Affecting Sentence Examples
The Other didn't notice him, perhaps because of the strange issues affecting magic.
A'Ran met her blows gently, redirecting them without affecting her balance.
This factor is the Record of the Past, which grows and develops by laws other than those affecting the perishable bodies of successive generations of mankind, and exerts an incomparable influence upon the educable brain, so that man, by the interaction of the Record and his educability, is removed to a large extent from the status of the organic world and placed in a new and unique position, subject to new laws and new methods of development unlike those by which the rest of the living world is governed.
The sovereigns saw that wealth was beginning to flow in to the new tribunals by means of fines and confiscations; and they obliged Torquemada to take as assessors five persons who would represent them in all matters affecting the royal prerogatives.
The anxiety, fatigue and cold to which he was thus exposed, affecting a constitution naturally weak, laid the foundation of the disease to which he afterwards succumbed.
In each residential district there is a council, composed of natives and presided over by the resident, which deliberates on questions affecting the district.
It spreads forwards, affecting the supporting fibres outside the epithelium of the capillaries, and then passes to the connective-tissue fibrils of the veins.
All Church property was to be restored, and, perhaps most important of all, the jurisdiction of the Imperial court (Reichskammergericht), which was naturally Catholic in its sympathies, was extended to appeals involving the seizure of ecclesiastical benefices, contempt of episcopal decisions and other matters deeply affecting the Protestants.
In 1812 was a more general epidemic affecting these places and also Egypt.
Of the statutes affecting county councils passed subsequent to 1888 mention need only be made of the chief.
AdvertisementProcesses affecting groundwater chemistry in a zone of saline intrusion into an urban sandstone aquifer.
The consideration of temperature as affecting the use of a standard pitch was not attended to when the French government issued its ordonnance.
The provincial court, consisting of a judge president and three puisne judges, sits in Pietermaritzburg and has jurisdiction over all causes whether affecting natives or Europeans.
Nothing further was done in Natal up to the establishment of the Union of South Africa, when all questions specially or differentially affecting Asiatics were withdrawn from the competence of the provincial authorities.
The commission was deputed to inquire into and report on certain of the grievances adversely affecting the gold industry.
AdvertisementThe establishment of the Union of South Africa removed from the competence of the Transvaal provincial council all legislation specially or differentially affecting Asiatics.
Deafness, however, was gradually affecting him, and he withdrew little by little from society and the practice of politics.
He presides over a council (Conseil de Protectoral) composed of the chiefs of the French services in Annam, together with two members of the "comat"; this body deliberates on questions of taxation affecting the budget of Annam and on local public works.
It is now commonly used to indicate the transparent homogeneous structureless swellings which are found affecting the smaller arteries and the capillaries.
Conditions affecting the cost of opening, developing and working the mine or determining the methods to be adopted.
AdvertisementThis left the governor-general, and the council of government free to deal with matters affecting the colony as a whole, including the preparation of the budget.
From the defeat at Pharsalus, to which he had contributed by affecting to despise his late comrades, he fled to Corcyra, and thence to Africa.
All matters affecting the community are discussed in the majlis or assembly, to which any tribesman has access; here, too, are brought the tribesmen's causes; both sides plead and judgment is given impartially, the loser is fined so many head of small cattle or camels, which he must pay or go into exile.
In 1897 Great Britain surrendered her commercial treaty with Tunisia and agreed (subject to a special temporary privilege regarding cotton goods) to allow her commerce and all other relations with Tunisia to be subjected to the same conditions as those affecting all such relations between Britain and France.
For about three months following this event he was held as a prisoner on parole within the limits of Charleston; then, because of his influence in deterring others from exchanging their paroles for the privileges of British subjects, he was seized, taken to St Augustine, Florida, and there, because he would not give another parole to those who had violated the former agreement affecting him, he was confined for forty-two weeks in a dungeon.
AdvertisementHe continued, however, to take the side of the dissenters in the questions affecting religious liberty, which played such a prominent part towards the close of Anne's reign.
One of the most affecting things in his novels is the heroic constancy and fidelity of the maid Amy to her exemplary mistress Roxana.
On the one hand there were during the middle ages sects, like the Catharists and Albigenses, whose "opposition as a rule developed itself from dualistic or pantheistic premises (surviving effects of old Gnostic or Manichaean views)" and who "stood outside of ordinary Christendom, and while no doubt affecting many individual members within it, had no influence on church doctrine."
Questions affecting the interests of the whole Fu come before the Fu-kwai, or prefectural assembly, made up of representatives from both Ku and Gun, and a prefectural council, of which „the governor is president; while matters concerning the city alone are discussed by a Shi-kwai, or municipal assembly, and administered by a municipal council, of which the Shicho or mayor is president.
On the secession of 1843 he was offered many different parishes, and having finally settled at Dalkeith, devoted himself to parish work and to questions affecting the Church as a whole.
But the religious agitation was affecting his own Flemish possessions, and when Philip went back to Spain, in August 1559, he was committed to a lifelong struggle in which he could not prove victorious except by the conquest of France and England.
Farther east, Nantucket, a smaller island of triangular shape, is likewise the home of a seafaring folk who still retain in some degree primitive habits, though summer visitors are more and more affecting its life.
In the same period the mediation of the Board settled disputes affecting 5560 establishments; and in the latter half of this period labour disputes involving hostilities and of the magnitude contemplatedby the statute governing the Board of Conciliation and Arbitration had almost disappeared.
The homilies are not now read publicly, though they are sometimes appealed to in controversies affecting the doctrines of the Anglican Church.
This last information was made voluntary in 1881 and the following enumerations without materially affecting the extent of the record.
By an Act of 191() women may vote on financial questions affecting a village in which they hold property.
In ordinary sound-waves the effect of the particle velocity in affecting the velocity of transmission must be very small.
In Luxemburg, compulsory arbitration in matters affecting commercial partnerships was abolished in 1879 (law of the 16th of April 1879).
To prevent temperature from affecting the shunt ratio, Edison joined in series with the electrolytic cell a copper coil the resistance of which increased with a rise of temperature by the same amount that the electrolyte decreased.
He strove to blot out the memory of the Huguenot connexions of his house by affecting the greatest zeal against Protestants.
In the present case the total dielectric contribution to this current works out to be the change per unit time in the electric separation in the molecules of the element of volume, as it moves uniformly with the matter, all other effects being compensated molecularly without affecting the propagation.
While suffering from the symptoms affecting central Europe generally, the republic was distinctly better off as regards its financial situation than any of its neighbours.
In the latter respect, and in the fact that they frequently develop by a metamorphosis, they approach the Mollusca, but they differ from that group notably in the occurrence of metameric segmentation affecting many of the systems of organs.
Its duty is to deliberate upon all administrative matters, including the budget, and it possesses certain powers over the finances; (3) The Financial Delegations (created by decree in 1898), an elective body whose duty is to investigate all matters affecting taxation and to vote the budget.
Yet pecuniary wages and profits are very different in different employments - either from certain circumstances affecting.
It is certainly a very striking fact that wherever we have been able to trace genetic series, either of invertebrates or vertebrates, in closely sequent geological horizons, or life zones, we find strong proof of evolution through extremely gradual mutation simultaneously affecting many parts of each organism, as set forth above.
It has jurisdiction in cases arising from the enforcement of the federal laws, except cases involving private interests, in admiralty cases, in cases where the republic is a party, in those between two or more states, or between a state and the citizens of another state, in those originating in treaties with foreign states, and in those affecting diplomatic and consular officials.
He was invited to approve the candidates proposed for state governorships; in all law cases affecting the Government or political matters the judges asked his opinion; he drafted bills, and discussed their text with individual members and committees of congress.
In this case small temperature changes alter the refractivity of the liquid without appreciably affecting the quartz.
As respects class 2, a good many measures are passed, particularly in matters affecting labor, and for the protection of any sections of the population which may be deemed to need protection.
Cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls; 3.
The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is original in cases affecting ambassadors, and wherever a state is a party; in other cases it is appellate.
