Advice Sentence Examples
The best advice I can give you is to try to relax.
I decided to follow your advice and take a vacation.
This is the advice received from Acas.
We need the advice of a qualified actuary using the projected unit method.
Howie, I can't tell you what to do; only give you advice and try to look at the options logically.
His advice had been to give in to Darkyn.
I took your advice, and I got myself engaged.
Good advice, she muttered and turned the page.
You could tell Howie I came to you for advice; that I just suspected and didn't know what to do, not that I've known all along!
The only advice she was given was to talk to him.
AdvertisementThe night my mother died, Eden gave me advice I've never forgotten.
After some hesitation, on the advice of Roca the Argentines agreed to the demand, and peace was maintained.
Mansr offered no other advice but rose and bowed once more before striding to the door.
I think the best advice I can give, is try to understand that everything she does and says initially comes from fear and shock.
Whether it was Pumpkin's advice or the sunny day, Cynthia's mood lightened as they drove.
AdvertisementIf you were alive, I wanted to see if you had any … advice about how to deal with Gabriel.
I listened to your advice.
I suggest you take the advice.
If you are unsure, get advice from a solicitor or your local citizens advice bureau.
Still, any advice from Katie would be straightforward, and that was definitely a plus.
AdvertisementI lost sight of my mission, she said, grateful for the one piece of advice she could stomach.
On all disputed points, whether commercial, religious or political, his advice was invariably sought by the foreign ministers and the Chinese alike.
Many great men were glad to call him their friend, and even kings asked his advice and were amused by his fables.
Shaftesbury had meanwhile ineffectually warned the king that unless he followed his advice there would be no peace with the people.
He offered a small smile, not nearly as large as the one he'd given her the day he gave her the advice that ended up condemning her.
AdvertisementInstead, he found himself mulling over the advice from another brother.
He taught the little girl how to write and gave her advice in reading.
In my perplexity I did not know whose aid and advice to seek.
In cases of poisoning by mushrooms immediate medical advice should be secured.
You can get trusted, practical advice on your desktop.
There isn't a living soul in this part of the world to whom I can go for advice in this, or indeed, in any other educational difficulty.
Dean cautioned Pumpkin to keep his hand on his wallet, but the young hiker dismissed the advice with a wave of his hand.
His advice to the government in 1787 is said to have saved the country £ioo,000 a year in gunpowder.
As a matter of fact, most of the advice she has received and heeded has led to excisions rather than to additions.
Still, as the prince is unwell my advice is that they should go to Moscow.
I'll forego the pleasure and take Carmen's advice.
You sought me out for advice?
I'm going to give you a piece of advice you gave me a few months ago.
The administrative officers of the state are a governor, a lieutenantgovernor, a secretary of state, a state treasurer, and an auditor of accounts, elected by popular vote, and an inspector of finance, a commissioner of taxes, a superintendent of education, a fish and game commissioner, three railroad commissioners, and various boards and commissions, of whom some are elected by the General Assembly and some are appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Senate.
On the 25th of lvIarch the Remonstrance, now termed the Petition and Advice, and including a new scheme of government, was passed by a majority of 123 to 62 in spite of the opposition of the officers; and on the 31st it was presented to Cromwell in the Banqueting House at Whitehall whence Charles I.
His advice was followed and he returned home in time to be elected a member of the convention which framed the Massachusetts constitution of 1780, still the organic law of that commonwealth.
Against such a destiny D'Israeli's mind strongly revolted; and he carried his poem, with a letter earnestly appealing for advice and assistance, to Samuel Johnson; but when he called again a week after to receive an answer, the packet was returned unopened - the great Doctor was on his.
Under the Roman Empire Pergamum was one of the chief seats of the worship of Asclepius "the Saviour"; invalids came from distant parts of the country to ask advice from the god and his priests.
A national body should be better resourced to co-ordinate activity and provide advice to businesses, both large and small.
Once clients become aware of the rules of the new system they will look for our advice.
The climate mandarins who once told Meyer to visit the barber are now seeking his advice.
Seek advice from a professional beautician who specializes in bridal makeup.
I considered this suggestion carefully, then I told Mr. Rhoades that I should be proud and glad to have wise friends to whom I could always turn for advice in all important matters.
I remembered the story of a conceited fellow, who, in fine clothes, was wont to lounge about the village once, giving advice to workmen.
But I did not summon you to discuss my actions, but to give you advice--or an order if you prefer it.
Though I've learned none of you will listen to that advice.
He'd cave to Andre's advice and double-check with Darkyn about whether or not his mate owed the Dark One anything – formally or informally.
Definitely some advice from someone who understood make-up better and a real hair stylist who could figure out how to un-pink hair.
Kiera was well indeed if she were able to send a man like this to Evelyn's door looking for advice.
He said he wanted some advice about horses, but when I asked him if he was going to buy one, he said no.
Unfortunately, the more independent she became, the less she listened to his advice.
These great magnates, all of them Knights of the Fleece and men of peculiar weight and authority in the country, were disgusted to find that, though nominally councillors of state, their advice was never asked, and that all power was placed in the hands of the Consulta.
Arneth was an indefatigable worker, and, as director of the archives, his broad-minded willingness to listen to the advice of experts, as well as his own sound sense, did much to promote the more scientific treatment and use of public records in most of the archives of Europe.
