Advised Sentence Examples
The doctor advised him to apply direct to Kutuzov.
His friends advised him to return to England, but it was too late.
Everyone volunteered to go and everybody advised making the attempt.
She has oftenest advised and helped me in my progress through college.
She called Katie and advised her of the situation.
Don't try, just accept, Evelyn advised.
The pangs began again and Mary Bogdanovna advised Prince Andrew to leave the room.
In April, upon the king's declaration that he was resolved to send for James from Scotland, Shaftesbury advised the popular leaders at once to leave the council, and they followed his advice.
Some of Ivan's advisers, including both Sylvester and Adashev, now advised him to make an end of the Crimean khanate, as he had already made an end of the khanates of Kazan and Astrakhan.
He was one of the king's secret managers during the troublesome and dangerous riksdag of 1789, but advised caution and compared the estate of clergy, which at one time held the balance between the jarring orders, to ice which might be walked upon but could not be driven over.
AdvertisementCount di Robilant, anxious that Italy should not seem to beg a smile from the central Powers, advised Mancini to receive with caution the suggestions of the Austrian press.
Burghley wished to conciliate the moderate Puritans and advised Grindal to mitigate the severity which had characterized Parker's treatment of the nonconformists.
Young advised them to call their state Vermont, and he also sent through them a circular letter, dated the nth of April 1777, urging the people to adopt a state constitution on the Pennsylvania model.
Although Cairoli, upon learning of the Anglo-Ottoman convention in regard to Cyprus, had advised Count Corti of the possibility that Great Britain might seek to placate France by conniving at a French occupation of Tunisia, neither he nor Count Corti had any inkling of the verbal arrangement made between.
Io seq.) bears the same name as the one who advised Rehoboam to acquiesce in the disruption (1 Kings xii.
AdvertisementThough Jason had fled, it was necessary to storm the city; the drastic measures which Menelaus advised seem to indicate that the poorer classes had been roused to defend the Temple from further sacrilege.
On his deathbed it is said that Alexander advised his wife to reverse this policy and rely upon the Pharisees.
Joseph Bonaparte was now advised to take the throne of Naples, and without any undue haggling as to terms, for "those who will not rise with me shall no longer be of my family.
But just as he ernbarked that commission concluded the desired treaty of alliance, and soon after his arrival he advised that the number of commissioners be reduced to one.
They found all the world against them, and Wesley advised them to strengthen one another and talk together as often as they could.
AdvertisementIn temporal matters the sultan is a constitutional monarch, advised by a cabinet formed of executive ministers who are the heads of the various departments of state, and who are responsible to the elected Turkish parliament.
He advised his fellow-townsmen to send Helen back to her husband, and showed himself not unfriendly to the Greeks and an advocate of peace.
The story that at Bactra in 327 B.C. in a public speech he advised all to worship Alexander as a god even during his lifetime, is with greater probability attributed to the Sicilian Cleon.
In 1509 he went with Cardinal Christopher Bainbridge, archbishop of York, to Rome, where he won the esteem of Pope Leo X., who advised Henry VIII.
Eventually Sir Archibald Hunter, then chief of staff to Sir Redvers Buller, was consulted, and stated that in his opinion, Glencoe being already occupied, " it was a case of balancing drawbacks, and advised that, under the circumstances, the troops be retained at Glencoe."
AdvertisementAt other times she praised Julie to him and advised him to go to Moscow during the holidays to amuse himself.
It is advised to give them plenty of time to get them done.
Leslie Stephen advised Thomas Hardy, then an aspiring contributor to the Cornhill, to read George Sand, whose country stories seemed to him perfect.
He is assisted and advised by the superior council of public instruction, over which he presides.
Government, eec. - The colony is administered by a governor who is advised by a nominated council of unofficial members.
Perceiving the advantage of a visit to the imperial and apostolic court after the Italian occupation of Rome and the suppression of the religious orders, and convinced of the value of more cordial intercourse with the German empire, Visconti-Venosta and Minghetti advised their sovereign to accept both the Austrian and the subsequent German invitations.
Even Davout, minister of war, advised him that the destinies of France rested solely with the chambers.
He advised that the truce with Sweden should be prolonged and Charles II.
For about a century and a half before that time, levee building had been undertaken in a more or less spasmodic and tentative way, first by riparian proprietors, then by local combinations of public and private interests, and finally by the state, acting through levee districts, advised by a Board of Engineers.
The king is advised by a council of five ministers, the superior members of the class of mandarins; and the kingdom is divided into about fifty provinces administered by members of that body.
His vision of the ideal state was that of a patriarchial monarchy, surrounded and advised by the traditional estates of the realm - nobles, peasants, burghers - and cemented by the bonds of evangelical religion; but in which there should be no question of the sovereign power being vested in any other hands than those of the king by divine right.
After a period of wavering Mr Kossuth had consented to shelve for the time the question of the separate bank, and on the strength of this Dr Wekerle advised the crown to entrust to him the formation of a government.
It was he who suggested that Neoptolemus and Philoctetes should be fetched from Scyros and Lemnos to Troy, and he was one of those who advised the construction of the wooden horse.
He then journeyed to Wittenberg, where he was advised by Martin Luther to cast aside the senseless rules of his order, to marry, and to convert Prussia into an hereditary duchy for himself.
Previously consumptive individuals were carefully excluded from contact with fresh air, and were advised to live in rooms almost hermetically sealed and kept at a high temperature.
