Adorned Sentence Examples
Six inch high strappy heels adorned her feet.
He built a stately house in the city, and adorned it with a multitude of paintings.
The exterior and interior are elaborately adorned with sculptures.
The exterior is adorned with niched statues and beautiful iron trellis work round the windows.
The beautiful ambulatory in the cathedral was adorned with oil paintings.
Near the west extremity, abutting upon the Elbe, the moat was filled in in 1894-1897, and some good streets were built along the site, while the Kersten Miles-Briicke, adorned with statues of four Hamburg heroes, was thrown across the Helgolander Allee.
The building contained one hundred marble pillars, and was also adorned with sculptures and mosaics sent from Ravenna by Pope Adrian I.
The liturgical colour for Easter was everywhere white, as the sign of joy, light and purity, and the churches and altars were adorned with the best ornaments that each possessed.
Such attractions as the buildings possess are due rather to the richly coloured tiles with which many of them are adorned, or to inscriptions, like the Kufic inscription, dated A.D.
At one time, a hotel, accommodating a hundred guests and stable for seventy-five horses, adorned its slopes.
AdvertisementThe pronotum and elytra are often adorned with bright colours or metallic lustre, and marked with stripes or spots.
But about the year 1452 he finally retired to Florence, where he was admitted to the burghership, and on the death of Carlo Aretino in 1453 was appointed chancellor and historiographer to the republic. He had already built himself a villa in Valdarno, which he adorned with a collection of antique sculpture, coins and inscriptions.
Hamburg has comparatively few secular buildings of great architectural interest, but first among them is the new Rathaus, a huge German Renaissance building, constructed of sandstone in 1886-1897, richly adorned with sculptures and with a spire 33 o ft.
Of the six churches, the Schlosskirche, adorned with paintings by Lucas Cranach, in one of which ("The Last Supper") are portraits of several reformers, is the most interesting.
She adorned her earlobes with pearl earrings that matched the tiny row of buttons down the front of her dress.
AdvertisementThe wings, which are not capable of being folded, are usually transparent, but occasionally pigmented and adorned with coloured spots, blotches or bands; the wing-membrane, though sometimes clothed with minute hairs, seldom bears scales; the wing-veins, which are of great importance in the classification of Diptera, are usually few in number and chiefly longitudinal, there being a marked paucity of cross-veins.
The stalls in the choir, carved by Cristobal de Salamanca in 1588-1593, and the sculpture of the pulpits, as well as the iron-work of the choir-railing and some of the precious marbles with which the chapels are adorned, deserve notice.
Mission Park (10 acres) here is adorned by native and foreign shrubs and by maples, elms, pines and arbor vitae, and "Haystack Monument" in this park marks the place where Samuel John Mills (1783-1818), in 1806, held the prayer meeting which was the forerunner of the American foreign missionary movement.
There are several handsome squares and public gardens, adorned with statues, trees and shrubbery.
The chest is of limestone coated with stucco, adorned with life-like paintings of offertory scenes in connexion with the sacred Double Axes of Minoan cult.
AdvertisementTwo of the bays contain round-headed windows; the other three are filled in with white marble adorned by crosses and roundels in coloured marble.
Giovanni Evangelista at the Frari, with its fore-court and screen adorned by pilasters delicately decorated with foliage in low relief, and its noble staircase whose double flights unite on a landing under a shallow cupola.
Antioch, adorned with many sumptuous buildings, as the chief town of the provinces of Asia, became in point of size the third city of the empire and an eastern Rome.
A portion of its western front, adorned with monolith unfluted Corinthian columns, is still standing - the familiar " Stoa of Hadrian "; another well-preserved portion, with six pilasters, runs parallel to the west side of Aeolus Street.
The walls are in many places coated with stucco adorned with frescoes, including palms, doves, labara and other Christian symbols.
AdvertisementThe rooms and the drinking vessels in them were adorned with spring flowers, as were also the children over three years of age.
The town is adorned with statues of Tsar Alexander II.
The crown was adorned with figures of Graces and the Seasons.
The walls adorned with pictures of every type of boat.
Tables are adorned with candlelight and jazz music fills the air.
The costume of the Tosks differs from that of the Ghegs; its distinctive feature is the white plaited linen fustanella or petticoat, which has been adopted by the Greeks; the Ghegs wear trews of white or crimson native cloth adorned with black braid, and a short, close-fitting jacket, which in the case of wealthy persons is embellished with gold lace.
Herod adorned the town with other buildings and constructed a theatre and gymnasium.
This was restored in 1867-1878 at the cost of the Prussian government, and was adorned with frescoes portraying events in German history.
Where the lowlands are highly cultivated they are adorned with planted wood, and where they are cut off from rain they are nearly completely desert.
He went over every part of the translation with me, observed on every passage in which justice was not done to the thought or the force of the expression lost, and made many useful criticisms. During this occupation we had occasion to see one another often, and became very intimate; and, as he had read much, had seen a great deal of the world, was acquainted with all the most distinguished persons who at that time adorned either the royal court or the republic of letters in France; had a great knowledge of French and Italian literature, and possessed very good taste, his conversation was extremely interesting and not a little instructive.
These numbers are valuable as an exhibition not so much of events as of the feelings of the Parisian people; they are adorned, moreover, by the erudition, the wit and the genius of the author, but they are disfigured, not only by the most biting personalities and the defence and even advocacy of the excesses of the mob, but by the entire absence of the forgiveness and pity for which the writer was afterwards so eloquently to plead.
The richest ornamentation was applied to the arches and string courses, while plaques of sculpture, roundels and coats of arms adorned the facades.
The shrine was magnificently adorned with the gold and silver and jewels offered by the pious.
The remains of two temples of Dionysus have been found adjoining the stoa of the theatre, and an altar of the same god adorned with masks and festoons; the smaller and earlier temple probably dates from the 6th century B.C., the larger from the end of the 5th or the beginning of the 4th century.
The eastern gate was adorned with four Ionic columns on the outside and two on the inside, the.
The rulers fostered agriculture, stimulated commerce and industry (notably the famous Attic ceramics), adorned the city with public works and temples, and rendered it a centre of culture.
It contains several historic relics, the most interesting being a bed adorned with embroidery worked by Mary Queen of Scots during her imprisonment in Lochleven Castle.
Its appearance is sufficiently striking - the head and lower parts, except a pectoral band, white, the former adorned with an erectile crest, the upper parts dark grey banded with black, the wings dusky, and the tail barred; but the huge bill and powerful scutellated legs most of all impress the beholder.
A golden chain adorned her neck and her arms were encircled with bracelets of pure gold.
Tughlak, who reigned from 1325 to 1351, is described by Elphinstone as " one of the most accomplished princes and one of the most furious tyrants that ever adorned or disgraced human nature."
The post-office, formerly the meeting-house of the Estates, a building adorned with old frescoes; the royal palace, which contains some very fine Renaissance work; and the townhall, built in 1446 and restored in 1860, are also noteworthy.
Serpents adorned with necklaces of jewels wisdom.
The seafood restaurant sports bare wood floors, carefully appointed tables and walls adorned with ocean paraphernalia.
The Recife was rebuilt and adorned with splendid residences and gardens and received from its founder the name of Mauritstad.
The great hall, with its fine open-timbered oak roof, is adorned with a splendid stained-glass window and several statues of notable men, including one (by Louis Francois Roubiliac) of Duncan Forbes of Culloden, lord president of the court of session (1685-1747), and now forms the ante-room for lawyers and their clients.
Mariano e Jacopo, a structure of the 12th century, with a façade, adorned with contemporary sculptures, partly restored in 1514-1550.
The city is adorned by many other noble edifices both public and private, among which the following palaces may be mentionedTolomei (1205); Buonsignori, formerly Tegliacci, an elegant 14thcentury construction, restored in 1848; Grottanelli, formerly Pecci and anciently the residence of the captain of war, recently restored in its original style; Sansedoni; Marsilii; Piccolomini, now belonging to the Government and containing the state archives;1 Piccolomini delle Papesse, like the other Piccolomini mansion,.
Their horses had severe bits, and were adorned with nose pieces, cheek pieces and saddle cloths.
Doubtless many of the smaller objects with which primitive man adorned himself, especially trophies from the animal world, were supposed to exert some beneficial or protective influence on the wearer, or to produce in him the distinguishing characteristics attributed to the object, or to the whole of which the object was a part.
While the common Semite wore a short skirt, often with tassels and sometimes with an upper tunic, the more important had an elaborate scarf (extending from waist to knee) wound over the long tunic, or a longer and close-fitting variety coloured blue and red and generally adorned with rich embroidery.
The Pharaoh's characteristic crown (or crowns) symbolized his royal domains, the sacred uraeus marked his divine ancestry, and he sometimes appeared in the costume of the gods with their fillets adorned with double feathers and horns.
The Palazzo Pretorio, or Vicariale, the residence of the Florentine governors, recently restored to its original condition, has a picturesque façade and court adorned with coats of arms, and in the interior are various frescoes dating from the 13th to the 16th century.