The interest in spiritualism, apart from scientific curiosity and mere love of the marvellous, is partly due to the belief that trustworthy information and advice about mundane matters can be obtained through mediums - to the same impulse in fact which has in all ages attracted inquirers to fortune-tellers.
Such advice could not be grateful to the philosophers themselves - then a definite professional class, not unlike the "spiritual directors" of a later Rome, who earned their bread by smoothing away the doubts of the scrupulous on all matters intellectual and moral.
Danby was at once overthrown, and in April 1679 Russell was one of the new privy council formed by Charles on the advice of Temple.
Arbitration differs from Mediation in so far as it is a judicial act, whereas Mediation involves no decision, but merely advice and suggestions to those who invoke its aid.
The advice which, on his death-bed, he is said to have given to the sultan is characteristic of his Machiavellian statecraft.
By his advice Octavian at once set out for Rome.
Convinced by the experience of the wars that France needed an energetic central power, he pushed at times his royal prerogatives to excess, raising taxes in spite of the Estates, interfering in the administration of the towns, reforming their constitutions, and holding himself free to reject the advice of the notables if he consulted them.
The advice has, however, been taken.
Your Oracle advice sounds like it came out of a fortune cookie.
The Development Control and Environmental Protection Committee refused the application contrary to officer advice.
Our core service is utilizing our accountancy and business expertise to provide pragmatic, technically correct and honest advice.
The acne Support Group aims to offer help and advice to anyone concerned or affected by acne or rosacea.
If this fails or you are constantly fobbed off ask your local rep for advice on what to do next.
The pharmacist can give you advice on treating minor illnesses.
The advice given was that the Charity was not insolvent.
The council's Road Safety Team is to host a roadshow in May around the county with advice about child seats.
They will also offer advice on electrical safety, trip hazards and how to prevent other injuries in the home.
Mr. Finlayson, Head Teacher, has asked the school board for advice on this issue.
Could you give me some advice as to which areas close to the city have particularly good or bad school districts?
Don Brereton, Director of Motability I need advice on lightweight motorized scooters - where do I go to get reliable information?
Scott simons in fact advice affect your bottom.
What advice would you give to a young scriptwriter who is very keen on descriptive prose?
It is governed by a board of twelve regents, of whom the president of the university, the governor of the state and the state superintendent of public instruction are members ex officio, and the other nine, holding office for six years, are appointed by .the governor with the advice and consent of the senate.
He also edited a monthly magazine, The Sword and Trowel; an elaborate exposition of the Psalms, in seven volumes, called The Treasury of David (1870-1885); and a book of sayings called John Ploughman's Talks; or, Plain Advice for Plain People (1869), a kind of religious Poor Richard.
Maria herself would doubtless have shared the same fate, but for the speedy intervention of her fiancé, whom a diet, by the advice of the Venetians, had elected to rule the headless realm on the 31st of March 1387.
Against the advice of all his counsellors, and without the knowledge of the estates, Rakoczy, in 1657, plunged into the troubled sea of Polish politics, in the hope of winning the Polish throne, and not only failed miserably but overwhelmed Transylvania in his own ruin.
For at the beginning of his reign Valdemar leaned largely upon the Germans and even went the length, against the advice of Absalon, of acknowledging the overlordship of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa at the reichstag of Dole, 1162.1162.
He became a megalomaniac to whom no one dared offer a word of advice.
The English commander promptly sent in a challenge to a pitched battle, which the king, in spite of the advice of his most trusted counsellors, accepted.
After the " settlement " of the Zulu question, Sir Garnet Wolseley proceeded to Pretoria and immediately organized an expedition against Sikukuni, who throughout the Zulu campaign had been acting under the advice of Cetywayo.
On the 3rd of February he ordered a demonstration against the right of the Boer position at Spytfontein-Magersfontein to cover the withdrawal of General French and the cavalry from before Colesberg, and the concentration of his army at Modder River, disregarding another set-back in Natal to Sir Redvers Buller, who had against his advice made a third attempt to relieve Ladysmith on the 5th of February, and failed to make good the purchase which he secured across the Tugela.
In 1732 there was born to him, by a certain Mlle du Bouchet, the son, Philip Stanhope, for whose advice and instruction were afterwards written the famous Letters.
Escaping from the field of battle Conradin reached Rome, but acting on advice to leave the city he reached Astura, where he was seized and handed over to Charles of Anjou.
In spite of the best advice, however, the jealousies of the citizens prevented any systematic design from being carried out, and in consequence the old lines were in almost every case retained.
Though still comparatively young, Gerhard had already come to be regarded as the greatest living theologian of Protestant Germany; in the numerous "disputations" of the period he was always protagonist, while on all public and domestic questions touching on religion or morals his advice was widely sought.
For a Prussian official to venture to give uncalled-for advice to his sovereign was a breach of propriety not calculated to increase his chances of favour; but it gave Gentz a conspicuous position in the public eye, which his brilliant talents and literary style enabled him to maintain.
He followed the advice, and thus refused the food which would have made him and his descendants immortal.
The supreme chief's authority is limited by the advice of a council of elders, whom he is obliged to summon in certain emergencies.
