Administered Sentence Examples
The law was ably and justly administered, and Irish trade was admitted to the same privileges as English, enjoying the same rights in foreign and colonial trade; and no attempt was made to subordinate the interests of the former to the latter, which was the policy adopted both before and after Cromwell's time, while the union of Irish and English interests was further recognized by the Irish representation at Westminster in the parliaments of 1654, 1656 and 16J9.
Lodge arranged a mechanical tapper for the purpose which continually administered the small blow to the tube sufficient to keep the filings in a sensitive condition.
The first step is to see whether there is a prima facie case for inquiry, for many acts of parliament have been passed which have never come into operation at all, or have been administered only for a short time on too limited a scale to have important or lasting results.
The Reverend and his wife were supposed to have administered to the working girls.
When he marched against Aretas, his army with their standards did not enter Judaea at all; but he himself went up to Jerusalem for the feast and, on receipt of the news that Tiberius was dead, administered to the Jews the oath of allegiance to Caligula.
She could have administered CPR until the ambulance arrived.
On the 21st of December 1443 he was sworn to the statutes by Bishop Bekynton and the earl of Suffolk, the king's commissioners, and himself administered the oath to the other members of the foundation, then only five fellows and eleven scholars over fifteen years of age.
The kingdom of Sardinia was administered upon similar principles, but with less of geniality.
The effect of this latitude is to give the company ample discretion in the matter, and to enable the act to be administered and the object of it to be attained without undue interference.
Given by the mouth glycerin produces purging if large doses are administered, and has the same action if only a small quantity be introduced into the rectum.
AdvertisementBut by a process of successive and continued artificial cultures under different conditions, the virus of the organism is found to become attenuated; and when this weakened virus is administered, the animal is rendered immune against further attacks.
Eupator (reigned 164-162), in whose name the kingdom was administered by a camarilla.
She was anxiously administered to by several white coated escorts.
The clan is generally subdivided into smaller communities (mahale), each administered by a local notable or jobar.
Baptism is administered both to infants and adults by pouring or sprinkling, but the mode is considered immaterial.
AdvertisementThe celebrated Gascoigne's powder, which was sold as late as the middle of the 19th century in the form of balls like sal prunella, consisted of equal parts of crabs' eyes," the black tips of crabs' claws, Oriental pearls, Oriental bezoar and white coral, and was administered in jelly made of hart's horn, but was prescribed by physicians chiefly for wealthy people, as it cost about forty shillings per ounce.
It is administered by an elective municipal council with a civil service administrator as mayor.
The justice administered in them was patriarchal and rough, but not ineffective.
Ginger administered whack number two, followed with a 'be nice' comment.
The postal and telegraph services are administered by the national government, and are under the immediate supervision of the minister of the interior.
AdvertisementIn 1848, when Prussia made war on Denmark, Lauenburg was occupied at her own request by some Hanoverian troops, and was then administered for three years under the authority of the German confederation, being restored to Denmark in 1851.
The postal services and the telegraphs are administered by the federal government.
Government, eec. - The colony is administered by a governor who is advised by a nominated council of unofficial members.
The pope, naturally on the side of order, staunchly supported this regenerator of the realm, and in his own brother Coloman, who administered the district of the Drave, Bela also found a loyal and intelligent co-operator.
She used to talk of Annie all the time, tell us how brave her sister was, how she and the Reverend administered to the sick, and those women.
AdvertisementThese are subdivided into twenty provinces, each administered by an administrator of native affairs by whose side is the provincial council consisting of natives and occupied with the discussion of ways and means and questions of public works.
The fisheries were held by the Incorporated Company of Dredgers (incorporated by Act of Parliament in 1793), the affairs being administered by a foreman, deputy foreman and jury of twelve; but in 1896 an Act of Parliament transferred the management of the fishery to a company.
In those parts of the continent of Europe where railways are owned and administered by state authority, the necessity for such agreements is frankly admitted.
After Cynthia came out and administered a cold face cloth, Edith seemed somewhat better, enough to decline medical attention, though she remained disoriented even after reaching Ryland's small quarters.
There is now regular steam communication; the affairs of the islands are duly administered, and the population has grown to about 4500.
The least creditably administered of these are the asylums for abandoned infants; in I887, of a total of 23,913, 53.77% died; while during the years 1893-1896 (no later statistics are available) of 117,970 51.72% died.
It was administered under the empire by a curator of praetorian rank, as were the other important roads of Italy.
We have already spoken of the eucharistic celebrations of which the cubicula were the scene; and still existing baptisteries prove that the other sacrament was also administered there.
Consequently, in 1893, Congress appointed the Dawes Commission to induce the tribes to consent to individual allotments as well as to a government administered from Washington, and in 1898 the Curtis Act was passed for making such allotments and for the establishment of a territorial government.
The name seems, in imperial times, to have to some extent driven out that of the Cassia, and both roads were administered, with other minor roads, by the same curator.
In its larger aspect, it is a denunciation of the corrupt system which that senate represented, and especially of the manner in which the treasury had been administered by Aristophon.
He administered the festival-fund.
We are also told that he administered rigid and impartial justice and dispensed royal hospitality.
To meet the partial failure of the potatoes in Connaught and Donegal, very large sums were subscribed and administered by two committees, one under the duchess of Marlborough and the other under the lord mayor of Dublin.
He might perhaps have administered successfully, but the exactions he was compelled to enforce by his father soon ruined the popularity of his government and provoked revolts.
Valerian can also be administered as an effective muscle relaxer to relieve the symptoms of chronic back pain.
Milk thistle extract is a proven antidote and if administered immediately following the poisoning can eliminate all of the symptoms of poisoning.
Florida interior designers are also required to pass the qualifying exam administered by the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ).
