Adds Sentence Examples
She keeps her eye on the object, but adds, like Wordsworth, the visionary gleam, and receives from nature but what she herself gives.
The Book of Surveying adds considerably to our knowledge of the rural economy of that age.
It is in itself an excellent manure, Sir Richard adds; and so it should be, to enable land to bear this treatment.
At the end of nearly every section he adds an envoi of his own to drive home the moral more surely.
With reference to Automathes he is much more reserved in his praise, denying alike its originality, its depth and its elegance; but, he adds, " the book is not devoid of entertainment or instruction."
He adds, what is not quite clear from one who so frankly acknowledges his limited acquaintance with the science, that he had reason to congratulate himself that he knew no more.
Although, however, he adds that at this point he suspended his religious inquiries, " acquiescing with implicit belief in the tenets and mysteries which are adopted by the general consent of Catholics and Protestants," his readers will probably do him no great injustice if they assume that even then it was rather to the negations than to the affirmations of Protestantism that he most heartily assented.
Josephus adds that an Egyptian garrison was left in Jerusalem.
The reckless destruction of forests along the watercourses also adds to the barren aspect of the country.
The Hebrew titles ascribe to him seventy-three psalms; the Septuagint adds some fifteen more; and later opinion, both Jewish p and Christian, claimed for him the authorship of the whole Psalter (so the Talmud, Augustine and others).
AdvertisementTen acres (he adds) sown with clover, turnips, &c., will feed as many sheep as one hundred acres thereof would before have done."
In this he lays it down as a rule that it is bad husbandry to take two crops of grain successively, which marks a considerable progress in the knowledge of modern husbandry; though he adds that in Scotland the best husbandmen after a fallow take a crop of wheat; after the wheat, peas; then barley, and then oats; and after that they fallow again.
He has, he adds, tested gold made by alchemists, and found that it will not withstand six or seven exposures to fire.
Father Braun, to whose kindness the writer is indebted for the above account of the causes of the ritual changes in the Carolingian epoch, adds that the papacy was never narrowminded in its attitude towards local rites, and that it was not until the close of the middle ages, when diversity had become confusion and worse, that it began to insist upon uniformity.
This practice, which involves periodical weeding, adds considerably to the cost of maintaining plantations, and, although justified so far by results, possesses several other disadvantages.
AdvertisementIt should further be observed that the Vulgate adds the Prayer of Manasses and 3 and 4 Ezra after the New Testament as apocryphal.
John recoiled from the idle casuistry which occupied his own logical contemporaries; and, mindful probably of their aimless ingenuity, he adds the caution that dialectic, valuable and necessary as it is, is " like the sword of Hercules in a pigmy's hand " unless there be added to it the accoutrement of the other sciences.
A few years later William of Malmesbury adds a love adventure at Cordova, a compact with the devil, the story of a speaking statue that foretold Gerbert's death at Jerusalem - a prophecy fulfilled, somewhat as in the case of Henry IV.
It adds many new features to the shorter form of the story as given by Eusebius, among which is the noteworthy promise of Christ about the impregnability of the city - " Thy city shall be blessed and no enemy shall ever henceforth obtain dominion over it.
Our knowledge of the life of the celebrated Latin playwright, Publius Terentius Afer, is derived chiefly from a fragment of the lost work of Suetonius, De viris illustribus, preserved in the commentary of Donatus, who adds a few words of his own.
AdvertisementHe speaks of "his fine expression, elegancy and quaintness," and adds, "he does so possess the soul with his graces that we forget those of his fable."
After saying how Map translated the romance from the Latin at the bidding of King Henry, the usual statement, the scribe adds "qui riche loier l'en donor."
Donatus states in his life of Virgil, a work also based on the lost work of Suetonius, that Lucretius died on the same day on which Virgil assumed the toga virilis, that is, in the seventeenth year of Virgil's life, and on the very day on which he was born, and adds that the consuls were the same, that is Cn.
This is the cheapest of the three caving systems, but is applicable only when the deposit lies between walls of very solid rock, as otherwise wall rock is liable to cave with and become mixed with ore, which adds greatly to the expense of handling.
His narrative thus, while containing much of general interest on the climate and on the animal life of northern Arabia, its horses and camels in particular, adds little to those of his predecessors as regards topographical detail.
AdvertisementDoughty adds that the Nejd highlands between Kasim and Mecca are watered yearly by seasonable rains, which at Taif are expected about the end of August and last commonly from four to six weeks.
The Confutatio Alcorani, printed at Seville in 1500, at Venice in 1607, adds hardly anything to the sections of the Itinerary devoted to Moslem belief, &c. Ricold's Libellus contra Nationes Orientales and Contra errores Judaeorum have never been printed.
To quote his own words, it was "a terrible sermon," and legend adds that he foretold he should preach for eight years.
Thus, too, each science rests on the truths of the sciences that precede it, while it adds to them the truths by which it is itself constituted.
Forests of cherry-trees, plumtrees, magnolia trees, or hiyaku-jikko (Lagerstroemia indica), banks of azalea, clumps of hydrangea, groups of camelliasuch have their permanent places and their foliage adds notes of color when their flowers have fallen.
The Gospel of Nicodemus, written by a Christian (possibly as early, Tischendorf thought, as the middle of the 2nd century), repeats the trial in a dull and diluted way; but adds not only alleged evidence of the Resurrection, but the splendid vision of the descensus ad inferos - the whole professing to be recorded in the Acta Pilati or official records of the governor.
The poison-fangs are "solenoglyphous," perforated, having a wide hole on the anterior side at the base, in connexion with the duct of the large, paired, poison-glands, the presence of which adds considerably to the characteristic broadness of the head.
Heredia himself reverted to the judgment of Sainte-Beuve to the effect that Chenier was the first to make modern verses, and he adds, "I do not know in the French language a more exquisite fragment than the three hundred verses of the Bucoliques."
But the chief ornament of Lebanon is the Rhododendron ponticum, with its brilliant purple flower clusters; a peculiar evergreen, Vinca libanotica, also adds beauty to this zone.
It adds directly to their available labour force, that is, to the number of adults engaged in the work of producing wealth.
It was impossible (he adds) to lay down any uniform or definite rule.
Dollond adds his opinion that the third type is " much the best and most convenient of the three "; yet it is the first type that has survived the test of time and experience, and which is in fact the modern heliometer.
Writing to Abel Pouppin (in or about 1547) he complains that Calvin would not return his manuscript, and adds, " mihi ob earn rem moriendum esse certo scio."
Murray and Renard ascribe this to the greater abundance of carbonic acid in the deeper water, which aided by the increased pressure adds to the solvent power of the water for carbonate of lime.
The respiration of marine animals in the depths of deep basins in which there is no circulation adds to the carbonic acid at the expense of the dissolved oxygen.
In thick seams packing adds about 5d.
To these he also adds the genus Promerops, 3 composed of 2 species of South African birds, of very different appearance, whose affinity to the rest can as yet hardly be taken as proved.
And in pursuing this thought he found that those consonances which beat faster than six times in a second are the very same that musicians treat as concords; and that others which beat slower are the discords; and he adds that when a consonance is a discord at a low pitch and a concord at a high one, it beats sensibly at the former pitch but not at the latter."
To the north-east of the Fort is the Lake, a ramifying sheet of fresh water, which adds greatly to the beauty of the site of Colombo, its banks being clothed with luxuriant foliage and flowers.
