Advent Sentence Examples
The advent of Thiers, his attitude towards the petition of French bishops on behalf of the pope, the recall of Senard, the French minister at Florencewho had written to congratulate Victor Emmanuel on the capture of Romeand the instructions given to his successor, the comte de Choiseul, to absent himself from Italy at the moment of the kings official entry into the new capital (2nd July 1871), together with the haste displayed in appointing a French ambassador to the Holy See, rapidly cooled the cordiality of Franco-Italian relations, and reassured Bismarck on the score of any dangerous intimacy between the two governments.
The advent of Christianity, with its categorical assertion of future happiness for the good, to a large extent did away with pessimism in the true sense.
Storytelling changed with the advent of television.
The recent advent of constitutional government may improve the condition of the Jews.
Could you have foreseen that the advent of a technology called "air conditioning" in homes would alter the social fabric of the nation?
With the advent of new trade routes at the beginning of modern times the town lost its importance, and in 1745 the citizens nearly decided to emigrate en masse.
The advent of the Reformation brought in critical methods, and the book was unjustly disparaged as a mere Christian forgery for nearly four centuries.
His shrewd sense of political expediency and his loyalty to constitutional principles saved .him from the error of obstructing the advent and driving into an aati-dynastic attitude politicians who had succeeded in winning popular favor.
Flowering and fruiting go on continually, although in diminishing degree, until the advent of frost, which kills the flowers and young bolls and so puts an end to the production of cotton for the season.
Upon the advent of the Left to power, however, he accepted both gift and pension, and worked energetically upon the scheme for the Tiber embankment to prevent the flooding of Rome.
AdvertisementTo Froben his arrival was the advent of the very man whom he had long wanted.
The fall of Signor Sonnino, the disappointment caused by the non-fulfilment of the expectations to which his advent to power had given rise throughout Italy and the dearth of influential statesmen, made the return to power of Signor Giolitti inevitable.
Until the advent of the modern synthetic products buchu was valued in diseases of the urinary tract, but its use is now practically obsolete.
Around the hermit of Hyeres, Hugh of Digne, was formed a group of Franciscans who expected from the advent of the third age the triumph of their ascetic ideas.
After the advent of the Left he was elected (November 1876) president of the chamber.
AdvertisementProvincial synods were held in the 2nd century, and were not completely organized before the advent of oecumenical councils.
Advent calendars have since made their way into secular Christmas celebrations.
A few days after the passage of the Religious Orders Bill, the death of Rattazzi (5th June 1873) removed all probability of the immediate advent of the Left.
This represents the second advent as heralded by a succession of signs which are unmistakable precursors of its appearance, such as wars, earthquakes, famines, the destruction of Jerusalem and the like.
The Almohade Empire soon began to decay, and in 1336 Abu Zakariya, prince of Tunis, was able to proclaim himself independent and found a dynasty, which subsisted till the advent of the Turks.
AdvertisementThe seventh book, De Vita Beata, discusses, among a variety of subjects, the chief good, immortality, the second advent and the resurrection.
Tradition refers to the advent of a Chinese artist named Nanriu, invited to Japan in the 5th century as a painter of the Imperial banners, but of the labors and influence of Period, this man and of his descendants we have no record.
On the advent of steam the shipping declined, and even the herring fishery, which fostered a large curing trade, has lost much of its prosperity.
Zieten's advent permitted the two fresh cavalry brigades of Vivian and Vandeleur on the duke's extreme left to be moved and posted behind the depleted centre.
The ignorance of the people of the north made it very difficult for Methodism to benefit from these manifestations, until the advent of the Rev. Thomas Charles (1755-1814), who, having spent five years in Somersetshire as curate of several parishes, returned to his native land to marry Sarah Jones of Bala.
AdvertisementDysentery, which is common, and the most serious disease e in the islands, is said to have been unknown before the advent of Europeans.
It is believed that there are traces of an aboriginal people (the Vazimba), who occupied portions of the interior before the advent of the present inhabitants, and these appear to have been a somewhat dwarfish race, and lighter-coloured than the Malagasy generally.
Another kind of warfare was about to absorb their whole attention; the barbarians were attacking the frontiers of the Empire on every side, and their advent once again modified Gallo-Roman civilization.
The Merovingian kings, mere war-chiefs before the advent of Clovis, had after the conquest of Gaul become absolute hereditary causes of nionarchs, thanks to the disappearance of the popular the failof assemblies and to the perpetual state of warfare.
Thus the triple alliance of Adalberos bold and adroit imperialism with the cautious and vacillating ambition of the duke of the Franks, and the impolitic hostility towards Germany of the ruined Carolingians, resulted in the unhooked-for advent of the new Capetian dynasty.
Today, the advent of cultured and fresh water pearls means that pearl jewelry is more accessible, however, this does not detract from the beauty of a pearl however it has been formed.
The recent movie, Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children is a huge hit in Japan and abroad, bringing characters from the fan-favorite Final Fantasy VII to the big screen.
T-shirts, mugs and more asked "Who shot J.R.?" and this was all before the advent of the Internet, when fans had to talk to each other, read entertainment magazines and watch entertainment programs to find crumbs of what would happen next.
With the advent of broadband technology and the Internet, there is no need to have to miss any of your favorite shows anymore, including One Tree Hill.
Whether you enjoy scrapbooking or rubber stamping, making an Advent calendar provides an opportunity to flex your creative muscles.
He introduces himself to us with a certain abruptness, merely specifying his own name as one of a list of knights of Champagne who with their count, Thibault, took the cross at a tournament held at Escry-sur-Aisne in Advent 1199, the crusade in contemplation having been started by the preaching of Fulk de Neuilly, who was commissioned thereto by Pope Innocent III.
The defenders were overpowered and the city destroyed before the advent of Charlemagne, who, however, avenged the disaster by a great battle in Spain.