Following education, an interior designer must obtain professional experience prior to sitting for an exam administered by the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ).
While an online course is usually administered for a fee, most in-person anger management classes mandated by the courts are offered for free, or for a small administration fee.
Vitamin B12 shots are normally prescribed and administered by a physician.
Some patients may require prescription medications, which must be administered by doctors and nurses, during the detox phase.
While an addict is under anesthesia, medications are administered to help cleanse drugs from the person's system.
This model is usually quite compatible with the treatment programs administered in Florida and elsewhere.
Due to the improper storage of the drug, the nurse administered 10,000 units instead of the prescribed 10 units.
Murray had administered potentially fatal amounts of a variety of drugs to Jackson on the day of his death.
Early reports indicate that Jackson's cardiac arrest was caused by the anesthetic Propofol, which was reportedly administered to Jackson by Dr. Murray.
In the United States, federal financial aid programs are administered by the U.S. Department of Education.
The LSAT is administered four times per year.
Public scholarship and grant programs are available to any qualified student, while private programs are administered by specific schools or organizations.
Enrollment may still be facilitated through the established system, but courses, course material and other student services are administered by each University of Texas campus.
Injections can kill the worms living in the dog's heart, but they must be administered with care because the powerful drugs can also damage the animal's liver and kidneys.
Most medicines administered at home are given orally or topically; although some medications, such as insulin, are usually given by subcutaneous injection.
Sprays and gels are a safe, inexpensive and convenient alternative, as they can be administered by the owner at home.
The conditions which are peculiar to the modern world are the large numbers we have to deal with, the vast and fairly homogeneous areas in which justice is administered and property secured, and the enormously increased facilities for transport and communication.
Venice is administered by a prefect representing the crown and responsible to the central government at Rome, from whom he receives orders.
The government was vested in the council (1 30uXii) and people (8rl/20s), and administered by civil officers with Greek titles, the proedros (president), the grammateus (secretary), the archons, syndics and dekaprotoi (a fiscal council of ten), following the model of a Greek municipality under the Roman Empire.
The Territory is administered, under the direction of the governor, by a resident commissioner, who is also the chief judicial officer.
Wise, prudent and conservative, Gallatin made few changes in Hamilton's arrangements, and for twelve years administered the national finances with the greatest skill.
Duke John of Saxony had placed him on the commission for church visitation in Thuringia, and in 1529 appointed him pastor and superintendent at Eisenach, where for eighteen years he administered church affairs with tact, and fostered the spread of education.
The later emperors had a separate aerarium privatum, containing the moneys allotted for their own use, distinct from the fiscus, which they administered in the interests of the empire.
Most mosques have endowed property, which is administered by a warden (nazir), who also appoints the imams and other officials.
During his minority, which lasted till 1840, the country was well administered by a British resident.
Until the formation of the Central Provinces in 1861, Nagpur province, which consists of the present Nagpur division, Chhindwara and Chhatisgarh, was administered by a commissioner under the central government.
Justice is administered by courts of various grades, with a supreme court at Havana as the head; the members of this being appointed by the president and senate.
Municipalities are administered by mayors (alcaldes) and assemblies elected by the people, and control strictly municipal affairs.
It is administered by a central board of Moslem officials, who meet in This was soon modified in detail.
Laurent points out that direct taxes furnish 54% of the revenues of the empire, that agriculture is accordingly very heavily taxed, and that the tax on realty is both excessive and unfairly administered.
It is administered by imperial functionaries called arazi-memuru; it is with the consent of the latter only that the proprietary rights can be sold.
The vakufs are administered by a special ministerial department (evkaf nazareti), whose property, on behalf of the state, they theoretically are.
The king is advised by a council of five ministers, the superior members of the class of mandarins; and the kingdom is divided into about fifty provinces administered by members of that body.
The sacrament of the most Holy Eucharist shall be freely administered in the two kinds, that is bread and wine, to all the faithful in Christ who are not precluded by mortal sin - according to the word and disposition of Our Saviour.
Two years later he was raised to the see of Nancy, where he remained for four years, during which the diocese became one of the best administered in France.
In the partition of the government of the provinces of the Roman empire between the senate and the emperor, Africa fell to the senate, and was henceforth administered by a proconsul.
These provinces were administered, according to circumstances, by a praeses of senatorial rank, a legatus pro praetore, or a vir clarissimus consularis.
A sacred communion of bread, water and possibly wine, compared by the Christian apologists to the Eucharist, was administered to the mystic who was entering upon one of the advanced degrees, perhaps Leo.
The Brazilian postal service is under the general supervision of the minister of communications and public works, and is administered by a director-general.
By these adventures the whole line of Brazilian coast, from the mouth of La Plata to the mouth of the Amazon, had become studded at intervals with Portuguese settlements, in all of which law and justice were administered, however inadequately.
Their captain was Abraham Lincoln, and Lieutenant Davis is said to have administered to him his first oath of allegiance.
The Roman-Dutch law, as accepted and administered by the courts of Cape Colony up to 1845 (the date of the separation of Natal from the Cape), is the law of the land, save as modified by ordinances and laws enacted by the local legislature, mostly founded upon imperial statute law.
Mongolia is now administered by a Lifan Yuen or superin tendency with headquarters at Peking.
Transylvania since 1690 had been administered from Vienna, and though the farce of assembling a diet there was still kept up, even the promise of religious liberty, conceded to it on its surrender in 1687, was not kept.
The counties were administered by imperial officials, Germans, Czechs and Galicians, who did not understand the Magyar tongue.
The latter make "the three notes or marks" by which a true church is known "pure and sound doctrine, the sacraments administered according to Christ's holy institution, and the right use of ecclesiastical discipline."
The law administered is that of the civil and penal codes of the German empire, and the court of appeal for all three Hanse towns is the common Oberlandesgericht, which has its seat in Hamburg.