In his Dialogue with Trypho (c. 106) he cites a fact about the name of Peter from "his Memoirs," and adds also another similar fact about the name given to the sons of Zebedee, just as they are stated in Mark iii.
The subscription of the Vatican MS., which adds the name Setinus Balbus, points to his having been a native of Setia in Latium.
It is denominated by Humboldt 5 the " zodiac of hunters and shepherds," and he adds that the presence in it of a tiger gives it an exclusively Asiatic character.
Thus, after laying down as a general rule for declinable words that, when they refer to one and the same person, they must have the same case, gender and number, Priscian adds that when there are transitive words we may use different numbers, as doceo discipulos, docemus discipulum.
In the Critias Plato adds a history of the ideal commonwealth of Atlantis.
Parsimony is the source of the increase of capital; by augmenting the fund devoted to the maintenance of productive hands, it puts in motion an additional quantity of industry, which adds to the value of the annual produce.
He showed that from each individual shell of an ammonite the entire ancestral series may be reconstructed, and that, while the earlier shell-whorls retain the characters of the adults of preceding members of the series, a shell in its own adult stage adds a new character, which in turn becomes the pre-adult character of the types which will succeed it; finally, that this comparison between the revolutions of the life of an individual and the life of the entire order of ammonites is wonderfully harmonious and precise.
He founds his work upon that of his master Justin, but adds from his own knowledge among many other things, notably the detailed account of Valentinianism at the beginning of the book.
It states essentially the Roman doctrine of purgatory, and asserts the world-wide primacy of the pope as the "true vicar of Christ and the head of the whole Church, the Father and teacher of all Christians"; but, to satisfy the Greeks, inconsistently adds that all the rights and privileges of the Oriental patriarchs are to be maintained unimpaired.
He immediately adds that, by the combination of these names with one another, affirmation or negation arises.
Afterwards (chap. so) proceeding to the opposition of propositions, he adds the form called tertii adjacentis, in a passage which is the first appearance, or rather adumbration, of the verb of being as a copula.
Originally Caleb alone was exempt and for his faith received a blessing; later tradition adds Joshua and in Deut.
Pappus gives several solutions of this problem, including a method of making successive approximations to the solution, the significance of which he apparently failed to appreciate; he adds his own solution of the more general problem of finding geometrically the side of a cube whose content is in any given ratio to that of a given one.
He refers to Hume as recognizing no causality but only a customary and habitual succession, but adds that Kant rightly recognizes that mere observation cannot teach the necessity of the conjunction.
It is important to understand that Mach had developed this economical view of thought in 1872, more than ten years before the appearance of his work on the history of mechanics as he tells us in the preface, where he adds that at a later date similar views were expressed by Kirchhoff in his V orlesungen fiber mathematische Physik (1874).
But the idealists are only too glad to get any excuse for denying bodily substances and causes; and, while Leibnitz supplied them with the fancied analysis of material into immaterial elements, and Hume with the reduction of bodies to assemblages of sensations, Mach adds the additional argument that bodily forces are not causes at all.
Wundt, however, having satisfied himself of the power of mere logical thought beyond experience, goes on to further apply his hypothesis, and supposes that, in dealing with the physical world, logical thinking having added to experience the " supplementary notion " of causality as the connexion of appearances which vary together, adds also the " supplementary notion " of substance as substratum of the connected appearances.
Thirdly, on the grounds that logical thinking adds the notion of substance, as substrate, to experience of the physical, but not of the psychical, and that the most proper being of mind is will, he concludes that wills are not active substances, but substance-generating activities (" nicht thatige Substanzen sondern substanzerzeugende Thdtigkeiten," System, 429) What kind of metaphysics, then, follows from this compound of psychology and epistemology?
A Synodikon from the year 1210 adds the names of his pupils or "apostles," Mihail, Todur, Dobri, Stefan, Vasilie and Peter, all thoroughly Slavonic names.
This opinion is supported by the historian Flavius Blondus in his Italia illustrate, written about 1450, who adds that its certain origin is unknown.
His indefatigable activity on behalf of Western civilization, now threatened with extinction by the Ottomans, excites admiration and adds an undying lustre to his memory.
The mass of any portion of matter is found to be permanent under chemical and other changes, and this fact adds to its importance as a physical quantity.
If he be the author of the five or six long poems which have been ascribed to him by different writers, he adds to his importance as the father of Scots poetry the reputation of being one of the most voluminous writers in Middle English, certainly the most voluminous of all Scots poets.
Alexander Aphrodisiensis adds that, when his disciples laughed at the judgment, Socrates said it was true, for such had been his nature before the study of philosophy had modified it.
The varied plumage of the cock - his bright red breast and his grey back, set off by his coal-black head and quills - is naturally attractive; while the facility with which he is tamed, with his engaging disposition in confinement, makes him a popular cage-bird, - to say nothing of the fact (which in the opinion of so many adds to his charms) of his readily learning to "pipe" a tune, or some bars of one.
As Stubbs says " the thegn seems to be primarily the warrior gesith " - the gesithas forming the chosen band of companions (comites) of the German chiefs (principes) noticed by Tacitus - " he is probably the gesith who had a particular military duty in his master's service "; and he adds that from the reign of Athelstan " the gesith is lost sight of except very occasionally, the more important class having become thegns, and the lesser sort sinking into the rank of mere servants of the king."
Nothing," he adds, " is more likely than that in a crowded assembly a lady should accidentally have dropped her garter; that the circumstance should have caused a smile in the bystanders; and that on its being taken up by Edward he should have reproved the levity of his courtiers by so happy and chivalrous an exclamation, placing the garter at the same time on his own knee, as ` Dishonoured be he who thinks ill of it.'
Solid as it looks, its weight is inconsiderable, and the perfect hinge by which the maxilla is articulated adds to its efficiency as an instrument of prehension.
The Alexandrian tradition seems to have been that he was of Cyrenaean origin; and Severus, a writer of the Loth century, adds to this the statement that his father's name was Aristobulus, who, with his wife Mary, was driven from the Pentapolis to Jerusalem by an invasion of barbarians 1 The divergent lines of the later attempts at a literal interpretation - e.g.
The Sumatran hare (Lepus netscheri), discovered in 1880, adds a second species to the Lepus nigricollis, the only hare previously known in the Malay Archipelago.
He holds, apparently, that the foundation of all the science of number is the fact that each element of conscious experience is presented as a unit, and adds that we are capable of considering any fact or collection of facts as a unit.
Of these volumes, he adds, one is very diffuse, but the other short and concise.
To this list Echard adds several other works, such as a defence of the Dominicans, printed at Venice in 1504, and a Summa virtutum et vitiorum Guillelmi Peraldi, a Dominican who died about 1250.
Dr David adds that Junker may undoubtedly claim to be the discoverer of the okapi, for, as stated on p. 299 of the third volume of the original German edition of his Travels, he saw in 1878 or 1879 in the Nepo district a portion of the skin with the characteristic black and white stripes.
In this more general respect, an arboretum or woodland affords shelter, improves local climate, renovates bad soils, conceals objects unpleasing to the eye, heightens the effect of what is agreeable and graceful, and adds value, artistic and other, to the landscape.
Livingstone goes so far as to say, "nothing that I ever learned of the lion could lead me to attribute to it either the ferocious or noble character ascribed to it elsewhere," and he adds that its roar is not distinguishable from that of the ostrich.