Jealous of their " sharing the State with the king," Richelieu twenty-five years later reduced the exceptional privileges of the Huguenots, and with the advent of Louis XIV.
After the advent of the earl of Leicester as governor-general of the Netherlands in 1585, a change took place.
But whatever merits they had as clarifiers of turbid water, the advent of bacteriology, and the recognition of the fact that the bacteria of certain diseases may be water-borne, introduced a new criterion of effectiveness, and it was perceived that the removal of solid particles, or even of organic impurities (which were realized to be important not so much because they are dangerous to health per se as because their presence affords grounds for suspecting that the water in which they occur has been exposed to circumstances permitting contamination with infective disease), was not sufficient; the filter must also prevent the passage of pathogenic organisms, and so render the water sterile bacteriologically.
By this time the truce extended from the Wednesday evening to the Monday morning in every week and also, in most places, lasted during the seasons of Lent and Advent, the three great vigils and feasts of the Blessed Virgin, and those of the twelve apostles and a few other saints.
In the interval between the death of Ennius (169) and the advent of Accius, the youngest and most productive of the tragic poets, he alone maintained the continuity of the serious drama, and perpetuated the character first imparted to it by Ennius.
Since the advent of the whites there has also been a considerable immigration of Zulus.
The advent of a Liberal administration under Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman in Great Britain in December 1905 completely altered the political situation in the late Boer states.
Cattle rearing, which has been an industry since the advent of the Wends in the 6th century, is important on the extensive pastures of the Erzgebirge and in the Vogtland.
In northern countries bears retire during the winter into caves and the hollows of trees, or allow the falling snow to cover them, and there remain dormant till the advent of spring, about which time the female usually produces her young.
The city's river commerce, though of less relative importance since the advent of railways, is large and brings to its wharves much bulky freight, such as coal, iron and lumber; it also helps to distribute the products of the city's factories; and the National government has done much to sustain this commerce by deepening and lighting the channel.
On the advent of the Left to power in 1876, Brin was appointed minister of marine by Depretis, a capacity in which he continued the programme of Saint-Bon, while enlarging and completing it in such way as to form the first organic scheme for the development of the Italian fleet.
With such a mother and with Cranmer as her godfather she represented from her birth the principle of revolt from Rome, but the opponents of that movement attached little importance to her advent into the world.
The transport of merchandise and produce was wholly by means of pack animals before the advent of railways, and is still the common means of transport away from the railway lines.
It was only with the advent of the " new learning " in England that a direct rendering from the originals became possible.
Thereafter, for fourteen years, he devoted himself chiefly to questions of international law and arbitration, but in 1876, upon the advent of the Left to power, became minister of justice in the Depretis cabinet.
By the 13th century, with the final development of the ritual of the Mass, the chasuble became definitely fixed as the vestment of the celebrating priest; though to this day in the Roman Church relics of the earlier general use of the chasuble survive in the planeta plicata worn by deacons and subdeacons in Lent and Advent, and other penitential seasons.
These sources do not hint that the Last Supper is to be repeated by Christ's followers until the advent of the kingdom.
He soon gained a wide reputation as a preacher and was selected to be the Advent preacher at the court of Versailles in 1699.
It was in the possession of the Capet family before the advent of Hugh Capet to the throne of France in 987, and in 1 344 Philip VI.
Their stricter leaders, however, objected to a custom which so easily led to the worship of relics and the continuance of pagan observances; and with the advent of Islam embalming fell into disuse.
The hope of the advent of an ideal king was only one feature of that larger hope of the salvation of Israel from all evils, which was constantly held forth by all the prophets, from the time when the seers of the 8th century B.C. proclaimed that the true conception of Yahweh's relation to His people could become a practical reality only through a great deliverance following a sifting judgment of the most terrible kind.
In 1863, however, Bah& declared himself to be " He whom God shall manifest " (Man Yuz-hiruhu'llah, with prophecies of whose advent the works of the Bab are filled), and called on all the Babis to recognize his claim.
For years the subject of prophecy had occupied much of his thoughts, and his belief in the near approach of the second advent had received such wonderful corroboration by the perusal of the work of a Jesuit priest, writing under the assumed Jewish name of Juan Josafat Ben-Ezra, that in 1827 he published a translation of it, accompanied with an eloquent preface.
The advent of personal idealism is a welcome protest against the confusion of God and man in one mind, and against the confusion of one man's mind with another's.
It is well known that he fed on inspirations, and expected each day the advent of some supernatural occurrence which should bring about the triumph of the Church.
Western and southern Tibetan flora were partially explored previously to the advent of these travellers.
By the German public, to whom Ancillon was known only through his earlier writings and some isolated protests against the "demagogue-hunting" in fashion at Berlin, his advent to power was hailed as a triumph of liberalism.
In 1859 he graduated, was ordained deacon by Bishop William Meade of Virginia, and became rector of the church of the Advent, Philadelphia.
It was the common belief in the apostolic age that the second advent of Christ was near, and would give the divine completion to the world's history.
Redemption was thought of as still future, as the power of the devil had not been broken but rather increased by the First Advent, and the Second Advent was necessary to his complete overthrow.
With the advent of the dynamo, the position of affairs was wholly changed.
In modern times pumping engines have replaced windmills, and the typical old Dutch landscape with its countless hooded heads and swinging arms has been greatly transformed by the advent of the chimney stacks of the pumping-stations.
But even more important than these were the advent of the steam engine between 1760 and 1770, and of the railroad in 1825, each of which gave the iron industry a great impetus.
Through the advent of German and American fur sewingmachines since about 1890 fur work has been done better and cheaper.
The advent of the new sovereigns, of officially known as " the archdukes," though greeted ands the r" with enthusiasm in the Belgic provinces, was looked upon with suspicion by the Dutch, who were as firmly resolved as ever to uphold their independence.
