Affects Sentence Examples
This range of temperature affects the water to a depth.
Or they'll soon realize the threat affects us all and be back.
There is something about her that affects them, Taran said.
In many owls the right and left ears are asymmetrical, and this asymmetry affects the whole of the temporal region, all the bones which surround the outer and middle ear, notably the squamosal and the quadrate, so that the skull becomes lopsided, one ear being turned obliquely down, the other upwards.
The same difficulty, however, affects the existence of the disembodied human spirit.
The knowledge of the presence of the parasite adversely affects nervous people and may lead to mental depression and hypochondria.
It occasionally happens that a change in dilution affects the chemical action that occurs.
It affects many or nearly all the structures of the body, but leaves some, it may be only one, at a high level of elaboration and complexity.
Now differences in the amount of crystalloids cause alteration in osmotic pressure while the proteid content affects it but little; and of the crystalloids the chlorides appear to be those most liable to variation.
The rapid multiplication that takes place in the larval stage of nearly all endoparasitic forms affects the tissues of the "intermediate" host in which they live.
AdvertisementThe falcon (taka), always an honored bird in Japan, where from time immemorial hawking has been an aristocratic pastime, is common enough, and so is the sparrow-hawk (/lai-taka), but the eagle (washi) affects solitude.
The drug affects only the involuntary muscles of the eye, just as it affects only the involuntary or non-striated portion of the oesophagus.
The food chain affects us all; only a few will be eaten by cannibals.
I suffer from pulmonary fibrosis, which affects my breathing.
The latter obscurity results either from coalescence, to which all joints and segments are liable, or from subdivision, which occasionally affects joints even in the trunk-legs.
AdvertisementThe public opinion that affects the national budget is unfortunately too often lacking in the most important towns, not excluding those in which political life is highly developed.
The presence of toxins in the blood not only affects the brain, causing delirium, but also other organs, the heart and lung, and may cause fatal syncope or respiratory failure.
Facial neuralgia, or tic douloureux, affects the great nerve of sensation of the face (fifth nerve), and may occur in one or more of the three divisions in which the nerve is distributed.
When the second division of the nerve is affected the pain is chiefly in the cheek and upper jaw, the painful points being immediately below the lower eyelid, over the cheek bone, and about the upper lip. When the third division of the nerve suffers the pain affects the lower jaw, and the chief painful points are in front of the ear and about the chin.
This form of neuralgia affects the left side more than the right, is much more common in women than in men, and occurs generally in enfeebled states of health.
AdvertisementIt affects the great sciatic nerve which emerges from the pelvis and runs down the leg to the foot.
The book in which this interesting story is told has had a literary history which less affects its matter than the vicissitudes to which Froissart has been subjected, but which is hardly less curious in its way.
The chief difference between the action of opium and morphine is due to the presence in the former of thebaine, which readily affects the more irritable spinal cord of very young children.
With accelerating machines a small amount of tilt in any direction considerably affects the accuracy of the weighing, and when the amount of tilt is considerable the action may be changed, so that a machine which was intended to act as an accelerating machine acts like a vibrating one.
It might be possible to prove the origin of all classes from Pelmatozoa, without thereby explaining the origin of such fundamental features as radial symmetry, the developmental metamorphosis, and the torsion that affects both gut and body-cavities during that process; but the acceptance of a Dipleurula as the common ancestor necessitates an explanation of these features.
AdvertisementThough nothing was as yet systematized, the governing principle is laid down that the sin of the member affects the whole body, and therefore the society is bound to deal with it both from pity for the sinner, and for the sake of its own purity.
Legislation, which only incidentally affects him, is very much less exciting to the ordinary citizen than taxation, which aims directly at his pocket.
During the 15th century the transition, which marks the change from medieval to modern history, affects also the character of historical sources and historical writing.
The muscular system is usually well developed, but there is deficiency of fatty tissue, which affects the features (particularly by giving relative prominence to the eyes) and the general character of the skin.
It is therefore only the difference of the forces on different parts of the earth that affects the rotation.
Or they.ll soon realize the threat affects us all and be back.
He has bilateral optic nerve atrophy, which affects the visual information passing from the eye to the brain.
You can infer which variable affects which outcome.
Longline fishing for southern bluefin tuna also affects wandering albatrosses breeding on the Crozet Islands in the southern Indian Ocean.