He adds that he took his degree at the proper time; but in fact, upon any computation and from whatever cause, he remained at Magdalen Hall five, instead of the required four, years, not being admitted as bachelor till the 5th of February 1608.
Matthew also uses the Marcan narrative, but adds to it a new section from some other source which suggests that the name of Peter was conferred on this occasion - not, as Mark says, at the first mission of the Twelve - and confers on him the keys of the kingdom of heaven and the right of binding and loosing.
Origen also relates the latter detail and adds that at his own request Peter was crucified head downwards.
The temple of Abydos is celebrated owing to its completeness, and the perfect condition of its sculptures, which render it one of the most interesting buildings as an artistic monument; and the variety of religious subjects adds to its importance.
His conversion to Christianity is said by Jerome to have been occasioned by a dream; and the same writer adds that the bishop to whom Arnobius applied distrusted his professions, and asked some proof of them, and that the treatise Adversus Genies was composed for this purpose.
The rules of grammar are read out in the memorial verses of the Ajrumiya, and the teacher adds an exposition, generally read from a printed commentary.
I may lament and weep," he adds " but truly I have had admirable sport," with his greyhounds.
But he adds, " To sustain the deduction it is not necessary that they should " (Ancient Society, p. 408).
Immediately north of Chimborazo, and separated from it by only a narrow valley, are the lower triple summits of Carahuairazo, or Carguairazo (which the natives call Chimborazo-embra, " Chimborazo's wife "), whose hollow cone collapsed in 1698 during a great earthquake, and left the jagged rim which adds so much to its present picturesque appearance.
Yule, from Chinese annals of the 7th and 8th centuries, says that Chinese ships came as far as Siraf (Tahiri) and the Euphrates, where they lay at Hira near Kufa, and adds that this trade fell off in A.D.
Lake Alice, in the residential district, adds to the city's attractions.
Apart from the important parables of the tares, the pearl and the net, the writer adds little to his sources until we come to the remarkable passage in ch.
The mean of two levels therefore adds to the accuracy of the result.
Thus we are led to regard the two systems as completely intermingled, a fact which adds considerably to the difficulty of explaining the phenomena otherwise than as produced by two great systems - universes they have been called - which have come together, perhaps, by their mutual attraction, and are passing through one another.
Analogical and inductive inference alike begin with a particular premise containing one or more instances; but the former adds a particular premise to draw a particular conclusion, the latter requires a universal premise to draw a universal conclusion.
In rising, however, from particular to universal inference, induction, as we have seen, adds to its particular premise, S is P, a universal premise, every M is similar to S, in order to infer the universal conclusion, every M is P. This universal premise requires a universal conception of a class or whole number of similar particulars, as a condition.
No other dialogue adds anything to the logical content of these.
He adds, however, that any attempt to establish it is involved in some sort of dilemma.
Joly adds valuable notes and thirteen important appendices.
In autumn the rich yellow tint acquired by the leaves of the hazel adds greatly to the beauty of landscapes.
Folk-lore adds to the survivals some of the customs for producing rain, e.g.
He adds that there was a famous rhapsodist, Cynaethus of Chios, who was said to be the author of the Hymn to Apollo, and to have first recited Homer at Syracuse about the 69th Olympiad.
The author of the sermo pointedly rejects the two theories that connected the holy virgins with the Theban band and brought them as pilgrims from the East to the West; but he adds that even in his days there still existed an inscription in the church, showing how it had been restored from its foundations by a certain "Clematius, vir consularis, ex partibus Orientis."
He adds that the tendency is to replace those by " the hair, without powder, simply curled."
The Radau,a mountain stream, descending from the Brocken, waters the valley and adds much to its picturesque charm.
If this evil were secret [he adds], it might perhaps be borne."
He adds that "this unknown prisoner was buried on the 10th in the parish cemetery of Saint Paul, and was registered under a name also unknown" - noting in the margin that he has since learnt that the name in the register was "M.
Huc adds his testimony that this kind of rice flourishes in Manchuria, where no other will grow.
But the Septuagint appends the book to Jeremiah (Baruch intervening), just as it adds Ruth to Judges; thus making the number of the books of the Hebrew Canon the same as that of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, viz.
Henry Phillips (1775-1838), in his Flora historica, remarks that Turner (1568) "calls it gelouer, to which he adds the word stock, as we would say gelouers that grow on a stem or stock, to distinguish them from the clove-gelouers and the wall-gelouers.
As for lights in the churches, he adds that " in all the churches of the East, whenever the gospel is to be read, lights are lit, though the sun be rising (jam sole rutilante), not in order to disperse the darkness, but as a visible sign of gladness (ad signum laetitiae demonstrandum)."
This right to enforce into servitude those who might incur the displeasure of the governor or other high officers was not only exercised with reference to the individuals themselves who had received this conditional freedom; it was, adds Watermeyer, claimed by the government to be applicable likewise to the children of all such.
Previous to this (in 1629) Parkinson, the friend and associate of Johnson, had published his Paradisus, in which (p. 517) he gives an indifferent figure of the potato under the name of Papas seu Battatas Virginianorum, and adds details as to the method of cooking the tubers which seem to indicate that they were still luxuries.
Ehrenberg adds a list of 8 Polygastric Infusoria, 1 fossil infusorian, 5 Phytolitharia and several microscopic fungi.
The story, legendary or historical, adds that Malik had refused to go to the caliph, saying that it was for the student to come to his teacher.
The Landwehr Canal, leaving the Spree near the Schlesische Tor (gate), and rejoining it at Charlottenburg, after a course of 6 m., adds not a little to the charm of the southern and western districts, being flanked by fine boulevards and crossed by many handsome bridges.
This is confirmed by Eusebius, who adds that even those who admitted the virgin birth did not accept the pre-existence of Jesus as Logos and Sophia.
His last work, De Electione Caroli IV., restates his opinions upon temporal authority and adds little that is new.
To this he adds a scathing indictment against the licentiousness of the Simonians.
Verse so merely states that the people gave heed to the magician, verse s s adds why.
But he adds that he found all four of them, in different degrees, deficient in insight into religious truth.
Parsee tradition adds a number of interesting statements as to their history.
Another biography of Gilpin, which, however, adds little to Bishop Carleton's, was written by William Gilpin, M.A., prebendary of Ailsbury (London, 1753 and 1854).
After asserting these in detail under nine different heads, he speaks under a tenth of his proficiency as a civil engineer and architect, and adds lastly a brief paragraph with reference to what he can do in painting and sculpture, undertaking in particular to carry out in a fitting manner the monument to Francesco Sforza.
Dr. Hawkesworth, in the life prefixed to his edition of the Works in 1755, adds little of importance.
Almost all the learned doctors, he says, declare that the confessor may reveal it, but he adds, " the contrary opinion is the safer and better doctrine, and more consistent with religion and with the reverence due to the holy rite of confession."
The rivers, finally checked by the sea, deposit their remaining silt, which emerges as banks or blunted promontories, or, after a year's battling with the tide, adds a few feet or it may be a few inches to the foreshore.
Neculcea adds to his.
The chromosphere adds the three last of the list.
Raymond does not attempt any original work; to the texts already included in the Quinque compilationes, he adds only nine decretals of Innocent III.
The inscription adds that a Spanish vessel sighted the island in 1414.
With the instinctive feeling that darkness adds a horror to death, they preferred to use them for light.
