Affect Sentence Examples
I didn't think about how it might affect you if I got hurt out there.
It wasn't possible that it could affect their life together.
Poverty can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, gender or social background.
The resin does not affect the unbroken skin.
She wasn’t going to let a little rain affect her good mood today.
The decision will not affect the validity of the remaining contract provisions.
Something had happened to affect her between their discussion the previous night and this morning.
It would be nice if I could make the decisions that affect my future, for once.
I hope the new round of layoffs will not affect me.
She was in shock after the attack, and it showed in the flat affect on her face.
AdvertisementAs Martha said, I'm able to dial in settings that affect time and a location.
They might not have gone had he known how the country would affect her.
How would it affect the world for everyone's buying power to increase a hundredfold?
Although he was from New Jersey, he liked to affect a Southern accent sometimes. He thought it made him sound sexier.
She tried not to let it affect her but suspected by his look of satisfaction that he saw how quickly her face changed colors.
AdvertisementThis preoccupation with him was becoming an obsession that was beginning to affect her ability to take care of the house.
Don’t let what I’ve told you affect how you act around your dad. We want this to be a surprise.
She tried to affect a calmness she didn’t feel as she went into the interview.
All the essential parts of the micrometer, including the slides, micrometer box, tube, etc., are of steel or cast-iron, so that changes of temperature do not affect the adjustments.
Do computers affect the eyesight of your average Joe?
AdvertisementAs Kant put it, this was "the proclamation of a great reform, which, however, will be slow in manifestation and in progress, and which will affect not only your people but others as well."
The next class of wave or oscillation detector is the magnetic detector depending upon the power of electric oscillations to affect the magnetic state of iron.
The presence of carbonic acid in a water does not affect its action on lead.
I pulled out a pad and pencil, for affect.
If I seem to boast more than is becoming, my excuse is that I brag for humanity rather than for myself; and my shortcomings and inconsistencies do not affect the truth of my statement.
AdvertisementThe cold night didn't affect Jule this time; he used his magic to keep himself warm.
Despite her anger at her sister, Katie felt the warm smile affect her.
This is because the symptoms are similar to other illnesses that affect the large intestine.
Ringworm is a skin infection caused by fungus that can affect the scalp, skin, fingers, toenails, or feet.
Sleep longer for better results A new study that looked at children's sleep patterns suggests that not getting enough sleep could affect schoolwork.
Again rain dripping from exposed parts of the apparatus may materially affect the record.
The little Oracle knew just how to affect him.
Hornish said he didn't expect how aerodynamic changes would affect the car entering the high-speed chicane.
By designing drugs to affect specific neurotransmitters or neuroreceptors, drugs can be targeted at different parts of the nervous system.
Once regulators get has health hmo insurance medical PPO an offer appear to affect.
It is usual for the neuropathy to affect each side of the body symmetrically, unlike many other disease processes e.g. sciatica.
In addition it has been shown to affect students ' self-awareness, tutor-student interaction, medical student exam performance and drop-out rate.
He also took ecstasy tablets that also affect the heart.
A shortage of ice could also affect hooded and harp seals which rely on the ice to rear pups.
Increasing human activity in harbor could affect distribution and survival of offspring is vital during breeding season.
You don't need to know the slang, all you need to know is how the drugs affect them.
He maintained, in opposition to Aquinas, that the will was independent of the understanding, that only will could affect will.
It is well known that singly, doubly and trebly linked carbon atoms affect the physical properties of substances, such as the refractive index, specific volume, and the heat of combustion; and by determining these constants for many substances, fairly definite values can be assigned to these groupings.
He was distinguished as the discoverer of radioactivity, having found in 1896 that uranium at ordinary temperatures emits an invisible radiation which in many respects resembles Rntgen rays, and can affect a photographic plate after passing through thin plates of metal.
Not enough evidence has been collected to affect the question of racial change during the Aegean period.
The charges of superficial analogies, so freely urged against the " Natur-philosophie " by critics who forget the impulse it gave to physical research by the identification of forces then believed to be radically distinct, do not particularly affect,Hegel.
For example, three separate snow squalls affect your station during your 24- hour... your 24-hour snowfall total.
Reynolds, in his investigation, introducing no new form of law of distribution of velocities, uses a linear quantity, proportional to the mean free path of the gaseous molecules, which he takes to represent (somewhat roughly) the average distance from which molecules directly affect, by their convection, the state of the medium; the gas not being uniform on account of the gradient of temperature, the change going on at each point is calculated from the elements contributed by the parts at this particular distance in all directions.
Enkephalins have an analgesic effect and are thought to produce sedation, to affect mood and to stimulate motivation.
Falls not only cause physical injury but also affect older people's self-confidence and their ability to get out and about.
Previously the only option was paint, a time-consuming post op process that could affect dimensional tolerances.
