Adjustment Sentence Examples
But the eye is tolerant of small changes in the focal adjustment which sensibly affect the scale-value.
She'd forgotten how hard the adjustment had been from immortal to mortal world.
The outer pair receive the strain of the rotator, and the inner are for adjustment and to prevent lateral movement.
The proper adjustment of the reins is the next thing to be attended to, and as the management of these depends so much upon the seat being firm and independent of the bridle the acquisition of a firm seat is certainly half-way towards the acquirement of good hands.
The adjustment of the air currents in the different splits is affected by regulators which are placed in the return air-ways, and act as throttle valves to determine the volume of air in each case.
Including the other in every plan is going to take some adjustment.
To the public finances, which he called "the sinews of the state," he devoted much attention, and insisted on the duties of the government in respect to the right adjustment of taxation.
A special feature in the operations is the provision, necessitated by the record of the legal population, for the inclusion in the local return of the persons temporarily absent on the date of the census, and their adjustment in the general aggregates, a matter to which considerable attention is paid.
In foreign imperial affairs, and in the adjustment of serious parliamentary difficulties, the queen's dynastic influence abroad and her position as above party at home, together with the respect due to her character, good sense and experience, still remained a powerful element in the British polity, as was shown Austro- on more than one occasion.
At his disappointed expression, she gave herself an attitude adjustment.
AdvertisementWhile he did not succeed in preventing the French occupation of Mexico or the escape of the Confederate cruiser "Alabama" from England, his diplomacy prepared the way for a future adjustment satisfactory to the United States of the difficulties with these powers.
Any difference between the government and the council, if not possible of adjustment, was to be settled by arbitration.
It is now generally agreed that the present adjustment of the older historical books of the Old Testament to form a continuous record of events from the creation to the Babylonian' exile is due to an editor, or rather to successive redactors, who pieced together and reduced to a certain unity older memoirs of very different dates; and closer examination shows that the continuity of many parts of the narrative is more apparent than real.
Assuming, for example, that the northern star has the smaller right ascension, the instrument is first, with the aid of the stop, placed in the meridian towards the north; the verniers of the graduated circle g are set to read to the reading 40-2(Sn+Ss) where 0 is the approximate latitude of the place and Sn, Ss the declinations of the northern and southern star respectively; then the level frame h is turned till the levels k and I are in the middle of their run, and there clamped by the screw m, aided in the final adjustment by the adjoining slow motion screw shown in the figure.
Herbert Spencer's formula that life is "the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations" was the result of a profound and subtle analysis, but omits the fundamental consideration that we know life only as a quality of and in association with living matter.
AdvertisementInstability, again, which lies at the root of Spencer's definition "continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations" is displayed by living matter in very varying degrees from the apparent absolute quiescence of frozen seeds to the activity of the central nervous system, whilst there is a similar range amongst inorganic substances.
This leaves the assembling and field riveting to be done on the ground, together with the adjustment of the lateral or wind-bracing, the placing of tie rods and the field painting.
The regulations in question, although entered in a legal text, are not a legislative enactment but the result of a slow process of adjustment of claims between the ecclesiastical landowners and masters on one side and their rural dependents on the other.
Sumner had always prized highly his popularity in England, but he unhesitatingly sacrificed it in taking his stand as to the adjustment of claims against England for breaches of neutrality during the war.
Whether the chief cause of this humiliation was Grant's vindictiveness at Sumner's opposition to his San Domingo project or a genuine fear that the impossible demand, which he insisted should be made upon England, would wreck the prospect of a speedy and honourable adjustment with that country, cannot be determined.
AdvertisementIn some respects it would appear to be very suitable for weighbridges, in which the movement of the lever is very small, but for general convenience of adjustment the knife-edges appear preferable.
When a platform machine is in true adjustment, and the loose weights which are intended to be hung at the end of the steelyard are correct and consistent among themselves, a good and new machine, whose capacity is 4 cwt., should not show a greater error than 4 oz.
There is also a compensation arrange ment for effecting automatically the same adjustment for changes of temperature.
The function of a judge in a criminal as in a civil action was to see that the facts, with modifying circumstances, were fully and truly submitted to him, and then by applying the law to these facts to ascertain and declare the amount of compensation that would make a legal adjustment.
No man was entitled to seize unless he owned, or had a surety who owned, sufficient property for indemnity or adjustment in case the seizure should be found to have been wrongful.
AdvertisementHe effected a temporary adjustment of the Jansenist controversy; was instrumental in concluding the peace of Aix-laChapelle (1668); healed a long-standing breach between the Holy See and Portugal; aided Venice against the Turks, and laboured unceasingly for the relief of Crete, the fall of which hastened his death on the 9th of October 1669.
By experience with the class of coal used and the adjustment of the stops in the shoot, the charge can be run into the retort to form an even layer of any desired depth.