The present building has an imposing Corinthian portico, and encloses a court surrounded by an ambulatory adorned with historical paintings by Leighton, Seymour Lucas, Stanhope Forbes and others.
At the entrance to London Bridge the towers were adorned with banners of the royal arms, and in the front of them was inscribed Civitas Regis Justicie.
Saarbrucken has four Protestant churches, a Roman Catholic and an Old Catholic church, and a town hall adorned with paintings by Anton von Werner, illustrating episodes of the war of 1870.
He said; "My necklace shall be my sword-belt, and my turban shall be adorned with a royal aigrette."
Close by the Duomo is the no less famous Campanile built by Giotto, begun in 1332, and adorned with exquisite bas-reliefs.
Opposite is the Baptistery built by Arnolfo di Cambio in the 13th century on the site of an earlier church, and adorned with beautiful bronze doors by Ghiberti in the 15th century.
Of late the so-called "Zinspalaste" ("tenement palaces") have been built on a magnificent scale, often profusely adorned without and within with painting and sculpture.
Vienna possesses both in the inner city and the outlying districts numerous squares adorned with artistic monuments.
The greatness and wealth of the Pisans at this period of their history is proved by the erection of the noble buildings by which their city is adorned.
They adorned Tunis with mosques, schools and other institutions, favoured letters, and in general appear to have risen above the usual level of Moslem sovereigns.
The most interesting is the Isartor and the Karlstor, restored in 1835 and adorned with frescoes.
The most striking of these are the palaces of Duke Max and of Prince Luitpold; the Odeon, a large building for concerts, adorned with frescoes and marble busts; the war office; the royal library, in the Florentine palatial style; the Ludwigskirche, a successful reproduction of the Italian Romanesque style, built in 1829-1844, and containing a huge fresco of the Last Judgment by Cornelius; the blind asylum; and, lastly, the university.
The Festsaalbau, erected by Klenze in the Italian Renaissance style, is adorned with mural paintings and sculptures, while the Königsbau, a reduced copy of the Pitti Palace at Florence, contains a series of admirable frescoes from the Niebelungenlied by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld.
It is adorned with a cycle of religious paintings by Heinrich von Hess (1798-1863), and the dome is supported by sixtyfour monoliths of grey Tyrolese marble.
The Glyptothek, a building by Klenze in the Ionic style, and adorned with several groups and single statues, contains a valuable series of sculptures, extending from Assyrian and Egyptian monuments down to works by Thorwaldsen and other modern masters.
Among the numerous monuments with which the squares and streets are adorned, the most important are the colossal statue of Maximilian II.
The new town, which lies on the flat expanse adjoining the crescent-shaped bay, partly on ground that has been reclaimed from the sea, has large and regularly built streets, and several large squares adorned with artistic monuments.
Many other splendid mosques and royal tombs adorned the city, and justified the Turkish proverb, "See all the world; but see Konia."
His cloister, sanctified by memories of St Antonine and adorned with the inspired paintings of Fra Angelico, seemed to him a fore-court of heaven.
These two painters were among the ablest of Giotto's followers, and adorned Verona and Padua with a number of very beautiful frescoes, rich in composition, delicate in colour, and remarkable for their highly finished modelling and detail.
After forty-three years of autonomy under Macedonian suzerainty it became the capital of Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, who adorned it with palace, temples and theatres.
In 1885 he retired, full of years and honours, from the principalship of the college he had so long served and adorned.
The history of the illustrated book in Japan may be said to begin with the Ise mono gatari, a romance first published in the 10th century, of which an edition adorned with woodcuts appeared in 1608.
Architects, turners, tilemakers, decorative artists and sculptors, coming from China and from Korea, erected grand temples for the worship of Buddha enshrining images of much beauty and adorned with paintings and carvings of considerable merit.
Like most Slavonic towns, it contains several large squares, the chief of which is adorned with a trinity column, 115 ft.
Other noteworthy buildings are the Gothic town hall, founded in 1449 and rebuilt in 1690, and the weigh-house, built by Pieter Post of Haarlem (1608-1669) and adorned with a fine relief by Barth.
Fragments of Norman work areleft; the interior is elaborately adorned with sculptures and stained glass.
I, 4), the modern Citta di Castello, he set up a temple at his own expense and adorned it with statues of Nerva and Trajan (x.
On a marble slab that once adorned the public baths at Comum, his distinctions were recorded in a long inscription, which was afterwards removed to Milan.
These insects are adorned with bands of black and yellow, or with bright metallic colours, and on account of their large size and formidable ovipositors they often cause needless alarm to persons unfamiliar with their habits.
He built palaces at Aix (his favourite residence), Nijmwegen and Ingelheim, and erected the church of St Mary at Aix, modelled on that of St Vitalis at Ravenna and adorned with columns and mosaics brought from the same city.
The two western portals are adorned with sculpture in the ornate Romanesque style; the tower on the left of the facade was rebuilt in the 17th century.
The mural crown (corona muralis) was the decoration of the soldier who was the first to scale the walls of a besieged city, and was usually a circlet of gold adorned with a series of turrets.
It is composed of a circlet of gold, adorned with precious stones and pearls, heightened with fleurs-de-lys, and is raised above the circlet in the form of a cap which is opened in the middle, so that the lower part is crescentshaped; across this opening from front to back rises an arched fillet, enriched with pearls and surmounted by an orb, on which is a cross of pearls.
Between 70 and 80 species have already been described, many of them the most gorgeously adorned, and others, such as the Pteridophora albertisi, the most wonderful of feathered creatures.
Many of the dwellings of the richer residents are adorned with arcades, the marble columns of which were taken from the ruins of Carthage.
The Dar-el-Bey contains numerous rooms beautifully decorated in the Moorish style of the 18th century; and the judgment hall has a domed roof adorned with the delicate arabesque plaster-work known as Nuksh hadida.
His idol was a huge block of basalt (still thought to be preserved in Mexico), on one side of which he is sculptured in hideous form, adorned with the feathers of the humming-bird.
Its streets are for the most part narrow and irregular, and contain many old houses with overhanging upper storeys and richly and curiously adorned wooden facades.
The chief secular buildings are the town-hall (Rathaus), which dates from the i 5th century and was restored in 1883-1892, adorned with frescoes illustrating the history of the city; the Tempelherrenhaus, in Late Gothic erroneously said to have been built by the Knights Templars; the Knochenhaueramthaus, formerly the gild-house of the butchers, which was restored after being damaged by fire in 1884, and is probably the finest specimen of a wooden building in Germany; the Michaelis monastery, used as a lunatic asylum; and the old Carthusian monastery.
It had a continuous fringe of covered halls of various dimensions and shapes, once richly adorned with statues and columnar screens.
The surrounding gardens are adorned with fountains, cascades, lakes and grottos, the principal fountain sending up a jet of water 180 ft.
Pieces of polished alabaster and marble, with small pieces of pure gold and gold-headed copper nails, found on and about the top of the second stage, indicated that a small but richly adorned sacred chamber, apparently plated within or without in gold, formerly crowned the top of this structure.
The extensive gardens which occupy the hillside behind the palace are adorned with fountains and cascades; the botanical garden contains manytrees from northern climates.
For all kinds of ceremonial he has all a lawyer's respect, and his pages are often adorned and encumbered with the pageantry and material garniture of the story.
Church and outer court are usually thatched, with wattled or mud-built walls adorned with rude frescoes.
Its exterior is adorned with statues and busts of Connecticut statesmen and carvings of scenes in the history of the state.
The cathedral of St Christopher is also of note; on the top of the tower (246 ft.) is a copper statue of the saint, and the interior is adorned with paintings by Rubens, Jacob de Wit (1695-1754) and others.
These deities are not easily ' One of the most important sources for the ancient Mexican traditions and myths is the so-called " Codex Chimalpopoca," a manuscript in the Mexican language discovered by the Abbe analysed, but on the other hand Tonatiuh and Metztli, the sun and moon, stand out distinctly as nature gods, and the traveller still sees in the huge adobe pyramids of Teotihuacan, with their sides oriented to the four quarters, an evidence of the importance of their worship. The war-god Huitzilopochtli was the real head of the Aztec pantheon; his idol remains in Mexico, a huge block of basalt on which is sculptured on the one side his hideous personage, adorned with the humming-bird feathers on the left hand which signify his name, while the not less frightful war-goddess Teoyaomiqui, or " divine wardeath," occupies the other side.
The mosque to which the tower belongs is a large brick building erected by `Abd el Mumin; the interior is adorned with marble pillars, and the whole of the crypt is occupied by a vast cistern excavated by Yakub el Mansur.
The bas-reliefs with which the walls are adorned are unrivalled in antiquity, for variety of subject, breadth of composition, truth of presentation and artistic treatment.
He rebuilt the temples and a palace for himself north of Sennacherib's on the site of the latter's harem; which was adorned with extraordinary variety and richness.
