Advances Sentence Examples
This method has made great advances in recent years.
Interest was rarely charged on advances by the temple or wealthy landowners for pressing needs, but this may have been part of the metayer system.
A large variety of materials have been used in their manufacture by different peoples at different times - painted linen and shavings of stained horn by the Egyptians, gold and silver by the Romans, rice-paper by the Chinese, silkworm cocoons in Italy, the plumage of highly coloured birds in South America, wax, small tinted shells, &c. At the beginning of the 8th century the French, who originally learnt the art from the Italians, made great advances in the accuracy of their reproductions, and towards the end of that century the Paris manufacturers enjoyed a world-wide reputation.
In these circumstances the state agreed to guarantee the interest on the capital, the sums it paid in this way being regarded as advances to be reimbursed in the future with interest at 4%.
As before, the sums paid out in respect of guaranteed dividend were to be regarded as advances which were to be paid back to the state out of the profits made, when these permitted, and when the advances were wiped out, the profits, after payment of a certain dividend, were to be divided between the state and the railway, two-thirds going to the former and one-third to the latter.
To the temple came the poor farmer to borrow seed corn or supplies for harvesters, &c. - advances which he repaid without interest.
Among the most industrious of Polynesian races, they have always been famed for wood-carving; and in building, weaving and dyeing they had made great advances before the whites arrived.
Owing to the smaller size of the male and the greater voracity of the female, the male makes his advances to his mate at the risk of his life and is not infrequently killed and eaten by her either before or after pairing has been effected.
If he refrained from making advances, how could she know if she was capable of resisting him?
Dalton lived in a period marked by great advances in experimental chemistry.
AdvertisementOn the other hand, since 1861, and more especially since 1882, when the Peasant Land Bank was founded for making advances to peasants who were desirous of purchasing land, the former serfs, or rather their descendants, have between 1883 and 1904 bought about 19,500,000 acres from their former masters.
The emperor, the governments of England, Holland, France and Sweden, and even the Grand Turk made advances to the tsar.
It was not without secret satisfaction, therefore, that Prince Gorchakov watched the repeated defeats of the Austrian army in the Italian campaign of 1859, and he felt inclined to respond to the advances made to him by Napoleon III.; but the germs of a Russo-French alliance, which had come into existence immediately after the Crimean War, ripened very slowly, and they were completely destroyed in 1863 when the French emperor wounded Russian sensibilities deeply by giving moral and diplomatic support to the Polish insurrection.
Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria had long been anxious to legalize his position by a reconciliation, and as soon as he got rid of Stamboloff he made advances to the Russian government.
But apart from the inevitable advances made in the course of a century during which historical research entered upon a new phase, the reader of Gibbon must be warned against one capital defect.
AdvertisementHer husband, having accidentally killed Eurytion in the Calydonian boar hunt, fled and obtained expiation from Acastus, whose wife made advances to Peleus.
Of the former, the first, published in 1896, was on the dynamics of a particle; and afterwards there followed a number of concise treatises on thermodynamics, heat, light, properties of matter and dynamics, together with an admirably lucid volume of popular lectures on Recent Advances in Physical Science.
Freeman advances the theory that the right of all the freemen to attend the genzot had for practical purposes fallen into disuse, and thus the assembly had come to be confined to the wise men.
As the season advances, the schools penetrate farther northwards into St George's Channel or eastwards into the English Channel.
Making your own planes has remained relatively popular over the decades and with advances in technology for beginners, having a home-brew aircraft is within reach for most people.
AdvertisementAs he had once said, he was a man of his word and he made no more advances.
A good brisk walk up a steep rugged trail would leave him too exhausted to make advances.
At an early date Hastings was placed in charge of an aurang or factory in the interior, where his duties would be to superintend the weaving of silk and cotton goods under a system of money advances.
It includes an immense high and broken plateau which spreads from south-west to north-east, losing in width and altitude as it advances north-east.
In the Bay of Bengal the strength of the southwest monsoon is rather from the south and south-east, being succeeded by north-east winds after October, which give place to northerly and north-westerly winds as the year advances.
AdvertisementUnder the budgetary heading " Public Debt " is included, as it should be, all expenditure in connexion not only with the public debt proper, but also with advances from banks and others, railway guarantees, an account of which will also be found below, and all capitalized liabilities, as far as known, contracted by the state.
The rates on these advances have now been generally reduced to 6% with the exception of that on the advances from the lighthouse administration, which refused to allow any reduction below 7%.
In the year1910-1911the outstanding advances were to be so far paid off that the credits to be opened under this head would be still further reduced by £T500,000.
It is obliged also to form entrepots for the storage of the crops at reasonable distances from each other, and, on certain conditions, to grant advances to cultivators to aid them in raising the leaf.
After this short period of frost and snow summer comes in its full beauty; the days are very hot, and, although they are always followed by cold nights, vegetation advances at an astonishing rate.
This telson may enlarge, it may possibly even become internally and sternally developed as partially separate somites, and the tergum may remain without trace of somite formation, or, as appears to be the case in Limulus, the telson gives rise to a few well-marked somites (mesosoma and two others) and then enlarges without further trace of segmentation, whilst the chitinous integument which develops in increasing thickness on the terga as growth advances welds together the unsegmented telson and the somites in front of it, which were previ ously marked by separate tergal thickenings.
The Romans, who succeeded the Greeks as the chief civilized power in Europe, failed to set store on their literary and scientific treasures; mathematics was all but neglected; and beyond a few improvements in arithmetical computations, there are no material advances to be recorded.
Great advances were made in the study of indeterminate equations, a branch of analysis in which Diophantus excelled.
A rotation by which one edge of the mirror advances 4X (while the other edge retreats to a like amount) introduces a phase-discrepancy of a whole period where before the rotation there was complete agreement.
But Anteia (or Stheneboea), wife of Proetus, became enamoured of Bellerophon, and, when he refused her advances, charged him with an attempt upon her virtue.
