Adventuress Sentence Examples
But the long expected heir failed to come, and Bianca realized that if her husband were to die before her she was lost, for his family, especially his brother Cardinal Ferdinand, hated her bitterly, as an adventuress and interloper.
The ignorant British Press treated Mrs. Hayden as a common American adventuress.
This adventuress soon gained the greatest ascendancy over the cardinal, with whom she had intimate relations.
This was the beginning of a pretended correspondence between Rohan and the queen, the adventuress duly returning replies to Rohan's notes, which she affirmed to come from the queen.
The adventuress, having taken refuge abroad, published Memoires in which she accused the queen.
It was not, however, according to his own account, till he met the Baroness de Kriidener - a religious adventuress who made the conversion of princes her special mission - at Basel, in the autumn of 1813, that his soul found peace.