The duty of giving the lord advice was often demanded and fulfilled in sessions of the court, and in these feudal courts the obligations of lord and vassal were enforced, with an ultimate appeal to war.
On the advice of Liborio Romano, the new prefect of police, Filangieri was ordered to leave Naples.
By Abdallah's advice the expedition was abandoned; Fesal hastened back with all his forces to Riad, and invested the citadel where Masharah had taken refuge, but failed to gain possession of it, until Abdallah with two companions found his way into the palace, killed Masharah, and placed Fesal on the throne of his father.
After the Franco-German War the embarrassed Bey turned towards Great Britain for advice, and a British protectorate - suggested by the proximity of Malta - was not an impossibility under the remarkable influence of the celebrated Sir Richard Wood, British diplomatic agent at the court of Tunis from 1855 to 1879.
Her language is the purest Tuscan of the golden age of the Italian vernacular, and with spontaneous eloquence she passes to and fro between spiritual counsel, domestic advice and political guidance.
By the advice of Prokesch-Osten and Ebtvos, he paid a visit in the following June to London; there his daring adventures and linguistic triumphs made him the lion of the day.
On his advice Hugh Miller was appointed editor of the Witness, the powerful Free Church organ.
Ito and Okuma, then influential members of the government, at once recognized the wisdom of his advice.
His advice was followed, and the differences between the medical men were made the occasion for a considerable display of national and political animosity.
On their advice he formally revoked the constitution (1852).
He began the study of law in response to his father's advice; he discontinued it in response to his mother's disapproval.
Unlike an arbitrating power the mediator limits his intervention to suggestion and advice.
They applied to several celebrated politicians, among others to Machiavelli, for advice in the emergency.
The Swiss churches, while agreeing to condemn Servetus, say nothing of capital punishment in their letters of advice.
Thanks to his father's excellent advice, he gave up writing doggerel verse (much of which had been printed by his brother and sold on the streets) and turned to prose composition.
On his father's return from Gibraltar, David, who had previously been educated at the grammar school of Lichfield, was, largely by the advice of Gilbert Walmley, registrar of the ecclesiastical court, sent with his brother George to the " academy " at Edial, just opened in June or July 1736 by Samuel Johnson, the senior by seven years of David, who was then nineteen.
If it be not the same it shows the Corinthian church exercising discipline independently of apostolic advice.
One unique feature is the duty of the supreme court to give legal advice, on request, to the governor and council.
It was against his advice that the great battle of Warsaw was fought, and his subsequent strategy neutralized the ill effects of that national disaster.
The Altstadt of Konigsberg grew up around the castle built in 1255 by the Teutonic Order, on the advice of Ottaker II.
Three months after his nomination he forbade anything of any kind whatever to be printed concerning his administration, thus refusing advice as well as censure.
His address to Arcadius (De regno) is full of advice as to the studies of a wise ruler in such perilous times.
Grouchy was now urged by his generals, especially by Gerard, to march to the sound of the firing, but he refused to take their advice, and pushed on to Wavre, where he found the Prussians (Thielemann's corps of 16,00o men) holding the passages across the Dyle.
In this article the writer has been greatly assisted by the advice and suggestions of Lieut.-Col.
In 1742 by Schultens's advice Reiske took up medicine as a study by which he might hope to live if he could not do so by philology.
The new king was offended by Williams's advice to proceed with caution in dealing with the parliament, with the result that within a few months of Charles's accession the Great Seal was taken from Williams. In the quarrel between the king and the Commons over the petition of right, Williams took the popular side in condemning arbitrary imprisonment by the sovereign.
The bond thus established caused German advice and assistance to be sought in reorganizing the Ottoman army.
It is said that by the advice of Maecenas he resolved to attach Agrippa still more closely to him by making him his son-in-law.
The error was discovered, and the Delians applied to Plato for his advice, and Plato referred them to Eudoxus.
The foreign deputies were invited to attend, only to assist by their advice in the settlement of a controversy which concerned the Netherland church alone, and which the Netherland church alone could decide.
Acting upon the advice of Dr John Philip, the superintendent of the London Missionary Society's stations in South Africa, a treaty was concluded in 1843 with Moshesh, placing him under British protection.
With the advice and consent of the senate he appoints various administrative officers.
A particular tendency to arrange history according to a mechanical rule appears in the constant endeavour to show that recompense and retribution followed immediately on good or bad conduct, and especially on obedience or disobedience to prophetic advice.
On the day after this curious document had furnished both amusement and uneasiness to the Commons, a woman, describing herself as Sophia Elizabeth Guelph Sims, made application at the Mansion House for advice and assistance to prove herself the lawful child of George IV.
On Prince Albert's position the change had a marked effect, for in the absence of Melbourne the queen relied more particularly on his advice, and Peel himself at once discovered and recognized the prince's unusual charm and capacity.
The queen sadly needed such of Wel a counsellor, for Prince Albert's position was one full of difficulty, and party malignity was continually putting wrong constructions upon the advice which he gave, and imputing to him advice which he did not give.
Eventually, on 31st January 1854, Lord John Russell took occasion to deny most emphatically that Prince Albert interfered unduly with foreign affairs, and in both houses the statesmen of the two parties delivered feeling panegyrics of the prince, asserting at the same time his entire constitutional right to give private advice to the sovereign on matters of state.
