Aesthetic Sentence Examples
Maybe it was time they started paying more attention to the aesthetic value of things.
Most of the sculptures on display were not made to become subject to aesthetic contemplation in western art museums.
I have an aesthetic appreciation of John's looks, personal style and creativity.
His concept of aesthetic appeal just can't be based on numbers.
The committee did not attempt to make aesthetic judgements, nor did the artists assume expertise in the issues.
The real beauty, though, is in its aesthetic.
Frequently aesthetic motives provide no inspiration for action.
It was practised more as a phase of aesthetic culture than with any utilitarian views.
There is only one passage which seems in some degree to make up for the aesthetic drawbacks of the greater part of these late compositions.
An unprejudiced and critical reader will certainly find very few passages where his aesthetic susceptibilities are thoroughly satisfied.
AdvertisementFortunately, Gucci handbags feature many aesthetic traits that make them unique.
Original releases came exclusively packaged in a highly distinctive, minimalist package to improve on the aesthetic.
The clear, bracing air, according to ancient writers, fostered the intellectual and aesthetic character of the people and endowed them with mental and physical energy.
For example, Libras tend to be motivated by aesthetic beauty and balance.
These defects will no doubt be overcome as concrete grows in popularity as a building material and its aesthetic treatment is better understood.
AdvertisementWhile many of the features are for safety, some are simply aesthetic.
This restaurant howls for some aesthetic improvement but receives high complements for mouthwatering fare.
He carried out the principle of association into the analysis of the complex emotional states, as the affections, the aesthetic emotions and the moral sentiment, all which he endeavoured to resolve into pleasurable and painful sensations.
In 1807 Corinne, the first aesthetic romance not written in German, appeared.
After you have viewed different diamond shapes, you will undoubtedly have an aesthetic preference.
AdvertisementSoftball cleats are more than an aesthetic addition to your game uniform.
First, let's just say that, as previously mentioned, The Scene Aesthetic gets two thumbs up for their do-it-yourself success.
You should also discuss the aesthetic you're after.
Play piercings, or temporary piercings for either aesthetic reasons or sexual pleasure, are mentioned in the Kama Sutra, as far back as 320 C.E..
In his beloved Italy his etchings are suffused with a classicism that nonetheless appeals to a contemporary aesthetic.
AdvertisementWith these may be mentioned certain volumes of essays, among which are to be noted those upon Historical Materialism and Marxist Economy (1896-1900); upon Hegel (1905); upon Vico (1910); and the New Essays upon Aesthetic (1920), which complete and carry further the first Aesthetic. Croce only took part in the administrative work of Naples upon rare occasions and in moments of crisis.
Historical work has been produced by Hirschberg, Pappee, Sobieski, Czermak and others, and the histories of Polish literature by Stanislaus Tarnowski and Piotr Chmielowski are of the highest value, the former dealing more with the aesthetic side of literature and the latter with the historical.
It was almost a natural consequence that Fichte never succeeded in amalgamating with his own system the aesthetic view of nature to which the Kritik of Judgment had pointed as an essential component in any complete philosophy.
Werner Abrahamson (1744-1812) was the first aesthetic critic Denmark produced.
In 1541 he lost two infant sons, and the mysterious affair of the death of that aesthetic ruffian, Sir James Hamilton of Finnart, was supposed to lie heavy on his mind.
Here Schiller arrives at his definition of beauty, as Freiheit in der Erscheinung, which, although it failed to remove Kant's difficulty that beauty was essentially a subjective conception, marked the beginning of a new stage in the history of German aesthetic theory.
Meanwhile, Germany was being profoundly influenced by the great aesthetic revival known as the Romantic Movement, which began with the worship of medieval art and literature, and ended with the worship of medieval religion.
Helmholtz also wrote on philosophical and aesthetic problems. His position was that of an empiricist, denying the doctrine of innate ideas and holding that all knowledge is founded on experience, hereditarily transmitted or acquired.
At Weimar her talents, hitherto held in check, found an atmosphere to stimulate and foster them, her aesthetic and literary tastes formed themselves under the influence of Goethe and his circle, and her little salon gained a certain celebrity.