This particularly affects people who claim income support or jobseeker's allowance.
Androgenic alopecia is a condition that affects about 2% of the population, resulting in total hair loss all over the body.
Another affects the amphipod 's main swimming muscle, inhibiting its ability to move.
The major life threatening complication affects the aorta, which is the major vessel arising from the main pumping chamber of the heart.
The language disorder called aphasia usually affects both the understanding and production of spoken and written language.
Life-threatening arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, affects 300,000 people per year in the United States alone.
Sexy Too much alcohol affects your judgment and everyone around you can appear more attractive.
Flexural psoriasis in adults affects the axillae, submammary folds and natal cleft.
Although the condition mainly affects women, men are also at risk of developing candidiasis.
The virus affects the brain diffusely, but seems to particularly involve the cerebellum, producing problems with balance, coordination and speech.
Effects on Humans Many people are confused about the way climate change affects them.
Living in a cramped and often chlorinated tank has many adverse affects on these highly intelligent creatures.
Its aim was to improve our understanding of how ocean circulation affects the Earth's climate.
Its research will also examine ink adhesion; food contact; and the affects of non-stick coatings.
Although the illness primarily affects cognition, it can also contribute to chronic problems with behavior or emotions.
This is a serious, chronic condition that affects a large number of people, mainly the elderly, around the world.
Weather affects response, dry conditions for example, decreasing the effects because of lower stomatal conductance.
The county escaped the worst affects of the flooding in the eastern counties which centered on Essex.
Symptoms - headaches and eyestrain, feet cramp; THE RACER - Affects 19% .
The throttle valve cutaway slightly affects the carburation up to about half throttle.
Dementia associated with low DHA levels dementia associated with low DHA levels Dementia now affects about 47% of the population over 80 years of age in Western countries.
However installing such a device may be a waste of money if it does not work or has detrimental affects.
An important part of the project will be to understand how sediment diagenesis affects the anisotropy of shales.
The virus that causes proventricular dilatation often affects the crop.
A dispel magic spell will prevent its effect, since dispel magic affects all spells no matter what their subject.
Parkinson's patients do not produce enough dopamine, which affects co-ordination.
I was aware of the usual drudgery of funding issues which so often affects the work that we do.
Further analysis will establish whether the polymorphic nature of these segmental duplications affects the occurrence of this disorder.
This affects the health of the organs or cells, which then become dysfunctional, degenerate or diseased.
The more this indeterminacy has merely epistemic significance, the less it affects the causal principle.
For we must examine the extent to which the question of the internet affects individuals and their roles as citizens.
John quoted a story about how the influence of a Sunday School teacher had far-reaching affects.
Methotrexate affects spermatogenesis and oogenesis during the period of its administration which may result in decreased fertility.
It provides information on the disease foot rot, which affects sheep flocks.
Nothing in this Part affects the generality of this power.
Great Ormond Street Hospital, London The proposal involves gene therapy for an immuno-deficiency known as ADA-SCID, which affects both boys and girls.
Pigment dispersion glaucoma affects 1-2% of glaucoma sufferers.
Open angle glaucoma affects about two in every hundred people over the age of 40.
The helper virus envelope glycoprotein affects the disease specificity of a recombinant murine leukemia virus carrying a v- myc oncogene.
Photographs would be a good way for members to see just what this virus is like and how it affects the hamster.
Nor is it just brain hemisphere dominance which affects how you operate effectively.
Our NHS culture profoundly affects our actions, and yet is largely hidden from us.
Although not directly related to securing the homeland against terrorism, this support affects the impact of terrorist action.
Except for cancelation with other enchantments, this spell only affects humans.
The positive affects of having colon hydrotherapy can be immediate.
It's a lifelong neurological impairment that affects the ability to speak, play or socially interact; I felt my knees grow weak.
Crohn's disease commonly affects the small intestine, a part of the bowel that is exceptionally rarely the site of cancer.
If power was taken from the elected leadership then this affects basic democracy.
It should only measure functional limitations caused by the physical disability which affects the players capability for performing the different skills.
Tetanus (sometimes called lockjaw) is a bacterial disease that affects the nervous system.
Lupus commonly affects the lungs and has been reported in half of all patients with lupus.
As doctors are not sure what causes lupus, the reasons that lupus affects the skin are also unclear.