In 1901 the Supreme Court delivered several judgments in cases arising out of the annexation of Porto Rico, which handled, though they did not fully settle, divers points of novelty and of importance, and still more recently questions of great intricacy affecting the respective legislative rights of the Federal and the state governments have come before it.
It contained very complicated problems affecting deeply the economic, social and political.
In the case of Italy, where the disease showed itself later but even more disastrously, affecting a much more extended industry, the loss in io years de Quatrefages stated at two milliards.
In all matters affecting the Near East, it considers itself supreme.
This treaty made arbitration applicable to all matters not affecting " national honour or vital interests."
The present article is concerned solely with general considerations affecting the four canonical Gospels; see for details of each, the articles under Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
As a last resource More tried the expedient of silence, dissembling his wit and affecting to be dull.
As the same stream sometimes changes abruptly from one kind to the other, the two kinds must be due to different conditions affecting the flow, and among the conditions which may cause a stream to break up into the aa have been mentioned the greater depth of the stream, a sluggish current, impediments in its course just as it is granulating, and, what is more probable, subterranean moisture which causes it to cool from below upward instead of from above downward as in the pahoehoe.
Local magnetic disturbance of the needle due to magnetic rocks is observed on land in all parts of the world, and in certain places extends to the land under the sea, affecting the compasses on board the ships passing over it.
When war was declared on the schismatic prelates, the reforming popes supported the canons, and, unconsciously or not, helped them to form themselves into privileged bodies living their own lives and affecting to recognize the court of Rome as their only superior authority.
It is profoundly affecting to contemplate this man, a mere wreck from gout, shrinking from no fatigue, no labour, and no personal sacrifices; disregarding the obstacles and difficulties thrown in his way by cardinals and temporal princes, whose fatal infatuation refused to see the peril which hung above them all; recurring time after time, with all his intellect and energy, to the realization of his scheme; and finally adopting the high-hearted resolve of placing himself at the head of the crusade.
Under the protection of a game commission which was created in 1895, of some game preserves which have been established by this commission, and of various laws affecting wild animals and birds, the numbers of Virginia deer, black bear, rabbits, ruffed grouse, quail and wild turkeys have increased until in some of the wilder sections they are quite plentiful, while the numbers of weasels, minks, lynx and foxes have been diminished.
Further, even for those countries which it continues to administer, the Propaganda has to submit to the various Congregations all questions affecting the Faith, marriage and rites.
Consulted as a friend by Grosseteste, as a spiritual director by Simon de Montfort, the countess of Leicester and the queen, as an expert lawyer and theologian by the primate, Boniface of Savoy, he did much to guide the policy both of the opposition and of the court party in all matters affecting the interests of the Church.
Another instance of mimicry affecting the larval form is supplied by the moth Endromis versicolor, the caterpillars of which resemble the inedible larvae of saw-flies.
It acts in about five hours, affecting the entire length of the bowel, but not increasing the flow of bile except in very large doses.
The Bavarian constitution is mainly founded on the constitutional act of the 26th of May 1818, modified by subsequent acts - that of the 9th of March 1828 as affecting the upper house, and those of the 4th of June 1848 and of the 21st of March 1881 as affecting the lower - and is a limited monarchy, with a legislative body of two houses.
No laws affecting the liberty or property of the subject can be passed without the sanction of parliament.
Practically in all important legislative measures affecting the interests of the two countries the Dutch government were able to command a small but permanent majority.
But the greatest improvement affecting transportation is the construction of a safe and deep harbour.
The true name of the book appears in the authorities in a variety of forms, the variation affecting both the author's name and the description of his book.
He has been represented as a determined apologist of intellectual orthodoxy animated by an almost fanatical "hatred of reason," and possessed with a purpose to overthrow the appeal to reason; as a sceptic and pessimist of a far deeper dye than Montaigne, anxious chiefly to show how any positive decision on matters beyond the range of experience is impossible; as a nervous believer clinging to conclusions which his clearer and better sense showed to be indefensible; as an almost ferocious ascetic and paradoxer affecting the credo quia impossibile in intellectual matters and the odi quia amabile in matters moral and sensuous; as a wanderer in the regions of doubt and belief, alternately bringing a vast though vague power of thought and an unequalled power of expression to the expression of ideas incompatible and irreconcilable.
The legislative power of the empire also takes precedence of that of the separate states in the regulation of matters affecting freedom of migration (Freizugigkeit), domicile, settlement and the rights of German subjects generally, as well as in all that relates to banking, patents, protection of intellectual property, navigation of rivers and canals, civil and criminal legislation, judicial procedure, sanitary police, and control of the press and of associations.
In every district of the Oberlandesgerichi, the Rechtsanlvdlte are formed into an Anwaltkammer (chamber of advocates), and the council of each chamber, sitting as a court of honor, deals with and determines matters affecting the honor of the profession.
The chief command was at the same time separated from the administration and vested in a naval officer, who controls the movements of the fleet, its personnel and training, while the maintenance of the arsenals and dockyards, victualling and clothing and all matters immediately affecting the materiel, fall within the province of the secretary of state.
Not only has the development of the south differed from that of the north, and the west been subjected to other influences than those affecting the east, but even where the same influences have been at work the period of their operation has often varied widely in the different districts, so that in a general sketch of the whole country the chronology can only be a very rough approximation.
Still more powerful, because touching other elements of human nature and affecting a more important class, was the influence of the Renaissance, which, towards the end of the 15th century, passed from Italy to the universities of Germany.
It must be noted that the authority of the joint ministers is restricted to common affairs, and that they are not allowed to direct or exercise any influence on affairs of government affecting separately one of the halves of the monarchy.
It is indeed remarkable that notwithstanding the complicated machinery of the dual monarchy, and the numerous obstacles which have to be overcome before a reform affecting both countries can be carried out, the financial, the commercial, and the foreign policy has been conducted since 1870 with success.
Scott, The Law affecting Foreigners in Egypt.
In response to his advances commissaries of the French republic visited him at Iannina and, affecting a sudden zeal for republican principles, he easily obtained permission to suppress the " aristocratic " tribes on the coast.
In the country, Land Commissions similarly constituted deal with many questions affecting agricultural holdings.
He thought it probable that circumstances affecting the reproductive system of the parents had much influence in producing a plastic condition of the progeny.
It is now known that similar internal secretions, or hormones, pass into the blood from every organ and tissue, so reaching and affecting every part of the body.
Usually all matters affecting a district or an island were settled by the chiefs of the district, while those of a single village were settled by a council consisting of the chiefs and heads of households in the village.
The most important statement made by Pytheas in regard to Thule was that connected with the astronomical phenomena affecting the duration of day and night therein.
The agenda of the diet contained many things seriously affecting all Germany, but the one problem which every one was thinking about was how Luther would be dealt with.
The Gothic revival also helped the recognition of art, without very directly affecting the movement.
In the recording acts relating to real property, fractions of a day are of the utmost importance, and all deeds, mortgages and other instruments affecting the property, take precedence in the order in which they were filed for record.
And at the same time the importance of forests as affecting the general meteorology of a country was being learned from bitter experience in Europe.
The " theory of the object," itself, while affecting logic alike in the formal and in the psychological conception of it very deeply, does not claim to be regarded as logic or a logic, apart from a setting supplied from elsewhere.
They occur in all seasons, scores of slight tremors being recorded every year by the Weather Bureau; but they are of no importance, and even of these the number affecting any particular locality is small.
The principal treaties affecting the distribution of territory between the various states of Central Europe are those of Westphalia (Osnabruck and Miinster), 1648; Utrecht, 1713;1713; Paris and Hubertusburg, 1763; for the partition of Poland, 1772, 1793; Vienna, 1815; London, for the separation of Belgium from the Netherlands, 1831, 1839; Zurich, for the cession of a portion of Lombardy to Sardinia, 1859; Vienna, as to SchleswigHolstein, 1864; Prague, whereby the German Confederation was dissolved, Austria recognizing the new North German Confederation, transferring to Prussia her rights over SchleswigHolstein, and ceding the remainder of Lombardy to Italy, 1866; Frankfort, between France and the new German Empire, 1871.