Norcuron does not affect Apgar score, fetal muscle tonus nor cardiorespiratory adaptation.
Genital warts Certain types of HPV affect the genital area, causing a form of sexually transmissible wart (condylomata acuminata ).
These bodily changes can also affect the voice, making it sound tremulous, or disjointed by over-rapid breathing.
In hypertensive patients eprosartan does not affect fasting triglycerides, total cholesterol, or LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels.
Pesticides, climate change and loss of habitat will continue to affect bee populations unless they learn to adapt.
Then no changes of external temperature can affect the sag of the wire, and the only thing which can alter its length relatively to the supporting bar is the passage of a current through it.
The long-sought cause of the "great inequality" of Jupiter and Saturn was found in the near approach to commensurability of their mean motions; it was demonstrated in two elegant theorems, independently of any except the most general considerations as to mass, that the mutual action of the planets could never largely affect the eccentricities and inclinations of their orbits; and the singular peculiarities detected by him in the Jovian system were expressed in the so-called "laws of Laplace."
Direct observations of currents in the open sea are difficult, and even when the ship is anchored the veering and rolling of the vessel produce disturbances that greatly affect the result.
During adolescence the hormonal changes will also affect the sweat glands.
In some patients an increase in ventricular ectopy including non-sustained ventricular tachycardia has been observed which did not affect patient safety or outcome.
The civic foundations which belong to this period, and which include the greater part of the massive ruins of Goulas and Anavlachos in the province of Mirabello and of Hyrtakina in the west, affect more or less precipitous sites and show a greater tendency to fortification.
Putting a for the mean distance of the earth from the sun, and n for its mean motion in one second, we use the fundamental equation a3 n2 = Mo-1-M', Mo being the sun's mass, and M' the combined masses of the earth and moon, which are, however, too small to affect the result.
Equally it must be concluded that the weakness and degradation produced by semi-starvation and insanitary conditions of life are only an effect on the individual and cannot affect the stock.
But the eye is tolerant of small changes in the focal adjustment which sensibly affect the scale-value.
These seas are entirely dependent on the ocean for their regime, being filled with ocean water, though subject to influence by the land, and the tides and currents of the ocean affect them to a greater or less extent.
The optical properties of sea-water are of immediate importance in biology, as they affect the penetration of sunlight into the depths.
A third form of selection, which may affect the composition of the next generation without of necessity involving a differential death-rate or a differential fertility, is assortative mating, or the tendency of those members of one sex which exhibit a particular character to mate only with members of the other sex which exhibit the same or some other definite character.
Many of these curious modifications may, it is true, be due to other causes than climate only, but they serve to show how powerfully and mysteriously local conditions affect the form and structure of both plants and animals; and they render it probable that changes of constitution are also continually produced, although we have, in the majority of cases, no means of detecting them.
In the solution of questions of internal policy Aehrenthal, as Foreign Minister, only took part in so far as they seemed to him to affect the interests of the monarchy as a whole.
Such a change in the national mind could not but affect the constitution of the Whig party.
But the timing of the Schedule E emoluments charge does not affect the date of acquisition which applies for Capital Gains Tax purposes.
By far the biggest impact of this would affect salmon farming.
I'm a keen gardener; how will the trees affect me?
Details of article Assessing what factors affect marmosets breeding success by Sharyn Amos.
Scott simons in fact advice affect your bottom.
My husband is disabled; he has a spinal stenosis and various other problems, which affect his mobility considerably.
Why does the economic " base " of a society affect its political superstructure?
As we arrive at the r 9th century, though yet before the days of Darwin, biology is already beginning to affect the general aspect of thought.
The arrangement and appropriation of the tracks in a station materially affect the economical and efficient working of the traffic. There must be a sufficient provision of sidings, connected with the running tracks by points, for holding spare rolling stock and to enable carriages to be added to or taken off trains and engines to be changed with as little delay as possible.
His interest in this subject made it natural that he should be selected - as himself a working man - to be parliamentary secretary 6 Leonard Hill," Atmospheric Conditions which affect Health,"G.
It may confidently be asserted that, of insects which directly or indirectly affect the welfare of man, Diptera form the vast majority, and it is a moot point whether the good effected by many species in the rapid clearing away of animal and vegetable impurities, and in keeping other insect enemies in check, counterbalances the evil and annoyance wrought by a large section of the Order.
This verdict suggests that the Sadducees, with whom he allied himself, had learned to affect some show of Judaism in Judaea.
In addition, how food affects us unquestionably has a lot to do with genetic factors, and because everyone has a different genetic makeup, different foods affect each of us differently.
In many works, such as those of a statistical or historical character, there are frequently to be found passages which could have been written in no other period, but are only of the nature of ejaculations and do not affect the argument.
It has been found that variations in barometric pressure affect the flash-point and accordingly corrections have to be made in obtaining strictly comparative results at different pressures.