This authority, it was advised, should consist of 40 members, of whom II should be nominated by the London County Council and 3 by the Corporation of the City (supposing these bodies to accept certain financial responsibilities proposed in the direction of river improvements), 5 by the governors of the Bank of England from the mercantile community, 2 by the London Chamber of Commerce, and I each by the Admiralty, Board of Trade and Trinity House.
His father advised him to revise his philological and philosophical studies, and read over Calvin's Institutions, before finally determining.
The eminent theologian, Jean Daille, being then removed to Paris, advised the church at Saumur to secure Amyraut as his successor, praising him "as above himself."
In the Autobiography of Jahangir it is stated that the guru was imprisoned in the fortress of Gwalior, with a view to the realization of the fine imposed on his father Guru Arjan, but the Sikhs believe that the guru became a voluntary inmate of the fortress with the object of obtaining seclusion there to pray for the emperor who had been advised to that effect by his Hindu astrologers.
He was well versed in state affairs and loyal to those who advised and served him, personally brave, humane and kindly when not maddened by passion, active and energetic, and always a man of his word.
Syria alone remained loyal to the house of Omayya, and Othman had been advised to take refuge there, but had refused.
It contains also the highest judicial, financial, military and administrative official authorities of Austria, and is the see of a Roman Catholic archbishop. Vienna enjoys autonomy for communal affairs, but is under the control of the governor and the Diet of Lower Austria, while the election of the chief burgomaster requires the sanction of the sovereign, advised by the prime minister.
He was always a poor man, and Socrates advised him "to borrow from himself, by diminishing his expenditure."
In 1556 he wrote his famous Consultatio theologica, in which he advised the king to resist the temporal encroachments of the papacy and, as absolute monarch, to defend his rights by bringing about a radical change in the administration of ecclesiastical revenues, thus making Spain less dependent on Rome.
He advised that Fig.
The Chairman advised that the Parish Council was accountable for any monies expended on any project.
In this letter Prince Andrew pointed out to his father the danger of staying at Bald Hills, so near the theater of war and on the army's direct line of march, and advised him to move to Moscow.
After the war he denounced the Reconstruction policy of the Republicans as unconstitutional and tyrannical, but in 1870, seeing the uselessness of further opposition, he advised his party to accept the situation and adopt new issues.
Gladstone found that purchase existed only by royal sanction, and advised the queen to issue a royal warrant cancelling, on and after the 1st of November following, all regulations authorizing the purchase of commissions.
Gladstone immediately advised the queen to dissolve parliament.
But the Union troops steadily advanced, growing in strength as they went, and a few days after Lee's surrender at Appomattox Johnston advised President Davis that it was in his opinion wrong and useless to continue the conflict, and he was authorized to make terms with Sherman.
It is said that he advised the chaplain of Henry III.
It arose from the fact that as early as May 1887 the German physicians recognized the presence of cancer in the throat, but Sir Morell Mackenzie, the English specialist who was also consulted, disputed the correctness of this diagnosis, and advised that the operation for removal of the larynx, which they had recommended, should not be undertaken.
If any person who has been educated in or has professed the Christian religion shall, by writing, printing, teaching, or advised speaking, assert or maintain that there are more Gods than one, or shall deny any of the persons of the Holy Trinity to be God, or shall deny the Christian religion to be true or the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be of divine authority, he shall for the first offence be declared incapable of holding any ecclesiastical, civil, or military office or employment, and for the second incapable of bringing any action, or of being guardian, executor, legatee, or grantee, and shall suffer three years' imprisonment without bail.
In March 1714 Herville, the French envoy in London, sent to Torcy, the French foreign minister in Paris, the substance of two long conversations with Bolingbroke in which the latter advised patience till after the accession of George, when a great reaction was to be expected in favour of the Pretender.
Beauregard advised Johnston to give up the enterprise, but on account of the bad effect a retreat would have on his raw troops Johnston resolved to continue his advance.
He feebly asked Austria if he might maintain the constitution, and the Austrian premier, Prince Schwarzenberg, advised him to consult the pope, the king of Naples and the dukes of Parma and Modena.
As James Otis's vigour and influence declined, Adams took a more and more prominent place in the revolutionary councils; and, contrary to the opinion of Otis and Benjamin Franklin, he declared that colonial representation in parliament was out of the question and advised against any form of compromise.
Conde now advised a cavalry raid on Amsterdam, but Louis, acting on the suggestion of the war minister Louvois, preferred to reduce Nijmwegen, Gorinchem and other places, before entering Utrecht province.
He afterwards won the esteem of Conrad to such an extent that in 918 the king advised the nobles to make the Saxon duke his successor.
But the experiment was not altogether successful, and Temple himself advised its abandonment in 1855.
Bessel, having been consulted by the celebrated statesman, Sir Robert Peel, on behalf of the Radcliffe trustees, as to what instrument, added to the Radcliffe Observatory, would probably most promote the advancement of astronomy, strongly advised the selection of a heliometer.
Its germ is to be found in the temporary camp on Chobham Ridges, formed in 1853 by Lord Hardinge, the commander-in-chief, the success of which convinced him of the necessity of giving troops practical instruction in the field and affording the generals opportunities of manoeuvring large bodies of the three arms. He therefore advised the purchase of a tract of waste land whereon a permanent camp might be established.
When consul (49) he advised the rejection of all peace terms offered by Caesar, and declared that, if the senate did not at once decide upon opposing him by force of arms, he would act upon his own responsibility.
The lieutenant-governor is aided by an executive and a legislative council, and advised by a native regulation board.
There Talleyrand secretly advised that potentate not to join Napoleon in putting pressure on Austria in the way desired by the French emperor; but it is well known that Alexander was of that opinion before Talleyrand tendered the advice.