His notion of duty - at once a loyal and chivalrous one was that he was obliged to give the queen the best of his advice, but that the final decision in any course lay with her, and that once she had decided, he was bound, whatever might be his own opinion, to stand up for her decision in public. The queen, not unnaturally, came to trust Disraeli implicitly, and she frequently showed her friendship for him.
Whilst all who approached the queen bore witness to her candour and reasonableness in relation to her ministers, all likewise proclaimed how anxiously she considered advice that was submitted to her before letting herself be persuaded that she must accept it for the good of her people.
Thereafter he refused to enter the ministry, but became a member of the council of state and of the Corps Legislatif, where his advice on the state of public opinion was frequently useful.
The intercourse between France and Siam began about 16So under Phra Narain, who, by the advice of his minister, the Cephalonian adventurer Constantine Phaulcon, sent an embassy to Louis XIV.
By the advice of his friends he presented a second petition, offering, if released, to leave the kingdom at once and for ever.
He took over the command in Italy from Moreau about the middle of July, but he persuaded his predecessor to remain at the front and was largely guided by his advice.
Following the advice of his friends, he began to write out, towards the end of his life, his lectures on archaeology, but only the introductory chapters, up to the 11th century, were found among his papers.
He went to the Riviera under medical advice, and died at Cannes on the 3rd of February 1888.
By the advice of his senators he summoned a zjazd, or armed convention, to Wislica openly to oppose the insurrection of Sandomir, which zjazd was to be the first step towards the formation of a general confederation for the defence of the throne.
At the durbar on the 22nd of July 1880, Abdur Rahman was officially recognized as amir, granted assistance in arms and money, and promised, in case of unprovoked foreign aggression, such further aid as might be necessary to repel it, provided that he followed British advice in regard to his external relations.
In one instance at least his advice was openly flouted.
The seven chief judges so elected, together with one elected from the city of Baltimore, constitute the court of appeals, the governor with the advice and consent of the senate designating one of the eight as chief judge of that court.
It was contrary to his advice and warnings that Valdemar I.
And these earliest epistles are just the substitute for his personal presence, advice which he took occasion to send to his converts after he had left them.
Philemon is of course a pure letter, and Philippians mainly so; the Pastorals, as their name implies, contain advice and instructions to the apostle's lieutenants, Timothy and Titus, in the temporary charge committed to them of churches that the apostle could not visit himself.
In 1675 John Fell, dean of Christ Church, published the Elzevir text with an enlarged apparatus, but even more important was the help and advice which he gave to the next important editor - Mill.
John Mill, of Queen's College, Oxford, influenced by the advice, and supported by the purse of John Fell until the latter's death, published in 1707 a critical edition of the New Testament which has still a considerable value for the scholar.
In response to the demand for self-government, in September 1647 he and the council appointed - after the manner then followed in Holland - from eighteen representatives chosen by the people a board of nine to confer with him and the council whenever he thought it expedient to ask their advice; three of the nine, selected in rotation, were permitted to sit with the council during the trial of civil cases; and six were to retire each year, their successors to be chosen by the director and council from twelve candidates nominated by the board.
For a time she was safe enough; she would not renounce her Protestantism until Catholicism had been made the law of the land, but she followed Gardiner's advice to her father when he said it was better that he should make the law his will than try to make his will the law.
Generally he was in favour of more decided intervention on behalf of continental Protestants than Elizabeth would admit; but it is not always easy to ascertain the advice he gave.
His earlier predilections were for the study of law, but the advice of Joseph Stevens Buckminster, a distinguished preacher in Boston, led him to prepare for the pulpit, and as a preacher he at once distinguished himself.
Seeing the perilous drift of things, he had tried to get into touch with the king; and it was on his advice that Louis, on the fatal loth, took refuge in the Assembly.
Rejecting therefore, those which he had prepared already, Briggs began, at Napier's advice, to consider seriously the question of the calculation of new tables.
These he cannot remove nor select; and he is bound, in certain circumstances, to listen to their advice, although he is It is said that the general of the Jesuits is independent of the pope; and his popular name, "the black pope," has gone to confirm this idea.
The College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts is managed by a board of trustees consisting of the governor, the president of the college, one member chosen by the alumni, and ten members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the council for a term of four years, and it is maintained out of the proceeds of grants by the United States government, annual state appropriations and a private endowment.
He took up medical studies by the advice of the anatomist Felix Vicq d'Azyr (1748-1794), and after many difficulties caused by lack of means finally in 1780 obtained his doctor's diploma.
He accompanied Xerxes on his expedition to Greece, but the stories told of the warning and advice which on several occasions he addressed to the king are scarcely historical.
The Second Epistle to Timothy carries on this line of advice.
To a writer who desired a situation for such advice on church life and doctrine from the lips of Paul to his lieutenant, it was natural to think of a temporary absence.'
But many of the directions are much too serious and fundamental to have been given in this form; one can hardly imagine that Paul considered Timothy (or Titus) still in need of elementary advice and warning upon such matters, and especially on personal purity.
Dr Jameson contested the constitutional right of the council so to act, and on his advice the governor dissolved parliament in September.