As regards the literary-critical problems it is clear that with the elimination of P we have the sources (minor adjustment and revision excepted) which were accessible to the last compiler in the post-exilic age.
It is clear that direct transmission through the plate at a point where the thicknesses of the prisms are d 1 and d 2 will introduce a relative retardation of (µ,; -, u o) (d l - d2) between streams polarized in planes parallel and perpendicular to the edges of the prisms,, u o, and being the ordinary and the extraordinary refractive indices; and it is hence possible by an adjustment of the thickness to reduce elliptically polarized to plane polarization at an assigned point marked off by two parallel lines.
If measurements be required, the plate must have a motion round an axis perpendicular to that of the optical systems, and also about an axis normal to its faces; the polarizer and analyser must also be capable of adjustment.
This combination forms a halfshade polarizer, the sensitiveness of which can be varied by a slight adjustment that can be given to the Nicol.
A rotation of the plane of polarization is not, however, measured by an adjustment of the analyser, but by annulling the rotation with a compensator.
A fine adjustment is also necessary, in order to perform conveniently and with certainty the slight motion of the microscope in relation to the object.
For slight magnifications rough adjustment is sufficient, but with objectives of a focus below 4 in., a fine adjustment is wanted.
Almost all are such that the whole microscope tube is raised or sunk by the mechanism of the fine adjustment, and not only the objective.
The most used is the micrometer screw adjustment (fig, 51).
Another very good adjustment is that of Messrs Swift & Son, shown in fig.
According to whether the screw A or B is used, the adjustment is fine or coarse.
The fittings of the objective and the changer are so arranged that little or no fine adjustment is necessary after the change.
The adjustment is easily controlled.
The adjustment must be such that the image produced by the objective falls exactly in the plane of the scale.
Among these are a board of pardons, a state library committee, a board of mediation and arbitration for adjustment of labour disputes, a board of education and a railway commission.
Of the profounder significance of the French outbreak he seems to have had little idea, and thought the crisis would be met by a constitutional adjustment in accordance with the English type.
These changes in pharmacokinetics do not necessitate dosage adjustment.
A downward adjustment across the board is being made by all clubs, including the Old Firm.
Thread style height adjustment - simply rotate the seat to the desired height.
However, no dose adjustment is required in the elderly patients.
Once the dioptre adjustment has been set, the main central wheel will focus both eyes equally.
The micro-adjustment feature allows you to make fine top-of-form adjustment feature allows you to make fine top-of-form adjustments and short form tear-off position adjustments in increments of 1/180th of an inch.
Allen wrench, turn the left adjustment bolt clockwise 1/4 of a turn.
After many previous house-price booms most of the adjustment came through inflation pushing up rents and incomes, while home prices stayed broadly flat.
This adjustment causes the boomerang to rise and hover much closer to you.
Jim had said he had set the carbs up on the bench and apart from the idle speed they wouldn't need any adjustment.
Can be a cost-of-living adjustment cola for any gap american soul opened.
The height adjustment of the standard boom (optional extra) is aided by a pneumatic cylinder, which eases handling.
No re-publication, refund or adjustment will be made where the error, misprint or omission does not materially detract from the advertisement.
In a study in parkinsonian patients receiving concurrent digoxin, no interaction was seen which would require dosage adjustment.
However, adjustment may be achieved either by lateral displacement of the front sight or by shimming the base of the tang sight.
Of course, no adjustment of borders, however Draconian, could make every minority in the Middle East happy.
The trousers fasten with a button and zip and also have a drawstring and buckle straps for further waist size adjustment.
To the right is the viewfinder with a rubber eyecup, under which is a Diopter adjustment knob.
There's no adjustment, but the footrest position is roughly 25mm farther back and raised by 25mm compared to most standard footrest position is roughly 25mm farther back and raised by 25mm compared to most standard footrests.
One area where mutual adjustment may be necessary is with those blind students who have a personal guide dog.
The Velcro closure features both self adjustment webbing and a self adjusting internal gusset and fits a variety of foot shapes very well.
Other ingredients are disodium hydrogen phosphate; phosphoric acid and/or sodium hydroxide may have been added for pH adjustment.
The migration figures include movements of asylum seekers to Glasgow City and an adjustment for unmeasured migration.
The pump system handles both paraffin or diesel fuel with only minor adjustment required of the fuel/air compressor.
The instrument calibration is set up at the factory eliminating the need for any field adjustment potentiometers.
However, these associations are not sufficiently pronounced to warrant dose adjustment.
Easy to use ratchet controlled independent back height adjustment.
The system allows quite refined adjustment of lighting levels for large numbers of dimmers to be achieved rapidly and intuitively.
The Hirer must not undertake or have undertaken any repairs, adjustment or service without the Company's prior approval.
A voltage selector plug permits adjustment of the output voltage, and the frequency can also be adjusted by tap selection internally.
The stem of the clamp has serrations for quick height adjustment within the collar and the screw is used to apply the final pressure.