In the fourth place, these views of the "natural history of disease" (in modern language) led to habits of minute observation and accurate interpretation of symptoms, in which the Hippocratic school was unrivalled in antiquity, and has been the model for all succeeding ages, so that even in these days, with our enormous advances in knowledge, the true method of clinical medicine may be said to be the method of Hippocrates.
The appreciation of such modifications, and of the working of such causes, has been facilitated greatly by the light thrown upon normal processes by advances in physiology; so dependent is each branch of knowledge upon the advances of contiguous and incident studies.
Some of the most successful of the advances of medicine as a healing art have followed the detection of syphilitic disease of the vessels, or of the supporting tissues of nervous centres and of the peripheral nerves; so that, by specific medication, the treatment of paralytic, convulsive, and other terrible manifestations of nervous disease thus secondarily induced is now undertaken in early stages with definite prospect of cure.
Actively interested with Cyrus Field in the laying of the first Atlantic cable, he was president of the New York, Newfoundland & London Telegraph Company, and his frequent cash advances made the success of the company possible; he was president of the North American Telegraph Company also, which controlled more than one-half of the telegraph lines of the United States.
The puma has an exceedingly wide range of geographical distribution, extending over a hundred degrees of latitude, from Canada in the north to Patagonia in the south, and formerly was generally diffused in suitable localities from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, but the advances of civilization have curtailed the extent of the districts which it inhabits.
The vortex advances with a certain velocity; and if an equal circular vortex is generated coaxially with the first, the mutual influence can be observed.
The centre of the spots on the grapes becomes darker as the disease advances, and a red line appears dividing the dark brown border into an outer and an inner rim and giving a very characteristic appearance to the diseased plant.
But as the day advances the clouds collect.
Lavish expenditure followed and the government was soon anticipating its revenues by obtaining advances from guano consignees, usually on unfavourable terms, and then floating loans.
About the same time Francesco Maurolico, or Maurolycus, the eminent mathematician of Messina, in his Theore y nata de Lumine et Umbra, written in 1521, fully investigated the optical problems connected with vision and the passage of rays of light through small apertures with and without lenses, and made great advances in this direction over his predecessors.
It advances with years, requiring from time to time spectacles of increasing strength.
On the other hand, he advances too easily from the maxim that function is prior to, and makes, structure to the conclusion that the results of use and disuse are therefore immediately incarnated in structural adaptations capable of hereditary transmission.
Tirpitz advances two contentions; first, that he would have sent the navy into decisive action at an earlier stage of the war; secondly, that he would have made an earlier and more ruthless use of the German U-boats; but his opponents traverse both these claims, and in particular assert that as Secretary of State he had neglected the construction of submarines, so that Germany entered the war with a comparatively small supply of these vessels.
The water-tight lining may be either a wrought iron tube, which is pressed down by jack screws as the borehole advances, or cast iron tubbing put together in short complete rings, in contradistinction to the old plan of building them up of segments.
Of the vessels to be sent to Paris with American cargoes which were to be sold for the liquidation of French loans to the colonies made through Beaumarchais, few arrived; those that did come did not cover Beaumarchais's advances, and hardly a vessel came from America without word of fresh drafts on Franklin.
But with these advances came the danger of falling into error from which common-sense dualism and naturalistic monism were free.
It had its roots in New a literature and in forms of thought remote from the common track; it had been formulated before the Prag- great advances in psychology which marked the course matism.
The industries of Konigsberg have made great advances within recent years, notable among them are printing-works and manufactures of machinery, locomotives, carriages, chemicals, toys, sugar, cellulose, beer, tobacco and cigars, pianos and amber wares.
Ameghino argues that this creature is still living, while Dr Moreno advances the theory that the animal has been extinct for a long period, and that it was domesticated by a people of great antiquity, who dwelt there prior to the Indians.
The state has made great advances, too, in the production of flowers, ornamental plants, nursery products, fruits, vegetables, poultry and eggs.
In 1894 was passed the Advances to Settlers Act, under which state money-lending to farmers on mortgage of freehold or leasehold land was at once begun.
Encouraged by an improved coinage, trade made great advances, and other benefits also accrued from the discovery of silver on the Schneeberg.
Till W 1 has advanced a distance a only one load is on the girder, and the curve A"F gives bending moments due to W 1 only; as W1 advances to a distance a+b, two loads are on the girder, and the curve FG gives moments due to W 1 and W2.
The principle of balancing expenditure and receipts was, indeed, soon abandoned, the State making advances to the institution in order that bread-stuffs might be sold under cost price.
By agreement with the Ministry of the Interior, as soon as the reserve exceeded by io% the working capital (which was partly in shares, partly in bank advances) the company was to sell food under cost price; and this actually happened.
The public rushed to the bank to obtain advances by pledging securities.
At the end of June 1919 these advances still amounted to 2,605 millions of kronen.
To the advances of the French government he at first turned a deaf ear, but when the rapprochement between the two countries was effected with little or no co-operation on his part, he utilized it for restraining France and promoting Russian interests.
In arranging plants according to a natural method, we require to have a thorough knowledge of structural and morphological botany, and hence we find that the advances made in these departments have materially aided the efforts of systematic botanists.
From the year 1832 up to 1859 great advances were made in systematic botany, both in Britain and on the continent of Europe.
His followers were chiefly engaged in the arrangement and classification of plants, and while descriptive botany made great advances the physiological department of the science was neglected.
The Latin Church, which, by combining the tradition of the Roman centralized organization with a great elasticity in practice and in the interpretation of doctrine, had hitherto been the moulding force of civilization in the West, is henceforth more or less in antagonism to that civilization, which advances in all its branches - in science, in literature, in art - to a greater or less degree outside of and in spite of her, until in its ultimate and most characteristic developments it falls under the formal condemnation of the pope, formulated in the famous Syllabus of 1864.
Other advances of tion rein- duty were made in later years, especially on grain; stated, and thus the policy of Germany has become dis 1879.
Nevertheless, the advances then made were of little importance as compared with the far-reaching increases of duty during the Civil War.