He became a brigadier-general in 1890, and a major-general in 1894; retired in 1895; and in 1898-1899 served on a commission to investigate the United States department of war as administered during the war with Spain.
In 1908 the inter-colonial council was dissolved, but the railways continued to be administered as a joint concern by a railway board on which the governments of both colonies were represented.
The bulk of the Dutch levies were organized on the burgher system - that is, each district was furnished with a commandant, who had under him field-cornets and assistant field-cornets, who administered the fighting capacity of the district.
Lord Milner, by the creation of an inter-colonial board - which administered the The Union Movement.
In 1363, thanks to the support of the king of Navarre, he was given the bishopric of Calahorra in the kingdom of Aragon, which he administered until his death in 1373.
It aids the absorption of fats and may be used with cod liver oil when the latter is administered by the skin.
If silver nitrate salts be administered for a long period as a medication, the skin that is exposed to light becomes of a bluish-grey colour, which is extremely persistent.
The establishment of polytechnics was provided for by the City of London Parochial Charities Act 1883; the charities being administered by trustees.
In 1855 these local acts numbered 250, administered by not less than 300 bodies, and by a number of persons serving on them computed at 10,448.
These were "lost sheep of the house of Israel"; but Christ's freedom from Jewish exclusiveness is also brought out (I) as regards Samaritans, by the rebuke administered to the disciples at ix.52 sqq., the parable in x.
The province as a division of the Indian empire is administered by a lieutenant-governor, first appointed 1st May 1897, with a legislative council of nine members, five of whom are officials.
The law to be administered in each state is the customary law of the state, so far as it is in accordance with the justice, equity and good conscience, and not opposed to the spirit of the law in the rest of British India.
The British government has administered the law in Burma on principles identical with those which have been adopted elsewhere in the British dominions in India.
From 1833 to 1840 Cilicia formed part of the territories administered by Mehemet Ali of Cairo, who was compelled to evacuate it by the allied powers.
Herein also lay, probably, the true import of the baptism which he administered to those who accepted his message and confessed their sins.
The colony is administered by a governor, who exercises military power through a marine infantry colonel, and civil power with the assistance of a privy '- A similar usage exists in Malay; see paper by Yule in Jour.
Noumea alone has (since 1879) a municipality, other localities being administered by commissions.
Potassium nitrate was used at one time in many different diseased conditions, but it is now never administered internally, as its extremely depressant action upon the heart is not compensated for by any useful properties which are not possessed by many other drugs.
The island is administered by a governor, assisted by an executive council, a legislative council of 9 nominated members, and a house of assembly of 24 members elected on a limited franchise.
The affairs of the tribe are administered by the sheiks, or heads of clans and families; the position of sheik in itself gives no real governing power, his word and counsel carry weight, but his influence depends on his own personal qualities.
Communion is given in both kinds, as throughout the East; likewise, confirmation is administered directly after baptism.
A new Crimes Act, courageously administered by Lord Spencer and Sir George Trevelyan, abolished exceptional crime in Ireland, but completed the breach between the British government and the Irish party in parliament.
The controversy his intolerance provoked was closed by Augustine's controversial treatise De Baptismo, in which the validity of baptism administered by heretics is based on the objectivity of the sacrament.
Under the act of 1877 the forest is administered rather as a national park than for the growing of timber on commercial principles.
In 1564 the last Roman Catholic bishop died, and his dominions were thenceforward administered by princes of Saxony.
Exemption was obtained from these incidences of feudalism by large payments to the Crown in return for charters covenanting that Malta should for ever be administered under the royal exchequer without the intervention of intermediary feudal lords.
Idolatrous cults repose so largely on make-believe and credulity that the priests who administered them, perhaps oftener than we know, fell into the kind of imposture and trickery of which the legend of Bel and the dragon represents a classical example.
The succulent fruits are not only edible but agreeable, and in fevers are freely administered as a cooling drink.
During his absence Santander had administered the government of the state ably and uprightly, and its independence had been recognized by other countries.
Ochino was at once cited, but was deterred from presenting himself at Rome by the warnings of Peter Martyr and of Cardinal Contarini, whom he found at Bologna, dying of poison administered by the reactionary party.
After the annexation of the Punjab the valley was administered by Herbert Edwardes so thoroughly that it became a source of strength instead of weakness during the Mutiny.
The protectorate is administered by a governor and commanderin-chief, under the colonial office, residing at Entebbe, on the northwestern coast of the Victoria Nyanza.
Augustine speaks of the salt administered to catechumens before baptism and of their exorcism as sacraments; and as late as 1129 Godefrid so calls the salt and water, oil and chrism, the ring and pastoral staff used in ordinations.
Since 1904 the public school system has been administered by a non-partisan Board of Education chosen from the city at large, and not by wards as theretofore.
During three periods, 1701-1702, in February 1715, and from April to August 1757 the affairs of the colony were administered by the Executive Council.
The government of Spain administered its dominions from the beginning in the strictest spirit of the "colonial system."
In 1618 he attended the synod of Dort, and was soon after made dean of the Chapel Royal and translated to Winchester, a diocese which he administered with loving prudence and the highest success.
He also administered the diocese of Metz, and was nominated to that of Marseilles in 1621, but illhealth obliged him here to take a coadjutor.
It has to be established on the Roman Catholic side that faith (or dogma; the two are inseparable) deals with divine truths historically revealed long ago but now administered with authority, according to God's will, by the church.
Walker, the superintendent of the census, who administered it, as "clumsy, antiquated and barbarous."
Since 1896 every public institution for the insane has been maintained and administered as a part of the state system.
The elementary school is administered by a school commissioner in each of the school commissioner's districts into which a county may be divided, by one trustee or three trustees in.