The middle slider allows a subtler adjustment of mid-range colors alone.
This version is equipped with the new Quick Adjustment System and the new high-resistance thermoplastic binding system.
Beside autonomic thermoregulation there is also behavioral thermoregulation with control actions such as active movement and adjustment of clothing.
Tax revenue Part of the adjustment to major declines in tobacco consumption will be some fall in tobacco consumption will be some fall in tobacco tax revenue.
The system allowed for the infinite adjustment of the engine's valve timing, which maximized low-end torque as well as top end power.
For many businesses there is the immediate consequence of the large tax charge arising out of this one-off uplift adjustment.
Using the Allen wrench, turn the left adjustment bolt clockwise 1/4 of a turn.
The micrometer is now clamped in position-angle by the clamp C, the star again brought back to the axis, and delicate adjustment given in position-angle by the slow-motion screw M, till the star-image remains bisected whilst it traverses the whole length of the position-web by the diurnal motion only.
That such adjustment shall take place postulates on the part of the plant a kind of perception or appreciation of the changing conditions which affect it.
But adjustment to a complex environment may be reached in two ways; by instinctive adaptation through initially stereotyped behaviour; or by plastic accommodation by acquired modifications.
In the Principles of Biology the most notable points are the definition of life as the continuous adjustment of internal to external relations, and the consequent emphasis on the need of adapting the organism to its environment.
Conduct being the adjustment of acts to ends, and good conduct that which is conducive to the preservation of a pleasurable life in a society so adjusted that each attains his happiness without impeding that of others, life can be considered valuable only if it conduces to happiness.
In the Dellwik process, however, the main point is the adjustment of the air supplied to the fuel in the generator in such a way that carbon dioxide is formed instead of carbon monoxide.
Amici was likewise the first to produce practical and good immersion-systems. The slight difference of the refractive indexes of the glass cover and the immersion-liquid involves a diminution of the aberrations, by which the objective will become less sensitive to the differences in thickness of the glass covers and admits of a more perfect adjustment.
The countershaft pulley shaft was fitted with self-aligning ball bearings and provision was made to allow individual adjustment of each belt run.
The dial also allows quick range and external rebound adjustment, with minimum and maximum travel achieved within half a turn.
Analyzes involved proportional hazards modeling and adjustment for confounding by known cardiovascular risk factors and for regression dilution bias.
The Hirer must not undertake or have undertaken any repairs, adjustment or service without the Company 's prior approval.
The microscope has an epi-illumination system, with rheostat controlled 6v 20 watt quartz halogen system with full bulb adjustment.
Finally, a forward-looking interpretation of the short-run dynamics, assuming quadratic adjustment costs, cannot be rejected by the data.
Pay Adjustment Tables, Tables A Use these tables in all cases where an employe has a suffix code or K code.
No adjustment has been made to include synergy benefits or the costs of the merger.
The group also has substantial experience in defamation, entertainment, price adjustment, securitization, white collar and qui tam litigation.
Fine adjustment of the alignment can be made with the tangent screw.
Tax revenue Part of the adjustment to major declines in tobacco consumption will be some fall in tobacco tax revenue.
Some tonal adjustment, click above image to see raw capture.
The system allowed for the infinite adjustment of the engine 's valve timing, which maximized low-end torque as well as top end power.
A vernier style adjustment system ensures the ladder foot is secure whatever the gradient.
Most washing machines have a load adjustment button or dial, so set this to match the amount of washing you 're doing.
Targets can be thrown up to 100 meters with the added advantage of built in windage adjustment.
You must also do this in your year-end adjustment.
Transitioning from staying at home to working again is an adjustment period for you and for your child, but the center's staff should be able to help you make this transition.
Sibling rivalry and jealousy are normal, but there are some steps you can take to make the adjustment a little easier for your firstborn.
Adjustable frame timing-Because many dual monitoring systems switch back and forth between one receiver and another, purchasing a system that allows for frame timing adjustment is important.
Also look at the construction and features of the glove-examine its webbing, pocket, padding and wrist adjustment.
It provides automatic oiling, however chain tension adjustment is manual.
It features automatic oiling and chain tension adjustment, and adds another level of safety with a kickback sensor.
Does it have enough adjustment for your eyes?
If you purchased a TV that wasn't on sale, you can sometimes get a price adjustment if it does go on sale in a certain time.
Test driving the trailer can give you a feel for how it handles on the road or if it needs any initial adjustment.
Many alarm clocks have a sound adjustment feature that allows the loudness of the alarm to be turned up or down.
Both cats will require time to make the adjustment.
Moving is a big adjustment for any pet, especially an older one, and Heidi needs time to adjust to new territory.
The adjustment period after a separation or divorce can cause many issues in children such as deviant behavior, poor academic performance and depression.