On other textiles, particularly on silks and linens, similar advances were made.
The iron industry in the United States had made extraordinary advances, and confessedly was not in need of greater protection than had been given in 1894.
Starting with " particular perceptions " or isolated ideas let in by the senses, he never advances beyond these " distinct existences."
This led him to make advances to Cicero, since it was necessary to obtain witnesses in his favour from his old province.
Next, if the shot advances a distance As ft.
After a certain discount for friction and the recoil of the gun, the net work realized by the powder-gas as the shot advances AM is represented by the area Acpm, and this is equated to the kinetic energy e of the shot, in foot-tons, (I) e d2 I + p, a in which the factor 4(k 2 /d 2)tan 2 S represents the fraction due to the rotation of the shot, of diameter d and axial radius of gyration k, and S represents the angle of the rifling; this factor may be ignored in the subsequent calculations as small, less than I %.
But the shot advances during the combustion of the cordite, and the chief problem in interior ballistics is to adjust the G.D.
Milton, in his Tractate on Education (1644), advances further on Bacon's lines, protesting against the length of time spent on instruction in language, denouncing merely verbal knowledge, and recommending the study of a large number of classical authors for the sake of their subject appointed to consider the studies and examinations of the university, their report of November 1904 on the Previous Examination was fully discussed, and the speeches published in the Reporter for December 17, 1904.
This, however, is only one of the aspects which have to be taken into consideration when one advances to the Rabbinical Midrash.
This conception of the science and its possibilities is the result of very gradual advances since the beginning of the 19th century in what is known as the method of palaeontology.
One of the causes of these sudden advances is undoubtedly to be found in the acquisition of a new and extremely useful character., Thus the perfect jaw and the perfect pair of lateral fins when first acquired among the fishes favoured a very rapid and for a time unchecked development.
By the former method the rods are left on the ground until spring advances, when a rapid growth of the cork cambium begins.
The accuracy with which building operations are portrayed, and a sense of landscape, are great advances even on the superb work of Sargon's palace at Khorsabad.
The milk-dentition, and even the early condition of the permanent dentition, is formed on the same general type as that of Sus, except that certain teeth are absent, the formula being 13 i cl, total 34; but as age advances all the teeth have a tendency to disappear, except the canines and the posterior molars, but these, which in some cases are the only teeth left in the jaws, attain an extraordinary development.
Such persons have flourished at all times in the history of mathematics; but the interest attaching to them is more psychological than mathematical.2 It is of recent years that the most important advances in the theory of circle-quadrature have been made.
He accepted also the division into five zones; he quotes approvingly the assertion of Hipparchus that it was impossible to make real advances in geography without astronomical observations for determining latitudes and longitudes.
As one advances northward the timber grows smaller and includes fewer species of trees, and finally the timber line is reached, near Churchill on the west coast of Hudson Bay and somewhat farther south on the Labrador side.
The snow line gradually sinks as one advances north-west, reaching only 2000 or 3000 ft.
At this time the Guides were split up into numerous detachments, and there was a system of advances which made the accounts very complicated.
But the contract system for convicts and the peonage system (under which immigrants were held in practical slavery while they " worked out " advances made for passage-money, &c.) were still sources of much injustice.
State laws made liable to prosecution for misdemeanour any contract labourer who, having received advances, failed for any but good cause to fulfil the contract; or any contract labourer who made a second contract without giving notice tohis second employer of a prior and unfulfilled contract; or any employer of a labourer who had not completed the term of a prior contract.
The trees for a considerable period show little sign of unhealthiness, but eventually the stem begins to swell somewhat near the root, and the whole tree gradually goes off as the disease advances; when cut down, the trunk is found to be decayed at the centre, the " rot " usually commencing near the ground.
As thus purified by successive advances of embryological research, the Mollusca were reduced to the Cuvierian classes of Cephalopoda, Pteropoda, Gastropoda and Acephala.
These advances in natural science, which pointed to a unity and gradual evolution in nature, were accompanied by a growth in commerce, manufactures and industrialism; the same kind of spirit showed itself in the revolutionary upheaval of 1848, and in the materialistic publications which immediately followed, while these XVIII.
He developed a great research laboratory of experimental physics, attracting numerous workers from many countries and colonies; advances were made in the investigation of the conduction of electricity through gases, in the determination of the charge and mass of the electron and in the development of analysis by means of positive rays.
The most marked advances from 1900 to 1905 were in worsted goods (61.4%) structural iron-work (60%), and tin and terne-plate (54.4%) Philadelphia is the great manufacturing centre.
In forming a pyramidal tree, the lateral growths, instead of being removed, as in the standard tree, are encouraged to the utmost; and in order to strengthen them the upper part of the leading shoot is removed annually, the side branches being also shortened somewhat as the tree advances in size.
Such ferns as Gymnogrammes, which have their surface covered with golden or silver powder, and certain species of scaly-surfaced Cheilanthes and Nothochlaena, as they cannot bear to have their fronds wetted, should never be syringed; but most other ferns may have a moderate sprinkling occasionally (not necessarily daily), and as the season advances, sufficient air and light must be admitted to solidify the tissues.
In a letter written with singular energy and dignity of thought and language, he repelled the tardy advances of his patron.
Annual engagements are entered into by the cultivators, under a system of pecuniary advances, to sow a certain quantity of land with poppy, and the whole produce in the form of opium is delivered to government at a fixed rate.
Nothing more was needed to unite together all the emperors foes, including Pope Clement VI., who, like his predecessors, had rejected the advances of Louis; but in 1345, before the gathering storm broke, the emperor took possession of the counties of Holland, Zealand and Friesland, which had been left without a ruler by the death of his brother-in-law, Count William IV.
His previous advances had been interrupted Endof the by the Gastein convention, which seemed to the Italian Austro- government a betrayal of the Italian cause.
The Bank, of Sicily was further obliged to make advances to the sulphur industry up to four-fifths of the value of the sulphur deposited in the warehouses.
