Adhering Sentence Examples
The roughened inner surface and the adhering particles of sand may also be accounted for.
This prevents it from fully adhering to the vehicle.
Extreme as were his principles, his pertinacity in adhering to them and his independence of expression were quite as extreme.
His intrigues with the French were laid bare, and he was given an opportunity of adhering to the new subsidiary system.
The leaves are usually articulated at the base, spreading, sharp-pointed and needle-like in form, destitute of oil-glands, and arranged in alternating whorls of three; but in some the leaves are minute and scale-like, closely adhering to the branches, the apex only being free, and furnished with an oil-gland on the back.
Ball thinks that the former legend originated in the Indian practice of sacrificing cattle to the evil spirits when a new mine is opened; birds of prey would naturally carry off the flesh, and might give rise to the tale of the eagles carrying diamonds adhering to the meat.
These are collected in water, scraped over the edge of a shell to free them from adhering cellular tissue and epidermis, and more than once washed in a running stream, followed by renewed scraping till the desired purity of fibre is attained.
While adhering rigidly to his views on the divine institution of episcopacy as essential to the Christian Church, Dr Gore from the first cultivated friendly relations with the ministers of other denominations, and advocated co-operation with them in all matters when agreement was possible.
The earlier forms of ice-calorimeter, those of Black, and of Laplace and Lavoisier, were useless for work of precision, on account of the impossibility of accurately estimating the quantity of water left adhering to the ice in each case.
In the absence of a religious census it is not possible to deduce from statistics supplied by the churches themselves any trustworthy conclusion as to the percentage of the population adhering to each church.
AdvertisementHe found also that the dissipation of electricity along insulators was chiefly owing to adhering moisture, but in some measure also to a slight conducting power.
In the middle of the vessel the superficial layer recovers its strength by diffusion from below, but the film adhering to the side of the glass becomes more watery, and therefore has a higher surface-tension than the surface of the stronger wine.
On the schism of the Positivist body which followed Comte's death, he was recognized as head of the section which accepted the full Comtian doctrine; the other section adhering to Littre, who rejected the religion of humanity as inconsistent with the materialism of Comte's earlier period.
This is done by scraping the capsule with a knife and transferring the concreted juice to a poppy-leaf held in the left hand, the edges of the leaf being turned in to avoid spilling the juice, and the knife-blade moistened with saliva by drawing it through the mouth after every alternate scraping to prevent the juice from adhering to it.
Before the crop is all gathered in a meeting of buyers and sellers takes place in each district, at which the price to be asked is discussed and settled, and the opium handed to the buyers, who in many instances have advanced money on the standing crop. When sufficiently solid the pieces of opium are packed in cotton bags, a quantity of the fruits of a species of Rumex being thrown in to prevent the cakes from adhering together.
AdvertisementWhen it is roasted and rolled to his satisfaction he gently heats the centre of the bowl, where there is a small orifice; then he quickly thrusts the end of the dipper into the orifice, twirls it round smartly and withdraws it; if this is properly done, the opium (now about the size of a grain of hemp-seed or a little larger) is left adhering to the bowl immediately over the orifice.
The sea mussel (Mytilus edulis) belongs to the second order of the class Lamellibranchia, namely the Filibranchia, distinguished by the comparatively free condition of the gillfilaments, which, whilst adhering to one another to form gillplates, are yet not fused to one another by concrescence.
The eggs after being laid are carried about by the mother, adhering in a glutinous mass to the underside of the abdomen.
Steel plates and shapes, when delivered from the rolls which form them to the cooling beds, are largely covered with scales, which, adhering only partially to the surface, offer the intervening cracks or joints as vulnerable points for rust.
This gives off new outgrowths, and these, branching and anastomosing with one another, may form a network, adhering to stones, corals, or other objects, from which FIG.
AdvertisementThe old tolbooth, in which William Maitland of Lethington, Queen Mary's secretary, poisoned himself in 1573, to avoid execution for adhering to Mary's cause, was demolished in 1819.
The special clauses for the benefit of the city of London were undoubtedly, inserted as a tribute of gratitude on the part of the barons for the readiness which the citizens had shown in adhering to their cause.
In course of time it dries up, leaving nothing but a brown scale adhering to the bottom or side of the cell.
He had no fear of death, and cared but little for the opinion of others, adhering tenaciously to the course he believed to be right in the face of all opposition.
The Garton artificial fertilization experiments have shown endless deviations from the ordinary type, ranging from minute seeds with a closely adhering husk to big berries almost as large as sloes and about as worthless.
AdvertisementThis method has received considerable extension, notably in furnace-smelting of iron ores containing manganese, where the entire hearth is often completely water-cased, and in some lead furnaces where no firebrick lining is used, the lower part of the furnace stack being a mere double iron box cooled by water sufficiently to keep a coating of slag adhering to the inner shell which prevents the metal from being acted upon.
It contains berberine, an alkaloid that may prevent UTIs by inhibiting bacteria from adhering to the wall of the urinary bladder.
There are some misguided fools who imagine that one can achieve spiritual excellence without adhering to the Sunna.