It affects the macula in the center of the retina.
They are thus shaded for a good proportion of the day, which affects the microclimate.
In myeloma, bortezomib affects the ability of myeloma cells to interact with the bone marrow microenvironment.
Osteoporosis affects not just the bone mineral density, but also the internal microstructure of bone.
Each species of powdery mildew affects only specific types of plant.
Any person involved in an accident that affects the eyes, however minor, must be seen by a doctor.
But whoever started the rumors that HIV status affects your ability to get a mortgage was sadly misinformed.
How it affects ice axes is somewhat muddy, given that the actual standard to be adopted is still only provisional.
The removal of a single dolphin affects the remaining group in other ways beside causing widespread myopathy.
There is no evidence that having a tubal occlusion affects your sex drive.
She suffered from supranuclear palsy, a degenerative illness that affects only five to six people per 100,000 of the population.
This is because the CF affects the pancreas, which makes it hard for people with CF to digest food.
Effects on Humans many people are confused about the way climate change affects them.
Authored by Sue Skirrow, a Veterinary Officer, this document discusses Glassers disease, a bacterial infection that affects weaner pigs.
Grass pollen affects about 95% of all hay fever sufferers and birch tree pollen affects about 20% .
The disease particularly affects poultry, which includes chicken, duck, goose, turkey and guinea fowl.
The K-factor only affects the SCR, and so relates only to the impact of discretionary profit sharing in the stress scenarios.
Bat rabies is different from classical rabies and rarely affects animals other than bats.
When the disease affects only the rectum - the final portion of the bowel, it is known as proctitis.
A key issue that affects all NHS workers, not just those in primary care, is the proposed PCT restructure.
Vitamin D Babies who do not get enough vitamin D may get rickets, a disease that affects bone development.
A diet lacking in vitamin C can cause scurvy, a disease that affects the muscles, teeth, .. .
They may dislike mucky morality, financial shadiness and jobs for the boys, but it rarely affects how they vote.
Sulloway argues that birth order affects personality - ' eldest siblings being conservative and responsible compared with their more rebellious younger sibs.
Nicotine affects the brain within seconds of inhaling cigarette smoke.
The third most common kind of defect affects the spinal cord, such as spina bifida.
Acute calcific tendinitis most often affects the shoulder of a young or middle-aged adult.
Dwarfism from impaired longitudinal growth of bones is a recessive trait that affects males more strongly than females.
Understanding how climate change affects mountains is vital as governments and international organizations develop strategies to reverse current global warming trends.
While this decision affects small details of the story later in the game, the whole ' choice ' aspect seems pretty underdeveloped.
A smut which affects the plants is said to produce contact urticaria.
It affects 3% of soldiers but perhaps 20% of rape victims.
There are 15 types of avian flu virus that affects birds.
The influence of temperature also affects the dynamic viscosity of the air.
Motor neuron disease is another degenerative disorder that affects the brain and spinal cord and is characterized by weakness and wasting of the muscles.
Coastal microclimate is important mainly as it affects plant zonation (see below ).
The trade-licence tax (impt des patentes) is imposed on every person carrying on any business whatever; it affects professional men, bankers and manufacturers, as well as wholesale and retail traders, and consists of (I) a fixed duty levied not on actual profits but with reference to the extent of a business or calling as indicated by number of employbs, population of the locality and other considerations.
The best of his lyrical work, excellent for finish and intense sincerity, is his Epistola to Emilio Arrieta, and had he chosen to dedicate himself to lyric poetry, he might possibly have ranked with the best of Spain's modern singers; as it is, he is a very considerable poet who affects the dramatic form.
The company is then free to proceed with the work of construction, and at once becomes subject to various general acts, such as the Companies Clauses Act, which affects all joint-stock companies incorporated by any special act; the Land Clauses Act, which has reference to all companies having powers to acquire land compulsorily; the Railway Clauses Act, which imposes certain conditions on all railways alike (except light railways); the various Regulation of Railways Acts; the Carriers Protection Act; acts for the conveyance of mails, parcels, troops; acts relating to telegraphs, to the conveyance of workmen and to the housing of the labouring classes; and several others which it is unnecessary to specify.