The channel between Cape Bon in Tunis and the south-west of Sicily (a distance of 80 m.) is, on the whole, shallower than the Straits of Messina, being for the most part under 100 fathoms in depth, and exceeding 200 fathoms only for a very short interval, while the Straits of Messina, have almost everywhere a depth exceeding 150 fathoms. The geological structure in the neighbourhood of this strait shows that the island must originally have been formed by a rupture between it and the mainland, but that this rupture must have taken place at a period long antecedent to the advent of man, so that the name Rhegium cannot be based even on the tradition of any such catastrophe.
Dr Elliott Smith, who has examined thousands pf skeletons and mummies of all periods, finds that the prehistoric population of Upper Egypt, a branch of the North African-MediterraneanArabian race, changed with the advent of the dynasties to a stronger type, better developed than before in skull and muscle.
The advent of the dynasties, however, produced a quickening rather than a dislocation in the development of civilization.
Syria passed quickly into the possession of the Turks, whose advent was in many places welcome as meaning deliverance from the Mamelukes.
The revolt assumed large proportions, and became the more dangerous to Abdullah, the khalifa, by reason of its religious character, wild rumours spreading over the country and reaching to Egypt and Suakin of the advent to power of an opposition mahdi.
The wave of change (nervous impulse) induced in a neuron by advent of a stimulus is after all only a sudden augmentation of an activity continuous within the neuron - a transient accentuation of one (the disintegrative) phase of the metabolism inherent in and inseparable from its life.
While Sweden, even after the advent of Gustavus Vasa, was still of but small account in Europe, Denmark easily held her own in Germany and elsewhere, even against Charles V., and was important enough, in 1553, to mediate a peace between the emperor and Saxony.
The advent in 1351 of Hofmeister's brilliant discovery of the changes proceeding in the embryo-sac of flowering plants, and his determination of the correct relationships of these with the Cryptogamia, fixed the true position of Gymnosperms as a class distinct from Dicotyledons, and the term Angiosperm then gradually came to be accepted as the suitable designation for the whole of the flowering plants other than Gymnosperms, and as including therefore the classes of Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons.
This feeling was not weakened by the advent of Christianity, in fact, we may say that it was appreciably strengthened.
It is said that he wrote a formal Palinodia or retractation of his book De vera obedientia, but it does not seem to be now extant; and the reference is probably to his sermon on Advent Sunday 15J4, after Cardinal Pole had absolved the kingdom from schism.
The few old friends, including the grand-duke Charles Alexander, who continued regularly to visit the house, were entertained with kindly hospitality by Baron Walther; Wolfgang refused to be drawn from his isolation even by the advent of royalty.
One tradition relates how he retired from the world owing to the advent of firearms, which, he held, made strength and valour of no account in battle.
After the advent of the Left, Minghetti remained for some years in Opposition, but towards 1884 joined Depretis in creating the "Trasformismo," which consisted in bringing Conservative support to Liberal cabinets.
The leader in this case was one Mrs Minor, who came to prepare the land for the expected Second Advent.
She will be queen of all her subjects, and would have all the parties and distinctions of former reigns ended and buried in hers."' Her motive for getting rid of the Whigs was not any real dislike of their administration, but the wish to escape from the domination of the party,' and on the advent Ibid.
Next came the Sabbatum Magnum (Holy Saturday or Easter Eve) with its vigil, which in the early church was associated with an expectation that the second advent would occur on an Easter Sunday.
At the same time, one could more easily understand how such a system could have found general acceptance all over the Dravidian region of southern India, with its merest sprinkling of Aryan blood, if it were possible to assume that class arrangements of a similar kind must have already been prevalent amongst the aboriginal tribes prior to the advent of the Aryan.
Two years later he was recalled to France by the advent of his friend Turgot to power.
But long before the advent of Buddhism, the hermit, or wandering beggar, was a familiar figure in India.
One and all of the permanent institutions of society were condemned by the early enthusiasts, especially by those who looked forward to a speedy advent of the millennium, as alien to the kingdom of God and as impediments to the life of grace.
They had irrigated farms and dwelt in six-storey communal houses long before the advent of the white man.
There was but little material progress before the advent of the railway.
With the advent of large magneto-electric machines the era of electrotechnics was fairly entered, and this period, which may be said to terminate about 1867 to 1869, was consummated by the theoretical work of Clerk Maxwell.
He waged continual warfare against the English in Maine until the advent of Joan of Arc. He fought at Jargeau, at Meung-sur-Loire and at Patay (1429).
With the advent of the Normans, William the Conqueror, with the object of placing a firm feudal barrier between Wales and the earldom of Mercia, erected three palatine counties along the Cymric frontier.
Under certain circumstances, however, the native animals may recover, for in some cases they even profit by man's advent, and at times themselves become pests, like the Kea parrot (Nestor notabilis), which attacks sheep in New Zealand, and the bobolink or rice-bird (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) in North America.
So far as can be judged from the human remains found the population in general in both the Stone and Bronze Ages seems to have been similar in type to that of the present day, and there is no clear evidence for the advent of a new race.
Ozanam's father, Antoine, served in the armies of the republic, but betook himself, on the advent of the empire, to trade, teaching, and finally medicine.
S' With the advent to power of the Disraeli ministry in 1874 the nascent Imperial spirit grew in strength.
Miguel (q.v.) a personification of the hero-king Sebastian, whose second advent had been expected for two and a half centuries.
His partisans in the press hailed the advent of a second Pombal, and their enthusiasm was shared by many enlightened Portuguese, who had previously held aloof from politics but now rallied to the support of an honest dictator.
Indian corn was cultivated in the temperate and warm regions long before the advent of Europeans, who introduced wheat, rye, oats, beans, pease and the fruits and vegetables of the Old World, for each of which a favourable soil and climate was easily found.