The interior is richly adorned with stained-glass windows of modern date, costly shrines, paintings and tombs.
The cathedral is adorned with many valuable objects of art, paintings and sculptures, by such artists as Veit Stoss, Guido Reni, Peter Vischer, Thorwaldsen, &c. Part of the ancient Polish regalia is also kept here.
The faithful prostrated themselves before an adorned but empty chair, which was raised upon a podium of five steps.
The fragments are Boo in number, both on paper and vellum, written and adorned with the pious care and good taste which the Manichaeans are known to have bestowed on their manuscripts.
Nevertheless, in most states the bench is respectable in point of character, while in some it is occasionally adorned by men of the highest eminence.
It was adorned with the portraits of the chief benefactors of the abbey, and with Scriptural subjects.
It was completed in 1866, but was subsequently extended and in great part rebuilt; it is in Italian renaissance style, having a richly adorned facade.
The facades are frequently adorned with carvings and inscriptions, one of which records the legend of the capture of a siren in 1403, who lived for some time among the people of Edam, but escaped again to the sea.
Giovanni Fuorcivitus (so called because it was outside the line of the earliest, pentagonal, enceinte of the middle ages), with one of the long sides elaborately adorned with small arcades in the Pisan style, in black and white marble, also with sculpture by Gruamons (1162) on the facade.
Hahnel; the Postplatz, adorned by a Gothic fountain, by Semper; and the Bismarckplatz in the Anglo-American quarter.
It contains a fine organ by Silbermann and pictures by Raphael Mengs and other artists, the outside being adorned with 59 statues by Mattielli.
One, known as the Sas Baku, is beautifully adorned with bas-reliefs.
The Rigveda (3, 8) describes it as a tree well lopped with axe, anointed and adorned by the priest.
The church dates from the 11th, 1 2 th and 13th centuries, was restored in 1875 and following years and in 1890-1894 was adorned with paintings.
The town is adorned with a marble monument commemorating the war of 1870-71, a handsome fountain, and a statue of the Old Catholic bishop Reinkens.
The third or easternmost section was open to the public. This temple was most richly adorned with statues and reliefs.
The building consisted of a circular Ionic colonnade (of eighteen columns), about 15 metres in diameter, raised on three steps and enclosing a small circular cella, probably adorned with fourteen Corinthian half-columns.
The ends of the basin at northnorth-west and south-south-east were adorned by very small open temples, each with a circular colonnade of eight pillars.
The most conspicuous building of the town is the Episcopal palace, in Byzantine style, built in 1864-1875, which is adorned with a high tower and possesses a magnificent reception hall.
Herodotus relates that under his prudent administration Egypt reached the highest pitch of prosperity; he adorned the temples of Lower Egypt especially with splendid monolithic shrines and other monuments (his activity here is proved by remains still existing).
In the New Market adjoining is a fountain adorned with sculptures erected in 1874 to commemorate the jubilee of the restoration of Dutch independence (1813).
The palace chapel, adorned with works by Thorvaldsen and Bissen, was preserved from the fire, as was the royal library of about 540,000 volumes and 20,000 manuscripts, for which a new building in Christiansgade was designed about 1900.
Of parks and open spaces there are in the south, Brodie Park (22 acres), presented in 1871 by Robert Brodie; towards the north Fountain Gardens (7a acres), the gift of Thomas Coats and named from the handsome iron fountain standing in the centre; in the north-west, St James Park (40 acres), with a racecourse (racing dates from 1620, when the earl of Abercorn and the Town Council gave silver bells for the prize); Dunn Square and the old quarry grounds converted and adorned; and Moss Plantation beyond the north-western boundary.
The most remarkable edifice was a celebrated temple, adorned with 250 lofty pillars of gilt wood, and containing a colossal bronze statue of Buddha.
It is a large town with wide and airy streets, and is adorned with pagodas, gateways and other buildings of considerable pretension.
Northward and far back in the foot-hills is the Ptolemaic temple of Deir el Medina, and beyond under the cliffs of Deir el Bahri the terrace temple of Queen Hatshepsut, the walls of which are adorned with scenes from her expedition to Puoni (Somaliland) in search of incense trees, and many other subjects.
The court which forms the entrance to the shrine of the saint is richly adorned with tiles and plaster-work, and is surrounded by an arcade of white marble columns, supporting a painted wooden roof.
In the choir the heart of Marie de' Medici is buried; and in the adjoining side-chapels are monuments of the founder and other archbishops of Cologne, and the shrine of the Three Kings, which is adorned with gold and precious stones.
It was adorned with numerous statues, some of the imperial family, others of distinguished citizens.
Besides the large Maximir park and botanical gardens, many of the squares are planted with trees and adorned with statues; while the whole city is surrounded by vineyards and country houses.
Some of the quaint old houses which have escaped the numerous fires that have visited the town are elaborately adorned with wood-carving.
The XIth dynasty sprang from a family in the Hermonthite nome or perhaps at Thebes itself, and adorned the temple of Karnak with statues.
The upper church is basilican in form, the nave being, as customary in Coptic churches, divided into three sections by wooden screens, which are adorned by carvings in ivory and wood.
Lofty enclosure walls, Temples adorned with scenes from the victorious campaigns of the Pharaoh, shut off the sacred buildings from the surrounding streets.
His palace was at Medinet Habu on the west bank of Thebes in the south quarter; and here he built a great temple to Ammon, adorned with scenes from his victories and richly provided with divine offerings.
In this poem, which was written 593 A.H., at the request of Nur-uddin Arslan of Mosul, the son and successor of the abovementioned `Izz-uddin, Nizami returned once more from his excursion into the field of heroic deeds to his old favourite domain of romantic fiction, and added a fresh leaf to the laurel crown of immortal fame with which the unanimous consent of Eastern and Western critics has adorned his venerable head.
Lycian sculpture followed closely the development of Greek sculpture, and many of the sculptures with which the tombs are adorned are of a high order of merit.
They are adorned by varieties of foliage, &c.; about each arch there is a large square of arabesques; and over the pillars is another square of exquisite filigree work.
The Capella Palatina, at Palermo, the most wonderful of Roger's churches, with Norman doors, Saracenic arches, Byzantine dome, and roof adorned with Arabic scripts, is perhaps the most striking product of the brilliant and mixed civilization over which the grandson of the Norman Trancred ruled.
On his return he acquired an English country house called The Durdans, Epsom, which he largely rebuilt and adorned with some of the finest turf portraits of George Stubbs.
A prophecy in verse, adorned with pictures, which is ascribed to Leo VI.
The interior of the town hall (1869-1875) is adorned with legendary and historical frescoes by Kampfer and Peter Janssen.
The streets are broad, well paved, and adorned with many elegant buildings, among which are Roman Catholic, Lutheran and Calvinist churches, and a new town hall with a tower 165 ft.
George's Chapel, Windsor, are the stalls of the Knights of the Garter, in Henry VII.'s Chapel in Westminster Abbey are those of the Knights of the Bath, adorned with the stall plates emblazoned with the arms of the knight occupying the stall, above which is suspended his banner.
In the age of Justinian (first half of the 6th century) the great church of St Sophia at Constantinople was adorned with an almost incredible amount of wealth and splendour in the form of screens, altars, candlesticks and other ecclesiastical furniture made of massive gold and silver.
Countless other imporant works in the precious metals adorned every abbey and cathedral church in the kingdom.
Meman women wear also the aba, or overcoat, which differs from that worn by men in that it has loose half sleeves, and fastens with two buttons at each side of the neck over the shoulders; it is embroidered on the breast, and adorned with gold lace on the skirts.
Its central square, adorned with a handsome bronze fountain, contains the municipal buildings, and a large but unattractive cathedral.
At Athens the agora of classical times was adorned with trees planted by Cimon; around it numerous public buildings were erected, such as the council chamber and the law courts (for its topography, see Athens).
The doors of private houses were similarly adorned.
A striking contrast exists between the Moorish quarter, with its tortuous lanes and Oriental architecture, and the modern quarter, with its rectangular streets and wide open squares, frequently bordered with trees and adorned with fountains.
The Maison des Gens d'Armes (15th century), in the eastern outskirts of the town, has a massive tower adorned with medallions and surmounted by two figures of armed men.
Under the succeeding Cossaean dynasty, however, shortly after the middle of the 2nd millennium, E-kur was restored once more to its former splendour, several monarchs of that dynasty built upon and adorned it, and thousands of inscriptions, dating from the time of those rulers, have been discovered in its archives.
Greaves were found at Glasinatz and Jezerin, though not at Hallstatt; two helmets were found at Hallstatt and others in Bosnia; broad bronze belts were numerous, adorned in repousse with beast and geometric ornament.
The imperial parks and gardens cover 1680 acres; the chief of them is the "old" garden, containing the "old palace," built (1724) by Rastrelli and gorgeously decorated with mother-of-pearl, marbles, amber, lapis lazuli, silver and gold; the gallery of Cameron adorned with fine statues and entrance gates; numerous pavilions and kiosks; and a bronze statue (1900) of the poet Pushkin.