The tax on corporations, originating as a capital stock tax in 1880 and extended through succeeding years, is administered by the state comptroller.
The cabinets which administered the affairs of the colony during these years were those of Sir Frederick Whitaker, Sir Harry Atkinson (3), Sir Robert Stout (2), Mr Ballance, Mr Seddon, Mr Hall-Jones and Sir Joseph Ward.
Justice is administered principally by a supreme court, superior courts and justices of the peace.
Elementary education is administered by the provincial council, assisted by a permanent director of education.
The public school system is administered by state, county and district officers.
In numerous speeches and addresses he expressed his belief in a strong colonial government, but a government administered for the benefit of the people under its control and not for the profit of the people at home.
The territories governed or administered by chartered companies form a class by themselves.
The town is administered by a municipal council composed of ex officio, nominated, and elected members.
The privy council assembled at Kensington in the morning; and the usual oaths were administered to the queen by Lord Chancellor Cottenham, after which all present did homage.
In those counties that have not adopted a township organization county affairs are administered by a board of county commissioners; where the township organization has been adopted the county government is administered by the chairmen of the several township boards.
Justice for Europeans is administered by European judges, but, as with administration at large so in judicial matters, native chiefs have extensive powers in native affairs.
Not long after he died of poison, administered, according 3 Bracton, De Legibus, lib.
Under his sway the town was modernized and developed, but the finances were badly administered, and Fazy became more and more a radical dictator.
The voice of the god might be uttered in omens which the skilled could read, or conveyed in the inspired rhymes of soothsayers, but frequently it was sought in the oracle of the sanctuary, where the sacred lot was administered for a fee by the sadin.
The endowments for church purposes, of which there are many, and which are destined to the support of foreign missions, clerical pensions, supply of books to the clergy, &c. are administered by the supreme council.
The voluntary contributions of the people are all absorbed in the common income of the national churches and are administered by the supreme council.
The Zoological Gardens at Giza, Cairo, are a government institution administered by the Public Works Department.
His government was a military despotism resting upon a well-appointed army; it was administered through officials absolutely subservient to an inflexible will and controlled by a widespread system of espionage; while the exercise of his personal authority was too often stained by acts of unnecessary cruelty.
The unit among the Mahommedans is the douar, a tribal division administered by a cadi.
The Hawaiian Islands forma territory of the United States of America and are administered as such; Guam is a naval station, as is Tutuila of the Samoan Islands, where the commandant exercises the functions of governor.
Justice is administered by a supreme court, two courts of appeal, and the court of cassation, which sit in San Jose, and are supplemented by various inferior tribunals.
Chalmers believed that compulsory assessment ended by swelling" the evil it was intended to mitigate, and that relief should be raised and administered by voluntary means.
Local affairs are administered by counties, towns (townships) village districts and cities.
These, however, have been abandoned, and the system is now administered chiefly by towns and a few special districts under the general supervision of a state superintendent.
The protectorate is administered by a resident commissioner, responsible to the high commissioner for South Africa.
Temporary relief was administered in the shape of employment on roads and other works; and an emigration fund being raised, from 4000 to 5000 of the people in the most crowded districts were removed to Australia.
The use of chemical antidotes, such as iron salts, is futile, as the drug has escaped into the blood from the stomach long before they can be administered.
Each of the twenty-two departments is administered by an official called a jefe politico, or political chief, appointed by the president, and each is subdivided into municipal districts.
These districts are administered by one or more alcaldes or mayors, assisted by municipal councils, both alcaldes and councils being chosen by the people.
It is the duty of the governor to see that the laws of the state are faithfully administered by all officials, and the judgments of the courts carried out.
In 1910 more than seventy cities were so administered.
In the Catholic Apostolic Church ("Irvingites") confirmation is called "sealing," and is administered by the "angels."
His early death was supposed to have been due to poison administered by his wife.
The latter conquests were, however, soon lost, and Kaikobad himself died in 12 3 4 of poison administered to him by his son and successor, Ghiyass ed-din Kaikhosrau II.
There are a number of charitable institutions devoted to the education of orphans, the blind and the deaf and dumb, which are admirably equipped and administered.
The affairs of the town are administered by a municipality.
Surrounded by a crowd of slaves, mistresses and flatterers, he permitted his empire to be administered by unworthy favourites, while he squandered the money wrung from his provinces on costly buildings and expensive gifts to the churches of his metropolis.
The hospitals and the charitable and correctional institutions are numerous and are well administered.
The islands (by convention of 1899) are divided unequally between Great Britain and German y, the boundary running through Bougainville Strait, so that that island and Buka belong to Germany (being officially administered from Kaiser Wilhelm's Land), but the rest (South Solomons) are British.
Little control was exercised by the rulers of Kabul, and the country was administered by local chiefs or Afghan Sirdars very much as they pleased.
During his minority the state was administered for eight years by a council of regency.
The dose is 310 grain, and should invariably be administered by hypodermic injection.
Whether administered in the form of the official lamella or by subcutaneous injection, physostigmine causes a contraction of the pupil more marked than in the case of any other known drug.
In the modern Greek Church it is administered by priests with oil which has been consecrated by the bishop, in the Roman Church by the bishop himself.
The stronger the solution administered, the greater is the quantity of water that passes into the bowel, a fact to be borne in mind when the salt is administered for the purpose of draining superfluous fluid from the system, as in dropsy.
Some districts belonged to the Imperial Domains, and were administered by agents of the emperor.
Here the local authorities had their offices, justice was administered, traders trafficked, citizens and idlers gathered.
The decision was thus reached that the sacraments should not be administered that year.
Whatever may be said as to its historical value, it symbolizes very well the great authority of the Roman Church in the early days of Christianity; an authority which was then administered by the bishops of Rome, and came to be more and more identified with them.
