Adjusted Sentence Examples
His eyes adjusted to the darkness.
He adjusted his glasses and returned to his fishing journal.
As his eyes adjusted to the light, he started down the side isle.
He intended for the problem to right itself in his absence, once she adjusted.
Differences falling under the second general head are, for the most part, unsuitable, and may only be adjusted (if at all) through the mediation of a friendly power.
The chief events of his administration, which has been called the " era of good feeling," were the Seminole War (1817-18); the acquisition of the Floridas from Spain (1819-21); the "Missouri Compromise " (1820), by which the first conflict over slavery under the constitution was peacefully adjusted; the veto of the Cumberland Road Bill (1822) 1 on constitutional grounds; and - most 1 The Cumberland (or National) Road from Cumberland, Maryland, to Wheeling, West Virginia, was projected in 1806, by an appropriation of 1819 was extended to the Ohio River, by an act of 1825 (signed by Monroe on the last day of his term of office) was continued to Zanesville, and by an act of 1829 was extended westward from Zanesville.
The formation of black bands is thus explained, and it requires that the plate be introduced upon one particular side, and that the amount of the retardation be adjusted to a particular value.
All the figures before those of 1901 are adjusted to these areas.
The Indian affairs having been satisfactorily adjusted, the convention, after considerable debate, in which Benjamin Franklin, Stephen Hopkins and Thomas Hutchinson took a leading part, adopted (July 11) a plan for a union of the colonies, which was in great part similar to one submitted to the convention by Franklin.
On passing a current of electricity, of which the volume and pressure are adjusted to the conditions of the electrolyte and electrodes, the anode slowly dissolves, leaving the insoluble impurities in the form of a sponge, if the proportion be considerable, but otherwise as a mud or slime which becomes detached from the anode surface and must be prevented from coming into contact with the cathode.
AdvertisementHe also traced a connexion between alkalinity, temperature and current-density, and showed that these conditions should be mutually adjusted.
In the ripe perfection of humanity, the two impulses will be perfectly adjusted.
At this congress the differences between Casimir and John of Bohemia were finally adjusted; peace was made between the king of Poland and the Teutonic Order on the basis of the cession of Pomerania, Kulm, and Michalow to the knights, who retroceded Kujavia and Dobrzyn; and the kings of Hungary and Poland further agreed to assist each other in the acquisition of the south-eastern border province of Halicz, or Red Russia (very nearly corresponding to the modern Galicia), in case the necessity for intervention should arise.
The liquid is adjusted to the mark by withdrawing any excess from the capillary end by a strip of bibulous paper or by a capillary tube.
All parts of the apparatus are open to the air, and the mercury in the manometer is adjusted so as to come to a fixed mark a.
AdvertisementWhen the volatilization is quite complete, the level is accurately adjusted, and the difference of the levels of the mercury gives the pressure exerted by the vapour.
The apparatus is so designed that when the plummet is suspended in air, the index of the beam is at the zero of the scale; if this be not so, then it is adjusted by a levelling screw.
There is a collar, clamped by the screw at S, which is so adjusted that the eye-piece is in focus when pushed home, in its adapter, to this collar.
The soundings are made by means of a special machine fitted with a brake so adjusted that the revolution of the drum is stopped automatically the instant the lead touches the bottom, and the depth can then be read directly from an indicator.
Weights W and w are adjusted to the torque.
AdvertisementThe mercury level is so adjusted that the circuit is just not made when the fork is at rest.
Ketteler, who had adopted Lutheranism during a visit to Germany in 1553, now professed the Augsburg Confession, and became the first duke of a new Protestant duchy, which he was to hold as a fief of the Polish crown, with local autonomy and absolute freedom of worship. The southern provinces of the ancient territory of the Order, Courland and Semgallen, had first been ceded on the 24th of June 1559 to Lithuania on similar conditions, the matter being finally adjusted by the compact of March 1562.
The greed of the three partitioning powers very nearly led to a rupture between Austria and Prussia; but the tact and statesmanship of the empress of Russia finally adjusted all difficulties.
Eventually, however, by methods of compromise, this was adjusted fairly satisfactorily.
These resistance strips, as they are called, are carefully adjusted so that the resistance between the potential terminals has a known low value.
AdvertisementIn later times in Egypt a class of large glass scarabs for funerary purposes seem to be adjusted to the shekel (30).
At Corinth the unit was evidently the Assyrian and not the Attic, being 129.6 at the earliest (17) (though modified to double Attic, or 133, later) and being divided by 3, and not into 2 drachms. And this agrees with the mina being repeatedly found at Corcyra, and with the same standard passing to the Italian coinage (17) similar in weight, and in division into 1/3 -- the heaviest coinages (17) down to 400 B.C. (Terina, Velia, Sybaris, Posidonia, Metapontum, Tarentum, &c.) being none over 126, while later on many were adjusted to the Attic, and rose to 134.
For engineering and manufacturing purposes the more important linear gauges are, however, now used, adjusted to some fundamental unit of measure as the inch; although in certain trades, as for wires and flat metals, gauges continue to be used of arbitrary scales and of merely numerical sizes, having no reference to a legal unit of measure; and such are rarely accurate.
After having been some time in a training stable, a lad is put on a quiet horse at exercise; his stirrups are adjusted, and the reins knotted for him at a proper length.
Five years later, with unrestricted reciprocity relegated to the background, and with a platform which demanded tariff revision so adjusted as not to endanger established interests, and which opposed the federal measure designed to restore in Manitoba the separate or Roman Catholic schools which the provincial government had abolished, Laurier carried the country, and in July 1896 he was called by Lord Aberdeen, then governor-general, to form a government.
After The Dates Of Commencement Of The Successive Hebrew Years Are Finally Adjusted, Conformably With The Foregoing Directions, An Estimation Of The Consecutive Intervals, By Taking The Differences, Will Show The Duration And Character Of The Years That Respectively Intervene.
The Result May Sometimes Differ A Day From The Truth, As The Intercalary Days Do Not Occur Simultaneously; But As The Day Of The Week Can Always Be Accurately Obtained From The Foregoing Table, The Result Can Be Readily Adjusted.
Its weight is so adjusted that an additional weight of 5 grammes must be placed in the upper pan to cause the instrument to sink to the mark on the stem in distilled water at the standard temperature.
Adie's sliding hydrometer is of the ordinary form, but can be adjusted for liquids of widely differing specific gravities by drawing out a sliding tube, thus changing the volume of the hydrometer while its weight remains constant.
The four weights are so adjusted that, if the instrument floats with the stem emerging as far as the lower division o with one of the weights attached, then replacing the weight by the next heavier causes the instrument to sink through the whole length of the scale to the upper division o, and the first weight produces the same effect when applied to the naked instrument.
F is so adjusted that when the 60 weight is placed on the lower stem the instrument sinks to the same point in distilled water when F is attached as in proof spirit when F is removed.
Different states had adjusted their frontiers, Great Britain in British Guiana had settled an outstanding question with Venezuela, France in French Guiana another with Brazil, Great Britain in Newfoundland had removed time-honoured grievances with France, Great Britain in Canada others with the United States of America, and now the most difficult kind of international questions which can arise,.
These efforts in the two hemispheres are based on the idea that international differences can be adjusted without war, where the parties are honestly aggrieved.