The facades of the houses are usually built in courses of brick and stone, and adorned with carvings, sculptures and inscriptions.
It is adorned with the effigies of kings and emperors who were once benefactors of Nijmwegen.
A further development can be traced in the graffiti with which pilgrims adorned the rocks of Mount Sinai down to the 2nd or 3rd century A.D.
The lower part of the façade is adorned with three fine portals and with reliefs of a fantastic kind in sandstone, arranged in horizontal bands, and has arcading under the gable.
It is perhaps the finest piece of elaborate and richly adorned Renaissance architecture in existence, and is the work of a number of different artists.
The Kremlin is adorned with a square, containing a monument to Minin and Pozharsky erected in 1826, and pretty boulevards have been laid out along its lower wall.
Its high tower has four stages, each adorned with grotesques; and Greenway's chapel, built in 1517 by John Greenway, a wool merchant of Tiverton, is ornamented with figures minutely carved in stone.
The most ancient of these, it is now agreed, is the fragmentary copy of the Iliad, on vellum, in the Ambrosian Library of Milan, which consists of cuttings of the coloured drawings with which the volume was adorned in illustration of the various scenes of the In 1897 Illorin was occupied by the forces of the Royal Niger Company, and the emir placed himself "entirely under the protection and power of the company."
The first book of the Itinerarium contains some additional facts; and the whole of the Latin version is adorned with flowers of rhetoric which are foreign to the style of Ambrose.
Gold, precious stones and Greek masterpieces adorned its walls.
The shrine of St Sebald, in the church of St Sebald, consisting of a bronze sarcophagus and canopy, in the richest Gothic style, adorned with numerous statues and reliefs, is looked upon as one of the greatest achievements of German art.
There are statues of Dürer, Sachs, Melanchthon, the reputed founder of the grammar-school, the navigator Martin Behaim, and Peter Henlein, the inventor of the watch; and the streets are further embellished with several fountains, the most noteworthy of which are the Schöne Brunnen, 1385-1396, in the form of a large Gothic pyramid, adorned with statues of the seven electors, the "nine worthies," and Moses and the prophets; and the GÃnsemÃnnchen or goose-mannikin, a clever little bronze figure by Pankratz Labenwolf.
His enemies had his head cut off, and set it up on the walls of York adorned with a paper crown.
He supplied the city with water, adorned it with fine buildings, and strengthened it with walls.
The churches were adorned with frescoes, wall and floor mosaics, some well preserved, and marble carvings similar to work found at Ravenna.
The Riddarhus (house of the nobility) was the meeting-place of the Council of the Nobles until 1866, and its hall is adorned with the armorial bearings of noble families.
Within it is richly adorned with paintings and wood-carving.
It is adorned with several pretty gardens with a luxuriant southern vegetation.
The reign of Gustavus Adolphus was adorned by one great writer, the most considerable in all the early history of Sweden.
The principal square is surrounded with pillared porticoes, and has a fountain in the centre; and along the river bank there runs a fine promenade, planted with poplar trees and adorned with statues.
In the upper chamber, about half-way between the centre of the base and the apex, was a single skeleton, adorned with beads, copper bracelets and plates of mica; in the lower chamber, directly under the upper and partly in the natural earth, were two skeletons, one adorned with beads and the other without ornament.
The pilgrim next entered on a circuit of the most famous sites of Buddhist and of ancient Indian history, such as Ajodhya, Prayaga (Allahabad), Kausambhi, Sravasti, Kapilavastu, the birth-place of Sakya, Kusinagara, his death-place, Pataliputra (Patna, the Palibothra of the Greeks), Gaya, Rajagriha and Nalanda, the most famous and learned monastery and college in India, adorned by the gifts of successive kings, of the splendour of which he gives a vivid description, and of which traces have recently been recovered.
Cleveland's Cabinet and Marion's Avenue, each a mile long, are adorned by myriads of gypsum rosettes and curiously twisted crystals, called "oulopholites."
In Sikkim the mountains are covered with dense forest of tall umbrageous trees, commonly accompanied by a luxuriant growth of under shrubs, and adorned with climbing and epiphytal plants in wonderful profusion.
Walks and gardens now surround the town in the place of the old city walls, but a few towers and gateways adorned with various old coats of arms are still standing.
Of these, the old bridge on the east, built in 1788, has a fine gateway and is adorned with statues of Minerva and the elector Charles Theodore of the Palatinate; the other, the lower bridge, on the west, built in 1877, connects Heidelberg with the important suburbs of Neuenheim and Handschuchsheim.
From the south side of the Kiinigs-platz crossing the Tiergarten and intersecting the avenue from the Brandenburg Gate to Charlottenburg runs the broad Sieges-allee adorned by thirty-two groups of marble statuary representing famous rulers of the house of Hohenzollern, the gift of the emperor William II.
The garden towards Unter den Linden is adorned by a bronze statue of Helmholtz; the marble statues of Wilhelm and Alexander von Humboldt, which were formerly placed on either side of the gate, have been removed to the adjacent garden.
Owing to the frequent fires the private buildings of Salzburg are comparatively modern; and the existing houses, lavishly adorned with marble, are, like many of the public buildings, monuments of the gorgeous taste of the archbishops of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Then rises a plain storey, and above it soars a partially fluted storey, the shaft of which is adorned with bands of marble and red sandstone.
Hitherto the Pathan kings had been content with the ancient Hindu capital, altered and adorned to suit their tastes.
Tughlak, who reigned from 1325 to 1351, and is described by Elphinstone as "one of the most accomplished princes and most furious tyrants that ever adorned or disgraced human nature."
When first built the dome was covered by gold leaf, and the outer walls were adorned with stucco work picked out in gold and blue, but to-day there are very few traces of this ornamentation.
The only open spaces are the market-place and two other squares, one of which, facing the citadel, is adorned with a granite column erected (1818) in commemoration of the defeat of Napoleon I.
Jerome had marked it out; Sulpicius Severus, the biographer of St Martin, in his Historia sacra, adorned it with the attractions of romance.
Toward the close of the middle ages the vernacular literatures were adorned with Villani's and Froissart's chronicles.
These are among the oldest examples of Scottish Gaelic. The MS. was also adorned with Gaelic designs.
To the south of the castle there is an extensive and finely adorned park.
Induced by the encouragement of his mathematical friends in England, Plucker in 1865 returned to the field in which he first became famous, and adorned it by one more great achievement - the invention of what is now called "line geometry."
Isabella Gonzaga, who cherished the hope that he might be induced permanently to attach himself to the court of Mantua, wrote about this time to ask news of him, and to beg for a painting from him for her study, already adorned with masterpieces by the first hands of Italy, or at least for a "small Madonna, devout and sweet as is natural to him."
At Florence he was at last persuaded, on the initiative of Piero Soderini, to undertake for his native city a work of painting as great as that with which he had adorned Milan.
The city is the see of a Greek Catholic archbishop and of an Armenian archbishop, and contains a Lamaist monastery, as well as technical schools, an ichthyological museum, the Peter museum, with ethnographical, archaeological and natural history collections, a botanical garden, an ecclesiastical seminary, and good squares and public gardens, one of which is adorned with a statue (1884) of Alexander II.
The hall, converted into a royal chapel by George I., and now housing the museum of the Royal United Service Institution, the buildings of which adjoin it, is a fine specimen of Palladian architecture, and its ceiling is adorned with allegorical paintings by Rubens, restored and rehung in 1907.
Neagoe was a great builder of monasteries; he founded the cathedrals of Curtea de Argesh (q.v.) and Tirgovishtea, and adorned Mount Athos with his pious works.
The fine facade built by that king was formerly adorned with a statue of King George, who was represented as holding a sword pointing upward to a representation of the chalice, the emblem of the Hussite Church.
In the Altun or Zolotai-oba (Golden Mound) was found a great stone vault similar in style to an Egyptian pyramid; and within, among many objects of minor note, were golden dishes adorned with griffins and beautiful arabesques.
Francesco, and a castle of the Sforza family, dating from the 14th century and adorned with a loggia by Bramante and a tower imitating that of Filarete in the Castello Sforzesco at Milan.
The caliphs substituted a covering of figured brocade, and the Egyptian government still sends with each pilgrim caravan from Cairo a new kiswa of black brocade, adorned with a broad band embroidered with golden inscriptions from the Koran, as well as a richer curtain for the door.'
Albert adorned the Stiftskirche at Halle and the cathedral at Mainz in sumptuous fashion, and took as his motto the words Domine, dilexi decorem domus tuae.
An Oxford Down ram has a bold masculine head; the poll well covered with wool and the forehead adorned by a topknot; ears self-coloured, upright, and of fair length; face of uniform dark brown colour; legs short, dark, and free from spots; back level and chest wide; and the fleece heavy and thick.