Brutus had been applauded in red-heeled shoes and culottes jarretees; but Talma, advised by David, appeared in toga and sandals before an enthusiastic audience.
He urged upon the administration the bold policy of protesting against the sailing of Cervera's fleet, on the ground that it would be regarded as a warlike measure not against the Cuban revolutionaries, who had no navy, but against the United States; and he advised that, if Cervera sailed, an American squadron be sent to meet him and to prevent his approach to America.
The duke of Wellington was first sent for, but he advised that the task of forming an administration should be entrusted to Sir Robert Peel.
Ably advised by his private secretary, George Ans.
In 1788 the notables had met, and advised the assembling of the states-general.
He was, however, a desultory student, and in 1870 was advised to go to the little village of Martinhoe, in Devon, for quiet reading, but distinguished himself more by his daring climbs after seagulls' eggs and his engineering skill in cutting a pathway along precipitous cliffs to some caves.
The audiencia councils also advised the viceroy in matters of administration; and, as with other officials, his career was subject at its close to a formal examination by a commission - a process known as " taking his residencia."
Palaeologus, had been advised by his experienced father to avoid all serious negotiations, as they had invariably resulted in increased bitterness; but John, in view of the rapid dismemberment of his empire by the Turks, felt constrained to seek a union.
One of them seeing Bias without anything, advised him to follow the example of the rest.
In New York the council of appointment advised the governor only in regard to appointing officers; and in Georgia there was no executive council after 1789.
The only drawback to these good qualities is a certain liability to warp and bend, unless very carefully seasoned; for this purpose it is recommended to be left floating in water for a year after felling, and then allowed some months to dry slowly and completely before sawing up the logs; barking the trunk in winter while the tree is standing, and leaving it in that state till the next year, has been often advised with the larch as with other timber, but the practical inconveniences of the plan have prevented its adoption on any large scale.
To those who began to despair of success, and advised him to conclude peace on almost any terms so as to avoid greater disasters, he turned a deaf ear, and brought the campaign to a successful conclusion; but when his more headstrong advisers urged him to insist on terms which would probably have produced a conflict with Great Britain and Austria, he resolved, after some hesitation, to make the requisite concessions.
This project, however, was resisted by the second chamber of the Landtag, or parliament; and after several changes of government a new ministry advised the king in 1855 to appeal to the diet of the German Confederation.
Adam, received a sound classical education, and was well advised by his friend Dr Thomas Brown, the eminent metaphysician.
These diplomatic successes were probably due to Maio; on the other hand, the African dominions were lost to the Almohads (1156-1160), and it is possible that he advised their abandonment in face of the dangers threatening the kingdom down from the north.
Some recommended marriage, others enlistment as a soldier in the civil wars; one "ancient priest" bade him take tobacco and sing psalms; another of the same fraternity, "in high account," advised physic and blood-letting.
The story runs that Paulus advised Adelperga to read Eutropius.
He continued to hold this office when George Grenville became prime minister (April 1763), and advised the government on the question raised by Wilkes's North Briton.
He was first advised by Pere Lecointe to devote himself to ecclesiastical history, and laboriously studied Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen and Theodoret, but.
He advised and conducted the siege of Philipsburg, and while the siege was going on was killed by a cannon-shot on the 12th of June 1734.
In the north, spring planting of strawberries is generally advised for market conditions; although planting in early fall or late summer is successful when the ground is well prepared and when it does not suffer from drought.
Attend to raspberries and blackberries as advised for last month, if they have not already been attended to.
He lingered at Avignon; but the French, compelled to hard measures by the English, refused to be satisfied; and Pope Benedict XIV., alarmed by the threat of a bombardment of Civita Vecchia, advised the prince to withdraw.
Yet large as the terms were, the emperor would probably have been well advised to grant them; but Honorius was one of those timid and feeble folk who are equally unable to make war or peace, and refused to look beyond the question of his own personal safety, guaranteed as it was by the dikes and marshes of Ravenna.
When the question of the Spanish succession was being agitated he advised Charles II.
He advised his colleagues to leave Paris and conduct the government from some provincial city.
In the case of an appeal from a sentence given in the king's bench, he advised the victorious, but guilty, party to bring an action of praemunire against all those who had been concerned in the appeal, and his authority was stretched to the utmost to obtain the verdict he desired.
Frederick himself had also been closely associated with Conrad, who advised the princes to choose his nephew as his successor.
On the death of his elder brother Federigo, he was advised to quit the church and marry, that his family might not become extinct.
Szell, who vainly advised the crown and the military authorities to make timely concessions, was obliged to reject these demands which enjoyed the secret support of Count Albert Apponyi, the Liberal president of the Chamber and of his adherents.
He consented to do so; but, after the election of 1897 had given him so many followers in the Reichsrath, Badeni advised that his election as burgomaster should be confirmed.
At a meeting of county members earlier in the day Peel had advised them not to be led into discussion by a violent speech from the member for Durham, but to let the committee be granted without debate.
They submitted their lists of criminal trials to the high commissioner, who, advised by the attorney-general, acted as a court of appeal, and no sentence exceeding six months could take effect without his confirmation.
Lord Dufferin further advised the formation of a gendarmerie, which should be in a great measure a mounted force and empowered with a semi-military character (despatch of January 1st, 1883).
Malet, telegraphed that if Colonel Hickss army is destroyed, the Egyptian government will lose the whole of the Sudan, unless some assistance from the outside is given, and advised the withdrawal to some post on the Nile.
Gordon advised at this time that it would be dangerous.