If a thickwalled capillary tube is passed over the platinum tube and its length so adjusted that the liquid rises in it by capillary action just above the level of the tube, the spectrum may be examined directly, and the loss of light due to the passage through the partially wetted surface of the walls of the tube is avoided.
The rapid variation in the intensity of the magnetic field causes a brilliant electrodeless discharge which is seen in the form of a ring passing near the inner walls of the bulb when the pressure is properly adjusted.
The position of the magnet is observed by means of a small telescope, and since the scale is at the principal focus of the lens, the scale will be in focus when the telescope is adjusted to observe a distant object.
Hence, when the microscopes are adjusted so as to coincide with the points of the dipping needle a, the axes of the two needles must be at right angles.
It should be noticed that the verification was begun without any data as to the masses of the celestial bodies, these being selected and adjusted to fit the observations.
We do not know precisely how the eucharistic rite was adjusted to these sacrificial meals; but, in the canons of Sahak, r Cor.
In a later and less rigorous age this rite was abridged and adjusted to constant repetition, in such wise that a sinner could be restored to grace not once only, but as often as the clergy chose to accept his repentance and confession.
The long quarrel was finally adjusted in 1525 when the last grand-master, after a fruitless pilgrimage through Europe for support, professed Lutheranism and as first duke of Prussia did public homage.
The various amounts of these needed in different cases have to be adjusted by the gardener, according to the nature of the plant, its " habit" or general mode of growth in its native country, and the influence to which it is there subjected, as also in accordance with the purposes for which it is to be cultivated, &c. It is but rarely that direct information on all these points can be obtained; but inference from previous experience, especially with regard to allied forms, will go far to supply such deficiencies.
When truly adjusted the theodolite measures the horizontal angle between any two objects, however much they may differ in altitude, as the pole star and any terrestrial object.
He adjusted the difficulties over the regalia, and obtained from the French bishops the virtual repudiation of the Declaration of Gallican Liberties.
With Cologne itself, a free imperial city, the archbishop-electors were at perpetual feud; in 1262 the archiepiscopal see was transferred to Briihl, and in 1273 to Bonn; it was not till 1671 that the quarrel was finally adjusted.
The bar is heated by a steady electric current, which may be adjusted so that the external loss of heat from the surface of the bar is compensated by the increase of resistance of the bar with rise of temperature.
The descent of the water in the feeders will no doubt necessarily increase in rapidity, but the inclination of the beds and the tapering of the feeders should be so adjusted as to counteract the increasing rapidity.
In Japan, Germany, Austria, England and Russia horizontal pendulums of the von Rebeur-Paschwitz type are employed, which by means of levelling screws are usually adjusted to have a natural period or double swing of from 15 to 30 seconds.
The forms are now poor, though not lacking in grandeur, and the details are not as well adjusted as before, with a want of mastery of the most suitable decoration.
The body's movement becomes thus imperfectly adjusted to the spatial requirements of the act it would perform.
By applying the pragmatic test on the other hand, it is possible to describe how truths are developed and errors corrected, and how in general old truths are adjusted to new situations.
Edward procured a papal dispensation for the marriage of the Maid of Norway to his son Edward; the Scots were glad to consent, and preliminaries were adjusted by the Treaty of Birgham (18th of July 1290).
One of the simplest consists of a plane mirror rigidly connected with a revolving axis so that the angle be tween the normal to the mirror and the axis of the instrument equals half the sun's polar distance, the mirror being adjusted so that the normal has the same right ascension as the sun.
The oldest nucleus of historical tradition appears to belong to Samaria, but it has been adjusted to other standpoints or interests, which are apparently connected partly with the half-Edomite and partly with the old indigenous Judaean stock.'
If a mirror is mounted on a truly adjusted polar axis, the plane of the mirror being parallel to that axis, the normal to that mirror will always be directed to some point on the celestial equator through whatever angle the axis is turned.
Thus, any fixed telescope directed towards the mirror of a properly adjusted coelostat in motion will show all the stars in the field of view at rest; or, by rotating the polar axis independently of the clockwork, the observer can pass in review all the stars visible above the horizon whose declinations come within the limits of his original field of view.
In practice the vertical circle is adjusted once for all, so that when the levels k and l are in the centre of their run, the verniers read true zenith distances.
This done, the stops s and t are clamped and adjusted so that when arm r comes in contact with the screw of stop t the telescope will point due north, and when in contact with s, it will point due south, or vice versa.
In 1898 he had to deal with the delicate situation caused by Captain Marchand's occupation of Fashoda, for which, as he admitted in a speech in the chamber on the 23rd of January 1899, he accepted full responsibility, since it arose directly out of the Liotard expedition, which he had himself organized while minister for the colonies; and in March 1899 he concluded an agreement with Great Britain by which the difficulty was finally adjusted, and France consolidated her vast colonial empire in North-West Africa.
To reduce these effects the magnet is fitted with compensating bars, generally of zinc, so adjusted by trial that as far as possible they neutralize the effect of changes of temperature.
Again, if two bodies are connectedbya string or rod, and if the hypothetical displacements be adjusted so that the distance between the points of attachment is unaltered, the corresponding stress may be ignored.
Unless the initial conditions be adjusted so as to make A = o exactly, x will ultimately increase indefinitely with t.
It may be noticed that if the scales of x and be properly adjusted, the curve of positions in the present problem is the portion of a cycloid extending from a vertex to a cusp.
This merely shows that a particular ellipse may be described under the law of the direct distance provided the circumstances of projection be suitably adjusted.
In order that the spiral may be described it is necessary that the velocity of projection should be adjusted to make h=iju.
If A, B have the same sign, this is equivalent to au = cosh mO, (23) if the origin of 0 be suitably adjusted; hence r has a maximum value a, and the particle ultimately approaches the pole asymptotically by an infinite number of convolutions.
Conditions of Stiffness and Strength.After the arrangement of the pieces of a structure and the size and figure of their joints or surfaces of contact have been determined so as to fulfil the conditions of stabilityconditions which depend mainly on the position and direction of the resultant or total load on each piece, and the relative magnitude of the loads on the different piecesthe dimensions of each piece singly have to be adjusted so as to fulfil the conditions of stiffness and strengthconditions which depend not only on the absolute magnitude of the load on each piece, and of the resistances by which it is balanced, but also on the mode of distribution of the load over the piece, and of the resistances over the joints.
Friction-CouplingsFriction is useful as a means of communicating motion where sudden changes either of force or velocity take place, because, being limited in amount, it may be so adjusted as to limit the forces which strain the pieces of the mechanism within the bounds of safety.
As the type bed travels, larger composition rollers, called inkers, placed near the cylinder, adjusted to the requisite pressure on the type, pick up the necessary amount of ink for each impression and convey it to the type as it passes under them.
Laws must be adjusted from time to time to meet changing needs, and new necessities naturally arose in the Greek and Roman period for which the older codes and usages made no provision.
The tres Daciae formed a commune in so far that they had a common capital, Sarmizegethusa, and a common diet, which discussed provincial affairs, formulated complaints and adjusted the incidence of taxation; but in other respects they were practically independent provinces, each under an ordinary procurator, subordinate to a governor of consular rank.
All the working parts of the instrument were supported on the base, so that on removing a glass shade which serves as a Leyden jar they can be got at and adjusted in position.
The Russian difficulty was more easily and more honourably adjusted.
The most pressing question of the day, the so-called Reduktion, or restitution of the alienated crown lands, was adjusted provisionally at the Riksdag of 1655.