Again, your choice will depend on your overall aesthetic and the current style of the room in which the armchair will be situated.
Pick the style that best fits your aesthetic and that fits into the bathroom of your dreams.
There are a million choices out there, and shopping can be dizzying, so it's best to have an ideal aesthetic in your head.
You typically use the saucer for aesthetic reasons, but there is no dire need for it.
If you are looking for luxury cat carriers that won't require a second home mortgage to purchase, then Pet Flys has many items that will fulfill your aesthetic desires and your cat's comfort needs.
However, aesthetic concerns associated with larger shingles quickly caused solar shingles to gain popularity for other uses.
One aspect of the research involves its aesthetic issues.
Plain white linens reinforce a sparse, modern aesthetic.
However, some homeowners embrace these challenges, relishing the unique aesthetic that log homes offer.
To create a contemporary bathroom design you must be sure the entire aesthetic of the bathroom follows a modern concept.
The basin needs to have a streamlined aesthetic and it should help in pulling the total look together.
He is required not only to have the aesthetic sense of a decorator, but should also be formally trained to create construction documents and interpret building codes.
Accomplish this by performing aesthetic reduction, minimizing the amount of accessories and reducing their ornamentation.
If that's the case, take some time to consider which wall stencil is right for you based on some other aspects than the pure aesthetic of what a given stencil will look like in the room where you envision it.
The Twains' house is a Victorian Gothic design and considered the best example of the American Aesthetic Movement.
French country kitchens create a feeling of nostalgia and romance from their wonderful aesthetic appeal.
Likewise, if the home is classic and traditional, the bathroom should reflect that aesthetic.
The interiors featured in Elle Décor run the gamut from traditional and classic to modern and contemporary, but the one thing they always have in common is a French aesthetic.
The surprise element is also crucial to Brown's design aesthetic.
In addition to the aesthetic details, it's always important to keep an eye on the construction of a dressy piece - and modern selections do not disappoint.
The aesthetic of the Hotel Vitale is clean, soft, modern, and natural.
Consider the aesthetic impact the power cord will make on the décor of your room when choosing a location, taking select a place where the cord will not be unsightly.
Modern models are available in a wide array of colors and styles, easily conformable to any kitchen design aesthetic.
Combining function, femininity and an edgy style, Chloé handbags are coveted for their uptown aesthetic, sumptuous materials, and luxe detailing.
No matter the style, Chloé handbags take on a quirky, cool, feminine aesthetic.
Suede is more rustic and does not provide the same aesthetic advantage.
Opposing signs can easily experience a strong attraction to one another based on factors such as aesthetic appreciation, lust, envy, or awe.
For this reason, the domestic nature of Cancer fits well with the stable and aesthetic nature of a Taurus.
Both signs avoid confrontations like the plague, and both have a deep sense of aesthetic beauty.
With Avatar being lauded by many for the stunning visual impact the film creates with lush world's and lifelike humanoids, the 3D aesthetic of the film benefited from the technology advancements it necessitated.
For the most part, little girls will not need shoes specifically for both running and basketball, and you'll be merely looking through sneakers designed for aesthetic purposes.
Occupations such as a dancer or a clown require shoes that meet both the physical demands of the job as well as the aesthetic demands.
Fortunately designers and manufacturers are aware that adults appreciate lingerie for its aesthetic appeal and functionality, and provide a wide array of garments in both categories.
These popular types of lingerie are for both body shaping and aesthetic purposes, either as toppers over shapewear or by themselves.
Eric Bowley and Andrew de Torres of Seattle, WA, are relative newcomers to the music scene, having formed The Scene Aesthetic in January, 2005.
The Scene Aesthetic classifies their music as "Acoutic/Indie/Pop" - and, well, I couldn't have said it any better myself.
That's not to say The Scene Aesthetic is nothing special, though.
The Scene Aesthetic doesn't always get it right - "So Peter, You've Become a Pirate" is a little earnest sounding (though it gets bonus points for having a really good title) - and it's not the only moment that goes that way.
But The Scene Aesthetic has more than enough promise in them to make up for these blips.
May I humbly suggest they add a little Red House Painters/Mark Kozelek to their diet, and The Scene Aesthetic, well, they're going to be just fine.