On the 10th of March, against the advice of his physician, Sumner went to the Senate - it was the day on which his colleague was to present the rescinding resolution.
He got the House to set up a select committee to prepare a schedule with the advice of the traders who would be affected; but the report of the committee was not received sufficiently early in the year to enable Parliament to pass upon it, and the project was abandoned.
This tradition, together with the advice of Alcibiades, led the Spartans to fortify Decelea as a basis for permanent occupation in Attica during the later years of the Peloponnesian War, from 413-404 B.C. Its position enabled them to harass the Athenians constantly, and to form a centre for fugitive slaves and other deserters.
Their advice was of the greatest value to the generals in command, and the military talents of each were the complement of the other's.
In accordance with this advice certain proposals were put before Leopold I.
One of his most popular works is the collection of Letters of Advice to his Children and Grandchildren.
Urged by his Circassian mother, the sultan sought advice and counsel from Europe and endeavoured to act up to it.
But disinterested advice was difficult to obtain, and in spite of the unquestionable desire of the young ruler to do the best for the country, wild extravagance both in action and expenditure resulted, leaving the sultan with depleted exchequer and the confidence of his people impaired.
On the advice of Germany he proposed the assembly of an international conference at Algeciras in 1906 to consult upon methods of reform, the sultan's desire being to ensure a condition of affairs which would leave foreigners with no excuse for interference in the control of the country, and would promote its welfare, which Abd-el-Aziz had earnestly desired from his accession to power.
It was also common for a penitent to take advice as to the necessity in his case of undergoing exomologesis, and this, of course, involved confession.
Probably his long immunity was due in the main to the capacity of his strong-handed justiciar Geoffrey Fitz-Peter; the king hated him bitterly, but generally took his advice.
In 1412, by Arundels advice, a second army under the duke of Clarence crossed the Channel to co-operate with the Orleanists.
Between 1475 and 1483 he called only one single parliament, and that was summoned not to give him advice, or raise him money, but purely and solely to attaint his brother of Clarence, whom he had resolved to destroy.
This note, the adoptionof which would have ensured peace, was accepted at St Petersburg; at Constantinople it was, unfortunately, rejected, mainly on Lord Stratfords advice, and in opposition to his instructions from home.
In the south of Europe, however, the Turkish armies on the Danube, strengthened by the advice of British officers, were more successful.
When, finally, Italian troops entered the dominions of the pope, France withdrew her ambassador from the court of Turin, and England under Lord John Russells advice at once recognized the new kingdom of Italy.
In the summer of 1791 he despatched his son to Coblenz to give advice to the royalist exiles, then under the direction of Calonne, and to report to him at Beaconsfield their disposition and prospects.
These committees sometimes asked the ministers for information, but rarely took their advice.
Neither the king nor the queen could grasp the wisdom of this advice.
After Choiseul's death he was sent to Stockholm with instructions to help the aristocratic party of the "Hats" with advice and money.
In 1 777, on Voltaire's advice, Villette married Mademoiselle de Varicourt, but the marriage was unhappy, and his wife was subsequently adopted by Voltaire's niece, Madame Denis.
On the advice of the Russians, who were just going to war with Turkey, the Serbs refused that offer, preferring to fight against the Turks as Russian allies.
To prevent a general conflagration in the Balkan Peninsula, the powers advised the sultan to comply with the demand, and when the British government strongly supported that advice the sultan yielded and delivered all the fortresses on Servian territory to the keeping of the prince of Servia (March 1867).
But the threatening attitude of Austria-Hungary, with the moderating influence of M Pashich, who became the real, though not the nominal, head of a new ministry in February 1909, induced Servia to accept the advice of the Russian government by abandoning all claim to territorial " compensation," and leaving the Balkan question for solution by the Powers.
It is said also that John himself, on the advice of his relative, Pierre Robert Olivetan, the first translator of the Bible into French, had begun to study the Scriptures and to dissent from the Roman worship. At any rate he readily complied with his father's suggestion, and removed from Paris to Orleans (March 1528) in order to study law under Pierre Taisan de 1'Etoile, the most distinguished jurisconsult of his day.
He is not permitted to pardon a criminal until he has obtained the advice of the board of pardons which is composed of the state superintendent of public instruction, the president of the board of agriculture and the state auditor.
For the administration of justice there have been established a supreme court composed of six justices elected for a term of six years; a criminal court of appeals composed of three justices appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Senate; twenty-one district courts each with one or more justices elected for a term of four years; a county court in each county with one justice elected for a term of two years; a court of a justice of the peace, elected for a term of two years, in each of six districts of each county, and police courts in the cities.
Sharp sent for Burnet, and dismissed his advice without apparent resentment.
His influence at court had declined after the death of Queen Mary; William resented his often officious advice, placed little confidence in his discretion, and soon after his accession is even said to have described him as ein rechter Tartuffe.
Elaborate schemes applicable to horsebreeding, cattle-breeding and swine-breeding, have been drawn up by the department on the advice of experts, but the working of the schemes is for the most part left to the various county council committees.
But it was a political necessity, and Grattan never gave his countrymen worse advice than when he urged them to "keep knocking at the union."
The advice was at once taken and its scope largely extended.
The proprietors were to legislate for the colony " by and with the advice, assent and approbation of the freemen."