The differences between the two states were finally adjusted by the peace of Copenhagen (May 27, 1660), Denmark ceding the three Scanian provinces to Sweden but receiving back the Norwegian province of Trondhjem and the isle of Bornholm which she had surrendered by the peace of Roskilde two years previously.
The resolutions of these committees are reported to the House, and when the taxation and expenditure obtain the assent of parliament, the results as thus adjusted become the final budget estimate for the year, and are passed as the Finance Act.
He was the author of the socalled "Wheeler Compromise," by which the difficulties between contending political factions in Louisiana were adjusted in 1875.
In1796-1804he was a commissioner under article 7 of Jay's Treaty of 1794 to determine the claims of American merchants for damage through "irregular or illegal captures or condemnations," and during this time adjusted on behalf of Maryland a claim of the state to stock in the Bank of England.
Immunity, however, probably results from certain substances introduced into the system during the disease rather than from the disease itself; for by properly adjusted doses of the poison (in the widest sense), immunity may result without any symptoms of the disease occurring.
The cylinder, having been carefully weighed, is placed in position, the beaker containing the solution is adjusted, and the current passed until all the copper is precipitated.
They can be moved, and the angles made by their under surfaces with the horizon adjusted.
There were twin screw propellers, which could be adjusted to different angles in practice, to provide for steering, and made 1700 revolutions a minute.
A small safety-valve placed in the steam pipe had been adjusted so as to blow off slightly at 310 lb and with a strong blast at 320 lb.
The end knife-edges are adjusted and tightly jammed into exact position by means of wedge pieces and set screws, and the beam is furnished with delicate adjusting weights at its top. The position of the beam with respect to the horizontal is shown by a horizontal pointer (not shown) projecting from one end of it, which plays past a scale, each division of which corresponds to the i l oth or i hth of a grain according to the size and delicacy of the machine.
With this arrangement the knife-edges can be easily adjusted and examined, and the system is now rapidly extending to the better class of trade balances.
The condition that must exist in order that the balance may weigh correctly for all positions of the weight W is w = o, or tan 0 = that is, the stay KG must be adjusted parallel to the line joining the points A and C. From the equation for w, it is seen that the larger h is the smaller w will be.
When the case which holds the machine is adjusted hori - zontally by means of its foot - screws, and the weights in the pans are equal, the beams remain perfectly horizontal; but with the slightest difference of weight in the pans the beams are tilted, and the elastic resistance of the springs to torsion allows the beams to take up a definite position of equi - librium.
They are also used as trade computing machines, as in the case of the machine made by the Computing Scale Company, Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A. In this machine the goods to be priced are placed on the platform of a small platform machine whose steelyard is adjusted to balance exactly the weight of the platform, levers and connexions.
When the poises have been adjusted to weigh a load on the platform the punch is operated by a strong pull, and the impression of the raised figures is left on the card.
A useful application of weighbridges is to ascertain the exact weights on the separate wheels of locomotive engines, so that they may be properly adjusted.
By this means the zero of the scale on the drum can be adjusted to the fixed index on the casing when there are no goods on the platform.
And, if the rider weight has been correctly adjusted, the bag of sugar will be shown to weigh exactly 4 lb by the beam vibra - ting in equipoise.
The resistance forming the four arms of 6 the bridge can be so adjusted that if FIG.
This was called the Debatable Land, because the possession of it was a constant source of contention between England and Scotland until its boundaries were finally adjusted in 1552.
Neither egoism nor altruism can be made the sole basis of moral theory without mutilation of the facts, nor can any higher category be discovered by the aid of which their rival claims may be finally adjusted."
If the point P is so adjusted over the quicksilver that the ray is reflected back Z 0 0 FIG.
If this axis is so adjusted that in the course of a revolution around it the bubble of the level undergoes no change of position, we know that the axis is truly vertical.
He adjusted his theories to the work under review, and condemned nothing so long as it was good work according to the writer's own standard.
Battambang was taken by the Siamese when they overran the kingdom of Cambodia towards the end of the 18th century, and was recognized by the French as belonging to Siam when the frontier of Cambodia was adjusted by treaty in 1867-1872.
There have been stages where earlier extant sources have been cut down, adjusted or revised by compilers who have incorporated fresh material, and it is the.
With such thoroughness have the compilers given effect to their views that only on closer examination is it found that even at a relatively late period fundamentally differing traditions still existed, and that those which belonged to circles which did not recognize the Exodus have been subordinated and adjusted by writers to whom this was the profoundest event in their past.'
Ricci, seeing their dissatisfaction, set about constructing a map of the hemisphere on a great scale, so adjusted that China, with its subject states, filled the central Xxiii.
The balance is adjusted by shunting either AD or BD with a box, S, containing 20 to Ioo ohms. All the wires in the quadrilateral must be of the same metal as AB, to avoid accidental thermoelectric effects which would obscure the result.
The difficulty was adjusted in 1906 when the Congo State abandoned all claims to the Ghazal province (whence its troops were withdrawn during 1907), and it was agreed to transfer the Lado enclave to the Sudan six months after the death of the king of the Belgians.
The council was generally received as ecumenical, even by the Antiochenes, and the differences between Cyril and John were adjusted (433) by a "Union Creed," which, however, did not prevent a recrudescence of theological controversy.
Foals are weaned when five or six months old, often in October, and require to be housed to save the foal-flesh, and liberally but not overfed; but from the time they ate a month old they require to be " gentled " by handling and kindly treatment, and the elementary training of leading from time to time by a halter adjusted permanently to the head.
The eye-lens can be adjusted for the thread-plate, so that different observers can see the cross clearly.
The cross is always adjusted first.
By using a rack and pinion movement L the supplementary microscope can be adjusted for the images.
After the microscope has been so adjusted that the image of the object to be measured falls exactly in the plane of the cross threads, the object is moved by the micrometer until one edge of the object is exactly covered by a thread.
Negotiations for peace were begun, but the relations of the Lombard cities to the Empire could not be adjusted, and when the emperor began again to ravage the papal territories Innocent fled to Lyons.
He tested her balance and adjusted her stance before taking both wrists and moving her hands over her head.
The moons appeared through the branches in the jungle, almost alone in the dark sky except for a wisp of clouds floating beneath them. She watched the clouds pass. More came, quickly blocking the moons and stealing most of the light from the jungle. Katie sat up and blinked until her eyes adjusted to the new level of darkness. The sky took on an eerie silver glow, like it did in Maryland the night before a hard snow.
His vampire eyes adjusted fast to the night.
It is also advisable when growing in rockwool slab culture to flush the salt out every 2 weeks with pH adjusted plain water.
Or whatever the latest seasonally adjusted figure might be.
The length of the slideshow can be automatically adjusted to the length of the audio.
For the period you work part-time, your pay and pensions contributions will be adjusted on a pro rata basis.
They are made with a camber adjuster so the wheel camber can be accurately adjusted once the trike is on its ' wheels.
The color specifications passed to the gamut compression procedure have already been adjusted to the Screen White Point.
For each pair of elements in the base B, say, we store their adjusted covariance, .
The budget is based on an adjusted cash basis, which includes capital expenditure but excludes depreciation.
Each has an evaluated adjusted expectation identical to that seen earlier, in figure 17.
D65 performance and dynamic range is adjusted by an illumination system with RGB-optimised f-numbers.
The rider's footrests are identical to the R1150 R. As before, pre-tension of the spring strut may be adjusted manually.