When therefore the Rigsdag rejected the budget, he advised the king to issue another provisional financial decree.
He was a Liberal Democrat, and advised the calling of a constitutional convention as preferable to nullification or secession.
Albert Hall Lord Rosebery advised them to concentrate upon the reform of the House of Lords, that assembly being, as he said, a foremost obstacle to the passing of legislation on the lines of the Newcastle programme; but he was unable to suggest in what direction it should be reformed.
There he advised the Liberal party that "its slate must be cleaned," and, as he subsequently explained, this cleansing must involve the elimination of Home Rule for Ireland.
From 1782 to 1885 the secretary of state for the home department was responsible for the conduct of Scottish business, being advised in these matters by the lord advocate.
In 1541 he disappointed Henry, not meeting him at York, and this course, advised by his council and Francis I., rankled deeply, while Angus was making a large English raid on the Border in time of peace.
Yet Duncan Forbes of Culloden, president of the Court of Session, after the outbreak of the war with Spain, reported amazing scarcity of money in the country, and strenuously advised legislative checks on the taste for tea, which naturally diminished the profits of the excise on more generous beverages.
He had written to the Waldenses that it is better not to baptize at all than to baptize little children; now he was cautious, would not condemn the new prophecy off-hand; but advised Melanchthon to treat them gently and to prove their spirits, less they be of God.
He also advised the use of Federal troops to quell the disturbances in the city, on the ground that the government must prevent interference with its mails and with the general railway transportation between the states.
Soon after this event he came forward as a Roman Catholic, and he advised the new king with regard to affairs in Oxford, being partly responsible for the tactless conduct of James in forcing a quarrel with the fellows of Magdalen College.
Madison and Monroe, his immediate successors - neighbours and devoted friends, whom he had advised in their early education and led in their maturer years - consulted him on all great questions, and there was no break of principles in the twenty-four years of the "Jeffersonian system."
They also advised the protection and extension of communal rights of pasture, and the planting of the higher slopes with forest, with a view to the possible increase of the water-supply.
The Irrigation Commission of 1901 advised an expenditure of 30 millions sterling, spread over a term of twenty years, and irrigating 62 million acres in addition to the 47 millions already irrigated at that time; but it was estimated that that programme would practically exhaust the irrigable land in India, and that some of the later works would be merely protective against the danger of famine, and would not be financially productive.
Musa, though angered by the disobedience of Tariq, hastened to the rescue and embarked in April 712 with 18,000 men, among them many noble Arabs, and began, advised by Julian, a methodical campaign, with the purpose of establishing and securing a line of communication between the sea and Toledo.
Abu Jahm, the vizier (q.v.; also Mahommedan Institutions), or "helper," of Abu Moslim, advised that Abu Ja`far, the caliph's brother, should be sent to Khorasan to consult Abu Moslim.
Van Buren was the most adroit politician of his time; and Jackson was in the hands of very astute men, who advised and controlled him.
Madison, Jefferson and Randolph were consulted by Washington, and they advised him not to sign the bill providing for the Bank, but Hamilton's counterargument was successful.
In 1811 he strongly advised Napoleon to renounce his proposed expedition to Russia.
The archbishop opposed this plan, and by his orders his vicar-general, John of Pomuk - son of a German named WSlfel, a citizen of Pomuk - advised the monks to elect a new abbot immediately after Racek's death.
Advised to fly immediately to Bohemia, he succeeded in reaching Hirschau, only 25 m.
Abandoning the cause of the Welfs, he fought for Conrad against them, and in 1152 the dying king advised the princes to choose Frederick as his successor to the exclusion of his own young son.
In 1524, when Albany had retired to France, the parliament declared that James was fit to govern, but that he must be advised by his mother and a council.
The stories of his expulsion by the Franks; of his stay of eight years in Thuringia with King Basin and his wife Basine; of his return when a faithful servant advised him that he could safely do so by sending to him half of a piece of gold which he had broken with him; and of the arrival at Tournai of Queen Basine, whom he married, are entirely legendary.
The legate Pelagius, however, claimed the command; and insisting on the advance from Damietta, in spite of the warnings of King John, he refused to accept the favourable terms of the sultan, as the king advised, until it was too late.
Censure might more reasonably be bestowed on him because he deliberately advised a course of action than which nothing can be conceived better calculated to strengthen the hands of an absolute monarch.'
Shrewdly guessing that Sweden was at exhaustion point, and that G6rtz, the Swedish plenipotentiary, was acting ultra vires, he advised Peter to put additional pressure on Sweden to force a peace.
The president was advised that the only way of averting the financial ruin of the banking institutions of the republic was to suspend the conversion law and lend from the national treasury inconvertible notes to the banks.
He liked books and quiet corners all his days, he says; and so, when conviction of sin and visions of God's grace came to him in the medieval fashion of a dream of the anger and forgiveness of the Virgin, Florentius told him that a monk's life would suit him best, advised him to join the Augustinian order, and sent him to Zwolle to the new convent of Mount St Agnes, where his brother John was prior.
In the summer of 1853 he was advised by his physicians to try the effect of his native air, and he accordingly set out for the eastern Pyrenees.
He is advised by an executive council, whose members he nominates.
DeIphobus was preferred, and Helenus withdrew in indignation to Mount Ida, where he was captured by the Greeks, whom he advised to build the wooden horse and carry off the Palladium.
While the school of Shammai advised only Ps.