The surface was plain, inscribed with dedicatory or other legends, or adorned with symbolical carving.
The Lustgarten, the Wilhelmsplatz and the Plantage are open spaces laid out as pleasure-grounds and adorned with statues and busts.
It is in the formal French style of the period, and is adorned with fountai, -G, statuary and artificial ruins.
Amongst the numerous buildings with which Caracalla adorned the city, the most famous are the thermae, and the triumphal arch of Septimius Severus in the forum.
With the assistance of the famous architect, Pieter Post of Haarlem, he transformed the Recife by building a new town adorned with splendid public edifices and gardens, which was called after his name Mauritstad.
Of the parks and public gardens, the most extensive is the Queen's Domain, covering an area of about 700 acres, while the most central is Franklin Square, adorned with a statue of Sir John Franklin, the famous Arctic explorer, who was governor of Tasmania from 1837 to 1843.
Of the edifices and monuments which adorned the fora, only a slight sketch can be given here.
Another hollow column, the pedestal of which is now known as Avret Tash, adorned the forum of Arcadius.
Since the Turkish conquest a minaret has been erected at each of the four exterior angles of the building, and the interior has been adapted to the requirements of Moslem worship, mainly by the destruction or concealment of most of the mosaics which adorned the walls.
The central square is adorned with a statue of Armand, duc de Richelieu (1826), who was governor of Odessa in 1803-1814.
The streets of the former are narrow and irregular, but the latter, founded at the end of the 16th century by fugitive Walloons and Netherlanders, is built in the form of a pentagon with broad streets crossing at right angles, and possesses several fine squares, among which may be mentioned the marketplace, adorned with handsome fountains at the four corners.
In1784-1785he enlarged the villa into the mansion-house with its present dimensions by building an addition at each end, erected several of the out-buildings, and adorned the grounds, all according to his own plans and specifications.
The noble collection of paintings which formerly adorned the Dusseldorf gallery was removed to Munich in 1805, and has not since been restored; but there is no lack of artistic treasures in the town.
Noticeable for its high roof, low tower and dwarf spire, the church consists of an aisleless nave, chancel (adorned with Chantrey's statue of the 1st duke) and transepts.
This is adorned with statues and frescoes by modern German artists, and has near it the chemical, physical, botanical, geological, seismological and zoological institutes, also the observatory, all designed by Eggert and built between 1877 and 1888.
A mile and a half to the north-east is the handsome early Renaissance pilgrimage church of the Madonno della Quercia; the façade is adorned with three lunettes by Andrea della Robbia.
Among the few prisoners taken on the bloody field of Towton was Ormonde, whose head long adorned London Bridge.
Well-planted grounds fringe the steep slope down to the North Bay, in which there is a promenade pier; the South Cliff is similarly adorned.
Of Huitzilopochtli, the famed god, Sahagun says that he was a necromancer, loved " shapeshifting," like Odin, metamorphosed himself into animal forms, was miraculously conceived, and, among animals, is confused with the humming-bird, whose feathers adorned his statues."
Legend adorned his campaign in Aquitaine with miracles; the bishops were the declared allies of both him and his son Theuderich (Thierry) after his conquest of Auvergne.
The chief building (in Chapel Street, Lamb's Conduit Street, London) is adorned with busts of the saints of humanity, and regular services are held.
In 274 a brilliant triumph, adorned by the persons of Zenobia and Tetricus, was celebrated at Rome.
He adorned Dresden, which under him became the musical centre of Germany; welcoming foreign musicians and others he gathered around him a large and splendid court, and his capital was the constant scene of musical and other festivals.
In the typical newts (Molge) of Europe, the males are adorned during the breeding season with bright colours and crests or other ornamental dermal appendages, and, resorting to the water, they engage in a lengthy courtship accompanied by lively evolutions around the females, near which they deposit their spermatozoa in bundles on a gelatinous mass, the spermatophore, probably secreted by the cloacal gland.
The two oldest churches date from the reign of Stephen the Great (1458-1504); perhaps the finest, however, are the 17thcentury metropolitan, St Spiridion and Trei Erarchi, the last a curious example of Byzantine art, erected in 1639 or 1640 by Basil the Wolf, and adorned with countless gilded carvings on its outer walls and twin towers.
The whole of this suite of rooms is richly adorned with carvings in wood.
By mid-afternoon we had reached The Ranch, Pietersburg, a beautifully adorned garden lodge in an area of dry grassland.
There could be no doubt that that circlet of plain gold had once adorned the finger of a bride.
So, equipped with kedge anchors and cable, and adorned in their skin-tight diving gear, they set off.
Both bridges are adorned with steel murals facing the traffic below, depicting either canal boats or steam trains.
They use distinctive, bright red open top busses that are adorned with drawings of scenes from the city they service.
They are highly decorative and are adorned with intricate metal thread embroidery.
Some rare contemporary museum exhibits are adorned with carvings.
High in the Cairngorm Mountains, Ptarmigan are adorned in their white winter finery.
Pieces may be adorned with precious gemstones or oxidized to enhance the contrast of the different colored metals.
Only a small handful of graves were adorned with flowers.
A series of blue stars adorned the asymmetric hemline.
It has been professed by pious hypocrites, & followed by people who have adorned it.
When British Airways launched the low-cost airline Go, Stelios turned up in a bright orange jumpsuit adorned with EasyJet's number.
The ninja of Japan wore these brass knuckles, which were made of a metal plate adorned with four spikes extending from the palm.
Constructed out of white satin and adorned with copious amounts of pink marabou.
Adorned with hanging plants and wicker tables and chairs, it has a serene, almost oriental atmosphere.
The Maltese Crosses which adorned the palace had not been moved and the was adopted as the symbol of the pages.
Rugby shirts adorned with CA logos.
Like that of the bridge crew, he too was adorned in black sackcloth.
We have a range of products for the cruising sailor, ranging from the Cruising Almanac to rugby shirts adorned with CA logos.
We have a range of products for the cruising sailor, ranging from the Cruising Almanac to Rugby shirts adorned with CA logos.
The house is adorned with shiny tinsel hanging from every available corner and twinkling lights have sent your electricity bill soaring.
She was extremely well versed in the tales of many of the heroes whose photographs adorned the walls.
A combination of original Deco and modern chrome lighting fixtures adorned the Heavenly open plan environment, further enhancing the stark whiteness.
Wide steps lead upto the formal gardens under a large pergola adorned by mature wisteria.
The Grand Comneni were also patrons of art and learning, and in consequence of this Trebizond was resorted to by many eminent men, by whose agency the library of the palace was provided with valuable manuscripts and the city was adorned with splendid buildings.
On one side stands the cathedral of San Lorenzo, a Gothic structure of the 14th and 15th centuries, in the plan of a Latin cross, with nave and aisles of equal height; on the other the Palazzo del Municipio, presenting two fine Gothic façades, of the 14th century (though the building was not completed till 5443), with the figures of the Perugian griffin and the Guelph lion above the outside stair; and in the centre the marble fountain constructed in1277-1280by Arnolfo di Cambio, and adorned with statues and statuettes by Niccolo and Giovanni Pisano.
The walls of the nave are adorned with mosaics of the 6th century; the scenes from the New Testament above the windows date from the time of Theodoric, while the somewhat stiff processions below, of virgins on one side and of saints on the other, are substitutions of the latter half of the 6th century for representations which probably contained some allusion to Arianism or episodes in the life of Theodoric (so Ricci).
Some are lofty towers containing sepulchral chambers in stories; 3 others are house-like buildings with a single chamber and a richly ornamented portico; the sides of these chambers within are adorned with the names and sculptured portraits of the dead.
No city ever adorned herself with such an array of temples, public buildings and works of art as the Athens of Pericles and Pheidias.
The fault of the 1 7th-century sermon was a tendency, less prominent in Jeremy Taylor than in any other writer, to dazzle the audience by a display of false learning and by a violence in imagery; the great merit of its literary form was the fullness of its vocabulary and the richness and melody of style which adorned it at its best.
Mariano e Jacopo, a structure of the 12th century, with a façade, adorned with contemporary sculptures, partly restored in 1514-1550.
Some of the apartments are magnificently adorned within, and the building incorporates the ancient Westminster Hall, belonging to the former royal palace on the site (see Westminster).
The Festsaalbau, erected by Klenze in the Italian Renaissance style, is adorned with mural paintings and sculptures, while the Königsbau, a reduced copy of the Pitti Palace at Florence, contains a series of admirable frescoes from the Niebelungenlied by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld.
In this temple the deities were represented by images, and on its dedication day, September 13th, at the novel festival of the epulum Jovis, the images were adorned and set out as partakers of the feast, a proceeding wholly foreign to the native Roman religion (see further Etruria, § Religion).
Beside the political and commercial pre-eminence which he conferred upon Samos, Polycrates adorned the city with public works on a large scale - an aqueduct, a mole and a temple of Hera (see SAMOS; AQUEDUCTS).