The band's sound has often dubbed "pop punk" and the overall image of the group fits a slightly punk and goth aesthetic.
However, the word grunge also represented the overall aesthetic of the bands, from their appearance to concert venues.
The album's simple aesthetic in packaging as well as the conceptual, philosophical sound led the album to be an immediate success.
However, the program's simple aesthetic, playlist support and ease of use quickly scored fans.
The clothing was judged on how well it met the theme or guidelines for the challenge and how well it fit with the overall aesthetic and identity of the clothing line the contestant hoped to launch.
Kara Saun had positioned herself rather strongly in the competition, won numerous challenges and had the right aesthetic that the judges just loved.
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) maintains a list of board-certified plastic surgeons who specialize in plastic surgery.
Used effectively an animated background can create an interesting and appealing aesthetic.
A subject so vast and so incapable of classification cannot be discussed here, but its aesthetic principles may be illustrated by the extreme case of the trumpets and horns, which in classical times had no scale except that of the natural harmonic series.
The Hirado blue, therefore, belongs to a special aesthetic category.
The aesthetic arts of the American aborigines cannot be studied apart from their languages, industries, social organizations, lore Fine art.
Only it could not describe the nature of this highest good; and therefore it had to abandon itself to imagination and aesthetic impressions.
And to one so precocious, stimulated by a parent of much culture, ample means and great ambition, this resulted in an almost unexampled aesthetic education.
And further, we must always remember that entertainment and aesthetic effect were at most subsidiary objects.
Reference has been made above to the effect upon the rise of the later psychological logic produced by Herbart's psychology of apperception, when disengaged from the background of his metaphysic taken in conjunction with his treatment in his practical philosophy of the judgment of value or what he calls the aesthetic judgment.
We have a right to connect this later period with the Renaissance, because the diststcted state of the Netherlands during the 16th century suspended, while it could not extinguish, their aesthetic development.
But his career at Oxford, brilliant intellectually as he showed himself to be, was chiefly signalized by the part he played in what came to be known as the aesthetic movement.
The higher life of aesthetic and ethical activity - the beautiful and the good - can only be based upon an intuition which penetrates the heart of reality.
The creation of the Academy led to a great production of aesthetic and philosophical writing.
The aesthetic critic and poet, Carl Rupert Nyblom (1832-1907), continued the studies, translations and original pieces which had created him a reputation as one of the most accomplished general writers of Sweden.
From Schelling, whom he praised as having developed Kant where Fichte failed to do so, he borrowed much and often, not only in the metaphysical sections of the Biographia but in his aesthetic lectures, and further in the cosmic speculations of the posthumous Theory of Life.
It not only sobered the humanist tendency to sacrifice truth for aesthetic effect, it called for the documents of the Church and subjected them to the most hostile criticism.
The historic castles, the sites of ancient battles, and the innumerable mansions of the wealthy, combine to give to central England a certain aesthetic interest which the more purely manufacturing districts of the west and north fail to inspire.
Apart from the aesthetic considerations to which has been due the construction of spires, towers, domes, high roofs, &c., the form and height of buildings have always been largely controlled by a practical consideration of their value for personal use or rental.
It acquires its first importance in the theories of Heraclitus (6th century B.C.), who, trying to account for the aesthetic order of the visible universe, broke away to some extent from the purely physical conceptions of his predecessors and discerned at work in the cosmic process a Aoyos analogous to the reasoning power in man.
It attracted the attention of the rising aesthetic school in Germany.
In England the Inquiry had considerable vogue, but it has left no permanent trace in the development of aesthetic thought.
Even philosophies such as logic and aesthetic would be necessary for such an investigation, if thought and artistic production are normal.
Hence the paramount importance of education and discipline for civic virtue; and even for future philosophers such moral culture, in which physical and aesthetic training must co-operate, is indispensable; no merely intellectual preparation will suffice.
Aesthetic, moral and religious feelings are respectively produced by the reception into consciousness of large ideas - nature, mankind and the world; those feelings are the sense of being one with these vast objects.
This revolution in manners and customs, coinciding with the revolution in ideas, led in its turn to a transformation in feeling, and to new aesthetic needs.