She's now a happy, well adjusted sixth grader.
Hazard ratios were calculated using Cox proportional hazard ratios were calculated using Cox proportional hazards models that adjusted for potential confounders.
As if saluting, he deftly adjusted the front of his red headband and a thin finger of peppered hair tickled his crusty forehead.
Adjusted subcutaneous heparin versus warfarin sodium in the long-term treatment of venous thrombosis.
The capital cost of the PSC has been adjusted to reflect capital indexation during the construction period.
Concomitant antidiabetic treatment may need to be adjusted (dose and timing of concurrent short-acting insulins ).
The pressure of the jet is carefully adjusted as the job proceeds, to remove lichen and grime without undue force.
Dosage should then be adjusted to achieve a serum lithium level of 0.8 to a maximum of 1.5 mmol/l.
When the Normalize option is checked, the spectral magnitudes are adjusted so that power is conserved.
If necessary, the dosage of the antihyperglycaemic medicinal product should be adjusted during therapy with the other medicinal product and on its discontinuation.
I then adjusted the opacity of the two layers.
She wore a long, dark pelisse, gracefully adjusted at the neck by a blue tie.
The gain for left and right inputs can be individually adjusted by using the preset potentiometers on the front panel.
The throttle potentiometer has definitely been adjusted in the past (probably to try top overcome the problem ).
Adjusted premium from of statistically greater send the premiums.
Where bookings cross two price periods, the price will be adjusted pro rata.
In the survey drivers were asked what height they thought head restraints should be adjusted to for safety.
The eye piece should be adjusted to bring the reticule into sharp focus.
Weather resistant polypropylene rope can be adjusted for var... .
The machine's sample rate is adjusted by using a rotary selector on the rear panel.
A voltage selector plug permits adjustment of the output voltage, and the frequency can also be adjusted by tap selection internally.
The position of the detector can be adjusted within the tube by the slots and the brass studding.
The holder is attached onto a tilt swivel and can be adjusted in order to avoid light reflection.
Adjusted minimum premium eg the classic car insurance in uk person as too-aggressive collection tactics.
Much of the infilling probably occurred early in the Holocene, as the landscape adjusted to increasingly temperate conditions.
The temperature of the room may be adjusted by setting the thermostat.
I am guessing that the time comparison is not adjusted to the local time zone?
The density of the reflections can be adjusted by increasing the transparency of the Rays layer.
The infusion rate should be adjusted to maintain twitch response at 10% of control twitch height.
The energy intake of reptiles should be reassessed if the animal is either underweight or overweight, and food intake should be adjusted accordingly.
This returns the potential adjusted variance for, where N is an element contained in the base.
Size of interviews interest whether insurance cross-section variation adjusted either way the.
The usual range of accessories was offered with a particularly well-made fixed steady with the fingers adjusted by screws.
The speed could be adjusted by varying the current in the field windings.
The mutual distances of the intersecting wires he determined by counting, with the aid of a pendulum clock, the number of seconds required by an equatorial star to pass from web to web, while the telescope was adjusted so that the star ran parallel to the wires at right angles to those under investigation.
These appliances are required if the " run " has to be accurately adjusted.
One side of a sheet of paraffined paper is covered with a sheet of conducting substance, say tinfoil, and over the other side narrow strips of the same substance are arranged gridironwise to form a continuous circuit along the strip. The breadth and thickness of the strip and the thickness of the paraffined paper are adjusted so that the relative resistance and capacity of this arrangement are the same as those of the cable with which it is intended to be used.
The whole matter had, therefore, to be adjusted by Congress, and as the growing intensity of the quarrel revealed the depth of the chasm between the sections, Clay came forward with the famous compromise of 1850, and Webster's last great speech - "The Constitution and the Union," or as it is more commonly known "The Seventh of March Speech" - was in support of this Compromise.
Conduct being the adjustment of acts to ends, and good conduct that which is conducive to the preservation of a pleasurable life in a society so adjusted that each attains his happiness without impeding that of others, life can be considered valuable only if it conduces to happiness.
From these and other considerations it is obvious that (I) the electrolyte must be such as will freely dissolve the metal to be refined; (2) the electrolyte must be able to dissolve the major portion of the anode, otherwise the mass of insoluble matter on the outer layer will prevent access of electrolyte to the core, which will thus escape refining; (3) the electrolyte should, if possible, be incapable of dissolving metals more electro-negative than that to be refined; (4) the proportion of soluble electro-positive impurities must not be excessive, or these substances will accumulate too rapidly in the solution and necessitate its frequent purification; (5) the current density must be so adjusted to the strength of the solution and to other conditions that no relatively electro-positive metal is deposited, and that the cathode deposit is physically suitable for subsequent treatment; (6) the current density should be as high as is consistent with the production of a pure and sound deposit, without undue expense of voltage, so that the operation may be rapid and the "turnover" large; (7) the electrolyte should be as good a conductor of electricity as possible, and should not, ordinarily, be altered chemically by exposure to air; and (8) the use of porous partitions should be avoided, as they increase the resistance and usually require frequent renewal.
France, however, withdrew its support from the council, and in 1438, under purely national auspices, by the famous Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges, adjusted the relations of the Gallican Church to the papacy; and Eugenius soon found himself in a position to repudiate the council and summoned a new one to assemble in 1438 at Ferrara under his control to take up the important question of the pending union with the Greek Church.
It will be seen that unless the conditions be exactly adjusted for a circular orbit the particle will either recede to infinity or approach the pole asymptotically.
In the same year he secured the negotiation of the Gadsden Treaty (see Gadsden, James), by which the boundary dispute between Mexico and the United States was adjusted and a large area was added to the Federal domain; and in June 1854 he concluded with Lord Elgin, governor-general of Canada, acting for the British Government, a treaty designed to settle the fisheries question and providing for tariff reciprocity (as regards certain enumerated commodities) between Canada and the United States.
It contains diverse interests and changing standpoints by which it is possible to explain the presence of purely southern tradition, the southern treatment of national history, and the antipathy to northern claims. As has already been mentioned, the specifically southern writings have everywhere been modified or adjusted to other standpoints, or have been almost entirely subordinated, and it is noteworthy, therefore, that in narratives elsewhere which reflect rivalries and conflicts among the priestly families, there is sometimes an animus against those whose names and traditions point to a southern origin (see Levites).
Rebound damping at the rear can be adjusted by means of a small screw.
From operating altitudes of up to 1000 feet, the searchlight beam can be adjusted to provide illumination over a wide area.
The machine 's sample rate is adjusted by using a rotary selector on the rear panel.
The current was adjusted to obtain the greatest twitch at the lowest stimulus intensity.
Chapter Three Rukia adjusted the fold of her sash, swallowed nervously, and knocked on the door.
Syncretism results from filters which block certain feature combinations at the level of syntax; in its place an adjusted feature bundle is formed.
Subsequent dosage should be adjusted according to the thrombin time which should be prolonged by 2-4 times compared to normal.
I wrote the final check, Alf adjusted the length of the tiller bar & we said farewell to Alf & co.
Slowly, like a heroin addict weaned off by methadone, I had the inside of my head adjusted.
People with well-chosen names are generally thought to be better adjusted, more popular, and more successful.
A premature infant's growth chart is typically adjusted because of his prematurity.
These beds can be adjusted to fit a crib mattress or a standard sized mattress.