Its sphere was very wide; it administered all non-European countries, except Latin America and the old colonies of the Catholic countries of Europe; in Europe it had also charge of the United Kingdom and the Balkan States.
A cardinal-legate was sent to England at Henry's request, and during four years (1237-1241) administered the English Church in a manner equally profitable to the king and to the pope.
During Nebuchadrezzar's time, as we have seen, a republic took the place of the monarchy at Tyre, and the government was administered by a succession of suffetes (judges); they held office for short terms, and in one instance two ruled together for six years.
On the other hand, recovery has taken place after 5 and to and even 20 grains have been swallowed, but in the latter case an emetic was at once administered.
The treatment of strychnine poisoning is to immediately evacuate the stomach with a stomach-pump or emetic, chloroform being administered to allay the spasms. If the patient can swallow, draughts of water containing tannic acid may be given.
In an open space near the old palace stood the celebrated plane tree, beneath which Prince Nicholas gave audience to his subjects, and administered justice until the closing years of the 19th century.
Thus, in Germany, the term ordinariat is applied to the whole body of officials, including the bishop, through whom a diocese is administered.
There is a prelate of the order which is administered by a chapter; the chapel of the knights is in the Riddar Holmskyrka at Stockholm.
Sweden, moreover, was not to be administered from Poland.
It need only be stated here that in 1899 Kabarega was captured by the British and deported to the Seychelles, and that one of his sons (Yosia, a minor) was subsequently recognized as chief in his place, though with very restricted powers, the province being virtually administered directly by the British government.
It was secularized in 1648, having been previously administered for some years by a member of the ruling family of Hesse.
It should be mixed with six or eight times its weight of loam or ashes, charred peat, charcoal-dust or some earthy matter, before it is applied to the soil, as from its causticity it is otherwise not unlikely to kill or injure the plants to which it is administered.
In some cases these institutions are organized and administered conjointly with the civil authorities.
Every grade of education in the Netherlands is under the control and supervision of the state, being administered by a special department under the ministry for the interior.
These extensive domains were usually administered by specially appointed agents, - rectors and defensors, - who resided on the spot; but the general superintendence devolved upon the pope.
It can therefore be administered subcutaneously, in doses of about onehundredth of a grain.
After the death of Lopez the government was administered by a triumvirate consisting of Cirilo Rivarola, Carlos Loizaga and Jose Diaz de Bedoza, until, in November 1870, the present constitution was formulated.
The administration of justice is vested in a municipal court and in one court under justices of the peace and auxiliary justices; the administration of school affairs is vested in a special board of six members; and matters pertaining to health are administered by the insular bureau of health.
It prescribes severe simplicity of dress and of life, and certain abstinences and prayers and other religious exercises, and forbids the frequentation of the theatre, the bearing of arms and the taking of oaths except when administered by magistrates.
On the other hand, they withdrew large tracts of fertile and productive land from taxation (one-half of the cultivated land of the vilayet was said to be administered for the sultan's privy purse), and thus greatly reduced the revenue of the vilayet.
He administered his estates wisely; promoted commerce and industry, particularly in Flanders; and left his son a welllined treasury.
It is said that the oath of allegiance was administered to Lincoln at this time by Lieut.
Com,nerce.The rapid development of German trade date from the Zoilverein (customs union), under the special rule and regulations of which it is administered.
The rule of Pippin the Short, both before and after his coronation as king, was troubled by constant risings on the part of his East Frankish or German subjects, but aided by his brother Carloman, who for a time administered this part of the Frankish kingdom, Pippin was generally able to deal with the rebels.
They claimed the right of sanctioning taxation; they made their voice heard about the expenditure of public money; they insisted, although perhaps not very effectually, on justice being administered.
Mary he administered the Netherlands.
The finances of the province have been well administered, and only in recent years has a debt been incurred, chiefly owing to the construction of a provincial railway to aid in the development of the northern districts.
It is administered by the naval department of the ministry of war.
For some time the three duchies were administered by Rudolph in his capacity as head of the Empire, of which they formed part.
Recognizing in a declaratory act the legal existence of these common institutions, they also determined the method by which they should be administered.
West Looe continued to be administered under this charter until 1869, when the death of the mayor deprived the council of its only surviving member and elector.
Rostock, however, never entirely lost the independence which it enjoyed as a Hanse town; and in 1788, as the result of long contentions with the rulers of Mecklenburg, it secured for itself a peculiar and liberal municipal constitution, administered by three burgomasters and three chambers.
In these courts native law and customs (principally the Mahommedan law) were administered with the proviso that no penalty could be enforced which was contrary to the laws of humanity or opposed to any specific proclamation of the protectorate.
It is administered by a company whose headquarters are in Paris, and no part of its revenue reaches the Egyptian exchequer (see SUEZ CANAL).
The peninsula of Sinai is administered by the war office.
The terms agreed upon in this instrument, known as the London Convention, were embodied in a khedivial decree, which, with some modification in detail, remained for twenty years the organic law under which the finances of Egypt were administered.
Besides the Caisse there was the Railway Board, which administered the railways, telegraphs and port of Alexandria for the benefit of the bondholders, and the DaIra and Domains commissions, which administered the estates mortgaged to the holders of those loans.
These latter were conducted extravagantly, and badly administered.
Mehemet Ali and his successors up to and including Tewfik had not only administered the Sinai peninsula but certain posts on the Hejaz or Arabian side of the gulf of Akaba.
The inhabitants of the district they administered had to provide for their subsistence, and at times they led the host to battle.
They were sent out in twos, an ecclesiastic and a layman, and were generally complete strangers to the district which they administered.
Jeffrey naturally declined to appoint a man who, in spite of some mathematical knowledge, had no special qualification, and administered a general lecture upon Carlyle's arrogance and eccentricity which left a permanent sense of injury.