The Armenians are equally strict; but (adds Rycaut) " the times seem so confused and without rule that they can scarce be recounted, unless by those who live amongst them, and strictly observe them, it being the chief care of the priest, whose learning principally consists in knowing the appointed times of fasting and feasting, the which they never omit on Sundays to publish unto the people."
But while to Origen creation also was a continuous process, an unspeculative orthodoxy struck out the latter point as inconsistent with biblical teaching; and we must grant that the eternal generation of the Divine Son adds a more distinctive glory to the Logos when it is no longer balanced by an eternal creation.
His company," she adds, " could not but be very desirable for us, and he had all the assurances we could give him of being always welcome; but, to make him easy in living with us, it was necessary he should do so on his own terms, which Sir Francis at last assenting to, he then believed himself at home with us, and resolved, if it pleased God, here to end his days as he did."
This adds a good deal to what was previously known, as Lord King was able to draw from the mass of correspondence, journals and commonplace books of Locke in his possession.
The entire work of unloading, storing and reloading adds only one cent to the price of a bushel of wheat.
Moral philosophy in a certain sense adds nothing to these conceptions, though it sets them in a clearer light.
To meet this view Butler does not content himself, as is sometimes carelessly supposed, with insisting on the natural claim to authority of the conscience which his opponent repudiated as artificial; he adds a subtle and effective argument ad hominem.
He argues that men having no free will have really no desert; therefore the divine equity must ultimately distribute happiness in equal shares to all; therefore I must ultimately increase my own happiness most by conduct that adds most to the general fund which Providence administers.
While shrewdness, plain straightforwardness, and a certain stern way of looking at life are common to both, the Icelandic school adds a complexity of structure and ornament, an elaborate mythological and enigmatical phraseology, and a regularity of rhyme, assonance, luxuriance, quantity and syllabification, which it caught from the Latin and Celtic poets, and adapted with exquisite ingenuity to its own main object, that of securing the greatest possible beauty of sound.
We learn from Herodotus and Ctesias that the city was built on both sides of the river in the form of a square, and enclosed within a double row of lofty walls to which Ctesias adds a third.
In dedicating to him his Commentary on the First Epistle to the Thessalonians, as "eximiae pietatis et doctrinae viro," he declares that so had he been aided by his instruction that whatever subsequent progress he had made he only regarded as received from him, and "this," he adds, "I wish to testify to posterity that if any utility accrue to any from my writings they may acknowledge it as having in part flowed from thee."
But, he adds, Demosthenes adopts this manner where it is justified by the elevation of his theme.
Giraldus Cambrensis, in his gives what purports to be the text of this letter, known as " the Bull Laudabiliter," and adds further Privilegium of Pope Alexander III.
The Jaccetani ('Ieucto -ravoi) are mentioned as one of the most celebrated of the numerous small tribes inhabiting the basin of the Ebro by Strabo, who adds that their territory was the theatre of the wars which took place in the 1st century B.C. between Sertorius and Pompey.
S' (p y p could be taken), and adds much that is novel.
But, in the title of his Ecclesiastical History he prefixes the old to the new name and proudly adds the epithet Angligena.
Also the colour of the stone, a soft creamy white, adds to the general beauty of effect.
The relaxed, elegant atmosphere adds to the feeling of serenity inside the cabin.
The large blue Aga adds the finishing touch to the very contemporary look.
Herr Grün adds "We shall not digress; let us remain in France."
But honestly, " he adds, grinning, " it wasn't like I'd become alcoholic.
Contributors Adds or deletes specific aliases or users by name.
This produces an electron which adds to the benzene ring to generate a radical anion.
Bert adds the asperity of his Scottish voice to a lilting, traditional ballad called " House Carpenter " .
Like the features of size, longevity and beauty, the utility of trees adds to the perception that they have divine attributes.
No time is wasted with between song banter yet this only adds to the dark guitar fuzz and throbbing bass.
The five-man ensemble adds a super tight rhythm section of acoustic bass, drums and piano to the traditional klezmer clarinet and flute.
You've got a adds Bennett further any charge society june.
The masters a he contends a shuffled deck or incomplete billings adds.
To have studied a bioscience adds enormously to ones education for life about life.
The high level of fluorescence of fluorite from this classic area, adds an extra cachet other locations do not have.
XtaddCallback adds the specified callback adds the specified callback to the list for the named widget.
Ayer goes for the jugular at all times and the grainy, handheld camerawork adds to the scuzzy authenticity.
Increasing switch size to reduce on resistance adds to the parasitic capacitance, thus slowing the operation.
The rhyming dialog, far from being a gimmick, adds metaphorical clout to the script without distracting from the performances in any way.
To this he adds whole milk and pure cocoa butter of the highest quality.
Each pound we spend adds to the bottom line of the government's coffers.
He adds a remarkable appearance to a throng of 500 which even the gospel writers must have found stretched credulity too far.
Speak properly you stupid ignorant cretin ', she adds flippantly.
This adds to the lofty feel of the property along with high, sloping ceilings supported by wooden crossbeams.
The settlor adds a cross-reference in the ' Additional Information ' box on page 8 of the tax return.
Which saw cubic rising he adds big safe cars which was a. Buy it the dollar you mail.
When the OED adds the verb form of ' cargo cult ' to its corpus, remember where you read that first.
This adds support for IPX in snort signatures, which is kinda cute.
Eighty percent of the world's babies have never seen a disposable diaper, " he adds.
Step adds a new dimension to your aerobic workout, challenging heart & mind!
As they are started their whine adds another note to the increasing din.
The self-production adds a fresh dynamic, highlighting the band's confidence and skill.
Here Daniel adds the king's edict, which he wished to be promulgated.
We make sure there's a happy ending for him, " he adds.
The ' big ' factor is a part of the obesity epidemic, " she adds.
We hear he is so fastidious about the branch's funds that he adds to them every time he finds coins on the floor.
The mix contains Baileys ' popular Garlic Supplement which adds its familiar aroma and flavor helping to tempt the fussy feeder.
James Macmillan's ' Ballad ' adds modern piano figurations to an authentic-sounding vocal line and gets a compelling performance from James.
Many of the guests are TV stars in the US, which adds a frisson for American site visitors.
A black leather gaiter at the bottom of the gear lever adds to the sporting appearance of the interior.
He always adds the little gibe about the fact that I own a tobacconist's in Swansea.
While the Bass control adds low-end girth at higher settings and a warm round smoothness at lower settings.
A daisy candle holder is as fresh as a spring day, while a beaded picture frame adds glitz and charm to a room.
Oh, ' Runaway ' features a bluesy guitar solo that's pretty accomplished and it really adds to the song.
The fact that they were formed from salvage material from a portable airship hangar adds another layer of interest.
Ben also adds the harmonica, and a disclaimer in the sleeve notes about not being able to play it.
Features additional effects processors for vocal and guitar processing, including a harmonizer that adds four-part harmony to singing from MIC input.
He adds they will only heighten tensions in the region.
The detachable hood adds to the jackets versatility allowing you to reduce weight or opt for full protection.
In time their decay adds humus to the soil, which becomes enriched by the increase of soluble plant foods.
T Adds a transmission line of characteristic impedance z in series with the impedance z in series with the impedance in X, transforming its impedance in most cases.
Whether for work or play, to express individuality or promote a cause, T-shirts are a wardrobe essential, she adds.
It adds authorities do not enforce existing labor laws and working conditions are often inhumane, with forced labor still a common practice.