Acting on the advice of Chief Justice Nicholas Trott (1663-1740) the proprietors adopted a reactionary policy, vetoed several popular laws, and refused to afford protection from the attacks of the Indians.
Following the advice of his friend the Count Arese and of Menotti, he and his brother were among the revolutionaries who in February 1831 attempted a rising in Romagna and the expulsion of the pope from Rome.
Louis Napoleon, however, acting probably on the advice of Dupuy de Lome, declined to use them.
At his suggestion, or with his advice, the naval administration was thoroughly overhauled.
Although his narrative is colourless, and although he was one of those who showed some sympathy for Becket at the council of Northampton (1164),(1164), the correspondence of Diceto shows that he regarded the archbishop's conduct as ill-considered, and that he gave advice to those whom Becket regarded as his chief enemies.
In 419 B.C. the town was, by the advice of Alcibiades, connected with its harbour by long walls in imitation of those at Athens.
But the accidental death of two of herchildren, the assassination of her husband in 584, and the advice of the Church, induced her to make overtures to her brother-in-law Guntram.
Following the advice of his ministers Walla and Agobard, supporters of the policy of unity, Louis the Pious put Bernard of Italy, Charlemagnes grandson, to death for refusing to acknowledge Lothair as coemperor; crushed a revolt in.
The English king had to submit himself to the advice and desire of the king of France, doing him homage for all continental fiefs (1187-1189).
Workless, and in desperation, they threw themselves on Edwards mercy,, by the advice of a rich citizen of Ghent, Jacob van Artevelde; and their last scruples of loyalty gave way when Edward decided to follow the counsels of Robert of Artois and of Artevelde, and to claim the crown of France.
Chalais was beheaded at Nantes in 1626 for having upheld Gaston of Orleans in his refusal to wed Mademoiselle de Montpensier, and Marshal dOrnano died at Vincennes for having given him bad advice in this matter; while the duelist de Boutteville was put to the torture for having braved the edict against duels.
Following the advice of Colbert and de Lionne, Louis XIV.
He therefore reinstituted the parlement in its ancient right of remonstrance (suspended since the declarations of 1667 and 1673), and handed over ministerial power to the nobility, replacing the secretaries of state by six councils composed in part of great nobles, on the advice of the famous duc de Saint-Simon.
A further appeal to the emperor in person was heard at Milan in 316, when all points were finally decided in favour of Caecilian, probably on the advice of Hosius, bishop of Cordova.
On a second attempt of the same kind Ambrose was again employed; and although he was unsuccessful, it cannot be doubted that, if his advice had been followed, the schemes of the usurper would have proved abortive; but the enemy was permitted to enter Italy; and Milan was taken.
Barely seventeen months after the death of his first wife, the king listened to the advice of Canovas and married, in November 1879, the Austrian archduchess Maria Christina of Habsburg.
Doa Maria Christina calmly presided over this solemn council, listening to the advice of Marshal Campos, always consulted in every great crisis; of Captain-General Pavia, who answered for the loyalty of the capital and of its garrison; of the duke de Sexto, the chief of the household; of Marshal Blanco, the chief of the military household; and of all the members of the cabinet and the presidents of the Senate and Congress assembled in the presence of the queen, the ex-queen Isabella, and the Infanta Isabella.
All looked chiefly to Marshal Campos and Canovas del Castillo for statesmanlike and disinterested advice.
Other advantages are given in connexion with the qualifying of experts, &c., while nearly all the county associations in the United Kingdom employ qualified men who visit members in spring and autumn for the purpose of examining hives and giving advice on bee management to those needing it.
At the time of the Crimean War he advocated alliance with Russia, and it was to a great extent owing to his advice that Prussia did not join the western powers.
Afterwards he urged a good understanding with Napoleon, but his advice was met by the insuperable objection of King Frederick William IV.
In September the parliament, by a large majority, threw out the budget, and the king, having nowhere else to turn for help, at Roon's advice summoned Bismarck to Berlin and appointed him minister-president and foreign minister.
His experience at Frankfort had diminished his dislike of popular representation, and it was probably to the advice of Lassalle that his adoption of universal suffrage was due.
By his advice, at the beginning of January 1576 a diet was summoned to Jedrzejow to confirm the election of Bathory, and from the time of that monarch's arrival in Poland till his death ten years later Zamoyski was his foremost counsellor.
There is less doubt respecting the Reules Seynt Robert, a tract giving advice for the management of the household of the countess of Lincoln.
Neri's own writings include Ricorda, or Advice to Youth, Letters (Padua, 1751), and a few sonnets printed in the collection of the Rime Oneste.
In 1588 he attained his majority, and, following the advice of his favourite councillor Alfonso Carillo, departed from the traditional policy of Transylvania in its best days (when friendly relations with the Porte were maintained as a matter of course, in order to counterpoise the ever hostile influence of the house of Habsburg), and joined the league of Christian princes against the Turk.
But his advice was overridden by the Persian satraps, who forced him to fight at the Granicus.
The advice of Thales of Miletus to combine in a political union was rejected.
On the advice of Cassander they made effective their ancient cantonal league, apparently after the pattern of Aetolia.
Augustine's treatise was written at the request of a catechist, named Deogratias, who had asked him for advice.