In the first place, the adaptation may be merely subjective, when the empirical condition for the exercise of judgment is furnished by the feeling of pleasure or pain; such adaptation is aesthetic. In the second place, the adaptation may be objective or logical, when empirical facts are given of such a kind that their possibility can be conceived only through the notion of the end realized in them; such adaptation is teleological, and the empirical facts in question are organisms.
Aesthetic involvement in the exhibit promotes Indian values, arts and esthetic sensibilities.
Guaranteed funding by license fee at the BBC meant that selection of "product" was done for primarily aesthetic reasons.
The game of mahjong is easier to play than it first appears and is also highly aesthetic.
There are aesthetic factors to bear in mind and your diamond wedding ring holds also a deeper significance.
Not only are there aesthetic factors to bear in mind, but your diamond wedding ring will hold a deeper significance to you.
In accordance with this scheme Pericles sought to educate the whole community to political wisdom by giving to all an active share in the government, and to train their aesthetic tastes by making accessible the best drama and music. It was most unfortunate that the Peloponnesian War ruined this great project by diverting the large supplies of money which were essential to it, and confronting the remodelled Athenian democracy, before it could dispense with his tutelage, with a series of intricate questions of foreign policy which, in view of its inexperience, it could hardly have been expected to grapple with successfully.
If we try to bring the contents of theism under Kant's three traditional arguments, then moral and aesthetic considerations - the " values " - fall under the Design argument or the study of teleology; albeit there is a great gap between Paley's supernatural watchmaker and any moral argument or appeal to the beautiful.
Though this factor may be responsible for much, or even the greater part, of primitive " jewelry," yet it does not seem likely that it is the cause of all forms of ornament; much must be attributed to the desire to satisfy an innate aesthetic sense, which is seen in children VII.
A vivid new light is shed by him upon certain problems, such for instance as those of the imagination or intuition, the source of Art and the theme of the Aesthetic, upon pure will, the source of Economic of Rights and of Politics, treated by Economic. The more precise determination and configuration of the categories and their mode of acting, by means of which is negated and solved the concept of an external reality and of nature placed outside the spirit and opposed to it, led Croce to an absolute spiritualism, widely different from the pan-logicism of Hegel and his school, which only seemed to solve the dualism of spirit and nature and really opened the door to the notion of a transcendental God, as became clear in the development of Hegel's theory at the hands of the right wing of his school.
Croce has elaborated the various philosophic sciences in treating of the various theories to which they give rise, and he has completed the doctrines with their history, either, as in the case of the Aesthetic, with a masterly historical survey of previous speculation on the subject, or in a more modest form in appendices.
It is only possible to allude briefly here to the different conclusions that he has attained in treating the various problems, as for example in Aesthetic, the unity of art and language, of intuition and expression, the negation of particular arts, the refutation of literary and artistic classes, the criticism of rhetoric, of grammar and so forth; and in the Philosophy of the Practical or of Practice, the conciliation of the antitheses of utilitarianism and moralism, the critique of precepts, of laws and of casuistry, the new conception of judgments of value, the constitution of a philosophic economy side by side with the science of Economy, the resolution of the Philosophy of rights in the Philosophy of economic, and so forth.
He also translated and published the complete Philosophy of the Spirit in four volumes (the Aesthetic, the Logic, the Practical, with Macmillan; the Theory and History of Historiography, with Harrap).
Meredith, the What is living and what is dead of the Philosophy of Hegel (Macmillan), and the Breviary of Aesthetic (Rice Institute, Texas), the volume Shakespeare, Ariosto and Corneille (Henry Holt & Co., New York), and the Poetry of Dante by Douglas Ainslie.
Munch; Den norske Tilskuer (1817-1821), a miscellany brought out at Bergen; Hermoder (1821-1827), a weekly aesthetic journal; Iduna, (1822-1823), of the same kind but of less value; Vidar (1832-1834), a weekly scientific and literary review; Nor (1840-1846), of the same type; Norsk Tidsskrift for Videnskab og Litteratur (1847-1855); Illustreret Nyhedsblad (1851-1866), " Illustrated News "; Norsk Maanedsskrift (1856-1860), " Monthly Review for Norway," devoted to history and philology; and Norden (1866), a literary and scientific review.