There is an Imam's court for the trial of cases affecting Mahommedan law of marriage, succession, &c. The native chiefs are responsible to the government for the preservation of law and order in their districts.
This body has power to legislate for the whole empire in reference to all matters connected with the army, navy, postal service, customs, coinage, &c., all political laws affecting citizens, and all general questions of commerce, navigation, passports, &c. The emperor represents the federation in all international relations, with the chancellor as first minister of the empire, and has power, with consent of the Bundesrath, to declare war in name of the empire.
The Astrakhan disease may have been imported from Resht or Baku, or may have been caused concurrently with the epidemics of these places by some cause affecting the basin of the Caspian generally.
If the equations of motion of each particle be formed separately, each such internal force will appear twice over, with opposite signs for its components, viz, as affecting the motion of each of the two particles between which it acts.
But Agrippina saved herself by swimming, and wrote to her son, announcing her escape, and affecting entire ignorance of the plot.
The Southern minority recognized, therefore, that they must henceforth direct the policy of the government in all questions affecting their peculiar interests, or their section would undergo a social and economic revolution.
He discovered that they had the power of affecting the electric conductivity of materials when in a state of powder, the majority of metallic filings increasing in conductivity.
The principal property of these Rntgen rays which attracted public attention was their power of passing through many solid bodies and affecting a photographic plate.
They all declared that they would not decide the matter upon general grounds affecting the prerogative, but upon special circumstances incident to the case; and with this answer they were dismissed.
The Moslem religious courts, presided over by cadis, are strictly confined to jurisdiction in religious cases affecting the Mahommedan population.
This feature naturally complicates all questions affecting origin and originality, and cannot be ignored in any study of the Talmud in its bearing upon the New Testament.'.
Though chiefly affecting grassy plains or swamps, tigers are also found in forests, and seem to be fond of haunting the neighbourhood of old ruins.
The administrator of public safety is, however, specially under the minister of justice, who sees that the laws and regulations affecting the police are properly carried out, and he can call on all public functionaries to act in furtherance of that object.
This strict definition, if adhered to, however, would not be applicable to a large number of cases of neuralgia; for in not a few instances the pain is connected with some source of irritation, by pressure or otherwise, in the course of the affected nerve; and hence the word is generally used to indicate pain affecting a particular nerve or its branches from any cause.
Intercostal neuralgia is pain affecting the nerves which emerge from the spinal cord and run along the spaces between the ribs to the front of the body.
The control and administration of native affairs (which before the Union was, except at the Cape, largely in the hands of the colonial governors personally) is vested exclusively in the governor in council and to the same authority is entrusted all matters specially or differentially affecting Asiatics throughout the Union.
An Industrial Commission, appointed (under pressure) by President Kruger in 1897 to inquire into a number of grievances affecting the gold industry, had reported in favour of reforms. The recommendations of the commission, if adopted, would have done something towards relieving the tension, but President Kruger and his executive refused to be guided by them.
The imperial government made but one alteration of consequence - that explicitly placing the control and administration of matters " specially or differentially affecting Asiatics "in the sole control of the union parliament.
Useful work has been done in the compilation of statistics of the various conditions affecting the science, such as the rates with which the various classes of society in ancient and modern nations have contributed in civic usefulness to the population at various times, the inheritance of ability, the influences which affect marriage, &c.
To this incident a number of disconnected regulations affecting the priests have been attached, of which the first, viz.
A series of laws affecting the priests and offerings, viz.
Quite distinct is the search for the germs which cause undesirable changes, or " diseases "; and great strides have been made in discovering the bacteria concerned in rendering milk " ropy," butter " oily " and " rancid," &c. Cheese in its numerous forms contains myriads of bacteria, and some of these are now known to be concerned in the various processes of ripening and other changes affecting the product, and although little is known as to the exact part played by any species, practical applications of the discoveries of the decade 1890-1900 have been made, e.g.
The central administration, at the Ministry of War, is composed of representatives of each voisko, who discuss the proposals of all new laws affecting the Cossacks.
These states are really sui generis,and their precise position can be understood only by a private examination of the treaties affecting them.
The provisions affecting the Congo may be briefly stated.
He published a series of ordinances organizing the royal household and affecting the financial administration, the "parlement" and the royal forests.
A lock of her hair is preserved, with the inscription in Swift's handwriting, most affecting in its apparent cynicism, "Only a woman's hair!"
Slight as the story is, it is worked out into one of the most affecting poems in the language, and gives to literature one of its most perfect types of womanhood and of "affection that hopes and endures and is patient."
Per contra the tax was wholly unfelt, a shilling a quarter only affecting an average family of four persons to the extent of three shillings per annum, or about three farthings a week, while it was paid little by little, as Adam Smith explains with regard to indirect taxes in general.
Meanwhile he carefully mastered the situation affecting American railways.
The Danube question became acute in 1881, 1883 and 1899; the national question is a more permanent source of trouble, affecting Austria-Hungary, Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria.
In Naples, following the precedent set by Arichis II., " much affecting the glory of a greater name than duke," it ranked above that of duke.
A severe drought, affecting almost the entire colony for several years, caused great depression of trade, and many farmers suffered severely.
In September 1906 Lord Selborne, who had succeeded Lord Milner, conferred with the queen regent and her councillors on questions specially affecting the natives.
The rules of kinship largely determined status with its correlative rights and obligations, supplied the place of contract and of laws affecting the ownership, disposition and devolution of property, constituting the clan an organic, selfcontained entity, a political, social and mutual insurance copartnership. The solidarity of the clan was its most important and all-pervading characteristic. The entire territory occupied by a clan was the common and absolute property of that clan.
No contract affecting land was valid unless made with the consent of the fine and in the presence of the Aire-Forgaill.
These laws recognized crime, but in the same calm and deliberate way in which they recognized contract and other things seriously affecting the people.
Thus it is that a change, characteristic of modern systematic zoology, is affecting the subdivisions of the classes.
These primitive altars were of the simplest possible description - in fact they were required to be so by the regulation affecting them, preserved in Exodus xx.
The priestly regulations affecting altars are of a very elaborate nature, and are framed with a single eye to the essential theory of later Hebrew worship - the centralization of all worship at one shrine.
The convention declared slave property to be " before and higher than any constitutional sanction " and forbade amendments affecting it; but it provided for a popular vote on the alternatives, the " constitution with slavery " or the " constitution with no slavery."
While on domestic matters, other than those affecting finance, the Liberal ministry was pursuing a Conservative policy, its members were actively engaged on, and the attention of the public was keenly directed to, affairs abroad.
History may soften the contrast by discovering transitional forms, and by showing the religious interest at work in theology as well as the scientific interest affecting early utterances of religion.
It is he, therefore, who is called upon to cleanse the sick and suffering from disease, which, superinduced by the demons, was looked upon as a species of impurity affecting the body.
Appearance and Reality was not primarily concerned with morals, yet it inevitably led to certain conclusions affecting conduct, and it was no very long time before these conclusions were elaborated in detail.
A state board of arbitration, composed of two farmers, two employers and two employes is authorized to investigate the causes of any strike affecting the public interests, and publish what it finds to be the facts in the case, together with recommendations for settlement.
The commissioner must inspect once each year all penal, correctional and eleemosynary institutions, including public hospitals, jails, poorhouses and corporations and organizations doing charitable work; and the commissioner appears as next friend in cases affecting the property of orphan minors, and has power to investigate complaints against public and private institutions whose charters may be revoked for cause by the commissioner.
This council must be consulted on matters affecting the budget.
It has some power of affecting the general metabolism, but no wholly satisfactory explanation is forthcoming.
During five months, while affecting to be the representative of a reign of justice and Robes- virtue, he labored at strengthening his politicopierres religious dictatorshipalready so formidably armed dictator- with new powers.
An attempt has been made to explain the Volta effect as due to the affinity of the metals for each other, but that would not account for the variation of the effect with the state of the surface, except as affecting the actual surface of contact.
A wave of Clericalism and ultra-Catholic influences swept over the land, affecting the middle classes, the universities and learned societies, and making itself very perceptible also among the governing classes and both dynastic parties, Liberals and Conservatives.