Giusto, &c. The cathedral, consecrated in 1120 (?), but enlarged and adorned by Niccolo Pisano (?) in 1254, has a fine pulpit of that period, and on the high altar are sculptures by Mino da Fiesole; it contains several good pictures - the best is an "Annunciation" by Luca Signorelli.
He began the famous Farnese Palace; constructed the Sala Regia in the Vatican; commissioned Michelangelo to paint the "Last Judgment," and to resume, work upon St Peter's; and otherwise adorned the city.
Richard Head in his Life and Death of Mother Shipton (1684) says, "the body was of indifferent height, her head was long, with sharp fiery eyes, her nose of an incredible and unproportionate length, having many crooks and turnings, adorned with many strange pimples of divers colours, as red, blue and dirt, which like vapours of brimstone gave such a lustre to her affrighted spectators in the dead time of the night, that one of them confessed several times in my hearing that her nurse needed no other light to assist her in her duties" Allowing for the absurdity of this account, it certainly seems (if any reliance is to be placed on the so-called authorities) that the child was phenomenally plain and deformed.
Until 1846 it was open at the north side; but this space has since been occupied by the museum, a beautiful Renaissance building, the exterior of which is adorned by statues of Michelangelo, Raphael, Giotto, Dante, Goethe and other artists and poets by Rietschel and Hahnel, and it contains the famous picture gallery.
Besides these country towns, Londinium (London) was a rich and important trading town, centre of the road system, and the seat of the finance officials of the province, as the remarkable objects discovered in it abundantly prove, while Aquae Sulis (Bath) was a spa provided with splendid baths, and a richly adorned temple of the native patron deity, Sul or Sulis, whom the Romans called Minerva.
The needy scholar was generally to be seen under the gate of Pembroke, a gate now adorned with his effigy, haranguing a circle of lads, over whom, in spite of his tattered gown and dirty linen, his wit and audacity gave him an undisputed ascendancy.
The lower part of the façade is adorned with three fine portals and with reliefs of a fantastic kind in sandstone, arranged in horizontal bands, and has arcading under the gable.
There are statues of Dürer, Sachs, Melanchthon, the reputed founder of the grammar-school, the navigator Martin Behaim, and Peter Henlein, the inventor of the watch; and the streets are further embellished with several fountains, the most noteworthy of which are the Schöne Brunnen, 1385-1396, in the form of a large Gothic pyramid, adorned with statues of the seven electors, the "nine worthies," and Moses and the prophets; and the GÃnsemÃnnchen or goose-mannikin, a clever little bronze figure by Pankratz Labenwolf.
A mile and a half to the north-east is the handsome early Renaissance pilgrimage church of the Madonno della Quercia; the façade is adorned with three lunettes by Andrea della Robbia.
I recollect well when the western portion was adorned with its beautiful iron railings.
All conceivable accessories with the added attraction of scumbled owners cabin adorned with barge art.
Early crude designs were adorned with semiprecious metals in an attempt to disguise the handiwork.
Enjoy the splendor of our protected coral reef adorned with tropical marine life.
On the front of the Museum the wrought iron balcony that originally adorned the stationmasters house at Bromsgrove can be seen.
Not only do they offer unique baby shirts, onesies and other clothing, they offer unique tutus, headbands, and big-flower adorned hats that are sure to attract attention wherever you go.
Rasco of NYC is a well known supplier of luxury doggy dishes, but who's to say that these incredibly adorned ceramic canine bowls can't be every bit as appropriate for your tasteful kitty?
Mint Julep Cup with the Seal of Kentucky - This polished pewter ulep cup is adorned with the seal of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Because the bags were simple and plainly adorned with an eco-themed print, they were also affordable.
As Britain expanded its empire, influences from the Far East began to creep into British decorating styles, and many people adorned their homes with bold new colors.
Wooden cabinetry is frequently accessorized with wrought iron hardware, and countertops are adorned with woven baskets and vibrant ceramic pieces.
You can purchase floor pillows that are adorned with all kinds of embellishments.
Lamps should be adorned with plain, silk-covered shades, and all bedrooms and dining areas should feature crisp, clean linens in muted tones and free of pattern.
Some of the designs in Persian rugs have been around for hundreds of years and at some point may have adorned the floors of an emperor's palace.
In ancient times, oriental rugs adorned the palaces of royalty and the royal families that ruled certain territories in Asia.
Their ready-made mirrors include frames made from reclaimed wood, frames adorned with antlers and twigs, and even frames made with rough wood bark.
While the selection of mirrors can be on the expensive side, the simpler wall mirrors here such as those adorned with embossings of wildlife, are well within an affordable price range.
The sleek, navy blue compact is adorned with an iridescent "CD" moniker reflected behind a "Dior" logo engraved in silver.
If you opt for false lashes adorned with small gemstones, you can still swipe metallic eye shadow across your lids, but leave the glittery lipstick behind.
The title "My Blessing" is adorned with a daisy and set against a pink gingham background.
We've all become so accustomed to the usual prom dress; a solid wall of color that flows gracefully to the floor and that is usually adorned with just one creative accent- a corsage.
Plus, since the dress won't be too fancy or adorned, you can wear it again during the summer!
Whichever camp you fall into, adorned or not, depends entirely on your own personal preference.
They can be adorned with feathers, lace, beads, or even live flowers!
Reception shoes are comfortable sneakers, flip flops or flat shoes adorned with sequins, pearls and glitter and tied with satin or lace shoelaces.
Traditionally, wedding cake tops have been adorned with either a miniature replica of the happy couple or a bouquet of fresh flowers.
Personalized wedding favors may be made from simple items adorned with an embossed ribbon.
Turn heads by accompanying a casual dress with traditional accessories such as a single strand of pearls and a one stem of your favorite flower adorned with a ribbon.
Instead, hang dried miniature floral wreaths that have been adorned with acorns and pinecones.
Whether they choose a simple program adorned with a cross or a more elaborate style with several Bible quotes on love and marriage, there are many ways to combine tasteful elegance, spirituality, and romance for a truly blessed wedding day.
Tables adorned with a single low bowl filled with gilded pine cones and greenery makes an elegant statement.
This type of head veil may have adorned edges and be made of thinner, sheer fabric.
Some professionals specialize in beach wedding cakes adorned with fondant shells and edible sugar "sand."
The skirt is tiered to give a cascading appearance, and the ruched bodice is adorned with crystals.
The most traditional is a three tiered cake frosted with white buttercream or fondant and adorned with minimal decorations.
Not surprisingly, bedding adorned with the likes of Elmo and his Sesame Street pals also grew in popularity.
Usually vibrant and cutesy, bedding for children is often adorned with a popular cartoon character, superhero or other personality popular among the youth.
The result is bedding adorned with everything from waves and palm trees to sand and flowers.
The white ruffle is adorned with a diminutive, barely visible blue polka dot print and finished with blue gingham trim.
Adorned with artwork featuring little Dora the Explorer, this themed bedding is extremely popular and, not surprisingly, is available in numerous designs.
Look for warm, plush quilts adorned with holiday artwork, like snowmen, snowflakes and ornaments.
Make a multi-layer cake that's adorned with a fondant movie reel, a realistic horse figure, or gum paste flowers that wind all around the cake.
Her dress was a sleek scoop-neck with cap sleeves, adorned with a row of buttons down the back.
As hundreds of college dorm rooms adorned with the infamous Scream print can attest, Edvard Munch is still a famous artist today, over 60 years after his death.
Even the pews were adorned in pink roses.
In the end, Siriano's line that included an evening gown draped in feathers, multiple pairs of skinny pants and a jacket adorned with a high ruffled neckpiece beat out the lines designed by Rami and Jillian.
He was featured on the covers of numerous magazines and his posters adorned many young girls' bedroom walls.
It's also amusing to note that each Lacoste polo comes adorned with the signature Lacoste crocodile that has become highly recognizable over decades past.
You can pair these intricately adorned gowns with matching shoes, which your daughter can model in the mirror of her new princess vanity that actually talks!
Pajamas adorned with pine trees, marshmallows, snowmen, and even hefty little Santas will fulfill their holiday purpose.
Supple leathers in an array of colors, richly textured velvets and elegant ribbons of satin or grosgrain are beautifully adorned and decorated.
Jewelry is available in silver and gold plate, often adorned with gemstones such as garnet, amethyst, sapphire, pearls, turquoise, citrine and many, many more.
There are modern bracelets, mother bracelets with birthstones, beaded bracelets, Swarovski crystal enhanced bracelets and bracelets adorned with pearls.
These can be made into a braided bracelet and adorned with a jewel or cabochon.
Chanel costume jewelry features necklaces adorned with pearls and various other elements.
If your outfit needs an additional pop of color, choose a brooch adorned with colorful stones that can liven up your outfit.
The Roman soldier was not adorned with shiny metal armor or any embellishments.
This top is adorned with gray letters that spell out "Zoo York" in haphazard fashion and boast a spray-painted effect.