In the north-west corner of the island we find a small territory occupied by a people who seem to have made much greater advances towards civilized life.
This was one of the greatest advances ever made by the Greek people.
This people had dwelt in the Aegean from the Stone Age, and, though still in the Bronze Age at the Achaean conquest, had made great advances in the useful and ornamental arts.
To the faith of the Moslems, as has been said, the Koran is the word of God, and such also is the claim which the book itself advances.
No siege engines are depicted, even in the time of the Empire,, and the absence of original representations after the XXth Dynasty renders it difficult to judge the advances made in the art of war during the first half of the last millennium Bc. The inscription of Pankhi, however, proves that in the 8th century approaches and towers were raised against the walls of besieged cities Priesthood.The priesthood was in a great degree hereditary, though perhaps not essentially so.
In response to his advances commissaries of the French republic visited him at Iannina and, affecting a sudden zeal for republican principles, he easily obtained permission to suppress the " aristocratic " tribes on the coast.
Lamech's family are the originators of various advances in civilization; he himself is the first to marry more than one wife, 'Adah ("ornament," perhaps specially "dawn") and Zillah ("shadow").
A marriage of the daughter of Kenneth MacAlpine with the Welsh prince of Strathclyde gives Scotland a footing in that region; in short, Scotland slowly advances towards and even across the historic border.
Though Ayala's well-known letter certainly flatters the material progress of Scotland, the country had assuredly made great advances.
With regard to adaptations, it is becoming more and more apparent, as experimental knowledge advances, that it is a fundamental property of every living organism in every stage of its existence to display adaptive response to its environment.
She fell in love with her stepson Hippolytus, who, resisting her advances, was accused by her to Theseus of having attempted her virtue.
Throughout the war; Mr. Thomas, while securing large advances of wages for the railway servants, used his unique influence with them in composing disputes and preventing any stoppage which should interfere with national interests; and for this considerable service he was made a privy councillor in 1917.
After this our Lord was visited secretly by a Pharisee named Nicodemus, whose advances were severely met by the words, " Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
This rejection of the advances of the Uitlandersby whose aid he could have built up a free and stable republic - led to his downfall, though the failure of the Jameson Raid in the first days of 1896 gave him a signal opportunity to secure the safety of his country by the grant of real reforms. But the Raid taught him no lesson of this kind, and despite the intervention of the British government the Uitlanders' grievances were not remedied.
The revolution of 1830 was a great blow to him, and the prospect of democratic advances almost made him ill.
The public debt in March 1919 was £3,190,000, nearly all (£2,998,000) advances made by the British Government to meet the expenses of the local campaign against German East Africa.
At Woolwich he remained until 1870, and although he was not a great success as an elementary teacher, that period of his life was very rich in mathematical work, which included remarkable advances in the theory of the partition of numbers and further contributions to that of invariants, together with an important research which yielded a proof, hitherto lacking, of Newton's rule for the discovery of imaginary roots for algebraical equations up to and including the fifth degree.
Great advances have been made in the utilization of this property as a result of the growth of the precision grinding-machines, which are able to correct the inaccuracies of hardened work as effectually as those of soft materials.
The queen may be altogether relieved of the work of the nest as the season advances, so that she can devote all her energies to egg-laying, and the colony grows rapidly.
Throughout British territory the growth of the poppy is almost universally prohibited, except in a certain tract of Bengal and the United Provinces, where it is grown with the help of advances from government and under strict supervision.
As cultivation advances, the area of waste land available for grazing steadily diminishes, and the prospects of the poor beasts are becoming worse rather than better.
On the ethical side, the religion of Babylonia more particularly, and to a less extent that of Assyria, advances to noticeable conceptions of the qualities associated with the gods and goddesses and of the duties imposed on man.
These Difficulties Have Been Removed By The Great Advances Since 1880, And In Particular By The Introduction Of Accurate Standard Cells For Measurements Of Electrical Pressure.
During the troubles of the Caliphate the Byzantines had made great advances; they had even taken Malatia and Samosata (Samsat).
The truth is that, though the premises contain the conclusion, neither premise alone contains it, and a man who knows both but does not combine them does not draw the conclusion; it is the synthesis of the two premises which at once contains the conclusion and advances our knowledge; and as syllogism consists, not indeed in the discovery, but essentially in the synthesis of two premises, it is an inference and an advance on each premise and on both taken separately.
That he made very great advances towards the attainment of this object all will allow; that his method, even as completed in 1862, fully attains it is not so certain.
And one of Hamilton's earliest advances in the study of his system (an advance independently made, only a few months later, by Arthur Cayley) was the interpretation of the singular operator q()q1, where q is a quaternion.
When the medical attendant declares the case hopeless a priest advances to the bed of the dying man, repeats sundry texts of the Zend-Avesta, the substance of which tends to afford him consolation, and breathes a prayer for the forgiveness of his sins.
As compared with the earlier constitution it showed many radical advances toward popular control, the power of the legislature being everywhere curtailed.
He proposed to the French consul-general at Alexandria to make advances to the Porte, and suggested sending back the Ottoman fleet as an earnest of his good intentions, a course which, it was hoped, "would lead to a direct and amicable arrangement of the Turco-Egyptian question."
On coming of age he made an arrangement with the British government by which his income was reduced to £25,000 in consideration of advances for the purchase of an estate, and he finally settled at Elvedon in Suffolk.
Until the 18th century no scientific treatment of financial problems was attained, though there had been great advances on the administrative side.
On the administrative side also remarkable advances were made by the entrusting of military expenditure to the " generals," and in the 4th century B.C. by the appointment of an administrator whose duty it was to distribute the revenue of the state under the directions of the assembly.
These advances all centre round his supreme discovery of the induction of electric currents.
A record of this series of advances marked upon a flat map of the original country would give a series of concentric contour-lines narrowing towards the mountaintops, which they would at last completely surround.