The Notice of Accidents Act of 1884, which obliges employers of labour to report to the Board of Trade, when "there occurs in any employment " as defined by the schedule of the act, " any accident which causes to any person employed therein, either loss of life or such bodily injury as to prevent him on any one of the three working days next after the occurrence of the accident from being employed for five hours on his ordinary work," affects railways in course of construction, but not, as a rule, otherwise.
The former provision, strengthened by a poll-tax for school purposes assessed on adult males, affects both white and blacks; the latter, owing to the discretion vested in the election officers, affects (in practice) mainly the blacks.
Andrew's report to his sovereign, whom he rejoined in 1251 at Caesarea in Palestine, appears to have been a mixture of history and fable; the latter affects his narrative of the Mongols' rise to greatness, and the struggles of their leader, evidently Jenghiz Khan, with Prester John; it is still more evident in the position assigned to the Tatar homeland, close to the prison of Gog and Magog.
Hagen affects to construe this as a confession of guilt, and slays him as if in righteous wrath.
This affects first of all the existence of angels, in regard to whom Aquinas admits that they are immaterial or separate forms (formae separatae).
This splitting of the air not only lessens the cost of ventilating, but greatly increases its efficiency by permitting the circulation of much larger volumes, and has the added advantage that the effect of an explosion or other accident vitiating the air current is often confined to a single division of the mine, and affects but a small part of the working force.
The knowledge of the presence of the parasiteadversely affects nervous people and may lead to mental depression and hypochondria.
The population (72,286 in 1891; 65,619 in 1901) shows a heavy decrease, though emigration affects it less seriously than the majority of Irish counties.
Apart from the effects of varying precipitation and evaporation the atmosphere affects sea-level also by its varying pressure, the difference in level of the sea-surface from this cause between two given points being thirteen times as great as the difference between the corresponding readings of the mercurial barometer.
These are the conditions of Buganda, a country with an annual rainfall of from 60 to 80 in., a regular West African climate, and severe and frequent thunderstorms. Much the same may be said about the Western province, except for the cooling influence of the Ruwenzori snow range, which pleasantly affects Toro and northern Ankole.
Now as each source lets out the wind periodically it affects the pressure in the chest so that we cannot regard this as constant, but may take it as better represented by p+Xa sin (27rn i t+e)+µb sin (27rn 2 t+f).
Unfortunately for the consistency of historical writing, the view taken of Rousseau's biography affects those of Grimm, Diderot, Mme.
The question thus arises whether, in electric attractions across apparently empty space and in gravitational attraction across the celestial regions, we are invited or required to make search for some similar method of continuous transmission of the physical effect, or whether we should rest content with an exact knowledge of the laws according to which one body affects mechanically another body at a distance.
It is to this day the nursery of that whole type of devotion which affects renunciation of the world, which strives after an ideal, without the strength to rise above aesthetic impressions, and is never able to form a clear conception of the object of its own aspiration.
Resting on the dividing upper sphere are the eight-shaped " directive corpuscles," better called " praeseminal outcast cells or apoblasts," since they are the result of a cell-division which affects the egg-cell before it is impregnated, and are mere refuse, destined to disappear.
Totally to be reprobated is the use, in order to relieve pain, of belladonna or any other application which affects the skin, in cases where the surgeon may later be required to operate.
A national policy of "growling before fighting" - later practised successfully enough by the United States - was not then possible; and one writer has very justly said that what chiefly affects one in the whole matter is the pathos of it - "a philosopher and a friend of peace struggling with a despot of superhuman genius, and a Tory cabinet of superhuman insolence and stolidity" (Trent).
For a Hindu a person 's karma mainly affects where their soul will be reborn in a future life.
Inspired by an ancient Aztec remedy for chronic gout, these delicious treats have been scientifically proven to fight the affects of water retention.
How you respond to stress directly impacts on your brain and affects your ability to think clearly.
Nothing in this Bulletin affects a taxpayer 's right of appeal on any point.
To some degree, the sluggish upgrade pace affects the company 's revenue.
It most affects lush new growth and sucker growth and the young growth of pollarded planes is often affected.
Hydrogen ions, Potassium ions and Chloride ions are important, but sucrose concentration in the guard cells affects the osmotic concentration too.
Taxon sampling affects the relative rate estimate, with comparisons involving more closely related taxa resulting in a higher estimate.
However, the benefits of frequent tine aeration far outweigh the side affects.