Bra straps which continue to fall off the shoulders may indicate a bra that is too large or straps that aren't properly adjusted.
Split-level shelves adjusted to different heights independent of each other.
Once your new cat has adjusted to his new home, your next step is to bring him out in his plastic carrier into the main room of your house.
Our cat, Casey, never adjusted well to the house.
If you are waiting to bring a new kitten home, your patience will be rewarded when you come home with a well adjusted, healthy, confident new pet.
Ideally, the parents and child in the relationship are happy, well adjusted and mutually supportive, which increases the chances of having a positive experience with co-parenting.
Private counselors also frequently offer the same options for payment, which may be adjusted on a sliding scale to maximize its accessibility for all economic sectors.
Ergonomically designed chairs can be adjusted to meet the needs of individual users.
Broyhill makes office chairs that recline and swivel and can be adjusted to suit each individual's needs.
This part enables the height of the chair to be adjusted and commonly wears out, causing the chair to sink.
Take a good look at it and decide if anything needs to be moved or adjusted.
These can be adjusted via the easy to use side arm once mounted.
Each setting on the camera may be minutely adjusted to offer total artistic control over the resulting image.
Try to figure out how much time you are spending on each page and what your materials cost so you'll know whether or not your prices need to be adjusted in the future.
There is a dial on each blade that should be adjusted according to the paper's weight.
It is for this reason you should always have your bindings set and adjusted by a professional.
Unless you are a professional, you should have your ski bindings adjusted for you by a professional.
There are other times when you should have them professionally adjusted.
Before you head out on the slopes, have the bindings adjusted to a beginner level right for your height and weight.
Most contemporary ski bindings can be adjusted by turning large screws on the bindings on the outside of the bindings - one on the toe piece and one on the heel piece.
If you move your bindings from one set of skis to another, be sure to have them adjusted again by a trained technician.
In addition to adjusting the DIN settings, ski bindings should be adjusted if you use lifters, vibration dampeners and to accommodate the amount of fore-aft position of the bindings.
Adjusted correctly, your bindings will let you enjoy your next ski vacation and keep you safer on the slopes.
Those who are serious about freeriding will sometimes have the binding mount of their skis adjusted to a position that is forward from the traditional mid sole mounting point.
That said, in some cases, your bindings may need to be adjusted.
This subjectivity often causes poorly adjusted ski bindings.
Those who ski weekly should have their bindings adjusted every other week.
You will need your ski bindings adjusted if you have gained or lost more than 20 pounds since your last adjustment.
Secondly, your ability to ski properly and with the best technique is limited if the binding is not properly adjusted.
Ensure that, at the start of each ski season, you have your ski bindings adjusted.
If you are improving in your ski skills, or are a novice learning to improve, have your release settings adjusted as your skill improves.
Children who are well adjusted but defiant may benefit most from this type of placement.
After braces are removed, many teens will need to wear a retainer for a few years or more until the teeth and jaws have completely adjusted to their new positions.
The fishing line length can be adjusted if needed.
Their colors are adjusted during growing periods by altering the acidity or alkalinity levels of their potting soil.
In essence, leggings can be more comfortable for children to wear than tights, which may need to be adjusted and straightened periodically throughout the day.
These fit tips keep overalls from looking bulky, and they can also be adjusted to a child's needs.
When moms go back to school, some may struggle with writing essays or preparing for tests because academic structures have adjusted and they simply aren't familiar with what they need to do.
Cruise lines have an ongoing need for employees as contracts end, new ships set sail, and sailing routes are adjusted.
In some cases, an adopted pet will never be completely healthy and well adjusted, and this is something else you must take into consideration when you're thinking about adopting.
There's a chance that the pups have adjusted their position and this could account for the change in the size and feel of your bitch's abdomen.
A Lab puppy will be better behaved and adjusted if he'sallowed to remain learning from his mother until eight or 12 weeks of age.
Once you have prepared the rows and adjusted the soil conditions, you are ready to put in the plants.
The volume knob is self explanatory, but the tone knob can be adjusted to further tweak the sound coming out of the pickups.
Usually, the heads may be adjusted or rotated separately.
However, if a the strings don't touch and the space between the strings is more than an eighth of an inch, the vertical studs creating the opening will need to be adjusted before the door is installed.
To test whether or not a garage doors' springs are adjusted properly, pull the door down part way.
A door that is not properly adjusted can be dangerous.
However, the panels and pieces of the metal roofing must be carefully cut and adjusted in order to ensure a proper fit.
Track lights can be adjusted as furniture is moved to different locations in a room, and it doesn't clutter tables or desktops.
When planning your track lighting installation, remember that the fixtures can be adjusted to illuminate different areas of the space but can't be turned off independently.
They can correct an uneven ceiling - Since the metal grids can be adjusted as they are being installed, you can correct an uneven ceiling with the new drop ceiling.
If you notice a discrepancy, fan shafts can usually be adjusted by just bending them a little to bring them into line.
Fixtures can be adjusted and changed out as needed, and often the rail itself can be bent by hand in different directions, such as curves or bends, so you can mount it on the wall, ceiling or both at the same time.
When adjusted properly, these units present no danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.The three things a propane heater needs to work are fuel, air and ignition.
Adjustable macrame bead bracelets are easy to make and fun to wear, and because they can be adjusted for different wrist sizes, they are a great surprise gift for anyone.
The straps on a posture bra can be adjusted for length but they cannot be removed or altered like they can be on a convertible bra.
When adjusted properly, the straps are more likely to stay put and not slip off the shoulders.
Doing what no other bra can do, it can be adjusted in various ways (such as removing the straps or modifying the back) to wear with backless, strapless and other similar types of garments.
The surplice bodice has pleat shaping over the wrap tie, and the set-in waist can be adjusted for your most flattering fit.
Remember that all patterns can be adjusted for size, so you can tailor your sweater exactly to your measurements.
Remember that all patterns can be adjusted to your exact measurements.
If the large airline had ten accidents during the year with five million flights, it would actually have the same accident rate after the numbers are adjusted to take the number of flights into consideration.
You will want to be sure that your boots fit properly and that the bindings have been adjusted appropriately.
The theory is that if you always withdrawal this annual amount, adjusted for inflation, you won't outlive your nest egg.
Digital magazines that can be read on a computer, where print size can be adjusted, are also available from Zinio Digital Magazines.
In some areas, schools have adjusted start times to accommodate for better sleep patterns for teens and in doing so have seem improved grades and attendance.
Beds designed for two people can be adjusted according to each user's individual preference, making for a better night's sleep for both people even they differ in how they like mattresses to feel.
The settings can also be adjusted as needed, making it a very versatile mattress and ideal for people who often change their preference for mattress firmness.
The pillows can be adjusted to point at the correct angle in your nose to achieve the most airflow.
Slippage or soreness from the headgear - The headgear may not be adjusted correctly.
Sometimes a make is uncomfortable because it is not adjusted correctly.
A mask that is adjusted too tightly can be very uncomfortable and can irritate the face.
The air chambers are adjustable, and mattresses with dual sides allow for each side of the bed to be adjusted independently of the other.
The masks are secured with headgear that needs to be adjusted properly.
It's important to evaluate how you are sleeping and if anything could be adjusted that might lower chances of snoring.
Once adjusted, you will be able to see clearly and focusing will be instant.
This magnifier is designed to attach to a lamp and is flexible enough to be adjusted and moved so that you can more easily view your needlework, knitting or any other activity for which your hands are in use.