As accuser affecting man's standing before God he is greatly feared.
Silver resembles them closely, but differs by the circumstance that it is deposited permanently in minute granules in the tissues, and, without affecting the general health, stains the skin of a bluish colour (argyria).
The former may be used as a bed for melting platinum in the same way as lime or magnesia, without affecting the quality of the metal.
Moreover, Norway has a vested interest in helping to reduce the extensive environmental problems affecting the geographically adjacent area of Northwest Russia.
Quite apart from the usual summer holiday apathy, poorer economic news is affecting sentiment.
Social services have an increased awareness of issues affecting adolescents.
This is highly suggestive of tuberculosis affecting the adrenal glands.
Pain is the primary symptom associated with shoulder disorders affecting the soft tissue.
The coronary arteries showed severe generalized occlusive atheroma affecting all the main branches.
The value added measures in the current tables take account of prior attainment, which is the biggest single factor affecting pupil results.
It also reviews existing major human activities in the area that are currently affecting the benthos.
This bitmap uses its own memory, so you can destroy the original bitmap without affecting the converted one.
Vitamin B2 commonly causes a bright yellowing of the urine with larger intakes possibly affecting laboratory blood tests.
There are multiple areas of dense soft tissue calcification affecting several digits.
Impacts or factors affecting live maerl are generally not known, although damage by anchoring of oil rigs or recreational craft is possible.
Cranial nerve palsies of the third, fourth and sixth cranial nerve palsies of the third, fourth and sixth cranial nerves may occur, affecting extraocular motility.
We are determined to have input into the matters affecting older people in the newly devolved National Assembly for Wales.
The other problem affecting alders is crown dieback, which results in the tree dying from the top downwards.
Health promotion strategies are investigated and studies carried out to assess the factors affecting health behavior changes, particularly dietary behavior.
The result was growing discontent affecting a whole range of social groups.
Musculoskeletal disorders affecting physiotherapists are of international academic interest.
For thousands of years men have been cut off from the feminine divine - is this affecting their relationships with women?
But the fact that the effects are statistically very much the same would suggest that you are affecting the endometrium.
This is true, for example, of the lever escapement, where the interposition of the lever prevents recoil from affecting the balance.
Acid Reflux Articles A Look at Acid Reflux Treatment Heartburn is a by-product of digestion, specifically affecting the esophagus and the stomach.
A successful defense against theological fatalism which appealed to the possibility of affecting the past would have to deal with these further issues.
Parents experience strong guilt feelings -- they know their position is affecting their children.
Scabies should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any itchy rash affecting the flexures.
If the cancer is affecting only the foreskin, it may be possible to treat it with circumcision alone.
No overt language dysfunction was found in our population of 18 patients with focal ischemic lesions primarily affecting the right frontal or temporal lobes.
Manipulation of growth factors and the endothelium holds promise for beneficial intervention in the range of diseases affecting the glomerulus.
In one of his many affecting exchanges with Marcus Aurelius, he bewails in ad 165 the loss of a beloved grandson.
Diseases affecting the hypothalamus In contrast, damage to the hypothalamus often leads to frank obesity.
In some cases, the corporate failures reflect an inability to resolve temporary liquidity problems affecting a company that remains viable in the longer-term.
Any symptom or disease affecting any of these organ systems could be caused by a dietary intolerance.
Sessions may be invalidated due to policies affecting security or resource usage, or by an application explicitly calling invalidated due to policies affecting security or resource usage, or by an application explicitly calling invalidate.
The opening ' You Will Miss Me When I Burn ' is very affecting, very lonesome sounding.
Renal lupus Lupus affecting the kidney is sometimes said to be the most severe lupus.
Another factor affecting house prices is the ethnic makeup of an area.
Follicular factors affecting oocyte maturation and development competence 20.
The department is also a supra-regional center for ocular oncology principally for retinoblastoma affecting children and ocular melanoma in adults.
To disseminate among Members and others, information on all matters affecting dispensing optics, and publish written material as appropriate.
There are three main factors affecting the number of calculations performed in the Decoder.
Skype 2.0 allows users to conference call up to ten people simultaneously without affecting the performance of other applications.
A talk which looks at population dynamics, predator prey relationships and factors (biotic and abiotic) affecting animal populations.
It often occurs where there is flexural psoriasis affecting other parts of the body.
Factors affecting a change in currency exchange include political factors, economic factors, market factors, even psychological factors.
Management of myeloma should take account of the disease, its complications, and also psychosocial issues affecting the patient and their environment.
He felt that the funding should be sourced from elsewhere without affecting the ratepayers.
The nature of the regulatory regime itself is a factor affecting regionalism.
The other area affecting directors which has attracted a great deal of comment is in relation to directorsâ remuneration.
This information is mostly about renal lupus - that is, lupus affecting the kidneys.
More... Community Risk Register New legislation requires key emergency responders to assess the risk of an emergency within, or affecting, Hillingdon.
The stress caused by sexual harassment as well as affecting the complainant's personal health also creates a health and safety problem at work.
The more s/he knows about how the arthritis is affecting you, the better s/he can tailor your treatment to your needs.
As the needle penetrates the skull, complications affecting the brain may arise.
Glossary Ankylosing spondylitis - an inflammatory arthritis affecting mainly the joints in the back.
One arises from procedures and jurisdictional boundaries affecting congressional subcommittees and committees and floor action.
But it has so far failed to address the scandal of exclusions affecting tens of thousands of children a year.
In the deep trance you can have the ability to open your eyes without affecting the trance.
Encephalitis is an often life-threatening illness caused by infection, usually viral, or by autoimmune diseases affecting the brain.
The Agency is a statutory consultee on planning applications affecting watercourses.
Climate change is affecting and will continue to affect London, as our summers become hotter and drier and our winters wetter.
The unfortunate may have symptoms affecting the whole of one side of the body.
There is, moreover, in many species a vertical succession, affecting either the third, or the third and second, or (in one American species, Tetrabelodon productus) the first, second and third of the six molar teeth.
The High Court has appellate jurisdiction in cases from other federal courts and from the supreme courts of the states, and it has original jurisdiction in matters arising under laws made by the federal parliament, in disputes between states, or residents in different states, and in matters affecting the representatives of foreign powers.
Special experiments were made to determine the work done against resistances outside the vessel of water, which amounted to about 006 of the whole, and corrections were made for the loss of heat by radiation, the buoyancy of the air affecting the descending weights, and the energy dissipated when the weights struck the floor with a finite velocity.
Most of the colleges deal with matters affecting textile and mechanical industries.
Recent researches point to definite external conditions of moisture, affecting the processes of respiration and transpiration, &c., as being responsible for some of these.
Movements of the land either of subsidence or elevation, changes in the land by the action of erosion in cutting back an escarpment or cutting through a col, changes in climate by affecting the rainfall and the volume of water, all tend to throw the river valley out of harmony with the actual condition of its stream.
These provincial divisions were modified by Diocletian but without seriously affecting the life of Gaul.
We thus see in the Scandinavian settlers in Gaul, after they had put on the outward garb of their adopted country, a people restless and enterprising above all others, adopting and spreading abroad all that they could make their own in their new land and everywhere else - a people in many ways highly gifted, greatly affecting and of Sicily modifying at the time every land in which they settled, but, wherever they settled, gradually losing themselves among the people of the land.
In the Baltic provinces (Courland, Livonia and Esthonia) the landowning classes formerly enjoyed considerable powers of self-government and numerous privileges in matters affecting education, police and the administration of local justice.
The imperial ukaz of the 12th of December enunciating reforms affecting the peasants, workmen and local zemstvos failed to satisfy public opinion; for there was no word in it of constitutional government.
As affecting agricultural practice there were three noteworthy improvements in respect of the making of which, without the consent of or notice to his landlord, a tenant might claim compensation - (1) the consumption on the holding " by horses, other than those regularly employed on the holding," of corn, cake or other feeding-stuff not produced on the holding; (2) the "consumption on the holding by cattle, sheep, or pigs, or by horses other than those regularly employed on the holding, of corn proved by satisfactory evidence to have been produced and consumed on the holding "; (3) " laying down temporary pasture with clover, grass, lucerne, sainfoin or other seeds sown more than two years prior to the determination of the tenancy."