Nothing heroic or romantic was within Defoe's view; he could not understand passionate love, ideal loyalty, aesthetic admiration or anything of the kind; and it is probable that many of the little sordid touches which delight us by their apparent satire were, as designed, not satire at all, but merely a faithful representation of the feelings and ideas of the classes of which he himself was a unit.
Not so easily to be classed, but among the most individual and beautiful of his pictures, are a few of which the motive was purely aesthetic. Amongst these may specially be noted "The Summer Moon," two Greek girls sleeping on a marble bench, and "The Music Lesson," in which a lovely little girl is seated on her lovely young mother's lap learning to play the lute.
Mackail's short History of Latin Literature is full of excellent literary and aesthetic criticisms on the writers.
These "conversations," as he called them, were more or less informal talks on a great range of topics, spiritual, aesthetic and practical, in which he emphasized the ideas of the school of American Transcendentalists led by Emerson, who was always his supporter and discreet admirer.
So in Byron and Heine, and, in a sense, in Walter Pater (Marius the Epicurean), there is the same tendency to seek relief from the intellectual cul-de-sac in frankly aesthetic satisfaction.
On the other hand Lowth's Lectures on Hebrew Poetry, and the same author's Commentary on Isaiah (1778), show the beginnings of a tendency to look mainly at the aesthetic aspects of the prophetical books, and to view the prophets as enlightened religious poets.
It is to this day the nursery of that whole type of devotion which affects renunciation of the world, which strives after an ideal, without the strength to rise above aesthetic impressions, and is never able to form a clear conception of the object of its own aspiration.
The moral of his teaching - that all living art requires truth, nature, purity, earnestness - has now become the axiom of all aesthetic work or judgment.
Here Schiller applied his aesthetic theories to that branch of art which was most peculiarly his own, the art of poetry; it is an attempt to classify literature in accordance with an a priori philosophic theory of "ancient" and "modern," "classic" and "romantic," "naive" and "sentimental"; and it sprang from the need Schiller himself felt of justifying his own "sentimental" and "modern" genius with the "naive" and "classic" tranquillity of Goethe's.
The work was done too soon and too fast, the colours began to fade at once, and are now barely decipherable; but the broken designs, so long as any vestige remains, will always be interesting as a relic of an important aesthetic movement and as the first attempt on Morris's part towards decorative art (see Rossetti).
He was an early champion of Richard Wagner and of Henrik Ibsen, and indicated his aesthetic point of view in the pamphlets, The Quintessence of Ibsenism (1891) and The Perfect Wagnerite (1898).
Both Schelling and Hegel stand in a relation to art, but while the aesthetic model of Schelling was found in the contemporary world, where art was a special sphere and the artist a separate profession in no intimate connexion with the age and nation, the model of Hegel was found rather in those works of national xui.
The " objective mind " is the topic of the Rechts-Philosophie, and of the lectures on the Philosophy of History; while on the " absolute mind " we have the lectures on Aesthetic, on the Philosophy of Religion and on the History of Philosophy - in short, more than one-third of his works.
The lectures on the Philosophy of Art stray largely into the next sphere and dwell with zest on the close connexion of art and religion; and the discussion of the decadence and rise of religions, of the aesthetic qualities of Christian legend, of the age of chivalry, &c., make the A sthetik a book of varied interest.
At the same time it cannot be denied that the "aesthetic" movement, in the aspect fundamentally represented by the school of William Morris and Rossetti, had a permanent influence on English decorative art.
One is that they are obviously attached to the house and can spoil the aesthetic lines.
The colors were soft and understated, and they had an earthy kind of aesthetic that worked well for people who were into understated fashion statements.
The only viable solution is to move wind farms farther from shores to reduce their aesthetic impact.
These recommendations make research on land use and aesthetic issues more important as more communities embrace the positive environmental effects of wind energy.
Offshore sites offer ways to mitigate the aesthetic concerns.
Architects study the relationships between color, texture, lighting and all the aesthetic details a interior designer must understand.