If we take it strictly to mean the belief in ghosts or spirits having the " vaporous materiality " proper to the objects of dream or hallucination, it is certain that the agency of such phantasms is not the sole cause to which all mystic happenings are referred (though ghosts and spirits are everywhere believed in, and appear to be endowed with greater predominance as religious synthesis advances amongst primitive peoples).
As religion advances with improved social organization, a series of figures, partly human, partly divine, embodies the idea that the command of nature implied in the progress of the arts is due to some kind of instruction from above, and that the obli gations of law are of more than human origin.
The advances in stellar photography made by Paul and Prosper Henry and others suggested to him the magnificent idea of obtaining, through the collaboration of astronomers in all parts of the world, an autographic picture of the entire sphere containing more than fifty million stars, which should faithfully record in future ages the state of the sky at the end of the i 9th century.
It is under the banner of this protest against rationalizing idealism that Schopenhauer advances.
The latter species (Equus zebra) inhabits the mountainous regions of the Cape Colony, where, owing to the advances of civilized man into its restricted range it has become very scarce, and is even threatened with extermination, but it exists in the form of a local race in Angola.
After confining its operations for some years to ordinary pawnbroking, without profits, it obtained the aid of the Russian State Bank, acquired large premises in Teheran, made advances to the Persian government (since 1898), and in January 1900 and March 1902 financed the loans of 2,400,000 and 1,000,000 to Persia.
For advances with good security a native sarraf charges at least 12% interest per annum; ac the security diminishes in value the rate of interest increases, and transactions at 10% a month, or more than 120% per annum, are not infrequent.
His immense popularity, his friendly relations with the clergy, and some temporary advances from the banks, tided over difficulties for some time.
During the British protectorate the island made undoubted advances in material prosperity, but was several times the scene of political disturbances.
Burnes, however, was unable to prevail on the governor-general, Lord Auckland, to respond to the amir's advances.
Considerable advances in our knowledge of the various chromogenic bacteria have been made by the studies of Beyerinck, Lankester, Engelmann, Ewart and others, and have assumed exceptional importance owing to the discovery that Bacteriopurpurin - the red colouring matter contained in certain sulphur bacteria - absorbs certain rays of solar energy, and enables the organism to utilize the energy for its own life-purposes.
The work of Metchnikoff, dating from about 1884, has proved of high importance, his theory of phagocytosis (vide infra) having given a great stimulus to research, and having also contributed to important advances.
All advances were lodged by him in the Bank of England until required, and all subsidies were paid over without deduction, even though it was pressed upon him, so that he did not draw a shilling from his office beyond the salary legally attaching to it.
Advances of money are often made by the government to enable the ryots to grow the poppy.
As the century advances, a more graceful movement in the figures is discernible.
Further, the gradual appearance and differentiation of the successive somites and appendages may be accelerated, so that comparatively great advances take place at a single moult.
Picus rejected her advances, and the goddess in her anger changed him into a woodpecker, which pecks impotently at the branches of trees, but still retains prophetic powers.
As will be seen from this figure, the wing advances both when it rises and when it falls.
The county council may, with the consent of the Local Government Board, borrow money on the security of the county fund or any of its revenues, for consolidating the debts of the county; purchasing land or buildings; any permanent work or other thing, the cost of which ought to be spread over a term 'of years; making advances in aid of the emigration or colonization of inhabitants of the county; and any purpose for which quarter sessions or the county council are authorized by any act to borrow.
Their expulsion from Arabia, followed by the conquest of Egypt by the Mahommedans in the middle of the 7th century, changed this state of affairs, and the continued advances of the followers of the Prophet at length cut them off from almost every means of communication with the civilized world; so that, as Gibbon says, "encompassed by the enemies of their religion, the Ethiopians slept for near a thousand years, forgetful of the world by whom they were forgotten."
The Normans, in their turn, gradually superseded all powers, whether Greek, Lombard or republican, which had previously divided the south of Italy, and furthermore checked the Saracens in the advances they were making through Apulia.
This is the case with Herbert Spencer's doctrine of the Unknowable, which he advances as the result of epistemological considerations in the philosophical prolegomena to his system.
No woman, he said, in heaven, earth or hell, could charge him with having ever made any improper advances to her.
When pulleys are mounted on shafts which are parallel to one another, the band will retain its position, provided that its central line advances towards each pulley in the diametral plane of this latter.
It is curious to find thatlike his father Johnhe himself contributed unconsciously to advances towards representative government.
But no further advances were made towards Protestantism after the publication and authorization of the Great Bible in English.
In home affairs, too, the government made tentative advances in a Liberal direction.
Here the tidal phenomenon called the bore, or Pororoca, occurs, where the soundings are not over 4 fathoms. It commences with a roar, constantly increasing, and advances at the rate of from 10 to 5 m.
Such ferns as Gymnogrammas, which have their surface covered with golden or silver powder, and certain species of scalysurfaced Cheilanthes and Nothochlaena, as they cannot bear to have their fronds wetted, should never be syringed; but most other ferns may have a moderate sprinkling occasionally (not necessarily daily) and as the season advances sufficient air and light must be admitted.
Danton strove to unite all partisans of the Revolution in defence of the country; but the Girondins, detesting his character and fearing his ambition, rejected all advances.
For this post he was especially fitted by his acquaintance with recent advances in science, and by his skill in a classical severity of demonstration, acquired by a thorough study of the works of the Greek geometricians.
But it was inevitable that the enormous advances made by the physical and other sciences in modern times should bring with them a reasoned attempt to bring the phenomena of consciousness within the sphere controlled by physical laws and natural necessity.
The cardinal assumption of Plato's metaphysic is, that the real is definitely thinkable and knowable in proportion as it is real; so that the further the mind advances in abstraction from sensible particulars and apprehension of real being, the more definite and clear its thought becomes.
The proper share of each in bringing about this memorable result is not easy to apportion, since they freely imparted and profited by one another's advances and improvements; it need only be said that the fundamental proposition of the invariability of the planetary major axes laid down with restrictions by Laplace in 1773, was finally established by Lagrange in 1776; while Laplace in 1784 proved the subsistence of such a relation between the eccentricities of the planetary orbits on the one hand, and their inclinations on the other, that an increase of either element could, in any single case, proceed only to a very small extent.