The adoption of machinery gradually revolutionized the methods of production; but in the first instance only certain industries were affected, and those not at the same time or in the same degree; old laws grown obsolete were repealed, but other laws affecting wage-earners and employers took their place, more complicated and elaborate than the Elizabethan code.
An affecting scene took place between them on the 30th of November 1809; but Napoleon, though moved by her distress, remained firm; and though the clerics made a difficulty about dissolving the religious marriage of the 1st of December 1804, the formalities of which were complete save that the parish priest was absent, yet the emperor instituted a chancery for the archbishop of Paris, with the result that that body pronounced the divorce (January 1810).
But when the lagoon population was largely augmented in 568 as the result of Alboin's invasion, these jealousies were accentuated, and in 584 it was found expedient to appoint twelve other tribunes, known as the Tribuni Majores, who formed a kind of central committee to deal with all matters affecting the general weal of the lagoon communities.
As a committee of public safety it dealt with all cases of conspiracy; for example, it tried the Doge Marino Falier and the General Carmagnola; on the same ground all cases affecting public morals came within its extensive criminal jurisdiction.
His views triumphed, D'Urban was dismissed, and Philip returned to the Cape as unofficial adviser to the government on all matters affecting the natives.
Are the latter words in such covenants limited to payments of this kind, or do they include single and definite payments demanded, for example, by a local authority, acting under statutory powers, for improvements of a permanent kind affecting the premises demised?
Salicyclic acid is not absorbed by the skin, but it rapidly kills the cells of the epidermis, without affecting the immediately subjacent cells of the dermis ("true skin").
For further information see " The Penal Laws affecting Early Friends in England " (from which the foregoing summary is taken) by Wm.
In 1902 the " orthodox " yearly meetings in the United States established a "Five Years' Meeting," a representative body meeting once every five years to consider matters affecting the welfare of all, and to further such philanthropic and religious work as may be undertaken in common, e.g.
Every year there are seismic disturbances, and though Santiago is the point of most frequent visitation, they occur in all parts of the island, in 1880 affecting the entire western end.
Each has a provincial governor and assembly chosen directly by the people, generally charged with independent control of matters affecting the province; but the president may interfere against an abuse of power by either the governor or the assembly.
When we reach the reign of Mahmud II., the great transition period of Ottoman history, during which the civilization of the West began to struggle in earnest with that of the East, we find the change which was coming over all things Turkish affecting literature along with the rest, and preparing the way for the appearance of the new school.
He entered Harvard in the class of 1835, but at the beginning of his junior year an illness affecting his sight necessitated a suspension of his college work, and in August 1834 he shipped before the mast for California, returning in September 1836.
When a homogeneous polynomial is transformed by general linear substitutions as hereafter explained, and is then expressed in the original form with new coefficients affecting the new variables, certain functions of the new coefficients and variables are numerical multiples of the same functions of the original coefficients and variables.
The verse remains a crux inter pretum, and no exegesis hitherto given can be deemed thoroughly satisfactory; but the interpretation of the whole book must not be made to hinge on a single word in a verse which might be altogether removed without affecting the general course of the prophet's argument.
The tyranny of the pane Guelfa still continued unabated, and the capitani carried an enactment by which no measure affecting the parte should be even discussed by the signory unless previously approved of by them.
Another instance of the emperors interference, constitutionally of more importance as directly affecting the rights of the German sovereigns, was in the question of the succession to the principality of Lippe (see LIPPE).
The Imperial government insisted that the decision in all Finnish questions affecting the Empire must rest with them; and a renewed attempt was made to curtail the powers of the Finnish Diet.
The principal property of these Röntgen rays which attracted public attention was their power of passing through many solid bodies and affecting a photographic plate.
The main cause of mortality and culling was severe purulent inflammation affecting the skull bones.
Abandoned quarries common with possibility of affecting water quality Woodlands Woodlands occupy just over 8% of land cover in this LCA.
Soybean rust is a new disease, increasingly affecting soybeans in South America, requiring increased fungicide applications.
The sect released sarin nerve gas at numerous points on the Tokyo subway, affecting a distance of more than eight miles.
They are the outcome of factors such as water depth and seabed roughness affecting frictional forces.
The stress caused by sexual harassment as well as affecting the complainant 's personal health also creates a health and safety problem at work.
These effects are caused by the shingles virus affecting the nerve during the early stage of the illness.
False smut disease is now affecting individual date palm trees in the north, central and south areas of Qatar.
The long travel suspension arms are connected to independent oil-filled sprung dampers to soak up the bumps without affecting directional control.
The proposed mechanism for increased sunspot counts affecting the NAO again involves the stratosphere.
In the Deep Trance you can have the ability to open your eyes without affecting the trance.
The whiteness of porcelain gives a good ground for the application of glazes without affecting the colors unlike a normal stoneware body.
A lack of safe and affordable childcare options is one of the biggest problems affecting today's working families.
Potential for the Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome where the shared placenta contains abnormal blood vessels affecting the babies' ability to get necessary resources from the mother.
Transient tachypena of the newborn, or TNN, is a relatively rare respiratory condition, affecting roughly one percent of births.
One the most important factors affecting you in knowing how to choose replacement windows is budget.
Although some feline enthusiasts might have some concerns about this breed's wild heritage affecting its personality, today's Bengal has been bred to be a friendly family companion that just happens to look exotic.
Make sure you are using a no dust cat litter for her and consider if there are any chemicals that might be adversely affecting the cat.
This is a great opportunity to review your history and look for any errors that could be affecting your score.
And even then get a letter from them that states the account is settled, so you can prove the account is settled/paid therefore affecting your score in the proper manner.
With the right focus on how this type of fraud occurs, and with tips to help you protect yourself, you may be able to stop this crime from affecting you.
Do you have issues regarding how the divorce is affecting the children?
Speak to your children's school and explain that you are having some personal issues at home, which are affecting your children.
Where the children will live and how parents will make decisions affecting their upbringing and education is another issue that needs to be dealt with in a divorce.
Joint legal custody is not going to work out very well if one parent uses the fact that he or she can influence decisions affecting the child as a way to punish the other one.
Discussing the effects of global warming on the earth can easily take up an entire book, but there are a few basics that demonstrate how changes in the earth's atmosphere are dramatically affecting life on this planet.
They came to hear about issues affecting the environment and how the green building industry was addressing those issues.
These contaminated crops and livestock become contaminated vegetables, fruits, meats, and other consumer products on the shelves of the local grocery store, affecting the health of us all.
Polluted air from chemicals and other substances causes a chain reaction, affecting many other environmental elements.
When Styrofoam containers are used for food chemicals can leach into the food, affecting human health and the reproductive systems.
Fears about how the carbon footprint of individuals, corporations and organizations are affecting the environment means that action needs to be taken now.
Greenhouse gases are those that absorb and emit infrared radiation, significantly affecting the planet's temperature.
Some individuals may find wind turbines an obtrusive feature to the landscape that can detract from the scenic quality of a neighborhood or area, perhaps even affecting property values.
Monounsaturated fats reduce the "bad" cholesterol (LDL) without affecting the "good" cholesterol (HDL) levels.
We must work to live, but the stress we encounter while working may be making us ill, affecting our job performance, personal lives and relationships.
If anger is adversely affecting your life and your relationships, it may be time to check out what treatment options you have at one of the many anger management facilities specializing in this type of therapy.
The unbiased views of a counselor or therapist can help you see how anger is affecting your life.
Added to the everyday stressors of their job, many employees are very concerned about the economic upheavals affecting companies in all business sectors.
Make sure you tell your doctor if you have any diseases affecting your respiratory system, you've experienced severe depression or suicidal thoughts, or you have a history of alcohol or drug dependency.
Parents who notice anything strange in their teenager's behavior after they start modeling should make sure that modeling is not affecting them in a negative way.