The cast is not averse to the occasional non-Shakespearean interjection which simply adds to the fun.
However, How soon seamless interoperability will occur is still under debate, he adds.
In chess she adds how good the event Jennifer tilly on the billboard.
This one adds kerosene, gasoline and aviation fuel to the list, and it produces an impressive boil time.
Crown Derby china dating from the same time and belonging to the last resident laird, adds to the picture.
Wonderful Viennese music combined with an exuberant and hilarious new libretto sung in English, all adds up to unmissable entertainment!
On the contrary I think he adds a little lightness to the room.
The casing's solid construction adds durability to a surprisingly lightweight body.
Art adds to the health of society, sometimes by exposing underlying malaise.
Stephen Donnelly replaces Brian Thompson on lead guitar and also adds another mandolin to the bands line-up.
Then it adds well choreographed, staged and executed martial arts and acrobatics into the mix.
This makes receiving Podcasts an absolute no-brainer for anyone with an iPod. iTunes 4.9 adds a Podcast playlist to its Source Menu.
Gin is fine as a mixer, vodka adds tasteless oomph, and tequila, for me, is a ' party ' drink.
The sensations of cold metal adds to the intense orgasm brought on by quickly pulling these beads out at the point of orgasm.
The cello adds an eerie touch that (thank God) never becomes overkill.
The proposal of the ecumenical patriarchate adds a further occasion of celebrating the Creator.
The normally perky Duff adds depth to Sam, but is sabotaged by silly stereotypes invading every scene.
Firefox includes pop-up blocking - no need for external programs (although Microsoft's ServicePack 2 for WinXP adds similar technology to Windows ).
Her reaction adds an interesting postscript to the story, " If we were to be paid, I would leave.
The perfect accessory adds the proper punctuation to an outfit.
Like a touch of magic, it adds unparalleled radiance to your skin.
It has a slightly ramshackle atmosphere, which adds to the charm.
Adds the warmth of analog tubes to digital recordings.
The new ring adds to the growing number of narrow ringlets in orbit around Saturn.
Cadd Adds a scalar to an NDF data structure.
He won't put his own neck on the line, he's a conniving little scoundrel, " Redfern adds.
Cajun seasoning adds a deliciously spicy flavor to salmon filets.
But speed also adds to a feeling of more general road danger, deterring many from cycling and walking and causing severance within communities.
Plus it's slightly shabby, which adds to its charm.
On the plus side, the addition of heat and smoke effects adds an extra sheen to the overall presentation.
Difficult runs back into resort but that only adds to the apres ski banter.
Rumex scutatus, ' French sorrel ' adds a sharp flavor to salads, omelets and soups.
Personalized Protein Powder This powerful product adds 100% soy and whey protein to your daily nutrition.
Sudoku War adds spice to the most exciting puzzle ever!
Cajun Seasoning adds a deliciously spicy flavor to salmon filets.
The Bevis Saloman adds strange psych guitar squalls as slowly but surely the sound takes flight & soars into the ether.
The finding adds to previous research by showing that it's not only brain activity elicited by a to-be-remembered stimulus that is important.
However, upon playing more you'll come to realize how much suspense this adds to the game, which it really does need.
Dry Montilla is like a dry Sherry and adds a salty tang to the finish.
A room thermostat adds even more control to your system.
Music adds a pleasant dimension to the familiar package, tho it also makes the material seem somewhat thinner.
Nigel Bird adds " After getting the carbs in balance, blip the throttle.
He always adds the little gibe about the fact that I own a tobacconist 's in Swansea.
The opener is a passable cover of ' Did you feel the mountains tremble ' but adds nothing new.
Season Mode adds a welcome twist to the tired championship option.
The stress that battle adds to my body is nearly unbearable.
The " Expect " perl module is a module in perl which adds a relatively user-friendly way of making a script which automates commands.
The Captain chooses the venue for Captainâs day in June each year, which adds variety to the golf clubs visited.
In doing so it adds verve and energy, as it reaches for the dark parts of the soul and enlightens them.
The surface is left white, which I think adds vibrancy to the subsequent colors.
Soft neoprene blend adds soothing warmth to help keep joints flexible.
In addition to the two church towers, a restored 17 th century post windmill adds to the scenic skyline.
It encourages proper posture and adds variety to your exercise routine for a total-body workout.
After having extolled the work of God and proclaimed Him the source of all knowledge, he adds that a great truth is continually flashed on us and proved to us by history, namely, "that this world of nations is the work of man, and its explanation therefore only to be found in the mind of man."
As corollaries to the general formulae he adds the formulae relating to the representation of a number as a sum of five squares and also of seven squares.
In the third part of this work he inclines to a thoroughly natural hypothesis respecting the genesis of the physical world, and adds in the fourth part that the same kind of explanation might be applied to the nature and formation of plants and animals.
Thus the statute of 2 and 3 Edward VI., cap. 9 (1 549), while inculcating that "due and godly abstinence from flesh is a means to virtue," adds that "by the eating of fish much flesh is saved to the country," and that thereby, too, the fishing trade is encouraged.
The camb-ium in the typical case, which is by far the most frequent, continues the primary differentiation of xylem and phloem in the desmogen strand (see above), or arises in the resting mesodesm or mesocycle and adds new (secondary) xylem and phloem to the primary tissues.
Irksome as were his employments, grievous as was the waste of time, uncongenial as were his companions, solid benefits were to be set off against these things; his health became robust, his knowledge of the world was enlarged, he wore off some of his foreign idiom, got rid of much of his reserve; he adds - and perhaps in his estimate it was the benefit to be most prized of all - " the discipline and evolutions of a modern battalion gave me a clearer notion of the phalanx and the legion, and the captain of the Hampshire grenadiers (the reader may smile) has not been useless to the historian of the Roman empire."
To the right-hand member of the equation he then adds the number expressing the thermal effect of the reaction, heat-evolution being as before counted positive, and heat-absorption negative.
Where it follows the chapters in Samuel it is important for textual and other critical problems, but it omits narratives in which it is not interested (David's youth, persecution by Saul, Absalom's revolt, &c.), and adds long passages (David's arrangements for the temple, &c.) which reflect the views of a much later age than David's.
He adds that the parents, which " are mostly polygamous," attend their young and direct them where to find their food (p. 63).
The-considerations are not very striking from a general point of view; but the author adds to the weight of evidence which some of his predecessors had brought to bear on certain matters, particularly in aiding to abolish the artificial groups " Deodactyls," "Syndactyls," and " Zygodactyls," on which so much reliance had been placed by many of his countrymen; and it is with him a great merit that he was the first apparently to recognize publicly that characters drawn from the posterior part of the sternum, and particularly from the " echancrures," commonly called in English " notches " or " emarginations," are of comparatively little importance, since their number is apt to vary in forms that are most closely allied, and even in species that are usually associated in the same genus or unquestionably belong to the same family, 2 while these " notches " sometimes become simple foramina, as in certain pigeons, or on the other hand foramina may exceptionally change to " notches," and not unfrequently disappear wholly.
He adds that this is, of course, unintentional (allerdings ohne das sein zu wollen).
In the Anecdota Procopius adds as an illustration of Justinian's vanity the story that he took in good faith an observation made to him by Tribonian, while sitting as assessor, that he (Tribonian) greatly feared that the emperor might some day, on account of his piety, be suddenly carried up into heaven.