It has been used for the cure of lupus and of keloid, in which case it is administered hypodermically.
All but the smallest counties are subdivided into districts, and the Road Acts and Public Health Acts are administered in these areas by district committees, composed of members of the county council for the district and one representative of each parish council within the area.
His charters to landowners and burghs (charters not being novel in Scotland, but now more lavishly conferred) substituted written documents for the unwritten customs of Celtic tenure, and converted the under kings of provinces into earls of the king, while vice-comites, or sheriffs, administered local justice in the king's name, though Celtic custom still prevailed, under a thin veneer of law, in the Celtic regions, as in Galloway.
A visit of Mary of Guise to France (1550) ended in her acquiring the regency, which she administered mainly under French advice.
Lombok is now administered from Bali by the Dutch resident on that island.
In the Urnerspiel the name of the bailiff's servant who guarded the hat on the pole is given as Heintz VOgely, and we know that Friedrich VOgeli was the name of one of the chief military officers of Peter von Hagenbach, who from 1469 to 1474 administered for Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, the lands (Alsace, &c.) pledged to him by Sigismund of Habsburg.
A good deal of local self-government was permitted; the cities struck their own bronze coins, inscribed on them the names of their own magistrates, 2 and probably administered their own laws in matters purely local.
The islands were bought by Germany from Spain in 1899, and are administered together with the western Carolines, Yap being the administrative centre.
Benzoic acid itself, ammonium benzoate and sodium benzoate are all administered internally in doses of from five to thirty grains.
The acid itself is a powerful antiseptic. When administered internally, it causes the appearance of hippuric acid in the urine.
In 1866 Khojend was taken, the power of Khokand was completely crushed, a portion was incorporated in the new Russian province of Turkestan, while the remainder was left to be administered by a native chief almost as a Russian feudatory; the same year the Bokharians were defeated at Irdjar.
Oxygen is also administered in chloroform poisoning, and in threatened death from the inhalation of coal gas or nitrous oxides.
It can be administered pure or mixed with air as required.
It is the see of a Roman Catholic archbishop. The town is administered by an elected municipal council, which consists of 400 members.
The borough returns one member to the house of representatives, and its local affairs are administered by a mayor and council.
Labuan was then placed under the government of the Straits Settlements, and is administered by a deputy governor who is a member of the Straits Civil Service.
He cannot be called a great ecclesiastical statesman, but lie administered his office well and was undoubtedly one of the foremost public men of his day.
In 1302, in obedience to the command of Pope Boniface VIII., he visited Rome on this matter, and during his absence the king seized and administered his lands, which, however, he recovered when he returned and submitted to Edward.
There are government departments for the administration of revenue, customs, post-office, military affairs, &c. The general law administered in all the courts of Afghanistan is that of Islam and of the customs of the country, with developments introduced by the Amir Abdur Rahman.
First stand the two presidencies of Madras (officially Fort St George) and Bombay, each of which is administered by a governor and council appointed by the crown.
The law administered in the Indian courts is described in the article Indian Law.
They are administered in three separate ways - as guaranteed, state or assisted lines.
Excluding the Indo European telegraph wire, the whole telegraph system of India forms an imperial charge, administered through a director-general.
The dominions that he had won back from the Greeks he administered with equal power.
In 1777 he was chairman of the committee of the convention which drafted the first New York state constitution After acting for some time as one of the council of safety (which administered the state government until the new constitution came into effect), he was made chief justice of New York state, in September 1777.
War between France and the Empire having broken out once more, the French seized Corsica, then administered by the Genoese Bank of St George; Doria was again summoned, and he spent two years (1553-1555) in the island 425 fighting the French with varying fortune.
The Bhopal agency is administered by the agent to the governorgeneral in central India.
Eritrea is administered by a civil governor responsible to the ministry of foreign affairs at Rome.
Civil justice for natives is administered, in the first instance, by the headmen of villages, provinces, tribes, or by councils of notables (Shumagalle); in appeal, by the residents and regional tribunals, and, in the last instance, by the colonial court of appeal.
Penal justice is administered by Italian judges only.
Justice is administered principally by a supreme court, courts of first instance, and courts of justices of the peace.
The committee last quoted gave it as their opinion that "penal servitude as at present administered is on the whole satisfactory; it is effective as a punishment and free from serious abuses.
Moawiya was a born ruler, and Syria was, as we have seen, the best administered province of the whole empire.
These new acquisitions, known as the ceded and conquered provinces, continued to be administered by the governor-general as part of Bengal.
Amongst the subject towns administered by prevots a great extension of the "custom of Lorris" took place during his reign.
Justice is administered by two high courts (Landesgerichte), at Weimar and Eisenach respectively; the district of Neustadt falling under the jurisdiction of the Landesgericht at Gera; while the supreme court of appeal for the four Saxon duchies, Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt and Reuss, together with portions of Prussia, is the Oberlandesgericht at Jena.
It is administered by a lieutenant-governor, assisted by a nominated council.
Meanwhile the rule of the town was extending over more and more territory, so that finally it governed 52 bailiwicks (acquired between 1324 and 1729), the Bernese patricians being thus extremely powerful and forming an oligarchy that administered affairs like a benevolent and well-ordered despotism.
Through him Church discipline was administered, a complete system of ecclesiastical penalties, i.e.
Dhuleep Singh retained his territory, but it was administered to a great extent by the British government in his name.
The less important districts are administered by district magistrates, who also collect the taxes.
Her commercial policy was one of most irrational and intolerable restriction and repression; and till the end of Spanish rule on the American continent, the whole political power was retained by the court at Madrid, and administered in the colonies by an oligarchy of home-bred Spaniards.