Surface currents are set up by prevailing winds, which also seriously affect water levels, lowering the water at Chicago and raising it at the strait, or the reverse, so as greatly to inconvenience navigation.
As the concentration is increased and un-ionized molecules are formed, a change in temperature begins to affect the ionization as well as the fluidity.
In ordinary cases possible changes in the concentrations only affect the electromotive force by a few parts in a hundred, but, by means such as those indicated above, it is possible to produce such immense differences in the concentrations that the electromotive force of the cell is not only changed appreciably but even reversed in direction.
It need not affect the opinion of dispassionate students.
In mining operations explosives are used on a large scale and the powder gases contain large quantities of the very poisonous gas, carbon monoxide, a small percentage of which may cause death, and even a minute percentage of which in the air will seriously affect the health.
These were rapid and remarkable triumphs, but they did not affect decisively the outcome of the war; they took from Turkey two outlying provinces; they did not strike at the heart of Turkish resistance.
But when the pitch of the cavity was exactly that of the fork when vibrating alone, though it resounded most strongly, it did not affect the frequency of the fork.
During each of its seven years of existence there had been a surplus of revenue over expenditure, despite the fact that taxation had not materially increased, save in respect to mining, which did not affect the general population.
The Church when it had once conquered the world allowed such precepts to lapse and fall into the background, and no one save monks or Manichaean heretics remembered them any more; indeed modern divines affect to believe that marriage rites and family ties were the peculiar concern of the Church from the very first; and few moderns will fail to sympathize with the misgivings of the barbarian chief who, having been converted and being about to receive Christian baptism, paused as he stepped down into the font, and asked the priests if in the heaven to which their rites admitted him he would meet and converse with his pagan ancestors.
We shall speak first of those which affect the direct transmission of texts.
Whatever we feel to affect us does affect us, and is therefore real.
This does not affect the power of Congress to pass such a law.
It is often found to affect the hereditarily rheumatic or gouty.
In a restricted sense the term assaying is applied in metallurgy to the determination of the amount of gold or silver in ores or alloys; in this article, however, it will be used in a wider technical signification, and will include a description of the methods for the quantitative determination of those elements in ores which affect their value in metallurgical operations.
Her affect on those around her was the opposite of yours.
Once in the brain drugs affect chemicals called neurotransmitters.
In pregnancy, harmful substances in the mother's body may cross the placenta to affect the unborn baby.
The criteria used to determine the lactate threshold will affect the threshold value.
It does affect the timbre - bells with a major tierce have a clearly different quality than those with minor tierces.
Meanwhile a policy destined to affect profoundly the future of the Dominion had, along with that of the construction of the Canadian Pacific railway, become a subject of burning political discussion and party division.
Other external circumstances may prejudicially affect a text.
Though full of prejudices which affect his accuracy, Daniel had the advantage of consulting valuable original sources.
Its acceptance or its rejection does not in any degree whatever affect, for better or for worse, the rational estimate of her character.
The Philebus seems to presuppose Politicus, 283-284, but if this be an error, it will affect the logical theory not at all.
The zir-jamah, or trousers,i are of cloth among the higher classes, particularly those of the military order, who affect a garment of a tightness approaching that worn by Europeans.
They failed, however, to affect materially the position of the two empires.
Strictly speaking, any such communication is an epistle, but at the present day the term has become archaic, and is used only for letters of an ancient time, or for elaborate literary productions which take an epistolary form, that is to say, are, or affect to be, written to a person at a distance.
Twice in Fulk's reign the eastern emperor, John Comnenus, appeared in northern Syria (1137 and 1142); but his coming did not affect the king, who was able to decline politely a visit which the emperor proposed to make to Jerusalem.
Silver, arsenic and cadmium, if present, are precipitated with the copper and affect the accuracy of the results; they should be removed by special methods.
At the same time the political bias of the writers, and the political ideas of their day were allowed, in some cases perhaps half unconsciously, to affect their representations of past events.
But the truth or falseness of socialism does not affect the theory of history.
These also affect the proportion of cultivated areas in the other home counties.
It should be added that the grant of a court of quarter sessions to any borough other than a county borough after the passing of the Local Government Act 1888, does not affect the powers, duties or liabilities of the county council as regards that borough, nor exempt the parishes in the borough from being assessed to county rate for any purposes to which such parishes were previously liable to be assessed.
Quinine does not affect the unbroken skin, and cannot be absorbed from it, but it is slightly irritant to the pain-conducting nerves of a raw surface.
The altitude at which the trees are grown seems to affect the production of quinine, since it has been proved that the yield of quinine in C. officinalis is less when the trees are grown below 600o ft.
The practical limit of height was reached when the sectional area of the masonry of the piers of the exterior walls in the lower storey had to be made so great, in order to support safely the weight of the dead load of the walls and floors and the accidental load imposed upon the latter in use, as to affect seriously the value of the lower storeys on account of the loss of light and floor space.