It's important to keep in mind though that this adjustment is temporary and with support and guidance from either both parents or a professional (such as a counselor) children can get through it successfully and undamaged.
A good indicator that a chair is a poor choice is when a height adjustment won't hold its position, or a chair back wobbles or has too much give.
Sometimes the piece is an umbrella with a broken cord, a chaise lounge with a missing position adjustment bracket or a chair with frayed webbing.
These zones are designed to provide an appropriate level of flexibility and natural adjustment for the best ergonomic support.
The Clairol Shining Star Lighted Makeup Mirror offers two evenly balanced light settings, tilting and angle adjustment, and a trim, lightweight design for everyday use.
Aperture features adjustment presets that can quickly fix common photo imperfections and Quick Brushes designed to handle other common editing tasks.
If you're new to photo editing, you may want to get a program that occurs an easy to follow interface and one-click photo adjustment tools.
A ski binding adjustment chart gives guidance on how to properly adjust ski bindings.
Part of the adjustment process has to do with the DIN scale.
Most ski shops, especially specialized shops, offer adjustment of bindings.
Using ski binding adjustment chart, adjust ski bindings anytime they do not give the right movement in your ski boot.
Certain changes in your skiing style, age, weight or boot sole length may warrant an adjustment of your DIN settings.
Once you are certain that your DIN setting is honest and accurate, you are ready to make the actual adjustment.
Snow ski binding adjustment is best for a professional to do.
If you purchase new skis or you need to make an adjustment for the start of the season, these adjustments are necessary.
Plan to have your ski binding adjustment done at the start of the season, each year.
This is the perfect time to have the snow ski binding adjustment performed.
Keep in mind that some shops that sell skis will also handle the adjustment of the bindings for you.
If you are a new skier, or you advance in skill considerably, a new adjustment may be necessary.
Ask your instructor if you need an adjustment.
You will need your ski bindings adjusted if you have gained or lost more than 20 pounds since your last adjustment.
The snow ski binding adjustment process takes only a few minutes, but in busy times may take several hours.
When a trained technician handles the adjustment, it may seem simply enough.
However, unless you know how to make each change, it is unlikely you will get a proper adjustment.
Although it is a good idea to have a professional handle your ski binding adjustment, some people still want to know how to perform this process.
A ski binding adjustment chart may be helpful in this case.
The adjustment process is simple and straightforward for a professional.
A ski binding chart can provide some basic information for an individual trying to adjust the binding himself, however this is not usually enough information to make an accurate adjustment.
In many cases, those who are beginner skiers will have the lowest setting used in their binding adjustment.
As mentioned, other factors play a role in binding adjustment, including your weight, height and even the way you ski.
Rather, all factors must be included in the DIN setting formula in order for you to get the right adjustment and release setting.
Visit your local ski shop or ski trainer and request an adjustment to your release settings whenever you feel that the bindings do not have the proper adjustments or when you have changed your ski style considerably.
Keep in mind that having the proper adjustment means safer skiing.
Do use a proper ski binding adjustment chart to help you through this process.
The Terry Morse website offers a full DIN chart for ski binding adjustment.
China Peak also has a center for tuning and repair in case you damage or need an adjustment to your ski or snowboard equipment.
Many people who have a difficult time with adjustment do so because they do not know how to handle the changes in their life.
Going from employed to unemployed is a big adjustment.
The standard American diet panders more to sweet and salty tastes, so the sensation of sour can require some adjustment.
Adjustment disorder is a separate disorder, but it can be associated with depression.
Many mental health professionals may diagnose you with adjustment disorder with depression if you suffer from the symptoms of depression due to a major life changing event.
Yorke tells us that Kate actually prefers to be called Catherine, though the press will have a tough time making that adjustment.
Look for overalls that have multiple snaps or buttons on the side for easy adjustment.
Some pets may mope until their owner returns, but most dogs will make the adjustment to kennel life if they are being well cared for.
If he's too fat or thin, it's time to make an adjustment.
However, a large dog may need a two or three finger width adjustment.
You will then set the miter and blade tilt adjustment.
For replacement stairs, you may need to make an adjustment to the cutout for the existing ceiling door to accomadate for the new stairway.
Because a coat like this should have a slim fit and project power, it's preferable to try it on before purchasing, as the coat you want might need some adjustment to achieve the perfect look.
This is a tell-tale sign that your pants need to be hemmed, and a slight adjustment will make a huge change in your look.
Any nutritional imbalance can often be addressed by an adjustment to a diet.
The minimal amount of adjustment allowed in the front makes it critical to know your correct bra size.
And at really good shops, if you find a perfect corset but it maybe needs an adjustment or embellishment, they will provide that service for you, usually free of charge.
Just My Size is committed to making clothes that are indeed your size and need no further adjustment.
You may need to go back to your stylist for an adjustment in the cut or for a refresher lesson on styling products or hair drying.
The fairness of the Social Security cost-of-living adjustment, referred to as COLA.