The custom by which neighbouring churches sought mutual aid and advice, prepared the way for the Presbyterian system of church government, which was established by an ecclesiastical assembly held at Saybrook in 1708, the church constitution there framed being known as the " Saybrook Platform."
He published, when only seventeen, a pamphlet On the War in North America, and in 1761 went to London and started a periodical work, entitled The Universal Museum, which was dropped by the advice of Samuel Johnson.
The story is full of picturesque detail and stirring incident, full also of interesting problems in folk-lore and mythology; and throughout it is dominated by the figure of the grim Hagen, who, twitted with cowardice and his advice spurned, is determined that there shall be no turning back and that they shall go through with it to the bitter end.
After 1802, finding himself attacked with a weakness in the limbs attended with frequent fits of falling, he mitigated the Spartan severity of his life, and consented to receive medical advice.
Then, on Cavour's advice, King Victor decided to participate himself in the occupation of Neapolitan territory, lest Garibaldi's entourage should proclaim the republic or create anarchy.
Even after the first French defeats the chivalrous king, in spite of the advice of his more prudent councillors, wished to go to the rescue, and asked Thiers, the French representative who was imploring him for help, if with 10o,000 Italian troops France could be saved, but Thiers could give no such undertaking and Italy remained neutral.
The officers of the penitentiary and of the reformatory for boys are authorized to advise the governor with respect to an application for the pardon of an inmate of their institution, but he is not bound by their advice and there is no real restriction on his power to pardon except that he is not permitted to pardon in cases of impeachment.
Nothing she had seen so far led her to believe Señor Medena was the type who asked for advice - least of all, hers.
Good advice, even if there weren't Indians around.
While she wanted to ignore his advice, she found herself double-checking.
If you were alive, I wanted to see if you had any … advice about how to deal with Gabriel.
They chatted further about general matters—mutual friends, and from Weller, some advice on campaigning.
He'd cave to Andre's advice and double-check with Darkyn about whether or not his mate owed the Dark One anything – formally or informally.
They shared a respect for the high-country conditions, prudent advice at any time, but even more appropriate on these winding roads, unprotected by guardrails, and bordered by sheer drop-offs that caused sweaty palms and racing heartbeats for many a first time driver.
Part of him rejoiced while another part of him thought the boon was too easily won from the creature before him. There had to be a catch. Death wouldn't agree to anything so easily. He found himself wishing for the advice of Andre or Kris, men smart where he was brash. She said nothing else and Rhyn turned away, striding out of the chamber.
I can't protect you if you disregard my advice like a ch….
This, of course, totally contradicts his previous advice to the trustees.
I'm always happy to give advice to anyone who'd like to have a go.
He also offered advice on what could be done now.
You can request a pack, or obtain further advice by contacting the number on the right of this page.
In such circumstances, the union should advise any dissatisfied member who asks the union for legal assistance to seek independent legal advice.
There is a list of people who can provide expert advice on selected topics.
Our highly experienced staff can offer you career advice, at no charge, on vacancies within the property industry.
A consultant may need to be called in for specialist advice.
Peterborough Children and Young People's Center Provides services for children and young people which include counseling, advocacy, advice and peer support.
Workers on the advice line can also prepare a self advocacy letter to social services expressing your concerns.
He is responsible for technical advice on high speed aerodynamics and propulsion to MoD.
Their series writing credits include Hearts afire, Good Advice and Dream On.
To provide advice on, disseminate knowledge and promote public understanding of the fields aforesaid.
Again he emphasized the value of networking and the need to pay for the best advice, especially patent agents and the legal wizards.
Return to the top of the page Jul 1939 Government issues advice on air raid warnings The Government issued advice about air raid warnings The Government issued advice about air raid warnings.
Should the WHO change the level of their global pandemic alert, the FCO will update travel advice accordingly.
How to apply for alleygating Advice The process of having an alley gated can be complex.
With the aim of eliminating any possible ambiguity, we suggest some changes of wording to clarify the status of the non-statutory advice.
The National Assembly receives advice on matters related to ancient monuments from the ancient monuments from the Ancient Monuments Board for Wales.
Yet the advice to use double dose histamine antagonists seems to be almost universal.
The training and advice from this component will provide a sound foundation upon which to build a research program in socio-cultural anthropology.
Do not use full-dose low molecular weight heparin or other new anticoagulants without seeking advice first.
For mild, intermittent symptoms, as well as advice about avoiding allergens, treatment should include a non-sedating antihistamine.
I am very appreciative of such a great forum in which to obtain legal advice.
Advice from a qualified arborist may be of assistance to you.
I prefer not to give my advice there anymore it all gets very argumentative.
Arson reduction Advice on measures which can be taken to prevent arson reduction Advice on measures which can be taken to prevent arson.
Asbestosis legal advice and help making a compensation claim We are here 24 hours a day to offer you free asbestosis legal advice and help making a compensation claim We are here 24 hours a day to offer you free asbestosis legal advice.
Our Office Hazards package on our website offers good general advice on carrying out risk assessments.
There are a number of sources of advice and practical assistance to such parents.
Services include written information and advice on childhood deafness, including audiology, technology, welfare benefits and education.
It is a little bitty in parts, but there is some useful advice to be found here nonetheless.