In 1897 the basis of the tax was varied, but not in any way to affect the principle just stated.
It would be hard, however, to persuade the mass of occupiers in England that they do not pay the rates, so that the expedient of dividing the rates between owner and occupier, though it cannot affect their real incidence to a substantial extent, constantly finds favour.
Taxes in his view must come out of rent, or profit, or the wages of labour; and he observes that every tax which falls finally upon one only of the three sorts of revenue "is necessarily unequal in so far as it does not affect the other two," and in examining different taxes he disregards as a rule this sort of inequality, and confines his observations "to that inequality which is occasioned by a particular tax falling unequally upon that particular sort of private revenue which is affected byl it."
The Ozark uplift tempers very agreeably the summers in the south, but does not affect the climate of the state as a whole.
At the commencement of his new career he enriched the academical collection with many memoirs, which excited a noble emulation between him and the Bernoullis, though this did not in any way affect their friendship. It was at this time that he carried the integral calculus to a higher degree of perfection, invented the calculation of sines, reduced analytical operations to a greater simplicity, and threw new light on nearly all parts of pure mathematics.
They do not directly affect.
Playfair's contributions to pure mathematics were not considerable, his paper "On the Arithmetic of Impossible Quantities," that "On the Causes which affect the Accuracy of Barometrical Measurements," and his Elements of Geometry, all already referred to, being the most important.
A married woman has the same rights to her property after marriage as before marriage, except that she is not permitted to bequeath away from her husband more than one-half of it without his written consent, and no will made by the husband can affect the right of the wife, if she survive him, to one-half of the property of which he died seized.
But it is most noteworthy that the barons, while providing for the abolition of abuses which affect themselves, show an unselfish and patriotic spirit in laying down the rule that all the concessions which the king makes to them shall also be extended by themselves to their own sub-tenants.
It was impossible that the position thus claimed by the British parliament towards America should affect America alone.
But it was everywhere felt that his mere protest was not likely to affect the result; and the government at last consented to accept a suggestion made by Count Bismarck, and to take part in a conference to discuss the Russian proposal.
The hydrocarbons, upon which the luminosity of the flame entirely depends, are divided in the analysis into two groups, saturated and unsaturated, according to their behaviour with a solution of bromine in potassium bromide, which has the power of absorbing those termed "unsaturated," but does not affect in diffused daylight the gaseous members of the "saturated" series of hydrocarbons.
He published numerous essays, chiefly in relation to the contest between Great Britain and revolutionary France, as it might affect the liberty and prosperity of America.
He immediately declared that election "capitulations," which cardinals had long been in the habit of affirming as rules of conduct for future popes, could affect a new pope only as counsels, not as binding obligations.
Rust disease does not directly affect the grains, but both quantity and quality are impaired by the exhausted condition of the wheat plants.
This undertaking led to the introduction of a large number of Flemish workmen, who settled in the district, and, in spite of the violent measures adopted by the English peasantry to expel them, retained their ground in sufficient numbers to affect the physical appearance and the accent of the inhabitants to this day.
The wonderful achievements of the Irish monks did not affect the body politic as a whole,.
At that date the anti-clerical movement in France began to affect Madagascar.
This is hardly possible without drawing attention to the main physical characters of the continent, as far as they affect the inhabitants.
In the first place, the movements and position of the heavenly bodies point to such occurrences as are of public import and affect the general welfare.
It is even conceivable that the settlement of the state may affect the seasonal distribution of precipitation; and that an advantageous alteration has in fact resulted is believed by many.
It is obvious that many of these Swiss Miocene plants will need more close study before their specific characters, or even their generic position, can be accepted as thoroughly made out; still, this will not affect the general composition of the flora, with its large proportion of deciduous trees and evergreens, and its noticeable deficiency in many of our largest living families.
Some drugs given in excess are poisons to all forms of protoplasm, but when given in doses much short of the lethal they usually exhibit a distinct tendency to affect specially, and at an early period, certain organs or tissues, and hence result differences in action; others may act only on certain organs, leaving the others practically untouched.
Some of them affect only certain portions of the nervous system, others have a much wider range of action; they may act in either case as stimulants or as depressants, and hence the symptoms produced by them vary very greatly.
The priests affect the use of the Arabic letters.
At this point she'd like to say it was none of her business, but the growing tension was bound to affect them both eventually.
He paused for affect and announced, "It was West Virginia, 1932!"
Their connection was strong, its calming affect on her the only comfort he was able to offer.
The climbers grumbled about the negative affect of the snow on their anticipated activities, all except Penny, who considered the weather a new and exciting challenge.
She wondered what it was that kept him at war with himself and tried not to let his words affect her.
Had he known the soothing affect the country would have on her?
He can give you something that won't affect the baby.