Retirement is a time of adjustment, and if you decide to relocate to a new city, it's a good idea to match the city with your interests.
Continuous positive airway pressure therapy helps sleep apnea patients get a good, healthy night's rest, but it requires an adjustment to sleeping habits.
For most patients, the adjustment doesn't occur over night.
Some individuals require a bit more adjustment to make using CPAP equipment possible and comfortable.
As you gain or lose weight the mouthpiece may require adjustment or replacement.
A mask change or adjustment may be enough to increase the effectiveness and comfort level of the CPAP treatment.
Individuals who use the machine for the first time may have an adjustment period before they become comfortable with their machine.
Most bifocal lenses take a period of adjustment.
Both feature a lightweight, contoured frame with single-strap adjustment.
Use the screwdriver to tighten your glasses bit by bit, and try them on after each adjustment to test the fit.
There is usually at least an adjustment period when switching from glasses or soft lenses to rigid gas permeable lenses, though some users never feel comfortable wearing them.
Once you find the correct soft lens for your eye's specific needs, there is almost no adjustment period as far as wear goes (inserting and removing the lenses, as with any type of contacts, will still take practice).
If you're already used to wearing contact lenses, there won't be much of an adjustment period when it comes to learning to insert the hybrid contact lens.
They are designed for the greatest level of comfort possible, with minimal need for adjustment.
Be sure to discuss adjustment periods with the lenses so that you know what to expect.
New bifocals wearers will, of course, have an adjustment period just as they would with any type of bifocal.
This allows for adjustment when the glasses don't fit just right, keeping them from slipping down the nose and potentially irritating the skin.
Wearing no line lenses for the first time requires a period of adjustment.
For those of you who used to play these games at the arcade, it is a bit of an adjustment to use the PS2 controller.
Flying a video game copter is an adjustment for anyone who's only familiar with planes.
Even after you purchase the game at full price, most stores will have you a certain amount of time to get the adjustment if it goes on sale.
For regular pitches and regular hitting, you can judge the speed and direction of the ball pretty well and make an adjustment accordingly.
The controls are easy to use, but some people who have played the games at the arcade before may find it to be an adjustment.
If you're not accustomed to towing, this can be a significant adjustment.
Social adjustment problems are common among young children with physical deformities caused by the condition.
Adjustment disorder is an umbrella term for several mental states characterized by noticeable behavioral and/or emotional symptoms.
In order to be classified as an adjustment disorder, these symptoms must be shown to be a response to an identifiable stressor that has occurred within the past three months.
Adjustment disorder, in some ways, is a hopeful diagnosis.
The diagnosis of adjustment disorder is a very common one for both children and teens, with a higher incidence among children than adults.
Nearly one third (32%) of all adolescents are estimated to suffer from adjustment disorders during teenage years as opposed to a rate of occurrence of only 10 percent among adults.
There is no identified difference between adjustment disorder rates between girls or boys.
Few descriptions of any mental illness specify its cause as precisely as the description of adjustment disorders does.
The cause of the stress seen in adjustment disorders can be events that for many children would be within the parameters of normal experience.
Though adjustment disorder precipitants are usually more "normal" events that can typically occur in the lives of most children, these events are still changes from everyday events.
Some psychological theorists and researchers consider adjustment disorders in adolescents less of an illness than a stage in establishing an identity.
However, it should be noted that the APA does classify adjustment disorder as a mental illness.
It is important to note that though depressed mood adjustment disorder is less common among children, when it does occur, suicidal thoughts and even suicide attempts can be one of the symptoms.
Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood.
This condition combines the symptoms seen in both adjustment disorders with depression and with anxiety.
Behavioral signs of this adjustment disorder include primarily actions that show a disregard for rules, laws, and the rights of others, such as picking fights, vandalism, truancy, and reckless driving for teens.
This phrase is the catch-all term to describe any adjustment disorder not showing a predominance of any one set of the above-listed symptoms.
In order to even establish a diagnosis of adjustment disorder, a mental health professional needs to meet and evaluate the child or teen.
As noted above, suicidal ideation can be a potential facet of depressed mood adjustment disorders, and untreated adjustment disorder with depressed mood can lead to more serious mental illness, including major depression.
One of the primary measurements used in diagnosing adjustment disorder is the occurrence of the stress-causing event within the past three months.
The only usual life-stressor not considered a possible cause for adjustment disorder is bereavement.
Adjustment disorders are also differentiated from other reactions to stress such as PTSD by both symptoms and the relative severity of the causative event.
Adjustment disorders can be caused by almost any stressor and manifest a wide variety of symptoms, while PTSD is normally associated with severe stress-causing life events and has a more specific set of symptoms.
The most important goal in the treatment of adjustment disorder is relieving the symptoms a child or teen experiences so that they can return to the same level of functioning they possessed prior to the onset of illness.