For advice on the construction of bunds please read our Masonry Bunds for oil storage tanks and Concrete Bunds for oil storage tanks guidelines.
Or do some at least prefer the convenience of professional advice they know and can rely on?
Coddan provides all clients with individual advice and comprehensive, yet cost-effective solutions.
The advice from legislative counsel was that clause 2(3)(b) should not be read as exclusive.
Speaking personally, I have found the wardens invariably courteous, and very helpful when one seeks their advice.
The next time you get advice about your mortgage purchase from your uncle or a long lost cousin, think about what really matters.
How much advice the defender will give the novice crossfire player.
The first time you have cystitis you should see your GP for advice.
Partner Edmund Probert and Solicitors Silas Brown and Philip Wolfgang negotiated the deal and provided legal advice.
Further advice The consultation document ' Reform of the excise duty deferment guarantee system ' was issued on 22 December 2005.
Your guide to private dentistry (46 kb) Basic advice for consumers who are considering private dentistry treatment.
They will also be operating a telephone advice service for patients who are already seen by the community dermatology service.
This advice effectively deterred Members from giving any proper consideration to Mr Balchin's true circumstances.
My advice would be keep it in perspective and be gentle and not dictatorial!
Those with levels between 5.2 mmols/l and 6.5 mmols/l should be given dietary counseling and advice on the other risk factors.
She can give valuable advice on cleaning methods and even dietary advice if needed.
For more specific advice ask your doctor to refer you to a state registered dietitian.
Pediatric dietitian, Dave Swain, has some words of advice.
For further advice ask your Christie doctor or GP to refer you to your local dietitian.
Get advice from Trading Standards and the Police if you suspect dishonesty.
Ready availability of counseling and advice for all teachers would help minimize drop-out and general disillusionment.
Advice on approved disinfectants is available on the website or from the local Animal Health Office.
I would appreciate any replies or advice as things seem very dismal at this time.
Where, following such a second marking, the student is still dissatisfied, he/she should contact the Registrar for advice.
Dissect 50% of what is printed and then dissect 50% of what is printed and then dissect that by the same amount was the advice given.
I now understand your Department may have made a decision to reject SEAC advice and allow bovine eyeball dissection to continue.
C. How can generic advice services remain distinct from any sales process without leaving people up in the air?
And if you feel you are going dizzy with all the acronyms and markup language, Teresa Martin has a valuable piece of advice.
He has been a constant source of sound advice, often challenging accepted dogma.
Union battlebus doorsteps BSkyB BECTU is offering advice and recruiting members at BSkyB's Osterley base.
A separate leaflet offering security advice to private motorists will be delivered door-to-door in central Witham and distributed in car parks.
Please consult your tour dossier for particular advice on the area you are traveling to.
Provide guidance and advice re suitability of course and advice re additional support available Eg dyslexia support and basic skills.
Players have cheated by using earpieces to receive advice from strong players or friends with computers.
The program shows child care professionals giving advice on tackling issues like weaning and fussy eating, tantrums and sleepless nights.
Ian Gunn prepared a detailed advice pursuant to Part 40 CPR Practice Direction, which became effective in October 2003.
At olives were advice Emanuel replied quot said democratic it wants our.
So let us advice you on the best ways to use your time out and impress potential employers at the same time.
Visitors to forested areas should seek medical advice about immunization against tick borne encephalitis.
She had a full rectum as well so she accepted my advice to have an enema and " Oh the relief " she said.
What advice would you have for budding young entrepreneurs?
Sinclair also had advice on where the budding entrepreneur should seek backing.
We can offer advice and support, risk assessment (including ergonomics and pregnancy ), health surveillance and supervised return to work programs.
Advice on aspirin for primary prevention requires formal accurate estimation of absolute coronary event risk.
However, if you have been illegally evicted you should seek legal advice.
Advice should be sought from returning students and the german exchange students currently in Manchester.
Debt advice fits your financial exclusion heading - will you fund it?
There is more detailed advice about choosing executors here.
The article contains a couple of simple diagrams and some straightforward help for the layman as well as advice for the experienced farrier.
Advice from experienced fencers is to avoid the use of barbed wire wherever possible.
Are you getting low/no budget filmmakers coming in for advice too?
Advice on dealing with the Treasury regarding forward financial years.
Over the past few years Max Value have offered many clients first-class, independent financial advice.
Commission caught flack for letting audit firms provide certain tax consultancy services to public companies, especially tax shelter advice.
Here is some advice for all of you none flirts out there or for those of you that want to be better flirts.
Peter Jones ' Fashion advisor, Penny James will be holding fashion advice workshops on the 2nd floor.
It is best to ask a florist for advice on what is best to take.
For detailed advice on dealing with a flexible working request, use the interactive flowchart on the Acas Tiger website.
Please contact us for specific individual advice on how to integrate this product into your orphan foal 's diet.
Twelve regional fora were in place to provide advice to firms on the ground across the UK.
The Commission provides policy support and advice to forestry Ministers in England, Scotland and Wales, promotes forestry and encourages good forestry practice.
Soya infant formulas should only be used on the advice of a GP or other health professional.
Fundraisers should ensure that they are aware of the full range of legislation that regulates charitable fundraising and should take legal advice if necessary.