Focusing hard on not letting him affect her, she continued her game of seduction, teasing him with looks, touches, whispers, until Darian's body was rigid and his turmoil had melted into lust intense enough to make his eyes glow.
His blood tingled, and he was annoyed by the reminder of her affect on him.
It would have been folly to explain to him that he was the first man to affect her so dynamically, but she didn't want to leave him with the impression that she was a nymph either.
Eden braced herself, uncertain how the first spell would affect him.
Whatever the young Black God was doing, it wasn't going to affect Xander.
She didn't melt when their bodies brushed, and she appeared completely immune – or ignorant – of the affect he normally had on women.
The layoffs will affecteveryone.
The consequences of such failure affect how we think about our moral action.
When sight in one eye is affected, it can affect our depth perception.
The use of a multiplicative prefix does not affect the alphabetical order of components attached at the same level.
That may be one way early nutrition can affect adult propensity to disease.
Rare causes Many rare diseases may affect the adrenals.
For example his four fire missions of heavy artillery didn't managed to affect any of my stands!
The hum and the tierce in the chimed bell do not affect the initial sensation of pitch, despite the loudness of these partials.
These levels affect the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain where thought processes take place.
How does the variability of the Sun affect the earth's climate?
There are also coastal counts which do not affect Worcestershire.
If you get a serious conflagration in the Gulf it will affect us.
Causes of incontinence In older people a number of common physiological changes may affect the ability to maintain continence In older people a number of common physiological changes may affect the ability to maintain continence.
Rather, it stated that hypericum " ...may significantly affect plasma concentrations of any drug that is metabolized by the cytochrome P-450 system.
This new Group Policy format will not affect day-to-day configuring of policies.
Science and Technology Society is becoming less deferential, with people increasingly demanding more involvement in the decisions that affect their lives.
How will the changing student demography affect our provision?
Most are harmless, however, a group of fungi called dermatophytes can affect the feet.
Avoid the risk of dampness or overnight dew, as this will spoil the results and subsequently affect the performance.
It delves into the dark underbelly of human relationships to expose the sometimes harmonious, sometimes discordant emotions that affect us all.
Can children with autistic spectrum disorders perceive affect in music?
While these may seem abstract possibilities the existence of a false consensus or a false dissensus could seriously affect the functioning of an organization.
Concurrent administration of potent diuretics, aminoglycosides may adversely affect renal function (see section 4.4 ).
Environmental crimes affect significant numbers of people, while the range of laws governing such crimes crosses the public/private law divide.
Moderate amounts of alcohol drunk just before, during or shortly after a meal should not affect your short-term diabetes control.
The legislation could affect any business exporting goods from the UK that have a dual-use or military related application.
But did nothing about the story, which could seriously affect the upcoming mid-term elections and cost the Republicans control of Congress.
We have recently done pioneering experiments to demonstrate that resonant radiofrequency electromagnetic fields also affect radical reactions.
The damage already done to the climate by man's greenhouse gas emissions will affect us for the next 1,000 years.
These do not affect state businesses alone, but these are the most heavily encumbered with taxes.
Back to Top Left work - the impact of payments from work Payments received on leaving work may affect benefit entitlement.
Dandelion plants release ethylene which can affect the growth of neighboring plants.
Q. Could recent mercury exposure affect the developing fetus?
The data was analyzed to determine the extent to which acoustic cues affect the patterned behavior.
Burns to the eye Burns to the eye may affect the eyelids, conjunctiva or cornea.
Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) SLE is a generalized connective tissue disorder tending to affect middle-aged females.
How exactly does diabetes affect the fetus in the womb?
Honey fungus and coral spot may affect the plant, but occasional leaf gall is not a major problem.
How will the rice genome sequence, recently announced, affect the food security of the poor?
And being a gift giver may have powerful affect on your career.
Risk factors There are certain factors that can affect your likelihood of getting gout.
Do class barriers affect the pursuit of sexual gratification?
Now this didn't affect the track too much, but did leave a few sections greasy and difficult to negotiate.
Unresolved grievances can lead to bad feelings and adversely affect relationships and performance.
Small plants can be squeezed between larger ones thus heightening the affect of a combination.
Being too hot or too cold may affect your sleep 17.
How does the number of times om mani padme hum is said affect one's life?
The intense heat, 90 per cent humidity and an obvious lack of refrigeration does not seem to affect the quality of the food.
It is thought likely that adjacent works affect the hydrology of the bog.
Technological advance can affect this balance, with capital often impelled toward spatial deepening and widening.
A company based losses at more affect the photographic difference was surprisingly imperceptible.
We also investigate incidents which affect, or could affect, drinking water quality.
Now it is the ambition of man to affect an independency, to be a god to himself, sufficient for his own happiness.
Affect The Kerberos service is made inoperative by virtue of being at risk.
Which they do preference inpatient and for example percent affect the spending.
Yes, under certain circumstances the electromagnetic interference from a mobile phone can affect the performance of some medical devices.