Another thing to consider where comfort is concerned is simply having them adjusted to your facial structure.
If you purchase your eyeglasses from an optical shop, you may still need them adjusted again when you pick up the finished product.
While the feeling can be fairly unsettling at first, you will quickly feel that your eye has become adjusted to the sensation of having a clear "cap" placed directly over it.
Lightweight materials make it so that when you're wearing properly fit and adjusted glasses, they'll stay in place even if you move around.
The type and size of accommodations as well as the length and times can also be adjusted, unlike most time share rentals that have greater limitations on guests' travel plans.
When you start a new game, the Bard's character statistics for Strength, Vitality, Charisma, Luck, Dexterity can be adjusted with a set number of points.
Gameplay is in a third-person view that can be adjusted for closer viewing.
Sound levels and screen resolution can be adjusted in the game to your preferences.
Their speed and direction can be adjusted with the d-pad and touch screen.
Older games are shown in rudimentary colors with a slightly adjusted resolution due to the larger screen.
The boom microphone has noise-canceling capabilities and can be adjusted up and down to fit your needs.
If both players are trying out different skill levels, points will be adjusted so no one will have an unfair advantage.
I was nervous about getting a second puppy, but Molly adjusted quite well.
Since then, the PS3 has gone through several iterations that have adjusted some of its inner workings, including the size of the internal hard drive and its ability to play legacy PlayStation 2 games.
If you are having a difficult time with the controller or other settings, they can be adjusted in the Options menu.
The difficulty can be adjusted, and there are timed and marathon modes for most game types, so the number of challenges almost never ends.
Dungeon difficulty level can be manually adjusted.
The mixture is adjusted to enable better fermentation.
For one, these built-in devices cannot be adjusted to make them lower or higher from the flame.
Drugs and doses should be adjusted based on observation of healing rate, switching patients from high to low doses and from narcotic analgesics to non-narcotics when circumstances permit.
It may be harder for a woman to bear down when it comes time to push, although the amount of anesthesia can be adjusted as this stage nears.
Middle children have also been found to succeed in team sports, and both they and lastborns have been found to be more socially adjusted if they come from large families.
Appliances are adjusted periodically during treatment.
Braces may cause discomfort when they are first installed or adjusted during treatment.
Once test results are known and causative organisms identified, treatment can be adjusted appropriately.
Many braces can also be adjusted to allow for a certain amount of movement.
Epoxy frames are resilient and return to their original shape after being deformed, so they do not need to be adjusted as frequently as other types.
Bifocal heights also have to be measured with the chosen frame in place and adjusted on the person.
Proper feeding can be achieved through infant formulas that are adjusted to meet the child's specific nutrient needs.
The amount of natural foods allowed in a diet can be adjusted to ensure that the level of phenylalanine in the blood is kept within a safe range-2 to 6 mg/dL before 12 years of age and 2 to 15 mg/dL for PKU patients over 12 years old.
Adolescence can worsen behavior problems in some children, and treatment should be adjusted for the child's changing needs.
The plagiocephaly will be monitored throughout this time, and the helmet adjusted as the child grows.
In another study, patients with active disease randomly received treatment with or without a diet in which the energy consumption was adjusted to normal standards for body-weight, and the intake of fish and antioxidants was increased.
The electrical stimulation can be adjusted as the patient's condition progresses over time, and the stimulator can be turned off in the event that other beneficial therapies, such as brain cell transplantation, are performed.
A child's response to medication will change with age and maturation, so AD/HD symptoms should be monitored closely and prescriptions adjusted accordingly.
If an official Hannah Montana style is unavailable, most long blonde wigs with bangs can be trimmed or adjusted to create a similar appearance.
In any case, take heart in knowing that it is possible for you to sport a similar style, though it may need to be adjusted for your hair type and face shape.
Inspect their vehicle before they leave - Drivers make sure that the fuel and oil are at the proper levels, the brakes and windshield wipers are working, the mirrors are adjusted properly and that all necessary safety equipment is on board.
Rates are adjusted once a year based on the current rate index.
The fully adjusted rate takes the current index plus the margin (a fixed number added to the index) to compute the rate on an adjustable rate mortgage.
After this initial period, the interest rate may be adjusted up or down.
Interest rates listed daily on websites are usually subject to change without notice, although most lenders have a specific time of day when rates are adjusted.
The MAGI is your Adjusted Gross Income plus any deductions you might be taking on your tax return for student loans, higher education costs, IRA contributions or foreign housing.
Eligibility - The maximum modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) for single taxpayers is $75,000 and $150,000 for married couples.
The MAGI is a taxpayer's adjusted gross income plus the amount of any tax deductions such as IRA contributions, student-loans and college costs.
While this means higher interest rates and more income for Wells Fargo, high risk loans without a good history record are very unlikely to be adjusted.
In addition, many women get annoyed if there is difficulty picking up the baby's heart rate and the monitor has to constantly adjusted.
They can be somewhat adjusted as you grow.
Look for wrap tops, with a side tie that can be adjusted.
When it comes time to renew your policy, your rate won't be adjusted based on your individual claims, but on the claims submitted by the entire group to which you have been assigned.
In fact, as you get adjusted to your new body you may want to stick with what's worked for you in the past for comfort, confidence, and saving money.
Pediatricians recommend using an adjusted age based on your baby's original due date instead of his birth date to calculate whether he is developing on schedule.
Depending on the particular bikini, the front portion can be adjusted to whatever size you like.
The tie front allows the fabric to be adjusted easily to your changing shape.
A simple, V-neck suit with shirring at the bust and midriff, full coverage and properly adjusted straps is going to be the best option for almost all women - it's a style that never fails to look great.
If you're looking for a more classically-styled bikini, go for briefs with a lot of coverage, but with a ruched panel that can be adjusted to fit your body.
When the situation was more grave, the exhaust on the vehicle could be adjusted from the back to underneath the front end.
In other words playing "house" will make them better adjusted, smarter and less stressed as adults.
Just remember, items being grilled should be coated in a non-stick cooking oil and the heat and cooking time needs to be adjusted for varying types of food.
This coffee pot has three important time saving features; a programmable start time, the pause and serve feature, and an auto shut off which can be adjusted from one to four hours.
The height of the flames can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the wick's exposure.
Cord length can easily be adjusted as needed and when ironing is finished, the cord can retract and be stored with ease.
Monitor all foods since oven temperatures can vary and may need to be adjusted.
The game takes about 30 minutes to play but the length can be adjusted to spend more or less time.
One serious drawback to these Glade flameless candles is the fact that once activated, the scent release cannot be shut off, only adjusted to different levels.
Approximately 1/3 teaspoon is usually enough scent for a medium sized gel candle, although this ratio can be adjusted to suit your personal preferences.
The general guideline is that you can give up to 50% of your adjusted gross income in cash contributions, and 30 percent for property.
The disadvantage, of course, is that the costumes may not fit as well as something tailored specifically to the ballerina, but these are quality pieces that can easily be adjusted, if needed.
Tacori specializes in individualized designs, and every ring can be adjusted to suit your image of the perfect engagement ring.
Very elaborate styles, however, may need more than just the carat size of the ring adjusted.
Because of the precision necessary to create invisible settings, each ring must be fashioned for specific stones and cannot easily be adjusted for alterations or upgrades.
When the history of carat weight adjusted to the standardized measurement, additional quantifiable measures were needed to compare stones of different weights and partial carats.