The first few days of his reign - when he paid his uncle's debts, administered justice in person, and proclaimed universal religious toleration - gave bright promise, but in the face of the lawless aristocracy and defiant governors of provinces he effected few subsequent reforms. The most important event of his reign was the invasion of Italy by the Lombards, who, entering in 568, under Alboin, in a few years made themselves masters of nearly the entire country.
The public free school system is administered by a state board of education, a superintendent of public instruction, division superintendents, and district and county school boards.
The drug is administered internally in certain cases of impotence and occasionally in other conditions.
So far as jurisdiction is concerned, however, those ' Thus sacraments administered by validly ordained or consecrated priests and bishops are regarded as valid, even when those who administer them are heretics or schismatics.
Still, to make a law is one thing; to get it administered is quite another.
The petitions addressed to the senate by the town of Bononia and by the communities of Rhodes and Ilium were gracefully supported by him in Latin and Greek speeches, and during Claudius's absence in 52 at the Latin festival it was Nero who, as praefect of the city, administered justice in the forum.
By these enactments it was provided that all classes of the sultan's subjects should have security for their lives and property; that taxes should be fairly imposed and justice impartially administered; and that all should have full religious liberty and equal civil rights.
For these conditions it is administered in the form of a lozenge, but may also be swallowed in solution, as it is excreted by the saliva and so reaches the diseased surface.
In India it is used as an insectifuge, and is administered in infantile diarrhoea.
He surrounded himself with a bodyguard of Caesar's veterans, and forced the senate to transfer to him the province of Cisalpine Gaul, which was then administered by Decimus Junius Brutus, one of the conspirators.
The real centre of finance was the Fiscus or imperial treasury, which was under the exclusive control of the ruler (` ` res fiscales," says Ulpian, " quasi propriae et privatae principis sunt "), and was administered by officials of his household.
This fund is administered by a trust which is not under the control of the church, and the revenue is used mainly in aid of church building and endowment throughout the country.
Under a convention signed at Constantinople on the 4th of June 1878, Great Britain engaged to join the sultan of Turkey in defending his Asiatic possessions (in certain contingencies) against Russia, and the sultan, " in order to enable England to make necessary provision for executing her engagement," consented to assign the island of Cyprus to be occupied and administered by England.
The law administered is that contained in the Ottoman codes, modified by ordinances passed by the legislative council.
Under the system of the Great Sessions justice was administered throughout the twelve counties of Wales for nearly three hundred years, and it was not until 1830 that this system of jurisdiction was abolished (not without some protest from Welsh members at Westminster), and the existing North and_South Wales circuits were brought into being.
Large pension charities are administered by the governing body, and part of the income of the hospital (about L60,000 annually) is devoted to apprenticing boys and girls, to leaving exhibitions from the school, &c.
Then, so the story ran, she drew him from his indolence, continuing the work of Joan of Arc, both by nerving the king to warlike enterprises - she did apparently induce him to take part personally in the conquest of Normandy - and by surrounding him with that band of wise advisers who really administered France during her ascendancy.
This distinctive view, common and peculiar to all Baptists, is that baptism should be administered to believers only.
Later in the same year William Wickenden of Providence evangelized and administered the ordinances at Flushing, but was heavily fined and banished.
The public forests are administered by the office of Crown lands through a forest service, which employs a large staff of forestmasters and rangers.
The bank of the kingdom is superintended by trustees elected by the Riksdag, and in the same way the public debt is administered through an office (riksgaldskontoret), whose head is appointed by the Riksdag.
No new tax was to be levied in Sweden during the king's absence, but Sweden was never to be administered from Poland.
The Chilean post-office is administered by a director-general at Santiago, and has a high degree of efficiency and liberality, compared with those of other South American states.
The provinces are administered by intendentes, and the departments by gobernadores, both appointees of the national executive.
While both sides were preparing for extremities, Balmaceda administered the government under dictatorial powers with a congress of his own nomination.
In the early part of the 4th century it fell again under Persian influence, and was administered by an oligarchy.
He confessed that his object was "to prove the contrary thesis to Gibbon's," and, although any historian who begins with the desire to prove a thesis is quite sure to go more or less wrong, Ozanam no doubt administered a healthful antidote to -the prevalent notion, particularly amongst English-speaking peoples, that the Catholic church had done far more to enslave than to elevate the human mind.
Administration, Revenue, eec. - The country is administered as a crown colony, the governor being assisted by an executive and a legislative council; on the last-named a minority of nominated unofficial members have seats.
Throughout the protectorate native law is administered by native courts, subject to certain modifications.
It is, however, administered by a governor-general, who holds office during the king's pleasure.
The settlement is administered as a unit, and has a municipal chamber.
Formally made over to Venice in 1350 by the prince of Tarentum, it was afterwards captured by the Turks in 1479; but the Hispanico-Venetian fleet under Benedetto Pessaro and Gonsalvo of Cordova effected their expulsion in 1500, and the island continued in Venetian possession till the fall of the republic. For some time it was administered for the French government, but in 1809 it was taken by the British under Cuthbert, Lord Collingwood.
Metallic antimony was utilized to make goblets in which wine was allowed to stand so as to acquire emetic properties, and "everlasting" pills of the metal, supposed to act by contact merely, were administered and recovered for future use after they had fulfilled their purpose.
Frequent doses of a teaspoonful of tannin dissolved ' in water should be administered, together with strong tea and coffee and mucilaginous fluids.
It was administered with great strictness, and yet on broad and liberal lines.
The second class comprises three subdivisions, namely areas directly administered, native states and tribal areas.
British Baluchistan was incorporated with British India by the resolution of 1st November 1887, and divided into two districts - Quetta-Pishin and Thal Chotiali - to be administered by a deputy-commissioner and a regular staff.