Camels were very successfully employed as pack animals on the Tule desert in the palmy days of Virginia City, Nevada, before the advent of railways.
Upon the death of Rattazzi in 1873, Depretis became leader of the Left, prepared the advent of his party to power, and was called upon to form the first cabinet of the Left in 1876.
The mines of Spain, neglected late in the 15th century on the advent of supplies from America, came into note in 1827; the output has since greatly increased, amounting to 3,774,989 oz.
Petrarch, who in politics was no less visionary than Rienzi, hailed the advent of a founder and deliverer in the self-styled tribune.
It is stated that before the advent of the Russians there were 25,000 Aleuts on the archipelago, but that the barbarities of the traders eventually reduced the population to one-tenth of this number.
The location of Washington on the old "National Road" gave it importance before the advent of railways.
By his will dated the 2nd of August 1889 King Leopold bequeathed to Belgium "all our sovereign rights over the Independent State of the Congo, as they are recognized by the declarations, conventions and treaties concluded since 1884 between the foreign powers on the one side, the International Association of the Congo and 2 After 1900 Nyangwe and Kasongo again became towns of some importance, and traffic along the route to Tanganyika revived with the advent of railways, though the main traffic continued down the Congo river.
Until the advent of Europeans the natives, except in the immediate neighbourhood of some of the Arab settlements, did little more than cultivate small patches of land close to their villages.
On the third Sunday in Advent 1329, and afterwards in public consistory, John had preached that the souls of those who have died in a state of grace go into Abraham's bosom, sub altari Dei, and do not enjoy the beatific vision (visio facie ad faciem) of the Lord until after the Last Judgment and the Resurrection; and he had even instructed a Minorite friar, Gauthier of Dijon, to collect the passages in the Fathers which were in favour of this doctrine.
His advent marks a new era in English political life, the age of public opinion, created indeed by the circumstances of the time, but powerfully fostered and accelerated by him.
Haverfordwest owes its origin to the advent of the Flemings, who were permitted by Henry I.
But since the advent of British administration the history of Bengal has substantially been a record of prosperity; the teeming population of its river valleys is one of the densest in the world, and the purely agricultural districts of Saran and Muzaffarpur in the Patna division support over 900 persons to the square mile, a number hardly surpassed elsewhere except in urban areas.
With the view of directing the thoughts of Christians to the first coming of Christ as Saviour, and to his second coming as Judge, special lessons are prescribed for the four Sundays in Advent.
In the Roman Catholic church Advent is still kept as a season of penitence.
In many countries Advent was long marked by diverse popular observances, some of which even still survive.
Thus in England, especially the northern counties, there was a custom (now extinct) for poor women to carry round the "Advent images," two dolls dressed one to represent Christ and the other the Virgin Mary.
In Italy among other Advent celebrations is the entry into Rome in the last days of Advent of the Calabrian pifferari or bagpipe players, who play before the shrines of the Holy Mother.
That Python was no fearful monster, symbolizing the darkness of winter which is scattered by the advent of spring, is shown by the fact that Apollo was considered to have been guilty of murder in slaying it, and compelled to wander for a term of years and expiate his crime by servitude and purification.
The respectable mediocrity of Chapelain might misapprehend him; the lesser geniuses of Scudery and Mairet might feel alarm at his advent; the envious Claverets and D'Aubignacs might snarl and scribble.
The advent of Dutch settlers and a few Huguenot families in the 17th century was followed in the 19th century by that of English and German immigrants.
The advent of these immigrants was also the means of introducing the English language at the Cape.
Baptism was long before the advent of Jesus imposed on proselytes, and existed inside Judaism itself.
Everywhere there was an English lower class which welcomed the advent of the conquering kings of Wessex and the fall of the Danish jarls.
It was felt that these frequent changes were unfortunate for the country, and every one was glad to welcome the advent of a government which seemed to promise greater permanence.
Since the advent of the incandescent mantle, the efficiency of which is dependent upon the heating power of the gas more than on its illuminating power, the manu facture of coal gas has undergone considerable modifications.
In many parts of Germany the seasons of Lent and Advent are still marked by the use of emblems of mourning in the churches, by the frequency of certain phrases (Kyrie eleison, Agnus Dei) and the absence of others (Hallelujah, Gloria in excelsis) in the liturgical services, by abstinence from some of the usual social festivities, and by the non-celebration of marriages.
A warmer day than usual restores it to temporary activity, and then it supplies itself with food from its autumn hoard, again becoming torpid till roused by the advent of spring.
The Episcopal Church of Scotland has 3 sisterhoods; and they are found also at Toronto, " Saint John the Divine "; Brisbane, " Sacred Advent 91; Grahamstown, " Resurrection "; Bloemfontein, " St Michael and All Angels "; Maritzburg, " Saint John the Divine."
His eloquence and his writings earned for him a renown and influence which far exceeded St Bernard's, and which held its ground until the advent of the Thomist philosophy.
After the advent to power of Dr Vladan Georgevich (October 1897) persistent and successful efforts were made to improve the country's financial and economic condition.
In 1427, again, with the co-operation of his father King John, he seems to have sent out the royal pilot Diogo de Sevill, followed in 1431 by Goncalo Velho Cabral, to explore the Azores, first mentioned and depicted in a Spanish treatise of 1345 (the Conosrimiento de todos los Reynos) and in an Italian map of 1351 (the Laurentian Portolano, also the first cartographical work to give us the Madeiras with modern names), but probably almost unvisited from that time to the advent of Sevill.
The death of Francis I.s mother, Louise of Savoy (who had been partly instrumental in arranging the peace of Cambrai), the replacement of Montmorency by the bellicose Chabot, and the advent to power of a Burgundian, Granvella, as Charles Vs prime minister, put an end to this double-faced policy, which attacked the Calvinists of France while supporting the Lutherans of Germany; made advances to Clement VII.