Meanwhile, advances were being made in various parts of the continent of Europe.
The external means or aids by which God unites men into the fellowship of Christ, and sustains and advances those who believe, are the church and its ordinances, especially the sacraments.
The society had at first many difficulties to con front, but after the first two or three years of its existence It will be seen from these two tables that though the amount of its progress became more rapid, and co-operation became advances applied for during the period dealt with amounted to over Estimated number of purchasers on resale.
The same criticism is made by several of the later schoolmen, among others by Aquinas, and is in substance what Kant advances against all ontological proof.
During the five years' reign of Queen Rasoherina, quiet and steady advances were made in civilization and education, and treaties were concluded with the British, French and American governments.
Thus Athene is a divine name without meaning in Greek, but Max Muller advances reasons for supposing that it is identical with ahana, " the dawn," in Sanskrit.
The death of Francis I.s mother, Louise of Savoy (who had been partly instrumental in arranging the peace of Cambrai), the replacement of Montmorency by the bellicose Chabot, and the advent to power of a Burgundian, Granvella, as Charles Vs prime minister, put an end to this double-faced policy, which attacked the Calvinists of France while supporting the Lutherans of Germany; made advances to Clement VII.
Catherine de Medici, an inveterate match- and the maker, and also uneasy at Philip II.s increasing Nether- power, made advances to Jeanne, proposing to marry lands, her own daughter,Marguerite deValois,to Jeannes son, Henry of Navarre, now chief of the Huguenot party.
Without a Gi,ndias leader or popular power, they might have found both in Danton; for, occupied chiefly with the external danger, he made advances towards them, which they repulsed, partly in horror at the proceedings of September, but chiefly because they saw in him the most formidable rival in the path of the government.
The extraordinary advances made by him in this branch of knowledge were owing to his happy method of applying mathematical analysis to physical problems. As a pure mathematician he was, it is true, surpassed in profundity by more than one among his pupils and contemporaries; and in the wider imaginative grasp of abstract geometrical principles he cannot be compared with Fermat, Descartes or Pascal, to say nothing of Newton or Leibnitz.
As the season advances and the flowers yield nectar more freely, visible signs of combbuilding will be observed in the whitened edges of empty cells in the brood-chambers; the thoughtful workers are lengthening out the cells for honey-storing, and the bee-master takes the hint by giving room in advance, thus lessening the chance of undesired swarms. In other words, order and method, combined with the habit of taking time by the forelock, are absolutely necessary to the bee-keeper, seeing that the enormous army of workers under his control is multiplying daily by scores of thousands.
Starting from simple elementary propositions, Steiner advances to the solution of problems which analytically require the calculus of variation, but which at the time altogether surpassed the powers of that calculus.
In the Only Possible Ground of Proof for the Existence of God, the argument, though largely Leibnitzian, advances one step farther towards the ultimate inquiry.
Brizio in his Epoca Preistorica advances the theory that they were the original Ibero-Ligurians who at some early period took to erecting pile-dwellings.
The lighting exploits advances in lighting technology, using mercury discharge lamps which are energy saving and safe.
From the earliest days of the moving image, the Empire played host to the technological advances of cinema.
He took over the writing of the recent advances in Physics pieces for Science Progress.
The resulting chaos would allow rapid advances to be made.
Many scientific advances have profound implications for society at large.
Explain recent advances in reproductive technology to lay people.
Further advances in warfare were to see Carbide collaborate in the Manhattan project to produce the first atomic bomb 25 years later.
Major advances in understanding the treatment of asthma have resulted in patent applications for the use of interferon beta in the treatment of asthma.
Having survived the early blitz, they started making a couple of advances.
She might welcome his attention by responding with pansies or sweet peas or rebuff his advances with daffodils or yellow chrysanthemums.
Recent technological advances have refined the ability of pacemakers to mimic physiological cardiac conduction.
Situations can change, medical advances are being made all the time, illness that is now incurable may become curable may become curable.
Elliptic curves offer major advances on older systems such as increased speed, less memory and smaller key sizes.
Today, however, advances in technology have made it possible for military regimes to survive indefinitely in the face of massive popular discontent.
Advances in genetics and in mapping DNA, some say, show there is no need for the hypothesis of body-soul dualism.
These technological advances pave the way for increasingly dynamic and visually rich real-time 3D graphics experiences.
Further advances in the field await the development of safe, effective drugs that will enhance fibrinolysis.
Otherwise our advances will be built on very shaky foundations.
Advances in medical science were therefore mainly applied by hospital specialists, not community generalists.
Its incredible calving glaciers include the most productive in the world, which advances 30 meters every 24 hours.
In men however the patern of loss usually starts with a receding hairline which then advances to thin the top of the head.
Then again it has largely negated these advances by reducing headroom.
For all their technical advances, the new films have not really expanded the horizons of the animated genre very far at all.
Great advances have been made in draining, but the lands are not inclosed, and the want of fences is seriously felt.
Situations can change, medical advances are being made all the time, illness that is now incurable may become curable.
Changing working practices and technological advances have made many jobs more inflexible and automated.
If cabling advances rapidly enough, richly interactive experiences will also be possible.
Despite advances in human-computer interface design, we are accustomed to a quality of communication that no computer can yet convey.
Advances in treatment for diseases of the kidney The London Hospital received its first artificial kidney in 1959.
And some of the notions Dawkins advances are just loopy.
With recent advances in analytical methodology, soil components can be separated and characterized at an increasing level of detail.
Advances in fluorescence microscopy have been central to this research.
As the abolitionist agenda advances, an NWC is becoming ever more conceivable - unlike GCD, which has remained moribund since 1964.
One aspect of the program aims to translate the advances in basic neurobiology into a clinical setting, so that surgery becomes more routine.
In this chapter, recent advances in understanding the neuropsychology of basal ganglia disorders are described in detail.
