Adler Sentence Examples
The Swedish plenipotentiaries were Johan Oxenstjerna, the chancellor's son, and Adler Salvius.
The views of Adler as to the alternation of generations of numerous gall-flies have been fully confirmed, it having been ascertained by direct observation that the galls and the insects produced from them in one generation are entirely different from the next generation; and it has also been rendered certain that frequently one of the alternate generations is parthenogenetic, no males being produced.
German was long used in Reading; Pennsylvania German (or "Dutch") is still spoken in the surrounding country; and several German periodicals are published in the city, including among them the weekly Adler since 1796.
See the official Die Ausgrabungen zu Olympia (5 vols., 1875-1881); Laloux and Monceaux, Restauration de l'Olympie (1889); Curtius and Adler, Olympia die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen (1890-1897), I.
Among papers in scientific periodicals may be mentioned articles by Adler, Ball, Baumhauer, Beck, Bonney, Brewster, Chaper, Cohen, Crookes, Daubree, Derby, Des Cloizeaux, Doelter, Dunn, Flight, Friedel, Gorceix, Gurich, Goeppert, Harger, Hudleston, Hussak, Jannettaz, Jeremejew, de Launay, Lewis, Maskelyne, Meunier, Moissan, Molengraaff, Moulle, Rose, Sadebeck, Scheibe, Stelzner, Stow.
In 1887, under the leadership of Dr Adler, the socialist party began to revive (the party of violence having died away), and since then it has steadily gained in numbers; in the forefront of the political programme is put the demand for universal suffrage.
Bohemia belongs to the watershed of the Elbe, which rises within the territory and receives on the right the Iser and the Polzen, and on the left the Adler; the Eger with its affluent the Tepl; the Biela and the Moldau.
The houses near the hotel Adler bear the name of Gydisdorf, but there is no village of Grindelwald properly speaking, though that name is usually given to the assemblage of hotels and shops between Gydisdorf and the railway station.
He was succeeded by Dr Nathan Marcus Adler (1803-1890), who was followed by his son, Hermann Adler, who raised the position to one of much dignity and importance.
Dr .Hermann Adler was born in Hanover in 1839, graduated at Leipzig, and received honorary degrees from Scotch and English universities, including Oxford.
AdvertisementDr Adler was elected chief rabbi in 1891.
Besides several essays in the Nineteenth Century, Dr Adler has written extensively on topics of Anglo-Jewish History and published two volumes of sermons.
But the foundation of Franzensbad as a watering-place really dates from 1793, when Dr Adler built here the first Kurhaus, and the place received its name after the emperor Francis I.
Some beautiful renderings of Kalir's poems may be found in the volumes of Davis & Adler's edition of the German Festival Prayers entitled Service of the Synagogue.
Its principal affluents are the Adler, Iser and Eger, and, most important of all, the Moldau.
AdvertisementAlfred Adler introduced the concept of ' the inferiority complex ' .
Claire Adler meets grads who typed their way to the top.
Adler, published in 1900; but fresh studies have since been made (see below).
Steve Adler - Former Guns 'N Roses and Velvet Revolver drummer has battled various addictions over the years, most notably, heroin.
Alfred Adler (1870 to 1937) believed that dreams were problem solving devices, a way to gain control over thoughts from an individual's waking life.
AdvertisementAlfred Adler (1870-1937) was a pioneer in the study of birth order.
Austrian psychiatrist Alfred Adler was one of the first to suggest that birth order affected personality.
According to Adler, this occurred in a number of ways.
These feelings, Adler argued, could lead to predictable behaviors.
Likewise, Adler theorized that the youngest siblings enjoyed a rarified place in the family where they were often pampered.
AdvertisementAll of these factors, Adler felt, could have lifetime effects on the behaviors and personalities of the children.
If that sounds like your take on the modern bat mitzvah, then Elaine Adler's invitations are for you.
The show is hosted by famous designer India Hicks, and includes judges Jonathan Adler, Margaret Russell, and Kelly Wearstler.
Steven Adler arrives to Sober House high on heroin and proceeds to use the drug while in the house.
Steven Adler is the former drummer from rock group Guns 'N Roses.
Adler was dealing with very serious addiction issues and spent 14 days in a psychiatric hospital before being admitted to the Pasadena Recovery Center.