However, keep in mind that the interior architect's specialty is to balance the aesthetic and scientific/mathematical aspects of room design, as well as oversee the internal reconstruction process.
Modern utilitarian bathrooms used a stripped down aesthetic to create a united appearance.
There are advantages beyond aesthetic beauty in this style of home.
This can be carried over into the family room or den for a décor that serves not just as an aesthetic addition to your interior design, but also in the creation of a décor that gives a sense of a retreat for your family.
They specialize in gorgeously painted pottery and ceramics - just the kind of pieces that can really pull your design aesthetic together.
In addition to all of the aesthetic choices, there is also the type of material to consider.
Printed babydoll tops tend to detract from the babydoll aesthetic itself, so they are great options for women who aren't sure they can pull off these flowing shirts to begin with.
Wielding a high-profile accessory improperly can destroy the product's aesthetic integrity.
Some are quite basic and understated, providing all of the benefits without any aesthetic hoopla.
Sure, it may enjoy a minute or two in the spotlight as you pull it out and fish around for a card or some bills, but the likelihood that it's appreciated for its aesthetic beauty is rather slim.
Often, certain types of leather will adopt an attractive weathered look that only serves to improve its aesthetic appearance.
It was founded in 1856 by Thomas Burberry, a young man whose design aspirations went far beyond the aesthetic and well into the realm of functionality and purpose.
A shoe can be the prettiest thing in the world, but if it doesn't perform its best and provide the wearer with the support and comfort he needs, its aesthetic appeal means nothing.
This aesthetic attraction to piercings may have roots in popular culture, but differs in that popular opinion will not affect the person's decision on where and how to be pierced.
An ideal Santos Dumont men's wristwatch by Cartier, covered in18k Rose Gold case reflects sheer aesthetic exterior.
This Tag Heuer Carrera men's watch, Devine in function, aesthetic in style, can be found at all the Tag heuer outlets.
This watch piece stems in perfect aesthetic and technical qualities, relaxed elegance and innovative styles.
Breitling cases are distinguished by their "technical complexity, high-end aesthetic appeal, and the quality of their finish."
From funky shapes to contemporary design, Zenith continues to merge precision engineering with the latest aesthetic trends.
In addition to groundbreaking technological contributions to watch making, Tissot Swiss timepieces convey an opulent style sense with a range of unparalleled aesthetic appeal.
As far as the aesthetic, my vision was to make the most of what Apple created.
You can then download the design, and customize it further to fit your aesthetic and your needs.
Like a glass shower door or sliding glass door, glass fireplace doors are beautiful for their aesthetic value, but can be very difficult to clean once covered with smoke and soot.
It has aesthetic appeal but can be tough to put together.
On a side note, the use of a male example is no coincidence, as most women choose to stop just short of getting actually ripped for aesthetic reasons.
Not only are these exercises great for keeping your abdominal muscles strong in order to stave off future back problems, but the aesthetic appeal of tight lower abs is undeniable.
Cotton lined satin nightgowns, or brushed back satin nightgowns, offer you extra warmth without sacrificing the aesthetic appeal of a flowing gown.
The intention was probably to make them look more expensive, but instead, the beading and straps took them down a notch in aesthetic value.
The choice to include classic and designer styles seemed obvious, and as long as an item has a fun or glamorous aesthetic, it fits the shop.
This is another reason--aside from the obvious aesthetic benefits--that they're popular among those who are on their feet a lot.
Japanese companies took the cue and made designs that suited the specific body types and aesthetic tastes of Japanese women.
The moral of his teaching – that all living art requires truth, nature, purity, earnestness – has now become the axiom of all aesthetic work or judgment.
The city is growing in all directions, and a number of new quarters have sprung up where the houses are more sanitary than in the older parts, but unfortunately few of them evince much aesthetic feeling.
Although her apartment did not have a fireplace, Shelby built an imitation mantel to place on the wall for aesthetic appeal.
Their business involves the marketing and distribution of clinical and aesthetic products to the dental industry.
Besides their aesthetic beauty, most cosmetics don't reveal much about themselves- at least not at first glance.
The colors were, of course, also perfectly in tune with the film's general aesthetic - rife with pink, feminine shades, they were practically made for women like me and Elle Woods.