In the edition of his First Principles, published in 1900, Spencer adds a" postscript "which shows some consciousness of the contradiction involved in his knowledge of the Unknowable, and finally contends that his account of the Knowable in part ii.
He adds, "to hanker after a court is below either you or me."
At the same time Paracelsus uses the word for a volatile liquid; alcool or alcool vini occurs often in his writings, and once he adds "id est vino ardente."
Undoubtedly this half-poetic style (animated as it is and redeemed from any charge of bastardy by the freshness and vigour which pervade it) adds not a little to the charm of the book.
Struve (Description de l'Observatoire ' Central de Pulkowa, pp. 196, 197) adds a few remarks to Steinheil's description, in which he states that the images have not all desirable precision - a fault perhaps inevitable in all micrometers with divided lenses, and which is probably in this case aggravated by the fact that the rays falling upon the divided lens have considerable convergence.
The current of aethereal displacement d/dt(f,g,h) is what adds on to the true electric current to produce the total circuital current of Maxwell.
Bonitz (1848), who is the most faithful of all commentators, because to great industry and acumen he adds the rare gift of confessing when he does not understand, and when he does not know what Aristotle might have thought.
Mara, the great tempter, appears in the sky, and urges Gotama to stop, promising him, in seven days, a universal kingdom over the four great continents if he will but give up his enterprise.2 When his words fail to have any effect, the tempter consoles himself by the confident hope that he will still overcome his enemy, saying, "Sooner or later some lustful or malicious or angry thought must arise in his mind; in that moment I shall be his master"; and from that hour, adds the legend, "as a shadow always follows the body, so he too from that day always followed the Blessed One, striving to throw every obstacle in his way towards the Buddhahood."
To the observation of consciousness Cousin adds induction as the complement of his method, by which he means inference as to reality necessitated by the data of consciousness, and regulated by certain laws found in consciousness, viz.
It is capped at the value your labor adds to the goods or services you create.
Jobs are created when someone starts a business that takes a thing, adds labor and technology to it, and makes a new thing.
He adds that they were commonly carpeted and lined within with well-wrought embroidered mats, and were furnished with various utensils.
Note that the quaver in bar 7 adds a 7th feeling to the music.
He adds that later there " opened an era of reformism without reforms ".
It 's brevity adds to its feeling of rightness for a prayer as the light fails for another day.
The relaxed atmosphere in our AA rosette award winning restaurant adds to the enjoyment of any occasion.
He wo n't put his own neck on the line, he 's a conniving little scoundrel, Redfern adds.
Apticote 3200 adds scratch resistance, grip and spring to your lightweight titanium clubs.
Plus it 's slightly shabby, which adds to its charm.
Fit Details The Add Sine Component Linear Fit Details adds a statistical breakdown of each sinusoid in the fit.
The NL SF algorithm adds full spectral factorization so that both the AR and MA roots will lie within the unit circle.
Sudoku War adds spice to the most exciting puzzle ever !
But the next morning, Joan adds that Jerry has been shot and killed by the police and their stash of money recovered.
A subtotal item adds up the amounts of the items above it on a sales form.
The biggest problem is stress and how the interplay of all the different participants at your wedding adds or subtract from that stress.
Zetec adds new interior trim, privacy glass, child observation mirror and sunglass holder with a £ 100 price increase.
The CD-Rom adds non-linear, or differently linear, temporalities to this tradition.
This aspect also adds less compatibility to the relationship as it vacillates back and forth from positive direction to grim outlook.
Quicken 2002 Deluxe and Business adds functions for small business such as vehicle mileage tracking and accounts payable.
The company clearly grew wary of dealing with an Israeli company, he adds.
The occasional chalet adds a whiff of wood smoke to the smell of pine.
And whats this as well as drums, Gigi on whitewash brush, it certainly adds a thud to the rhythm.
A product that adds a lot of value will almost always be able to command high margins.
Planning a room filled with the Pooh items or a nursery rhyme theme adds to the excitement that comes with expecting a child.
This helps to seal your project and adds an extra layer of protection.
Some parents prefer the look of a canopied crib, which adds character to any baby bed.
With all the excitement that a new baby will bring, decorating a baby nursery simply adds to the fun.
The frilly bedding that comes with a bassinet adds to that new baby nursery decore.
It's a messy approach that adds work like carpet cleaning and mopping the floor to the toilet training process.
While pink is still the popular shade for girls, modern style adds black or chocolate brown to the pink mix for a more sophisticated and edgy vibe.
If this is the case, then you'll certainly want to forgo the simple truck or the classic book for something that adds a little pizzazz into your little guy's world.
Slate is normally ¾" to 1-inch thick and adds substantially to costs.
Second is evaporation of moisture which adds flavor because as moisture decreases and the beef shrinks, flavor intensifies.
Shimmer blush is often used for outings at night-it adds a very light gleam to your cheekbones.
It's a popular blush-instead of adding a heavy color to your cheeks, it simply adds a glow.
Another aspect that adds value to baseball cards is whether or not they are autographed.
The slip is a handy inner garment that conceals, covers and even adds volumes to your appearance.
Still popular in some clubs today, the style adds a new dimension to the tunes being played.
This adds to the rich mix of influences in the country and is reflected in many architectural styles.
It features automatic oiling and chain tension adjustment, and adds another level of safety with a kickback sensor.
The network type 802.11n adds multiple input/output antennae to boost the laptop's broadcast and receiving signals.
Squinkies - Squinkies take the surprise effect of gumball machine prizes and adds the element of a toy play set.
Paper Jamz - Paper Jamz takes the popularity of such video games like Rock Star and Guitar Hero and adds an entirely new element.
Wellness also adds chicken fat in its cat diets to provide arachadonic acid, an essential fatty acid for felines.
Wellness also adds green tea extract and lycopene for their excellent anti-oxidizing properties.
It has so many varied symptoms that the diagnosis is easily missed until it all adds up.
All of this activity adds up to a lot of mental stimulation for our feline friends- something every cat needs to remain on an even keel.
Brown rice adds necessary carbohydrates.
However, if you're giving the bottle away as a gift, a little decoration adds a nice touch.
A person is more likely to adjust to the pine scent than a cat, but particularly in the latter case, the pine litter adds up to an abysmal failure.
Use of the spray and powdered cat litter deodorizing products adds to the cost of maintaining a litter box.
When you are mixing this fabulous beverage, keep in mind that every component adds depth and flavor to the finished result.
Triple sec is an orange based liqueur that adds sweetness and a hint of citrus to round out the flavor of your strawberry Daiquiri.
Grenadine is nonalcoholic syrup that adds a festive tinge of red or pink color and a distinct sweetness to drinks with grenadine.
Its flavor adds an original taste to beverages, along with a nice, bright color.
Yelling at them and being abusive only adds stress to the situation.
As the user makes purchases the available balance decreases until he or she adds more money.
Each day Target adds new charges to the card to the balance on the card at the beginning of the day, and then multiplies that amount by the daily percentage rate.
Since rocking chairs are often made of wood, a cushion adds softness.
Not only does this furniture serve as seating, but it also adds an artistic element to the outdoor room.
Using a draw knife to skip peel the wood adds interesting texture and color to the logs.
When choosing replacement cushions for outdoor furniture you want to be sure to get something that adds comfort, but it's also important to think about style.
Retro metal lawn furniture adds a sense of nostalgia to your outdoor space.
Adding a beautiful curved china cabinet to your home furnishings adds a look of elegance to your living space.