Hismistresses were not the only cause of this; for ever since Fleurys advent political parties had come to the fore.
The advent of therepublic in 1889 changed the province into a state.
The rising agitation on the subject, fomented for their own purposes by the rabid Aristotelians of the schools, was heightened rather than allayed by these manifestoes, and on the fourth Sunday of the following Advent found a voice in the pulpit of Santa Maria Novella.
When Posada Herrera resigned, the Liberals and Sagasta did not seem much displeased at the advent to power of Canovas in 1884, and soon almost all the members of the Dynastic Left joined the Liberal party.
The pretender, in4eed, disclaimed any intention of stirring up civil war in Spain; his mission would be to restore order when the country fhould have wearied of the republican rgime whose speedy advent he foresaw.
Born in Denmark of a noble Swedish family, a politician, as were all his contemporaries of distinction, Tycho, though no conjuror, could.foresee the advent of some great northern hero.
Before the advent of the white man Nebraska was full of wild mammals, the buffalo, elk, black and white tailed deer, antelope, bears, timber wolves, panthers (pumas), lynx, otter and mink being common.
Among the Indians who occupied Nebraska immediately before the advent of the whites and thereafter, the only families of much importance in the state's history were the Caddoan and the Siouan.
While Christ's First Advent delivered believers from Satan's bondage, his overthrow would be completed only by the Second Advent.
Along with these reasons would co-operate towards the exclusion of visible aids to devotion, not only the church's sacramental use of Christ's name as a name of power, and its living sense of his continued real though unseen presence, but also, during the first years, its constant expectation of his second advent as imminent.
A fresh council was now held which re-enacted the decrees of 787, and on the 29th of February 842 the new patriarch, the empress, clergy and court dignitaries assisted in the church of St Sophia at a solemn restoration of images which lasted until the advent of the Turks.
Upon the advent of the Left in 1876, Nicotera became minister of the interior, and governed with remarkable firmness.
There is no doubt that the Cycadophyta, using the term suggested by Nathorst in 1902, was represented in the Mesozoic period by several distinct families or classes which played a dominant part in the floras of the world before the advent of the Angiosperms. In addition to the bisporangiate reproductive shoots of Bennettites, distinguished by many important features from the flowers of recent Cycads, a few specimens of flowers have been discovered exhibiting a much closer resemblance to those of existing Cycads, e.g.
It would appear that in this case the new influence, supplied by the advent of Angiosperms, had its origin in the north.
With the advent of Angiosperms began, as the late marquis of Saporta expressed it, " Une revolution, ainsi rapide dans sa marche qu'universelle dans ses effets."
During the century which preceded the advent of the Hohenzollerns in Brandenburg its internal condition had become gradually worse and worse, and had been accompanied by a considerable loss of territory.
Now with the advent of DVD, the story becomes more profound.
Advent of the euro was undoubtedly a major factor driving the increase in bond market activity.
Advent of the Internet, there now exists another, more powerful, medium with which to search for jobs.
Far from prophesying the Advent of the Quran, Isaiah is simply referring to the Assyrian takeover of Ephraim.
The day that heralded the Advent of the Holy Spirit.
The next big advance in understanding suicide outside the context of it being a sin awaits the Advent of psychoanalysis.
If it lasts for another 10,000 years, it might even witness the Advent of open government in Devon.
This is the color of penitence and fasting as well as the color of royalty to welcome the Advent of the King.
This brilliant event was milestone marking the Advent of a new era for SGI and a fitting tribute to round out its tenth year.
The drug management is becoming increasingly complex with the recent Advent of new medication.
And how can we limit the day of the Lord entirely to the second Advent and the parousia?
The season is marked by lighting Advent candles set in an Advent wreath at the front of the church.
Advent candle A tall candle is marked into 24 sections.
For the Advent purists this is of course anathema.
An added attraction during December is the popular Advent market.
Originally, the images in Advent calendars were derived from the Hebrew Bible.
Can't believe we're over a week into the Advent calendar.
He recently lead project for Electric December, the online advent calender.
On this Advent calender are a series of dates which conceal explorable spaces.
You can get dairy free chocolate advent calenders from Kinnerton, tho they tend to go fast.
It now seems fairly conclusive that the advent of iTunes 4.9 has had an impact!
With the advent of electronic registered conveyancing the advantage of registered land will further increase.
The author claims the advent of the 1960s dance craze the Twist made all the difference.
Clearly the advent of new Tory leader has not impacted on the Scottish electorate, at least yet.
The advent of positron emission particle tracking (PEPT) has now made this possible.
Advent 3 is " John the Baptist Day " when we consider the forerunner to the long-expected Messiah.
Elsewhere, as in Egypt and Algeria, the advent of an Islamic order never came to pass and appeared illusory.
Before the advent of CT, staging laparotomy was required but this has now been rendered obsolete.
They have repaired many Acer, Toshiba, Time, Samsung, Fujitsu, Tiny, Compaq, eMachines and Advent laptops.
Ideas for the Advent Journey for Church, home and collective worship based on the three-year lectionary.
However, the area has been going through spectacular growth recently due to the advent of new tools like the so-called hypergraph regularity lemma.
The advent of the TV garden makeover has made people aware of what expensive items may be in your garden.
Prior to advent of surgery less than 20% of children born with congenital heart malformations survived to adult life.
Scientific Impact A new window into the Universe opens with the advent of high energy neutrino telescopes.
In the same way games were revolutionized with the advent of 3D polygons, they will be revolutionized again with VR.
It was the advent in 1932 of Robert Boutflour, C.B.E. that presaged the growth of the College to over 800 students.
The town prospered in the 18th century with the advent of turnpike roads.
With the advent of BF and UT2k3 I think renegade will die.
Which means we may be witnessing the advent of the world's first purely rhetorical technology.