The societies advised that trilithon 6, 7, with lintel - which had slewed round - and trilithon 56, which was leaning at a dangerous angle, should be examined with a view to replacement with as little excavation as possible; that the monolith and lintel 22 be replaced, and its companion sarsen (21) secured; and that trilithon 57, 58, should be re-erected in its place, which was exactly known.
He, however, advised the estates to vote the supplies that King Rudolph had demanded.
Violent accusations were brought forward, particularly against Martinic and Slavata, the king's most trusted councillors, who were accused of having advised him to oppose the wishes of the Bohemians.
This letter was laid before the law officers, who advised that, if these particulars were correct, the vessel ought to be detained.
On the 23rd of July the same evidence was laid before the law officers, who advised that there was sufficient ground for detention.
The god advised her to marry the first man she met in the street, who proved to be a wealthy Etruscan named Tarutius.
Though strongly opposed to the disestablishment of the Irish Church, yet, when the constituencies decided for it, he advised that no opposition should be made to it by the House of Lords.
Upon this Lord John Russell advised his dismissal from office (Dec. 1851).
Aeschines narrates his quarrel with his sweetheart, and is advised to go to Egypt and enlist in the army of Ptolemy Philadelphus; in xv.
Adam Smith was thus not altogether badly advised in not carrying his investigations into the equality of taxation farther than he did.
Negotiations, however, resulted in a treaty, drafted by James Buchanan, the American Secretary of State, and Richard Pakenham, the British envoy, which the president in June 1846 submitted to the Senate for its opinion and which he was advised to accept.
He was now affected by a severe asthmatic complaint; but to those who advised him to take some rest, he answered, "I had rather wear out than rust out."
It is common to go to confession, even though there are only venial sins to be confessed; and in order to excite contrition people are sometimes advised to confess over again some mortal sin from which they have been previously absolved.
An appeal to the pope they would have laughed to scorn; but the ccsnfidence felt in the probity of the French king was so great that Montfort advised his friends to accede to the proposal.
Grenville, on the one hand, advised that the tax should be enforced.
Pending this regeneration of society St Just advised the rule of a dictator.
The executive power is vested in the king, advised by a cabinet of eight members, who are collectively and individually responsible to the nation, and represent the ministers of foreign affairs, war, the interior, finance, public works, commerce, religion and education, and justice.
To prevent a general conflagration in the Balkan Peninsula, the powers advised the sultan to comply with the demand, and when the British government strongly supported that advice the sultan yielded and delivered all the fortresses on Servian territory to the keeping of the prince of Servia (March 1867).
At the Berlin Congress the Servian plenipotentiary, Jovan Ristich, in vain appealed to the Russian representatives to assist Servia to obtain better terms. The Russians themselves advised him to appeal to Austria and to try to obtain her support.
At last Thakombau, disappointed in the hope that his acceptance of Christianity (1854) would improve his position, offered the sovereignty to Great Britain (1859) with the fee simple of 100,000 acres, on condition of her paying the American claims. Colonel Smythe, R.A., was sent out to report on the question, and decided against annexation, but advised that the British consul should be invested with full magisterial powers over his countrymen, a step which would have averted much subsequent difficulty.
On the occasion of famine the druids advised that the son of a sinless married couple should be brought to Ireland to be killed in front of Tara and his blood mixed with the soil of Tara.
A great council of churchmen and nobles, held to settle the matter, advised Anselm to submit to the king, but failed to overcome his mild and patient firmness.
His mother, a Tlingit woman, whose sons had all been slain, met a friendly dolphin, which advised her to swallow a pebble and a little sea-water.
He was one of those who advised against the surrender of Charleston, where he commanded the garrison until the arrival of General Benjamin Lincoln.
He is advised by a small council of state, the members of which are appointed by himself.
The king was advised by councils, made up by a combination of a senate of the great men, and of the ecclesiastical councils which had met under the Roman rule and that of the tolerant Arian kings.
Canovas, who was consulted by the queen when Alonzo Martinez failed, faithfully carried out the pact of El Pardo and advised Her Majesty to send for Sagasta again, as he alone could, carry out what remained to be done of the Liberal programme.
When Canovas found himself deserted on so delicate a matter by a numerous section of his party, he resigned, and advised the queen to send for Sagasta and the Liberals.
Huber found that although he could induce swarms to occupy the glass-sided single frame advised by Reaumur, if the frame was fitted with ready-built pieces of comb patched together before hiving the swarm, the experiment was successful, while if left to themselves the bees built small combs across the space between the sheets of glass, and the desired inspection from the outside was thus rendered impossible.
This was followed (1813-1818) by his magnum opus, the Storia della scultura dal suo risorgimento in Italia al secolo di Napoleone, in the composition of which he had been encouraged and advised by Giordano and Wilhelm Schlegel (1767-1845).
Throughout the early months of 1789 he was regarded as the saviour of France, but his conduct at the meeting of the states general showed that he regarded it merely as an assembly which should grant money, not organize reforms. But as he had advised the calling of the states general, and the double representation of the third estate, and then permitted the orders to deliberate and vote in common, he was regarded as the cause of the Revolution by the court, and on July 11 was ordered to leave France at once.
He advised Masupha not to deal with the Cape government until the hostile force was withdrawn, and resigned his appointment.
Let him know now, before he accidentally finds out, Damian advised with a chuckle.
If you want her tumor to slow its growth, you'll ensure she's unhappy, Wynn advised.
They advised customers who had bought products from J&H Cairns to dispose of them.
Guests are strongly advised to pre book these items ahead of their visit.
The policy covers limited personal accident or the Hirer's personal belongings and THE HIRER IS STRONGLY advised TO MAKE HIS OWN INSURANCE ARRANGEMENTS.