Humidity most certainly affects the tonality of a pipe organ.
That affects whether type C becomes uncommon, or vanishes altogether.
This affects the delicate organs of balance hence the vertigo symptoms.
This affects the ability of the bonds to rotate, and also the viscosity of the bulk polymer.
Nor do we wish to encourage narrow partisanship about an issue which so clearly affects the well-being of all humankind.
Burnout affects blue collar workers and workaholic managers alike, disrupting family life.
Coastal microclimate is important mainly as it affects plant zonation (see below).
It's simply that aversion to failure is hardwired into our culture, and this cultural influence affects decisions founders make when things don't go according to plan.
Therefore, your age may have a bearing how the startup experience affects you on a personal level.
It affects all races and people from all socioeconomic levels.
More research is needed, but scientists think that the abnormality affects the brain's ability to properly use serotonin.
Because cerebral palsy affects children differently, an individualized treatment plan will be created for your child if he is diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is a condition that predominantly affects infants and children between 0 to 24 months of age.
The condition affects children without any warning and, curiously enough, some infants do not even have to be asleep for SIDS to occur.
However, the more pernicious forms of overactive sebaceous glands can translate into seborrhea which affects both older children and adults.
A lemon is any car that has a continual and unrepairable defect that affects the car's value, safety and use.
The type of car affects how much you will pay as well.
Everything about a bottle of wine affects is price and demand, from the type of cork used to the wine making traditions of the region in which it was produced.
When buying a new pool table, you've got to be aware of how quality affects price.
Seafood is often shipped frozen, and freezing affects taste and texture.
The frequency allows the phone to minimize interference, which affects clarity and quality of signal.
Some grips will leave your hands feeling sweaty or uncomfortable, so it is important to consider what you have used in the past, as well as what you've noticed affects your game when you swing.
The loft of a club affects how high or far it can make the ball go when it's hit.
Jewelry demand, or how much silver is needed for jewelry production, also affects the price of silver.
The quality of the processor affects the performance of your computing, so this is one area where you want to make sure you get the best that you can afford.
Each color affects vision in different ways.
Your cat's overall health and age greatly affects the prognosis.
Hemobartonellosis or feline hemotropic mycoplasmosis are also names for this malady that affects cats all over the world.
It affects the lymph nodes, bone marrow and the intestines.
The virus affects cats specifically and cannot be transmitted to humans, but it is also not commonly spread through sexual intercourse.
Identity theft and penalty has become a popular topic of conversation since it's obvious that the crime of identity theft is not going anywhere anytime soon and, in fact, affects millions of Americans a year.
Online identity theft is one of the most common types of this omnipresent crime, which affects about 10 million Americans a year, according to the Federal Trade Commission.
Divorce affects people differently when they are in their 20's than it when they are in their 40's or 60's.
Many states do not consider fault when deciding on spousal support; however, some do, especially if it negatively affects the financial outcome of the other spouse.
Global warming, also referred to as climate change, affects everything from the weather and oceans to different ecosystems and even our own health.
These examples demonstrate that global warming affects every living thing on the planet.
One important feature of recycling that affects us all is the fact it can save money!
This in turn affects other parts of the carbon cycle, for instance by making the oceans warmer, which causes yet more carbon to be released into the atmosphere.
Soil contamination, which is the addition of man made chemicals or other contaminants to the natural soil environment, is another issue that affects the environment adversely.
Soil contamination affects people and animals that come in direct contact with polluted soil, with lead poisoning or illnesses from pesticide exposure among the many possibilities.
Chronic exposure to Styrene leads to further complications including affects on the nervous system.
Soy candle making positively affects the manufacture of wicks - the braided, cotton core of the candle.
Proper installation directly affects the performance of your panels, their reliability and life expectancy, and the warranty of your roof.
As the seas rise, plant life along the shore is affected, which in turn affects animals that feed on the plants.
Warmer water also directly affects algae growth in the oceans, and as algae growth diminishes, small fish and other sea life who consume the algae die or relocate.
Global warming affects everyone on the planet, and global warming prevention is both a personal and global responsibility.
From temperature increases and droughts to weather changes and rising sea levels, global warming directly or indirectly affects every aspect of our climate.
Freshwater pollution affects drinking and agricultural water sources and impacts fish populations.
