions of men, the sovereign, for catechumens, the sick and afflicted, heretics and schismatics, Jews and heathen.
AdvertisementThis great ruler, who had to fight, year after year, against foreign and domestic foes, could, nevertheless, always find time to promote the internal prosperity of his much afflicted country.
The Frankish king was the boy Baldwin IV., who had paid for the errors of his fathers by being afflicted with leprosy.
During the decade 1891-1901 Bengal was fortunate in escaping to a great extent the two calamities of famine and plague which afflicted central and western India.
Tips from others who have been similarly afflicted would be welcome.
When Pandora opened the box all the misfortunes that have since afflicted mankind flew out.
AdvertisementHe suffers, is despised, rejected, chastened and afflicted that others may be blessed and be at peace through his chastisement.
A law enacted in 1909 forbids a marriage in which either of the parties is a common drunkard, habitual criminal, epileptic, imbecile, feeble-minded person, idiot or insane person, a person who has been afflicted with hereditary insanity, a person who is afflicted with pulmonary tuberculosis in its advanced stages, or a person who is afflicted with any contagious venereal disease, unless the woman is at least forty-five years of age.
At least 2.5 million Americans are thought to be afflicted with schizophrenia, with an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 new cases every year.
An example of a delusion is the belief that the afflicted person is under the control of a sinister force located in the sewer system that dictates his every move and thought.
The longer the symptoms last, the less well afflicted individuals respond to treatment.
AdvertisementChildren afflicted with schizophrenia have a poorer prognosis than that of adults.
Very few children afflicted with this syndrome survive beyond the first year.
Hoarding is a disorder that causes the afflicted to collect and store mass amounts of possessions, regardless of the functionality of the item or safety of the individual.
More than this hardly lies in the expression "a divine spirit" (a'r5K min), which is used not only of the prophetic afflatus but of the evil frenzy that afflicted Saul's later days.
Henry at once issued a proclamation and charter promising the redress of all the grievances with which his brother had afflicted his feudal tenants, the clergy and the whole nation.
Of his rulers, Mercury is seriously afflicted in the 4th.
The diagnosis may produce a psychological catharsis which may benefit the afflicted in relation to the real fear of witchcraft.
The Holy Spirit, the great comforter, apply these truths to the hearts of the afflicted.
When their substance is drained away, the peasantry will be afflicted by heavy exactions.
Is Seismosaurus ' s tail kink a feature of that genus, or simply damage that afflicted the only known specimen?
The key features of many descriptions include the paralysis and subsequent liquefaction of the afflicted larvae.
The Lord has afflicted me; the Almighty has brought misfortune upon me.
Archive for August 27th, 2006 27th August 2006, Sunday The sorrows of sycamore The sycamore leaf above is twice afflicted.
On one occasion, for instance, Heraclea was afflicted with famine, and the Pythian priestess at Delphi, bribed by Heraclides, assured his inquiring townsmen that the dearth would be stayed if they granted a golden crown to that philosopher.
Kwang-Chow-Wan however, is bound to providefor destitute children (see FOUNDLING HOSPITALS) Total in As and pauper lunatics (both these being under the care of the department), aged In Africa and the mdi Algeria and infirm people without resources and Algerian Sahara victims of incurable illness, and to furnish Tunisia medical assistance gratuitously to those West Africa without resources who are afflicted with Senegal..
Whereas in 1881 there were 104,067 (16.29 per I 000) peasants afflicted by the disease, in 1899 there were only 72,603 (10.30 per 1000) peasants, with a maximum of 39,882 (34.32 per 1000) peasants in Venetia.
Practically every winegrowing country has been afflicted with this disease at one time or another.
I no longer wished to contend with all that excess of anxiety which had always afflicted me, prior to any sportive competition.
Archive for August 27th, 2006 27th August 2006, Sunday The sorrows of Sycamore The sycamore leaf above is twice afflicted.
Although less than two dozen cats were actually reported as being afflicted with a B1 deficiency, it is impossible to tell how many felines were displaying latent symptoms of the condition, symptoms that went unnoticed by their owners.
Dogs afflicted with this illness do not always show each symptom, depending on the severity of the infection, and they may behave normally otherwise.
With care, dogs afflicted with kennel cough recover quickly and easily, and they return to being the active, energetic pets their owners enjoy.
Afflicted children die in infancy or suffer damage to their central nervous systems that can result in physical and mental retardation.
The mild to moderate depression of dysthymic disorder may rise and fall in intensity, and those afflicted with the disorder may experience some periods of normal, non-depressed mood of up to two months in length.
There appears to be no racial or ethnic component to pituitary dwarfism, but males seem to be afflicted more than females.