Poverty and poor health often interrelated can affect men and women alike.
So learning and memory are so tightly intertwined with motivation and affect.
Should any term of this contract be held invalid, such invalidation shall not affect the validity of the remaining terms.
In vitro Glivec inhibits the cytochrome P450 isoenzyme CYP2D6 activity at concentrations similar to those that affect CYP3A4 activity.
Alfalfa selected for forage quality (including reduced lignin) had reduced vigor but was not expected to affect levels of disease resistance.
More efficient harvesting techniques affect those species that profit from seed wastage (e.g. linnet, corn bunting ).
How does setting the default locale affect the results of sorting?
May affect lymph nodes but has definitely spread to other parts of the body.
Mosquitoes in Hawai'i do not transmit malaria which would affect humans.
Good quality and effective store merchandising is essential to create the right shopping environment so as to positively affect customers ' buying decisions.
Some conditions only affect the trabecular meshwork where the water in the eye drains out at the drainage gap.
Justice Learning reverses traditional methods by starting with current issues that directly affect their lives.
The flu can affect all types of birds, especially migratory fowl.
Just a few millionths of a gram are enough to affect a human being.
The main problems which affect growth of GaN on Si are those of thermal expansion mismatch, and of lattice mismatch.
The report dispels the common misunderstanding that chronic diseases mainly affect people in the wealthy countries.
How do phosphate ions in nutrient solutions affect mitosis in root tips?
It would be worthwhile to explore how group members ' differing attitudes toward one or more topics or ideas might affect social mitosis.
In men, smoking levels affect spermatogenesis (sperm development ), sperm morphology (abnormality) and sperm mobility.
Herpes simplex is the most common viral infection to affect the oral mucosa (Groenwald et al., 1997 ).
The disorder can affect the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals where it looks like a grayish erosion (shallow ulcer ).
The child narrator explains the importance of names in Chinese culture, and how giving your child certain names can affect your fortune.
For example, ecstasy appears to affect a neurotransmitter called serotonin by reducing the amount of the chemical in the brain.
Diagnostic labels can affect a child's self-image and his or her relationships in school and at home.
Around 10 per cent of patients will experience some unpleasant sensations of the face which may affect the quality of life.
This way, you can override the main stylesheet templates, and hence your changes will affect the overall styling of your document.
An entirely different temporality of affect is now at work.
Will the heat affect the tile adhesive or tile adhesive or tiles?
Contact with animal feces can cause an infection called toxoplasmosis which may affect your baby's eye and brain development.
The solution may appear cloudy, however, this will not affect the transfection.
Read the latest on fibroids; how to treat uterine fibroids and how fibroid tumors can affect you.
The hangings and the fear of armed response obviously had the desired affect as there were no more trouble concerning the turnpikes after 1749.
Small Talk is an opportunity for artists to discuss issues that affect their practice - ranging from conceptual underpinnings through to support structures.
Regulation 25(1)(b) gives water undertakers the discretion to decide which products would not adversely affect the quality of drinking water.
Interviews conducted between particular may affect the deadlinethe united.
How can non-specific urethritis affect me in the future?
Symptoms may affect the skin, digestive system, behavior, arthritis or even urinary incontinence.
Lack of service of the notice on any director shall not affect the validity of a meeting.
The differences in lava composition between the stratigraphic groups affect the average seismic velocity of each group.
In some cases they are obstructing visibility or narrowing the road which may affect safety.
Herpes simplex and human papilloma virus, which is associated with warts, commonly affect the vulva.
The fact that Il-Khanid luster wares often have glazes splashed with blue does not materially affect the issue.
However, thermal discomfort has been shown to affect the general well-being of people.
Within four weeks of the adoption of this bill the bombardment of Alexandria by the British fleet (11th July 1882) opened an era destined profoundly to affect the colonial position of Italy.
We may infer that, whatever the merits of that modification, it does not affect the theistic problem.
That such adjustment shall take place postulates on the part of the plant a kind of perception or appreciation of the changing conditions which affect it.
We can imagine though perhaps only vaguely, the way in which light, temperature, moisture, contact, &c., can affect it.
The actual elevation of a summit above sea-level does not necessarily affect its mountainous character; a gentle eminence, for instance, rising a few hundred feet above a tableland, even if at an elevation of say 15,000 ft., could only be called a hill.
Attention must also be paid to the artificial restrictions of political geography, to the legislative restrictions bearing on labour and trade as imposed in different countries, and, above all, to the incessant fluctuations of the economic conditions of supply and demandand the combinations of capitalists or workers which affect the market.4 The term " applied geography " has been employed to designate commercial geography, the fact being that every aspect of scientific geography may be applied to practical purposes, including the purposes of trade.
Even torrential rainfall on the Thursday morning did n't affect the numbers !