Stress negatively affects the immune system, hindering the body's natural defense mechanisms against viruses such as the herpes virus.
It may also have anti-hyperglycemic affects, which can positively affect blood sugar.
Our relationship with money directly affects our lives.
Whether cooking is a hobby, your kids hang out and do homework at the bar or you've adopted a corner of the space for your home office, the way you use your kitchen affects that colors that you choose.
If you are allowed to paint the walls of the apartment, or if you are choosing window treatments, rugs or other temporary design elements, think about the color you are using and how it affects the space.
Have some tone-on-tone affects mix in with multi-colored designs as well; the result should be cohesive but not overwhelming.
Discover the significance affects of balm on the delicate lip covering and you will quickly learn why so many have become addicted.
Separated into the top, middle, and base notes, this volatility affects the length of time each remains fragrant.
We have to first look at oxygen and how it affects the body.
Polyunsaturated fat also lowers cholesterol levels, but it affects both the LDL and HDL.
Many of the digital supplies can mimic some of the artistic affects of traditional scrapbooks.
Because this disease affects so many women and their families, most scrapbookers have probably been affected in some way.
Research traces serious fatal illnesses such as heart disease and cancer to the long-term damaging affects of stress hormones.
Take a deeper look to see how each one affects each area and how you can start improving your life.
Stress definitely affects your health; however, there are many ways to reduce your risk.
Often the pain affects the entire head, neck, and scalp.
Financial stress affects everyone from students struggling to find college loans to parents trying to pay the mortgage to retirees taking jobs into their golden years because retirement funds and social security don't make ends meet.
The effects of job related stress not only have a detrimental effect on your health, it also affects your family, your social life, and your career.
Blue Collar Job Stress from LoveToKnow explains the unique set of stressors of blue collar workers, how stress affects worker's health, and provides stress coping strategies.
That's because the anger you feel affects you on every level.
Understanding how it affects your life as well as your physiology.
Lack of physical activity negatively affects overall health and contributes to a number of health conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, that may prevent us from coping with stress effectively.
It affects every organ in the human body, including the skin, causing changes to its chemistry and hormonal balance.
By eliminating many of the constant stressors in your life, effective time management positively affects your overall mental, physical and emotional health.
How stress affects overall health is highly underestimated.
Stress affects overall health and must be the main focus for better health decisions.
Finally, knowing how stress affects overall health will help you learn to relax.
If you have ever rushed out the door, late for an important meeting, and suddenly realized your keys are missing, you have experienced one of the ways stress affects your mind.
In addition to the physical symptoms, a panic attack also affects a person psychologically and emotionally.
Every year, holiday stress affects a great number of people.
Unfortunately all this "information" hasn't always translated into more knowledge about this disorder and how it affects kids and families.
The other type of hormone, follicle stimulating hormone or "FSH", affects the growth of hair follicles.
Puberty affects boys and girls in slightly different ways.
Other ways to change the way that peer pressure affects teenagers is to limit exposure to television and movies that may make a teenager feel pressured.
Drinking alcohol also affects a teen's development.
According to some sort of eating disorder affects approximately two out of every 100 girls in America, and many of these girls are models.
Whether a teen is a fan of rock music or rap music or something else entirely, it is interesting to look at how music affects teenagers.
For other teens, music has a much more negative role and affects them in ways many wish were not true.
Depending who you ask, there are multiple different answers to the question of 'how music affects teenagers.'
Some evidence suggests that cooking, while destroying some digestive enzymes, is still better for digestion overall and that this affects development.
It is difficult to tell at times if affects such as these are due to the supplement or just the placebo effect.
Cleanliness. How the tide affects the cleanliness of the beach is an important factor in wedding arrangements.
The time of the wedding greatly affects the style of the wedding apparel.
If you use spun sugar designs, remember that humidity affects the sugar and causes it to droop and become sticky, so it is best used in an air conditioned environment.
It affects the central nervous system and increases activity in the brain.
The hippocampus, the portion of the brain that affects learning and memory, is shown to be smaller in abusing teens.
Many support groups have been started with the recognition that an alcoholic's illness affects much more than his/her own life.
One reason depression is such a complex mental illness is that the condition affects people in many different ways.
If someone with this personality flaw affects you, take care of yourself and be cautious of everything you do that has to do with that person.
Every drug affects the brain differently, but all psychological addictions have one thing in common.