Father Christmas Wooden Advent £ 29.99 These Wooden Advent Calendars make the run-up to Christmas even more special.
The advent of cellular telephony is a vital enabling technology for IGT.
With the advent of faster computers, models become tractable which previously were not.
Development of the " active matrix " LCD has been made possible with the advent of the thin-film transistor (TFT ).
With the advent of fall, there was fierce price competition among the stores selling fleece underwear.
However, a different emphasis for the season of Advent has gradually unfolded in much of the rest of the church.
The advent of the fiberglass extended fishing rod demands particular vigilance on the part of the cyclist; who should be prepared to dismount.
It was once a flourishing town, but its quietness now is only disturbed by the advent of the numerous tourists who visit it in the summer, crossing hence to the island of Marken.
Among the marvellous changes wrought in Argentina by the advent of European civilization, is the creation of a new flora by the introduction of useful trees and plants from every part of the world.
Some of the volcanoes of the western districts of Victoria have been in eruption probably subsequent to the advent of the black-fellow.
Deposits were shifted from bank to bank, there were small runs on several of the savings banks guaranteed by the government, mortgagees required additional security from their debtors, bankruptcies develop along Imperial lines, are the advent of the p g p Labour party and the establishment of federation.
There are many other important points of crane construction too numerous to mention here, but it may be said generally that the advent of electricity has tended to increase speeds, and in consequence great attention is paid to all details that reduce friction and wear, such as roller and ball bearings and improved methods of lubrication; and, as in all other quick-running machinery, great stress has to be laid on accuracy of workmanship. The machinery, thus being of a higher class, requires more protection, and cranes that work in the open are now fitted with elaborate crane-houses or cabins, furnished with weather-tight doors and windows, and more care is taken to provide proper platforms, hand-rails and ladders of access, and also guards for the revolving parts of gearing.
The substitution of the Persian for the Median power, which took place with the advent of Cyrus, seems to indicate merely the pre-eminence of a particular tribe and not conquest by another race.
The advent of the more peaceful and Anglophile tsar, Alexander I., brought about the dissolution of the League, and the abandonment of the oriental schemes which Bonaparte had so closely at heart.
The advent of the Franks determined the final solution.
By August Vieuville's worst fears were realized; he was arrested on the 13th of the month for corrupt practices in office, and the intriguing cardinal who had caused his overthrow became chief minister of Louis His advent was hailed with joy by both the Catholic party and the patriotic party, eager for the overthrow of Habsburg supremacy in Europe.
But the non-fulfilment of prophecies relating to this or that individual event or people served to popularize the methods of apocalyptic in a very slight degree in comparison with the nonfulfilment of the greatest of all prophecies - the advent of the Messianic kingdom.
This we may consider as one of the striking parallels which meet us in other religions to that "hope of the advent of an ideal king which was one of the features of that larger hope of the salvation of Israel from all evils, the realization of perfect reconciliation with Jehovah and the felicity of the righteous in Him," to which reference was made in an early portion of this article and which constitutes the essential meaning of Messiahship. The form in which the Indian conception presents itself in the above quoted lines is more closely analogous amid many differences to the later and apocalyptic type of the Messianic idea as it appears in Judaism.
Sphaerotheca Humuli is the well known hop-mildew, Sphaerotheca MorsUvae is the gooseberry mildefv, the recent advent of which has led to special legislation in Great Britain to prevent its spreading, as when rampant it makes the culture of gooseberries impossible.
The joys of heaven and the pains of hell are depicted in vivid sensuous imagery, as is also the terror of the whole creation at the advent of the last day and the judgment of the world.
The archbishop died on the 3rd of December (Advent .Sunday), 1882, leaving a legacy of peace to the Church.
He had pursued the traditional policy of intermarriage with the royal families of Castile and Aragon, hoping to weld together the Spanish and Portuguese dominions into a single world-wide Sebastianism " became a religion; its' votaries were numbered by thousands, and four impostors arose in succession, each claiming to be the rei encuberto, or " hidden king," whose advent was so ardently desired (see Sebastian).
A canon of a council at Saragossa in 380, forbidding the faithful to be absent from church during the three weeks from the 17th of December to the Epiphany, is thought to be an early reference to Advent.
The advent of the Persians, bringing with them a conception of religion of a far higher order than Babylonian-Assyrian polytheism (see Zoroaster), must also have acted as a disintegrating factor in leading to the decline of the old faith in the Euphrates Valley, and we thus have the interesting though not entirely exceptional phenomenon of a great civilization bequeathing as a legacy to posterity a superstition instead of a real achievement.
Which means we may be witnessing the advent of the world 's first purely rhetorical technology.
One thing which has incurred since the advent of the self-loading rifle is improper bolt work.
No-till agriculture can reduce soil loss, but with the advent of herbicide tolerant soybean, many farmers now cultivate in highly erodible lands.
Development of the " active matrix " LCD has been made possible with the advent of the thin-film transistor (TFT).
The advent of a wetter climate was, however, compounded with man 's activities in tree felling.
Prevention Chickenpox is now a vaccine preventable disease with the advent of a live attenuated varicella zoster virus vaccine.
Back before the advent of disposable diapers, parents were motivated to have their children potty trained at an early age.
They remain popular despite the advent of other technologies because their pricing is relatively affordable.
With the rocket-fast advent of DVD sales, used video tapes have become easier and even more affordable to purchase than ever before.
Today, the results of many years of bicycle research and the advent of new technologies have resulted in many new developments in the world of bicycles.
Floppies - while not used much since the advent of the DVD burner, floppy disk drives can still be used and found on many older models of laptops and notebooks.
With the advent and spread of high-definition TV, knowing resolution, refresh rate and the different types of HDTVs is important.
Since the advent of the Internet, wholesale computer components have become extremely accessible to the average consumer.
With the advent of buy now pay later online shopping, you have almost-unlimited options.