If any part of our terms is found to be unlawful it shall not affect the validity of the remainder.
Does the use of heat and moisture exchangers rather than heated humidifiers affect the incidence of ventilator associated pneumonia?
Influenza split virion inactivated vaccine may affect blood tests for certain viruses.
They also commonly contain double-stranded RNA of viral origin, which can affect the virulence of fungal pathogens.
Each strain may have different characteristics, affect different species in different ways, and be more or less virulent than other strains.
Anorexia and bulimia are two common eating disorders, which affect women in particular.
Menopause Osteoporosis can affect older women after the menopause.
The EU 's politicians are wrestling with crucial policy dilemmas which will profoundly affect the future shape of the Union.
Abby was so confident in the reality of karma that she did nothing without thinking about how it could affect her in her next life.
The two primary variables that affect the compound interest equation are length of time and rate of return.
The more frightening aspects of this development period tend to affect new parents more than those with previous children.
How you feed your infant may affect his health and also his sleep patterns.
There are five different type of shaft flexes that will affect your swing if not matched correctly.
Perimeter weighting absorb shock so that your swing isn't affect from the impact of the ball and beyond.
Regripping a club takes time and doing it wrong can affect your swing.
Heavy winter snow and tropical summer rain, for example, will affect carpet in different ways.
Be sure to ask when you're getting your quote, because the answer can significantly affect your choice of carpets, or even vendors.
The two different panes affect the energy in your house.
Of course, size will affect the power and efficiency of the system, so it really all depends on your needs.
Be aware that the size of those animals on the screen will affect your cat in different ways.
Is there any reason that certain times of the month would affect him more than others?
In this section an attempt is made to indicate briefly the causes which have led to so great a diversity of opinion, and to describe in outline the principles underlying the chief schemes of chronology that have been suggested; a short account will then be given of the latest discoveries in this branch of research, and of the manner in which they affect the problems at issue.
Although the Arabians, as a rule, were in favour of the Omayyad family, they could not affect the succession of the `Abbasids.
The person injured may have a right of action against the offender in spite of the pardon of the latter, if the right of action has once vested, for the Crown cannot affect private rights.
These organisms live in cockles, oysters and other lamellibranchs and they so affect the gonads of these molluscs as to castrate and sterilize their host.
About this time he read Bucer's commentaries on the Gospels and the Psalms and also Zwingli's De vera et falsa religione; and his Biblical studies began to affect his views.
By the common law of England freedom from noise is essential to the full enjoyment of a dwelling house, and acts which affect that enjoyment may be actionable as nuisances.
The habitats which they affect are the hot, dry regions of tropical America, the aridity of which they are enabled to withstand in consequence of the thickness of their skin and the paucity of evaporating pores or stomata with which they are furnished, - these conditions not permitting the moisture they contain to be carried off too rapidly; the thick fleshy stems and branches contain a store of water.
The more secure control which the Romans now maintained over the territory within the limes tended to its rapid civilization, and the Roman influence, if not the Roman arms, soon began to affect powerfully the regions beyond.
Any error of this kind will merely affect the form of the frame; if, however, another member be introduced between A and D, then if BC be shortened AD will be strained so as to extend it, and the four other members will be compressed; if G CB is lengthened AD will thereby be compressed, and the four other members extended; if the workman does not make CB and AD of exactly the right length they and all the members will be permanently strained.
Resort is made to tariffs, or duties on imports, partly to secure revenue, partly to affect the course of industry within a country.
Finally, the lord proprietor was deprived of his government from 1654 to 1658 in obedience to instructions from parliament which were originally intended to affect only Virginia, but were so modified, through the influence of Claiborne and some Puritan exiles from Virginia who had settled in Maryland, as to apply also to " the plantations within Chesapeake Bay."
These intentional alterations, however, only affect a very limited portion of the text, and, though it is possible that other changes were introduced at different times, it is very This represents the Western tradition as opposed to the Eastern text of ben Naphtali.
The former class of proposals will as a rule hardly affect the chronology of the Gospel; the latter will affect it vitally.
The division by 12 does not affect the question, as every standard that came into Italy was similarly divided.
As the frame has the same linear expansion as the wire, external changes of the temperature will not affect their relative length, but if the fine wire is heated by the passage of an electric current, its expansion will move the indicating needle over the scale, the motion being multiplied by the gear.
The Helena crystals are of tabular habit, being composed of the basal pinacoid with a very short hexagonal prism, whilst at Yogo Gulch many of the crystals affect a rhombohedral habit.
These two operations are not quite equivalent, since a weight added to the interior does not affect the volume of liquid displaced when the instrument is immersed up to a given division of the scale, while the addition of weights to the exterior increases the displacement.
During the centuries in which the narratives were taking shape many profound changes occurred to affect the traditions.
Silk is readily distinguished from wool and other animal fibres by the action of an alkaline solution of oxide of lead, which darkens wool, &c., owing to the sulphur they contain, but does not affect silk, which is free from that body.