Use that negatively affects normal life responsibilities, objectives and goals.
Seasonal affective disorder or SAD is a type of depression that affects people during certain times of the year.
Depression affects people in many different ways.
Depression is a very common mental illness that affects the individual's thought processes and moods.
Major Depressive Disorder affects 6.7 percent of people in the U.S., and this works out to 14.8 million adults.
Depression affects women more often than men.
Dysthymic disorder, characterized by a chronic but mild state of depression lasting two years or more, affects 1.5 percent of the U.S. population, or 5.7 million adults, each year.
Clinical depression is a serious mental illness that affects your mind and body.
According to a survey done by Psychiatric Times, compulsive shopping affects six percent of people in the United States and includes about the same amount of men and women.
The size of the cake affects the design.
Jett Travolta was reportedly suffering from Kawasaki disease, a disease that affects the lymph nodes, skin and mouth.
The pressure to be thin and fit certainly affects the men, but it's the ladies who fight off the most gossip and criticism about their added pounds.
With careers built on their looks, when entertainers start to show the affects of age it's an easy temptation to try to erase the years surgically.
Courses in critical infrastructure give students an understanding of how terrorism affects these components.
The outcome of these tests also affects teachers and school administrators, and reflects the overall performance of the school.
Even more than choosing an itinerary or destination, choosing which ship to sail on affects the type of vacation experience you can expect.
However, this space limitation affects the number of last minute deals Disney can offer to penny-pinching cruisers.
Some collars contain an insecticide that kills the fleas, while others use a chemical growth inhibitor that affects the fleas' ability to reproduce, thus ending the population growth.
Gradually increase the time and distance until your pet is able to overcome his fears and ride without any ill affects.
Thinning hair is a common symptom of many dog skin allergies, and some of the spot-on flea control products produce adverse affects in some pets.
Being too thin, or too fat, can result in adverse affects on a pet's health.
Age is not the only factor that affects sperm production.
Pathophysiology covers how the disease affects the pulmonary arteries and other organs.
The factor with one of the most major affects on the physical properties of dirt is the texture.
Fluorescent compact bulbs come in various colors, which affects the start-up of the lamp.
While some towns do not allow any expansion that affects the building envelope, other towns allow additions that are historically accurate to the original building.
How well you sand the floors with fine grit sandpaper dramatically affects the end result.
If moisture affects an air duct system, mold spores or fungus can develop and affect the health of the home's residents.
That new position affects how the crystals absorb and reflect light, which we see as a change in the color of the ring.
Babies are far more prone to the adverse affects of pesticides in their food.
Soil pH is used to determine alkalinity or acidity of soil. pH affects not only the availability of soil nutrients but influences what life forms live there.
Organic farming is more labor-intensive in many ways, which ultimately affects production and affects the end cost to customers.
Choosing foods produced with less chemicals and hormones could have positive health consequences and may also prevent dangerous runoff in the environment which affects both plant and animal life.
Adults can suffer adverse affects from lead poisoning as well.
A poor safety record also affects the company's bottom line.
An incident is an occurrence that doesn't rise to the level of an accident, but that either affects or could affect safety.
Internet safety for students is an issue that affects young people, parents and teachers alike.
Back pain is another complaint that commonly affects people working as cashiers.
If your illness affects your ability to concentrate or make decisions, making a will may become impossible.
The demographic phenomenon known as the Baby Boomers affects a number of lifestyle, policy, and cultural circumstances.
All of us feel down about our lives occasionally; however depression affects the whole body and mental outlook on the world, often lasting for weeks or months at a time.
If your hair loss or slow hair growth is due to DHT, there are some herbal supplements, such as saw palmetto, that have been found to reduce the affects of DHT.
Treatment includes identifying what, if any health condition, affects the heart and causing it to slow down.
Although a person's physical and mental health affects his or her ability to engage in many activities, staying active and engaged in life is essential in keeping the mind and body as strong and healthy as possible.
Alzheimer's disease affects the brain, causing cognitive changes that begin with mild memory lapses and increase to full-blown memory loss.
Losing the ability to drive affects a person in one ways than one.
While cortical dementia affects the outer layers of the brain, subcortical dementias are related to dysfunctional parts of the brain beneath the outer layers.
Multi-infarct dementia (MID) is in a category of its own because it affects both parts of the brain, in most cases.