Because glass lenses are so heavy, however, the advent of plastic and polycarbonate materials, which are lighter and thinner, made the glass lenses less popular.
With the advent of online shopping, the number of e-stores competing for your attention--and wallet--seem to be cropping up exponentially.
Couple these trends with the advent of things like the Pet Channel, Animal Planet and the many other animal awareness programs that proliferate our communities, and it suggests that pet pampering is here to stay.
Bone removal can be painful for a cat, and so the act of declawing has stirred up quite a lot of controversy since its advent.
Thanks to the advent of the Internet and some savvy middlemen, Amish furniture is now available for delivery across the country and in some cases, worldwide.
With the advent of loft beds, features like onboard storage and bed configurations that have the lower bunk positioned perpendicular to the upper bunk add some pizzazz and interest to this old favorite.
In Australia, tea tree oil was a common treatment for infections until the advent of penicillin.
Remodeling got a lot easier, and a lot less expensive, with the advent of eBay.
The recent advent of rich, whipped cosmetics means that everything from blush to eye color is now creamer than ever, and Flirt Cosmetics Eye Shadow Mousse is easily one of the most lush offerings out there.
The advent of quicker, easier, and more secure banking, such as the services Wells Fargo online offers, is one of the major perks of Internet technology.
While virtual pets were the highlight of the early 2000's as featured on tiny handheld devices, the advent of better Internet has made it so simple to have one of numerous virtual pets online.
New Advent calls its website "The Catholic Encyclopedia" and claims that it seeks to provide "full and authoritative information" about the faith to the general public.
This model paved the way for many more household printers by companies such as Hewlett Packard, Canon, and Lexmark; the advent of home photo printers helped digital photography explode in the home market over the next decade.
The 1950s saw the advent of nude photography and the exploration of women's sensuality.
Since the advent of point-and-shoot cameras, photographers of all skill levels have tried their best to capture awe-inspiring images of brilliantly colored fireworks painting a pitch-black sky.
These days, with the advent of digital sensor cameras, almost anyone can try her hand at capturing the unusual world of low-light photography.
With the advent of digital scrapbooking and the popularity of this craft as a whole, there are tons of places online you can visit to learn about scrapbooking, get ideas for your pages and find free scrapbooking stuff.
With the advent of digital scrapbooking, printable paper sites have sprung up all over the web.
Additionally, with the advent of integrated ski and binding systems, many skis now come with their bindings pre-mounted.
With the advent of shaped skis, people began to discover that short skis were beautiful.
The advent of the Internet has made it a dream to shop, if you know some specific numbers, namely your bust size, waist size and hip measurements.
The question of how do music lyrics impact teen behavior has been a hot button topic ever since the advent of rock and roll.
With the advent of the Internet, everyone is online, but what are most people doing most of the time online?
With the advent of digital photography and the amount of money that can be snagged for Internet images, the paparazzi have become absolutely relentless in their pursuit of Hollywood's biggest names.
With the advent of online commerce, finding perfect toddler girls Easter dresses is a cinch, and you have a much wider variety to choose from.
Don't worry too much about finding a bathrobe that fits your specifications, because with the advent of the Internet, you'll be able to find a perfect bathrobe at a great price.
However, thanks to advent of online shopping, it is far easier to track down smaller clothing sizes for premature babies.
With the advent of the Internet, many college radio stations now simulcast over the Internet.
While other fields (such as the humanities or other sciences) are still warming up to the idea of online education, the healthcare industry has embraced the advent of the Internet and budding technology with open arms for awhile now.
Fortunately, with the advent of last minute cruises, even the thriftiest traveler can afford to let loose on a spur-of-the-moment ocean adventure.
By the 1910s, the first accounts of striptease appeared on the heels of the advent of modern dance.
In England it is of proved hardiness, though neglected since the advent of Californian and other half-hardy conifers.
At first these were offered locally near his Pennsylvania test farm, but with the advent of the Burpee catalog, his innovations could be sold and shipped anywhere.
With the advent of the Internet and technology, virtual tuners are becoming more and more popular.
Until the advent of this easy to install crown molding, installing crown molding yourself required skills that excluded many do-it-yourselfers.
Although never completely out of style, Celtic stone pendants experienced a resurgence in popularity with the advent of the new millennium.
With the advent of the Internet and online jewelry stores offering a good selection of rings and other jewelry items, it is useful for online buyers to know what size rings they are buying.
The explosive advent of denim pants onto the scene so many years ago has morphed into the universal fashion star we have known and loved for so many years as 'blue jeans'.
Until the advent of shorts over a century later, adult men's legs would always be completely covered unless they were on the golf course.
However, with the advent of tee shirt printing (especially for sports and rock concerts) it became more and more acceptable to wear cotton tee shirts alone as casual wear.
In the 1980s, silk tee shirts under blazers became haute couture, especially with the advent of TV shows such as Miami Vice.
With the advent of technology comes great convenience, and organic pancake batter is no exception.
Specializing in heirloom varieties, this is a great place to find old-world varieties that have been around since before the advent of GMO practices.
And while specialty outlets for the full figured woman have always existed, the advent of online shopping makes them considerably easier to access.
With the advent of moisture wicking fabrics like spandex mixed with polyester and various kinds and shapes of padding, cycling shorts cover a wide range of costs.
Since the advent of the Internet, plus size retailers have taken to selling their most popular products online only.
Plus size shopping is easier than ever with the advent of the Internet.
With the advent of today's comfortable shapewear, flawless contoured curves aren't just limited to celebrities.
However, with the advent of the Internet they are often sold for wholesale prices online.
This involved not only the increased prevalence of motion controls, but also the advent of Mii creation.
Several programmers realized it would be much easier if all these games could be compiled onto a single memory cartridge, and this concept soon became a reality upon the advent of the DS R4 cartridge.