He advised that opioid analgesics should be avoided in a patient with impaired liver function.
Therefore caution is advised when combining apomorphine with other medicinal products, especially those with a narrow therapeutic range.
Prospective applicants are advised that days will be long and hot, and the work physically arduous.
They are advised by an assessor who is a legally qualified person.
Pawar advised him to teach beginners, it allows a re-examination of your beliefs.
Other insurance You are strongly advised to ensure valuable belongings against theft, loss or damage.
Dialysis patients advised to use bicarbonate to raise the pH of the dialysis water.
Therefore Hippocrates not improperly advised those who were naturally bilious not to take honey, since they were obviously of too warm a temperament.
Drinking small frequent volumes is generally advised, as this will be better tolerated than a single large bolus.
The treasurer was advised of a few of his responsibilities - which included bookkeeping.
A long acting bronchodilator may be advised in addition to a steroid inhaler.
You are advised to bring a simple, numerical, non-programmable, pocket calculator.
The judgment also advised that retained firefighters should be entitled to enjoy the same benefits as their wholetime colleagues.
Captain Beary, the convoys commodore, was advised by the Admiralty, as to the safe courses throughout the entire voyage.
They would be advised to use barrier methods (Eg condoms with spermicidal creams) instead.
His close confidants advised Parnell to take time-off from politics to allow the issue to die a natural death.
Businesses would certainly be well advised to obtain opt-in consent from their customers to protect against the proposed changes in the law.
The Claimant was then advised that the only alternative was for him to have a craniotomy.
In a BBC2 transmission " Wild in Your Garden " in May 2003, Simon King advised using creosote soaked rags to repel badgers.
Patients who had incomplete responses were advised to undergo an immediate radical cystectomy.
Officers are being advised to try to " contain rather than restrain " suspects who show signs of " acute behavioral disturbance.
Care of our silk duvet cover sets is the same as for the sheets and pillow cases advised above.
Mr. Dolby, C.E., has advised on the mechanical engineering throughout, and has supervised the erection of the boilers and machinery.
I had already excised them, because I had been advised to do so by my editor at Granta!
I answered that both groups were suffering from serious defects and advised him to take measures to liquidate factionalism.
The annual 2005/2006 tuition fees will be advised in due course.
They were also advised that there should be the provision of L3 standard fire alarm system and water-type fire extinguishers.
The Malvern Bookshop is now closed on Thursdays and customers are advised to ring first before traveling any distance during the winter.
Whenever there is great haste demanded or advised, be wary.
Caution is advised in its use in other small herbivores.
This being a change in the advised meeting date on the April Agenda due to May 6 th 2002 being a bank holiday.
For very homologous parameters, larger values, e.g. 25-35 are advised.
Churches have also been advised that in hosting pre-election hustings they should invite all political parties to participate.
Greenberg was advised that the Reports from our Embassy in Athens for that period had been rendered indecipherable ` due to rain damage ' .
On 7 January 2002 junior counsel then instructed on behalf of Miss Brennan orally advised her solicitor at the time against appealing the decision.
But the FSA has advised the public not to eat mutton or sausages made with casings from sheep intestines.
I think the ACP countries were very badly advised to be so intransigent over the Singapore Issues.
The PMS advised journalists to look at the text of the speech rather than reports of it.
Dublin Port Radio advised of wind blowing 29 knots gusting to 36 knots gusting to 36 knots.
Unrepresented litigants are advised that help with their application may be available from the Citizens ' Advice Bureau at the Royal Courts of Justice.
Tenants will be advised of a private locksmith who will charge the tenant directly for this service.
Fade resistance For print longevity pigment inks are advised.
Having advised as above, we have marzipan and iced a cake on the same day.
Cautious use in people with allergy to sulpha drugs is advised as celecoxib has a sulphonamide moiety.
In the light of public concern the HGC had advised the government to set a two-year moratorium on genetic tests for insurance.
The divided Maiden race is always difficult to assess early in the season and punters are advised to follow the market movers.
Chlorine Dioxide In 1990 the COM advised that both chlorine dioxide and its breakdown products should be regarded as potential mutagens.
They advised the purchase of a few sanitary napkins to tape to your knees and were handing out gloves to anyone who wanted them.
Who will be caribbean cruise navigator royal sea advised to take.
Who advised the NAEA that this kind of patronizing nonsense would make us like them more?
The telephone and fax numbers are as previously advised.
A previous occupant had advised Mr Woodcock that she had erected a wire fence to keep her dog in.
You are advised to contact event organizers to confirm details.
As employers are often out-of-date, you are advised to print off the relevant pages to show a prospective employer.
Nevertheless, any persons using a pacemaker, or having any history of epilepsy, would be advised to avoid this circuit.
Students considering a career in teaching pe are strongly advised to undertake this module.
He advised strongly against a " citizens " arrest and also photographic evidence.
Staff were also advised to use ready to use infusion of potassium chloride where ever possible rather than using potassium chloride concentrate ampoules.
Anyone intending to set up or take over a publication is strongly advised to consult the proctors at an early stage.
Prospective purchasers are advised to obtain legal advice prior to purchasing any property.
The US authorities on Friday advised their nationals to stay away from anti-war protests in Italy, saying there could be violence.
I was also advised on the condition of my headlamp reflectors, both a bit dull.
In November 1997 she was advised to undergo total hip replacement.
However, it is advised to always safely restrain your child in the car.
A drug called warfarin is also commonly advised to reduce the risk of having a stroke.
You are advised to take care when approaching the roadworks and allow extra time for your journey.