Medication is only ordered on an extremely limited basis or not ordered at all because psychotropic medications have been shown to have little efficacy in treating adjustment disorders.
Family therapy to improve communication between the child or teen and parents and siblings is often helpful, as is group therapy with peers (other children also suffering from adjustment disorder).
Early detection and treatment of adjustment disorders in children has been shown to appreciably reduce the severity of symptoms and improve their quality of life.
Most recoveries from adjustment disorder uncomplicated by other mental illness are both rapid and complete returns to the child's former level of functioning.
The National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) notes that there is no way to predict who will develop an adjustment disorder given the appearance of certain life-situation stressors.
Repetitive lying can develop into a serious habit leading to adjustment problems later in life.
Various homeopathic remedies and massage can be helpful to both mother and children during the early adjustment period after birth.
Injections may be used to make casting easier, ease the adjustment of a new brace, or delay surgery.
External stressors and significant life changes such as chronic medical problems, death of a loved one, or divorce or estrangement of parents also can result in a form of depression known as adjustment disorder.
Although periods of adjustment disorder usually resolve themselves, occasionally they may evolve into a major depressive disorder.
A dosage adjustment or medication change may be warranted if side effects are disruptive or potentially dangerous.
Viewing the stepfamily as a blended family can lead to unrealistic expectations, confused and conflicted children, difficult adjustment, and in many cases, failure of the marriage and family.
School adjustment can be a downhill slide for these children as teachers may get discouraged and peers may be angered by their behaviors.
In educational and clinical settings, they can be vehicles for assessing a child's personality, intellectual development, communication skills, and emotional adjustment.
Retention in early elementary school does not appear to have an immediate effect on self-esteem or adjustment to school.
At specific points along the line, an addition or adjustment is made to further development.
Having the child attend regular therapy or counseling sessions can help the child's adjustment to the divorce and changes in the living situation.
All traction requires careful observation and adjustment by doctors and nurses to maintain proper balance and alignment of the traction with free suspension of the weights.
Research suggests that those who start kindergarten from preschool with a friend in their class make a better adjustment to school than those who do not start with a friend.
Children who are peer-accepted or popular have fewer problems in middle and high school, and teens who are peer-accepted have fewer emotional and social adjustment problems as adults.
This adjustment usually improves the functioning of the valve leading into the bladder.
Adjustment disorders involve an excessive emotional or behavioral reaction to a stressful event.
In some cases, a dose adjustment is all that is needed to reduce or stop a side effect.
However, the school schedule may need adjustment according to how the child feels and what side effects he or she experiences.
Children who are experiencing frequent episodes of hypoglycemia should see their diabetes care doctor as soon as possible as they may require an insulin adjustment, medication change, or another change in their treatment regimen.
Adolescents taking the Coping with Stress Course showed a reduction in depressive symptoms and an increase in overall positive adjustment.
Drug therapies frequently need adjustment to achieve the maximum benefit for the patient.
Generally, with treatment and long-term participation in therapy, adjustment in social settings and in the workplace can be made in adulthood.
Testosterone replacement therapy can induce puberty, and at a slow pace in order to allow time for adjustment to body changes and new feelings.
At this point the sections are performed with feedback from the teacher, sometimes verbal ("Get your koshi down!") and sometimes a simple adjustment to the tilt of the head or the hands.
They discussed pricing, and the consultant even made a personalized adjustment to the standard treatment areas based on the client's particular hair removal needs.
Part of the fun of the emo look is found in its freedom of adjustment and personalization.
According to the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act, if your company has 100 or more employees, you are entitled to at least a 60 day notice in the case of mass layoffs.
When it comes to adjustable mortgage rates, the adjustment period should always be taken into consideration.
What is the expected adjustment and when will it occur?
The terms of the Libor mortgage will likely also include a rate adjustment cap.
With the new legislation a larger number of these homeowners may now refinance their mortgage through the FHA, as long as the reason for their default resulted from the adjustment of their ARM mortgages.
The advertised rates are based on ideal conditions and any change in the ideal parameters means an adjustment of the interest.
If your lender places the extra money you send into your escrow account, this will not reduce the total amount of money you owe, although it may reduce your monthly payment when your annual escrow adjustment is made.
Despite the unlikelihood of adjustment, however, ASC must research every request, which usually requires gathering paperwork.
Since this will be the first child for both Maggie and Peter, the couple will undoubtedly go through a period of adjustment.
After this period of adjustment, you periods will likely become significantly shorter--up to 75 percent shorter--and are often less painful as well.
It has a tilt clamp to allow for easy adjustment and a diameter of 42 inches.
They are very poseable, with 14 adjustment points in their arms and legs, including in their ankles and wrists.
If your pants are too short, you run the risk of getting a wedgie in the back, or having the straps come up too short on the body without room for adjustment.
If you have a machine that will display error messages, the diagnostic chart will help you determine the next course of action whether it is to replace a part or simply make an adjustment to the machine.