Alcohol poisoning is a serious health concern affecting people of all ages and physical health.
Let LTK's survey Am_I_an_Alcoholic help you take stock of your current drinking level and how it may be affecting your life.
Cancers affecting the lips, gums, cheeks, gums and palate are not uncommon.
Pay attention to how your feelings are affecting your life.
This is a time to present your case that alcohol is making your loved one's life unmanageable and also affecting others in a negative way.
The outbreak of swine flu is certainly a serious matter, affecting people and industries across the globe.
How do you think this is affecting the couple?
Most dorms have a form of hall government, a bit like student council in high school, concerned with planning social and educational events for the dorm and overseeing decisions affecting residents.
A moisture-loving Vine, affecting in a wild state the banks of streams.
Have you ever stopped to think about how all the chemicals and pesticides you use on your lawn to make it green and lush might be affecting the surrounding environment?
Were you aware that these same health issues are affecting dogs as well?
It is noted for artful, yet sometimes extreme, fashion spreads by world-acclaimed photographers, as well as its coverage of global issues affecting today's youth.
In today's world, it seems there are safety concerns and issues affecting all aspects of summer life.
The state Bar Association is another place to get a referral to a lawyer specializing in issues affecting seniors.
The National Council on Aging has a wealth of resources to help family members and seniors stay up to date on advances in senior services, matters affecting mature adults, and legal issues.
It is best to run calculations once a year to stay current and make provision for changes affecting your financial picture.
In 1988, AARP, The National Sheriff's Association, and the International Association of Chiefs of Police banded together to not only reduce criminal victimization affecting seniors, but also to quell their fear of crime.
There may be other conditions or medications that are affecting your performance and your doctor can advise you and suggest additional options.
Alzheimer's is a frightening and debilitating disease, affecting 5.3 million Americans.
Alzheimer's disease is progressive and fatal, affecting millions of Americans.
Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, another condition affecting the memory in seniors.
This symptom, while startling, may be caused by fluctuating hormones affecting the nerve tissue.
It is a fatal disease, affecting about five percent of seniors between the ages of 65 and 74.
While some of the news centers above cater to more broad issues, the best way to stay on top of current senior citizen news affecting you personally is to find local newsletters and periodicals.
Implementing the TSCL Senior's Health Initiative to monitor the regulatory activities of the federal government in regards to health care issues and regulations affecting alternative and complementary medicines and products.
Before making your decision of where to retire, be sure to weigh all of these different factors affecting where to retire in order to find the location that best suits your particular needs.
A wide range of medical and neurological issues can result in Texas snoring affecting children.
While individuals vary in their sleep needs, regular shorting of sleep can lead to sleep deprivation, affecting your mood, reducing cognitive functioning and even affect your olfactory senses.
Snoring is more than an irritating habit; it is a sleep disorder, affecting 25 percent of adults, mostly men and those who are overweight.
If you see behavior that is opposite to how a person previously acted, then some aspects of the video games are affecting the gamer.
This port, which generally went ignored by game developers, allowed the GameShark people (and other cheat-device makers) an interface for affecting the games that the PSX ran.
In The Sims, players control the daily lives of virtual people, affecting when and how they sleep, eat and cook.
Scratches, dirt and slight damage not affecting use may be evident on used models.
Keeping aware of the issues affecting your technology should be a regular part of your online reading, whatever site you choose to use.
This was a voluntary product safety recall affecting about 30,000 mobile phones.
The most common cancers affecting adults are cancer of the skin, lung, colon, breast, and prostate.
Cancer of the kidneys, ovaries, uterus, pancreas, bladder, rectum, and the leukemias and lymphomas are among the 12 major cancers affecting Americans of all ages.
Unlike chemotherapy, which treats all cells uniformly, targeted molecular therapy can focus on selected cells without affecting normal cells and tissues.
The immature cells (blasts) proliferate rapidly and begin to accumulate in various organs and tissues, thereby affecting their normal function.
Charcot-Marie-Tooth is the most common inherited neurological disorder, affecting approximately 150,000 Americans.
Rheumatologist-A doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the joints and connective tissues of the body.
Usually, some of the limb muscles are paralyzed; the abdominal muscles or muscles of the back may be paralyzed, affecting posture.
The cause of the stress may be a single event affecting only the child, such as starting daycare or school, or an event that involves the entire family, such as a divorce.
The most important complications of Marfan are those affecting the heart and major blood vessels; some are potentially life-threatening.
Baclofen flows freely in the spinal canal, affecting the nerves to control hyperactive muscles.
A major change affecting the nutrition of school-age children is the growth of opportunities to eat outside the home.
Histiocytosis X is a rare disorder affecting only approximately one in 200,000 children or adults each year.
Worldwide, the most common form of malnutrition is iron deficiency, affecting up to 80 percent of the population, as many as four or five billion people.
What was thought of as a problem for industrialized nations only until recently, is now affecting children in developing countries.
In some cases the doctor may order an MRI to rule out tumors affecting the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.
It occurs much more often in people of Eastern European and Russian Jewish (Ashkenazi) ancestry, affecting one out of every 450 live births in this population.
Most injuries to the brachial plexus during birth involve the C5 and C6 nerve roots, affecting the movement of the shoulder, upper arm, and elbow.
Erb's palsy or paralysis-A condition caused by an injury to the upper brachial plexus, involving the cervical nerves C5, C6, and sometimes C7, affecting the upper arm and the rotation of the lower arm.
Total plexus palsy-Erb/Klumpke palsy; a condition resulting from injury involving all of the brachial plexus nerves and affecting the entire upper extremity of the body.
The HSV-1 virus can cause ocular herpes, a serious eye infection affecting the cornea (the clear window) of the eye, which can threaten vision and needs immediate medical attention and treatment.
Friedreich's ataxia is the most common inherited ataxia, affecting one in 50,000 people in the United States.
This symptom results from neurologic abnormalities affecting the cerebellum that controls balance.
The percentage of the body surface area burned is the most important factor affecting prognosis.
Tension headaches are the most common type of headache, affecting 15-20 percent of adolescents.
If a condition affecting the brain and spinal cord is suspected, a lumbar puncture or spinal tap may be performed.
Family therapy may also be used to help resolve family issues that may be negatively affecting the child.
Gingivitis may remain a chronic disease for years without affecting other periodontal tissues.
Of these, Achondroplasia is the most common, affecting about 80 percent of all little people.
Growth can be impaired by conditions affecting the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands (all part of the endocrine system).
This can be difficult when the cancer and/or the treatments are affecting the appetite, however.
Diplegia-Paralysis affecting like parts on both sides the body, such as both arms or both legs.
Paget's disease-A chronic disorder of unknown cause usually affecting middle aged and elderly people and characterized by enlarged and deformed bones.
It is estimated that as many as 50 percent of office visits to pediatricians have to do with developmental problems in children that are affecting their families.
Porphyrias affecting heme biosynthesis in the liver were referred to as hepatic porphyrias.
Child custody laws are federal and state laws that govern a parent's legal authority to make decisions affecting a child (legal custody) and to maintain physical control over the child (physical custody).
Presbyopia-A condition affecting people over the age of 40 where the system of accommodation that allows the eyes to focus on near objects fails to work because of age-related hardening of the lens of the eye.
This is the second most common birth defect in the United States, affecting one out of every 2,000 newborns.
This toxin is sent into circulation throughout the bloodstream, thus affecting other systems of the body.
Unlike many other forms of arthritis, this arthritis may not occur symmetrically (affecting a particular joint on both the right and left sides, simultaneously).
Dermatomyositis is distinguished from other diseases in this category by the fact that it causes a characteristic skin rash as well as affecting the strength and functioning of the muscles.
The disease is thought to be equally common around the world, affecting about three children per million.
Cataplexy, the most dramatic symptom of narcolepsy, affecting 75 percent of people with the disorder.
X-ALD is the most common of the peroxisomal disorders, affecting about one in 20,000 males.
In addition, tics must often be managed in the context of another disorder affecting the child.