In finding this, we advised the client to install a new fan with a symmetrical, well balanced rotor.
But for the biggest, potentially ruinous, buys of our lives, most of us are poorly advised lambs ready to be fleeced.
He advised a course of chiropractic treatments to be alternated with sports massage to break down some old scar tissue which was causing problems.
Students are advised to attend training sessions which run at the start of each autumn semester.
The record is held by a lady at LWT, to whom Humphrey Barclay advised me to send a half-hour sitcom.
I have been advised to try a comfort snaffle on Jack.
The Prime Minister's official spokesperson declined to repeat the assertion that the Security Service had advised the 90-day rule.
However, this policy does not cover sporting or dangerous activities, for which you are advised to seek additional cover.
There is also the question of who should be advised to take a statin.
The work of the Council is advised by four specialist subcommittees.
Players are advised to be extremely tactful in this situation.
We were even advised of a short cut back to M23 to avoid tailbacks during rush hour traffic!
However, the Claimant was advised that he would probably need to have his left testicle removed.
You are advised to use a long tether around a boulder about 8ft back from the head of the pitch.
Members will be advised to use good quality shackles, locks and chains as secondary protection against motorcycle theft.
Swimming is not advised due to the main estuarial current, unless in the pools often left by the outgoing tide.
However, West Lothian Council advised that the system should be resourced to the point where nine month time limits can be reduced.
We Are advised The Current Net turnover For 2005 Was In Order Of £ 85,000.
He has advised statutory undertakers on all aspects of Parliamentary matters.
Health checks for the older man Men in their 60s and 70s are advised to have an annual urinalysis.
Baker Tilly advised the vendors ensuring that the process didn't gather any dust.
A Buyer is advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor or Surveyor.
Those with HIV are advised to be particularly vigilant.
When the underlying gets very volatile you are often best advised to buy or sell at the market.
Witnesses of course require to be advised that any claim for expenses require to be properly vouched.
I do hope they have some kind of on-site gardening warden, or will be advised to club together and buy a communal Flymo.
During the civil war he fought on the side of Otho against Vitellius, and obtained a considerable success against Aulus Caecina Alienus (one of the Vitellian generals) near Cremona, but did not follow it up. When Caecina had been joined by Fabius Valens, Paulinus advised his colleagues not to risk a decisive battle, but his advice was disregarded, and Otho (q.v.) was utterly defeated at Bedriacum.
Although he had in 1687 openly embraced the Roman Catholic faith, he hesitated to commit himself entirely to the acts of the fierce devotees who surrounded the king, whom he advised to reverse the arbitrary acts of the last year or two, and in October 1688 he was dismissed by James with the remark "I hope you will be more faithful to your next master than you have been to me."
He advised him to addict himself to an assiduous study of the more idiomatic English writers, such as Swift and Addison - with a view to unlearn his foreign idiom and recover his halfforgotten vernacular - a task, however, which he never perfectly accomplished.
An act of 1697-1698, commonly called the Blasphemy Act, enacts that if any person, educated in or having made profession of the Christian religion, should by writing, preaching, teaching or advised speaking, deny any one of the Persons of the Holy Trinity to be God, or should assert or maintain that there are more gods than one, or should deny the Christian religion to be true, or the Holy Scriptures to be of divine authority, he should, upon the first offence, be rendered incapable of holding any office or place of trust, and for the second incapable of bringing any action, of being guardian or executor, or of taking a legacy or deed of gift, and should suffer three years' imprisonment without bail.
A Sadducean friend advised Hyrcanus to ask the whole body of the Pharisees to prescribe the penalty.
He advised his courtiers to marry Germans - "they are the best wives in the world, good, naive and fresh as roses."
The duke of York, meeting Pamela at Devonshire House on her way through London with her husband, had told her that "all was known" about his plans, and advised her to persuade him not to go abroad.
The veteran expert advised the populating and fortifying of the islands of the Dnieper.
It was about this time that some of the leading theologians of the Roman Catholic Church, conceiving that the best way of meeting present perils was to emphasize, as well as to define more clearly, the authority of the pope, advised him to make his personal infallibility a dogma of the Church, and urged strenuously on him the necessity of calling a council for that purpose.
Beginners are advised to practise riding with and without stirrups; thus, let the pupil who has ridden half an hour in a saddle with stirrups have a cloth substituted for the saddle for about ten minutes, care being taken to observe the rules already laid down for the position of the legs; in this way the proper seat will be strengthened.
The strictest impartiality was enjoined upon him, and he was advised to hold aloof from the people in order to preserve his authority.
There is no doubt much of valuable suggestion to be found in the philosophic system, or rather the conglomerate of systems, which pass to-day under the name of theosophy; and probably much has been done by means of its propaganda to popularize Eastern thought in the West, and in the East to reawaken a truer appreciation of its own philosophic treasures; but however that may be, the serious student would be well advised to seek his information and his inspiration from the fountain-heads of the theosophists' doctrines, which are all easily accessible in translations; and to avoid the confusions and errors of writers who in most cases have but a superficial if any knowledge of the original languages and systems from which their doctrine has been arbitrarily culled.
Frederick bluntly informed his nephew that, in concert with Russia and Denmark, he had guaranteed the integrity of the existing Swedish constitution, and significantly advised the young monarch to play the part of mediator and abstain from violence.