The grill features flexible temperature adjustment, built in thermostat, and 106 inches of nonstick grilling surface.
Different countries often calculate ring sizes differently, and even a small adjustment could make the ring too loose or too tight for the best fit.
Since estate jewelry has been previously worn, it can need a bit of adjustment or repair.
They also teach positive, non-punitive forms of discipline and behavior adjustment.
The behavioral problems associated with the condition often require an adjustment in parenting strategies.
Gap also offers a one-time price adjustment.
Online purchases may also receive a price adjustment within two weeks of the invoice date.
Once you've made the adjustment from a high-to-low heel position, you should no longer be able to see the upper edge of the stowed heel.
His performance was noted with multiple Teen Choice award nominations and critical acclaim for his portrayal of Ryan's adjustment to life in Newport Beach.
Many of the storylines over the four years focused on the Brown family's adjustment to life in Everwood and their interactions with the Abbotts.
Apart from this its chronograph Movement, Time/Date Adjustment & Winding, Sapphire Crystal, Luminous Hands & Hour markers with Water resistant to 50m adds to its function making it desirable for every occasion.
Over the years, many parts of the world have adopted some form of time change adjustment to conserve energy and maximize daylight hours.
The Timex Jelly alarm clock has a Daylight Saving Time (DST) adjustment feature.
Alarm adjustment and shut off is in the back.
Within that list, programs include things such as meditation, breathing techniques, the chakra system, body language and touch, art and the science of sequencing, proper adjustment techniques, purpose and use of props, and use of voice.
However, since we are talking about low fat and not fat free foods, low fat milk may only require a short adjustment time to its less fat.
Most people find they have much increased energy after the adjustment.
The tray serves as a weight adjustment guide as well as a convenient attachment point for securing the weights to the Bayou adjustable dumbbell bench.
This adjustment will allow you to move through the full range of motion as you pedal the bike.
People who have lost health insurance as a result of taking early retirement may be able to get assistance under the Trade Adjustment Assistance Reform Act.
A simple strap adjustment can make a big difference.
If you have ever seen vintage garter belts, you understand how it was that women were able to wear stockings all day long without having to constantly readjust (although some adjustment was necessary here and there - it wasn't perfect).
While this can be awkward initially, requiring adjustment once on, the lack of hooks or snaps also maintains comfort while sweating.
Garters feature a heart-shaped adjustment tab.
However, despite the increase in comfort provided by current shapewear technology, many of these products may require an adjustment period on behalf of the wearer.
While garter belts have hooks and eyes for adjustment, even these can take several tries to get a good fit.
It fastens with hooks and eyes allowing for a 2-inch adjustment.
If you're used to going braless, then the adjustment period will be shortened considerably.
This style features a patented Center of Gravity adjustment system.
He heard the distant movement as attackers neared, the adjustment of the men's emplacement, even the loading of arrows and stretching of bows.
At offices where the work is heavier than can be dealt with by the A B C apparatus, the " Single Needle " instrument has been very largely employed; it has the advantage of slight Single liability to derangement, and of requiring very little adjustment.
B, indicating whether a station is calling, in case the relay sticks or is out of adjustment.
Continued existence implies perpetual adaptation to new conditions, and, as the adjustment becomes more refined, the corresponding structural organization becomes more elaborate.
Plants exhibit the controlling power of environment to a high degree, and thus vegetation is usually in close adjustment to the bolder geographical features of a region.
The smoothest and safest running is, in fact, attained when a " transition," " easement " or " adjustment " curve is inserted between the tangent and the point of circular curvature.
He urged the need of adopting a permanent tariff policy, and on Dec. 5 1921 suggested a " flexible tariff " which might provide for the adjustment of rates to meet unusual and changing conditions.
The capital sum per section was fixed, in round figures, at 54,000,000 francs (£2,160,000), subject to adjustment when the section was completed and its actual length definitely measured up. A minimum net price of 812% was fixed for the realization of these securities on the market.
Expenditures from the fund known as " The Internal Improvement Land Fund," derived from the sale of state lands, can be made only after the enactment for that purpose has been approved by the voters of the state; in 1881 the legislature, and in 1884 the popular vote, pledged the proceeds of this fund to the payment of Minnesota state railway adjustment bonds.
The present article is concerned exclusively with arbitration in regard to such existing differences as are capable of precise statement and of prompt adjustment.
The question is whether, when the adjustment of focus is correct for the central rays of the spectrum, the error of phase for the most extreme rays (which it is necessary to consider) amounts to a quarter of a wave-length.
This settlement was followed by an adjustment of all other claims, payment to be effected through the same channels.
In some cases a driver owns his cab, but the majority of vehicles are let to drivers by owners, and the adjustment of terms between them has led to disputes from time to time.