Separation anxiety disorder (SAD) is the most common anxiety disorder among children, affecting 2 to 3 percent of school-aged children.
Speech/language delay is the most common developmental disorder in children aged three to 16 years, affecting approximately 3 to 10 percent of children.
Child abuse was once viewed as a minor social problem affecting only a handful of U.S. children.
In the United States, iron deficiency anemia is the most prevalent type of anemia, affecting about 240,000 toddlers between one and two years of age and 3.3 million women of childbearing age.
This syndrome can be caused by a deletion of a significant amount of chromosome 16, affecting the alpha globin genes.
Hemophilia or hemophilia A (factor VIII deficiency) is an inherited coagulation disorder, affecting about 20,000 Americans.
This mutation, present in a percentage of his or her reproductive cells, can result in more than one affected child without affecting the parent with the disorder.
It may also reappear in adults when the bone marrow is overactive, as in disorders such as pernicious anemia, multiple myeloma, and invasive (metastatic) cancer affecting bone marrow.
Neuromas-Usually benign tumors affecting nerve tissue.
Children diagnosed with Hirschsprung's disease lack nerve cells (ganglia) in the large intestine, severely affecting the wavelike movements that propel material through the colon.
In a few cases the doctor may order an MRI to rule out tumors affecting the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.
In children, these systemic (affecting the whole body) or disseminated infections frequently affect the ends of the long bones of the arms or legs, causing a bone infection called osteomyelitis.
Staph infections affecting these areas can spread to the brain or spinal cord.
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a serious bacterial infection in the intestine, primarily affecting sick or premature newborn infants.
It is estimated that narcotizing enterocolitis affects 2 percent of all newborns, but it is more frequently seen in very low birth weight infants, affecting as many as 13.3 percent of these babies.
Myotonic dystrophy is the most common form of muscular dystrophy, affecting more than 30,000 people in the United States.
X-linked agammaglobulinemia is an inherited disease stemming from a defect on the X chromosome, consequently affecting more males than females.
Acute bronchitis is one of the more common illnesses affecting preschool and school-age children.
While there is still controversy as to which factor ranks higher in affecting personality development, all experts agree that high-quality parenting plays a critical role in the development of a child's personality.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are from six to 33 million cases of food poisoning in the United States annually, affecting men, women, and children.
Many classes of drugs can induce allergic reactions, resulting in a wide variety of symptoms affecting various tissues and organs.
Most cases of contact dermatitis are mild and can be treated without disrupting the child's school routine or severely affecting his or her quality of life.
Lactose intolerance is widespread, affecting about 20 percent of American children and up to 70 percent of the world's adult population.
Kawasaki syndrome, also called mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (MLNS), is an inflammatory disorder with potentially fatal complications affecting the heart and its larger arteries.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, PDDs were estimated to occur in two to six per 1,000 births in 2003 with autism being the most common PDD, affecting an estimated one in 250 births.
Unless there is an outbreak affecting several people or complications are encountered in a particular case, identifying the specific cause of the illness is not a priority.
Treatment depends on the specific disease and individual circumstances such as age, severity of disease, and other conditions affecting a patient's health.
Long-term therapy begins by stopping any treatments for other diagnoses such as asthma, and treating any underlying conditions, such as brainstem compression or GERD, affecting the disorder.
A primary infection of HSV-1 typically occurs between six months and five years of age and is systemic (affecting the whole body).
Hypospadias is the most common anomaly of the penis affecting approximately one in 250 males born.
Family therapy may also be used to help resolve family issues that may be affecting the child.
Some congenital brain defects, such as those associated with spina bifida have a higher prevalence, affecting as many as two to three per 1,000 live births.
Congenital sensorineural hearing loss (most common birth deficiency, affecting roughly two to four per 1,000 children) may cause delayed speech and language.
Some cases involve genetic syndromes that may result in specific problems for the infant and may have a high risk of affecting others in the family.
Syndactyly of the fingers is the most common malformation affecting the hand.
Bulimia nervosa is a serious and sometimes life-threatening eating disorder affecting mainly young women.
Reye's syndrome is a disorder principally affecting the liver and brain, marked by rapid development of life-threatening neurological symptoms.
Reye's syndrome is an emergency illness chiefly affecting children and teenagers.
It is primarily thought to be a disease affecting sedentary, obese adults over age 40, but it is found in young people as well, most of them obese at the time of diagnosis.
Movement disorders are a group of diseases and syndromes affecting the ability to produce and control bodily movements.
The multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndromes are three related inherited disorders affecting the thyroid and other hormone producing (endocrine) glands of the body.
It is, in fact, the most common allergy in the United States, affecting one of every two people in the country.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy explores how the patient's view of the world may be affecting his or her mood and outlook.
Red/green color blindness is the most common deficiency, affecting 8 percent of Caucasian males and 0.5 percent of Caucasian females.
Circles - Just as with the slide, moving your head without affecting your shoulders is key.
You can stop the sha chi from affecting you or even entering the bedroom.
But before you discontinue prescribed medications because they may be affecting your hair, you should always consult with your doctor.
Poorly trained employees are also more likely to sustain injuries on the job, which increases the costs of doing business as well as affecting productivity.
With the aging baby boomer generation and the obesity epidemic affecting people of all ages, medical fields will continue growing and expanding indefinitely in order to provide adequate treatment to patients.
With current nursing shortages affecting hospitals and clinics nationwide, you're pretty much assured a stable work environment.
Excessive exercise can also hinder conception by reducing sperm count in men, and affecting the ovulation cycle in women.
After age 35, problems may arise such as health issues affecting older women.
An employee can work 10 days while receiving SMP without it affecting their payments.
While it's hard to pinpoint statistics indicating the exact success rate for this treatment, acupressure may be useful simply because it can relieve some of the stress and anxiety that is possibly affecting your ability to get pregnant.
Age is one of the biggest factors affecting the answer to the question 'how many months does it take to get pregnant?'
Understanding the factors affecting fertility can also increase your chances of becoming pregnant.
Insufficient use of contraception methods is just one of the contributing factors affecting the rate of teen motherhood.
Early in 2009, Phelps ran into some trouble when photographs surfaced of him smoking from a bong, suggesting a drop in his strong discipline and potentially affecting his chances of competition.
It is believed that a deficiency of this vitamin is a concern and public health problem affecting mostly low income pregnant women and young children in over half the countries in the world, especially in South East Asia and Africa.
According to its promoters, this supplement is the miracle cure-all for many of the most virulent diseases affecting people today.
Cheating creates tension, anxiety, and problems between partners and can tear families apart, affecting much more than just the unfaithful person.
Color is one of the factors affecting a stone's price, and if you prefer a colored stone that qualifies as lower grade, you can create an unusual engagement ring at a significant discount.
It can be eliminated if necessary for space considerations without affecting the reader's overall understanding of the article.
This helps bring a greater understanding of the element affecting your life.
Chinese astrology calendar animal signs can help you understand the influences affecting your daily life and prepare you for future challenges.
With a calendar, you can instantly know how the moon may be affecting your chart.
Once you have that information, you'll be able to tell how the moon is affecting your chart and note it on your own calendar.
As the "base" of the reading, card 4 shows how the situation is affecting you.
Homeschooling is more than just an educational choice affecting the children within a family.
Or, if you think your child's condition is affecting his/her academic performance, you can make a written request to have the school provide a free evaluation.
In other cases, it is more difficult to pinpoint what is affecting a child's behavior or learning digression.
If the drinking is affecting the individual and other family members, then it is a problem.
Issues affecting low-income students, such as inadequate health care, homelessness, and minimal parental involvement are also not addressed.
If you feel a circumstance or a behavior pattern in another adult or child is affecting your child, take note.
Autism is a disorder that knows no bounds, affecting people of every race, ethnicity, and social group in equal measure, but autism does discriminate according to gender, with boys four times more likely to be affected than girls.
The condition is neurobiological, affecting the way the brain processes information.
The mysterious conditions are neurological in nature, affecting mental, sensory and emotional processing.