Recent advances in affective neuroscience have demonstrated this beyond doubt for fear.
Further advances into Greece were stopped by the Germans to maintain Greek neutrality.
These advances, in turn, will give us a leg up on the ' loose nukes ' problem that rightly worries us all.
The discovery of the double pulsar was hailed by Science magazine as one of the Top 10 scientific advances of 2004.
The showy cornfield annuals are now a relative rarity in the wild due to ' advances ' in crop weed control.
If you are making redactions from electronic documents you need to be aware that technological advances may allow redactions to be reversed.
Since the 1940s, rapid advances have been made in the use of sound to map the seabed.
There are constant advances in technology and measurement techniques are continually being improved.
With recent technological advances, duplex ultrasound has been increasingly used in vascular assessments.
From this clash of positions has emerged a threat to the peace process that risks undoing the advances of the last decade.
This is often uppermost in my mind tho the advances made are frequently only of the small step variety.
The Sixth Edition includes recent advances in laparoscopy, female urology, and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and other prostate diseases.
The Center will pioneer an emerging field that brings together statistics and the recent extensive advances in theoretically well-founded machine learning.
The most distinguished among the latter was D6llinger, who resisted all the advances of Mgr Scherr, archbishop of Munich, was excommunicated on the 17th of April 1871, and died unreconciled, though without joining any separate group. After him must be mentioned Friedrich of Munich, several professors of Bonn, and Reinkens of Breslau, who was the first bishop of the " Old Catholics."
Against the first kind of argument, as formulated by Moses Mendelssohn, Kant advances the objection that, although we may deny the soul extensive quantity, division into parts, yet we cannot refuse to it intensive quantity, degrees of reality; and consequently its existence may be terminated not by decomposition, but by gradual diminution of its powers (or to use the term he coined for the purpose, by elanguescence).
After the death of Eurydice, Orpheus rejected the advances of the Thracian women, who, jealous of his faithfulness to the memory of his lost wife, tore him to pieces during the frenzy of the Bacchic orgies.
In 1862 the synod of the Popovshchina passed a circular letter making advances to the government with a view to a compromise, which was arranged on the basis of the Old Believers consenting to accept the ministrations of Orthodox priests on condition that they should use the unrevised books.
Evidence of an original affinity between Turkoman and Rajput has also been found in the mutual possession by these races of a ruddy skin, so that as ethnographical inquiry advances the Turk appears to recede from his Mongolian affinities and to approach the Caucasian.
This last clause prepares us to find him shifting his position still farther at the council of Causey, where he advances the proposition that John XV.
His style is clear, vigorous and epigrammatic; his arguments are characterized by strength of logic, and, like those of other patriots, are, as the dispute advances, based less on precedent and documentary authorities and more on "natural right."
It is clear that as scientific knowledge advances the Connotation or Intension of terms increases, and, therefore, that the Connotation of the same term may vary considerably according to the knowledge of the person who uses it.
He discouraged the king's advances, showed reluctance to go to the palace, and seemed constrained when there.
His personal allegiance to Lutheranism was sound, but he liked neither the growing strength of Brandenburg nor the increasing prestige of the Palatinate; the adherence of the other branches of the Saxon ruling house to Protestantism seemed to him to suggest that the head of electoral Saxony should throw his weight into the other scale, and he was prepared to favour the advances of the Habsburgs and the Roman Catholic party.
Stewart, Recent Advances in Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, 1909; see also van't Hoff, Lectures on Theoretical and Physical Chemistry, vol.
She repelled the advances of the Roman prefect sent by the emperor Decius to govern Sicily, and was by his orders brutally tortured and finally sent to the stake.
With such followers he made the constitution of 1876 and all the laws of the monarchy, putting a limited franchise in the place of universal suffrage, curtailing liberty of conscience, rights of association and of meeting, liberty of the press, checking democracy, obliging the military to abstain from politics, conciliating the Carlists and Catholics by his advances to the Vatican, the Church and the religious orders, pandering to the protectionists by his tariff policy, and courting abroad the friendship of Germany and Austria after contributing to the marriage of his king to an Austrian princess.
These new methods are considered advances if what they produce is worth more than the cost of their parts.
Second, as technology advances, it will make things in the physical world fall in price.
As robotic technology advances, we are being forced to readjust our expectations of machines' capabilities.
Try to think of the advances we have seen so far in history as the very tip of the iceberg, a hint of what is possible, not even being within sight of what is possible.
The advances were not merely mechanical but chemical as well.
And advances in drip irrigation, which itself isn't exactly new but is becoming far more widespread and ever more efficient, allows crops to be grown with massively less water.
All that we have explored in this section—rising incomes, advances in nutrition and genomics, innovations in agricultural technologies—will eventually end hunger.
Ever-increasing wealth will be generated by ever-faster technological advances.
As civilization advances, we are becoming better people, and unquestionably more empathic.
Our army, after repeated retreats and advances and battles at Pultusk and Preussisch-Eylau, was concentrated near Bartenstein.
Advances in data handling and analytical technologies (eg. pyrolysis mass spectrometry), now offer additional potential for rapid research progress.
It would all depend on advances in computing and radio telescope technology.
Kuhn pointed out that the history of science does not support Popper 's view that science advances by the systematic refutation of theories.
Significant recent advances in our understanding of mantle geodynamics have been gained from studies of seismic anisotropy.
Indeed, some of these advances help to overcome current shortcomings of the new functional genomic approaches in cultured cells, worms or fish.
Recent advances in the extent and sophistication of data capture methods have resulted in the creation of large data repositories.
For business and commercial purposes, advances in speaker verification and natural language understanding mean that new applications can be realized.
Now with modern technological advances we can begin to see how.
Instrument development needs to be coupled to recent advances in thermodynamics applied to geological systems.
Technological optimism, scientific medical advances and Christian triumphalism went hand in hand.
The document is taken from " Recent advances in yak reproduction " edited by XX Zhao and RC Zhang.
Technological advances can render some jobs and even whole industries obsolete.