In the image below, the dark ruler is showing the dura mater still adhering to the inside of the cranial cavity.
Can you be true to yourself, while adhering to the strict Islamic morals the country prides itself on?
Many economists avoid this by adhering to a strict scientific positivism.
The rough ER is labeled as such because it has ribosomes adhering to its outer surface, whereas the smooth ER does not.
Traces of a wooden scabbard with a sheepskin lining were still adhering to the blade.
Also, some way of ensuring the food shacks are adhering to suitable hygeine standards would be nice.
They have adhesive warts on the column, usually with gravel adhering.
The allies were aware of his position, and still adhering to the old " linear " system, marched to turn his right flank (see Austerlitz).
In Teredo a similar tube is formed as the animal elongates (boring in wood), the original shell-valves not adhering to it but remaining movable and provided with a special muscular apparatus in place of a ligament.
Urban deposed Joanna of Naples (21st of April 1380) for adhering to France and Savoy in support of the antipope, and gave her kingdom to Charles of Durazzo.
A skeleton with a tangle of brown hair adhering to it lay among the debris.
These will help hold the frame in place while you are adhering it to the mirror.
Adding to much in the beginning can result in it clumping and not adhering well to your face.
Makeup should be fun, and adhering to "rules" can put a damper on creativity.
A glue stick will not work for chipboard embellishments because glue sticks are made for adhering cardstock, patterned paper, or photos.
For adhering photos, journaling, and patterned paper, a simple acid-free glue stick is often the most appealing option for the beginning scrapbooker.
These punches allow card makers, in particular, to create layered crafts by punching into smaller pieces of cardstock and adhering it to a complimentary color or pattern.
Wrap scraps of embroidery floss or ribbon around the squares before adhering them to your layout.
The answer is usually a resounding yes, although those adhering to a raw food diet do not eat nutritional yeast that has been pasteurized.
Shopping in stores for modest apparel will be as simple as adhering to the aforementioned guidelines.
Even occasions calling for black tie find many men not adhering closely to all of the details.
Cattle must originate from breeders adhering to these same standards.
Farms can receive "certified organic" standing from independent state or private organizations by adhering to the standards that the organization has put forward.
It's not like your on-screen counterpart is really adhering to the rules anyway, so you may as well take every advantage that you can get.
Although each puzzle is fairly linear (as is the entire game), we owe our thanks to Ubisoft for adhering to this, as a completely open-ended Prince of Persia would be nearly impossible to complete...
Most cell phones released in the past couple of years are now Bluetooth v1.2 compatible, with the most recent mobile phones adhering to the Bluetooth 2.0 standard.
Cranberry juice has the ability to keep bacteria from adhering to the membranes and can help prevent infection whenever there is increased risk.
For most people, adhering to this diet stops symptoms and prevents damage to the intestines.
In feng shui applications, yin and yang are balanced by adhering to certain principles found in form and compass schools.
For instance, if you were fired or let go from a job for not adhering to proper safety requirements or for taking too much time off, then you are not eligible to receive unemployment benefits.
If pregnancy is not achieved after 6-12 months despite adhering to the advice above, then it may be advisable to seek advice from a physician.
Many big-name designers aren't interested in creating practical clothes for real women, or adhering to social and environmental standards that improve the lives of everyone involved in the actual making of the clothes.
You can read more about your options at CandleCauldron, but always remember to coat your molds with vegetable oil to prevent your melted wax from adhering to the sides.
Adhering to these factors may affect your design.
You gain valuable experience with adhering to a schedule and working with editors.
There is some evidence that patients experience improvement in the physiological markers of depression and related conditions when adhering to a gluten-free diet.
Experts agree that the best tarot card readings are a result of letting the cards speak in their own way and not adhering strictly to literal definitions.
In time, and through adhering to the scientific process, the cause of weird and wild happenings throughout the paranormal will eventually be discovered and explained.
Whether you prefer adhering to the original appearance of ancient art or you like to mix it up with modern design, Egyptian tattoos are meaningful and beautiful works of art.
Nothing will catch the eye of an employee faster than a deduction in his or her weekly paycheck for not adhering to the rules you set.
He went to work to create a food product that his patients could use to satisfy their hunger while still adhering to a reduced-calorie diet.
The diet is based on strictly adhering to a 90 day plan which is designed around changing existing bad dietary habits with an aim of losing weight and actually keeping it off.
The combination of activity and adhering to a calorie restricted diet will help you safely loss weight at the recommended one to two pounds weekly.
However, it's not as easy as just settling on a set routine and adhering to the same workout every week -- you need to keep pushing the body out of its comfort zone in order to make progress.
Adhering firmly to a workout schedule will maximize your results and help you stay committed.
When shopping for your silk stockings, adhering to some of the following factors will give you some peace of mind that your money is being well spent.
Before music videos became status quo for successful bands, musical groups could still sell albums without adhering to a certain image.
Whichever websites you choose to download your music from, be sure that you're adhering to all Digital Millennium Copyright Act laws.
Apart from adhering to the house rules, residents are allowed to come and go as they please.