When the strip is formed into a ring shape it is placed over a finger and adjusted until the correct measurement is taken.
Smart Mouth (ages 8 to 13) - This fast-paced word game can be adjusted to cover a variety of subjects and age ranges.
Kids aged seven and up will learn many different mathematical operations in this game that can be adjusted based on a child's abilities.
After you've cut the scenes deemed unnecessary and adjusted your audio, you'll want to focus on color.
Any quantities or brands can be adjusted.
Can the volume be adjusted or the music turned off if desired?
These income guidelines are then adjusted based on the average cost of living where the applicant lives.
Heel height can be adjusted anytime, anywhere, standing or seated, although I'd always recommend it's best to make adjustments while seated.
This way it will work for all sizes and can easily be adjusted.
This is extremely useful as it means that the watch strap can also be adjusted during wear.
These were available by simply twisting the crown and the date was adjusted by pulling the crown out and then turning it.
The level can also be adjusted so a quiet alarm can be sounded if appropriate or a loud alarm for sound sleepers.
Rather than having to reset the time to take into account the move to Daylight Saving Time, this feature allows the time to be adjusted quickly.
Disappointment, depression, denial, and even anger are common feelings of grief experienced in the months following a diagnosis, as expectations for the future must be adjusted.
Ask someone else to proofread the document for you, just to be sure that you didn't overlook anything that needs to be corrected or adjusted.
The To Do list is something that is constantly being adjusted.
To check your eligibility and learn how to calculate your adjusted gross income, visit the IRS and read or download a Schedule L form (Standard Deduction for Certain Filers).
Make sure the headrest is comfortable and can be adjusted.
Your medication may need to be adjusted.
It may take some getting used to, but eventually you'll become more adjusted to the natural sodium content in foods.
Remember, the aforementioned routines are merely samples and can be adjusted to meet your needs.
These free weightlifting routines can and should be adjusted as you progress.
Like the Bowflex Selecttech, the Bayou dumbbells are easily adjusted.
The weights can only be adjusted at 10 pound increments.
Squat racks adjusted to height levels can be purchased in any sports equipment store.
Sit on the seat after you've adjusted it, and lean forward to grab the handles.
How do you know if your straps are adjusted correctly?
Likewise, if you have your straps adjusted too tightly, this can also lead to the problem.
This floral stretch bra offers straps that can be adjusted from the front of the bra, and cups that come equipped with a soft lining.
Your shoulder straps need to be adjusted if they fall off your shoulder or dig into your shoulder.
Unfortunately, lace cannot be adjusted, so if you find a slip you love and the bodice is bigger than your most padded bra, you may have to resign yourself to wearing a beautiful piece of lingerie that is just a touch too big.
Consult with them first before purchasing and get exact measurements, including the amount the straps can be adjusted.
As you try on bras, you first have to be sure that the straps are adjusted to the correct length.
This is less of an issue for multi-piece plus size panty hose that are designed for use with garters and garter belts since the garters can often be adjusted.
It's not as fiddly as a snap-front robe, it's easy to close, and it can be adjusted simply.
This can be adjusted according to your personal preference, but you don't want your bra to gap underneath the bust or between the cups.
Not all games are appropriate for all ages, however, and the level of coordination and supervision necessary can be adjusted to suit the number of party guests and their ages.
Even though their parents are far from average, both kids are well adjusted and grounded, and the family's dynamics are very similar to those of "normal" families.
Things like sound and lighting need to be adjusted, scenes sometimes have to be re-shot, and there are always plenty of problems that could arise.
With this interface, several parts of the page can be changed or adjusted easily, in order to get the page to look as individual as possible for the user.
Things as simple as your background images or as complex as how you show your Xanga profile can be adjusted using the very intuitive interface.
Price is adjusted by how many hats you need to order at one time.
Most helmets have pads that can be adjusted to fit the shape of the skull, but if you're buying used or cheaper gear, that padding may need to be purchased separately.
For example, if the company you hire discovers that some of the meta tags your site needs to have are words and phrases that don't appear in the content of your website, the content will need to be adjusted.
Too many unscrupulous people began abusing that system, though, and Google and other search engines adjusted their algorithms so that page content is only a small part of the whole method used to place your site.
It will save you hours of time later as your sites are adjusted or redesigned.
I thought maybe by now you would have adjusted.
She stepped gently into her skirt and with a slight shimmy of her narrow hips adjusted it.
He adjusted his glasses and read.
But in spite of it, he appears to be well adjusted.
His eyes adjusted quickly to the darkened room as he passed empty shelves to a second door.
His body adjusted to the physical blows while his magic absorbed the purple lightning.
Ignoring him, he took his place at the rear of the procession and adjusted his weapons.
Now if the values of the rheostat and condenser are adjusted so as to make the rise and fall of the outgoing current through both windings of the relay exactly equal, then no effect is produced on the armature of the relay, as the two currents neutralize each other's magnetizing effect.
At one end of the band-wheel shaft is the bull-rope pulley, and upon the other end is a crank having six holes to receive a movable wrist-pin, the length of stroke of the walking-beam being thus adjusted.
In 1868 a rising of the thakurs against his extortions led to the despatch of a British political officer, by whom affairs were adjusted.
Those who have not seen the animal in life, or who did not believe in the possibility of the valves crossing each other with a slight obliquity, would not consent to appropriating any of its muscles to that purpose, and consequently attributed to all the lateral muscles the simple function of keeping the valves in an opposite position, or holding them adjusted.
The vermilion-like pigment which occurs in commerce as "chromered" is a basic chromate, Pb2Cr05, prepared by treating recently precipitated normal chromate with a properly adjusted proportion of caustic soda, or by boiling it with normal (yellow) potassium chromate.
The reversing key K having been put over to the left side, the short-circuit key S is suddenly opened; this inserts the resistance R, which has been suitably adjusted before hand, and thus reduces the current and therefore the magnetizing force to a known value.
The play of the beam is limited by a stop S and a screw R, the latter being so adjusted that when the end Y of the beam is held down the two air-gaps are of equal width.
Suppose the switches to be adjusted so that the effective number of turns in the variable coil is loo; the magnetizing forces in the two coils will then be equal, and if the test rod is of the same quality as the standard, the flow of induction will be confined entirely to the iron circuit, the two yokes will be at the same magnetic potential, and the compass needle will not be affected.
The Roman numerals indicate the body somites and the two figures are adjusted for comparison.
The furnace used for the production of optical glass is generally constructed to take one crucible only, so that the heat of the furnace may be accurately adjusted to the requirements of the particular glass under treatment.
It may also be adjusted to suit the height of the horses used.
Buchanan, which has an arbitrary scale and can be varied in weight by placing small metal rings on the stem so as to depress the scale to any desired depth in sea-water of any salinity, the specific gravity being calculated for each reading by dividing the total weight by the immersed volume; (3) the total immersion areometer, which has no scale and the weight of which can be adjusted so that the instrument can be brought so exactly to the specific gravity of the water sample that it remains immersed, neither floating nor sinking; this has the advantage of 'eliminating the effects of surface tension and in Fridtjof Nansen's pattern is capable of great precision.
When these are held from turning, their frictional resistance may be adjusted by means of nuts on the screwed bolts which hold them together until the shaft revolves at a given speed.
Poncelet (1788-1867) invented a form of Prony brake which automatically adjusted its grip as µ changed, thereby maintaining F constant.
