Adjudication Sentence Examples
In the former act he embodied a provision regulating and giving authority to the peculiar customs, usages, and regulations voluntarily adopted by the miners in various districts of the state for the adjudication of disputed mining claims. This, as Judge Field truly says, "was the foundation of the jurisprudence respecting mines in the country," having greatly influenced legislation upon this subject in other states and in the Congress of the United States.
You can download a style letter applying for independent adjudication here.
The real beginning of English equity is to be found in the custom of handing over to that officer, for adjudication, the complaints which were addressed to the king, praying for remedies beyond the reach of the common law.
Let the parties finish arguing before commencing the adjudication.
The testing of various aspects of Adjudication in the Courts has been followed with great interest.
That is clear from the letter of reference of 15th October 1999 which gave notice of intention to seek adjudication.
Dispute Resolution This group is mostly engaged on research into the use of statutory adjudication in the UK construction industry.
These heads of complaint also form the basis of the final adjudication.
On the one hand formal adjudication may take the place of informal settlement.
The whole policy behind construction contract adjudication is precisely the opposite.
AdvertisementAlthough this case concerned arbitration it should be applied by analogy to adjudication.
I will deal with this below in my adjudication of the maintenance pending suit appeal.
The Claimants said that there was no final issue estoppel or " res judicata " arising out of an adjudication decision.
The Default Notice is therefore seen as purely tactical in the face of the current adjudication.
New adjudication in 1998 was expected to be the forum for a quarrel about whether the flue liners were a variation or not.
AdvertisementThe Adjudicator may rule on his own substantive jurisdiction, and as to the scope of the Adjudication.
In addition, impartiality implies fairness, although its application may be trammelled by the overall constraints of adjudication.
The king is the supreme chief of the army, and matters requiring adjudication in the adjutantgeneral's court are referred to a special Bavarian court attached to the supreme imperial military tribunal in Berlin.
With this object a council of state for tribal affairs was established; and it was arranged that a representative of each tribe should be associated with the provincial governors for the adjudication of tribal cases.
Here he was confined for four weeks, and was released only on his promise not to exercise any authority until the matter could be referred to England for adjudication.
AdvertisementThe tribunal was an adjudication board and not an actual court of arbitration, since its function was not to decide the boundary but to settle the meaning of the Anglo-Russian treaty, which provided for an ideal (and not a physical) boundary.
Come 1 October last, Rockingham began a third adjudication.
One way of responding to breaches of Compact Plus commitments would be through publishing the adjudication of the Compact Champion.
Disputes between the confederate towns were brought for adjudication before the general assembly, but the League had no recognized federal judiciary.
This boundary did not fit in with geographical facts; hence the adjudication was based upon the motive of the treaty and not upon the literal interpretation of such elastic terms as " ocean," " shore " and " coast-line."
AdvertisementThis submission having been made, Edward acted with honesty and fairness, handing over the adjudication to a body of eighty Scottish and twenty-four English barons, knights and bishops.
The constitution, parliament and laws of each state, subject to the federal constitution, retained their authority; state rights were carefully safeguarded, and an inter-state commission was given powers of adjudication and of administration of the laws relating to trade, transport and other matters.