A cedar entertainment center made of beautiful natural cedar adds the look of rustic charm to any room.
Purchasing used office furniture typically adds up to a savings of approximately 30 to 50 percent off the cost of new office furniture.
Trash and waste in landfills create methane gas, which adds to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
This type of compost adds needed nutrients to your garden and reduces weeds.
The installation of solar panels can range from $30 to $80 per square foot, which adds up quickly.
Cost - the cost of disposable diapers adds up over time.
Additionally, empty the trunk or backseat of anything heavy that takes up space or adds extra weight.
The Huntington College of Health Sciences adds that ginger may be effective in shortening the duration of colds and flu.
In Italian cooking it gives flavor to sauces and breads, while in Thai cooking it adds a spicy pungency to vegetable dishes.
The smell of fresh herbs is very inviting and it adds so much to your cooking.
Cooking with cayenne not only adds flavor to your food, but is a delicious way to benefit from its medicinal properties.
Saffron adds a very distinct flavor, and for some dishes, such as Spain's paella or Iran's chelow kabab, it is essential.
Frozen basil tastes best when used in culinary dishes such as pesto, stews or sauces where a drop or two of olive oil just adds to the dish rather than clashes with it.
As an additive, it not only adds color but protects foods from sunlight and keeps them from fading.
The Bachelor of Arts degree adds one year of study to the diploma course through an agreement with London Metropolitan University.
Beadboard adds a casual, rustic, and historic look to a room.
A wrought iron hanging pot rack filled with cast iron and hammered copper pots adds warmth and charm to a rustic log cabin kitchen.
Modern art matted and framed on log walls adds color and a sophisticated touch.
Dolby Digital equipped speakers use a 5.1 channel arrangement which adds a low-frequency subwoofer for intense bass resonance.
The gleam of metal adds sophistication and dimension while infusing the room with a dynamic textural element.
The rich history of this silver mining town adds to the Old West appeal of the region.
A delicate vintage lace table runner on you dresser or bureau also adds a nice decorative touch.
The simple nature of the lamp's design blends into the room décor and adds much needed light to lighten a dark room or corner.
Accessorize until your heart is content in Country decorating; it adds to the rustic charm.
Hanging decorator pots and kettles in front of the fire adds a look of authenticity.
Country French decorating uses rustic, warm red like the Americana style but adds a golden yellow to spice it up, rather than the cool Americana blue.
French country cottage style adds bright vibrant colors, such as yellow and fuchsia, to the mix.
No matter what you decide, the most important thing is that your furniture is comfortable for you and adds uniqueness reflective of your own style and personality.
A delicate vintage lace table runner on your dresser or bureau also adds a nice decorative touch.
A rug not only defines a space, it also adds color and contrast.
This global look adds a lot of punch for very little investment.
Always a favorite for beach homes, this style of furniture repeats the traditional wood shutter design element and adds a nostalgic element.
Decorating with blue French country fabrics adds a certain je ne sais quois to your interior design.
Polished glass adds depth and sparkle to any bathroom.
It adds an elegant touch to everyday items.
From contemporary to Victorian decorating styles, a beautiful oriental or Persian style rug adds class to any home.
The second rod adds up to 6 feet of extra space to hang and dry towels and other accessories.
This type of design adds interest and dimensionality, but can come loose over time and begin to curl, especially in a kitchen.
For large tables, white floating candles drifting in a white ceramic bowl also adds a nice touch.
Mixing and matching your plates and glasses adds an interesting twist to table design.
A vintage or antique wall mirror draws attention and adds character to a room.
Using low wattage light bulbs adds sex appeal too!
The highlighter adds a glossy sheen to skin while the matte-ifyer gel acts like a powder.
The darker shade adds a bit of depth, and tends to draw focus, creating the illusion that your eyes are closer than they actually are.
Liner adds drama and definition wherever you chose to place it.
Due to the severity of removal procedures, many women instead opt for "camouflaging", which adds new pigment over the existing tattoo in order to balance out the skin tone.
Personalized makeup bags are a fun luxury that adds to your individual beautification routine.
This brings depth and definition to eyes and adds instant drama thanks to the contrast it provides against the lighter base.
A minty hint of Indian patchouli adds freshness, while the subtle additions of rich cedar wood and musk create an original combination.
A touch of lip gloss adds the perfect finishing touch.
It adds a bit of depth to my natural lip color and plays well with dark, dramatic eye makeup or even a more neutral eye look.
Although a black line always adds drama, a lovely brown hue will define the eyes while maintaining an eye opening effect.
It adds a pop of color, but definitely isn't too ostentatious to wear during the daytime.
The Ed Hardy fragrance collection adds to an already enormous range of tattoo-inspired fashions and accessories for men, women and children.
Even the black mascara adds a touch of shimmer to lashes.
Enrapture lip gloss is available in a hot magenta sprinkled with gold and a hint of raspberry scent or a clear coat with a slight licorice scent that adds a gentle gold shimmery touch to your lips.
For a bolder fashion statement, Twilight Venom adds a shimmering crimson stain to your lips.
To complete your luminescent Twilight makeover, Immortal Body Shimmer adds a subtle sparkle to arms, legs and shoulders while the special formula hydrates to keeps your skin looking amazing.
The key to wearing sparkle that doesn't border on glitter is to search for a product that adds a subtle sheen to your skin.
It adds brightness and shine to otherwise dull looking lips.
Although it is a light and simple scent, it has a slight oriental twist that adds depth and interest.The scent can be worn for day or evening.
Remember that you'll spend upwards of fifty dollars for a night on the town with a special someone--dinner, a movie and a drink afterwards adds up!
A 3% return on your purchase may not seem like much, but every little bit adds up.
Finding opportunities for continuing education online adds convenience and variety to professional and personal development.
ViaMichelin offers maps and directions as well as tourist attractions and the Michelin Guide, which adds in restaurants based on user reviews and ratings.
Tetris 4 adds Arabian effects to the game, including Middle Eastern images in the background as you play.
A premium membership removes the ads and adds more features and activities.
Many entry-level positions in photojournalism require at least a high school diploma, while a college degree adds to your credentials.
The Internet offers hundreds of chat rooms, community forums and specialized websites dedicated to sharing this nostalgia with like-minded people, which adds an unexpected bonus of sheer fun.
Christmas portraits are a yearly tradition for some families, so adding new backdrops adds interest to these classic images and creates more unique memories which will be treasured for years to come.
A polarizer not only reduces glare and eliminates garish reflections, but it also adds richness to photos that you can't achieve when shooting without it.
For the hobby level photographer, editing is often the most time consuming part of the process and complicated photo editing freeware just adds to the problem.
A splash of Champagne adds flavor, sparkle, and sophistication to any meal and with a few Champagne cocktail recipes, you'll see that champagne is not just for brunch anymore.
Filled with sweet dried fruit, Panettone adds flavor to any celebration.
This style of food coloring also adds extra moisture to your icing but does come in handy for adding little lines or dots of color to your finished cake.
Investing your time and talent, along with the necessary expense, adds to the personalization of the gift.
The traditional pool of butter they are served in adds the hefty calorie count.
Making a bouquet garni is a simple trick that adds flavor to the dish.
Chemical Chemical leaving is when the baker adds a chemical to the batter or dough to get the same basic effect as adding yeast without adding any flavor to the product.
Double acting baking powders will have additional acids added that will react with heat and add rise to your product as it cooks while single acting adds all its rise before cooking.
