Aegis Sentence Examples
According to this later tradition Yahweh was unknown till the days of Moses, and under the aegis of His power the Hebrew tribes were delivered from Egyptian thraldom.
She bears the aegis, the awful shield of Zeus.
Compacts with a powerful foreign state, under whose aegis Israel was glad to shelter, involved covenants sealed by sacrificial rites in which the deity or deities of the foreign state were involved as well as Yahweh, the god of the weaker.
The county of Tripoli, the second of these principalities, had also come under the aegis of Jerusalem at an early date.
Just at this time was formed under the aegis of Cardinal Richelieu the " Company of New France," known popularly as " The Company of One Hundred Associates."
Moreover, by the famous Article 13, which enacted that there were to be assemblies of estates in all the countries of the Bund, the constitutional liberties of the German people seemed to be placed under its aegis.
In 1783, when the strength of the Persian monarchy was concentrated upon Isfahan and Shiraz, the Georgian tsar Heraclius entered into an agreement with the empress Catherine by which all connection with the shah was disavowed, and a quasi-vassalage to Russia substitutedthe said empire extending her aegis of protection over her new ally.
In Homer he frequently appears on the field, like Ares and Athene, bearing the aegis to frighten the foe.
The most famous statue of him is the Apollo Belvidere in the Vatican (found at Frascati, 1455), an imitation belonging to the early imperial period of a bronze statue representing him, with aegis in his left hand, driving back the Gauls from his temple at Delphi (27 9 B.C.), or, according to another view, fighting with the Pythian dragon.
The Attic tradition, reproduced in Euripides (Ion 1002), regarded the Gorgon as a monster, produced by Gaea to aid her sons the giants against the gods and slain by Athena (the passage is a locus classicus on the aegis of Athena).
AdvertisementA lively trade had grown up between Great Britain and the revolted colonies; but since this commerce, under the colonial laws of Spain, was technically illegitimate, it was at the mercy of the pirates, who preyed upon it under the aegis of the Spanish flag, without there being any possibility of claiming redress from the Spanish government.
At sea, SM-3 missiles would be launched from Aegis destroyers, to intercept incoming ballistic missiles.
The current plan is to deploy three Aegis surface combatants with ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems on board.
The first meeting will take place in Greece next year UNder the aegis of the UN secretary-general Kofi Annan.
Her hieratic and most general form was still lioness-headed, but a popular form, especially in bronze, was a cat-headed women, often holding in her right hand a lion aegis, i.e.
AdvertisementThe knight who joined the Crusades might thus still indulge the bellicose side of his genius - under the aegis and at the bidding of the Church; and in so doing he would also attain what the spiritual side of his nature ardently sought - a perfect salvation and remission of sins.
The usual attributes of Athena were the helmet, the aegis, the round shield with the head of Medusa in the centre, the lance, an olive branch, the owl, the cock and the snake.
She was represented standing, in a long tunic; on her head was a helmet, ornamented with sphinxes and griffins; on her breast was the aegis, fringed with serpents and the Gorgon's head in centre.
Doubtless the framer of Jude r would have preferred the aegis of " James the Lord's brother," if this, like that of Paul, had not been already appropriated.
Three Aegis cruisers appear before their eyes, while their computers still show only a small watercraft.
AdvertisementThe first meeting will take place in Greece next year under the aegis of the UN secretary-general Kofi Annan.
The aegis of religion, therefore, cannot be employed to cover with its authority any speculative doctrine; nor, on the other hand, can any speculative or scientific investigation be regarded as putting religion in jeopardy.
Aegis shareholders voted today not to allow Mr Bollore, Havas chairman, to appoint two stooges onto Aegis board.