Inspired by tattoos, Hardy's work boasts a vintage, rock 'n' roll aesthetic that appeals primarily to young age groups, but doesn't necessarily restrict itself to that.
Aesthetic reasons aside, using a lousy shot gives the impression that you either don't care much about your appearance, or you don't take the people reading your ad very seriously.
Sensuality is a subjective term, so how you approach the composition of your sensual photography will depend on your own artistic aesthetic and how you want to market your work.
Fine art female figure photography focuses on the aesthetic study of the female form through creative visual imagery.
The best way to start is by mastering the basics of general photography and camera operation, then moving on to the study of aesthetic theory accompanied by real world practice.
Sometimes, an object's aesthetic value will give it an irresistible quality, so be sure to find a shower curtain that delights the eyes.
Needless to say, floor pillows are quite versatile - as decorative or simple as they are, they have other advantages that extend far beyond their aesthetic appeal.
In addition to its aesthetic appearance, take into consideration the comforter thread count and weight.
We offer a comprehensive array of both surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures, ranging from facelifts, breast augmentations and tummy tucks to chemical peels, Botox and laser treatments.
After his aesthetic plastic surgery fellowship in California, Youn decided to move back to his home state of Michigan where he lives with his wife, child and dog.
The décor separates Regal Empress from many of the more modern ships, which have added a great deal of aesthetic components but lack the fine detailed elegance that the Regal Empress was born with.
The relation between nudism and eugenics was complex, and use of an aesthetic discourse is no simple marker of eugenic thought or of fascism.
The original connotations of these terms persist-nakedness tends to suggest a raw, natural state, while nudity suggests a state of undress refined by culture into an aesthetic state.
Within fine arts, this etymological nuance has been elaborated into a full-fledged aesthetic distinction between the naked and the nude, a distinction most famously articulated by Kenneth Clark.
Even though different groups may have a general style of penis sheath unique to them, there may be little standardization within the group, allowing the individual the opportunity for aesthetic expression.
It is a unique form of material culture that draws one in to an understanding of the physical, social, and aesthetic life of people.
Scholars hypothesize that tattooing was a permanent version of the desired aesthetic of body painting.
A more likely interpretation of this act of dressing has more to do with fulfilling a group aesthetic about standards of public appearance.
It is a unique form of material culture that draws one in to an understanding of the physical, social, and aesthetic life of women in some small-scale cultures.
Old fashioned kitchen gardens were famous for mixing such combinations together into pleasing patterns, and the reasons were practical as well as aesthetic.
Bathroom fixtures from this time reflect the aesthetic of the art deco movement that was in full bloom in the late 1920s and early 1930s.
These types of grants focus on safety and security issues rather than aesthetic ones.
The design determines how the earrings are stored as well as being part of the aesthetic appeal.
David Yurman Tahitian pearl and gold earrings bear the former sculptor's aesthetic and signature trademark of sterling silver and 18KT or 22KT gold designs.
Their luster and multi-tonal uniqueness are a natural aesthetic choice for Yurman's artistic jewelry creations.
Whether he's consistently polished, perennially preppy, all-out sporty, favors a rock-inspired aesthetic or something else entirely, chances are he can - and does - express himself perfectly through his attire.
Rather, every look-from the easy-fitting cowboy design to the baggy rap aesthetic, from the skinny jeans of emo and punk culture to the casual preppy style-can be replicated with designer blue jeans.
Taking a cue from the Gucci aesthetic and doing some creative searching can make the clothes as cool as the man inside.
Some features appeal to the aesthetic aspects of the garment, namely figure-flattering designs.
Fazio's aesthetic is to marry the course to its natural surroundings, respecting the land and well as providing original challenges to each golfer.
Aesthetic Dental Care of New Jersey is a great option for people who want to be fitted for a snoring mouthpiece like Pure Sleep or Snore Guard.
Although the contacts you are purchasing are for aesthetic purposes, it is still very important that they are approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
It's a great way to change your style and your aesthetic.
Their goal is to "give you the highest visual acuity while providing an aesthetic appeal."