When you add your acid, the acidic juice of a lemon for example, to your base of the baking soda, the resulting chemical reaction crates carbon dioxide, CO2, which adds bubbles to your dough or batter.
It adds a depth of flavor to your dinner that will set your lasagna apart from all others.
Fat adds flavor to food and leaves a feel good sensation on your taste buds.
Next, the chef adds some fresh blue cheese and mixes the ingredients thoroughly until smooth.
A soup garnish adds flavor and enhances the presentation of your soup.
I like to keep fresh-frozen strawberries in my freezer and I have found that using them instead of ice cubes adds more strawberry flavor instead of diluting the flavor like ice would.
Other basic ingredients are garlic, chilies, lime juice, lemongrass, fresh coriander leaf, fermented fish sauce, or shrimp paste, which adds a salty flavor.
Poetry adds a classic element to any scrapbook layout.
The Cricut Create adds flexibility and creativity to your scrapbooking and paper crafts.
A balance of close up shots and wide shots adds interest to the album.
For those working on scrapbook pages or other large-scale projects, creating a border adds elegance and visual appeal to your project.
The color and texture of embellishments adds visual appeal to a scrapbook layout, particularly on pages where the photos are a bit blurry or underexposed.
You'll want to translate the kanji for readers, but this type of calligraphy adds Japanese beauty to your layouts.
Anger management workbooks work similarly to journaling but also adds information.
When the test taker finishes the inventory, the clinician adds together the point values.
It adds smoothness, which makes it an ideal undergarment for a form-fitting blouse.
Another great accessory that adds serious wattage to your cute clothes are shoes.
A small amount of purple trim adds interest and the girly factor.
Rather than sweep hair into an updo, consider a soft roller set style that adds some volume on the shoulders.
The typical tea-length shortened hemline flatters the leg, yet adds a modest and timeless retro flair to a typical prom gown.
The addition of the seemingly worn, faded, vintage look adds to the clothing's appeal.
If sporting such a unique dress is not enough to attract attention, the orange "safety strip" often worn by hunters adds an additional bit of flair to the ensemble.
This element adds variety and deepens the meaning of your talk.
If a child is allowed to have a social networking page, such as a Myspace or Facebook page, parents should make sure that privacy settings are enabled, and that their child only adds people she personally knows as friends.
For more formal and elegant occasions, a longer floor-length dress adds a touch of class.
After tossing the buttons, he adds up his score.
From salad dressings to desserts, tofu adds nutritious value to a vegetarian diet.
Yogurt adds moisture and enhances the flavor of most baked pancakes.
Learning to cook with different curries adds a whole new world of exciting flavors to vegetarian cooking.
A crystal bowl filled with colorful eggs adds a lighthearted yet elegant touch.
Custom wording, including poetry and special phrasing, also adds a unique and very personal element to the invitation.
Hiring a limousine service adds an element of class to any event, especially a wedding.
For a small wedding, a handmade card is a personal touch that adds significance to your day.
It adds a personal touch on what could be an otherwise generic ceremony.
This adds interest to the program design without breaking too far from tradition.
If a store automatically adds gift cards to the registry list, couples should ask for them to be removed.
This adds little bulk but offers a bit of coverage for the mother of the bride.
A sunset is a naturally flattering background that actually adds a bit of detail to the bride and groom in the photograph.
Formal weddings call for a floor-length dress; however, to make them cooler, consider removing the lining that adds bulk and weight.
An enveloped lined with red or green adds a luxury touch to the invitation.
It adds a personalized touch to your wedding reception that otherwise would be lost.
Silver, though not traditionally a fall metallic, adds a pretty modern sparkle to the berry scheme.
The mini candy bars make excellent favor choices, as almost everyone loves a piece of chocolate, and personalizing them adds a small detail that helps complete the wedding style and theme.
Even ivory on ivory adds some texture and visual interest to the cake's appearance without veering into silliness.
A regular exercise program also adds structure to the recovering addict's day.
This adds up to $4,015.00 over a year, and that money could be better spent for other purposes.
They can be hung within a tub enclosure or they can transform a sterile shower stall into an inviting retreat as this touch of elegance adds appeal to your room.
Another reason for drawing your shower curtain is that it adds longevity to the life of the curtain.
Decorative bath towels can be used to pickup the color of other bathroom accessories to pull your décor together, or they can be the vehicle used to add that splash ofcolor that adds sizzle to an otherwise neutral décor.
For example, a rich brown or black leather chair coupled with a zebra fur-covered ottoman instantly adds sophistication to any room.
This coastal design adds a nice touch to bathrooms in beach houses, or for those who live along the coast.
Whether it's Halloween, Christmas or Valentine's Day, adding a touch of holiday cheer to your bathroom adds to the festivities.
It adds a touch of color to the room, but does not overpower the setting.
This type of lace adds a touch of charm to your bathroom.
A set of black Egyptian cotton sheets adds a dramatic touch to your bedroom décor.
Not only does it serve to liven things up, it also adds contrast to simple décors.
Satin bedding adds a very glamorous and romantic feel to your bedroom.
Although you can simple serve cupcakes on a platter, a stand adds dimension to your cupcake display.
With the goals and sisterly love between them, there seems to be nothing these fashion trendsetters can't accomplish when they're together, which adds to their appeal and popularity in Tinseltown.
We've all heard that the camera adds 10 pounds, and many celebrities combat this by forcing their bodies into unrealistically thin proportions.
He was a member of the college soccer team, where an annual award called the "Leibo" is given to the team member who shows the most personal growth and adds comedic value to the team.
Jonathan Rhys-Meyers adds his name to the long list of celebrities that have been arrested for being drunk in public.
In the never-ending string of the rich and famous being arrested for driving under the influence, Velvet Revolver lead singer Scott Weiland adds his name to the ever-growing list.
This incident adds to the long laundry list of other incidents for Britney Spears over the past year.
Of course, in California, a 30-day sentence for something like a probation violation adds up to oh, about 80 minutes.
She adds that this has given her even more motivation to work on herself and hit the gym.
He adds that he allowed her to drive the car to her own vehicle and that's when the photographers showed up.
He adds that he feels much better now, and is ready to take on a new season of Strictly Come Dancing.
She adds that if she had been invited, however, she would have chosen a gift off the registry, since that's "always the way to go."
If a celebrity adds you as a friend or follows you back, and proceeds to contact you privately with come-ons or suggestive material, that's a fake account.
With each photo, he adds a unique caption and many times an unfitting doodle on the image itself.
This announcement is often delivered by one of the top celebrities, which adds more excitement to the process.
While a traditional three-letter monogram produces a very classic look, monogramming a child's name onto their dress or shirt adds a cute touch.
Likewise, a dress for Easter, communion, or even a bat mitzvah (for older girls), adds to the occasion and makes it more memorable.
All of this adds up to the fact that it rarely makes sense to spend a lot of money on clothing for your child.
While accessories can greatly increase the cost of an outfit, it also adds a special touch for a special day.
For example, a wool dress can actually chafe delicate skin, but a slip adds a soft layer of fabric that protects and soothes.
While a sweater paisley vest can dress up a pair of jeans, a paisley vest with a tuxedo is made of a satin-like material, and adds shine and texture to a boy's tuxedo.
Winter coats for toddlers can be expensive, and buying one every year adds up quickly.
Satin or silk adds an element of elegance, and accents of gold will play up the fancy theme.