His faults are nowhere better shown than in his quarrel with John Adams. Three times, in order to accomplish ends deemed by him, personally, to be desirable, Hamilton used the political fortunes of John Adams, in presidential elections, as a mere hazard in his manoeuvres; moreover, after Adams became president, and so the official head of the party, Hamilton constantly advised the members of the president's cabinet, and through them endeavoured to control Adams's policy; and finally, on the eve of the crucial election of 1800, he wrote a bitter personal attack on the president (containing much confidential cabinet information), which was intended for private circulation, but which was secured and published by Aaron Burr, his legal and political rival.
After she had passed her examinations and received her certificate of admission, she was advised by the Dean of Radcliffe and others not to go on.
If the Russian army at Krasnaya Pakhra had given battle as Bennigsen and Barclay advised?
We are advised that there are some further developments in the pipeline in readiness for the official opening on 13th July.
Mr White advised that a pit would require to be reinstated as part of an agreement in relation to this application.
Otherwise, as a community trust we were advised it will be expensive to get non stock requisition orders.
To perform your please be advised resuscitated the fortunes.
However, Unison has dropped plan for a judicial review of the sell-off decision after being advised the action had little chance of success.
It is not advised to take MDMA with an antidepressant which already breaks down serotonin in the body.
Control offices, stationmasters and signalmen on the line of route were only advised of the arrangements at the very last moment.
The Prime Minister 's official spokesperson declined to repeat the assertion that the Security Service had advised the 90-day rule.
Patients should be advised to report all symptoms or signs suggestive of infection.
We were even advised of a short cut back to M23 to avoid tailbacks during rush hour traffic !
The Committee advised that experimental work be continued and that the use of tallow in animal feed be considered.
Our second consultancy for the telecom giant advised them how to proceed.
Departments are advised that the existing scheme for the employment of trainee technicians meets the new legislative requirements.
We Are Advised The Current Net Turnover For 2005 Was In Order Of £ 85,000.
Prevention Vaccination against tetanus is routinely advised for horses and people, but is not advised for cats and dogs.
Individuals wishing to practice veterinary medicine in the US are advised to contact the state in which they plan to work for further information.
Particular caution is advised in severe asthma, as this effect may be potentiated by concomitant treatment with xanthine derivatives, steroids and diuretics.
Jim advised his wife to relax instead of constantly striving to be the highest achiever.
Prospective parents are advised that the adoption process can ultimately cost between $20,000 and $35,000.
The primary focus was on the "Back to Sleep" campaign, in which parents and child caregivers were advised to place babies to sleep on their backs to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
The incidence of SIDS has been lowered by as much as 75 percent since parents have been advised to place infants on their backs during nap or sleep time.
Parents who prefer co-sleeping with their infant will have a difficult time incorporating these measures, so it is also advised that infants not sleep with their parents.
Depending on what purpose your computer will serve, you may be better advised to purchase one or the other (both of which are available in laptop and desktop forms).
You must sign up for an account and be advised that Peapod may not be available in all areas.
My vet advised separate litter trays, letting them outside, and finally the "Feliway" which I have used for about a month.
I was recently advised by a veterinarian at UC Davis that there is a surgical procedure that can eliminate the male cat spraying.
I was recently advised by a veterinarian at UC Davis that there IS a surgical procedure that can eliminate the male cat spraying.
He then decreased it to once a week, and advised that kitty stay on this drug indefinately for preventative measures.
They advised putting her on a medication for obsessive compulsive disorder.
Usually crystals are a sign of too many minerals in the cat's diet, and you will be advised to make dietary changes.
In order to streamline this effort, pet owners are advised to use warm mineral oil.
This is usually the advised course of action.
This is an extremely difficult situation where you'll be well advised to seek professional help immediately.
Teenage parents are advised to sign an Acknowledgment of Paternity form to legally give the child a father.
That being said, be advised that not all hybrid buyers qualify for a tax incentive.
Be advised, however, some manufacturing methods can destroy the nutrient value of flaxseed oils by exposing them to heat, air, or light.
Tym Teran, and Teman were picked as the winning team, though they were advised they should have incorporated more color into their design.
Tym was advised to that his room looked slightly masculine for his female client, and David was told he seemed a little nervous on camera.
Although most mineral lines are hypoallergenic based, be advised that some women still develop an allergy to mineral makeup.
White powder is advised, and can help ensure that your face looks authentically pale like a China doll and not liked you have makeup caked on.
Photo subjects should be advised against getting a new hairstyle or a different makeup look right before a family picture.
It is generally advised that 55 to 60 percent of your daily calories come from carbohydrates, ideally from complex carbohydrates like starches and fiber.
Children ages six to twelve are generally advised to use skis that reach their foreheads, but growth issues still apply.
Guests should be advised not to say the words "wedding" or "bride." Every time these words are uttered, the person who spoke them has to take an item out of the bowl.
After all parents are consulted, other close family members will need to be advised of the date.
With one in three marriages ending in divorce however, those with considerable assets would be well advised to give the prenup at least some consideration.
Business owners are especially advised to look into prenuptial agreements.
Dan found himself on the receiving end of several scolding lectures; one concerned nurse advised him that he would have to start being more responsible now that he was getting married.
Because of the potential risk to the fetus, pregnant women are advised to limit their caffeine intake.
In 2005, California state school superintendent Jack O'Connell advised state schools to drop the Narconon program in their districts after finding that it subtly taught Scientology beliefs during drug prevention presentations.
Pregnant women are advised to not use the Nicoderm patch.
You're also advised to tell your doctor if you take blood thinners or if you have asthma or have diabetes.
His wife introduced Depp to actor Nicolas Cage, who advised Depp to consider acting.
She wrote an accompanying article for the magazine in which she advised men, "We remember forever what you say about the bodies of other women."