On the other hand, life must in the long run so conduce, whatever its present value may appear to be, because a constant process of adjustment is going on which is bound sooner or later to lead to a complete adjustment which will be perfect happiness.
Spencer, however, considers that he can not only anticipate such a state of complete adjustment, but even lay down the rules obtaining in it, which will constitute the code of "Absolute Ethics" and the standard for discerning the "least wrong" actions of relative ethics.
To Aristides was mainly due the organization of the new league and the adjustment of the contributions of the various allies in ships or in money.
We know nothing further about the Greek system, but in the Roman adjustment the water was led from this series of cisterns into a large rectangular basin which formed the centre of a quadrangle 50 ft.
Hunter did not regard Lincoln's election as being of itself a sufficient cause for secession, and on the 11th of January 1861 he proposed an elaborate but impracticable scheme for the adjustment of differences between the North and the South, but when this and several other efforts to the same end had failed he quietly urged his own state to pass the ordinance of secession.
From the same period also they have employed, in the adjustment of their solar and lunar years, a period of nineteen years, twelve of which are common, containing twelve lunations each, and the remaining seven intercalary, containing thirteen lunations.
That the adjustment was attended with considerable revision of the passages appears from a careful comparison of Neh.
The heating at the surfaces, the variations in their smoothness, and the variations of the lubrication make continuously variable, and necessitate frequent adjustment of W or of the nuts.
The diet renewed the demand for a general council to meet in a German town to settle the affairs of the Church in Germany, and even proposed the convocation of a national council at Spires in November, to effect a temporary adjustment.
The fore-sight of the British service " short " Lee-Enfield (1903) has guards and also a lateral adjustment of the barleycorn.
The vibrations of the larger mass are communicated to the thread, which by proper adjustment of its length and tension vibrates in unison and divides itself into one or more loops or ventral segments easily discernible by a spectator.
Every change in a living organism involves adaptation; for in all cases life consists in a continuous adjustment of internal to external relations.
Further defaults followed and in 1888 another adjustment was made by the issue of 6% gold-bearing bonds.
As with road riding, so with hunting, the actual length of the stirrups will depend a good deal upon the shape and action of the horse, but the nature of the animal and the peculiarities of the country ridden over will also have something to do with their adjustment.
The watercourses to-day are, as a rule, longitudinal, following the strike of the weaker strata in paths that they appear to have gained by spontaneous adjustment during the long Mesozoic cycle; but now and again they cross from one longitudinal valley to another by a transverse course, and there they have cut down sharp notches or water-gaps in the hard strata that elsewhere stand up in the long even-crested ridges.
The commission succeeded in agreeing to the terms of a treaty, which was recommended to Congress by President Cleveland as supplying " a satisfactory, practical and final adjustment, upon a basis honourable and just to both parties, of the difficult and vexed questions to which it relates."
The Ecclesiastical Calendar Would In That Case Have Possessed All The Simplicity And Uniformity Of The Civil Calendar, Which Only Requires The Adjustment Of The Civil To The Solar Year; But They Were Probably Not Sufficiently Versed In Astronomy To Be Aware Of The Practical Difficulties Which Their Regulation Had To Encounter.
Hodson states in his book that he obtained the inventory of his brother's possessions made by the Committee of Adjustment and it contained no articles of loot, and Sir Charles Gough, president of the committee, confirmed this evidence.
With this adjustment of existing cases the number of possible pretexts for the employment of force is being rapidly diminished.
This is a general declaration of intention to lend themselves to the peaceable adjustment of difficulties and employ their diplomacy to this end.
He supposes that this evolution does not remain cosmic, but becomes organic. In accordance with Lamarck's hypothesis, he supposes an evolution of organisms by hereditary adaptation to the environment (which he considers necessary to natural selection), and even the possibility of an evolution of life, which, according to him, is the continuous adjustment of internal to external relations.
The anode is formed of a bundle of carbon rods suspended from overhead so as to be capable of vertical adjustment.
Forcing therefore demands the most careful adjustment of temperature and supplies of moisture and light.
Besides these extraction and purification processes there are those of adjustment and shaping.
In the level the eye-piece and object-glass are interchangeable, to facilitate adjustment for collimation.
His administration of the treasury department, through a more than ordinarily trying period, was marked by a conservative policy, looking toward the strengthening of the gold standard, the securing of greater flexibility in the currency, and a more perfect adjustment of the relations between the government and the National banks.
The adjustment of the water by means of the sluices is a delicate operation when there is little water and also when there is much; in the latter case the fine earth may be washed away from some parts of the meadow; in the former case, by attempting too much with a limited water current, one may permit the languid streams to deposit their valuable suspended matters instead of carrying them forward to enrich the soil.
The disputes between England and her American colonies had reached a point at which no amicable adjustment was possible.
There are, further, Verwaltungsgerichte (administrative courts) for the adjustment of disputes between the various organs of local government, and other special courts, such as military, consular and arbitration courts (Schiedsgericht).