Adorned with a multitude of tattoo-inspired prints (bursting with color, naturally), these tops are popular choices for casual wear.
Often, they're adorned with various types of embellishments, ranging from buckles to chains, which ups the punk factor and lends them an edgy, authentic appearance.
Simple styles adorned with band names or sports team logos are perfect to wear to concerts and games.
Other T-shirts, though, such as those adorned with garish, over-the-top colors (think Ed Hardy), foul language or questionable images, are big no-nos.
You aren't too far off from the reality of today's leather jackets - many of them are adorned with crucifixes, studs, label logos and other insignias.
They are often adorned with youthful patterns and motifs, like snowflakes and snowmen, and they rarely work well in an adult wardrobe.
An exception is a pair of slipper socks adorned with a team logo; like other sports memorabilia, "fan" socks are easy to find and are also very colorful!
They can range from flannel two-piece sets adorned with snowflakes or reindeer to red silky teddies lined with faux fur.
The traditional look, of course, was the "Easter bonnet" - a great hat that was adorned with flowers and perhaps feathers.
Whether you want something plain or adorned, light or with serious boning, they will have it.
The Polished Pink Hologram Dot Bra features a solid lower cup and a top half adorned with hologram dots.
If you like a little something extra to give your tops a boost, consider a camisole adorned with lace to lend it a completely different vibe.
Shop Wiki features plus size sleeveless tops adorned with sparkly sequins for a sultry look.
Many styles are playfully adorned with fringe or other elements to add some intrigue to the look.
The 3X selection includes belts covered in Austrian crystals; belts adorned with crystal crucifixes; and a variety of diamond-accented styles in your choice of brown or black leather.
Choose from a variety of styles and prints like this modified bib adorned with vining strawberries.
Other attractions include a live music amphitheater, shows, restaurants, cafes, rides, and retail stores, all adorned with various pieces of legendary rock memorabilia.
Chun-Li wears a blue qipao--a traditional Chinese dress--and has her hair done up in "Ox horns" adorned with brocades and ribbons.
Personalized wine cellar plaque-For a mere $55.98, you can have a custom made wine cellar plaque adorned with any message you like (up to 13 letters).
Braids often denoted warriors in Africa and Native Americans in the Plains wore long braids adorned with feathers.
Hair should be freshly styled and adorned to celebrate this romantic occasion.
Think braided styles, twisted cornrows adorned with flowers, or daisy tiaras gracing a mane full of curl.
Prom hair designs should always be adorned when the look calls for it.
Loose tendrils were normally swept high on top of the head and adorned with gold balls.
Headbands in a satin fabric add simple sophistication, while headbands adorned with sequins or jewels add a glamorous touch.
Incorporate earthy elements into your coif such as coral or turquoise adorned hair accessories and you have a beach ready style perfect for sunbathing or formal wedding hair.
There are several Buddhist temples adorned with dragon motifs, and dragons also decorate Shinto shrines.
The breastplate of justice was adorned with twelve colored stones set in four rows.
Each t-shirt is adorned with retro-looking band logos, but they are often topped off with a feminine twist such as lingerie trim or spaghetti straps paired with an O-ring.
High fashion and celebrity style are practically synonymous, making many women fond of adopting designs adorned by famous pregnant women.
Plus, there are a number of outside eateries that are adorned with beautiful palm trees when you need to take a break from shopping.
Men will find body-hugging trunks and women can get monokinis and halter-top bikinis, all adorned with American flag colors.
Tsunami Bikinis takes a more adorned approach to micro swim looks, and after seeing the various fringes, sequins and bejeweled styles, you may wonder why more online shopping sites don't.
Several different types of microkinis come in a wide variety of fabrics that are sometimes also adorned with decorative items like bows, buttons and metal designs.
Attractively adorned with fauna in the eye catching colors of green, yellow and fuchsia, this collection is filled with fun, beach-ready styles.
In situations like these, consider opting for a top that features a peek-a-boo style, or one that is adorned in another sensual way, for example, with bows.
Exquisite Fancy Nancy - This large, poseable doll has realistic limbs and a pink jumper adorned with butterflies.
Dresses were adorned with oversized buttons and bows, sometimes both on a single dress.
If you're confident enough to wear skinny jeans, you'll love this sexy lineup of light and dark washes, all adorned with embellished pockets.
Vintage Vanilla gown is strapless and adorned with a big bow in the front.
Similarly, a wide winter scarf adorned with sparkling details (like sequins) can take your evening look to the next level and keep you warm, too.
These dresses look refreshing and seasonally-appropriate when adorned with playful and floral prints, but you are likely to run into the same problems as you would with strapless dress models.
Some zippers were functional and others were merely decorative, but zippers adorned much of the denim women wore during this decade.
Many cocktail dresses are adorned with sequins, crystals or rosettes.
They were bathed in lavish colors, inspired by decades past and adorned with all manner of wild embellishments.
Pillar candles can be adorned with simple red and blue stars, or paint an American flag around the entire candle.
Houses that were once decorated with fresh greens and twinkle lights are now adorned with inflatable Santas and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
Use a small wreath adorned with holly, berries, pine combs, and even some silver or white spray (to simulate snow), and place it around a large center candle in a color that fits your scheme.
These wreaths are adorned with ribbons, ornaments and even lights.
Collars adorned with beads, sequins, or jewels are also a special touch.
An early 1960s-style dress with a cape, in the nastiest shade of pink you can find, adorned with frills and an unflattering, fussy 1960s wig will be perfect.
Theatrical masks can be a separate item or adorned as face paint.
A woodland fairy is unique because it is adorned with flowers, butterflies, vines and leaves.
Adding light green ribbons to your hair and carrying a wand adorned with flowers and ribbons can enhance your look.
Whereas a Dracula costume of old might have featured bat wings in lieu of the classic cape, these costumes will instead be adorned with beautiful fairy wings, straight out of a pre-Raphaelite painting.
Renaissance women wore full gowns richly adorned if they were wealthy, or unadorned if they were peasants.
The costume should be adorned with plenty of trims, lace, ribbons, beads, feathers, and possibly jewels.
Wealthy nobility adorned themselves in jewels such as crowns, rings, large necklaces, hats, powdered wig, small wrist purses, jeweled swords, and shields.
Blige have adorned themselves with different styles of Daniel K earrings.
From a beautiful solitaire to a ring adorned with intricate designs and accent stones, there are many exquisite yellow sapphire engagement rings to fit the desires and budgets of all future brides.
Reproduction antique rings can give you all the beauty and old-fashioned style of an antique ring without any of the condition issues, and since these rings are new, yours will be the first finger they have adorned.
A 15 carat blue diamond necklace worth approximately $20 million adorned actress Gloria Stewart's neck the night of the 1998 Academy Awards.
When you care enough about fashion to invest in a bag from this iconic designer, you want others to notice and appreciate your taste, so each bag is adorned with a Dior logo letter charm.
These aptly named novelty clutches are adorned with party-appropriate sayings and spattered with outgoing designs such as martini glasses and mini skulls.
Larger bags may feature a furry monkey whereas the smaller styles may come adorned with a tiny metal monkey.
These nautically-influenced pieces are given the signature La Shea treatment and adorned with bows, ribbons and details galore.
You can find these bags adorned with carvings or decorative pockets.
The concept of "hand embellished" implies that your evening bag has been adorned by hand with beads, gems, embroideries, and ornaments of all sorts.
She is the absolute queen of posh evening bags, and her crystal adorned clutches have been seen in the hands of red-carpet goers since Hollywood immemorial.
Even the simplest of Leiber's Austrian crystal adorned bags run well into the thousands.
Unless you're shopping online for vintage items, a quick romp to your nearest Neiman Marcus or Saks will reveal several designer label evening purses that have been manufactured and adorned by hand.
It's available in a variety of colors, and each is adorned with studs that run the length and trim the sides of the bag.
Featuring two front pockets adorned with engraved padlocks featuring the Marc Jacobs trademark, the Blake has all the same features found in the Venetia, Sophia and Stella handbags.
Like most tote bags, those adorned with tapestry cats often include functional and organizational features such as exterior pockets, interior zippered or slip pockets, coin pouches, durable shoulder straps, and fabric linings.
With 48 T-shirts adorned with Jake and the slogan "Life is Good", the brothers went to a craft fair in 1994.
It's adorned with generous floral appliqués that wind their way around the tote.
From vibrant camouflaged headbands adorned with studs to shoulder bags embedded with rhinestones, there are so many treats out there that prove camouflage can look as trendy as anything seen on the runways.
The western style Mossy Oak purse is adorned with a rhinestone star on its front and boasts faux leather trim.
Matching feathers often adorned her bag, which in those days tended to be a tiny clutch, a drawstring pouch or a flat reticule, often beaded.
This unusual style is made of woven plant fibers and adorned with a lobster and starfish design on the body.
You'll find styles adorned with prints, embellished with shells and accented by vibrant colors.
For those who love the iconic check print, there are several Manor bags adorned with the famous pattern.