There appears to be no racial or ethnic component to pituitary dwarfism, but males seem to be afflicted more often than females.
One in 500,000 people may be afflicted with this disorder that is often diagnosed in newborns because of bleeding into the brain as a result of traumatic delivery.
Bipolar disorder is a chronic recurrent illness in over 90 percent of those afflicted, and one that requires lifelong observation and treatment after diagnosis.
Between 4 percent and 50 percent of siblings are also afflicted.
When trichotillomania appears in early childhood, the duration of time during which the child is afflicted, is limited.
You can place these in your health sector or use in rooms that are afflicted with negative flying stars.
Locks of Love is a non-profit organization founded in 1997 to provide hairpieces to children afflicted with medially-induced hair loss whose families may not be able to pay for wigs.
The information age is truly flourishing as the Internet becomes progressively more of a medium for people seeking answers to problems and for similarly afflicted individuals to connect.
Once the antibiotic streptomycin was found to cure tuberculosis in 1944, the number of patients afflicted with the illness quickly began to decline.
Autism communities all over the world took notice when Dr. Andrew Wakefield, published a study of children afflicted with both autism and gastrointestinal problems in The Lancet, a British medical journal.
Although there is some truth that boxers and boxer briefs allow more air to circulate in the groin area, and thus keeps the area cool, the percentage of men who are afflicted with a low sperm count is relatively small.
But a Psi 2000 intoxication afflicted the members of the Enterprise and she admitted her feelings to Spock during this time.
Grave robbers (yes, grave robbers) relied on lavender to protect them from contracting the Great Plague that afflicted London in the 17th century.
Quite the contrary, those afflicted by chronic rosacea find it to be a frustrating condition both emotionally and physically.
The emperor Tiberius, when afflicted with a grievous sickness, commanded the woman to bring the portrait to him, worshipped Christ before her eyes, and was cured.
After Egypt has been afflicted for nine years with famine, Phrasius, a seer of Cyprus, arrived in Egypt and announced that the cessation of the famine would not take place until a foreigner was yearly sacrificed to Zeus or Jupiter.
The more orthodox and conservative elements in his character gained the upper hand as time went on, but careful students of him and his writings will find a deep conservatism underlying the most radical utterances of his earlier years, while a passionate sympathy for the poor, the afflicted and the weak held possession of him till the last hour of his life.
In modern times the word asylum has come to mean an institution providing shelter or refuge for any class of afflicted or destitute persons, such as the blind, deaf and dumb, &c., but more particularly the insane.
Hence also frequent allusion is made by poets to the anxious care caused to the Fathers by the possibility of the living head of the family being afflicted with failure of offspring; this dire prospect compelling them to use but sparingly their little store of provisions, in case the supply should shortly cease altogether.
In Tuscany particularly the Inquisition made persistent efforts to suppress them; Florence afflicted them with severe laws, but failed to rouse the populace against them.
Guy's Hospital also admitted the mentally afflicted into its ' lunatic ward ' .
On occasion, a child who is severely afflicted may need to special or unusual accommodations.
Elinor, too, was deeply afflicted; but still she could struggle, she could exert herself.
A company would not be afflicted with the same sense of anxiety as an individual would be liable to be afflicted with the same sense of anxiety as an individual would be liable to be afflicted with.
Spray this mixture on the afflicted area and allow it to kill the mold.
With mild bleeding episodes in persons afflicted with hemophilia A, infusions of a drug called desmopressin (DDAVP) may be administered.
In 1862 he published his pamphlet entitled The Three Panics, the object of which was to trace the history and expose the folly of those periodical visitations of alarm as to French designs with which England had been afflicted for the preceding fifteen or sixteen years.
The Scyths had a method of divination with sticks, and the Enarees, who claimed to be soothsayers by grant of the goddess who had afflicted them, used another method by splitting bast fibres.
During the civil commotions which so long afflicted the country, it suffered less than most other places; and it soon afterwards attained the rank of the richest commercial town in the north of Ireland.
They were in German, not in Latin; they were expositions of his own experience, of his own views, of his own methods of curing, adapted to the diseases that afflicted the Germans in the year 1527, and they were not commentaries on the text of Galen or Avicenna.
He seems to have been freed for a time from the pangs of gout only to be afflicted with a species of mental alienation bordering on insanity.
On the 12th of July 1444 a ten years' peace was signed with Hungary, whereby Walachia was placed under the suzerainty of that country; and, wearied by constant warfare and afflicted by the death of his eldest son, Prince Ala-ud-din, Murad abdicated in favour of his son Mahommed, then only fourteen years of age, and retired to Magnesia (1444).