Unfortunately, this visual safety element is often neglected in favor of physical aesthetic characteristics such as style and color.
Cloudiness or poor peripheral vision were common among these contact lenses, which served little more than an aesthetic purpose.
Contact lenses are a great and unique way to mix up your aesthetic.
Aside from the differences in technical specifications, as described below, a PS3 Slim comparison would not be complete without mentioning the obvious aesthetic differences.
While this game has received substantial aesthetic upgrades over the original, the core gameplay remains much the same.
Some who are interested in collectible books value them not so much for their literary significance and aesthetic appeal, but more so for their investment value.
For vintage pieces to retain value, they need to have a lasting, universal aesthetic appeal.
Sometimes antique Stanley tools are sought after for their aesthetic value.
Appearance, or the aesthetic appeal of the bottle is a minor factor in determining value because it is so subjective.
Cell phone skins are more for personalization and aesthetic purposes so that you can customize the look of your handset.
These Motorola flip cell phone covers are largely for protection purposes, but they can also serve aesthetic purposes as well.
While it may not be quite as substantial an aesthetic upgrade as you'll find when going from a Palm Centro to a Palm Pre, there is enough of the new stuff with the iPhone 3GS to make it a new iPhone.
The overall aesthetic was classy and svelte, just like the iPhone, but it also addressed some concerns that people had about the iPhone.
Sometimes the shoes are shaped differently, reflecting a male/female aesthetic, in order to show the roles of lead and follow.
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has a surgeon locator for the public to use.
Because the majority of cream users are men, flower and fruit scents are far less common, though shaving gels typically have a wider range of aesthetic choices.
He finished his plastic surgery residency at the Medical College of Ohio and spent an additional year specializing in a fellowship for aesthetic surgery in Phoenix, Arizona.
Clearly designed with some sort of function in mind, the shoe still manages to pay close attention to its aesthetic.
The two most important muscles of male abs for aesthetic purposes are the rectus abdominis, i.e., the classic "six-pack", and the obliques, which wrap around the sides of the waist.
The key to finding the perfect mature bras for your body are to look for ones that offer maximum support without sacrificing the aesthetic appeal you're after.
This eye on the future with a foot in the past aesthetic instantly gave the band a depth and a sincerity that was sorely missing from rock and roll at the time.
Deck railings are often chosen on the basis of material and aesthetic value.
The choice is, for the most part, an aesthetic preference.
He is an active member of the Aesthetic Society of Plastic Surgeons, the California Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American College of Surgeons, and the American Society of Plastic Surgery.
Dr. Short is a board-certified plastic surgeon and completed two fellowships in aesthetic surgery, allowing her to fully understand clients' cosmetic surgery needs.
If you don't already have a dentist, the San Francisco Dental Society provides a listing of member dentists who specialize in prosthodontics, the specialty of implant, aesthetic and reconstructive dentistry.
George and Leo Whitney remodeled the restaurant to fit with the aesthetic of the "Playland."
Maybe you'll simply appreciate these beautiful bikini pictures for their aesthetic glamour.
Vitamin A is based in Laguna Beach California and is quickly defining what is considered the West Coast aesthetic.
These reasons, as well as the aesthetic reasons, are why women should always get professionally fitted for the proper bra.
If you want to add a countrified, prairie aesthetic to a room, look for something like a stagecoach wheel mirror with a distressed wood or log-style frame.
For aesthetic reasons, it makes sense that the kitchen island countertop should mirror the type of countertop your kitchen already has.
The collected literary works of Wagner in German fill ten volumes, and include political speeches, sketches for dramas that did not become operas, autobiographical chapters, aesthetic musical treatises and polemics of vitriolic violence.
We've covered the reasons it's so special, but the aesthetic qualities that make a dress perfect are important to understand, particularly if you're in the market for one yourself.
So also he has drawn a close parallel between the moral and the aesthetic criteria.
He conducted experiments to show that certain abstract forms and proportions are naturally pleasing to our senses, and gave some new illustrations of the working of aesthetic association.
To the average man there is a distinction between clothing and ornament, the first being regarded as that covering which satisfies the claims of modesty, the second as those appendages which satisfy the aesthetic sense.