Since then a network of similar treaties, adopted by different nations with each other and based on the AngloFrench model, has made reference to the Hague Court of Arbitration practically compulsory for all matters which can be settled by an award of damages or do not affect any vital national interest.
Let us now consider the causes which may affect the homogeneity of radiation.
They are positions also which deeply affect, not only the psychological, but also the metaphysical idealisms of our time, in Germany, and in the whole civilized world.
When a variable quantity is at a minimum a slight change in the system does not affect its value, and therefore, when a solution is saturated, the increase in the available energy of the liquid phase produced by dissolving in it some of the solid must be equal to the decrease in the available energy of the solid phase, caused by the abstraction from the bulk of that part dissolved.
The only effect of adding solvent will be to separate further from each other the systems composed of solute particle as nucleus and solvent as atmosphere; it will not affect the action of each nucleus on its atmosphere.
These limitations in number do not affect the foreign recipients of the order.
An uneven subsoil, especially if retentive, is most undesirable, as water is apt to collect in the hollows, and thus affect the upper soil.
Whether a true sexual process precedes these processes or not does not affect the present question, the point being that the resulting spheroidal "fructification" (cleistocarp, perithecium) has a definite wall of its own not directly comparable with a stroma.
So far as metaphysic is concerned, Hume has given the final word of the empirical school, and all additions, whether from the specifically psychological side or from the general history of human culture, are subordinate in character, and affect in no way the nature of his results.
At present it does not seem likely that Professor Fernald's argument will seriously affect Professor Storm's contention that Thorfinn's colony was in Nova Scotia.
But this was a single case which does not affect the fixed tradition of monastic Egypt in the 4th century that Anthony was the father of Christian monachism.
Indeed Johnson, though he did not despise or affect to despise money, and though his strong sense and long experience ought to have qualified him to protect his own interests, seems to have been singularly unskilful and unlucky in his literary bargains.
As regards its legislative functions, the empire has supreme and independent control in matters relating to military affairs and the navy, to the imperial finances, to German commerce, to posts and telegraphs, and also to railways, in so far as these affect the common defence of the country.
The concluding stages of this expedition were not favorable to the new emperor, but his humiliation was only slight and it did not appreciably affect the conditions of the controversy.
The eastern parts of Greece are composed almost entirely of Cretaceous beds, but nevertheless they must be considered to belong to the central area, for the folds which affect them are nearly at right angles to those of the western chains.
The last two sections are intended to be independent of each other and the failure of essential purpose of one shall not affect the other.
The various parts of a living organism affect each other in adult life and during growth.
These influences are not general; on the contrary, they often affect very limited areas.
Literary criticism has analysed the documents, and has already established some important results; and many questions are still in debate, the answers to which must affect our judgment of the historical value of the existing narratives.
Time alone can show how far these colonies are likely to be permanently successful, or how the subtly enervating influence of the climate will affect later generations.
Then comes the settlement officer, whose duty it is to estimate the character of the soil, the kind of crop, the opportunities for irrigation, the means of communication and their probable development in the future, and all other circumstances which tend to affect the value of the produce.
This Introduces Additional Difficulties Of Construction, But Does Not Otherwise Affect The Method.
It must be borne in mind that the marks thus earned may be forfeited at any time by misconduct, but affect remission to this extent only.
Enough has been said to show why the advance beyond the letter of Mill was inevitable while much in the spirit of Mill must necessarily affect deeply all later experientialism.
Nor did he affect the logic of his successors through his logic alone.
The water as it thus issues from the nozzle feels to the touch like metal, and the strongest man cannot sensibly affect it with a crowbar.
According to Evelyn (Sylva, p. 35, 1664), hazels "above all affect cold, barren, dry, and sandy soils; also mountains, and even rockie ground produce them; but more plentifully if somewhat moist, dankish, and mossie."
This project was authorized in 1904; it will affect, when completed, 131,900 acres, of which in 1909 about 10,000 acres were actually under irrigation.
As the climate began to affect his health, the maharaja at length left Aden and returned to Europe.
But these unions, at all events in historic times, were mainly concerned with religion, and the authority of the councils did not seriously affect the autonomy of the individual states.
It was not only by the formation of ever new endogamous castes and sub-castes that the system gained in extent and intricacy, but even more so by the constant subdivision of the castes into numerous exogamous groups or septs, themselves often involving gradations of social status important enough to seriously affect the possibility of intermarriage, already hampered by various other restrictions.
The generic characters are based upon definite modifications of form which affect the entire facies of the animals, while the specific diagnoses depend upon minor characters, such as the number of myotomes or muscle-segments.
Nor did the act affect in any way the long series of old statutes directed against the assumption of authority by the Roman see in England.
The evidence rather implies that, so far as the sanctions of religion affect the savage at all, they