If Mr. Jones, the floor manager, seems to incite complaints, it may be time to talk to Mr. Jones about his attitude towards customers or look into a store policy that may be affecting his behavior.
You'll receive a complete listing of all recalls affecting your Sienna.
Always search at to make sure you have the most recent information about recalls affecting your Sienna.
In 2009, Toyota issued a recall affecting 3.8 million Toyota and Lexus vehicles.
Learn about recalls affecting the Tundra, determine if your vehicle is included in recent recalls, and find out what you can do to fix the problem.
Recalls affecting this model and consumer concerns about vehicle reliability may be partially responsible for this nearly 60-percent decline in sales.
There have also been several major recalls affecting the Toyota Tundra.
In 2005, Toyota issued a recall affecting 768,379 Tundra trucks made between 2000 and 2004.
The events mentioned above are just a few of the major and minor recalls affecting the Toyota Tundra.
Here, you'll find a comprehensive list of recalls affecting your vehicle.
Most owners will receive a recall notice, but it's also a good idea to check for recalls affecting your car or truck.
Although the problems affecting these vehicles are considered to be very rare, it's essential to make sure your car or truck isn't one of the few affected.
One of the major factors affecting whether or not you'll be accepted on the squad is your GPA.
With the obesity epidemic increasing and affecting younger and younger people, there is great concern about what the proper child diet is, and what weight-loss diets may be safely implemented with an overweight child.
According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes is the fifth most deadly disease in American, affecting nearly 21 million Americans.
Type 2 diabetes is affecting more children and adolescents than ever before.
Taking steps to eat right can be one of the most important things you can do to prevent serious health problems from affecting you in the future.
Soluble fiber can reduce LCL cholesterol (the bad kind) without affecting HDL cholesterol (the good kind).
The cinnamon may work by affecting blood sugar, activating certain enzymes like glycogen synthase and kinase (insulin receptor), resulting in increased insulin sensitivity and overall, improving the body's capacity to store glucose.
These drugs work by affecting the hypothalamus area of the brain, where chemicals that trigger satiety are regulated.
The most important factor affecting your choice is your desire to do the exercise.
Pulmonary hypertension is high blood pressure affecting the arterial structures of the lungs on the right side of your body.
This keeps the chocolate shiny and smooth, affecting mouth feel and taste.
Any change affecting the information on Social Security cards, such as a change in name or immigration status, needs to be reported to the SSA along with a request for an updated card.
Eligibility guidelines are set on a state-by-state basis, and while income is a primary factor, it is not the only issue affecting eligibility.
Bright Eyes, aka Conor Oberst, has take the role of troubadour to the twenty-somethings crowd, with his pure and honest, yet quirky lyrics and simple, yet affecting acoustic folk-pop music.
It's seen much less often in children, affecting fewer than 3% of people under age 18.
Although the term "melanoma" is heard frequently on medical TV shows, the most common type of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma, affecting over a million people a year in the States alone.
It is important that the vinegar treatment is never skipped, as you'll want to avoid affecting the new nail at the base.
It's also a good option for expectant mothers who don't want harmful toxins potentially affecting their unborn babies.
Hiding your groups through your control panel allows you to remove the groups from your profile, without affecting your interaction with them, or their accessibility.
Information affecting markets is available very quickly online, and investors are less likely to wait to find out about them through a news service or by receiving an e-mail message.
Many opponents of Second Life complain that users often forget which is the fake world and which is the real world, affecting their life in many ways and presenting challenges to real friends and family.
Employees received higher paychecks without affecting any future Social Security benefits.
Along with the policy affecting dress uniforms the Army also instituted a new Army Combat Uniform (ACU).
The mines were rigged, and he'd never wanted to think he'd need to destroy his home in order to rid it of the blight affecting it.
He remained stoic, unwilling to let her see that her touch was affecting him.
Xander kept up with her easily, the solid, warm body beside her affecting her senses in ways that made her angrier.
The resolutions on questions affecting foreign missions (20-26) deal with e.g.
Each has its own judicial system, and enacts laws relating to the administration of justice, the distribution and imposition of taxes, and all matters affecting the province.
Besides receiving taxes, they pay the creditors of the state in their departments, conduct all operations affecting departmental loans, buy and sell government stock (rentes) on behalf of individuals, and conduct certain banking operations.
The life of a cable is usually considered to continue until it is no longer capable of being lifted for repair, but in some cases the duration and frequency of interruptions as affecting Life.
The method of induction between insulated primary and secondary circuits laid out flat on the surface of the earth proves to be of limited application, and in his later experiments Preece returned to a method which unites both conduction and induction as the means of affecting one circuit by a current in another.
In series with the tube is placed a single voltaic cell and a telegraphic relay, and Marconi added certain coils placed across the spark contacts of the relay to prevent the local sparks affecting the coherer.
The system of setting nations by the ears with the view of settling the quarrels of a few reigning houses was reduced to absurdity when the people, as in these cases, came to be partitioned and exchanged without the assertion or negation of a single principle affecting their interests or rousing their emotions.
The architecture of the hydropolyp, simple though it be, furnishes a long series of variations affecting each part of the body.
The whole wing is a unique modification, deeply affecting the skeletal, muscular and tegumentary structures, but fluttering, skimming, sailing, soaring are motions much more akin to one another than climbing and grasping, running, scratching, paddling and wading.
Two species, affecting different kinds of birds, have been identified.
Under the revised code (1905) a wife may hold property which she had acquired before marriage free from any obligation of her husband, but in general she is not permitted to make contracts affecting either her personal or real estate without the written consent of her husband.
The most significant canons are those directly affecting the clergy, wherein the clergy appear as a privileged class, far above the laity, but with sharply differentiated and carefully graded orders within itself.
Derbyshire probably originated as a shire in the time of ZEthelstan, but for long it maintained a very close connexion with Nottinghamshire, and the Domesday Survey gives a list of local customs affecting the two counties alike.
The passing of some 3500 enclosure bills, affecting between 5 and 5z million acres, during the reign of George III., before which the whole number was between 200 and 250, shows how rapidly the break-up of the common-field husbandry and the cultivation of new land now proceeded.
It spread rapidly over the country, affecting all domesticated animals except horses, and although seldom attended by fatal results, caused everywhere great alarm and loss.
We cannot assume that the fluctuations in wages were due to the action or inaction of magistrates without the most careful examination of the other influences affecting the trades.
It was in the year 1260 when it first seemed likely that any results definitely affecting the course of the Crusades would flow from the action of the Mongols.
The chiefs have jurisdiction in cases affecting natives, but there is a right of appeal to the courts of the commissioners, who try all cases in which any of the parties are European.
A comparatively slight injury affecting a portion of the body imperfectly supplied with blood may give rise to an inflammatory condition which in a healthy part might pass unnoticed,.
Salicyclic acid is not absorbed by the skin, but it rapidly kills the cells of the epidermis, without affecting the immediately subjacent cells of the dermis.
In one important particular, however, affecting the primary construction of the material, there can no longer be any doubt.
The chiefs of these colonies were invited to place them under the protection of the Portuguese crown, but these at first affecting loyalty to Spain declined the offer, then threw off the mask and declared themselves independent, and the Spanish governor, Elio, was afterwards defeated by Artigas, the leader of the independents.
The Roman oratory of the law courts had to deal not with petty questions of disputed property, of fraud, or violence, but with great imperial questions, with matters affecting the well-being of large provinces and the honour and safety of the republic; and no man ever lived who, in these respects, was better fitted than Cicero to be the representative of the type of oratory demanded by the condition of the later republic. To his great artistic accomplishment, perfected by practice and elaborate study, to the power of his patriotic, his moral, and personal sympathies, and his passionate emotional nature, must be added his vivid imagination and the rich and copious stream of his language, in which he had no rival among Roman writers or speakers.
Some further alterations in the constitution affecting the courts were made in 1869, 1879, 1888, 1894, 1899 and 1909, and the system as at present constituted comprises a supreme court of ninetyseven justices, an appellate division of the same, a court of appeals, a court of claims and local courts.
The same year also saw the climax of a series of laws passed by the Progressives affecting the relations of employers and workmen.