The surgeon was punished for her unethical advances towards her patient's husband.
Major advances were made in science and philosophy during The Enlightenment period in Europe.
With today's medical advances, a premature baby has a much greater chance of survival.
No matter how many technological advances are made, there are always going to be some low-tech appliances we cannot live without.
As music technology advances, more and more people are dumping their old record albums off at shops to sell for cash to buy such items as iPods, CDs and MP3 players.
This is vital to their profession because of the new advances in knowledge and technology.
Many of these universities are also research colleges, meaning they conduct studies to bring forth advances in their profession.
Additionally, balance transfers and cash advances usually have a higher interest rate, sometimes accrued daily, that is different from the card's advertised APR.
Although you may be approved for cash advances, these usually come with a higher interest rate.
Many of these cards have a special introductory promotion of no interest on cash advances and balance transfers within a 12-month billing cycle, but also a possible 3 percent transaction fee.
Currently, reward points are not awarded for cash advances, balance transfers, finance charges or fees.
MasterCard Maestro travel cards can be reloaded more than once and can be used for both purchases and cash advances.
Be sure to check the APR on purchases and cash advances on each consumer card before applying.
There are also additional fees for cash advances, and interest is charged on balances that are not paid in full within the grace period.
Although the card cannot be used to make purchases elsewhere, the card does allow for cash advances at ATMs.
The interest rate for the card's balance is higher for cash advances than for purchases.
Cash advances are possible using this Discover card, but there may be applicable fees.
Juniper charges transaction fees for balance transfers, cash advances, convenience checks, and returned checks.
The card may offer special financing options, such as lower interest rates, balance transfers and cash advances.
Cash advances usually have additional fees.
Avoid balance transfers, cash advances and using your secured card for purchases overseas if you want to avoid fees.
Fees are usually charged for cash advances.
Balance transfers may charge you a fee, much like cash advances do, but that fee is often lower for a balance transfer than a cash advance.
From shopping to cash advances, travelling to insurance, this particular card has its bases covered.
Balance transfers, overdraft advances and cash advances have higher interest charges.
Balance transfers and cash advances may have different interest rates than those included here.
Also note that the APR information here applies only to purchases, not to balance transfers or cash advances, which may have a higher interest rate applied to them.
Citibank charges a higher interest rate on cash advances and fees for balance transfers, cash advances and foreign transactions.
This includes all APRs, including those for cash advances and balance transfers; fees; foreign conversion rates; and the length of the grace period.
You also earn 1 percent back on cash advances you take from the card.
There are associated transaction fees for balance transfers and cash advances, up to four percent of the value of the transaction.
There is also the problem of not enough sunlight on cloudy days and at night, although some recent technological advances have improved cloudy issues.
While early forms of solar technology were cost prohibitive, as technology advances and costs drop, more communities around the world are recognizing the tremendous value of solar power.
Flexible solar panels are one of the latest advances in solar technology.
While we have made many technological advances in the name of progress, not all of these practices are good for the environment.
The technological advances of the time were evident in the home.
With recent advances in technology, you can get started for under $2000, but the sky is the limit for those with more elaborate systems in mind.
The advances in skincare are at a level where there is no reason you should have to overspend at a department store.
Although advances in skincare and cosmetic products continue to come onto the market, makeup should be timeless and used in a way that enhances you naturally.
If your league gives three points per win to a number five seed, and you select one that wins just two games, this team is much more valuable than a top seed, even if the number one seed advances to the final four.
Wireless, broadband, blogs, and advances yet to come are the works of many individuals.
As camera technology advances, the features offered will advance, too.
Advances in digital photography have made point-and-shoot cameras designed specifically for underwater use practically obsolete.
However, with the advances made in digital photography technology, it was only a matter of time until these cameras made their way into our homes.
As technology advances, Polaroid creates the SX-70, which is the first SLR (single lens reflex) instant camera.
With all the advances in modern technology, we seem to be missing something.
If you're looking for the latest advances in scrapbooking, this can be a great place to shop.
As a skier advances, they begin to ski with their skis parallel to one another.
In a world where technological advances only seem to serve to keep workers glued to their desks, is it any wonder that many report increased levels of stress?
But over the years, advances in technology, increased class sizes and fear of failure have led more students to cheat.
As genetic engineering and other advances in horticulture improve plant health and increase growing seasons, flowers will only increase in availability through a wider range of seasons.
The advances in textiles merged with technology over the last few decades have allowed quite a few specialty and novelty laces to be created.
At the finale, upon learning that she had won the affections of Miss Tequila, Miss Morgan declined her advances stating she "…wasn't ready for a relationship with a woman."
Nontraditional Students - Whether going back to school for professional development or pursuing an online degree, today's students make the most of the innovative programs and technological advances offered to them.
Some of the scientific advances developed through bioengineering include medical imaging techniques, pacemakers, artificial joints and pharmaceutical products.
Furthermore, despite advances in medicine to overcome the detrimental effects, individuals who suffer from severe motion sickness are best advised to avoid lengthy cruise vacations.
Cruisers must remember, however, that on a ship that hosts 800-3,000 passengers per sailing, everyone on board will not be a member of the group, nor will they be open to advances from single travelers looking to meet that someone special.
Be hopeful, since new advances are happening all the time.
Despite advances in laser technology, many tattoos cannot be completely removed, due to the unique nature of each tattoo.
This task is best tackled in the spring before the hot summer weather advances and before plants have begun flowering.
New stains and technological advances make wood floors easy to maintain.
With all the technological advances in today's society, it was only a matter of time before our kitchen appliances were the recipients of a technology and style makeover.
Recent advances in lighting technologies, combined with a push toward greener, energy saving materials have given way to countless new types of bulbs.
Advances in technology make bathroom tub liners a less expensive alternative for a remodeling project.
Advances in technology can also create railings that are incredibly delicate in appearance, but almost as strong as metal.
Traditional products such as batt and blanket insulation and blown insulation are even getting makeovers to be more economical while new technological advances provide the latest in eco-friendly options.