A flexible steel band, lined with wood blocks, is gripped on the motor fly-wheel or pulley by a screw A, which, together with W, is adjusted to hold the brake steady.
The band turns with the fast pulley if µ increase, thereby slightly turning the loose pulley, otherwise at rest, until 0 is adjusted to the new value of µ.
On the conclusion of the Peace of Oliva, which adjusted the long outstanding differences between Poland and Sweden, Czarniecki was transferred to the eastern frontier where the war with Muscovy was still raging.
By means of a cross-level the frame can be so adjusted that the cross axis on which the telescope is mounted is always truly horizontal.
Here there are two arbitrary constants, which may be adjusted in various ways.
The distance between the block and the plate is adjusted so as to be slightly less than the diameter of the blank, and the result is that the edge of the blank is thickened and its diameter reduced before it escapes from the machine.
Stationary waves are formed in the air in the dust-tube if the length is rightly adjusted by the closely-fitting piston, and the lycopodium dust collects at the nodes in little heaps, the first being at the fixed end and the last just in front of the piston on the sounder.
One is adjusted so as just not to sing.
Each wire is taken separately across the river and its length adjusted.
But Louis always preferred arbitration to war, and the peace congresses of Nagyszombat (1360) and of Pressburg (1360) summoned by him adjusted all the outstanding differences between the central European powers.
It consisted of a glass vessel, containing a solution of sulphate of zinc, in which were placed two plates of pure amalgamated zinc. These plates were connected by means of a german-silver shunt, their size and the distance between them being so adjusted that about ii 0 - 0 - part of the current passing through the meter travelled through the electrolytic cell and -j o i j of the current passed through the shunt.
The Church as an institution now looked forward to a long life upon earth and adjusted itself to the new situation, taking on largely the forms and customs of the world in which it lived.
Yet Jonathan had adjusted quickly to his new family.
They adjusted around her like fingers, leathery and long enough to wrap around her body.
The impedance of the primary or alternator circuit is so adjusted that when both the chokers are in circuit the current flowing is not sufficient to charge the condensers; but when one choker is short-circuited the impedance is reduced so that the condenser is charged, but the alternating arc is not formed.
Gabriel adjusted whenever she shifted but never let go, his strong arms wrapped around her possessively.
When her body adjusted, she sat back.
He disabled the real-time mechanism, engaged the training program, and returned to the point where battle had been when nishani last adjusted the strategy.
The rain began, light at first, and he adjusted his helmet to deflect the droplets from blowing in his face.
He adjusted her arm again and stepped back, hammering at her until she reacted the way he wanted.
He shut the door and straightened his suit while his eyes adjusted to the dim light.
I wondered if he'd regret leaving his job and family, but he seems to have adjusted well.
The difficulties with New Hampshire were adjusted in 1782, the west bank of the Connecticut being accepted as the final boundary, but New York refused to abandon her claims until 1790.
The weight of this ideal gold dollar would be adjusted at intervals in accordance with its power to purchase commodities as shown by the " index number " of prices.
These springs are so adjusted that they are not quite able to release the armature.
Differences arising out of the M ` Leod case were adjusted by extend - ing the principle of extradition.
The priest came out with his purple velvet biretta on his head, adjusted his hair, and knelt down with an effort.
Ignat left off smiling, adjusted his belt, and went out of the room with meekly downcast eyes.
Quinn adjusted his equipment while we waited outside.
Traci hasn't adjusted yet, and Linda's been a big help.
A'Ran adjusted her one last time before stepping back and nodding.
She withdrew a single sheet of paper from her purse, unfolded it and adjusted her glasses.
Hey, look at me now though, all adjusted and loving the vamp stuff.
The galvanometer being so adjusted that a current of definite strength through one of the coils gives a definite deflection of the needle, the amount of leakage expressed in terms of the insulation resistance of the wires is given by the formula.
These two circuits are syntonized so that the closed or condenser circuit and the open or antenna circuit are adjusted to have, when separate, the same natural electrical time of vibration.
In the specification of the patent applied for on the list of July 1877 he showed a sketch of an instrument which consisted of a diaphragm, with a small platinum patch in the centre for an electrode, against which a hard point, made of plumbago powder cemented together with india-rubber and vulcanized, was pressed by a long spring, the pressure of the carbon against the platinum disk being adjusted by a straining screw near the base of the spring.
A letter like this, clear cut in its thought, teeming with ideas emanating from an unique religious experience, and admirably adjusted to known situations, bears on the face of it the marks of genuineness even without recourse to the unusually excellent external attestation.
Motors may be applied to every axle in the train, and their individual torques adjusted to values suitable to the weights naturally carried by the several axles.
This high mean pressure cannot be maintained for long, because as the speed increases the demand for steam per unit of time increases, so that cut-off must take place earlier and earlier in the stroke, the limiting steady speed being attained when the rate at which steam is supplied to the cylinders is adjusted by the cut-off to be equal to the maximum rate at which the boiler can produce steam, which depends upon the maximum rate at which coal can be burnt per square foot of grate.
Learning by his own experience and errors, he wisely developed a sovereign prudence which nicely adjusted means to the end in view.
The residue is then dissolved in hot water, filtered, and the clear solution is mixed with very thin milk of lime so adjusted that it takes out one-half of the chlorine of the PbC1 2.
When they began to blindfold him he himself adjusted the knot which hurt the back of his head; then when they propped him against the bloodstained post, he leaned back and, not being comfortable in that position, straightened himself, adjusted his feet, and leaned back again more comfortably.
She glared at him but adjusted her form.
But given the pair of parents the boy was forced to live with, it's a wonder he's as well adjusted as he is.
Suddenly, he found a great deal of empathy for Connor, and wondered if he could ever be as well adjusted to his situation as the human had become.
I adjusted my hat to keep more of the sun out of my face.
She adjusted the pillow and reached across him to extinguish her cigarette.
She adjusted her clothing and weapons then swept the backpack up and trotted to the locker room.
A steady continuous current is then passed through the ammeter and low resistance, placed in series with one another and adjusted so as to give any required scale reading on the ammeter.
These matters, however, having been at length adjusted, Wellington, who in his cramped position between the sea and the Nive could not use his cavalry or artillery effectively, or interfere with the French supplies coming through St Jean Pied de Port, determined to occupy the right as well as the left bank of the Nive.
C is a " compensating coil " consisting of a few turns of wire through which the magnetizing current passes; it serves to neutralize the effect produced upon the magnetometer by the magnetizing coil, and its distance from the magnetometer is so adjusted that when the circuit is closed, no ferromagnetic metal being inside the magnetizing coil, the ti, magnetometer needle undergoes no deflection.
Dolokhov lowered his head to the snow, greedily bit at it, again raised his head, adjusted himself, drew in his legs and sat up, seeking a firm center of gravity.
Ferapontov came out after her, but on seeing Alpatych adjusted his waistcoat, smoothed his hair, yawned, and followed Alpatych into the opposite room.
She squirmed in objection, and his body adjusted around hers in response.
Dean adjusted his position slightly, leaning in the direction of the door.
Jenn adjusted her stance, keeping more of a distance from him than she would Xander to give her more time to react.
When her eyes had adjusted, she followed.
The initial sensations passed, and he breathed deeply, finally able to focus as his body adjusted to the feel of the energy flowing through him.
He adjusted his hat, his eyes twinkling with humor.