Kate, as well as representatives for TLC, immediately responded to the allegations, ensuring the public that they were complying with the investigation and adhering to local laws.
The different coils are prevented from adhering by a coating of whitewash, and the end of each nautical mile is carefully marked for future reference.
Seeds are carried in soil adhering to their feet and plumage, and aquatic plants have in consequence for the most part an exceptionally wide range.
These segments spring apparently from the top of the ovary - the real explanation, however, being that the end of the flower-stalk or "thalamus," as it grows, becomes dilated into a sort of cup or tube enclosing and indeed closely adhering to the ovary, so that the latter organ appears to be beneath the perianth instead of above it as in a lily, an appearance which has given origin to the term "inferior ovary."
This columella muscle is the same thing as the muscles adhering to the shell in Patella, and the posterior adductor of Lamellibranchs.
Growing specimens of good colour and in fruit are if possible selected, and cleansed as much as practicable from adhering foreign particles, either in the sea or a rocky pool.
In the absence of metallic tin there is no visible change; but, as soon as the metal is introduced, an electrolytic action sets in and the articles get coated over with a firmly adhering film of tin.
The action is very rapid, and the product, which rises to the top of the acids, is separated and washed successively with cold and then tepid water, and finally with water made slightly alkaline with sodium carbonate or hydroxide, to remove all adhering or dissolved acids which would otherwise render the product very unstable.
The moisture from the clay, percolating through the mass of sugar, washes away the adhering molasses and leaves the crystals comparatively free and clear.
The renunciation was not quite thorough, one party adhering to the Roman Church as Romo-Syrians, the others reverting wholly to Syrian usages and forming to-day about three-fourths of the whole community.
The chief peculiarities that distinguish Trematodes from their free-living allies, the Turbellaria, are the development of adhering organs for attachment to the tissues of the host; the replacement of the primitively ciliated epidermis by a thick cuticular layer and deeply sunk cells to ensure protection against the solvent action of the host; and (in one large order) a prolonged and peculiar life-history.
Hale, as quoted by Phillimore (Ecc. Law), says that before the time of Richard II., that is, before any acts of Parliament were made about heretics, it is without question that in a convocation of the clergy or provincial synod" they might and frequently did here in England proceed to the sentencing of heretics."But later writers, while adhering to the statement that Convocation might declare opinions to be heretical, doubted whether it could proceed to punish the offender, even when he was a clerk in orders.
While the Roman Catholic religion was declared to be that accepted by the majority of Frenchmen, the state subsidized the Reformed Church, those adhering to the Augsburg Confession and the Jewish community.
In 1876 he abandoned the Republican party, although still adhering to Democratic ideals.
Pieces of paper punctured with small holes are placed over the trays in which the hatching goes on; and the worms, immediately they burst their shell, creep through these openings to the light, and thereby scrape off any fragments of shell which, adhering to the skin, would kill them by constriction.
To keep the strands from directly overlaying each other and so adhering, the last guide through which the silk passes has a reciprocating motion whereby the fibre is distributed within certain limits over the reel.
If we wish to be more general, while still adhering to Deslandres' law as a correct representation of the frequencies when s is small, we may write n - A (s+ 1 1) 2 - - a Po+Pi(s + c) -F +pr(s+ c)r' where s as before represents the integer numbers and the other quantities involved are constants.
It should be free from dirt - that is to say, free from clay or soft mud, for instance, which prevents the cement adhering to its particles, or again from sewage matter or any substance which will chemically destroy the matrix.
The council of Basel was still sitting, and had elected an anti-pope, Felix V., in opposition to Eugenius IV., while the Frederick electors, adhering to their neutral attitude, sought Ill, and to bring Frederick into line with them on this question, the Some years were occupied in negotiations, but the Pa,oacv.
Always conservative in character, the city hesitated in adhering to the declaration of independence in 1822, and also to the declaration of the republic in 1889.
Cements of the Portland type differ in kind from those of the pozzuolanic class; they are not mechanical mixtures of lime and active silica ready to unite under suitable conditions, but consist of definite chemical compounds of lime and silica and lime and alumina, which, when mixed with water, combine therewith, forming crystalline substances of great mechanical strength, and capable of adhering firmly to clean inert material, such as stone and sand.
The fragments adhering to the stem, after the finest flakes have been removed are scraped off, and form the small or Tolfa manna of commerce.
Prosperity seems to have revived early during the rule of York; Warwick had cleared the seas of pirates, and both he and King Edward were great patrons of commerce, though the earls policy was to encourage trade with France, while his master wished to knit up the old alliance with Flanders by adhering Corn- to the cause of Charles of Burgundy.
Instead, all it takes is adhering to a few tips and having a watchful eye.
In his Dialogo dei massimi sistemi, printed not less than thirteen years after the last of the three laws had been given to the world, the epicycles by which Copernicus, adhering to the ancient postulate of uniform circular motion, had endeavoured to reduce to theory the irregularities of the planetary movements, were neither expressly adopted nor expressly rejected; and the conclusion seems inevitable that this grave defection from the cause of progress was due to his perhaps unconscious reluctance to accept discoveries which he had not originated.