Each bag is adorned with a beguiling rose print.
Visit Vintage Bag for a selection of delicate evening bags adorned with unique patterns and glamorized with sequins and jewels.
It is constructed of thick, full-grain leather that boasts a supple feel, and is adorned with the recognizable Harley Davidson logo.
There were several available, including a pale pink version adorned with a beige bow and vibrant cherry blossoms, a dark brown version bearing the same design and a white version of the same style.
Pine cones can also be left bare and adorned with sprigs of holly and little red bows.
On the other end of the spectrum is the Brightly, a flat shoe adorned with a toe loop and rhinestone buckle.
The shoe itself is actually rather charming with its silver, space-inspired coloring and daintily adorned silver flowers, but the heel is quite high.
The strap itself is adorned with beautiful, shiny beading all across, from the toe downwards!
Adorned with jeweled embellishments on a metallic suede upper, this eye-catching sandal is a dressier take on the basic slip-on.
Jellies are now adorned with glitter, beads and rhinestones, adding more sparkle to the shine.
The straps are adorned with the Grandco name and a handful of discreet rhinestones, while the foot beds feature bold, swirly artwork with a hint of paisley.
These slippers are covered with the cream colored fuzziness of the memorable sheep, and adorned with a large plush sheep head.
They're adorned with a bow and constructed with thick, antiqued velvet.
Today's styles are adorned with flowers and jewels.
Even better, they're adorned with a discreet bejeweled bow right on top.
Mukluk footwear features an extremely lightweight and soft upper that may be adorned with pompoms and lined with faux or real animal fur.
These lightweight boots are lined with moisture-wicking material, adorned with adjustable snow collars and feature waterproof shells.
There are hot pink styles adorned with black hearts, zebra prints and even flats etched with images of Miss Marc, the designer's signature "mascot."
These fun flats are available in plenty of shades - including teal, pink and black - and are adorned with a diminutive Marc by Marc Jacobs nameplate.
Some are boldly adorned with ruffles, perfect for the woman who swears by the look and loves to make a statement with her shoes.
These Special Occasions Vanessa heels ($44.95) are adorned with light-catching sequins for a sharp look.
Not only do these glass slipper look-alikes feature glittery uppers, they're also adorned with rhinestones, silver trim and heart-shaped jewels on the toes.
On the other hand, a killer heel adorned with studs is something best saved for late nights.
Designers are ushering in a bevy of elegant shoes adorned with beautiful details, like sheer lace, ankle ties, ruffles and rosettes, to name a few.
While working for Body Adorned, a tattoo studio in Austin, TX, Katzen did everything from simple "quickies" to complex Celtic knot work to vital, eye-catching effects to moody oil-paint effects.
Others adorned arms, chests and legs with their intricate swirls.
The tree can be adorned with several different images, such as hearts, stars, butterflies or anything else ones heart desires.
It is a very popular ornamental tattoo; thousands of women have adorned their skin with this stunning symbolic creature.
While tattoo shops are usually adorned with hundreds of flash art and custom images that serve as inspiration, the process can be overwhelming for someone considering ink for the first time.
Adorned with barbell-type jewelry, tongue piercings can be placed closer to the tip of the tongue or further back where the tongue thickens.
Simply find out your birth month flower, and have your pixie adorned in the colors and pattern of the petals.
Dating back more than 3000 years, the monument, a gift from the people of Egypt, is adorned with hieroglyphics and will fascinate visitors.
This Tag Heuer Monza men's watch is adorned with an artistic case approximately 38mm and 13mm thick with accentuate Black dial and luminous hands and markers.
The Collectibles line features timepieces adorned with images from blockbuster films, like Star Wars, as well as other well-known figures, like Elvis or Snoopy.
For added beauty, several styles of Silhouette watches are adorned with diamonds or Swarovski crystals.
This can be confusing, however, when watches are adorned with gemstones such as diamonds as these may also be marketed as having a certain number of jewels.
In addition to the American flag, watches can often be found adorned with the American eagle.
Pierre Bideau, an electrician and engineer, designed the lights that originally adorned the tower to give it that characteristic, luminous glow.
Constructed out of luxurious Leavers lace adorned with beautiful Swarovski crystals, this collection successfully melds together sensuality and sophistication.
The front is adorned with ribbons and perhaps even fastens with pearl buttons.
These straps are usually adorned with cute little accessories like rhinestones, butterflies, flowers or dragonflies.
Maybe a robe or a pair of slippers adorned with the Who-hating grouch would be part of his wardrobe.
The push-up corsets were adorned with ribbon, lace, and intricate embroidery.
Think pretty pink, sunny yellow and sultry black pastels, all adorned with a dainty bow or a fun print.
As it was difficult to make and delicate, it only adorned the attire of the wealthy and powerful.
Luxury robes like these are typically adorned with lace, ribbons and other embellishments and make you feel like royalty.
You will be surprised at what you can find adorned with your favorite college sports team logo!
And what better way to show off your love for your dog or cat than to wear pajamas adorned with cute paw prints.
Done in a bold, fire engine red, this is a beautifully constructed cami that features the most delicate of shoulder straps, each of which is adorned with a tiny, yet attractive, bow.
Featuring a black mesh bra adorned with pink satin ribbons and bows and including a mesh mini skirt with adjustable garters and a matching g-string, all you need are some black stockings to turn the heat on full-blast.
A lovely blue, it's adorned with satin ribbons and bows and comes with a matching lace skirt that features side slits, a satin bow and a built-in thong.
But if satin slips are what you want, there are half and full slips that are beautifully adorned in satin, silk and lace.
There are plenty of options when it comes to bedtime footwear, including lush velour as well as heeled shoes adorned with cute little puffs.
The three-quarter length sleeves are adorned with single flowers, picking up the vintage-look lace flowers decorating the neck.
Lady Gaga comes out of the mansions pool in a fully adorned costume and begins to sing.
Additionally, officers on the field adorned their hats with red ornaments, while junior-grade officers adorned their hats with green.
Over his armor, a Knight Templar wore a white surcoat adorned with the red cross to let everyone know he was part of the Order of the Knight Templar.
Workers who hold different positions have different uniform choices, including long and short sleeve denim shirts and navy blue polo tops, t-shirts, and sweaters adorned with the USPS logo.
They sell solid color scrubs and animal print scrubs, including fabrics adorned with cartoon-style dogs or tops covered in cat paw prints.
It was first published at Nuremberg by Melchior Pfintzing in 1517, and was adorned with woodcuts by Hans Leonhard Schaufelein.
The bronze doors, adorned with bas-reliefs, are good; they may belong to the beginning of the 13th century.
The present cathedral contains several early Christian marble sarcophagi, a silver cross of the 6th century (that of Agnellus), and the so-called throne of the Archbishop Maximian (54655 2), adorned with reliefs in ivory, which, however, was really brought to Ravenna in iooi by John the Deacon, who recorded the fact in his Venetian chronicle, as a present from the Doge Pietro Orseolo to the Emperor Otho III.
It grew with the growing state whose religious centre it was, and was adorned with the spoils of countless other buildings, both in the East and on the Italian mainland.
Close by is the university, with a colonnade adorned with paintings, and the Vallianean library with a handsome Doric portico of Pentelic marble.
The majority of them were rotundas, and were adorned with statues and paintings.
The Palazzo Pretorio, or Vicariale, the residence of the Florentine governors, recently restored to its original condition, has a picturesque façade and court adorned with coats of arms, and in the interior are various frescoes dating from the 13th to the 16th century.
Near the end of May, the sand cherry (Cerasus pumila) adorned the sides of the path with its delicate flowers arranged in umbels cylindrically about its short stems, which last, in the fall, weighed down with good-sized and handsome cherries, fell over in wreaths like rays on every side.
These pieces are so sought after that they have adorned a number of celebrities, including George Lopez, Eva Longoria, Ashanti, Kelly Clarkson, Billy Idol, and Britney Spears.
The mountainous area adorned with beautiful trees and stretching landscapes is the perfect setting for a relaxing dinner.
A simple choker adorned her neck, a diamond tennis bracelet her wrist and she wore silver strappy heels he thought he had seen on Sarah.
His image and name are often found on "votive hands," a kind of talisman adorned with emblems, the nature of which is obscure.
Tables were covered with white linen table cloths and adorned with violet colored napkins inside light gray napkin holders.
Above this comes a row of circular shields, adorned with intricate arabesques, while bands and wreaths of lilies are everywhere scupltured on the windows, balconies, tambours and cornices, adding lightness to the fabric. The whole is raised on a platform 7 ft.
The choir opens into a beautiful cloister, the massive vaulting of which is supported on heavy piers adorned with statuary, between which intervene slender columns arranged in pairs and surmounted by delicately carved capitals.
It is surrounded on the first story by a sixteensided gallery (the Hochmiinster) adorned by antique marble and granite columns, of various sizes, brought by Charlemagne's orders from Rome, Ravenna and Trier.