The districts were divided into communes (concelhos), each administered by an elected council, and a mayor nominated by the central authority.
The communes were subdivided into parishes (freguesias), which were administered by the elected council (junta de parochia) over which the parish priest (presbitero) presided, and by the regedor, an official who represented the mayor of the commune and was nominated by the civil governor.
The harbour docks and adjacent railways (which exceed 20 m.) are owned and administered by a harbour trust of 26 members, of whom one is the owner of the Briton Ferry estate (Earl Jersey), 4 represent the lord of the seigniory of Gower (the duke of Beaufort), 12 are proprietary members and 9 are elected annually by the corporation of Swansea.
At the close of the Peloponnesian War the Spartans gave to the people of Delos the management of their own affairs; but the Athenian predominance was soon after restored, and survived an appeal to the amphictyony of Delphi in 345 B.C. During Macedonian times, from 322 to 166 B.C., Delos again became independent; during this period the shrine was enriched by offerings from all quarters, and the temple and its possessions were administered by officials called i€poirocol.
Thereupon, in defiance of the archbishop, the abbe Baradere gave him the viaticum, while the rite of extreme unction was administered by the abbe Guillon, an opponent of the civil constitution, without consulting the archbishop or the parish cure.
Though there were several foreign candidates, the estates unanimously elected George of Podébrad, who had now for some time administered the country.
When Lord Lake broke the Mahratta power in 1803, and the emperor was taken under the protection of the East India Company, the present districts of Delhi and Hissar were assigned for the maintenance of the royal family, and were administered by a British resident.
Perry's naval victory on the 10th of September 1813, Harrison no longer had to remain on the defensive; he advanced to Detroit, re-occupied the territory surrendered by General William Hull, and on the 5th of October administered a crushing defeat to Proctor at the battle of the Thames.
In infants especially opium acts markedly upon the spinal cord, and, just as strychnine is dangerous when given to young children, so opium, because of the strychnine-like alkaloid it contains, should never be administered, under any circumstances or in any dose, to children under one year of age.
But apomorphine is not always to be obtained, and even if it be administered it may fail, since the gastric wall is often paralysed in opium poisoning, so that no emetic can act.
The court of chancery is administered by a chancellor, seven vice-chancellors and numerous masters in chancery.
The government of the towns is administered through a council, clerk, collector, assessor, treasurer, &c., chosen by popular vote; that of the townships is vested in the annual town meeting, at which administrative officers are elected.
The public school system is administered under the direction of a superintendent of public instruction and a state board of education.
For some time the government was administered by the senior officer of the New South Wales Corps, but in 1809 he was succeeded by Captain Macquarie, who retained the governorship for eleven years.
But at this juncture Germanicus was suddenly attacked at Epidaphne near Antioch by a violent illness, which he himself and his friends attributed to poison administered by Plancina, the wife of Piso, at the instigation of Tiberius.
These acts will be mentioned later in connexion with the powers of parish councils, for in general they are adopted for a parish, part of a parish or combination of parishes, and are administered by a burial board, except where that body has been superseded by a parish council or joint committee.
Now, in a rural parish which is coextensive with an area for which the acts have been adopted, the burial board is abolished and the acts are administered by the parish council; and the acts cannot be adopted in a rural parish save by the parish meeting.
The governor has represented the president without possessing much power; the department of war has had ill-defined duties; the department of justice has, in theory, had charge of the general law; the department of the interior has administered the land law; the agents of the bureau of education have superintended the stocking of Alaska with reindeer; the United States Fish Commission has investigated the condition of marine life without having powers to protect it.
Since these several changes the common school system has been administered by towns and cities subject to an increasing amount of control through enactments of the state legislature and the general supervision of the state superintendent.
Public opinion in Belgium was disturbed and anxious at the prospect of assuming responsibility for a vast, distant, and badly administered country, likely for years to be a severe financial drain upon the resources of the state.
It is divided into zones, of which the chief are Stanley Falls, Ponthierville, and that administered by the Katanga committee.
The redemption fund is administered by a committee representing the bondholders.
Lastly, still following the main lines of human culture, the primitive germs of religious institutions have to be traced in the childish faith and rude rites of savage life, and thence followed in their expansion into the vast systems administered by patriarchs and priests, henceforth taking under their charge the precepts of morality, and enforcing them under divine sanction, while also exercising in political life an authority beside or above the civil law.
Psio's reward was the province of Macedonia, which he administered from 57 to the beginning of 55, when he was recalled, perhaps in consequence of the violent attack made upon him by Cicero in the senate in his speech De provinciis consularibus.
The greater part of a dose of quinine sulphate administered by the mouth may be recovered, as a rule, from the faeces, this being much the most wasteful method of giving quinine.
Substitutes may therefore be divided into those administered orally and those administered hypodermically.
It is administered by the bishop with an appropriate ritual.
In past times one of the principal sources of the revenue of the sovereign was in fact property of some sort, of which the crown lands in Great Britain, still administered by the government, are a remnant.
On the overthrow of this house by the powerful arms of Akbar, Bengal was incorporated into the Mogul empire, and administered by governors appointed by the Delhi emperor, until the treaties of 1765, which placed Bengal, Behar and Orissa under the administration of the East India Company.
Called to the Irish bar in 1822, he vigorously administered the Insurrection Act in Limerick for two years, effectually restoring order in the district.
Government, Revenue, &c. - Seychelles is a crown colony administered by a governor, assisted by nominated executive and legislative councils.
Queau de Quincy (1748-1827) administered the islands.
Poisonous amounts of phosphorus are frequently taken or administered, criminally or accidentally, it being easily accessible to the public in the form of matches or of vermin pastes.
By an act of 1895, a close period was instituted, the lakes and rivers restocked, and the state fisheries, which are either farmed by private companies or directly administered, were set in order.