The advent of avatars and skins in games like Quake let them personalize their gaming experiences.
With the advent of the Treo's successor, free Palm Centro games have become very much in demand.
Before the advent of perinatology training, women with medical problems such as chronic hypertension, diabetes, and epilepsy were advised to not get pregnant because they could die.
Breech presentations were still delivered vaginally in the 1970s, but with the advent of the malpractice climate, many doctors shied away from this practice, opting to perform a c-section.
Rh disease, for example, has been controlled by the advent of anti-Rh globulin; its administration to Rh-negative mothers has reduced one risk factor for CP.
Surgery may be performed to remove enlarging kidney tumors, to avoid the advent of kidney failure.
With the advent of a less invasive approach called deep brain stimulation, these surgeries have become less common.
It was widely used before the advent of steroids.
After World War I, the advent of commercial formula facilitated raising babies without their being fed by breast.
The early 20th century saw the advent of the music recording industry, and tango music became the first pop craze, on over one third of all the records produced between 1903-1910.
With the advent of the internet, finding hundreds of videos both instructing and demonstrating line dancing is just a google search away.
With the advent of digital video dance lessons on the web, as well as the plethora of dance DVDs available, the use of dance step illustrations as teaching tools has declined in favor of much more useful and clear teaching tools.
With the advent of quick and easy digital video such as YouTube, learning how to country dance has become even easier.
With the advent of competitive ballroom dancing, dancing suddenly became as addictive as any sport, and when Dancing with the Stars incorporated celebrities into the mix, dance was set to come back into the forefront of American culture.
This practice transcended into modern times with obituaries, and the advent of the newspaper press.
The advent of cubicles was the result of discovering a psychological effect (Peripheral Vision Psychosis) that working in a large open space can have on certain people.
Interest in genealogy has increased dramatically since the advent of computers.
The advent of the 20th century brought major changes.
It was only at the advent of hospital births that the official recording became widespread.
While you may use a genealogy template to suit many purposes, with the advent of the computer age, most templates are outdated.
With the advent of new and less damaging straightening irons and also a multitude of helpful hair products, straight hair is always fashionable.
With the advent of the blog, these may be one of the best sources of free jobs, but often are only local blogs, not nationwide.
Because of this, economists have kept close track of the LIBOR since its advent in September 1989.
Corresponding to the advent of Lycra, these bikinis first emerged in the early 1990's.
With the advent of an almost "anything goes" culture, spring break bikinis and the girls who wear them get more outrageous all the time.
Ever since the advent of the bikini, parents have grown increasingly appalled at their daughters' willingness to flaunt their flesh in public.
You'll find plenty of cut outs available, but with the advent of swimsuit separates, your monokini is hanging right next to them on the rack.
Before the advent of probiotic supplements, people ingested probiotic bacteria through numerous food sources.
Obviously, they changed with the times, but starting in the 1940s, skirts were knee-length and, despite the advent of the miniskirt in the 1960s, a professional woman did not wear anything that showed more than her knees.
Since the advent of man made fabrics in the 1960s, many summer dresses have been made of rayon or polyester.
With the introduction of television, people were convinced radio would be forced into extinction, and with the advent of the Internet, no more need for TV.
However, it was the advent of online play that rocketed Settlers of Catan into the mass market.
With the advent of video game consoles and computer games, one might think that the days of playing a good old-fashioned board game are gone, but this simply isn't true.
There is a long tradition of having candles as part of the Advent celebrations and these are often displayed in wreaths.
A candle is lit on each Sunday in Advent, counting down to Christmas.
While historically candle light has been an essential part of life, with the advent of electric lighting candle light had become a decorative feature rather than an important light source.
During Advent (the weeks leading to Christmas), one candle is lit during church services.
Advent candles can also be purchased for use in the home.
Stringing the tree with popcorn and opening the Advent calendar are terrific holiday traditions, but sometimes, having an assortment of creative adult Christmas games to play makes grown-up gatherings more festive.
The photo Christmas card has become a popular style of card, especially since the advent of digital photography.
The Frosty the Snowman movie became more than just a seasonal television special with the technological advent of movies on video tape and DVD.
With the advent of gift cards, however, the focus has shifted from featuring clearance items to promoting current merchandise for gift card recipients.
Also visit LoveToKnow Crafts and review the articles Make Your Own Christmas Decorations and Make an Advent Calendar.
For starters, many church-sponsored Advent celebrations call for kids to don costumes for plays or other Christmas-related productions.
The advent of online dating has opened up a world of opportunities for them in the form of websites that cater exclusively to large women and those who prefer voluptuous, curvaceous women over skinny ones.
Thanks to the advent of the personal home computer, singles no longer need to trudge through the bars and the blind dates set up by well-meaning friends.
With the advent of broadband and digital technologies such as Flash, it has become very easy for people to create animated games that claim to be "dating simulations."
While these started out with simple paper notes and the imagination of the participants, they've become a big business with the advent of the Internet.
The courting couple gradually had more and more privacy, especially with the advent of movie theaters, cars, and "parking".
In the past this has got a bad name, however with the advent of print on demand (POD) services, self publishing can be a profitable alternative to more traditional forms of publishing.
Foods containing gluten are easy to come by thanks to the advent of numerous food additives.
With the advent of mall stores that cater to thrifty crowds, sample sales with lines that wrap around the block and online-only sales, the opportunities to spend less are practically everywhere.
The advent of machinery and advancements in production have meant that hand tooling is, unfortunately, less of a common occurrence.
Checkbook covers continue to be useful and popular devices, even in the advent of technologies that supposedly expedite everyday processes.
Since video games for the PC can cost anywhere from twenty to sixty dollars, the advent of free kids' games online is a proverbial godsend to parents as well as their children.
With the advent of the internet and the DVD format, a new paradigm in movie rentals was born.