If the small stroke affects a limited area of the brain, symptoms may not even be noticed; however, over time, as these silent mini-strokes take their toll, the brain is increasingly damaged, and symptoms become evident.
Notch Reform, which affects older seniors often called Notch babies.
Restless leg syndrome (RLS) affects men and women alike and can lead to sleeplessness and more.
Called chronic sleep deprivation, it affects a huge number of adults in industrial countries.
It's a condition that affects millions of Americans.
A snore is a relatively common problem that affects a significant number of people, mostly males.
Individuals can learn why sleep is important, what dreams mean and how obesity affects sleep quality, for example.
Interestingly, PLMS affects up to 34 percent of people over 60 and is commonly found in people who have other sleep disorders like narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, or REM sleep behavior disorder.
If jerking during sleep causes fatigue or affects a person's ability to get a full and restful night's sleep, they should talk to their doctor about a referral for a sleep study.
Sleep apnea affects people in all walks of life, all careers and all cities.Sleep apnea is caused by an actual blockage of the airway.
Obstructive sleep apnea affects an estimated 12 million adult Americans, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Each of these sleep disorders affects not only the quantity and quality of your sleep, but the sleep of your partner.
This deprivation also affects cognitive function, learning and focusing issues.
Sleep apnea affects an estimated 12 million Americans, and untreated apnea is potentially fatal.
Snoring affects an estimated 90 million Americans, according the National Sleep Foundation.
Chronic insomnia affects an estimated 15 percent of the population, making sleep medications one of the most frequently prescribed classes of drugs in the United States.
This type of drug affects the central nervous system and brain functioning.
This problem affects more than just long-distance drivers.
Jet lag is a condition that affects travelers who move rapidly through three or more time zones.
The direction of travel directly affects the severity and duration of symptoms.
When anxiety becomes chronic, affects daily life or results in continuous insomnia, an anxiety disorder may be the reason.
Passionflower affects the nervous system, helping to ease tension within the body and having an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles.
You may have had the same pre-bedtime schedule for years, without any adverse affects on sleep.
In fact, according to the National Sleep Foundation, snoring affects almost 90 million Americans of all ages and genders.
The effects of sleep on the cardiovascular system are profound, and when a person has a sleep disorder that affects breathing, he or she may experience cardiovascular problems.
Material affects how easy or difficult it is to manufacture the frames, how durable they will be, and how nice they look.
A common condition is called presbyopia which affects the person's ability to see objects close up and is easily corrected with reading glasses.
They may never act out the same things in reality, but this thought and behavior may become aggressive, which affects those around him or her.
You can also choose whether he excels in physical prowess, magic, or stealth and speed abilities, and you will face many other decisions to determine more personalized affects of your character's life.
All of this affects his Draft rating, as does the psychological/personality test which he will be required to take before the Draft begins.
Mushrooms can be found in all varieties and types in other Mario games, often with slightly different affects.
You now have a stamina bar that directly affects your health bar.
Their affects on players, most notably children, are ultimately unknown.
Sound affects in the game are similar to earlier Sonic games, with the exception of the weapons.
From characters to storylines, what you do in your faction affects if your city becomes wealthier and industrious or poorer and less popular.
The single most important factor that affects the wine making process is cleanliness, or sanitation.
Leaf Roll Virus - The leaf roll virus affects many pinot noir vines that are ten years of age and older.
The way you serve and store your wine affects the taste of the wine.
While white wine is one of the less calorically dense alcoholic beverages, it still contains calories and affects your body's ability to metabolize fat.
Another thing that affects the flavor in Cabernet Sauvignon is oak.
Knowing what your Singer is worth and what affects the value gives you the knowledge you need to insure, sell, or just enjoy your machine.
Speech and language problems (aphasia) usually occur when a stroke affects the right side of the body.
When a stroke affects a child whose brain is still developing, it is thought that the developing brain may be able to compensate for the functions that were lost as a result of a stroke.
A deficiency in platelets or a disorder that affects platelet production can disrupt clotting and severely complicate blood loss from accidental injury, surgery, and specific diseases or conditions in which bleeding can occur.
Acute ITP affects children of both sexes between the ages of two and six years.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has the authority to monitor herbal products on the market and issue warnings about accidental poisoning or other adverse affects associated with these products.